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Update...lost another pound!!! 174 this a.m. I FEEL different. My undies are getting sloppy. Pray that they don't drop off somwhere like the bank or the grocery store. :D


Dar's Italian Fishy


1 1/2 lbs. fish filelts (tilapia or whatever you like)

1/3 cup olive oil

approx. 1/3 cup lemon juice to sprinkle over the fish

2 eggs, beaten

1/2 cup breadcrumbs

1/2 cup grated Parmesan (the shredded kind)

1 t. Italian blend seasoning

1 t. salt


Heat olive oil in a skillet...start on high heat to heat it up faster, then drop the heat to medium/high.


Dip fish in eggs, then crumbs, and place in hot skillet. Fry until golden, then turn. Max. of 4 minutes per side. Serves 4-6.


Nice to serve with a fresh tomato salad: slice big tomatoes and arrange on a plate, overlapping the edges. Sprinkle with coars Kosher salt or ssea salt, then some cracked pepper. Sprinkle that with some cheeze like feta or chevre (goat cheese)...both kinds come from goats. If not those cheeses, you can sprinkle the tomatoes with some shavings of Parmesan. Asiago cheese works, too. Sprinkle all of that with some chopped basil. Drizzle with a little balsamic vinegar dressing or a little balsamic and a little olive oil. This salad is incredible. A real favorite around here.



Another fun way to prep fish (lower in fat) is to cook in parchment paper. I love salmon and have done that this way, but other big pieces of fish work well, too. Your family will think you've been sneaking off to culinary arts school. ;)


Fish in Parchment Paper


One long piece of fish (not little filets)--a pound or two.

1/2 a fresh lemon


basil pesto

white wine (you can buy the mini packs and use one or 1/2 of one)

small jar of capers


Tear off a piece of parchment paper, about 8 inches longer than your fish. Place the paper on a large cookie sheet, then put the fish on the paper. Squeeze lemon juice over the fish (maybe 2-3 T.) then crack some pepper over the fish. Sprinkle the fish with a tablespoon or two of basil pesto. Drizzle some white wine over the top of the fish. If you like, add about half a jar of Reese's capers...usually found in the pickles aisle. Seal up the paper by folding it a little, then stapling it shut. Place in a 400 oven and let it cook for about 15 minutes.


Salt to taste after cooking.


I'd like to try this method with scallops. I've never cooked them but think they are delicious.

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Morning All:


Well yesterday was a bit of a wash for me... I had a great workout at the gym in the morning (Treadmill warm up: 20 minutes, Elliptical Weight Loss Program: 30 minutes, 100 crunches), but then the eating for the day was not to be commended:


Bfast: 1 c Fiber 1 cereal

Lunch: Whole wheat pasta

Snack: SF/FF Pudding

Dinner: Matzoh ball Soup, Salad, Chicken, Mashed potatoes, Noddle Pudding, broccoli

Dessert: Small Piece Chocolate Cake, 2 rainbow cookies, fruit salad


When I eat out, it is always hard for me not to partake in the goodness!!!


Erin: I was a vegetarian for 12 years, and have only recently started to even taste red meat. We NEVER eat it at home, and I only occasionally eat it when away. I LOVE the South Beach Quick & Easy Cookbook.... tons of easy fish & chicken recipes. I will post some as I make them.

Also, I buy packs of pre-hardboiled eggs and will have one as a snack, or keep a couple in a ziploc bag when I go to school. (I work full time and am working on my Master's PT).


Today I will get back on track from yesterday!!!

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Hi Everyone-I am behind reading all your posts, I will try and go back today if I get time. I hope everyone is doing good. Well today is my weigh in day, not good, I am up 1 pound 4 oz, but it is the first week I haven't lost since I started. I think it is a wake up call, I have been eating to much on the weekends. I feel back on track today!!


SW 182

LW 173.8

CW 175.2

GW 145


Erin-wow, I had to run 8 minutes straight twice today and Friday I have to run 20 minutes straight. I am determined to do it but I don't know, the second 8 minute run about killed me today!!

How many points a day do you get? I get 22 and they sure seem to go fast!

WEll, back to work.


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I'm actually making this for family dinner today.


Roasted Chicken


1 whole chicken (I like the big ones)

1 whole lemon

basil pesto--1/2 cup

chopped garlic--about 1 T.'

olive oil

black pepper



Heat the oven to 425. Rinse the chicken and pat dry with paper towel. Squeeze half the lemon into a bowl with about 1/2 cup of pesto, then add garlic, pepper and salt. Mix. Slice the remaining 1/2 lemon into thin slices and set aside.


Place the chicken into a roasting pan that has been sprayed with Pam. At the cavity end, lift the skin away from the breast meat with your hand, continuing to separate the skin from the meat all the way up to the neck, and also reaching in and around the drumsticks as much as possible. Try to not break the skin. A little of that will likely happen but just try to not force the skin too much.


Take little handfuls of the pesto mixture and pack it in under the skin, spreading it around as you go. You can get your whole hand under the skin so this goes pretty fast. After you've put all of the pesto mixture under the skin (including the drumstick area), place the slices of lemon under the skin as well..about 2 on each breast side. Spread a little bit of olive oil over the outside of the bird with the palm of your hand, then sprinkle the outside with some coarse salt and cracked pepper.


Roast at the high temp of 425 for about 15-20 minutes, then drop the temp to 350. It is done when a meat thermometer reads 155 and the juices run clear when the meat is pierced with a fork. Baking time depends on the size of the chicken but on average it will take about an hour at 350.

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Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad serves 4


2-3 chicken breast halves (boneless, skinless)

Cajun or blackened seasoning

1/4 cup brown sugar or less


Romaine lettuce torn into bite-size pieces (about 1 cup of lettuce per serving or about a bag of store-bought lettuce mix)

20 cherry tomatoes, washed and cut into halves

Caesar Salad Croutons

Cheese to grate--Romano, Parmesan, or Fontinella

Creamy Caesar Dressing (recipe to follow)


Spray a deep skillet with cooking spray. Sprinkle chicken, both sides, with the seasoning (be generous with the seasoning), then sear in the skillet (high temp), turning after a crispy outer coating is formed (re-spray the pan if it needs it). Sprinkle each side with a little of the brown sugar and continue cooking and moving around to prevent sticking. After chicken is darkened, reduce heat and cook just until chicken feels firm. Remove from pan, cool, then slice each piece.


Assemble each plate, starting with salad, then chicken, dressing, croutons, and cheese.


Creamy Caesar Dressing


Blend: 1 cup low-fat mayonnaise

1tsp. worcestershire sauce

1 T. Dijon or whole-grain mustard

1/4 cup lemon juice

1 T. fish oil (Asian food aisle--tastes like anchovies, optional)

1 large clove garlic, minced


You might have leftover dressing but save it for simple salads. I love anchovies, so the fish oil is perfect as it give the taste of anchovies without the chunkage. ;) Skip if if the mention of anchovies grosses you out.

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Chicken Breasts with Cranberry Salsa....Serves about 5 with 357 cal. per serving and 4 grams fat.


I got this recipe from Woman's Day magazine and it is so delicious.


For chicken:


2 1/2 t. chili powder

1/2 t. salt

1 1/2 t. ground cumin

2 t. olive oil

5 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves




1-16 oz. can whole-berry cranberry sauce

1 cup diced jicama or apple

1/4 cup chopped cilantro

2 t. minced pickled jalapeno pepper

2 t. cider vinegar


1. Mix chili powder, cumin, and salt. Sprinkle evenly over both sides of chicken.

2. Heat oil in a large non-stick sillet. Add chicken and cook over medium heat, 6-8 min., turning once (3-4 min. per side), until the chicken is opaque in the center (JUST done and not pink)

3. Meanwhile, mix salsa ingredients in a medium bowl until blended. Spoon over each plated piece of chicken; serving the remainder at the table.

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Chicken Parmagiana

Source: local newspaper

Very delicious and moist chicken!

Serves 4-6


1/2 cup Italian seasoned fine, dry breadcrumbs

1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

3 split, boneless, skinless chicken breasts (1.5 lbs.)

2 eggs, slightly beaten

1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce

1 tsp. Itlaian Blend seasoning

1/4 t. garlic powder

2 T. olive oil

1 1/2 cups (6 oz.) mozzarella cheese, shredded (I'd use the reduced fat now)


Combine bread crumbs and Parmesan. Dip chicken in eggs, then in bread crumbs. Set aside. Combine tomato sauce and seasonings; set aside.


Heat oil in large skillet or electric fry pan. Brown chicken about 2 mintues per side, until crispy. Place chicken in a glass dish (13x9).


Place in a preheated 350 degree oven and bake for 20 minutes. Add cheese to the top and bake 5-10 minutes more.



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I need to get some things done but thought I'd chime in on the roasted chicken. I am having it for dinner to but with fresh herbs mixed with alittle soft butter and roasted garlic. If you get chickens on sale roast 2. That way you have one for dinner. The other one take the meat off the bone and freeze in individual portions for soup, casseroles, chicken pot pie, sandwiches.

I like the crockpot idea for chicken. And the fish recipes could be changed to chicken if your fam. aren't crazy for fish.

Beans, like I said I like black beans. You can make a salsa with toms, beans, cucumber, corn, red onion, peppers (hot if you like) really anything. For a base use the juice of 1 or 2 limes, a splash of olive oil & balsamic vinegar, lots of cilantro. Serve as a side dish. Make soup with whatever you like and throw some beans in. Just remember to rinse the beans if they are canned to remove excess salt.

Now I better get something done!


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Pork Tenderloin is very lean...another option besides fish and chicken.


1/2 cup chicken broth

1/4 cup white wine or water

3 T. soy sauce

1 t. grated fresh ginger or 1/4 t. ginger

Dash of 5-spice powder (Asian)

1 1/2 lb sliced pork tenderloins, trimmed of fat.

1 t. cornstarch


Combine first 5 ingredients in a large Ziplok bag. Shake to mix. Add pork, shake it around, then zip the bag closed. Let stand for 20 minutes. Remove the pork from the bag, saving the marinade.


Grill pork on medium high, for 20 minutes, turning frequently.




Under broiler, on cookie sheets lined wiht foil and sprayed with Pam, broil until pork is tender and no longer pink--4 to 6 inches below the flame for 18-22 minutes.


Sauce--combine reserved marinade with cornstarch; blend well. Cook over medium high heat, stirring constantly until bubbly and thickened. Spoon over slices of pork.

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I should add that these recipes would be fine for those practicing portion control. They are all pretty low in fat, too.


This last recipe for today is one that my sons just went nuts over. I've handed it out to freinds and their kids were the same. The meat is Italian sausage, which is NOT low-fat. I want to make this again but want to make it healthier so am going to fry the meat, then rinse it in a colander under hot water to remove fat. If anyone out there knows of another option to substitute for the Italian sausage, I'd like to hear of it. Is there another meat like turkey or beef or chicken, that is seasoned like Italian sausage? Or do you think that the fat removal method would be good enough/


Pita Sandwiches/Gyro....Awesome but you will need to eat with a fork as they are really sloppy.


3 links fresh Italian sausage--hot or mild

3 large pitas

8 oz. plain yogurt

3 garlic cloves, crushed

1 med. cucumber, peeled, de-seeded, chopped

1 medium tomato, stem removed, chopped

2-3 green onions, chopped

1/2 cup parsley, snipped


Mix yogurt and garlic, cucumber, tomato and green onions, then set aside. Squeeze sausage out of casings and stir-fry it (medium-high), breaking it up into smaller pieces. When done, drain off the fat (or rinse in a colander under very hot water).


Place the pita on plates, and spoon the meat into the pockets or just on top of the flat pita surface..dividing the meat evenly per serving. Add the cucumber, yogurt, and tomato sauce, then parsley.


Serves 3

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I need to get some things done but thought I'd chime in on the roasted chicken. I am having it for dinner to but with fresh herbs mixed with alittle soft butter and roasted garlic. If you get chickens on sale roast 2. That way you have one for dinner. The other one take the meat off the bone and freeze in individual portions for soup, casseroles, chicken pot pie, sandwiches.

I like the crockpot idea for chicken. And the fish recipes could be changed to chicken if your fam. aren't crazy for fish.

Beans, like I said I like black beans. You can make a salsa with toms, beans, cucumber, corn, red onion, peppers (hot if you like) really anything. For a base use the juice of 1 or 2 limes, a splash of olive oil & balsamic vinegar, lots of cilantro. Serve as a side dish. Make soup with whatever you like and throw some beans in. Just remember to rinse the beans if they are canned to remove excess salt.

Now I better get something done!



Hi Kelly...The original recipe for the chicken actually is fresh herbs but I've had to substitute the pesto and alter the recipe a bit. The bunnies ate all of my basil right down to the ground! Speaking of fresh herbs, have you ever tried pan-fried sage leaves? I read Under the Tuscan Sun (better than the movie) and saw the recipe for the sage and thought "huh?" I gave it a try and it is so incredibly delicious. You go out to the herb garden and pick as many sage leaves as you can...like 100, then fry them in a couple tablespoons of melted REAL butter, in a skillet. They crisp up really fast. Drain on paper towel and sprinkle with coarse salt or sea salt. I've made these for girlfriends and their husbands and they about freaked out after a couple of bites. I just go out and pick then while my company is over, then fry and drain on paper towel. I haven't done them this year and should do them soon before we get a frost. I've had requests.


I like your suggestion about subbing chicken for the fish--good idea. I make a black bean and corn salad that is so good!


Okay, I'm with you on getting something done as it's past noon and I'm still sitting here in my jammies. Shame of shames. :)

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Jammies! oh I am jealous! But I got the kitchen cleaned up & vaccuuming done. I have hardwood floors & vinyl but with a golden retriever it is easier to vaccuum than try to sweep. Also exercised this morning, load of laundry, clean the bathroom. All that's left is to make dinner. And that is after my massage app. I go once a month, I carry alot of tension through my back and shoulders so I consider this maintenance on myself.


I think you can get turkey Italian sausage. I have not tried it though. I have had chicken sausage that had herbs in it and I think asiago cheese. Those were really good with a tomatoe sauce with penne.


I will have to try the fried sage, it sounds yummy. I am thinking about trying to take my sage plant in for the winter. Maybe some chives too. I have some rosemary on the kitchen counter but I keep cutting off of it so it never gets any bigger.


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Dar, thanks for all the recipes! You did a great job explaining everything. I am someone who was never really taught how to cook. My parents owned a restaurant, so we rarely ate home cooked food, only restaurant food, so I apprecciate the patience explaining the basics! I have some questions for you:


With the parchment fish, is it a bone-in fish or do they come like that with the bones removed?


Basil pesto... it sounds like you make your own. Do you have a recipe you like or is there a particular brand you buy? I've never really looked for it in the store. Does it just come in jars?


I would never have enough time to cook a chicken in the oven. Can you roast a whole chicken in a slow cooker? I could put it on low before I leave for work in the morning.


I would also like your black bean and corn salad recipe. I've never considered eating something like this on its own. I have a bean/salsa recipe I make that is delicious, but I eat it with chips. I can't see it being good without chips!


Connie, I"m pretty sure I have to be under twenty points. I never actually did weight watchers, just took my mom's advice who was doing it. I have it written down somewhere, just not sure where, and I havn't had much time to look for it. I just have one of those point slider things at home. They do go very fast. I used over half by 9:00 already today. I realized that is part of my problem as well. I get up at 4:00, by work at 5:00, and don't usually get home until 9:00 at night. So I am wake more hours than I should be, so I have to eat more it seems.


Oh, that reminds me, Dar, do you have any of the nutritional value already calculated for the recipes you posted?


Amy, easy fish and chicken recipes would be great. I considered doing South Beach, but love carbs too much. So you are a PT? I work for an outpatient PT facility, doing front office work. Not sure how far back in the posts you have gone but I am going to school for nursing. I have noticed that around here PT's seem healthier than the general population, more in shape, eat right, and in their proper weight range. Have you noticed the same?


OK I am hitting the treadmill. Be back tomorrow! :D

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Dar-thanks for all the great recipes!! Don't feel bad, I stay in my jammies alot since I work from home, it's just so much more comfortable!


Erin-I have a recipe (I think from ww site) it is really delicious and easy. Oh shoot, I just went to find it and I can't but from what I remember you just take a whole chicken and clean it. Sprinkle it all over with seasoned salt. You roll up 4 balls of tin foil and put them in the bottom of the crock pot and sit the chicken on top of the foil. The part I can't find is how long to cook, I beleive it is 4-5 hours on high or 7-8 on low. I will keep looking, but it turned out really good.



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Dar, thanks for all the recipes! You did a great job explaining everything. I am someone who was never really taught how to cook. My parents owned a restaurant, so we rarely ate home cooked food, only restaurant food, so I apprecciate the patience explaining the basics! I have some questions for you:


With the parchment fish, is it a bone-in fish or do they come like that with the bones removed?


Hi Erin...I can't stand picking bones out so yes, it is filets but not those little filets of fish like perch, tilapia, roughy, etc. I usually buy salmon at Sam's Club. Actually, the little filets would work just fine as long as they are not overlapping inside the paper.


Basil pesto... it sounds like you make your own. Do you have a recipe you like or is there a particular brand you buy? I've never really looked for it in the store. Does it just come in jars?


I've made my own before but only when I had a LOT of basil in my garden. It is a lot easier to buy it. I find it in plastic tubs....Sam's carries it. I think you can buy small jars at the grocery store, too, in the Italian food section and also in the produce section.

I would never have enough time to cook a chicken in the oven. Can you roast a whole chicken in a slow cooker? I could put it on low before I leave for work in the morning.


The only downside is that you won't get a crispy crust on the chicken. Tell us how it turns out if you try it this way, though. I want to buy a slow-cooker. Mine is those yucky colors from the 70's! :P


I would also like your black bean and corn salad recipe. I've never considered eating something like this on its own. I have a bean/salsa recipe I make that is delicious, but I eat it with chips. I can't see it being good without chips!


I'll be glad to post that when I get time and find it. Shouldn't be buried too deep in the recipe pile. Isn't that kicker about salsa? You have to have chips? I wonder which brand of tortillas is best for us? I like the baked "scoops".



Oh, that reminds me, Dar, do you have any of the nutritional value already calculated for the recipes you posted?


Sorry...most of those recipes were hand-copied into my cookbook so the originals have gone bye-bye = no nutritional info. I just go by the recipe ingredients to know whether it is low-fat, lower-cal or not. I don't like counting calories and all of that...only on occasion to see where I'm at.



Erin...My first cooking experience was with an Easy Bake. I baked the frosting and frosted with the cake mix! :D Not kidding. I wanted to cook in my teens but my mom liked a spotless kitchen and didn't allow me in there too much. I was in hog heaven when she had to go to the hospital for a hemmoroid-ectomy (age 15/16)--I made Baked Alaska! Poor mom! Growing up, we ate mostly the same stuff over and over--goulash, fried chicken, meat loaf, hamburgers, KFC, spaghetti, sloppy joes, Chef-boy-ardee Pizza mix! I had to teach myself.

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Yes chicken does work in the crockpot. I don't use mine as much lately so I forgot about it. When DD was little I did a chicken and she thought it looked like a turtle! So whenever we had it we called it turtle. Instead of foil balls cut up some carrots, potatoes, celery and put that on the bottom. Add a little broth or wine. It all cooks up nicely.


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There was a "recipes" thread awhile back that had a lot of easy, good things that were relatively quick. Might be worth to dig that thread up again, but not sure how to do it! Salsa, I think you posted on that one too??


The chicken...it doesn't take as long as one thinks to roast a chicken. If you have a convection overn you can do it in half the time. Another good "tool" is to buy a rotisserie for the kitchen. You can get them under 50.00 and you can cook a ton of other things in it besides a chicken.





Dar, thanks for all the recipes! You did a great job explaining everything. I am someone who was never really taught how to cook. My parents owned a restaurant, so we rarely ate home cooked food, only restaurant food, so I apprecciate the patience explaining the basics! I have some questions for you:


With the parchment fish, is it a bone-in fish or do they come like that with the bones removed?


Hi Erin...I can't stand picking bones out so yes, it is filets but not those little filets of fish like perch, tilapia, roughy, etc. I usually buy salmon at Sam's Club. Actually, the little filets would work just fine as long as they are not overlapping inside the paper.


Basil pesto... it sounds like you make your own. Do you have a recipe you like or is there a particular brand you buy? I've never really looked for it in the store. Does it just come in jars?


I've made my own before but only when I had a LOT of basil in my garden. It is a lot easier to buy it. I find it in plastic tubs....Sam's carries it. I think you can buy small jars at the grocery store, too, in the Italian food section and also in the produce section.


I would never have enough time to cook a chicken in the oven. Can you roast a whole chicken in a slow cooker? I could put it on low before I leave for work in the morning.


The only downside is that you won't get a crispy crust on the chicken. Tell us how it turns out if you try it this way, though. I want to buy a slow-cooker. Mine is those yucky colors from the 70's! :P


I would also like your black bean and corn salad recipe. I've never considered eating something like this on its own. I have a bean/salsa recipe I make that is delicious, but I eat it with chips. I can't see it being good without chips!


I'll be glad to post that when I get time and find it. Shouldn't be buried too deep in the recipe pile. Isn't that kicker about salsa? You have to have chips? I wonder which brand of tortillas is best for us? I like the baked "scoops".



Oh, that reminds me, Dar, do you have any of the nutritional value already calculated for the recipes you posted?


Sorry...most of those recipes were hand-copied into my cookbook so the originals have gone bye-bye = no nutritional info. I just go by the recipe ingredients to know whether it is low-fat, lower-cal or not. I don't like counting calories and all of that...only on occasion to see where I'm at.



Erin...My first cooking experience was with an Easy Bake. I baked the frosting and frosted with the cake mix! :D Not kidding. I wanted to cook in my teens but my mom liked a spotless kitchen and didn't allow me in there too much. I was in hog heaven when she had to go to the hospital for a hemmoroid-ectomy (age 15/16)--I made Baked Alaska! Poor mom! Growing up, we ate mostly the same stuff over and over--goulash, fried chicken, meat loaf, hamburgers, KFC, spaghetti, sloppy joes, Chef-boy-ardee Pizza mix! I had to teach myself.

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Should have clarified the PT.. Part Time Student. Working on an MPA (Masters in Public Administration- Non Profit Management) and I work full time running an after-school center during the school year and summer camp from June-August.


Here a just a couple EASY & QUICK recipes....



(total time 17 minutes)

2 salmon fillets

1 cup balsamic vinegar

2 tsp extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp lemon juice

salt & pepper to taste


Heat over to '450. Season salmon with s&p, place in ovenproof dish and bake until opaque 10 to 12 minutes

While fish is cooking, place balsamic vinegar is small saucepan. Cook over med-high heat 8-10 minutes, stirring frequently.

Remove from heat, whisk in oil & lemon juice, season with s & p.

Place salmon on serving plates & drizzle with glaze.


We make this with Stuffed Baked Tomatoes:



2 beefsteak tomatoes, halved lengthwise

3 oz shredded part skim mozzarella cheese

1/4 c chopped fresh basil (I sub dried basil most of the time)

2 T reduced fat Parmesan cheese

1 garlic clove, minced

Salt & pepper


Heat oven to '400

Scoop out inside of tomatoes and chop.

Combine chopped tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, Parmesan, garlic, S & P.

Place tomatoes, cut side up, on baking sheet. Spoon in tomato mixture and bake until cheese is melted and lightly browned, about 10 minutes.


This makes such a pretty and yummy meal. The first 2 weeks of South Beach are rough without ANY carbs, but after that you can add in brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, etc. My favorite food in the world is mac & cheese so I know the carb crave all too well.... but you adjust the first two weeks really let you see how good a meal can be without any starches. The tomatoes are so good, and kind of reminds you of an Italian pasta, without actually eating it!


One more EASY fish (I have brought leftovers of this one to work, and people not one any type of diet have taken the recipe and made it at home for their families).



1 tsp dried thyme

1/8 tsp cayenne pepper (I have subbed red pepper flakes)

2 tilapia* fillets

1/4 c reduced fat mayo

1 1/2 tsp lemon juice

1 garlic clove, minced

S & P

*can also use catfish


Heat oven to '400. MIx thyme & pepper and rub onto both sides of fish. Add S & P to taste. Lightly coat baking dish with cooking cpray, bake fish until opaque, about 14 minutes.

Which fish is baking, combine mayo, lemon juice, and garlic to make aioli. Serve fish hot with aioli generously spread ontop.


OK, now I should actually plan dinner for tonight. I wish I knew that there would be great recipes on here today, I would have picked up a chicken on the way home:p


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Update...lost another pound!!! 174 this a.m. I FEEL different. My undies are getting sloppy. Pray that they don't drop off somwhere like the bank or the grocery store. :D


Funny. I was once walking to the bus stop and my slip feel. I just stepped out of it and picked it up put it in my purse and kept walking like it never happened.


Another lb:D:D:D. Did I miss reading one of your post where you have a solution to help get the weight off. Please share again if I missed it.


Ok today I said I would start getting serious again about my weight loss and I did pretty good with exercising and eating until I came home from a meeting. DH went out an brought fried chicken, onion rings and biscuits. Now I feel guilty:eek::eek:. I won't eat anything else tonight and be very careful tomorrow.



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Here's a recipe from WW: Slow Cooker Chicken Burirtos and have 3 pts/serving

  • 1 medium garlic clove(s), minced
  • 1 small red onion(s), chopped
  • 14 1/2 oz canned diced tomatoes, with chiles
  • 15 oz canned kidney beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1/2 tsp chili powder
  • 1/2 tsp table salt
  • 1/4 tsp dried oregano, crushed
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken thigh(s), cut into bite-size pieces
  • 3/4 cup canned chicken broth
  • 12 medium whole wheat tortilla(s), about 7-inches in diameter each
  • 3/4 cup shredded reduced-fat Mexican-style cheese



  • Place garlic, onion, tomatoes, beans, chili powder, salt, oregano and pepper in a 3-quart slow cooker; stir well. Add chicken and broth. Cover and cook on low setting for 5 hours; drain off liquid (there should be about 6 cups of burrito mixture).
  • To serve, spoon about 1/2 cup of burrito mixture down center of each tortilla; top with 1 tablespoon of cheese. Fold bottom 1/3 of tortilla to center. Fold left side to center; fold right side to center, covering filling. Repeat with remaining ingredients. Yields 1 burrito per serving.

Let me know your age, height and weight and I will let you know how many pts you need per day.



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Wow, everyone! Great recipes. I love baked tomatoes...usually I slice them, sprinkle with coarse salt, pepper, and Parmesan, then broil. That recipe looks great...same with the others like the burritos. I LOVE aioli...I've made a homemade chipotle aioli and have had a lemon recipe for years. One of my favorite meals was something that Friday's used to serve--steamed veggies with lemon aioli and also broiled Parmesan tomatoes on the plate. Delicious! I'm going to have to try the aioli on fish.


Mommy...After getting back from the weekend getaway, I posted about an old plan that I used back in '83 and lost 15 lbs. in a month. After a couple of days, I try to mix things around a little and am not super rigid but the general outline is like this....


Breakfast: an egg (boiled, fried in Pam, or scrambled, with or without tabasco sauce)

2 pieces light wheat toast or one regular toast with IBNB Spray

a whole orange

hot tea or coffee or Swiss Miss Cocoa (I bought the 25 calorie)

Snack: more hot tea or coffee (kills the cravings)

Lunch: 1 oz. cheese (sharp cheddar is my pref.)...about 110 calories worth (you can sub low-fat cottage cheese or low-fat yogurt here),


1 1/2 cups of soup...but I've cut back to 1 cup because 1.5 makes me feel too full (the homemade Mexican Bean or Italian Bean are great...214 calories per serving for the Mexican 1.5 cups and it has 20 grams of protein)


Sugar-free Jello with matchstick apple pieces (4 apples per 8 serving box)


Snack: If I didn't have cocoa in the morning, then I have it here.

Dinner: More soup...another flavor...I cut back here too from 1.5 to 1 cup

1 cup pineapple (fresh or packed in its own juice) or green grapes

Dessert: 1 serving pumpkin "pie" with light whipped cream (just a squirt...2 T. worth is only 15 calories)


Snack before bedtime: 8 oz. 2% milk (8 grams protein and 120 calories)


That's a general outline of what I'm doing for now. I go with the lighter chicken and spinach and veggie soup, without beans for dinner if I had the bean soup for lunch. This whole menu has been very filling and you go to bed thinking that you could not possibly lose weight because you feel too full, then wake up to a surprise on the scale.


I really think that if you go to the store and just buy some pre-made healthy soups with lots of protein and low in fat, you will get the same effect. I have recipes though, for the homemade if anyone wants them so feel free to ask. These are all foods that I really like so that makes it easier for me. If you hate pumpkin, then maybe you can find another dessert. I chose it because of the Vitamin A in the orange/yellow veggie category. I chose spinach and chicken as the basic soup recipe for the protein and the "leafy green" veggie which I rarely eat. The prep time is really easy for the desserts and the other items like cheese and cottage cheese and yogurt have zero prep time. I'll also add in a can of V-8 for a snack.


If anyone else tries this with me (hint-hint Mommy ;), I'm really dying to know if other people would lose weight right away, too. Even if you just tried it for two or three days. I've had a couple of days where I ate Pringles light and another where I skipped lunch, and one morning where I had Raisin Bran instead of an egg, etc. so I am not doing this perfectly but pretty close to the plan. Today was off for dinner because of company...roasted chicken, wheat baguette, smashed potatoes, fresh fruit, cooked carrots. I didn't overeat but this was definitely not a soup day and I don't expect to lose anything from my eating today. So tomorrow and Friday I will stick to it exactly and see if the scales show anything on Saturday.


Now I need everyone to chant for me..."Fifteen! Fifteen! Fifteen!" :)

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We are on a posting frenzy! I can hardly keep up!


Dar, You are so close to 15, you can do it!


Thanks for all the help everyone! Ruth, the recipe I made last night, "slow cooked chix taco soup" was almost exactly like what you posted, but with more broth, a can of black beans, an extra can of tomatos, and a can of tomoato sauce. Omit the cheese and the tortillas. It was really yummy. I had two bowls and was stuffed! I calculated all the ingredients I used and ate about 8 WW pts worth.


So here is my total for yesterday:

Blueberry bagel (6 pts)

1/2 healthy choice steamers meal (3 pts)

sugar free jellow (0)

1 TB PB (Thanks Kelly!) (2 pts)

carrots (0)

I RAN HALF A MILE YESTERDAY!! :D For that I can deduct 4 activity points!

tea with honey (1 pt)

Chicken taco soup (8 pts)

salad (0)

SF pudding (1 pt)

SF jello (0)

TOTAL = 17 Points! What a difference from Tuesday!


When I was eating the plain peanut butter yesterday I was reminded of my time in Denmark. My first year there they prepared our food for as as part of the cost of tuition, and it was absolutely disgusting. Even the Danes thought so. So I brought a jar of JIF from the states (they don't eat PB much over there!) and had to have that 1 jar last me a whole semester. So when I was just starving, I'd have a spoon full of peanut butter and imagined myself eating a huge meal! And it worked! I had completely forgotten about that!


I will definately try a roasted chicken in the slow cooker with veggies underneath. Thanks for the tip!


Ruth, I am 26, 5'8", and weigh about 183. Thanks!


Amy, sorry about the confusion! My fault! They changed the graduation requirements for P.T's so alot of them I work with are going back to school, so I just assumed. I went up to Wisconsin a couple months ago camping with my family, and my mom mentioned something about trying to find a DNR guy (dept of natural resources I think) and I looked at her real funny and said, "Do Not Resuscitate!?!?" She got a good laugh out of that one. :o


I also have a WW recipe that I will post. I don't know the real name of it, we always called it "David's favorite kind of chicken" growing up because it was my brother's fave. I think it's made with diet pepsi. It is really yummy and I just asked my mom to email me the recipe. I will post it when I get it.


Connie, I'm really looking forward to hearing how you do on your workouts coming up! I've been doing it by time so far, but realized yesterday that at 5 minutes I was pretty close to reaching 1/2 a mile so I went for it! I was SO excited! I've started listening to music while I workout as well, and that seems to make it easier. I've also noticed that it is not so hard cardiovascularly, but I feel it more in my calves. That helps me get through the time. I'm amazed though. I can jog 5 minutes and not feel as worn out as when I jogged 1 minute a couple weeks ago. :) It encourages me to know that you are a couple weeks ahead of me and you are doing it!


Gladys, don't you hate it when the hubby sabotages your diet? I'm sure you will make up for it today! ;)


Did I get to everyone?

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Good Mornine everyone! I don't know what my problem is but I am not doing so good latey, I did good all day yesterday, then I went out to dinner with my parents, that wasn't bad, I had a chicken sandwich and it came with fries but I only ate 6 of them but later in the evening I was craving popcorn so bad and I caved. Oh well, today is another day. I am determined to stay on program today!!!! At lease I am doing great with my excercise program.


Erin-I have been doing it by time also. I just hope I survive the 20 minute run tomorrow:rolleyes:


I will try and dig out some of my ww recipes. I am trying one tonight I found on the ww site the other days, it is for chicken tenders.

It says to dip strips of chicken in a mix of egg whites and franks hot sauce, then roll in cornflake crumbs. Spray a cookie sheet with pam and bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes. I'll let you know.



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Erin: For your age, height and weight, WW recommends 25 pts/day +35 extra weekly pts. I don't know your activity level on a routine day but I did not add any pts if you stand most of the day (2 pt) or if you are walking all day (4 pts). When you trun 27, you will lose a point and you also lose a pt for every 10 lbs. When you hit 179, you would go down to 24 pts...


Hope this helps...


I took my measurements this morning and will track how many inches I lose by losing lbs and all the workouts I am doing. I will report back next month with the results.


Gotta run!

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Hi all:


I think I made up a bit yesterday for the all the bad at dinner on Tuesday.


Bfast: Fiber 1 cereal

Lunch: 3 hardboiled eggs, fresh fruit

Snack: Low fat cheese cubes

Dinner: Shrimp stirfry with brown rice

Dessert: SF/FF pudding


Also, I was at the gym again yesterday:

20 minute treadmill warmup

10 extra minutes treadmill to hit 2 miles

5 minutes stairmaster (first time ever... that this is tough)

10 minutes arm weights

100 crunches


Today is a rough day though because I am at work, then I head to school for 6 straight hours and do not get home till almost 10pm :-(


Erin: I tend to do my workouts by time, but it is always great to push yourself when you see how close you are to a certain "mile marker." It tends to really motivate me since I know I can do it and will push to hit the same goal the next time.


WIsh me luck on my super long day:confused:

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