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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Dar-sounds like you are going into battle! I think you will do great.


Kelly-I have a problem with my stomach also, do you think the walking/running helped with that? I am doing a walk/run program now and sure hope that helps.


The free cruise I am going on is Nov 6h on the Ruby Princess, the formal night is "ruby red attire" I don't have anything red for that, I guess I am going shopping but am dreading trying on all those dresses. I sure hope I find somthing that looks decent.


Erin-how is the couch 2 5k program going for you? So far so good here.



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What was I thinking?! or I should say why was I not thinking. I am going to blame it on busyness and premeno.


When I wrote my story (I say story because it got kind of long) to Salsa the other day I got some time mixed up. So I wanted to come back and set the story straight. When someone asked if I was pg. that was on a cruise in March 2008 not the Aug. cruise. The Aug. cruise I came home with pics I was not excited about.


Now how did I forget a whole cruise? I guess I am in need of another!


Connie, I do think that the running/walking will help. But you still have to fill up on good foods and watch the junk. That was my problem before. I walked alot but ate alot of junk and portions that were to big. A serving size of pasta is 1 cup dry. I was easily eating 3 of those. I always had seconds and those extra calories add up. One serving of meatloaf, mashed potatoes & a vegetable is not bad. It is the seconds (and I love mashed potatoes so maybe cleaning out the bowl!) that was bad. Learning how to eat normal portions has been so good. I can eat foods that I like. I just don't eat them like they are the last meal I will get.


Now that I am eating healthier there are some things I just can't eat. There is a restaurant in our town that has great burgers & homemade fries. Well they still taste good but I don't feel good after. I try to stay away from fried stuff now. Sometimes though I just want some fries so I get a happy meal. It is enough to satisfy me. That's another example of overeating. I use to get the biggest fries I could!


OK, enough for today!

Salsa, I hope you are having a nice weekend! The weather here is beautiful. I am thinking about a trip to the UP soon to see some fall leaves.


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Connie, the program is going well for me, though I am behind this week. I only worked out on Wednesday. But I am going to today after work and first thing tomorrow morning as well. The 60 minutes of each was really challenging for me. I was having a hard time breahting after awhile and got a cramp in my side. That's the first time that's happened since the mile run in highschool! I think bringing it up to the 1.0 incline made a difference too, but maybe that is more of a mental thing. It's funny, now that I'm training for this, when I am done working out I am covered in sweat. My old exercise philosphy was once I started to sweat, it was time to stop. :o I HATE getting all sweaty!! My DH still makes fun of me for that.


As far as the belly thing goes, it definately runs in my family. My mom always told me I'd never get rid of it. A few years ago I was really sick, my body wasn't absorbing any nutrients for quite some time (Crohn's disease). After they took out the diseased intestine and had me not eating for several days to recover, I was down to my lowest weight ever, 144. I am 5'9". All my clothes were huge on me. It was great! However, I still had a belly. And the rest of me "looked" sick, if you know what I mean. But I thought for the first time in my life, I am skinny! And the little bit of a belly that I had left didn't matter at all to me, because it was so much smaller than it used to be. I had this huge incision on my belly, and didn't mind showing people because I no longer thought of myself as fat. However, being on steroids for several months brought back all that weight plus some. This is why my goal is 154. Ideally, I'd like to be that 144 again, but I'd like to get that way by working out and eating right, not because my intestines are not functioning. And I don't know if I'll ever get down that low naturally. So 154, here I come! :D


Come to think of it, our society is jacked. Here I was, really sick, (near death the doctors told me because my intestines were perforated) and I was getting compliments about how great I looked everywhere I turned. It's kind of a shame our culture puts so much emphasis on this. I try to tell myself that I am doing this for health reasons, but if I'm really honest with myself it is more about looking great and being confident in my body. I need to eat better because I have a digestive disease. It's crazy that my self-image is more of a motivator to me than my own heath. My DH used to say to me, "Erin, you love your ice cream and your processed food more than you love me because you aren't willing to change your habits to make your life longer/healthier and be around for me and our kids." Hmmm. Definately something to chew on for awhile today.

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Erin-I try to think about the health reasons to, but your right I just want to look good and feel good about myself. I don't know if you watch biggest loser or not but they have a doctor evaluate their health and he is brutally honest, they tell them their real age and the age of their actually body, one guy was 23 and I think they said his body was like a 49 or 59 year old (I forget which one but pretty scary!!)


I just got off the treadmill, so far so good. I am jogging pretty slow but I really don't want to re-injure my ankel, I figure I can add speed later.


Well, here comes the weekend, they are always a challenge, and we always go to happy hour on Friday nights, but I'm not willing to give that up, we really enjoy it.


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Erin, it's not crazy that your self-image is a stronger motivater. When we don't feel good about ourselves we don't take good care of ourselves. We are on a downward spiral. When we are feeling good it makes it easier to keep making healthier choices. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good. If any of us says we don't want to we are probably lying.


Connie, I love the Biggest Loser!! Have you done the realage.com test? I don't know how accurate it is but it was kind of fun. I was younger. I feel for the guy that found out his body was 49.


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Kelly-I haven't done that test, I will have to check it out. That show is such a motivator to me, of course most people don't have time or energy to work out as much as they do, it really is amazing to see all their transformations!


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Erin, it's not crazy that your self-image is a stronger motivater. When we don't feel good about ourselves we don't take good care of ourselves. We are on a downward spiral. When we are feeling good it makes it easier to keep making healthier choices. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good. If any of us says we don't want to we are probably lying.



That makes perfect sense. Thanks Kelly!


Connie, when you jog on the treadmill, what pace do you go at? My walk is 3.3 and my jog is 5.5. I feel like my jog is on the slower end but my walk is on the faster end. I'm with you on working on speed later. Right now I just want to do it. And I did make it up this morning to get in my third training of the week! Yes! :D


Have a great weekend everyone. Looking forward to everyone's updates on Monday. Gosh the week goes fast!

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Erin, I have been walking at 3.8 and jogging at 5.0, I know that is slow, but again, I'm worried about the ankel. It doesn't hurt while I'm doing it, but usually later in the evening it hurts just a little. Next week the running gets longer, should be fun:rolleyes:


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This morning I am a bit frustrated with the scale. The last several days I have been 182.0 This morning? 184.0. What the heck!?!? I guess Monday weigh-ins are rough for me, because if it is one day I splurge, it is Sunday. That is the only day of the week that DH and I are both off, but yesterday I thought I really restrained myself!! I'm going to see what I weigh tomorrow and post it, because this is just plain silly.


SW: 184

LW: 182.5

CW: 182.0 or 184.0?

GW: 154


Connie, I can't believe your "walk" is a 3.8!! Wow!! I just looked to see what I am supposed to be doing this week, and I realized that last week I had it wrong. I didn't look at the schedule I made for myself, and thought that I was supposed to rotate 60 seconds jogging with 60 seconds walking. I don't know where I got that idea. I was supposed to alternate 90 seconds jogging with 2 minutes walking. Hmmm. Don't know if that will make it harder on me or not. Now this week it is jog 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, jog 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes, repeated 2x. Last week on the last "jog" I pushed myself to jog close to 2 minutes. So hopefully with the longer walks in between, I will be able to do it. I am going to train Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday again this week because I have a major exam tonight and really need to study this afternoon.

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Good Morning Everyone


I am back from Fort Lauderdale and ready to start focusing on my weight loss program. I was terrified of getting on the scale this morning but I remember something Salsa wrote "You don't drown by falling in the water, you drown because you stay in the water". I am determined not to drown.


This thread is revealing that we are loosing weight and that we run into road blocks that cause our weight to go back up and than we hurdle over them and our weight goes back down. Here we are running a race and we all want to win this race, so we must always remember that to win this race we must stay in the race and the prize is not for the swiftest but for the one the finish. We all will run this race at our own pace and I pray that we all finish it.


I have done away with my goal weight and will replace it with my happy weight. My happy weight is the weight I am healthy and happy with and of course look good. What is that weight? I don't know but I will know it when I reach it. With this attitude a heavy burden has been released. As a Christian the devil use to speak negative things to me about my past and my past errors and one day the Spirit of the Lord told me to speak back to devil. I spoke back to the devil and reminded him of my future (Heaven) and reminded him of his future(Hell). As long as there is breath in my body, I have another opportunity to get things right; so therefore I will remind my self that nothing beats a failure but a try, Saints fall down but they get up and He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world and to top it off, I can do all things thru Christ, Who strengthens me.


With all that said, I hope I have helped someone and encouraged them along this road of weight loss. My numbers are:


SW: 178.0lbs

PW: 163.2 lbs (9/8/08)

LW: ?

CW: 164.0 (up 8 oz)

HW: ???.? lbs


I want to thank each of you for being there for me and I know that without all of your support I could not have come this far. Although I have never met any of you in person, I consider all of you my friends. This day I pray for all of you that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and that you prosper in all that you set out to do.


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Mommy-you are very encouraging!! Here is a site that figures out your "happy weight" http://www.self.com/fitness/nutrition/calculators/happyWeight/result?heightFeet=5&heightInches=4&frame=1.05&obeseSiblingOrParent=no&age=43&numberChildren=1&exercise=5&quitSmoking=no&treat=yes&submit.x=67&submit.y=19


Erin-you should do ok, this week I have to run 3 minutes and 5 minutes. I don't weigh myself until Wednesday, if I did it on Mondays I would get to depressed, my weight is always up on Mondays!!



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I had to make up a funny title line.:D


I caught up with reading all of your posts. I wish that this weight would fly off of all of us but I keep reminding myself that it didn't fly on. It CREPT on, really. I liked Mommy's post, too. It encouraged me to not do what I've done in the past. Have a fun weekend trip, then keep pigging out for days on end. We really can get a grip on what endurance and perseverence are. Discipline is not a popular word in our culture, right? We don't like it. I, moi, am not at all fond of it. I'm working hard today to stay focussed and to not let my thoughts, my tongue, my sniffer, my stomach or any other part of me be in charge of what I end up doing or keep me from my goals. I've actually been toying with pouring bleach over a stack of my favorite pancakes (leftover from the weekend). They just jumped out of my fridge when I went to take a Sugar Free pudding cup out and I almost caved and poured my jug of REAL maple syrup over them.


I had so much fun this weekend! I hope you don't mind if I go off topic for a bit and describe the weekend. Very foresty area...beautiful. Quite a few Hollywood celebrities have been known to show up in the area there and further north in Petoskey, but the actual sightings would be hit & miss like Bigfoot. ;)


On day one, you walk through the cottage and the view from the slider hits you! Caribbean blue water! You see all the way across the lake and there are bands of three shades of blue. So weird for an inland lake but it's true. The color is the best midday because the light hits it from an angle that really intensifies the colors. I don't know why so few people in Michigan have been there or even heard of it. It's a huge lake and not really commercialized at all. The temp was fantastic...low 70s...sunny. I hit the dock and just sat and breathed it in and dumped out all of the stress from packing to go and unpacking to stay. We sat there and soaked in the beauty and joked around. The word "cankles" came up and the girls laughed at that one. I had to explain what it meant, first, though.


THURSDAY: I did really well on eating for day 1 and felt great. On the way up, we stopped at a little family owned market that specializes in fantastic beef. We bought 7 of the most beautiful Delmonicos! I ate a McD McMuffin, took one bite of the hash browns for breakfast, and had coffee, then only nibbled all day on healthy snacks and an apple for the drive up. By dinner, the steaks were looking mighty fine. My friend made a mushroom risotto, sliced some good bread. Another made a great tossed salad. I supplied the steaks. I brush them with this gourmet sauce from Sam's, then sprinkle them with Canadian steak seasoning from Sam's. If you've never tried this, you have to. The combo of the sauce and the seasoning is to die for. I was a good girl and split the steak with my daughter. I took a bite and melted, then told the guys, "DO NOT TOUCH THAT LEFTOVER STEAK!" It was mine and I was claiming it. I never did eat it though and stuck to the portion control. I went to bed feeling just right...not too full. We had some wine with our meal, but no dessert except for a couple of squares of dark chocolate.


Next day, breakfast....I didn't eat with the others because my stomach felt weird. I ate a bowl of low-fat Dannon yogurt with a cup of coffee while everyone was eating scrambled eggs with turkey sausage and English muffins. I later had half a muffin and one link of the sausage when my tummy felt normal. Lunch: brought a Special K protein water for the day trip to town, with a dark chocolate and cherry cereal bar (90 cal.). I sampled a whole slice of this fantastic heavy bread at a bakery....whole wheat with seeds and millet. The name reminds me of bird food. Had butter on the bread sample! OH! I bought 2 loaves of their bread. It is so heavy and awesome. I love bread like that.


We hoofed it all day, doing our favorite things, but skipping over the usual gift shops in favor of second-hand shopping and some antiqueing. I found two Ernest P. Worrell videos for entertainment during my breakfast prep day. I thought they might be stupid, but the guys and girls LOVED them and laughed themselves silly while I made my usual sourdough pancakes on Saturday. Antique store: I collect vintage jewelry...especially Swarovski stuff and have also gotten into stuff that is sparkly and stamped. Weiss is really nice stuff. I buy on special occasions. I found a vintage pair of earrings...dangles with the Weiss stamp and they were to die for. I kept going back to the case and finally decided to buy them to wear on the cruise. (justification?) They are so sparkling and would really look great with hair up and a simple dress. I tried to scan them but the pic didn't do them justice.


Dinner on Friday: The guys let us know that there was live music at their favorite brewery so we met them there for dinner. The music was great...acoustic guitarists, no vocals. I had one pint glass of a brew that sounded interesting. It had hints of banana and chocolate. I don't really like beer, but that was pretty good. They served no wine there. Seven of us split three appetizers...pita wedges with a hot artichoke dip, another plate with a combo of dips, olives, and salami, and a third plate of jalapeno jelly, cream cheese mixed with green onion, and crackers. I split a meal with my husband...a great sandwich with spinach leaves, melted cheese, and Italian ham (cappicola?) on ciabatta bread with a basil mayo! Too good. Ate a few chips with that and a pickle. Overall day was good with lots of walking. My hubby and daughter danced to the music (swing), then he and I did one swing together...very spontaneous, and fun. Not like him to do that in a public place away from the usual crowd of dance students.


Saturday....A Tale of Water Retention: Early a.m., I did the sourdough pancakes with the real maple syrup--my favorite breakfast or close to it. I could have eaten and eaten these pancakes but stopped at five! They are about 3 inches across and fairly thin but so good. Had one hash brown patty. The problem came with these smoked pork chops that my hubby grilled for breakfast. So good, not high in fat but VERY salty. After breakfast, we went shopping at this really quaint little mini "village" and I bought 5 sterling silver rings. The village is a really old general store, tucked in the woods, loaded with every kind of candy that a kid would dream of, plus sweatshirts, some antiques, a tea parlor, horses corralled outside, a gift shop, etc. The rings are cool--two thumb rings with celtic knots, a toe ring with a celtic knot, and 2 subtle but sparkly rings. They were half off and a real steal. When I bought them, they fit just fine. Later I went for a drive with my daughter, to view the beautiful lake on other sides of it and to find a place to go wading near a well-known sandbar that the locals boat to. In the water, one of my rings almost slipped off. So they were actually too loose. I worried about that and thought about going back to the shop and exchanging them for smaller ones. Later that day and even today, the rings really tightened up. They wouldn't slide off for "nuthin'" now. They are actually tight and almost stuck on my fingers.


My daughter and I saw this cool-looking restaurant and decided to check it out and order an appetizer. Mine was hilarious. I saw "Seafood Cerviche" on the menu, didn't know what that was but am adventurious. It mentioned shrimp, crab, and lobster and was only $4.95. Who wouldn't want that? My daughter ordered the crab cakes. Our order finally came....her crab cakes tasted like canned tuna fish and I think there was no crab in them. My Cerviche was about 1 Tablespoon of a mix of seafood and veggies--like a relish! Too funny, as we intended to split it! It came with toast points which were two teeny-weenie wedges to go with the teeny-weenie serving of cerviche. We actually shared this! I laughed all the way to the van about how I was so worried about the appetizer spoiling our dinner.


I won't go over the rest of the meals but can say that I did well except for the two donuts I had back at that little village of shops. OKAY, they were handmade with love by a grandma who owns the shops and literally has to run back and forth between the two stores to service both of them...she runs from the candy shop to the gift shop and back again. The guys were drawn to her donuts like flies on you-know-what. I bought one as they were hot and fresh and chocolate-glazed. After one, I went for a second, which isn't normally like me. Sunday mornings, they host a mini flea market and the vendors run back to her store from the grassy area, to buy donuts just like the rest of us.


Loved the flea market, even though tiny. I found the COOLEST black vintage coat for this winter! It is fitted, looks very expensive, looks retro chic and high-quality with big steel buttons, a steel round buckle on the black belt. It fit me like it was made for me. If not for the weight-watching, I wouldn't have been able to button that coat and buy it. THANKS GUYS!! I also found this AWESOME pair of shoes, worn once?, Marc Jacobs and almost identical to a dream pair of shoes that I saw in In Style for $350+!! I freaked out when I saw them and they were in my size (8.5). They tie up the ankle with black ribbon so would look great with leggings.


Rough part: I told my hubby on the drive home that it is harder for me AFTER the trips. I am more on my own, without him or friends to occupy me. Our fridge is loaded with leftovers....cheeses, breads, crackers, salamis, herring (we like), etc. I usually gain weight AFTER getting back; so it will take a lot for me to do this for a few days without getting side-tracked!




Not cool but here goes....


SW: 188

LW: 177

CW: 180!

GW: 125-135



I never wanted to see that number again but there it was. I'm drinking a lot of brewed tea today and water and hope to get rid of it fast. I know that how I do this week will say a lot about my seriousness.


I liked what you all were saying about health and appearance. It's all true. We can say that its for health, and that is true for me, but which one of us doesn't hyperventilage when we see a photo of ourselves the way that others see us. My daughter took several of me this weekend and I didn't like any of them! I saw rolls and a double-chin and was not a bit happy to see those pics! I like the honesty expressed on this forum.


I hope everyone has a great weigh-in day. Erin...if Monday's don't work well for you, feel free to switch it out for another day. Monday's aren't my best day either...wonder why? I eat more or saltier food on the weekend and have to face it on Monday. Actually, Monday weigh-ins kind of help to keep me in line. I might post my weigh-ins a couple of days this week to see if the tea helps me to lose some water that I'm holding.

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Hi Salsa, Welcome home! It sounds like you had a nice time with family & friends. What lake were you on? I don't go to the LP very often. I do like Mackinac Island and I haven't even been there for a few years.

It sounds like you enjoyed yourself and kept your eating in control. The extra weight is water and you already know that because your rings are tight. Watch your sodium and keep hydrated, that will flush it out.

Don't eat those leftovers just to eat them up. It sounds wasteful but it's not worth the extra calories. They do sound like good small group food! or a football party.


Mommy, All I have to say is AMEN! thank you for the message.


Hope everyone has a nice first day of fall!


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Hi Everyone,

I am still working out everyday. All of a sudden I stay hungry. I am snacking (on raisins) more often. I did notice I didn't lose much this week. I just need to figure out how to stop the hunger. Here is my weigh-in.


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 253

CW: (current weight) 252

GW: (goal weight) 199

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Mommy, welcome back! you did awesome while you were gone. Thank you too for such warm thoughts and you are a very inspiring individual.


Erin, funny you mentioned weigh in day. I have just changed my weigh in day with WW from Monday's to Friday's. My weekend is Fr/Sat this way I don't have to be so hypersensative on my days off knowing weigh in is in three days. Now I can relax a little on my weekend since I will be weighing in earlier.


I am still 3 lbs up from where I was before my cruise, but I'm determined I am on my way back down!


We've also booked another cruise for April, a full Panama Canal transit from FLL to LA, can't wait!

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Hi Salsa, Welcome home! It sounds like you had a nice time with family & friends. What lake were you on? I don't go to the LP very often. I do like Mackinac Island and I haven't even been there for a few years.




Hi Kelly,


That lake is Torch Lake. It is very long and relatively narrow for the length. If you look at a map of Michigan, compare Michigan to a left mitten. Near the pinky is a bay town--Traverse City. Torch Lake is just north of that and parallel with Lake Michigan. Speaking of the UP, I've always wanted to go to Copper Mntn. and explore those areas WAY up there. I hear there are a lot of bear there, though. :eek: I've also had a fascination with the Northern Lights and would love to see them in a prime spot. If you ever think of visiting our state, give me a holler and I might be able to give you some suggestions on places to see or stay. I really like the UP because of the wilderness. There are some GREAT hiking trails with waterfalls and a lot of shipwreck sites where the land meets Lake Superior. Great camping if you cross Sault St. Marie into Canada, too.


That photo that I put up was one I googled...both were. It didn't do the lake justice, but I didn't bring my camera with me this past weekend.

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Hi Everyone,

I am still working out everyday. All of a sudden I stay hungry. I am snacking (on raisins) more often. I did notice I didn't lose much this week. I just need to figure out how to stop the hunger. Here is my weigh-in.


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 253

CW: (current weight) 252

GW: (goal weight) 199


Hi Scott. You're the first person, besides myself, that has mentioned the hunger thing. It happened to me a few weeks ago and hit me out of the blue. I had been doing just fine and one day I felt really, really hungry. I wondered if there was a weird shift in my metabolism. I didn't cave into the hunger and I did start losing weight again.


I just read that it has been proven that drinking tea helps. I'll sum up the info (from Good Housekeeping article, June '07). There was a test done using placebo teas and regular black tea. Those who drank 4 cups of black tea responded better to stress, which lowered the level of cortisol. Higher levels of cortisol have been linked to a weakened immune system. It also affects cravings for high-fat, high-sugar foods. Higher cortisol levels mean more cravings for junk, basically.


The test subjects had caffeinated placebo "tea", so the caffeine wasn't the issue. I drank quite a bit of tea yesterday (with caffeine), but later on in the day, drank herbal. I'm usually really caffeine sensitive but I slept like a baby last night.



As for you...33 lbs. off! I'm tired of saying "awesome" so I've got to come up with better words to sing everyone's praises. "Triumph-o-rific" is my word for today. :D


As for the cravings and for me, plateaus, I'm still trying to figure this out. My friend on WW...very thin lady and mother of six...she told me that I should never eat less than what my basic metabolic rate requires for my weight and height. That means that I should RAISE my caloric level. That scares me. I'm going to a site to do the math again and see where I should be. She is super thin now, after a couple years of WW, so I have to respect her opinion.

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Here we are running a race and we all want to win this race, so we must always remember that to win this race we must stay in the race and the prize is not for the swiftest but for the one the finish. We all will run this race at our own pace and I pray that we all finish it.


As long as there is breath in my body, I have another opportunity to get things right; so therefore I will remind my self that nothing beats a failure but a try, Saints fall down but they get up and He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world and to top it off, I can do all things thru Christ, Who strengthens me.


Hi Mommy...I left quotes of my favorite parts that you wrote. There's nothing wrong with tossing aside rigid goals. That's why I left a range for myself, instead of a goal. I really have no idea what my ideal weight will be until I find it. I also know that as much as we can get fat and have no real idea how big we have gotten until we see a photo or a video of ourselves, we also can have a similar problem with being too thin. Everyone reading this is likely thinking, "Yeah, right. Me TOO thin." But I've seen people do this, because it is so thrilling to lose the weight and get the compliments and feel great about themselves. They just kept going. My own mom did that for a while.


Someone on another thread wrote that they never use trips or occasions to get to their goal weight because those goals are self-defeating. I thought about that. I can't help but want to be thin or a lot thinner for our next cruise, but I realized that what they wrote was right. I have to be careful to remind myself that if my body doesn't cooperate, or any other potential obstacle stands in my way, that I can't beat myself up and get discouraged and give in just because a certain deadline came and went and I didn't get 100% to my goal. So what's wrong with 50% or 75% or 66.2%, for that matter. I noted that Tim felt deflated when realizing that the trip date was approaching fast and his weight wasn't dropping fast enough to meet the goal date. I went through that same thing one day when I did the math and felt so deflated. I kept thinking, "I DO NOT want to weight 155 for that vacation." But isn't that crazy? I started at 188! I should be darn proud of myself when I get to 155 or whatever the number is. I can go on the trip, feel so much better, enjoy the menu, get back on the wagon after the trip and start planning the next goal. Like you said, Mommy, nothing beats a failure but a try.


Weigh-in today. One pound was off...two more to get to where I was before the getaway. My rings are still tight. I'm ready to lose!

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I haven't weighed in yet and really have not weighed today.

Our Dad was admitted to the hospital last night with some major health issues. He has a blockage in his colon, pneumonia, difficulty breathing because of the pneumonia, an issue with his kidneys and severe abdominal pain. I am sure the abdominal pain is partly from the blockage and kidneys. His dr has called in a specialist to evaluate the abdominal pain and blockage. However, if it is determined that he needs surgery, that may not be an option.

Please keep him in your prayers. His name is John Sims, he is 78 and has been in a nursing home for several years. His mind is still sharp as a tack and for that I am truly thankful!!


Will keep you posted.


Talk later


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I haven't weighed in yet and really have not weighed today.

Our Dad was admitted to the hospital last night with some major health issues. He has a blockage in his colon, pneumonia, difficulty breathing because of the pneumonia, an issue with his kidneys and severe abdominal pain. I am sure the abdominal pain is partly from the blockage and kidneys. His dr has called in a specialist to evaluate the abdominal pain and blockage. However, if it is determined that he needs surgery, that may not be an option.

Please keep him in your prayers. His name is John Sims, he is 78 and has been in a nursing home for several years. His mind is still sharp as a tack and for that I am truly thankful!!


Will keep you posted.


Talk later



Hi Pam. That is a lot to go through all at once. Is your dad a Christian? That always impacts how I pray for someone. In the meantime, I'll pray simply, knowing that the Father knows what we need before we even know how to pray.



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Pam-I will keep your dad in my prayers too.


Dar-I have been battling high cortisol levels, that is why I have gained weight in the past year. My doctor discovered I have a pituitary tumor which effects cortisol levels, I saw a neurosurgeon and endo last month, they retested my levels and they were back to normal and I have to have another MRI for the tumor, if it has stopped growing and my levels stay down I will be fine, if it is growing I will probably have to have surgery to remove it. I was so stressed about the whole situation that I think it made my levels go higher, but I decided to stop worrying and that is when they went to normal, and I have been able to loose at least some of the weight I gained.



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Thankfully he is!!


Also, I just received an update that the colon blockage has been relieved... His nurse said he is good spirits. My sister who lives not far from there will be there about 6:30 this evening and we can talk to him via her cell phone.

He is not able to hold a phone... We have been on the ready here in case we need to start that way. He is on the other side of Atlanta from us and it will take a while to get there. Lisa(my sis) said she would let us know should the need arise to be on our way.

The power of prayer!!! This is proof of how quickly He can work!!

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I just got off the phone with my sister. She is at the hospital with Dad as we speak. His colon blockage seems to be relieving itself naturally, however his abdomen is still pretty distended. The doctors have a tube in place to help pull off some of the fluid. Lisa said Dad was not a happy camper when they had to insert it!!.

He has a kidney infectionthat is being treated with antibitoics. The pneumonia is causing him great difficulty. He also has IV's in both arms.. He tried to talk to me on the phone but it is too difficult for him to talk.

As far as any other abdominal issues, we do not know anything as of yet, It may be in the morning before we do. He is good spirits despite all that is going on!!

Will keep you posted and updated as I learn more.


Talk later


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