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THANKS, ERIN! Wow! That gives me a lot of motivation to clean. I was moving furniture and really doing a good job yesterday; so I bet I was up around 200 for part of the time....plus I weigh more.:( Which boosts my calorie burn.:D But 6 hours is quite a burn. I'm back at it again today, too. My house is going to be sparkling! I am ALMOST excited to clean the toilet. :eek: Not.:p

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Hi all!!


Well, I made it home safe and sound. No problems on ship, however our itinerary was changed in order to avoid IKE.... not a problem with me!!!

We had beautiful weather the entire trip. We found at embarkation that the itinerary had been reversed.... Sea day, Nassau, Coco Cay then home... Original was Coco Cay, Nassau, Sea day then home.

Our Captain revide the itinierary to avoid Ike and any rough seas....

Weather was BEAUTIFUL and Sunny... (Thanks for the angels Mommy4lyfe)

After the muster drill, i did partake of some foo-foo drinks and also did the electric slide!!! Had a blast.

On sea day I was either chilling out by the pool, checking out the ship or chillin on my balcony.....

Did shopping in Nassau... and in Coco Cay chilled on the beach for a while. After lunch I went back to the ship and had a massage!!!!! OOOOOOOO it felt so good!!!!


I am so proud of myself.... I left home weighing 144... came home at 149.... 5 pounds...not bad...


The food was good, and I even got seconds on some things. I did do my walks in the morning on Deck 7 which was very peaceful!!


Erin - you asked a while back how I c an be so lucky to take three cruises.... I am not lucky - I am Blessed - I am semi retired and take care of two nieces during the summer... in the fall and spring is when I usually take my cruises....


Hope everyone had a good week.. I still need to check posts to catch up on things... By the way, is there any update on Growler's (Tim's) wife????


Talk later


I have after photos to post this eveening as soon as I download them from my camera...

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Hi all!!


Well, I made it home safe and sound. No problems on ship, however our itinerary was changed in order to avoid IKE.... not a problem with me!!!

We had beautiful weather the entire trip. We found at embarkation that the itinerary had been reversed.... Sea day, Nassau, Coco Cay then home... Original was Coco Cay, Nassau, Sea day then home.

Our Captain revide the itinierary to avoid Ike and any rough seas....

Weather was BEAUTIFUL and Sunny... (Thanks for the angels Mommy4lyfe)

After the muster drill, i did partake of some foo-foo drinks and also did the electric slide!!! Had a blast.

On sea day I was either chilling out by the pool, checking out the ship or chillin on my balcony.....

Did shopping in Nassau... and in Coco Cay chilled on the beach for a while. After lunch I went back to the ship and had a massage!!!!! OOOOOOOO it felt so good!!!!


I am so proud of myself.... I left home weighing 144... came home at 149.... 5 pounds...not bad...


The food was good, and I even got seconds on some things. I did do my walks in the morning on Deck 7 which was very peaceful!!


Erin - you asked a while back how I c an be so lucky to take three cruises.... I am not lucky - I am Blessed - I am semi retired and take care of two nieces during the summer... in the fall and spring is when I usually take my cruises....


Hope everyone had a good week.. I still need to check posts to catch up on things... By the way, is there any update on Growler's (Tim's) wife????


Talk later


I have after photos to post this eveening as soon as I download them from my camera...


Hi Pam!:) I'm so glad to hear from you and to know that you had a great trip with great weather. I kept checking the weather channel site and the news and thinking of you. Your report is just making me drool with anticipation of our cruise in March. To have two more to look forward to--well GIRL, you are absolutely blessed. I used to do home daycare back in the 90's and the income was so good. Its so great when you can do something for yourself that is so good, so relaxing, and so pampering!

So you did the Electric Slide!! We do two line dances every week that we are able to go dancing and that is one of them. How fun! I hope they do things like that on our cruise.


5 lbs. is not bad and I'm sure that a portion of that is water weight gain. By the end of the week, I bet most of that will be gone.


We'll be looking forward to seeing your pictures. Oh....we haven't heard more from Tim since that original report but I think of him often and say a prayer for his wife every time he comes to mind.


Hope all is well with everyone. I'm having a rough week. I'm not pigging out, honest, and still sticking to my plan but my weight has steadily risen...I'm up to 178 or 179 this a.m.:eek: It's been hot and really humid here. I've really upped my activity level, too. I'm really frustrated by this today. I just keep telling myself that I didn't get fat overnight and that I can't expect the road to be easy to being where I want and need to be. I have never lost weight so slowly before. I recall being a teen, and again in my 20's and losing my first 8 lbs. in 2 weeks. Now it takes 8 weeks and I'm still stalled out here with no loss as I approach week 15(?). I can handle the no loss days but the steady climb has had me feeling really frustrated. The weekend away starts on Thursday morning. YIKES.


Oh....We missed you, Pam. Glad to have you back. Are you ready to get it in gear and get back to the plan? And by the way, I wondered if you had any really special meal(s) on the trip.



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Welcome back Pam! I'm glad you had a good and safe trip. Nice pics! :)


No budge this week for me:

SW: 184

LW: 182.5

CW: 182.5

GW: 154


I'm sure I ate back all the calories I lost working out. I get so HUNGRY after!! This week though I've identified my weak spots big time. Both of my major problems with eating are related to school. The first is that I feel I have no time to cook, let alone go grocery shopping, so we eat out too much. Second, when I am at home studying, it's hard to focus without a snack. :o Last night I found myself eating chips and queso again. And the worst part was, I pruposely don't buy munchies because I know I'll eat them. So I sent my little brother that lives with us to the store to buy me some! How do you study without snacking?


I added a 1.0 incline to my training Friday and boy was it a lot harder than I thought it would be. I was abosolutely pooped when I was through. And today I have to increase the intensity again. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.


How is everyone else doing? Has that weight budged Dar? Is your ankle still holding up Connie?

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Good Morning everyone, I hope you all had a good weekend!


Pam, glad you enjoyed your cruise and had good weather. I love doing the electric slide!! I hope I can survive my cruise with only a 5 lb gain in December!!


Dar-just stick with it, it will come off eventually. I am worried about my weigh-in on Wednesday. I didn't to very well this weekend and Its my TOM, maybe if I am really good today and tomorrow it won't be to bad:rolleyes:


Erin-thanks for the tip about doing the incline on the treadmill. I put it on .5 on Friday, I did notice a little differnce. I haven't run since Friday, I did walk 4 miles yesterday with my DH, boy was it hot out! Today I start week 3 so the running intervals will be longer, I hope I survive!!



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Good morning everyone, I'm back from my longest cruise ever, 14 days! We actually were gone for about 16 days counting our flights across the pond and a precruise day in the UK. We had the most fabulous CC roll call ever and we've vowed to keep it going. I have to say that doing a northern Transatlantic cruise is a must for everyone. What an adventure it was. Yes, we battled some strong seas some day, but as our captain said, it just made our adventure more exciting. I was as good as I could be when it came to eating, I really didn't feel too deprived, I had fish n chips twice and a whole lot of scones with cream and jam! Yummy! Drumroll please, 2 week cruise, gained 5.5 pounds! I worked out in the fitness center almost everyday with the exception of three days that I was sick with a horrible chest cold. Used the stairs whenever I could and drank a lot of water. My goal was to not gain anything, but hey, I am not too disappointed in myself and certainly not going to beat myself up over it. I've lost it before, I'll just have to lose it again.:)


Hope everyone has a great week.



SW - 236

CW - 191.5

Goal - 145

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Pam...love the Hard Rock Cafe picture! You "skinny" rocker girl, you! ;) Isn't it nice to be able to go sleeveless and feel comfortable with yourself? You look a lot slimmer and have a defined waist. What kind of cabin did you stay in? Your balcony looks big. For our upcoming cruise, I was able to nab the Superior Balcony room right next to the largest suite on the ship, so even though the room isn't bigger than any other superior, the balcony looks huge. I'll be excited to see that.


Buddies....I had gone up to 179 on the weekend, but back down to where I was with no new loss. My lowest point between weigh-ins was 175 so I freaked at 179. NO! I am not touching 180 again, I said.


SW June 3: 188

LW: 177

CW: 177

GW: 125-135


We had dinner with a family yesterday and the wife has been on WW for a long time and is VERY thin. We pooled ideas so dinner was great and healthy...white chicken chili, salad with light dressing, green beans, corn bread, and raw veggies to munch. I was asked to bring a light dessert so I made the layered parfaits....raspberry sherbet layered with a combo of fresh pineapple, kiwis, strawberries, and mangos (cut small), some fresh squeezed OJ and a little chopped mint (mixed together). I layered the sherbet and fruit blend in those short plastic party cups, then topped with a sprinkle of toasted coconut and stuck in one of those Piroline cookies and a paper umbrella. Very refreshing, yummy, and low cal. Except for maybe the cookie. I wish ALL my friends were on WW!


Yesterday I ate a Special K cereal bar before church and drank a small glass of OJ, ate the above-mentioned food for mid-day, ate about 10 lime Tostitos with salsa at night and a little chocolate. That was it. My friend advised me to not cut calories below 1200....or basic BMI, which would be higher than 1200. I guess I have to just ride this out. I'm sure glad I have you guys for support or I would have likely given up by now. Each time I give up, I gain it all back PLUS some.


I slept really late today...it's 12:40 pm and I haven't eaten breakfast yet. HUNGRY!


MyCruz---great to have you back! That long trip sounds AWESOME. I wish ours were longer than a 7 day. I've been working on learning to be a tightwad to get into the groove of saving for more frequent vacations. At first we decided to start with every 2 years. I save by cutting every corner that I can think of....Erin, this is for you too, since you are younger than me....I save out of grocery $, find cheaper haircuts, car washes (or do my own and save the $ for the trip)--every single thing I can find to save. My hubby was so impressed with the cruise funds available. I heard of a local business that coordinates grocery ads with the Sunday paper coupons to create big savings on the food budget. My friend tried it and said that she is saving about $70 per week and has MORE food in her pantry and fridge than before she tried the program. There is a fee but it pays for itself. So after our long weekend away, I am going to give it a try. We really want to do a Mediterranean cruise next.:p


I hope the rest of you have a better weigh-in than me. I think Mommy is still out of town.


Erin--good to outsmart your body and fix the weak spots. Salty snacks can taste so good. It's hard to imagine enjoying a plate of raw celery more than a plate of cookies or a bowl of chips. How about choosing Pringles Light or baked chips of any kind with salsa? I love popcorn but not plain. If anyone out there knows of a light popcorn that tastes buttery, please recommend one. I'd pick some up this week for up north next weekend. I think I found my salty foods cravings again!:eek:

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SW - 236

CW - 191.5

Goal - 145


Mary...I wanted to add. 5 lbs. is not bad...like with Pam, part of that is water. We all anticipate some gain when we vacation/cruise. The hard part can be going right back the weight loss eating style when you have been having such good "treats" on vacation. Please be our role models...You and Pam....If you feel like posting what you are eating, now that you are back, go for it. We all worry about the gains we will make.:( By following your progress, we'll be able to see how quickly the 5 lb. gains will roll off and that will be encouraging. :D

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Hi Salsa, I wanted to let you know that I made the spaghetti thing you talked about. It was either here or another thread. I used Barilla plus spaghetti, carrots, red, yellow, orange peppers & leeks. I made a sauce with teriyaki, sesame oil and alittle bit of chili paste. It was really good. I wish I would have had some green vegetables but I did not. I just came home from the store. I needed to pick up milk for an egg bake I am making for tomorrows MOPS meeting. I bought some zucchini and broccoli. I made enough spaghetti so I can have it again tomorrow for dinner. DH is gone this week so I can eat what I want, when I want. He really is not picky but since I am in the experiment stage with this I won't subject him to it. He does not care for the Barilla spaghetti but would probably really like this with a pad thai noodle or another type more like that.



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Hi Salsa, I wanted to let you know that I made the spaghetti thing you talked about. It was either here or another thread. I used Barilla plus spaghetti, carrots, red, yellow, orange peppers & leeks. I made a sauce with teriyaki, sesame oil and alittle bit of chili paste. It was really good. I wish I would have had some green vegetables but I did not. I just came home from the store. I needed to pick up milk for an egg bake I am making for tomorrows MOPS meeting. I bought some zucchini and broccoli. I made enough spaghetti so I can have it again tomorrow for dinner. DH is gone this week so I can eat what I want, when I want. He really is not picky but since I am in the experiment stage with this I won't subject him to it. He does not care for the Barilla spaghetti but would probably really like this with a pad thai noodle or another type more like that.




Hi Kelly. The stir-fry I do is with angel hair pasta, which I love. We pour some olive oil into a wok, add some pre-chopped garlic, cracked pepper, and a little sea salt or kosher salt, then dump in the cooked pasta and toppings and stir it around for 1-2 minutes. The first time I had this was a hotel brunch in Chicago and they served it with two sauces...alfredo and marinara, but I like mine plain with lots of garlic and topped with shaved Parmesan. Your sauce sounds good, though. Sounds more Asian. I love sesame oil and keep it on hand, plus I have an Asian chili sauce that is very hot and also I have the sweet and hot sauce. I might give your sauce a try, next time I do the pasta. You're fortunate to be on a weight maintenance plan now.


I don't know if I read this anywhere so I was wondering...how much did you lose, how long did it take, and what plan did you do? I thought you might have said WW, but wasn't sure. Did you ever plateau?


It's nice when others pop onto our thread here...it's like having company!:D


I just served up the Tropical Fruit Parfaits to my grandkids, DIL, DD, and myself! Mmmmm!

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Hello Everyone


Today I traveled to Ft Lauderdale. Did not get on scale this morning, really scared of weight gain. I thought since I was coming to FL I would not be able to weigh myself until next Monday and blame any weight gain on this trip. Surprise, surprise, surprise, because I am a Priority Club member I have an executive suite which has a scale.:eek::eek: I will get on the scale tomorrow and post my weight. Checked out the gym, so no excuse not to excercise and I brought my work out clothes. Will I do IT:confused:.


Salsa and Erin- no weight loss is still a sucess, you sucessed in not gaining any weight so you maintained and they say it is easy to loose but hard to maintain. So now you know how to maintain and when you reach your desired weight you will have the experience in maintaining.


mycruz - Welcome back. You did fantastic. Not much weight gain at all. You should be real proud of yourself. If you are not proud of yourself we sure are.;)


Pam - Welcome back. Great job. Glad you have a nice time. Nice pics.



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Got on hotel scale just a few minutes ago, it is not digital. I don't believe this scale, it is showing my weight as 162lbs and I know that is not true. Normally when I way myself in the evening there is a 3 to 4lb difference than in the morning. The last time I use this type of scale and than got on a digital scale I weighed 3lbs more and I got so sad that I wanted to quite WW. I will just wait until I get home. I went to the gym 5:30 this morning and did 30 min on treadmill. Being in training causes me to eat eat and eat, however I have been eating fruit and 100 cal snackers. For breakfast, 1 1/2 piece french toast , scrambled eggs and fruit. For lunch I had a bag of FF popcorn. I am so hungry now that I ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut. Will watch how much I eat when it gets here.


Hope everyone is having a great day, filled with blessings and topped off with weight loss.

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Got on hotel scale just a few minutes ago, it is not digital. I don't believe this scale, it is showing my weight as 162lbs and I know that is not true. Normally when I way myself in the evening there is a 3 to 4lb difference than in the morning. The last time I use this type of scale and than got on a digital scale I weighed 3lbs more and I got so sad that I wanted to quite WW. I will just wait until I get home. I went to the gym 5:30 this morning and did 30 min on treadmill. Being in training causes me to eat eat and eat, however I have been eating fruit and 100 cal snackers. For breakfast, 1 1/2 piece french toast , scrambled eggs and fruit. For lunch I had a bag of FF popcorn. I am so hungry now that I ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut. Will watch how much I eat when it gets here.


Hope everyone is having a great day, filled with blessings and topped off with weight loss.


Hi Mommy. I've read your posts...keep up the good work! I've been really thinking about my getaway. We leave Thursday morning. I am DETERMINED:mad: (sorry...only smiley that worked) to do REALLY well this weekend. I am not going to blow it! This will be a first. Watch out world! Here I come. Skinny is mine, all mine. Mwah-ha-ha! :D


I hope you made it well, all alone in that hotel room with just you and Pizza Hut. :) Those scales really mess with the mind, don't they? Well, maybe you can just IMAGINE what those numbers will look like...so you are getting a sneak peek!


I'll try to post and read tomorrow, then that's it until Monday! I'll miss you guys. Pray for me while I'm gone cause I'm gonna need the help!


I didn't see a post from Scott...did I miss it? He does so well. Wish I could lose at that rate. Maybe it's my genes. I'm serious. My mom has always been pretty thin but started WW when I was 12. In my memory, I thought she lost weight fast, but I talked to her today and she said, "Oh no. While my friends were dropping 2 lbs. a week, I was dropping 1/8 of a lb. or a quarter of a pound!" That was comforting, in a way. She was never as big as I am. I think she weighed 134 and went down to 102! Only once did she weigh over 150 and that was when she was pregnant for my younger brother. Sheesh. Her start weight is my goal weight.


A bit of WW retro nostalgia. My mom used to make these WW treats....a frozen drink made by blending Faygo Diet Red Pop (remember those commercials?) with ice and I think powdered milk and possibly strawberries. YUCK! Sounds gross but wasn't bad. We never had pop in the house as kids. Kool Aid was about it and we thought that was terrible. This is gross, but my sisters and I used to make fun of our mom and bring up how she would drink Faygo while on WW and would leave floaters in the glass bottle so that we wouldn't drink it! :rolleyes: Isn't that funny?


Speaking of retro....do any of you remember those candies that were like chocolate caramels, for dieters? They curbed the appetite. Do you remember what they were called? Aids or Ayds. Not sure of the spelling. I guess those wouldn't go over too well nowadays, huh? :D And remember Tab soda pop? I'll have to tell you all some funny stories about the early roots of my addictions to sweets and such...another day.

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I just thought I'd pipe in and say,"I remember Aids!" I used to sneek them when my mom wasn't looking. Kinda defeats the purpose. I also drank Tab, and was raised on diet Shasta and Kool aid made with Sacchrin. OMG, and look, NO CANCER. I know thats kinda smart assy but sometimes I think people preach the danger of artificial sweetners to justify their sugar fetish. I live with a diabetic and artificial sweetners are an everyday part of our lives. Sorry, I got off track. I've been doing the Alli program, So far I've lost 14 lbs. It has come off extremely slow. My problem is night time eating , Any tips? 0002013F.gif









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My goodness. Food, food, and more food!! Everywhere I turn, FOOD! Why!? Wednesday mornings we have bagels at my job. Yummy bagels with all kinds of different flavors. Cranberry is my favorite. And since I am the opener, it is my responsibility to set up the bagles and slice them for our members. I've given up donuts, but I don't think I can give up the bagels! ;)


I havn't worked out the past two days because I have been so busy. That means I need to kick it in gear and work out today, Thursday, and Friday. School is drowning me. 40 hours/week working, 14 hours class time NOT including studying/homework time, PLUS we have an additional 14 clinical hours to do on our own time by October. My DH is stressing me because we are losing our house and I don't have the time or energy to deal with it. Bleh. The house we are moving into keeps getting broken into because it hasn't been inhabited in 3 years. A girl just can't get ahead it seems. I apologize for the rant. It came out before I even realized it. :o


Dar, you said that coupon coordination thing is just a local? I wonder if they have anything like that down here. I try to do that already, but it is hard to find the time to figure out what sales coordinate. Also, we don't have that many choices of grocery stores. Just Publix. Wal-mart and Sweetbay are too far out of the way so I rarely go. Albertson's was an option but it just closed. Speaking of closing, I just found out my favorite clothing store has gone bankrupt! Anyone ever hear of Steve & Barry's? Boy I am off topic today. I guess that happens sometimes when you post at 5:30 in the morning. :o

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Good Morning everyone!! My weigh in is today


starting date 8-6-08

sw 182

lw 175.8

cw 174.8

gw 145


I can't beleive I actually lost 1 pound, I thought it would be up, good thing I don't weigh in on Tuesdays, it didn't look so good yesterday.


Mommy-don't stress about the scale at the hotel, it probably is just higher than yours.


Well, I am off to the gym before I get sidetracked.



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Salsa, after reading your last post I guess I am kind of like your mom. Through my 20's no problem. 30's I'd gain a few extra pounds and they were easy to get rid of. Even my early 40's weren't to bad. But then I started to notice that the weight I was gaining was going straight to my stomach. I was starting to look like my mother! My mother was making comments. "You better do something about that before ..." Then I started looking at our health history. Mom, high blood pressure, blocked arteries. I always said yes but she is a smoker. Her sister though has had worse heart health and is not a smoker. I thought, no exercise poor eating. My 2 older sisters ( they are 9 & 11 years older than me.) One with high cholesterol on meds for it. The other high blood pressure on meds for it. Both of them were not smoking at the time. Older one has since started again but she had not smoked for at least 10 years. Again I thought poor diet, no exercise.

Then in late 2005 DH was getting ready to go to Iraq. Even though I had been walking and sometimes running on the treadmill by the time he left my weight had creeped up to 130. That was my highest except for pregnancies. It was mostly in my stomach. At my yearly dr app she mentioned my cholesterol was going up and I should start watching what I eat. It was not high but I should start watching it. I thought I am headed for heart issues if I don't get this under control.


So starting in Jan. 2006 I started eating better. DH was gone so I ate alot of salads, chicken. Alot of portion control. I kept my same routine of walking on the treadmill. By Sept. I was down to 115. It seemed to take forever! But I felt good that I got the weight off. Though I still had some stomach, why would that not go away? Yes partly genetics.


Then because of medical issues (hearing loss) DH came home early. The day before Thanksgiving 2006! I was so excited to have him home but it started a food fest! Especially because it was the start of the holidays. He did not have to go back to work right away so we were sleeping in, just enjoying life!


Well the weight was coming back. I was watching it on the scale. My pants were becoming very uncomfortable. I was back to 129 and thought this is it. I started to try to watch my eating but it was harder. We went on a cruise at the end of August 2007. I think I weighed about 125. My stomach still did not look good. I knew it but when someone asked if I was pregnant!! There just aren't words to describe how I felt. We came back from vacation and I want to lose that stomach but it just was not happening. I would lose a pound gain 2. Back & forth it went. Then spring came and I decided to take to walking outside for a change. For some crazy reason I thought I am going to try to run. It was alot different than on the treadmill. But I kept pushing myself to go alittle farther each week. I finally worked up to 3 mi. of running/walking. At the beginning of summer I also started lifting 5lb. weights to build up my upper body strength. I also started to eat more fruits & vegetables. Less potato chips for snacking more popcorn if I wanted to snack at night. I figure at least the popcorn has fiber. About mid summer I was down to 120, I still wanted to be 115. But the scale would not budge. Well lose 1, gain it back..... But I kept up the daily workouts and eating smaller portions. One day as I was getting dressed DH said I think you look better now than when I came home. When he came home I was 115. It was then that I realized that I did! At 120 I had less stomach than at 115. It seemed crazy but it was true.


So here I am, some days the scale surprises me and says 118 but other days it says 120.4 or .6 or 119.something. Yes I still have some pouch in the belly. That will always be there, I have to be realistic. I am 48, had 2 kids. But I don't look like I going to have another one! And most of all I think and hope that if I keep this up I will be heart healthier. It really is not just about being thin, it is about being healthy. And like I started out on this story my family history was not looking real good. So that is my story.


I hope you have a wonderful weekend! The leaves are starting to change here and the weather is supposed to be nice. If it is nice where you all are at take an extra walk and enjoy the fall weather. Take someone with that you love even if it is the dog, help them to get alittle exercise and let's all try to work towards long & healthy lives!!


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OK after posting my life story I went back and read some other posts.

Tab! I loved it! A lady in our church still drinks it. Yes you can still find it. Pop, even diet if I drink it often just seems to be bloating so I try to only have it a couple times a week. It use to be a daily thing.


Steve & Barry's in bancruptcy?! That is so sad! I wonder if they are closing stores? The financial world is really a mess right now.


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Hi everyone,

It has been crazy in the mid west this week. 80 mile winds. Power outages, internet and phone's down.


Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.


Here is my weigh-in


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 258

CW: (current weight) 253

GW: (goal weight) 199

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Hi everyone,

It has been crazy in the mid west this week. 80 mile winds. Power outages, internet and phone's down.


Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.


Here is my weigh-in


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 258

CW: (current weight) 253

GW: (goal weight) 199


Dang! Double-dang! I mean, Congrats! But you are killing me. How do you do it? 5 lbs. I'm jealous. In a nice way. Happy for you but wondering what I can do to speed this process up.

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My goodness. Food, food, and more food!! Everywhere I turn, FOOD! Why!? Wednesday mornings we have bagels at my job. Yummy bagels with all kinds of different flavors. Cranberry is my favorite. And since I am the opener, it is my responsibility to set up the bagles and slice them for our members. I've given up donuts, but I don't think I can give up the bagels! ;)


I havn't worked out the past two days because I have been so busy. That means I need to kick it in gear and work out today, Thursday, and Friday. School is drowning me. 40 hours/week working, 14 hours class time NOT including studying/homework time, PLUS we have an additional 14 clinical hours to do on our own time by October. My DH is stressing me because we are losing our house and I don't have the time or energy to deal with it. Bleh. The house we are moving into keeps getting broken into because it hasn't been inhabited in 3 years. A girl just can't get ahead it seems. I apologize for the rant. It came out before I even realized it. :o


Dar, you said that coupon coordination thing is just a local? I wonder if they have anything like that down here. I try to do that already, but it is hard to find the time to figure out what sales coordinate. Also, we don't have that many choices of grocery stores. Just Publix. Wal-mart and Sweetbay are too far out of the way so I rarely go. Albertson's was an option but it just closed. Speaking of closing, I just found out my favorite clothing store has gone bankrupt! Anyone ever hear of Steve & Barry's? Boy I am off topic today. I guess that happens sometimes when you post at 5:30 in the morning. :o


Erin, you crack me up every time. You always end up writing about a favorite food of mine. Bagels and cream cheese, yum. Especially the kinds of bagels they call "The Works" or the "Everything" bagel.


Regarding the coupon coordination. I'm going to sign on after we get back from our weekend trip and check it out and report back. If you want to get rich, just start a business like that in your area. This guy is a family man, who must love to shop and find savings. He takes subscribers at $20 per month, each. I thought, Hmmm....with 1,000 subscribers that would be a LOT of money per month. My daughter looked into it and found that there are 11,000 subscribers. No wonder he is expanding! This is a brilliant business idea, I think. I actually thought of it about 10 years ago but never followed through. The brilliance is that you recover your cost to subscribe, plus save plenty more. We all could do it on our own, but usually don't due to the time involved.


We have a Steve & Barry's is here, too. I buy stuff from them for the guys. Another business down the tubes. It's bad here in Michigan. Every time I turn around another favorite store is gone. It's sad. The house situation is terrible here. People are losing homes left and right. Not the majority of our friends but MANY. Our daughter is likely to lose two. Another young friend bought several as investments and lost them all. Its the times. Time to simplify, I think.


You have a lot "on your plate" Erin. I'd have a bad case of the munchies with so much studying and work!


Have a good weekend. :)

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Kelly...It's late and I finished a lot of my packing for the weekend. We are going to be 3/4 of the way up the "mitten" here; so maybe we'll see some fall color.


Thank you for sharing your story. You did a good job of satisfying my curiosity. I could really relate to the stomach weight issue. That's where a lot of mine has settled and I got the pregnancy question this spring, which really hurt and motivated me at the same time. It's nice to now that some of us who lose weight ever-so-slowly are not alone.


Hey Everybody....Gosh, it will be hard to not be able to read posts for a few days. My daughter might bring her laptop, though, so it's possible that I could log on.


I wanted to tell you all that I am STRATEGIZING to outsmart my own weaknesses. I went shopping today and loaded up on good stuff....low-fat crackers (reduced fat WHITE CHEDDAR CHEEZ-ITS!), Pringles Light, whole-grain garlic and herb crackers, low-fat yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, sugar-free pudding snacks (chocolate & raspeberry flavored), granny smith applesauce in the individual cartons, tropical fruit sorbets that you throw in the freezer, spicy V-8 in little cans, 90 calorie cereal bars (chocolate cherry), light salad dressing, lots of fresh fruit (apples, mangoes, watermelon, pears)....Oh, I bought a 4 pack of the Special K protein water. Dang, that stuff was pricey. About $6 for 4!! But I decided to treat myself well and stock up on stuff that will help me to overcome all of the temptation this weekend. I'll have one a day and test them out. I don't want to sit there with nothing, then cave in and dive into the fattening stuff, face first ;). I can throw two or three things into a big purse and shop the day away without feeling like I'm too hungry. There will be meats and cheeses that I'll have, but try to stick to less of the high fat stuff. I'm curious to see if the protein water really helps with the mid-day appetite. If I can stick to two main meals and a snack like V-8 and crackers and fruit, I'll be doing well. I've lived on a tight shopping budget for years, with a large family to raise but now it's MAMA's TURN! Mommy has treated herself well this weekend. I think my hubby and daughter might end up appreciating the healthier options, too. Oh, for my daughter, I bought the Reese's minis. I don't like them so that's good. For all of us, I bought the Peel 'n Pull licorice...cherry and cinnamon. Diet Coke too, but I'd like to drink more water than pop this weekend.


Hang in there, kids! Wouldn't it be cool if I actually budged out of my plateau after the weekend? Is it possible?:confused:

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