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Erin - congrats on your 2 lbs.:)


Salsa - Positive thinking. Call those things that are not as though they were. I get on the scale everyday, sometimes twice a day and I record it in a journal. Today I weighed in at 164.2; that is down 1.2 lbs since I declared that I will loose 2 lbs this week. I will be going to a Labor day cook-out with all that yummy food and deserts on Sunday evening. I will be extra careful until that day and I will only eat a table spoon of everything and a big piece of dessert. I will eat and I will still loose.


The guy on you tube gave it his best; however his worst is better than my best. I can not dance and never could. My sisters always made fun of me and said that I had no rhythm. I guess I took after my Dad because his dancing stinks.


My cruise is coming up in 117 days and I don't know if I will meet my goal weight of 145 lbs, I have 19 more to go; but on the bright side, I weighed 170 lbs on my last cruise, I weigh 164 lbs now and I know I will reach at least 155 lbs by my upcoming cruise.:D

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Erin - congrats on your 2 lbs.:)


Salsa - Positive thinking. Call those things that are not as though they were. I get on the scale everyday, sometimes twice a day and I record it in a journal. Today I weighed in at 164.2; that is down 1.2 lbs since I declared that I will loose 2 lbs this week. I will be going to a Labor day cook-out with all that yummy food and deserts on Sunday evening. I will be extra careful until that day and I will only eat a table spoon of everything and a big piece of dessert. I will eat and I will still loose.


The guy on you tube gave it his best; however his worst is better than my best. I can not dance and never could. My sisters always made fun of me and said that I had no rhythm. I guess I took after my Dad because his dancing stinks.


My cruise is coming up in 117 days and I don't know if I will meet my goal weight of 145 lbs, I have 19 more to go; but on the bright side, I weighed 170 lbs on my last cruise, I weigh 164 lbs now and I know I will reach at least 155 lbs by my upcoming cruise.:D



With 117 days, that is 16.71 lbs. at 1 lb. per week AVERAGE. That is really do-able. Aside from that, any daily exercise could bump that up to 2 lbs. a week, which would make it a sure thing that you would reach your goal early.


I'm where you are at right now...wondering if I'll reach my goal....I think I have 213 days or close to that. I want to lose at least 40 more pounds, if not 50. I really don't want to buy a cruise wardrobe that will not fit me when I get to my goal AFTER the cruise so I have to decide if I want to kick it in gear and start exercising soon. I kept saying that I'd start in September and that is getting close! I have 30.42 weeks before my cruise so even if I kept up the 1 lb. per week, that is not going to cut it. Any plateaus in there and it could be worse. I don't like spending $ on clothes if I can't keep them long-term. Hmmmm. I think my knee and foot would be okay with the treadmill; so I am going to try to motivate myself to start walking right after Labor Day. Grrr. I'm fighting it. I don't want to do it. Yuck. Maybe once I start, I'll get hooked like before and learn to love it. Tim advised me to stare at the treadmill at first...I've been doing that and I've gotten really good at it. It keeps staring at me too and saying, "Get up offa that thing!" But I am being mean to it and letting the ironing pile up on it!

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Salsa and Connie, congrats on the further weightloss!! You are all such a motivation! :D


To those of you who have a cruise coming up soon... I AM SO JEALOUS!! I won't be going until late 2009. Oh well. More time to lose that weight. :p Ooooh, woudn't it be SOO exciting to actually be skinny in all my cruise pics!?!?!? To actually WANT my picture taken at the beach? :D I feel that motivation creeping back up through my veins!


I find that if I weigh myself every day, I am more motivated throughout the day because I know I will have to face the scale the very next day. It motivates me to exercise and eat right. That explains why I've only weighed myself once since getting back from vacation and I havn't been very motivated to try harder. Tomorrow it's back to the scale and back to working out!


Oh and about the dancing. Funny story for you. From my pictures you could probably tell that I am white and my DH is black. and boy, am I WHITE!! This central wisconsin girl coudln't dance to save her life. So one night my hubby and another friend were at my house trying to teach me the two-step, yeah I know, who can't do the two-step, right? and I was protesting and kinda making alot of noise, but having fun at least trying. Well soon enough the cops were at our door making sure everything was OK. I'm like, you've got to be kidding, right!? But it just proved that I am not meant to dance! I used to try really hard because it is something that Charlie really enjoys, but he just looks at me with his eyebrows raised and says, "Erin... baby... no, it's just not working for you." Oh well. At least I can have fun embarassing him! :eek:

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Erin, at least you were trying! I love to embarress my hubby and boys every chance I get, so keep dancing!!


I just looked how long I have until my cruise after reading all your posts, I only have 99 days:eek: that is only 14 weeks, I know I won't be at my goal so I am setting a mini goal of 162, that is 15 pounds(of course I would be happier to loose more than that) but I think that is doable if I stay on track. I really want to start jogging, I am going to do the couch to 5K progam, I tried this week but my foot is not quite ready after I injured it. I am hoping to start next Monday. Maybe adding that will keep the weight coming off.



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Salsa - You can do 1 lb a week and maybe 2. Just try getting on the treadmill for 10 min at a time and walk slow until you build yourself up. My beautician said that one of her clients lost a lot of weight using the treadmill. She said the girl just got on the treadmill when her favorite tv shows came on and stopped when it went off. She said that she did not even notice she was exercising that much because she was so into her show. Today I got on the scale and it showed 163.3, remember my weigh in on Tues was 165.4, that means I am down 2 lbs. How true that is I don't know, it could be just water loss. I have been drinking a lot of water.


For Everyone - I found this old book titled "Take Off" 20 lb and 20 years in 20 weeks or less Naturally. I have had this book for about 13 years and the book it only 54 pages. It is talks about all the right things. It suggests losing 1lb a week and why diets don't work and it provide good sound advice. The book is not in print, so if anyone wants a copy I can scan it to my computer and email out copies. I am glad that I found this book today. I will be reading it again for its helpful recommendations.

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Connie, What is the couch to 5K program? Is that something that you just made up or is it something to follow to get trained? You have me intrigued. You should definately be able to lose 15 pounds in time if you work at it and especcially if you start jogging! I hope your ankle holds up!


Mommy...eeks, I'm all for the 20 pounds... but if I took 20 years off I'd be 5!!! :eek: (of course if you go by my body-age, that's a different story). Maybe you could post a select few of the good tips that you find in it as you go along.

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Connie, What is the couch to 5K program? Is that something that you just made up or is it something to follow to get trained? You have me intrigued. You should definately be able to lose 15 pounds in time if you work at it and especcially if you start jogging! I hope your ankle holds up!


Mommy...eeks, I'm all for the 20 pounds... but if I took 20 years off I'd be 5!!! :eek: (of course if you go by my body-age, that's a different story). Maybe you could post a select few of the good tips that you find in it as you go along.



The book is about loosing 20 lbs in 20 weeks, 1 lb a week. The 20 years is about gaining back some of the energy you had 20 years ago.

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I knew that is what it meant. I just thought it would be a funny picture to take it literally. ;) BTW, I may be young in age, but I don't feel it. Got a DH, a house, 2 dogs, and a 15 year old son (kinda). He is my DH's little brother. We became his legal guardians when their parents passed away, over 3 years ago. And his other sister that moved in with us also (now 19) is having a baby any day now. She moved out when she turned 18. Does that make me a Grandma? J/K. :D

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Erin, The couch to 5k is a program (I think the site is coolrunning.com, I'll double check) you follow it takes 8 or 9 weeks to build up to running 3 miles, on the ww site alot of people recommend it, it combines walking and running and gradually the running is more than the walking, I beleive you do it 3 days a week, I figure it's worth a try. Check it out, if your interested maybe we can start together and support eachother.


I'm bummed, we have a group going on the Liberty of the Seas Dec.6th and my best friend who lives in VA (and I haven't seen since I moved from there last summer) and her family were supposed to go, now her DH found out he is getting sent to Iraq and they can't go. Sometimes army life really stinks!! They booked it over a year ago.

Anyone want to join us?? I am really looking forward to going on that ship!



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Hello Everyone,


Hope you have a great holiday weekend (to all of you that observe Labor Day). Stay strong and eat smart. I know I need to practice what I preach.


I contacted the YMCA in St Louis and can use my local membership. YEAH! I got on the scale this morning and weighed in at 261. I was shocked. Although I have been very STRICT ON MYSELF this week. I have worked out everyday and I am going again tomorrow before we leave. I also was able to wear some clothes I haven't been able to fit in for a while. That should keep me motivated this weekend.


Have a safe and healthy weekend,


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Connie, I just checked out the program. It looks really good! Do you want to start this Monday or next Monday? I'll definately do it with you. That will give me something to work towards, other than just aimlessly walking on the treadmill. I"m a little bit nervous though about starting off jogging the first week, since I rarely even walk at this point. And I've never even been able to run one solid mile, let alone 3! But it's something I've always wanted to do. I'll have to look for a race somewhere in my area in November/December. Does anyone know of a good website that lists these? I tried to just google it, but didn't come up with much.


Oh, and as for the cruise, you bet I'll go with you if you're buying! ;) Sorry about your friend having to go to Iraq. That is too bad.


Wow, Scott. Keep up the good work!

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I see your from Ft. Meyers. I will be in Sanibel in October. My brother has a house there.

Connie, I just checked out the program. It looks really good! Do you want to start this Monday or next Monday? I'll definately do it with you. That will give me something to work towards, other than just aimlessly walking on the treadmill. I"m a little bit nervous though about starting off jogging the first week, since I rarely even walk at this point. And I've never even been able to run one solid mile, let alone 3! But it's something I've always wanted to do. I'll have to look for a race somewhere in my area in November/December. Does anyone know of a good website that lists these? I tried to just google it, but didn't come up with much.


Oh, and as for the cruise, you bet I'll go with you if you're buying! ;) Sorry about your friend having to go to Iraq. That is too bad.


Wow, Scott. Keep up the good work!

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Scott, Great job! I can't wait till I start fitting into smaller sizes.


Erin, I would like to start this Monday unless my foot hurts to much. I am going to try and rest it this weekend. I am going to use the treadmill to. I am not sure what speed to try and jog at. I might shoot for 5 but go down to 4.8 if 5 is to hard. They say to go at your own speed. A few years ago I actually got up to running 3 miles without stopping but I only did it a few times then somthing happened and I stopped. Now I probably couldn't do 1/2 mile straight. I was thinking if I could just run 2 miles a day that should really help!!

Wish I could bring you on the cruise, I don't think my DH would go for it, he's already complaining because we got 2 rooms, one for us and one for the boys!! Usually 4 of us stay in one cabin and one of the kids stay with my parents, but we splurged and got connecting cabins, should work out great.

So, your from Ft. Myers, we're practically neighbors, we are in Tampa (actual address is Odessa) and we are right by Clearwater and Dunedin.


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Salsa - You can do 1 lb a week and maybe 2. Just try getting on the treadmill for 10 min at a time and walk slow until you build yourself up. My beautician said that one of her clients lost a lot of weight using the treadmill. She said the girl just got on the treadmill when her favorite tv shows came on and stopped when it went off. She said that she did not even notice she was exercising that much because she was so into her show. Today I got on the scale and it showed 163.3, remember my weigh in on Tues was 165.4, that means I am down 2 lbs. How true that is I don't know, it could be just water loss. I have been drinking a lot of water.


For Everyone - I found this old book titled "Take Off" 20 lb and 20 years in 20 weeks or less Naturally. I have had this book for about 13 years and the book it only 54 pages. It is talks about all the right things. It suggests losing 1lb a week and why diets don't work and it provide good sound advice. The book is not in print, so if anyone wants a copy I can scan it to my computer and email out copies. I am glad that I found this book today. I will be reading it again for its helpful recommendations.


Me, me, me...sign me up for the book!


My knee is SO much better. I shopped all day Friday without pain! First time since I did the damage in January. So the treadmill is going to be my goal on the day after the holiday. I'm feeling deflated today because I am up THREE pounds!!!! But I know this is water and it happens to the best of us. I've gained as much as 6 lbs. of water before so know that I can't let it get to me. I ate at a Lebanese restaurant with my daughter on Friday. We had ONE meal all day and that was it. It was fantastic and very fresh and delicious but we were so full. We split a Bulghar Wheat Salad that had dried fruit and cinnamon in it--sweet salad and was only about 3/4 cup, tops, before sharing. I had a few glasses of brewed tea with mint and lemon, some really spicy potato chunks (split with her), about 1/2 cup, then a half pita pocket sandwich that had really garlicky hummous and tabouleh (that parsley salad) inside. We splurged and split a dessert that is hard to describe but very dense chocolate pudding. Sort of near the density of fudge. Split one and it was not big. So that was it for the day with the exception of a couple ounces of wine at night and about an ounce of cheddar cheese with the wine. The meal was so healthy and fresh-tasting--lots of lemon juice, some olive oil, garlic, etc. But I went up 2 lbs. the very next day. Sigh. It seems like if you eat the same old thing each day, like yogurt and cottage cheese, you dont' have as much fun but you don't have the ups and downs like this either. Lunch today is with my hubby, closest friend, and her hubby....SAME restaurant because none of them have been there before. Oh whoa is me!:( /:mad: /:D

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Mommy...eeks, I'm all for the 20 pounds... but if I took 20 years off I'd be 5!!! :eek: (of course if you go by my body-age, that's a different story). Maybe you could post a select few of the good tips that you find in it as you go along.


Five...that's funny! I'd be 30! Dang!

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Hello Everyone,


Hope you have a great holiday weekend (to all of you that observe Labor Day). Stay strong and eat smart. I know I need to practice what I preach.


I contacted the YMCA in St Louis and can use my local membership. YEAH! I got on the scale this morning and weighed in at 261. I was shocked. Although I have been very STRICT ON MYSELF this week. I have worked out everyday and I am going again tomorrow before we leave. I also was able to wear some clothes I haven't been able to fit in for a while. That should keep me motivated this weekend.


Have a safe and healthy weekend,




Whoo-hoo on the loss! You deserve it for all the hard work. Now you'll have to stand by as I'm dealing with a 3 lb. gain since Thursday. I thought it was Friday that I had the Lebanese lunch but it was Thursday. Up 2 lbs. on Friday, then another this morning. UGH.

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I'm afraid to get on the scale to!! I know I ate better this weekend than I normally would have, but still a bit to much. I baked a ham yesterday and I know better than to get on the scale, they are so salty I am always up.


We went to Red Lobster SAt. night, I normally get fried shrimp, this time I got grilled shrimp and crab leg (didn't use the butter) I did have one of the rolls, but in the past I would have had 2, I guess it's baby steps!! I am going to try and stay off the scale until Wednesday, maybe it won't be to bad by then.


I am going to try and start that running program today if my ankel holds up.

Well, hope you all have a nice day.



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I saw Mommy's post, then Con's and had to laugh a little because I'm having that same kind of weekend. I haven't eaten too badly (well, except for Saturday and Sunday) but definitely more and out to eat too much....We went to a sushi bar one day, another was the Lebanese place, then back to that Lebanese place on another day, pizza one night, and yesterday was my summer thrill of eating BLT's! Most of the BLT wasn't bad....Light Wheat bread, light mayo, fresh tomatoes, lettuce....but the BACON. I bake mine in the oven on cookie sheets and could not keep my hands out of the pile of bacon. I finally asked my son to eat it so that I wouldn't!!! YIKES. I made 2 sandwiches and gave away half of one when I realized I couldn't eat 2. So that was my big downfall of the weekend. I felt bloated and icky last night and felt horrible...like I'd done something bad. I had to remind myself of the 13 good weeks that I've had and the 13 pounds I've lost and how much better I'm feeling and how much better my clothes fit. I got up for church yesterday and put on my snazzy dress and even though I felt fatter and bloated, the dress still looked decent on. I reminded myself that how my stomach was feeling did not mean that I have backtracked and gained all of that weight back and how it would be such a shame and a waste to give up.


Meanwhile, this morning was the first day that I did not do a proper weigh-in. I FELT heavier. After breakfast, I snuck on the scale, with clothes on...sheepishly. Isn't that ridiculous? As if anyone was going to see it but me? I figured I'm up about 2 lbs. from my lowest point this week (175 to 177) so I am going to behave all day today and be right back at it tomorrow and start out on my treadmill, too.


Everytime I think of the treadmill, I think of Tim way over yonder across the big water...so Tim, if you're out there.....come on back and visit us. We need all the help we can get. If I can make myself start on that treadmill, I'll have Tim to thank because I DON'T WANT TO DO IT!!!!

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Hello Everyone,

I am back from my trip. I continued working out everyday. I also was very good with my food intake, I didn't cheat once. I will be back on the scale in the morning and post my results. I think it will be a positive one. I think my body and mind are finally used to the work outs. YEAH!

Talk to tomorrow,


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Good morning everyone!

SW: 184

LW: 182.5

CW: 184.5

GW: 154


OK, so obviously I'm not taking this diet thing too seriously. I weigh more now than my SW. Sunday we went to an AYCE Pizza buffet and then yesterday we went to Chile's and I had fried chicken strips, fries, and chips/salsa. So I'm sure it's a combination of actual weight gained and water weight from all the salt. BLEH. I feel so gross.


I had a couple interesting revelations this week though. I am in nursing school and we just started our Maternity class. This past week they had those of us who had not had kids put on a sort of "empathy suit" that had the belly in with aprox 25 pounds. Holy cow! That thing was heavy! It made me realize that my 30 pounds I am trying to lose is actually A LOT of weight and will make such a difference when it is off!


Also, I am doing a Dave Ramsey financial class at our church. In it this past week he talked about time poverty and how it causes us to make stupid decisions spending money we don't have. I realize that because I feel so busy between work and school that the last thing I usually want to do is cook. So this going out to eat thing is killing my pocketbook AND my waistline.


Connie, I am going to officially start the running program next Monday, but will be walking this week. I actually found a 5K that I am signing up to do that is on Thanksgiving day. Yea!! I'm very excited about this! How is your ankle? Yes, we are very close. I have extended family that lives in Brandon, but we don't get to see them very often.


Scott, Sanibel is very nice. Have you been there before? I don't make it out there very often because it is a $7 toll :eek: and can't justify it when there is a beach on this side of the bridge for free! I'm sure you will really enjoy it though! Great job on staying strong on your trip. You have proved that it is possible! :)

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Hello Everyone,

We made it through the holiday weekend. We all just need to stay strong and make good choices. I had every opp. to eat all the bad food I could. I even put potatoes on my plate at one point, then I didn't eat them. I kept thinking about my cruise,my workouts, didn't want to go backwards. It is just a mind set for me. Well here is my weigh-in for the week.


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 266

CW: (current weight) 261

GW: (goal weight) 199

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Hey Erin:) ...my daughter took that same DR finance class at our church as well. She learned a lot at only age 20. She borrowed the DVD set and is watching it at home, too. It's kind of cool how there are facts from other areas of life that also apply to the food area. The word "self-control" has been on my mind a lot. Isn't it true that self-control problems can affect us in just about every area? Our relationships (if we don't control the tongue), our jobs, our weight, our finances? I believe that I've had some self-control issues and my weight is part of that overall pictures. Like today, my mind knows that I need to tie up my shoes and get on the treadmill....but my body isn't cooperating. We think that movie "What About Bob?" is hilarious so I keep saying, "Baby steps to the treadmill." Yesterday, it was "Baby Steps to Clean the Garage." I made myself get off the couch and clean the garage and I'm sure I burned a lot of extra calories doing that job. That's a double-bonus "revelation" you've had regarding the eating out topic....you save $ and will lose weight by cooking at home more. Also with the empathy belly....I bet if, as we lose, we measured out a stack of bricks or a sack of potatoes or jugs of water, to equal our loss, And carried that around, we'd REALLY appreciate what we've accomplished.


SCOTT--Your weight loss is amazing! You exercised a TON of self-control with those potatoes. It's obvious that you are highly motivated and will get to your goal fast with that mindset. I don't know if anyone else has ever done this but one some "diets" I'd decided to not touch a bite of this or that and would find myself with a bite of something unintended, then ran to the trash can and spit it out. Gross, but it made me feel good. I find that sometimes I put things in my mouth without thinking. Just mindless grazing. Moo.:D


My Weigh In--


SW: 188

LW: 177

CW: 176

GW: #1=135; #2=125?



In spite of the extras this week, I managed to go down one pound. I was down to 175 at one point but am up. I won't complain because a pound is still good for me.


I have a calorie counter on my treadmill; so I am thinking that I'm only going to set a goal to burn 250 calories per day this week. With that, I am assigning myself one extra household chore like cleaning out my van, cleaning my basement, etc. That would get me about 500 per day, extra, I think. I'm hoping that it would lead to 2 lbs. off instead of 1. Eventually, I'd like to get closer to a 500 calorie workout of some sort.


TO ALL...Have any of you noticed the Ticker.com weight loss tickers on some of the posts? I might have to look into that. They look cool. They're like our cruise tickers, in a way, but display a visual of our weight loss and the approach of our goals.

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