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I think it depends on which study you look at. A lot of people say a pound is 3500 calories..if you do x amount of exercise and eat x amount of calories you will lose x amount of weight.


I personally disagree with that logic.


I am a firm believer in nutrion partitioning using macronutrients. Take the junk food/health food thesis you had. Here is my reasoning for why you will lose more weight eating 1200 calories of fibrous vegetables instead of 1200 calories in hamburgers and fries.


When you eat food your body goes through a complex series of chemical reactions. Without getting too specific, weight loss boils down to keeping your insulin levels supressed as much as you can. That doesnt mean go hypoglycemic or anything, but what it does mean is that when your insulin spikes, your body CANNOT burn fat.


If you eat your veggies and lean meats, your insulin stays low and steady. Your body, after digesting the food, when looking for energy stores to use will have to resort to eating into your stored glycogen, then fat stores.


If you eat the junk food, your insulin will spike from the refined sugar and high starch with the food. Since your eating this 1200 calories of junk all day, it constantly keeps your blood sugar high.


Will you lose weight..sure, but as efficiently? No.


Junk food has its place in our diets...but not eating it all day every day.

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I am glad that I understand.


"I'd hate to consistently cut back and find that my body got used to a super low-cal plan only to make me pay the consequences later. I'd hate to condition my body to pack on every extra calorie when I do have a great meal on occasion."


That statement is the key! Because we are going to want extras now and then.


Then comes this "that I am fully capable of going right back to my plan after enjoying the meal."


Now you have the knowledge to not only lose the weight but to keep it off! YEAH!!


I enjoy these threads to. We should do a group "lose before you cruise" cruise. It would be fun to get to meet everyone we talk to on this board.



Kelly...I feel like I keep learning so much here. Just reading your menu posts really encouraged me. I connected with the foods that you enjoy and when I realized there was someone who was able to control themselves and maintain their weight, and still have that stuff, I was amazed and encouraged. For me, it would be unrealistic to think that I'd never enjoy some things again. I have the world's best chocolate cake recipe (Kahlua cake) and a creamy cheesy dish called Chicken Enchiladas (a favorite in our family since 1977!) and so many other things in my collection. I prefer moderation as a guideline and I just want to learn how to eat those things when I get to a maintenance level. For now, those occasional bites or meals are helping me to see this as a long-term way-of-life circumstance. My mindset is so much different this fall, than it was this spring and its a very good thing.

Loser Cruise.....Wouldn't that be the coolest thing ever? I've also wondered why there aren't any cruise ships on Lake Michigan. Just the cruising itself would be great, then there are the great harbors, Chicago on the south end, etc. Maybe some cruise line will see my post and take the idea. Think of all of the airfare we could save!

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I think it depends on which study you look at. A lot of people say a pound is 3500 calories..if you do x amount of exercise and eat x amount of calories you will lose x amount of weight.

I personally disagree with that logic.


I used to sit with a calculator and think I had it all figured out, but something was missing. It has never worked for me with just the numbers as a guideline.

I am a firm believer in nutrion partitioning using macronutrients. Take the junk food/health food thesis you had. Here is my reasoning for why you will lose more weight eating 1200 calories of fibrous vegetables instead of 1200 calories in hamburgers and fries.


When you eat food your body goes through a complex series of chemical reactions. Without getting too specific, weight loss boils down to keeping your insulin levels supressed as much as you can. That doesnt mean go hypoglycemic or anything, but what it does mean is that when your insulin spikes, your body CANNOT burn fat.


I didn't realize that about the insulin levels, but it makes good sense.


If you eat your veggies and lean meats, your insulin stays low and steady. Your body, after digesting the food, when looking for energy stores to use will have to resort to eating into your stored glycogen, then fat stores.


If you eat the junk food, your insulin will spike from the refined sugar and high starch with the food. Since your eating this 1200 calories of junk all day, it constantly keeps your blood sugar high.


So this adds more info to my discussion about a serving of ice cream or something sugary versus an equal caloric portion of a bulky high fiber food. I knew that the ice cream sugars and fats went straight to the bloodstream without much effort required for digestion, but the sugar/insulin factor also would have a fat-loss effect.


Will you lose weight..sure, but as efficiently? No.


Junk food has its place in our diets...but not eating it all day every day.


I have such a weakness for junk, obviously. Right now I'm dreaming of Doritos! I brought this same topic up with my son and husband and got similar feedback. They both brought up the calorie distribution, too....frequent meals versus one large meal, even though both ways could equal the same calories. The frequent meals would speed up weight loss. I noticed that you break up your meals...the rice, tilapia, veggies. The distribution of your meals would have to have an effect on insulin levels. I definitely feel that I am eating a lot more, and higher quality of food this month, yet am losing more steadily. I'm being a guinea pig and am really wondering how long I can continue seeing a steady loss. I have always had plateau problems and usually have given up on any plan by now due to the discouragement. If I can learn what is at the root of the plateau problems, or how to be patient and ride them out when I have to, I'll have already won the battle.

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Check out my new ticker! Yep, that's right, DH said YES!!!!!


Do you think I can lose 12-15 pounds by then? I would love to be in the 160's. I am SO excited! I got such a crazy good deal too. Only had to pay $259 for the two of us plus we get $50 OBC. I checked the prices this morning and they have already gone up $20 per person! :D


Dar, That is so exciting for you for your 15 pounds!! I think I might try your soups!


I am so excited! I can't believe he said YES!! He just made me promise him that after this I would not ask him for any more cruises. :eek: Oh well. This is definately it for awhile. Except of course of we "losers" take a cruise together! ;)

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greatlakescruising.com They are not cheap though, but I think it would be fun and interesting to cruise the Great Lakes. A fall trip would be so pretty! I saw the Niagara Prince while it was docked at Mackinaw Island. They aren't very big ships compared to what we think of as a cruise ship.


Erin, congrats on the cruise! I sometimes wish we lived closer to a port. I say sometimes because DH would move but I am not sure I could live where it is so humid. And I I'd miss snow, I think it is so pretty!


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YEAH ERIN!!!! Now you really have the motivation and I am sure you can do it.


I have cruised out of NY before, which is so amazing (price wise and the amazing views of the statue of liberty when you leave port) but unfortunately I am a warm weather lover so it really limits when I cruise from here.


My GREAT news for the day is: I dropped under 160!!!!!! FINALLY, it's been a full month of slowly dropping from 165, to 164, 162, 161..... 159.6!!!!!!


SW: 165.5

CW: 159.6

GW: 140


The South Beach diet really embodies your discussion on sugars/starch intake. The whole concept is to train your body how to metabolize the right foods (proteins, veggies etc) in the first to weeks, and then when you enter phase 2 and you reintroduce whole grain starches your body doesn't need as much of them. I once saw something on TV about how you should divide your plate for a balanced meal: 3/4 protein and veggies, 1/4 starch.


OK I am off to the gym, I was getting so down on myself but that stupid .4lbs under 160 has pumped me up again!!!!

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Check out my new ticker! Yep, that's right, DH said YES!!!!!


Do you think I can lose 12-15 pounds by then? I would love to be in the 160's. I am SO excited! I got such a crazy good deal too. Only had to pay $259 for the two of us plus we get $50 OBC. I checked the prices this morning and they have already gone up $20 per person! :D


Dar, That is so exciting for you for your 15 pounds!! I think I might try your soups!


I am so excited! I can't believe he said YES!! He just made me promise him that after this I would not ask him for any more cruises. :eek: Oh well. This is definately it for awhile. Except of course of we "losers" take a cruise together! ;)


Yay, Erin, Yay!!! What a GREAT deal! You know, dear, if you make it a great cruise, he might be begging you for the next one. ;) ;)


You have over a month....get going girl! You can do 15 lbs. at your age and with the workout to help speed it up. Nothing like great motivation. Do whatever you need to do and we'll be here to cheer you on.


I was just going to check those cruises out, myself. I've been looking at some of the fall specials and they are really good deals at the last minute stage. I want to see if airfare is REALLY expensive or not, but I keep thinking that a 4 day to the Bahamas or Bermuda would be cool. I don't think I should spend the $ for this year but maybe for another one. Just toying with the idea and plugging in the numbers to see what it comes to.


I would be hyper-excited if I were you!!


Erin...I wanted to add that I really believe you would lose the weight fast eating the same type and quantity of food that I eat and the soups would make you feel full enough to really make you not need other junk. I've also been changing things up and finding that if I still do the soup for even just dinner, I'm still losing. Yesterday I switched out my usual egg fried in Pam and ate a bowl of frosted mini wheats with 2% milk and a glass of OJ. Most days I eat an orange now but the switch was fine for the day. I ate about a cup of yogurt instead of soup and yogurt or soup and cottage cheese. It's just what I felt like yesterday in that regard, then a family dinner was roast, veggies, fruit cut up and a little bread. If you need, I can post the menu again. I'm also finding that I LOVE the Mexican Bean soup the best and can eat that daily without getting tired of it, which is WEIRD for me. You'd be down 15...I bet you anything...as long as you stuck to it. Swap out regular bread for the light, eat the light yogurt, the light cottage cheese, etc.

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YEAH ERIN!!!! Now you really have the motivation and I am sure you can do it.


I have cruised out of NY before, which is so amazing (price wise and the amazing views of the statue of liberty when you leave port) but unfortunately I am a warm weather lover so it really limits when I cruise from here.


My GREAT news for the day is: I dropped under 160!!!!!! FINALLY, it's been a full month of slowly dropping from 165, to 164, 162, 161..... 159.6!!!!!!


SW: 165.5

CW: 159.6

GW: 140


The South Beach diet really embodies your discussion on sugars/starch intake. The whole concept is to train your body how to metabolize the right foods (proteins, veggies etc) in the first to weeks, and then when you enter phase 2 and you reintroduce whole grain starches your body doesn't need as much of them. I once saw something on TV about how you should divide your plate for a balanced meal: 3/4 protein and veggies, 1/4 starch.


OK I am off to the gym, I was getting so down on myself but that stupid .4lbs under 160 has pumped me up again!!!!


Great job, Amy, and congratulations! I understand how you feel. I was just thinking last night about how anxious I was, recently, to get under 180. Now it is 170 that I am inching toward....slowly. I weighed 173 this a.m. But I was at 167 last year at my cruise date so the point where I will be crazy happy is getting below 160. I can say that I haven't been below 160 in about 12 years. I think I was last there in 1996. I had gotten as low as 140 that year. I felt so "normal." I'm basking in your excitement today. Kudos!

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Hi all, this is off topic but it does have to do with weight.

My DD called today to tell me she is obese! She is in college and for a class she had to have her weight, height, blood pressure, body fat (with calipers) and some other things taken. Then the woman takes her to a chart and points out where she is and she is borderline obese. Now the woman could not have been looking at the girl. She is 5ft 3in and maybe weighs 100lbs! She looks like you want to feed her a burger. Then the woman tells her that "us women" carry extra in our hips!

DD needs to write a paper on her experience. She already talked to the prof. who said he would make an announcement that these are students and they can make mistakes so go with what your dr. says about your weight.

I am glad that DD does not have body issues. That could send someone into anorexia.

It gave us a laugh at least!


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Kelly-That is crazy about your DD!! You think people would use common sense before saying that to someone! I'm glad she was able to laugh it off. Many girls wouldn't be able to do that.


Amy- Congrats on reaching the land of the 150's! :)


This trip is really great motivation for me. I could have let yesterday been a bad day, but I didn't. The treadmill I use is at work, so when I was changing into my gym clothes I realized I'd forgotten my sports bra. What do you do? I am way too well endowed to not wear one, so I went home to get one. Well, at home I realized my MP3 player had frozen up and I coudn't get it to work. It took me like an hour to figure out how to restard it and I was considering just skipping the workout. But I didn't! I drove myself back to work to hit the treadmill. It felt great! And I ate well the entire day! I'm really hoping I see 179 by Monday.


OK, here is "David's favorite kind of chicken" or "Pepsi Chicken"


Chicken - 6 or 7 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

1/2 cup ketsup

1/2 dehydrated onions

1 can diet pepsi or coke

garlic powder (or salt) like a teaspoon or to taste I don't measuer I just shake the container a couple of times over the pot.

oregano - same as above


Mix everything but the chicken in the pot and then add the chicken. Cover and bring it to a boil, reduced heat and cook for 20 minutes and then uncover and cook until thickened.


Boy that sounds really wierd, but I remember it tasted good! I'm going to try it this weekend, maybe tonight. I havn't had it in several years. If anyone else tries it let me know what you think!

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HI Everyone,


Erin-that is great about the cruise!!!!! It definately is motivation.


Amy-Way to go!! That is great, I am like Dar, inching towards being in the 160's, it sure seems to be taking long.


Dar-that choclate Kahulua cake sounds great, I love Kaluha, any chance I can get the recipe sometime? Of course I won't make it anytime soon with 2 cruises coming up within 2 months, but like you said you have to splurge once in awhile.


Well, off to do some cleaning. Have a great weekend.


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Thanks for all the KUDOS... the venture into 159 set me on a roll yesterday:


I was off from work so my day looked liked this:


1 cup Fiber1 cereal


1 1/2 HOURS AT THE GYM (50 minutes cardio, 40 weight training)!!!!


1 cup FF cottage cheese w/pineapple

3 slices LF provolone cheese


Steamed shrimp & scallops with Chinese vegetables and brown rice


SF/FF pudding


I am def feeling a bit sore from the workout but happy I did it!!!


Erin: I hear you on the sports bra issue.... I tend to keep a gym bag with extra, crappy gym clothes in my car, just in case I forget anything or go unexpectedly.

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Hi all, this is off topic but it does have to do with weight.

My DD called today to tell me she is obese! She is in college and for a class she had to have her weight, height, blood pressure, body fat (with calipers) and some other things taken. Then the woman takes her to a chart and points out where she is and she is borderline obese. Now the woman could not have been looking at the girl. She is 5ft 3in and maybe weighs 100lbs! She looks like you want to feed her a burger. Then the woman tells her that "us women" carry extra in our hips!

DD needs to write a paper on her experience. She already talked to the prof. who said he would make an announcement that these are students and they can make mistakes so go with what your dr. says about your weight.

I am glad that DD does not have body issues. That could send someone into anorexia.

It gave us a laugh at least!



I wonder if that lady was trying to psyche your daughter out??? That is nutso. Like Erin said, it's great that your daughter has a sense of humor. That tells me that she is grounded, meaning her feet are firmly planted on some solid ground. People will surely do and say some crazy things, won't they? What would even make it funnier is if the lady who said it has a booty the size of Kansas.

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HI Everyone,


Erin-that is great about the cruise!!!!! It definately is motivation.


Amy-Way to go!! That is great, I am like Dar, inching towards being in the 160's, it sure seems to be taking long.


Dar-that choclate Kahulua cake sounds great, I love Kaluha, any chance I can get the recipe sometime? Of course I won't make it anytime soon with 2 cruises coming up within 2 months, but like you said you have to splurge once in awhile.


Well, off to do some cleaning. Have a great weekend.




Hi Connie,


I'm glad you said that you'll wait until after the cruises. I'd feel very GUILTY if I gave you this cake and it became your downfall. This cake is wickedly evilly dastardly good. I used to be part of a forum of cooks and one of my fellow cooks from California gave me the recipe. I also have two home-made kahlua recipes...much cheaper. I did a taste test and the fast recipe is good but the "slow" recipe takes a couple of weeks for the spices to blend in and it is REALLY good. I use the fast recipe in the cake and the slow recipe for sipping or coffee. If you need a kahlua recipe, just holler.


Kahlua Cake


Pillsbury (or Betty Crocker) dark chocolate fudge cake mix (pudding-in-the-mix kind)

2 eggs

1/2 cup Kalhlua (or other coffee liqueur)

1/4 cup oil

1 pint (2 cups) sour cream

12 oz. chocolate chips--(we use the dark chocolate Ghiradelli because they are chunkier and really good)


Beat well, and add the chips. Pour into greased Bundt pan. Bake at 350 for 40-50 minutes, testing with a skewer (if it comes out clean, except for melty chocolate chips, it's done.)


Cool in the pan, on a rack, then turn cake out onto a serving plate and sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar.


Note: For parties or special dinners, I buy edible flowers at the grocery store, orchids?, (they're fuschia and white colored and look really exotic) and put them on the plate on one side of the whole cake. At serving time, I drizzle some raspberry or chocolate syrup onto the plate, in zig-zags or swirls, then place a piece of cake on top of the swirl. You can buy raspberry jam and thin it out with water to get it to a nice syruppy consistency if you can't find raspberry syrup. On top of each piece, I squeeze whipped cream into a big "dollop" (or use canned) then poke one of those fancy chocolate spirals or leaves (from the baking aisle) into each dollop, then shave a little extra chocolate on top (chips or bar). It sounds like a lot of fuss but it is easy and is so worth it.

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Hello Everyone


We had a great anniversary. DH brought me flowers and 2 great outfits from my favorite boutique. I was not sure what to give him; however we all know that I would have loved to give him a cruise but the cost of the airline was so high. His mother is over 90 years old and he has not seen her for awhile so I gave him an all expense trip paid to NC to see him mother and off course DD and I are with him. He is so happy. The majority of his family lives here. I was being so attentive to him that this is my first opportunity to post and I had to get up at 5am to do this.


Erin - Ohhhhhh my a cruise. Congrats. I was just telling DH that if we lived in Fl we would cruise at least once a month taking those 3 day cruises. As far as loosing all that weight before you leave, may 10lbs because that is a safe weight loss plan, 2 lbs a week.


Connie - your work outs are very impressive. Please remember muscles weigh more than fat and with your great work outs you are sure to pick up some muscles so your weight loss may be more than you think because you are loosing fat and gaining muscles. Yaaaaah. A firm tight body is what I would love to have but unfortunately I can not go back to my 20s.


Amy - I am so jealous, you have made it into your 150s, that is my goal. I am so proud of you. You are my idol;):)


Kelly - You are a person after my heart. I totally agree that having a good meal while on a weight loss program is the way to go and the way to stay on your weight loss program. It is also a way to maintain your weight loss one you have reached your goal. We never want to feel as though we are deprived. To never be able to eat certain foods we love because of our weight loss plan. To deny leads to the path of failure. I like the way you think. Your DD has her mothers wisdom I see. Her knowledge is her part of her power. Obese at 100 lbs, that is a funny joke;).


Dar - Wow the 15lb mark, congrats. A lake cruise to nowhere sound great to me. When we get home today I am going to apply your fish recipe to chicken breast. Where did you learn to cook so well and your cake recipe, yum yum yummy.


I am not sure what I am going to weigh on Monday but I am ok with it because I will go right back to my weight loss plan and go back more determine. I am so proud of all of you and it would be so great if we could meet someday on a cruise. With the gas prices dropping and people cutting back on cruising because of the economy maybe some really good deals will pop up and we can all go.


Just wanted everyone to know that I am now a size 10. I started off wearing a 12 and my clothes DH purchased are size 10. I am still a size 12 in pants, where I use to be a 14; however yesterday I purchased a pair of stretch jeans size 10:D.


Because all of you mean so much to me, I will share with you something my DH told me to encourage me to always go forth and to reach for and believe I can have what I set my heart out to acheive

"Reach for the moon and even if you miss, you are still amoung the stars". Let us keep reaching for our goals in life, no matter what they are and lets keep supporting others as we receive support. Our goal is the moon, but each one of us make up the stars. You are all stars in my eyes and I am blessed to have all of you as a part of my life.



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Hey Gladys....


You definitely have the gift of encouragment! I didn't do as well as I would have liked this weekend. Mostly my problem was extra salt. I did eat fries last night. :mad: My fault for waiting until I was famished to eat...at 11 p.m. I feel so swollen today. My foot is killing me....very swollen and puffy and hard to walk on. I need to give it a rest for a while. Like the knee, it will heal if I give it a chance. I just like to be so darn busy! I hate to admit it but I think I have to give up dancing for a while. Grrrrrr.


Cooking....I watched my grandma and MIL but didn't learn from them. Practice makes perfect, I guess. I brag about my cooking and people laugh, smile, then agree! ;) I'm always on a quest for the "best of" kind of recipes. I have the best pie crust recipe, and that cake--ooooh!, and if its not those things it something else. I love to crack recipes from restaurants! If anyone would like the recipe for Red Lobster cheese biscuits, just holler! They are awesome!


This weekend, I'm going to have a chili party. I made up my own chili recipe and it has about 40 ingredients in it! Crazy, I know, but people really like it. I have to make 2 or more gallons of chili to feed at least 40 people! Oh, oh...what did I start? I can't wait, actually, because I'm going to have several late teen/20 somethings in my kitchen all Saturday afternoon, cutting and chopping. That's my absolute favorite thing to do, I think. This is going to be my last big cooking event until Thanksgiving.


In spite of the foot and the water weight issue this weekend, I've had a good day. I got to talk to a young friend who needed a friend and it was "fruitful" ;) so it was a happy kind of tearfully, joyful morning. I took my grandkids to the movies on Saturday, brought Special K protein water and a 90 calorie cereal bar thing-a-ma-bob and was able to keep my face out of the popcorn bucket. We saw Beverly Hills Chihuahuas! OMG...there was a cruise port and a cruise ship in the harbor on one scene--it looked like Cozumel to me! I almost hyper-ventilated. By the way, I loved the movie, and I usually don't love those kiddie movies but do it for them. I laughed out loud during this one. Very cute and "clean" for families too!


I just love you guys! You're the best. Hope everyone is present and accounted for on Monday morning, good or bad news. I'm nervous about weighing in tomorrow. I was up TWO POUNDS this morning! :eek:



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Good Morning Everyone!


SW: 184

CW: Sunday=179.5; Monday=181.0

GW: 154


Well, I said I wanted to see the 170's, and Sunday I did! Yay!! DH and I had one restaurant giftcard to use up yet, so we went to Chili's yesterday. I chose the soup and salad deal to try to avoid a calorie killer, but chips/salsa came with it, and all that salt stayed with me this morning. That's OK though. It has taken me so long to see any consistent difference in the scale, so if my high weight is now 181, that is OK!


This week I am kicking up the intensity on the workouts, from 3 days a week to 5 days a week and adding strength training. I think once I build up the muscle in my legs it will make the running easier too. Plus, I want to be able to climb the rock-climbing wall on the ship! :D


More good news on our trip too: I mentioned what a great deal we got to another couple we are friends with, and they were so excited they booked right then! They have never cruised before but have wanted to for a long time, so they are really adding to my excitement! I am very glad I live in Florida to take advantage of these great deals. You know, I didn't really like Florida all that much until I discovered cruising! Now I could live here forever! :o


I really love this board. You guys are great! Gladys, I love that "reach for the moon" quote. I think I may have given up on my diet if it weren't for all the encouragement on here. THANKYOU!

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Dar-thanks for the cake recipe, I looks awesome and easy!!!! If you don't mind I would like to have the kahlua recipes, your right, Kaluah can get expensive. I might make the cake for Thanksgiving, my brother in law is making the pies.


WE had a busy weekend, about 30 family members came over on Saturday and I did a taco buffet, it turned out great and was really easy! Last night we went to a wedding, my manger got married. It was alot of fun, Iwas good and didn't eat any rolls or cake! (I did have wine) and I danced quite a bit.



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Connie...I"ll dig up those kahlua recipes this week and post them.


Erin....Great attitude about the water retention. Our cells are like sponges and really do suck it up!


Before I post my weight info, I wanted to bring up the water topic. I learned some things that might be useful to someone else. We live on 5 acres and have our own well. Our water tastes great but it does have a lot of calcium in it. I've had it tested and it is good quality water and I've read that the minerals can be good for you but the hard water is a pain for cleaning as it leaves deposits on showers, tubs, etc. We had a water softener installed a couple of years ago. My husband commented on how much salt we had to use because our water is so hard....bag after bag. I don't like the taste of the salted water either. I began to notice that I could feel my pulse in my neck and could count my own heartbeats. I also noticed on a machine at Sam's Club, my BP was WAY up for me. I started to wonder if the softener was a contributor (not to mention weight); so I asked my BIL, who owns the softener business. He said, "Nah!" But I've been checking this topic out online and found that it DOES affect you, if you have BP issues or heart issues. The American Heart Association has placed the maximum sodium level at 20 mg. per liter and say that you need to check your softener for rate of delivery. They also say that you should not make your infant formula using softened water for the same reasons. So my BIL was wrong.


As a test before I learned those facts, I asked my husband to fill our huge IGLOO with well water and ice. We try to keep it filled and drink that water. I began to notice, after drinking well water for a week or two, that my BP was dropping and I would no longer feel my pulse in my neck, while resting. Our Igloo had been empty recently, and I noticed the water retention issue all over again...the swelling, the pulse...and would guess that my BP is up, too. I can even feel it just sitting here at the keyboard. I don't know if this would apply with any of you, but thought I'd pass the info on as water retention affects most of us who are trying to lose weight and also at our ages, our BP has begun to be a concern (for us mid-lifers).


I know most people drink "city" water, as we call it. I am getting a new sink and faucet set and we were going to install a second faucet for well water, bypassing our softener. I did a lot of googling, yesterday, and found that some people, rather than installing a second faucet, simply have a line from the well to the cold water tap in the kitchen, bypassing the softener altogether. That made sense to me. I can cook with the well water, drink it, make my coffee and tea with it, very easily and only need one kitchen faucet set. I am SO THRILLED with this discovery and we hope to get this project done this month. My hubby is pretty handy and will do it himself. Water is good and I am always so hesitant to drink it due to the sodium from the softener; so this will be so good for all of our health.


Today's weight data:


SW: 188

LW: 174

CW: 175

GW: 125-135


I was down to 173 on Thursday but am up 2, as you can see. Hopefully this will be off again in a day or two. I really hate water retention. It's a bubble-buster!!


Funny: My daughter loves to tease and I tease back. She was just squeezing my arm and said, "Mom, your arms are a lot thinner. They don't curve at the back so much now. It's good to see that you're sticking to something besides a candy bar." So I whacked her. :D

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Hello Everyone,

I am back from my vacation. Overall I did ok. We caught some fish and deep fried them. I still kept with my workouts every day. I hope you all had a successful week. Here is my weigh-in.


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 248

CW: (current weight) 244

GW: (goal weight) 199

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Hello Everyone,

I am back from my vacation. Overall I did ok. We caught some fish and deep fried them. I still kept with my workouts every day. I hope you all had a successful week. Here is my weigh-in.


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 248

CW: (current weight) 244

GW: (goal weight) 199



Hey! You're back! And 4 more pounds!!!! Woo-hoo. You're killing me.;) Scott, you lose weight like a 20 something. It has to be so encouraging!

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It just hit me that even if Tim can't post now, that he might be reading posts on occasion so......


Tim....I hope things are doing better for your wife, and for you. Health issues are just as hard, if not harder sometimes, on the supportive family member. When our loved ones hurt, we hurt. You still cross my mind whenever I visit the forum and I often wonder how things are going for both of you. You're in our thoughts and prayers!



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Quick post for now...


Unfortunately my husband's grandmother passed away at the very successful and fulfilled age of 92. This is sending us on a little unexpected trip to England (James' is British) so who knows what my week will look like.


I was an even 160 this morning... and after a weekend which included a night drinking in the city and dinner at a Mexican restaurant (Erin, those chips are killer right?!?!) I was ok with it.


Gladys, I also LOVE to moon quote and feel confident it will come in handy with some of the kids I work with one day.


I will keep in touch and let you know how I do!

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Well, the water is coming back off. Today I am 180.0! However I don't know how I'm going to manage tonight. I made plans about two months ago to go out to a delicious mexican restaurant tonight with a couple of girlfriends. They have this homemade salsa that is absolutely to die for! And the chimichanga is my favorite! I think I may splurge on the food, but just drink water, and eat light all day today and tomorrow, plus work out. What do you think?


Tim, welcome back! Glad to see you are still doing great with your weight loss.


Amy, I know! Chips with salsa and ice cream are my two biggest downfalls. I've been able to satisfy the icecream craving with SF pudding or jello, but just cannot find a good replacement for the chips/salsa. I've tried light popcorn but am just not crazy about it.


I'm kind of nervous about working out today. I havn't worked out since Thursday because I came down with a nasty cold (stuffy/runny nose doesn't make for great jogging) and today I'm supposed to be able to jog 3/4 mile, and 1 mile straight by the end of the week. Hopefully I'll be able to put mind over matter and be able to surprise myself. :o I'll let you know how it goes.


Dar, that's interesting about the well water. We are just on city water so that is pretty much what I drink and I've never had a problem with it. I only get the pulsating like you mentioned when I am on a lot of caffeine. And when I was on steroids. :eek: That was scary how high my blood pressure and pulse strength/rate got! I'd hate to have that feeling after only drinking water!

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Scott - Welcome back. Your are shrinking. Ok did you send your lbs loss over to me:confused: :)

Erin - One night out is not going to hurt your weight loss. You are a faithful excersizer. You will burn up those extra cals in one work out.


Amy - I am sorry to hear about your DHs grandmother. I send my condolences. You will be too busy with family and will most likely forget to eat. So I would not worry about your weight.

Ok now my weigh in

SW: 178.0

LW: 164.8

CW: 169.4

I gained 5.4lbs:eek: :eek:

I have to run into a business meeting. Will be back

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