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I know it's premature to get overly-excited but I am feeling really good about the progress so far on my one month regimine and had to post.


At last weigh-in, I was up to 180, after that weekend getaway.

My lowest posted weight on weigh-in days was 176 and I had actually gotten to 175 once, mid-week, but didn't stay there for the next weigh-in.


I'm doing well on my plan, although felt too full for lunch yesterday. So Thursday was exactly on the plan, but Friday was partially on. I ate the same breakfast, was too full at lunch so munched on a pint of cherry tomatoes while cleaning house, then treated myself to a Diet Coke and one square of dark chocolate, and one ounce of hard sharp cheddar cheese.


Later, after chores, I still wasn't hungry and it was too late to even think of lunch. I started a movie, got company and shared a sip of tequila. I mean a literal sip. They were celebrating an event and were excited. What hit me by 4:30 was a craving for something salty...was it the sip of tequila.:rolleyes: I had a serving of Pringles Light. Then waited until dinner.


Dinner was Italian Bean soup, 1 cup of green grapes. I simply got very busy to prep for going dancing; so I didn't get time to eat my pumpkin dessert. Took our granddaughter dancing, so I had to get her all dolled up, plus myself. Plus fold laundry, etc. Anyway, we stopped at McDonald's and I had a vanilla cone in exchange for my nighttime dairy serving.


With all of that said, I felt full at night and full when I woke up this morning. I didn't expect much but got on the scale and weighed....drumroll please....175!!!!!! Whoo-freakin-whoo! You guys all know how long I've been "stuck".


8/18: 177

8/15: 176

8/25: 177

9/1 : 177

9/8 : 177

9/15: 177

9/22: 180


You can imagine how excited I felt to weigh-in at 175 this morning. I actually saw the dial hover a bit under 175, but will wait for the thrill of seeing 174 as a solid number. I'm feeling a bit of dejavu back to 1983 when I did this same plan and lost weight so easily. I really don't know what the heck it is about it. Is it the perfect balance for my metabolism? Carbs and protein are very balanced out. Calories are around 1200, lots of protein, etc. I don't know.


I'm now trying to work within the plan and tweaking it to see if I can make it more interesting so that I can stay on it longer. I scrambled my egg and added Tabasco this morning, ate the 2 slices of light wheat, ate the orange, then mixed the hot cocoa mix in with my coffee for a "mocha."


I have lots of cottage cheese (low-fat) and yogurt (low-fat) in my refrigerator, so I thought that I could sub that for my lunch soup once-in-a-while, and change my fruits around too. Those changes shouldn't matter as long as the calorie count is approximately the same.


I have to add that my daughter and I both don't really care much for the Asian soup version. I think it is the bean sprouts--not my favorite. But last night, since our son was visiting, we all at the Italian Bean and he LOVED it. So did everyone else. I just gave them sandwich stuff (turkey breast, cheese, mayo, bread) and asked them to add a sandwich if they wanted.


Here's my rough spot. I have company coming tonight and we WERE going to eat up leftovers from last weekend, but my hubby ate most of it up! So I thought "pizza" since my friend loves the pizza made nearby. I could order my own personal thin-crust pizza (very good and quite light) or eat soup while they eat pizza. I don't like standing out like a sore thumb or making others feel uncomfortable, so don't quite know what to do, yet. The loss this morning really is motivating me to keep it going as is, just to be able to see the results tomorrow a.m., but one or two pizza slices woulnd't kill me and I could stick to it perfectly on Sunday. Dilemma.:confused: The change will make my results fuzzy. I know that I'm the only one who could decide, but what would you all do?

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Well Dar, Pizza or No Pizza? What did you do? I'm so excited for you for your loss already!!


I had a great week last week. I ran 1/4 mile for the first time in my life, and did it multiple times. And Sunday I actually felt thin! I feel so great after I work out. This week though I have been insanely hungry to the point of nautiousness. But instead of eating things bad for me, I had a couple plain Wasa crackers that are virtually no calories. I did have a donut yesterday, but instead of doing lunch at the pizza buffet which has been our routine lately, we went to the salad buffet and I loaded up on yummy salad and used fat free italian dressing.


Then I weighed myself this morning. :mad: So I am taking a break from weighing myself and posting my weight. Sorry! Instead, I am actually going to take measurements of myself this afternoon and might post those, remeasuring maybe monthly or so. Also, I must be eating far more than I realize I am, so I wil keep a food dairy and keep track of WW points. I did this before and lost, so I thought I could just do it in my head, but it's not working for me. So out comes the points calculater and measuing cups. We'll see how this goes.


How'd everyone else do this week?

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Dar-sounds like you are doing great. Did you have the pizza????


Erin-I am worried about the running this week, Friday I have to run 20 minutes straight:eek: but I am determined to stick to the plan.


I was really bad this weekend, I had pizza with sausage on Saturday, then yesterday we went to watch football that has $25 all you can eat and drink, I had several drinks (with diet coke) and a chicken sandwich and a bratwurst. I am glad I don't weigh in until Wednesday, I am hoping to at least stay the same but I have a feeling I might have a gain. I have to be real good now. I have gotten lazy about writing down what I eat and the ww points, so I will start doing that again to, it does seem to help.



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What's with all of the pizza talk this week? I have to admit that I love anything made of dough. I don't even like to use such a cold, abbreviated term such as "carbs" :eek: to describe such a lovely category of food--beloved, delicious bread. Grain is a beautiful thing. I love it. Cereal, toast, bagels, whole wheat bread. Rarely do I crave a hunk of fish but anything grainy is a daily craving. Anything made of dough...doughnuts, cinnamon rolls, muffins, cakes, bread, biscuits, etc. I have the best collection of recipes, too. I think this time of year makes me think of all of those things. No one thinks of a hunk of meat when they remember their grandma or mom in the kitchen, do they? Nope. They think of cookies or cake or maybe pie. But there will be other fall seasons with maintenance eating and I can have some then. Can you imagine that? Skinny me, picking away at a fresh cookie?


I wanted to mention, just like Erin, I felt SLIM this weekend. I know I'm nowhere near slim, but it was a real feeling. At dance, two long opposing walls are covered with mirrors and we have to whirl and twirl past them or be doing those salsa moves...you know the kind. The hips surely do sway and it's downright scary when they are big. I always catch myself in the mirror and am inwardly cringing and thinking "YUCK!!!" But have bravely continued in spite of the cringing. This weekend, my favorite black knit dress was noticably loose and not pasted to my behind! It slipped and slid around during the whirling and twirling. I wore it again to church and had that same feeling. I thought, "You are losing inches, definitely."


Pizza...Yes. I ended up eating it. I did great all day long. Had the granddaughter and we went on a fun day excursion, visiting a cute apple orchard with live animals to pet. I ate the fresh apple that they handed me there, and didn't touch the 2 dozen fresh, yummy donuts that I brought home, and the cider. I know that I could have and it would have been okay to have one or a few bites of one, but I knew the pizza was ahead. So Yes, I ate 1 1/2 slices of pizza with friends, and 2 glasses of red wine, then one little square of dark chocolate, as we sat around the campfire in our back yard. I guess you could say I had that one meal splurge this weekend after all.


Did great all day Sunday...right back at it.


I'm writing everything down and not minding it at this point.


SW (June 3): 188

LW: 180

CW: 175

GW: 125-135

13 lbs. off with 40 to go or more


I'm really looking forward to a total of 15 and expect that by next weigh-in. There's something about 15 lbs. You REALLY can feel it at my height. Then 20! 20 will be awesome. I am starting to believe that it might be possible to reach my goal by my cruise date. My main reason for wishing that is that I don't want to invest $ in clothing in various sizes. I want to be able to buy some new things and know that I will keep them, so that's what I'm hoping for. If this plan works, then I might see that hope as a reality.


Erin: I've had such slow losses so I do take my measurements, though I don't always post the info. I started doing that August 2nd. I told you guys that I thought I felt slimmer, and the tape measure proved me right.

I've done three measures:


Aug. 2: B: 40 W: 37 H: 45 TH: 28.5 Calf: 17 3/4

Sep: 12: B: 40 W: 36.5 H: 44.5 TH: 28.25 Calf: 17 3/4

Sept: 29: B: 39 W: 36 H: 44 TH: 28.25 Calf 17 1/2


What I notice that is weird is that I take the weight off different spots each time. You'd think it would come off the body evenly but it doesn't. Isn't that weird? The bustline was nice while it lasted. :( I think I need a thigh-master or something.

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Dar-sounds like you are doing great. Did you have the pizza????


Erin-I am worried about the running this week, Friday I have to run 20 minutes straight:eek: but I am determined to stick to the plan.


I was really bad this weekend, I had pizza with sausage on Saturday, then yesterday we went to watch football that has $25 all you can eat and drink, I had several drinks (with diet coke) and a chicken sandwich and a bratwurst. I am glad I don't weigh in until Wednesday, I am hoping to at least stay the same but I have a feeling I might have a gain. I have to be real good now. I have gotten lazy about writing down what I eat and the ww points, so I will start doing that again to, it does seem to help.




Hey Connie...How does that one song go? "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again!" I think Ginger Rogers sang it in an old movie. ;)


I love Mommy's saying about "nothing beats a failure but a try". Those quotes are so motivating!


I also heard a cute one in a movie that I rented (not involving weight)...."If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans." :) The movie title is "Bella" and it was so good. A drama, but very good. Clean, wholesome, makes tears trickle down the cheeks.

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Hi everyone,


My name is Amy, I am 25 and live in Bayside, NY. I was completely ignorant to cruise critic before my first two cruises and in preparation for the exotic western Caribbean, I started researching around. Well, after thoroughly reading about my upcoming NCL cruise on Spirit, I came across the weight loss forum!


Now I am hooked, I was inspired by all of your kind words to eachother, so I decided to jump in myself.


My goal is 140 by 1/4/09!!! I started really dieting, South Beach, on 9/2/08 at 165. At 5'0'' I was truly uncomfortable with my weight and am determined to go back to my pre-wedding weight before my 2nd anniversary cruise!


Today I am down to 161, though I have been at the gym 3 days a week, and have lost inches.


Ok.... I look forward to speaking with you all.... looks like everyone is doing great and I can no wait to follow along!

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Hello Everyone,

Hope everyone is having a good week. I have only one more week until my trip to Sanibel. I am so nervous about eating.My family likes sausage gravy and steak and ribs. This will be a true test. I did get set up with a gym to be able to continue my work outs. I wont be able to post for two weeks. Talk to you all soon.



Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 252

CW: (current weight) 248

GW: (goal weight) 199

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Welcome to Cruise Critic Amy! Not only is it encouraging it is a fun place to wait for your cruise.


Salsa, I know what you mean about dough! I love making bread. There is something about kneading dough that feels good. And then there is the end result of something so yummy. I could never totally give up bread & pasta. For me it is better to learn to eat smaller portions of it than to never have it.

You are learning to do it now too. You ate some pizza and then the next day went back to your plan. That is how you change your lifestyle, making it healthier without feeling so deprived. My dr. says we should eat good most days, she knows we won't eat good everyday.

Our weekend trip was nice. Friday was sunny and the leaves were beautiful. They aren't at peak yet but will be soon. Where we live it is flat so going to the UP with all the hills, it really is beautiful!


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Welcome to Cruise Critic Amy! Not only is it encouraging it is a fun place to wait for your cruise.


Salsa, I know what you mean about dough! I love making bread. There is something about kneading dough that feels good. And then there is the end result of something so yummy. I could never totally give up bread & pasta. For me it is better to learn to eat smaller portions of it than to never have it.

You are learning to do it now too. You ate some pizza and then the next day went back to your plan. That is how you change your lifestyle, making it healthier without feeling so deprived. My dr. says we should eat good most days, she knows we won't eat good everyday.

Our weekend trip was nice. Friday was sunny and the leaves were beautiful. They aren't at peak yet but will be soon. Where we live it is flat so going to the UP with all the hills, it really is beautiful!



Hi Kelly. That's what I love about Michigan. You go from flat farmland to rolling hills and it gets really beautiful. You know you are "up north" when the hills start to roll. The colors are just changing here, a little. I think the peak color change will be late this year...my guess. It's usually about Oct. 10th; so we'll see.


I love baking my own bread, too. I always have joked about kneading the dough and would flex my biceps at my kids to prove how good it is for you. Then would quip, "who needs a bust developer" :D while re-dusting with flour and doing those quarter turns. Five whole minutes of kneading bread is a great workout for the upper body! I usually bake homemade rolls for company and always for holidays.


The thing that you said about me going back to the plan....this is something that I never could do before! If I "blew it" I went on a downward spiral. This forum has really helped me to see that this is a lifestyle change and that we WILL have ups and downs. When I read that you are keeping it off and maintaining, and I read your menus, I get so encouraged! I realize that an occasional "blip" can be a flying leap off the diet cliff or a little bump in the road to success AND ITS MY CHOICE. I choose to step over the blips every day. What is that verse about a good man stumbling? Something about stumbling but not falling? We all "stumble" but falling is another thing. In a few more days, I'll have hit my 4 month anniversary of the lifestyle change. I can't believe this. I haven't been in this place in years and am so encouraged. I was really low when I first found the forum. My spirits are definitely lifted!

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Hi Amy....Welcome! It's great to have you on board here. This is just such a fun place to visit. I love popping in each morning and catching up on reading the threads. So many various approaches but the same goal. I love the encouragment.


I see your cruise date and your goal weight. You have all of October, November, and December, plus some. You surely can do it. Holidays can be rough, but some of the most successful "losers" I've seen have been friends who decided to start before the holiday season. You know that if you can get through that stretch, you can do anything! Raaaar! ;)


Speaking of holidays....Isn't it awesome that we aren't STARTING on the day after New Year's Day? Wow!


About my Avatar...that's me at age 3. I think my dad stuck me in the grocery sack! How apprapo! (How the heck do you spell that?)


SCOTT--AWESOME! 37 lbs. Woo-hoo. We'll see you back after the trip.


Okay...Where's Mommy? We need you Mommy.

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All this Pizza talk is making me hungry :eek:


Pizza is one of my "trigger" foods and I have only had it once since I started WW in March but it sure does sound good right now!..Good thing I brought a great salad w/tuna for lunch.


I just got back from a "Body Pump" class at the gym. I would encourage everyone to try it if it is offered at your gym. It is basically a choreographed free weight lifting cladd that hits all muscle groups. I started weight traing a couple weeks ago and already am seeing definition in my shoulders and triceps. You will be surprised at how fast you see a change.


For those who missed my intro last week, I am 46 (47 the end of Oct) and started WW on March 8, 2008. I have lost 61 lbs as of Saturday. I hope to lose about 40 more and 20-25 lbs before my Celebrity cruise in January.


Thanks for the support all!

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Hello Everyone


Sorry I have not posted recently, have been busy with DH and DD and a friend of mine who is going on our Christmas cruise.


Pam - I am so sorry about the loss of your father. Praise God he was saved. So many times we attended funerals with sadness unsure of our love ones final destination; however with your father you know that when he took his last breath here on earth, his next breath was in Paradise with our Lord. I attached this video and dedicate it to your father.


Welcome Amy and Ruth, you have just become connected to the best group of supporters. We will encourage you when you down and lift you higher when you are up. We will provide compassion when you need it and show tough love when you need to be guided back to the right path. Glad to have you.



Scott - I am not going to say great job, I am going to say fantastic;)


Kelly - Have a great cruise and bring back great memories to share with us.


Erin and Connie - I am impressed with your exercise regiments. Keep up the good work and remember muscle weigh more than fat.


Salsa - I knew you would bounce back. You have more determination in your baby finger than a lot of people. When I think of success, I think of you. I look at success as staying in the race and dealing with each hurdle with giving up.


As for me I have not weighed in. I am to afraid but I know I will have to face my fear. I can say on the brighter side that I purchased some pencil skirts and the size is 10.


I have to go DD and DH are calling my name constantly. I will be back



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Mommy/Gladys- glad to see you posted! I was wondering about you also. This is the first time I think I've heard your real name... you've just been "Mommy" to me all this time!


Amy and Ruth- Glad to have you join us! I just started recently myself, so jump right in!


Scott- have a great trip! If anyone can stay on track, I know you can!


Kelly- it is so nice to have you here encouraging us! I appreciate it!


Connie- Phew... twenty minutes? oh my! I thought the schedule was a bit funny how it did that, so I switched some things around. I just felt like I'd be setting myself up for failure, but then again, I keep surprising myself!


Yesterday I told my coworkers "goodbye it's been nice knowing you" talk as I headed back to the treadmill. I thought for sure they were going to have to use the defibrilator on me. I thought, "NO WAY can I do this". My task was to jog 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 3 minutes, then 5 minutes again, with slight breaks in between to walk and catch my breath. Last week I jogged 3 minutes straight (1/4 mile) for the first time in my WHOLE LIFE. I could not imagine going 5 minutes straight, let alone twice combined with 2 x 3 minutes! But guess what?


I DID IT!!!! WOO HOO!!!!! :D

I am very proud of myself! I didn't get a chance to take my measurements, but here is what I ate yesterday:


Fiber One bar (2 pts)

Kashi chewy bar (2 pts)

a few bites of a healthy choice meal I didn't like (2 pts)

1/2 banana (1 pt)

1 Wasa cracker (1 pt)

30 minutes high intensity workout (-4 points!)

raw carrots, plain (0)

large cup hot tea with 1 TB honey (1 pt)

1 cup hamburger helper (6 pts)

1 sugar free pudding cup (1 pt)

salad with fat free/light dressing (0)

1 cup dry quaker squares cereal (4 pts)

1 super delicious cookie a classmate brought in, it was two ritz crackers with peanut butter in the middle covered in chocolate (? pts)

TOTAL: 16 points plus cookie


When I type it all out it sounds like a lot of food, but I felt like I was starving all day. I've forgotten how many points I am actually supposed to have in a day... I think 18 plus 1 blow it day. As long as I keep it under twenty I'll be happy. Today will be hard though. I'm doing some community service hours (for school) today next to this really yummy cuban restaurant that has the best empanadas for only $1 each. I have no idea what the point value is for them though. They are fried, so bad news. I'm thinking like 9 points each. Two would make a great dinner, but I'll probably only have to have one and supplement it with some 0 points stuff. Hmmm. I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes.

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Gladys--Thanks so much for the pep talk and encouragement. It made me feel great. See.....:D . I was thinking about myself when you said "determination." So I made up a quote..."Determination is just stubborness put to good use." ;) I was a bit of a "dig your heels in" kind of kid, so that might explain it. :) Truth is, I've never been this determined before. I think I finally just found enough motivation to keep it going and good friends here to help keep me focussed and honest.


Erin--I saw your menu. Yes it all seems like a lot of food when you see it altogether but I mentally broke it down into meals. It's not a lot. Enough but not a lot. Compare it to what you were eating before you started. Too bad we didn't all jot down those notes, huh? I think if I had, it would have been scary. The longer you do it, the less of a problem the cravings will be. I'm dead serious on that. I also find that I'll get cravings once-in-a-while now, rather than often. Waiting a little while, or drinking a cup of something hot makes them go away. Cool! I drink tea, coffee, Swiss Miss (25 cal.), and just tried sugar-free hot cider packets (good). I understand what you mean about the frozen meal, though. I have a bunch in my freezer and can't make myself prep them. They've been there for months! I just find them to be too "watery" and skimpy. Bleck. :P


Okay Everyone--Thurs. -Monday = 5 days = really bad breath.:eek:

I take this as a good sign because it happened to me before. I remember it well. I googled ketosis. I don't know much but read that it is the breakdown of stored fats and the elimination of the broken-down fats through the body, including the saliva glands. No brushing or gargling will make it go away. I think I'd better stock up on gum!


Yesterday's menu--

BR: 1 egg fried in Pam

2 light wheat bread slices--toasted and sprayed with ICBNB spray

mug of sugar-free cider (15 calories)

whole orange

Lunch: 1 cup Italian Bean Soup (went from 1.5 to 1 and that is better for me)(lots of veggies and beans and chicken in it)

1 oz. huntsman cheese

1 serving sugar free cherry jello with granny smith apple in it


Snack: 1 serving Pringles Light

Dinner: 1 cup low-fat Dannon vanilla yogurt

1 small can of low-sodium v-8

a few wholegrain crackers with more Huntsman cheese (mmmmm!)

an ounce of dark chocolate

a couple more Pringles Light, later on

I stared at a dozen donuts for a snack.

And 8 oz. of 2% milk.


I changed things around a bit again today, but it is working better for me. I didn't feel that hungry for dinner. I think it's the bean soup. I didn't make it that way back in '83 but it is very filling. I don't think I could have done this skeleton plan when I first started because it was enough to fight the cravings, but now that they aren't so bad, it is pretty easy to eat this quantity.


Oh...since Erin and I both journaled what we ate...and I know Kelly does on another thread...that made me think of something I read on a weight-loss site. Some people are actually doing a photographic journal of what they are eating, rather than a written one. They said it is really keeping them accountable. Hmmmm. I love shooting pictures but have a film camera; so until I go digital (soon), I won't likely be doing that. I still thought it was a cool idea, though.


Trivia: Just refilled the tank on my van...$3.67 per gallon. Down from over 4. How is it where you live?

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Wow, this is so great... waking up and having a full does of encouragement before eating anything!


Erin- I am 100% with you on the measurements. As "Mommy" says... muscle weighs more than fat and with our workout routines that fact can throw us off when we step on the scale.


Yesterday I started my day at the gym. I do an intense warm up on the treadmill (that I learned from a personal trainer before my wedding):

2 minutes- 4 incline, 2.2. speed

2 minutes- 8 incline, 3.2 speed

2 minutes- 10 incline 4.2 speed

2 minutes- 12 incline, 5.2 speed

12 minutes- 0 incline, 3.0 speed (mixed with jogging at 5.2 at minute 15)


I will warn... when I started the routine I could not come close to the 2 minute jog at the end, but now I have the whole thing down to a science, but I am always sweating and panting when I am done. :eek: The warm up brings your heart rate up and makes anything you do afterward much more beneficial!

After the warm up I did 100 crunches on an ab roller and then a series of weight machines for my arms and back.



Yesterday my South Beach diet looked like this:

Bfast: 1 cup of Fiber 1 cereal

Snack: 1 cup of ff cottage cheese with pineapple

Lunch: Salad w/tomatoes, roasted red peppers, fresh mozzarella and balsamic vinaigrette

Dessert: SF/FF vanilla pudding cup

Snack: 2 Babybel Light cheeses

Dinner: Balsamic Glazed Salmon with broiled tomatoes (South beach cook book)

Dessert: SF/FF vanilla pudding



My measurements as of today:

Bust: 40''

Waist: 30''

Hips: 41"


Today will be harder since I am going to my sister's to "celebrate" the Jewish holidays (which really just means to eat)... I'll let you know how it goes!


I think that recording what you eat makes you very accountable to everything you put in your mouth! GREAT IDEA!!!

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I am going to start with the gas question. Ours went down to $3.54 yesterday. It was $3.59 since last week. I am on the border of wi/mi and it is the same in both towns. At my mom's (Marquette area) it is $3.89.


Erin keep up the good work on the run/walk!! I did it over the summer and was amazed when I got to 3mi! I did it outside and went by distance rather than time. It feels so good to accomplish something you never thought possible!

I am wondering if your eating could use more protein? I know when I was working if I had oatmeal for breakfast I would be hungry in a couple of hours. But if I had an egg with a slice of wheat bread toasted I could easily make it until lunch. Protein keeps you full longer. You could even try some yogurt. I know your schedule is hectic and you don't have alot of time so that makes meal prep hard. The other thing to watch is the sodium content on frozen meals, hamburger helper.


I am hungry now so I am going to make an egg!


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I stared at a dozen donuts for a snack.


You don't know how much this cracked me up just now! :D


I don't pay attention to gas prices. Sorry. I just bite the bullet and pay for it.


I'm going to suggest we not post pictures of food. Maybe healthy good-for-you food would be OK, but if someone posted a picture of a thick slice of greasy pepperoni pizza I'd have to go get one. Yum. It's one thing to see it typed, but to see a beautiful picture of something that I'm trying to avoid would be quite a downfall.


Wow Amy... that is quite a warm-up. Very intense, I'm impressed.


Kelly, I know my choices aren't the best. I'm working on it. Maybe. :o Thanks for the input. :) Wait till you see whatI post tomorrow. YOu'll really have to get on me about it.

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Erin--I can imagine how the photographed food diary would be a problem if it were of pizza and chips. :) It only would work if it were healthy food. Like you said, though, I don't really want to look at food unless I need it. All else is too tempting. That's why I'm keeping my nose out of my cookbook collection. I am amazed at how the human body responds to visual food stimulus. I had my granddaughter for the weekend and we were watching funny youtube videos together. One was of babies sucking lemons. Do you know that when we watched this, I actually felt my mouth pucker and salivate and my cheeks get kinda sore as if I were the one sucking the lemon? Pavlov's dogs sort of thing. So if that is true, think of what food ads and magazine ads must do to us. It never hit me before until you commented on the pictures.


Excited today because I've been really working on finding cruise discounts and applying them as I go. Today I went to Royal's site and found that our cruise rate dropped $150 each for my husband and I. I called the rep and politely asked for the reduction to be applied and he did. It was so easy. A $300 savings! That was easier than all of the coupons I'm clipping.


This is not intended to hurt any overweight people and especially since I fit into that category. Having said that, I was looking at some cruise photos via a link on Cruise Critic. I saw so many very heavy people and thought, "I am not going to be one this time." Heavy men, women, kids, and teen girls. I do not want to travel and vacation in that condition any more. It really hit me hard...with compassion, not criticism...as I saw the pics and saw myself as well. It really just fueled my determination even more. It's not all about the cruise week/date...it's really about life in general.

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Thanks for the video you posted... it put a bright spot in my day...


I haven't weighed yet this week and probably lost some, I haven't got much of an appetite right now, but I know I have to take care of myself.


Sometimes it is so hard to believe that Dad is gone!! We lost our Mom last year in August.. This has been a really tough year for me..


I hop on here and read the posts and get encouragement. It will probably take me a few days to get back to my routine.


As far as the upcoming cruise.... It cannot get here soon enough,, we need a break and time to relax!!


I may weigh in later this week... just have to see what happens



Talk later


Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers... They mean more to me than you know..




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Pam, I will continue to pray for you and your family. Your weight is the last thing you need to worry about right now! I really hope that this cruise is the relaxing break you need. Enjoy it!


Dar, congrats on the cruise discount! I had no idea you could do that until I started reading on cruise critic. I've learned so much here. I keep checking cruise prices because I can't resist, but I know I won't be able to go until next year at least, no matter how great a deal I can find. Oh well. A girl can dream. ;)


OK, back to my eating habits. I finished up my last post a lot quicker than I intended because my boss was over my shoulder. How dare they try to get me to work when I am on cruise critic! Come on! This is important stuff here!! :rolleyes: Anyhow, I realized I might have come off like I don't care how I eat. What I intended to say is that I really am very picky about meat, and just don't like it all that much. As wierd as this sounds, I like ground meat, and prefer shredded chicken in like a casserole or something compared to just a piece of chicken. And if I get steak, it has to be a terrific ($$$) cut because a chunk of fat grosses me out. I like fish OK, but DH and DS hate it so I rarely prepare it. So I'm sure you are right about the protein thing. So I went home today and had an egg sandwich. I scrambled 2 eggs in pam, put a slice of cheese on them, and sandwiched them between two pieces of light whole wheat bread. I think it was 7 points or something. But it was filling.


I'm already warning you I went way over my point limit today. I told my DH I'm only having one empanada for dinner along with fresh plain veggies and salad with spray dressing. He laughed at me. He said "You're only having 1 empanada for dinner? I love you, but this isn't going to last." GRRRR. That's just the motivation I need. Someone telling me I can't do something just makes me prove them wrong. RAHRR!! :D As I was putting on a pair of pants this afternoon, DH was in the room and I said, "I just don't understand how everything has gotten SO tight!" and he said, "But baby, that's OK, that's the style right?" :rolleyes: Very cute sweetheart.


I'm with you Dar. On my next cruise, I won't be one of "those" people ever again!!

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Erin, I don't think the meat thing is weird. Everyone has things they like and don't like. Beans are a good source of protein. I just learned to eat them a few years ago. If we had chili I would put my beans into dh's bowl. Well one night we were at a friends for dinner and I thought I am just going to choke these down. I did and lived! Then started to realize how good they were for me. Now I love them. Especially black beans, you can add them to so many things, salads, soup, rice. Black beans, brown rice and some vegetables could be a make ahead meal. Peanut butter is another source of protein and another thing I like. If I am really hungry, not feeling good, I will eat a spoonful. It seems to have enough sugar and protein to keep me going. It's about finding things you like that will keep you feeling satisfied and your body nourished.

Keep working towards your goals!


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Erin...I never knew that you could do the discounts until reading here, also. The first cruise we took was in 07 and it was all arranged by others in a group, via a AAA agent. It was a flat price for everything. I hadn't a clue that there were so many ways to shop and find better prices or that room rates fluctuated. I'm now older and wiser. ;) Today I played "pretend"' because I wished that I could take my mom on a cruise this fall for her 70th birthday. It isn't going to happen but it was fun to look at the options. I found a cruise for 4 days to the Bahamas (RC) and chose Oct. 6, then went through the booking process to get a rate. I chose "over 55" when that option came up, due to her age, then our state in the residency box. I think it was the age factor of my mom, but I went into hyperventilation when I saw a cruise out of Miami that was....get this....$99 per person for a GRAND SUITE!!! It was over 300 square foot with a balcony that was ?I think around 150 sq. feet and had a bathtub instead of just a shower. The total price for 3 came up to $297 for 4 days. How can they do that? I realize that there are extra fees (tax, fuel surcharge) but still, that is so cheap. For anyone who lives in Florida and can drive to the port, that is fantastic. For us here, airfare would be the killer.


I also wondered, on the meat topic, if since you are a lot younger than me, that maybe you could use some good recipes. Plain old chicken is bleck, but there are some really really good recipes for chicken and fish that make them fantastic. I concocted a recipe that I named "Dar's Italian Fishy"....it's a coating that includes Parmesan cheese and Italian blend spices, fried in a little olive oil and it is super good. I'm with you on good beef. I have a special little country market to go to and the prices are fantastic for the best cuts...Like around $6.89 lb. for Delmonicos. NY Strips are less and occasionally they run a sale and price them around $2.50. Their meat is so good! I am spoiled. I think they buy from local Amish farmers but not sure. Anyway, I'm going to have to post a couple of recipes soon.


Stay tuned for a roasted chicken recipe that will knock your socks off, then Italian Fishy and a spicey chicken breast recipe that is pan-fried and is served with a cranberry salsa.

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Stay tuned for a roasted chicken recipe that will knock your socks off, then Italian Fishy and a spicey chicken breast recipe that is pan-fried and is served with a cranberry salsa.


Sounds good! :) Tonight I am making a slow cooked chicken taco soup. It sounds pretty good and is loaded with veggies and beans, no rice or pasta so it shouldn't be too bad. I used light chicken broth also.


Kelly, thanks for the advice. I especcially like the peanut butter idea, because when my stomach is empty I get really sick to my stomach unless I eat some sort of bread. I'll try this instead. I'm not a big fan of beans, but maybe I just need to try them more. I used to not like potatoes until I forced myself to eat them over and over again. Now I LOVE them! Do you have any favorite recipes to use with beans?



Fiber one bar (2 pts)

Kashi krunchy bar (3 pts)

Diet mt. dew (0 pts)

Dunkin donut- chocolate frosted (5 pts)

Raw carrots (0)

egg sandwich with cheese (8 pts)

2 empanadas!! (10 pts????)

Regular Pepsi (3 pts)

2 sugar free jellos throughout the day (0 pts)

2 garlic pickle spears (0 pts)


Total = 31!!!! To be honest, this is about a typical day for me when I am not really watching myself. No wonder I've gained weight!! Well, back on track today. I promise. :)

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Good Morning Everyone


Pam - glad to see you are back. I love that song "Going up to Yonder", it makes the devil made when he is reminded where the Saints are going and it gives us a sigh of relief and a heart full of joy.


I am happy to see everyone is motivated a serious about their weight loss. Well I got on the scale and a whopping 165.4:eek:. What happen to my 1631bs. I guess I got off track while in Fl and stayed off until now. I have been so encouraged this morning to get back on the train to weight loss city.


Ok, I am not such a great low cal, low fat cook so I would love some great recipes for fish and chicken so please post.



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Good Morning,


I won't be on to post much on this forum but thought I would stop and say hello and make a couple comments.


Pam: Take time to greive and take care of yourself. The upcoming cruise might just be the ticket! Don't forget to laugh as well as cry. You will get back into the weight loss mode when the time is right. No point rushing it as you will fight it and not have good results.


Erin: I was looking at what you eat and noticed that you are eating a lot of processed foods. I love those Fiber One Bars but find that although they are low in points (2) when I eat those on a daily basis, I do not lose as much weight. I think it is all the carbs in them that my body does not like. Instead of the bars, why not try some low-fat string cheese and a piece of fruit? I also agree that you need the protein that the cheese and beans would bring. I guess time is a problem for you. Have you tried a crockpot? You can put chicken breasts in w/some low-fat broth and then shred later for tacos, salads. sandwiches. Just a couple tips.


I am going to take my measurements today being that it is the first of the month and see if I am toning as well as dropping the lbs. I'll come back and let you all know my results.

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