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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Pam, I'll be praying for your father as well. Please let us know as soon as you hear something. I'm so glad to hear that at least the blockage is resolving on it's own.


Dar, welcome back! Stay away from those leftovers! :)


I havn't weighed myself since Monday. Yesterday and today I woke up late and was too rushed to think about it. And NO WAY am I getting on that scale in the afternoon or evening! :eek:


Monday night I got the pregnant question again. It turned out pretty funny though. Charlie picked me up from my nursing class (OB) and said that he wanted to get an icecream cone on the way home. I decided to give in too, since Mcdonald's cones are only 3 WW points. Well, when the lady was handing me the cone through the drive through window, she said to me (I was in the passenger seat), "Oh, are you pregnant?" and for the first time ever I replied, "No, I guess I'm just fat" as I take my icecream cone from her. :rolleyes: And she said, "No! I just see that you have a Maternity book on your lap!"


Oh... oops! :D Charlie then said to me, "What, have you been practicing that or something?" As a matter of fact I have. And it felt good too! :p

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Erin-good for you having that reply ready! Although even better she only asked because of the book!!! I NEVER ask people if they are pregnant unless I am over 100 % sure!!!!!!


Well, today is weigh in for me, I am so happy and surprised, I really thought I would have a small gain or stay the same but I lost another pound!! I am definately glad I weigh in on WEdnesdays, Monday and Tuesday I am always up, even if I stay within my WW points I tend to eat more junk food on weekends. I really think the exercise is helping to. I have been doing the couch to 5K on Mon, Wed and Fri plus adding an extra 10 or 15 minute walk at the end, on Tues, Thurs and 1 weekend day I am walking 4 miles. Yesterday I did the 4 mile walk in the AM and after dinner walked 1 mile. I have that free cruise on 11-6 and my Liberty cruise on 12-6, I really want to be down as much as I can for them, heck even if I can get back into the 160's I would be happy.


sw 182

lw 174.8

cw 173.8

gw 145



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Pam--I have unbudgeable faith where prayer is concerned. :) I experienced a HUGE and miraculous answer to prayer regarding my own health back in the late 80's or early 90's (?) after a thyroid cancer diagnosis. It's too long of a story to post but really forever affected me and my confidence in a Father who loves us and is concerned with our daily needs. I'll pray for your dad until you tell us to quit. ;)


Erin....Your pregnant story was SO funny. I always joke that I am great with a snappy comeback long AFTER I need one! So you were all prepared and ready, then WHAM! Too funny!


Connie--Good job!! I never knew that the pituitary had an affect on cortisol. That was so interesting about de-stressing and how your levels dropped. I'm always intrigued by stuff like that...how things work.


To all....


I really need a boost. I need it to propel me further. I've stagnated long enough and that lead me to think on a "menu" (had to avoid "diet") that I created for myself years ago. Sorry...brace yourself for another of my infamous long posts. I guess I think a lot and then type what I think. It doesn't help that I type fast!


Here's what I logged in a journal today...


"In 1983, I came up with a weight loss plan based on foods that I liked, smaller portions, vitamin content, etc. I used chicken soup as the foundation; because soup can be made early in the week and eaten for several days. (Plus, it is filling.) I was 25 years old at the time and a very busy mother of FIVE small kids with no time to prepare separate meals for myself on a daily basis.


If I remember right, my original intention was to stick to this plan for a whole month. Due to boredom with the one kind of soup, I only made it for 3 weeks, but continued "dieting" for another week.


I did this in January/February of 1983 and noticed, after a few days, that my breath was bad. I was told that the breath was a sign of 'ketosis.'


I began to lose weight right away. During that month, I went from 143 lbs. to 128 lbs. (15 total lost) This was my greatest, fastest, and most consistent weight loss ever.


I still remember how great it was to wear a red "dream dress" that I had set aside for Valentine's Day. Also nice were compliments from friends who acted shocked at my fast loss.


The only negative was the boredom factor. At age 50, my cooking skills have greatly improved and I believe that I can remedy that problem simply by working with the same chicken/spinach soup as a base, then making variations like bean & salsa, Asian, Italian, etc."


I used some knowledge that I'd gained from Weight Watchers and info on calcium for women, along with an idea of how much protein I needed per day (info from a midwife), plus added the spinach for a leafy green, a pumpkin "pie" for the "yellow" veggie (Vitamin A), then put all of that info together into a plan that was pretty fast to prep and tasted good. I made an effort to keep it low-fat, though not "no-fat." I've never tallied up the calories, but intend to do so as I tweak my recipes, measure the ingredients and portion sizes out, etc.


I thought I'd post the info as I go or start a new thread so that the info is easy to locate. If anyone else is interested in trying it out, I'd love to hear feedback on progress, etc. This is a good time of year for me to do this as it is a good distance before the holidays begin. I may do this for a month and say, "That's it. I'm bored." OR I might go on it and off it periodically over the next few months. If the results make it worth it, that might be what I'll do!


My other BIG question is, whether I can lose weight like I did back in my 20's. I highly doubt it, to be honest. For one thing, my life is so much easier than it was then (easier = fewer calories burned). I can sleep in every day, my kids are all grown. I have nothing to complain about. I ran around like crazy back then, taking care of all of the little ones. I was married at 18 and had a Catholic upbringing (though I'm not Catholic now.) I mention that to explain the family size--5 kids by the time I was 23! I was up to my eyeballs in CLOTH diapers, baby food, and laundry. I must have burned a bazillion calories per day, just trying to keep up. I loved to cook and had a big balanced dinner on the table every night, and a clean house. I look back and poke fun at my own self. Were you CRAZY? I love my family, though, and wouldn't trade them for the world, despite the difficulties and hard work back then. Life seems to be a breeze now. If I ever complain, it's only due to being a bit spoiled and lazy at age 50. Anyway, my point in the history info is to say that I doubt that I can lose weight at that pace, but I'd be glad for anything more than what I'm losing right now, which has been next to nothing. I'm ready to up my game plan.


Here's the skeleton plan, which can be tweaked by subbing one thing for another, or combining parts in various ways. For example...the breakfast toast could be eaten at lunch with tomato, garlic, and cheese to make a "grilled" cheese sandwich (using Pam). Cottage cheese could be subbed for the cheddar or yogurt, etc. Other fruits could be subbed for the ones listed, and veggies could be added for snacking...stuff like celery sticks and cukes, for example.


Basic Plan


  • Breakfast: wheat toast (light bread: 2 pieces or regular whole wheat: 1) + butter spray (didn't have this back in the 80's)
  • One large egg fried in Pam, or boiled, or scrambled with or without salsa or Tabasco
  • 4 oz. glass of OJ or a whole orange (Vitamin C) or V-8 (about 60 calories worth to sub for the OJ)

Mid-morning: Tea (with Splenda) or coffee


  • Lunch: 1 oz. cheddar cheese or 1/2 cup lowfat yogurt
  • bowl of soup (soup recipes to follow)
  • sugar-free Jello with apple (in the Jello)

Afternoon: Tea or sugar-free hot cocoa or coffee


  • Dinner: bowl of soup
  • fruit such as 1/2 cup of pineapple (in its own juice) or 1/2 cup seedless grapes, etc.
  • dessert: pumpkin "pie" with a little real whipped cream (from a squirt can) (recipe to follow)

Snack: 1/2 cup low-fat yogurt or 8 oz. low-fat milk or a cup of herbal tea




If you were to go over this, you'd find just about everything that you need nutritionally, including fat, fiber, protein, calcium, vitamins, iron, etc. I never did a calorie check before but will try to do my best to supply that info later. I spent the morning going through a calorie counter and listing the protein items with calories, protein grams, fat grams, and iron content in a column, then logging it all into my journal.


The basic soup contains chicken breast, spinach (frozen, chopped), mushrooms (opt.), onion, a couple of grated carrots for color, salt, pepper, and diced red bell pepper--no rice or pasta, though--and lots of water to cook it all in plus some chicken boullion for flavor, if needed. If your family wanted to join in, you could heat up their portions, adding the pasta or noodles to theirs. I just figured in enough servings of carbohydrates into the menu to not require noodles in the soup.


My idea list for variations (to avoid boredom) are:


Asian: rice vinegar, soy sauce, cayenne pepper, sesame oil, bean sprouts, ginger, water chestnuts, tofu (?).


Mexican: salsa, northern beans, cilantro, lime juice


Italian: pesto, Italian beans (extra protein), chopped tomato from a can or fresh, diced celery, red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar


These are 3 that I came up with this morning. If any other cooks out there have other ideas, please fire away!


Also, I'd like to know if any of you have any other suggestions or ideas...I'm open. Now when I eat yogurt, I often add a tablespoon or two of wheat germ. That kind of tweaking of the menu would be great.


I am also going to note the time to prep the soup, the "pie", and the jello and for some younger cooks, how to multi-task so that the entire prep time goes faster. Honestly, Jello with some matchstick cut apples would take only a few minutes. The pie is made in about 5 minutes, poured into a baking pan and baked on its own. The soup wouldn't be that long to do...boiling chicken, shredding carrot, chopping onion, slicing mushrooms and cutting peppers into dice. I'll time it all out for a good idea. Food processors would speed up some of that, but I don't own a good one. Mine is dinky. :o Still, it might help. For the variations, you would just heat up the base at meal time, add the additions, and let it simmer and heat up for a little while. I have it easy because my husband WANTS me to do this. He loves soup and never gets bored with food like I do. He could eat the same thing night after night...especially soup.:confused: I don't get it. I only have my daughter to cook for so thought I'd buy some sandwich ingredients this week and let her add in a turkey breast sandwich or roast beef and fend for herself a little bit, on the days that she IS here for dinner.


That's it for now. I have to go shopping to pick up the ingredients, then start slamming it all together. I try to cook a week's worth at a time and can freeze some soup for later use.

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Hello everyone. Mind id I join in? I have a cruise scheduled for mid-January and am wondering how much I can lose before then. I am hoping for 20 lbs... I stared WW this past March and have lost 60 lbs combining their 2 plans, Core and Points, and excercise. I have 40 more to go to get to the weight that WW says is healthy for my age/height.


Here's my stats:


Age: 46 (47 in Oct)

Height: 5' 5"

SW: 249.5

CW: 190

GW: 150


Wish me luck!



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Hello everyone. Mind id I join in? I have a cruise scheduled for mid-January and am wondering how much I can lose before then. I am hoping for 20 lbs... I stared WW this past March and have lost 60 lbs combining their 2 plans, Core and Points, and excercise. I have 40 more to go to get to the weight that WW says is healthy for my age/height.


Here's my stats:


Age: 46 (47 in Oct)

Height: 5' 5"

SW: 249.5

CW: 190

GW: 150


Wish me luck!




Welcome Ruth...

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Welcome Ruth!! It is always nice to see new faces...


Here is an update on my Dad... I made a copy of the email.... Right now it is a wait and see game:::

Sorry for not updating everyone earlier, but I've been tied up all morning and just had the opportunity to talk to Dr. Kim.

He said that Dad's condition seems to be worsening. He is still in a lot of pain (which I saw last night during my visit). Dr. Kim has changed his morphine prescription to "as needed." Although Dad has started having bowel movements and they inserted a tube through his nose and into his stomach last night to help suction waste causing the colon blockage, Dr. Kim said that the abdominal surgeon said that he is still impacted and there is a lot of stuff still inside. They are going to continue with the suctioning of his stomach and will continue giving him enemas to help get this resolved.

There is still a lot of infection in his system, his white blood count is high, and his kidney function is worse. He is hoping he has not developed sepcis. They will check his blood again in the morning to see how he is responsding to antibiotics. His respiratory status is still the same - because of the abdominal pain, it hurts for Dad to breathe and it's too painful for him to cough to start breaking up the congestion. He has talked to the respiratory therapist and told her that if she wants to try to put a tube into his lungs (through his nose), she can try that after he receives a dose of morphine because inserting that tube is a lot more painful than the one that suctions his stomach.

I know this is a lot to digest at once, but Dr. Kim sounds pessimistic. Right now, it's basically a wait and see game -- we have to see how Dad's body reacts to the antibiotics and hope that sepsis hasn't set in and his organs (like his kidneys) haven't started shutting down. Dad is still very alert and talking (although he gets very out of breath because of his respiratory issues).

I'll see him again tonight after work and will continue to keep everyone posted.

I will keep everyone here posted as well

Talk later


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Pam, so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope you will get the chance to get over to see him soon, sounds like having his children around him may do him some good at this point. I have him in my prayers as well as all of your family.



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Hi Pam. Thanks for keeping us posted. With your dad, it's rough when the outside of us doesn't match up with the joy that's on the inside of us. Just let him know that he has friends in Michigan who are praying. :)


Hello Ruth! We'd love to have another buddy on this thread. It's refreshing....like having another rower on a big boat. ;) You've accomplished a LOT by having lost 60 lbs.! Wow.


Everyone....I shopped for my ingredients at three stores: Aldi's, a local grocery store, then a discount bread store for the light bread. It took me an hour and a half to shop. My son and his family are normally eating with us on Wednesdays but I asked them to fend for themselves so that I could cook. This gave me time.


It took me about 2 hours actual time to prep the soups. I kept running back to watch Dancing with the Stars, plus had a lot of note-taking going on as I taste-tested the batches and noted calorie content and protein content from the back of labels. That first batch surely will have taken more time than the following ones. The basic chicken spinach soup was easy and fast, but it took time to portion out that basic soup, then make a lot of additions for the other four variations, then container them and refrigerate. The kitchen looked like a disaster and I got cranky after so much time. The whole process dragged out from 5:15 to about 9:15 (including clean-up). My foot and knee were killing me and I started to wonder if it was worth the trouble. This morning, I'm really happy about knowing I have meals prepped for several days. I made a HUGE batch with enough to feed three of us for a week. Each serving is 1.5 cups (a bowl). I needed a total of 5 servings per day or 7 cups. I have to go over my math today and also tally up calories. I froze 16 cups of the basic recipe to make more of the other flavors when I run out, and worked with 20 cups last night.


I wanted to say, though, that I was thrilled at how they taste. I worked off the basic recipe, which can be eaten as is, then worked on each variation soup. The Mexican is fantastic. I added the northern beans, cilantro, lime juice, and salsa. The Asian and Italian are really good, too. It helps that I have a well-stocked pantry and tons of condiments in my refrigerator. I get mocked for that a lot, but they sure do come in handy when you are experimenting with recipes.


Next time, though, I would make the big batch of the basic chicken spinach recipe, then the next day, work on the others and freeze a couple. I don't need all 4 made at once. I like variety but I don't have a lot of refrigerator space, so it's hard to store 7 cups each of 4 soups in my fridge.


I weighed in at 178 this morning on DAY ONE and just finished my breakfast:


large egg, fried in Pam

2 pieces light wheat Wonder bread toasted, with butter spray

one orange

Red Rose tea with Splenda


Jello--15 minute prep time


Made cherry sugar-free (8 servings per box), and added 4 Granny Smith apples cut into matchstick pieces.


This afternoon I'm going to make the "pie." I decided afternoon was best because I don't want to smell it all day long and have to deal with that. If you like pumpkin pie, you would like this, I'm sure.


Really, after I do that, the rest of the week will be a breeze for my meals. No major planning or shopping or prep work.


Gotta run.

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Oh the wonderful power of prayer!!!

Quick update

The fever is starting to come down, the blockage is continuing to relieve itself. Dad is resting comfortably at the moment.

I am still at the hosp.

Will post more as I can


Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers and Thank God for His infinite mercy and Grace!!



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Pam-that is wonderful news!! I will keep praying.


Dar-sounds like you have been busy!! You have put alot of thought into your program, I bet you will loose alot if you stick to it. I just don't like soup enough to eat it that often, but maybe I will make some and do it a few days a week. It's still pretty warm in Florida, maybe when it cools off more soup will sound better to me!


Ruth-welcome to the group. I am impressed, 60 pounds is awesome!!!!!



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Connie--I know what you mean about the weather. Even up here we've had some higher than normal temps, but it gets colder at night. It seems like everyone around here is sick with a lingering cold or a virus of some sort that seems to hang on. I was exposed to about six sick people before and after our weekend trip; so the soup started to sound good...plus lots of hot tea. For people who don't like to cook, what I was thinking about earlier is that it might be possible to find storebought soups that compare in calorie and protein content, then just buy it and add that in as part of the daily meals. It can really fill you up and if you find some that you enjoy, it would be easier than the cooking marathon that I did last night.


Speaking of soup....I tasted the Mexican Bean & Salsa version and it was so delicious. I'm not trying to brag. ;) Okay, maybe just a little. Perfect if you like white chicken chili. I tasted the bowlful for lunch and told my daughter that it was "Soup **** Good!" My husband and daughter loved it, too. It reminded me of a soup that you might buy at Panera Bread. For dinner, I'm going to have the Asian version. I can honestly say that I have felt really satisfied today, but have a slight headache which is partly sinus (allergy?) and partly due to very little sugar today. At 5:00, I started to feel a case of the munchies, but boiled water and had a cup of Swiss Miss Sensible Sweets hot cocoa...only 25 calories for a cupful. That took care of the cravings! I spent the whole day watching chick flicks and going through a calorie counter book, plus checking packaging labels to find out the calorie content of each serving of the soups that I made, plus protein grams. I went over every little thing, right down to the 2 T. of light whipped cream that goes on my fake pumpkin pie dessert.


Since two of my soups have beans with the chicken, I thought I'd have one of those daily, then have one of the other two lighter soups. The Mexican soup really has staying power.


Crunching the Numbers....

Calories for Thursday: 1,144

Protein total came to 69.65 grams for the entire day.

That is plenty as I checked a list and read that women over 25 need 50 grams per day. If I were a bodybuilder or athlete, it would be a lot higher.


I'm getting lots of fiber, lots of veggies, 2 1/2 servings of fruit and 3+ servings of dairy for calcium.


The soup totals came out like this, per 1 1/2 cup bowl:

Basic Chicken Spinach & Veggie soup: 88 calories per serving; 16.55 grams protein

Italian Bean variation: 178 calories per serving; 19.2 grams protein

Asian variation: 140 calories per serving; 16.4 grams protein

Mexican Bean variation: 214 calories per serving; 20 grams protein


Considering that I am eating 2 bowlfuls per day, I'm getting quite a bit of protein just with soup, not including the other stuff that I'll have.


The pumpkin pie took 9 minutes to assemble and an hour to bake. Easy! Only 85 calories including the 2 T. of real light whipped cream. Very good, though not as good as REAL pumpkin pie.


I think the sugar-free Jello with chopped apples took about 15 minutes. Really not bad to have two desserts made in so little time. Each serving of jello has half a Granny Smith apple in it and has a total of 55 calories.


I spent some time reading the entire Splenda box. I am always leery of artificial sweeteners. I still don't know what to think of it. If anyone has an opinion, I'd like to hear it. It claims to be made from real sugar but how is that possible and yet be zero calories? At any rate, there was a good-looking blueberry muffin recipe on the back of the box and I noticed a Splenda website address, too. They might have some interesting recipes. I have a sweet tooth, so might have to investigate.


I have to make a decision on one thing. My food is all set for a week and I'm EXTREMELY curious about how this will work out with weight loss. Just got the TOM and have that to deal with, too. At any rate, my son often gives me advice and said that I should factor in a caloric jump at least one day per week. He said that I could wait for 2 or 3 weeks, as I might get a nice weight-loss boost since I am trying a new regimine but I should plan for a boost after 2 or 3 weeks, if not sooner. When I did this back in '83, I didn't do a calorie boost--just stuck to the plan for 3 weeks. I DID get bored with it and wanted different foods like a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast or cold cereal or steak for dinner, etc. I like light churned chocolate ice cream and that is going to be sounding mighty fine after a couple weeks of this. So we'll see. If I lose enough to propel me further, then that might be all I need to make the decision easy. If I just hover around 177-ish, then I'll likely go back to eating a variety of foods in smaller portions. Maybe the soup diet will help me to do that too, when I'm ready to go back to my previous way of eating. I'll probably seriously treasure a small piece of meatloaf and a small scoop of mashed taters!:D

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Hi all,


Sadly I must let you all know that my Dad passed away this afternoon around 2:45 pm

His breathing got real shallow and the nurse was called, by the time she got to Dad's bedside (less than a minute) he was gone.

He went peacefully and is now at rest in the Lord.

As far as we know the funeral is on Sunday afternoon.

I will let you know more if I can, we will be travelling to Alabama for the services, per Dad's wishes.


Talk later


Thank you all again for the thoughts and prayers, they mean more to me than you will ever know!

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I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my father in 2001 and know that there are no words I can say that will help. EXCEPT know that I am holding you and your family up in my prayers, praying for strength, courage, and increased faith and peace for your soul for the coming days and weeks.


Josh 1:9 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

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Pam...I just woke up to read the news of your dad's passing. I am so sorry that he wasn't able to stay with you a little longer. My husband and I both lost our dads, back-to-back, in 2004. One of old age and one of cancer. Knowing they were believers meant everything, even through the hurting process of letting them go. Recently, with my mother-in-law's passing, someone said to my husband, "sorry to hear about the loss of your mother." He replied, "Oh, I didn't lose her. I know right where she is." ;) There is such comfort from the Lord when we need it the most and I saw it in him through the whole process. I pray that you will have all that you need during the grieving process.



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Hey Guys...Down one pound after Day One. CW: 177 (back to last weigh-in before the weekend getaway).


I feel bloated, stuffed, etc., this a.m. I can't even think about breakfast yet. I don't know what to do. Total calories, if I eat everything, is around 1200 on this plan, but the food is very filling and I feel stuffed. Last night I felt stuffed at 6 and didn't want dinner. I waited until 7, still felt a little too full to eat, but ate anyway. I know that skipping meals isn't good, but I honestly didn't want that dinner meal last night. I could have eaten the dessert and been happy! :o In spite of feeling bloated and fat this morning, I still lost a pound. That was a weird and unexpected surprise. If I wait too long for breakfast, it will be lunchtime and I will have skipped a meal.


I'm thinking that because I'm getting more protein than I actually need, I might be able to eat a smaller bowl of soup (going from 1 1/2 cups to a cup) or skip a meal when I feel like it. When it comes to hunger/fullness eating, this plan is not right for me. Can I skip meals when I am honestly am not hungry and not worry about what all of the experts say?

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Hi all,


Sadly I must let you all know that my Dad passed away this afternoon around 2:45 pm

His breathing got real shallow and the nurse was called, by the time she got to Dad's bedside (less than a minute) he was gone.

He went peacefully and is now at rest in the Lord.

As far as we know the funeral is on Sunday afternoon.

I will let you know more if I can, we will be travelling to Alabama for the services, per Dad's wishes.


Talk later


Thank you all again for the thoughts and prayers, they mean more to me than you will ever know!



Pam....It just hit me after I posted, that you have those two cruises back-to-back and a funeral on Sunday. What are your plans? So sorry as you have worked so hard and have been looking forward to them. Will you be able to make it to at least one?

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Salsa, if you are not hungry I would not force it. As long as you are not making it a habit of not eating meals it should be fine. Sometimes depending on what I've had for breakfast I might not be hungry at lunch. Or I'll be busy & not think about it until it is to late for lunch because then it would mess with dinner. So when I do get hungry I'll eat a salad or 5 crackers with peanut butter. Then I'll be able to eat dinner with DH.

We are making a trip to the UP today. Ishpeming, both of our families are there so we are going up to visit. Hopefully we'll see some pretty leaves on the way!


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Thank you for your warm welcome especially while you have had other things on your mind.


My condolances on you loss. I lost my Dad in 2001 suddenly and find solace in knowing that he is in a better place. I will offer prayers for you and your family for peace and strength as you say goodbye.



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Thank you for your warm welcome especially while you have had other things on your mind.


My condolances on you loss. I lost my Dad in 2001 suddenly and find solace in knowing that he is in a better place. I will offer prayers for you and your family for peace and strength as you say goodbye.




Hi Ruth...I must have missed a previous post by you, or I am forgetful. At any rate, welcome aboard from me too. We're always glad to have more people here. Its a struggle to discipline our eating habits and its really comforting to know that there are others going through the same thing and there for support all day long.



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Salsa, if you are not hungry I would not force it. As long as you are not making it a habit of not eating meals it should be fine. Sometimes depending on what I've had for breakfast I might not be hungry at lunch. Or I'll be busy & not think about it until it is to late for lunch because then it would mess with dinner. So when I do get hungry I'll eat a salad or 5 crackers with peanut butter. Then I'll be able to eat dinner with DH.

We are making a trip to the UP today. Ishpeming, both of our families are there so we are going up to visit. Hopefully we'll see some pretty leaves on the way!



Hi Kelly....I imagine you left already, but just wanted to thank you for the "okay" to skip a meal on occasion. I've been such a stickler about at least 3 a day, for years, and sometimes struggle with being free to eat as I please. I sat down at the table for years, when my family ate, I ate, whether I was hungry or not and packed on the pounds...just a couple per year, really. I didn't eat breakfast until close to 11 this morning, took a nap, did a bunch of chores (vacuuming, feather dusting, sheets, laundry), while munching on an open box of cherry tomatoes and sipping diet coke! What a weird lunch but that's all I wanted and am still not hungry at all and it's going on 4 p.m. Weird. One day I'm famished and can't get full, and another day I feel stuffed.

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