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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Dar! I'm glad you figured out a way to post. you are right, the dress is absolutely beautiful!


Connie, please tell us all about your cruise when you get back!


Kelly, thankyou for always being so encouraging!


Gladys, I'm glad you are back! My cruise is the day after thanksgiving, and yes of course I am getting very excited!! I'm trying very hard to restrain my excitement though because I know it will come and go so quick. The last cruise I went on was 4 nights and it was over before I knew it.


I've been thinking about what you said, about how do we see ourselves. I am definatley not comfortable with myself. But I think alot of my frustration with my body stems from my frustration with my lack of self-control.


I watched the movie "Gandhi" yesterday (i had never seen it) and one of the special features was some quotes of his. Here is one of them:


"You will eat not to satisfy your palate but your hunger. A self-indulgent man lives to eat; a self-restrained man eats to live."


I reflected on this. I am, honestly, quite self-indulgent. It is this aspect of myself that loves cruising so much! However, self-indulgence with no self-control will lead to lack of happiness with myself. It is this lack of personal self-control that makes me frustrated with what I see in the mirror more than the actual flab itself.


So there you have it. :)

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HI All: So first an update:


SW: 165.8

LW: 160

CW: 156.6!!!

GW: 145


So I did do a week on the "Slimquick Cleanse" pills, which for someone who had some issues even with all the fiber, def made me a lot more comfortable, and I am down another inch on my waist!!!


Not sure how permanent any of it is, but if anything, getting me to see a number on the scale that was foreign to me until now is motivation enough and I am happy I did it, and may do it again right before the cruise. On the other hand, I did 4 trips to the gym this week (up from 3) and was pretty good food wise. I just hope to keep it up through the weekend, which always seems to be a weak time for me.


Erin: Remember that you do need to indulge sometimes and you can not be angry with yourself for it. I have read the original South Beach book and one chapter that always struck me was something like "Cheating Happens." Whenever you are trying for an extended period of time to lose weight, it is impossible to avoid life. A birthday party, special dinner, or just a weak moment are ok. I was having an especially hard day at work on Wednesday, and working around kids there are always temptations. But this time someone literally handed me one of my favorite sweets in the world, a giant cupcake. I took a few bites which satisfied my temptation, and then got rid of the rest. Had I skipped it, I would have ended up gorging on something else later. So remember, that once in a while, giving in is ok, and we all need to remember to be happy in life or we will never be happy with our weights.


Dar: I will experiment with posting some of my photos over the weekend, you have inspired me to be brave!


Gladys: SO happy you are back and glad you are feeling better! At the moment I am happy with myself, but there are still bits and pieces I want to change and fix... though lets see how I feel on Monday. Have you concluded how you feel?


Hope everyone has a great Friday!!!

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Busy few days ahead for me. I labored over arranging a wall of photos, a shelf loaded with mini candles, etc. until 11 last night. I'm not a decorator and it comes hard for me to do those projects but it turned out so cool! So I'm inspired and my two daughters are here to help me with some major "spring" cleaning of a couple of rooms, then we are discussing some cheap room makeover for my kitchen and dining area. I need the help because I can't be on my knee and foot for a long time. Having the daughters with me to clean and scrub will shorten the tasks. The upside is the calorie burn! I burned a copy of the song for the Cupid Shuffle so that we can take breaks, midday and dance to it for practice. Won't that be funny? Three grubby girls cleaning house, with sweat and strings of hair dangling down their faces, all doing the Cupid Shuffle? I might need my camera handy. At any rate, I won't likely be online until Monday. I love playing on the computer but my house is surely showing signs of neglect! So scrub, scrub, scrub, I go.


Friends are coming at 6 for a video, Bible study, and popcorn! Tomorrow is more scrubbing as we empty cupboards and sort through stuff...too much clutter piles up! Hope you girls have a great weekend and please somebody lose some weight for me! ;) Amy, you're doing great! And Scott, too. So we'll use you as inspiration for a while. Who knows, maybe I'll have a better weigh-in by the end of the weekend. The problem is that when I am hard at work, as I am planning, we often resort to pizza or take-out so that I can keep cleaning without stopping. Yikes. Portion control (my mantra)!


Kelly, thanks for the nice compliment. Sheesh, if you girls saw the shots that I didn't post, you'd have more of a peak at reality but I'm just not going to go there! :) I can't face total reality myself, hence the shock when I see a photo of the size of my gut and behind! I'll post the floral retro dress with the orange cardigan pics on Monday, if I have time. I have to shrink them first. The avatar that I am using was my inspiration...that is a magazine photo. So I'll post the pics of my version of that outfit. It's so dang perky!!

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Happy Friday Everyone


Dar - You are a pretty lady. You are not fat. Your pictures both of them look nice. In your blue gown all you needed was a waist sincher. I showed my DH your pictures and he agreed you are not fat. He also reminded me that most men want women with some meat on their bonds.;)


Amy- OMG, I am impressed. I will do some research on Slimquick cleanse pills. Did you have any side effects? This sounds like something I want to try.


Erin - You will have a wonderful cruise. You are so blessed to be living in Fl near some of the ports. We wanted to take a cruise for Thanksgiving but the airfares where really high, although there are lots of advertisement for low fares. I like what Gandhi said and it makes a lot of sense.


How do I feel - Today I went to the office and had lunch with a friend and this friend complimented me on how good I look and one co-worker said that I look like I lost weight. I had on black and black always make you look . I felt really good about the compliments I received but when I looked deep within my self I am ashamed of my body. I wear my clothes well and I think I look good in them but naked I hate my body. I am afraid to loose to much weight because I am afraid of sagging skin. My exercise consists of the treadmill 2 miles 4 to 5 times a week. How do I feel? Early today I felt great and confident. I am sometimes on an emotional roller coaster. I love myself at all times but sometimes I don't like myself. I said that what really matters is being healthy; however my doctor told me I am healthy. So what matters now, if the truth be known, I want to look good and I want to make sure that my true age never show. I have insecurities when it comes to my weight and the way I look. I get frustrated when I can not resist the donuts or cookies and I want to just give up on loosing weight to justify eating the donuts and cookies. I now have to look deep inside of myself and find that motivation to get back on track.

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HI All: So first an update:


SW: 165.8

LW: 160

CW: 156.6!!!

GW: 145


So I did do a week on the "Slimquick Cleanse" pills, which for someone who had some issues even with all the fiber, def made me a lot more comfortable, and I am down another inch on my waist!!!



Sometime this weekend I will be going to get Slimquick Cleanse pills and a measuring tape. I decided I can look inside for motivation later and look to your success for motivation. Please give some feed back of how the plan works. Do I have to eat certain foods?

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Amy I just purchased the Slimquick Cleanse pills. Do I have to follow the diet plan in the book? Did you follow it? Help me I need some guidance. The diet plan sticks and if I have to follow it letter for letter I don't know if I can do it. I won't start anything until I here from you.



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Gladys: I def did not follow the diet to the letter at all. I did follow the concept because t is very similar to South Beach. On a typical day I ate:


Bfast: FiberOne cereal or whole wheat toast with 2 tbsp of peanut butter

Snack: FF Yogurt parfait w/strawberries or hardboiled eggs

Lunch: Salad

Snack: Cheese cubes or fruit

Dinner: Fish w/veggies or shrimp with ww pasta


So lots of protein and fruits/veggies and little carbs


NO side effects. I would go to the bathroom when I woke up and usually once or twice throughout the day (which for me is extraordinary since i normally struggle to go once a day). I felt very light and empty throughout the week, and did have a surge in energy, (I had better workouts).


Def go for it... I think it was great! It did exactly what it said it would, from last Friday to yesterday I saw about a 5 1lb loss on the scale. And there is no question in my mind that my stomach was def flatter. I just hope it stays off!!! Enjoy it, and keep us posted on how it works for you.

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Gladys: I def did not follow the diet to the letter at all. I did follow the concept because t is very similar to South Beach. On a typical day I ate:


Bfast: FiberOne cereal or whole wheat toast with 2 tbsp of peanut butter

Snack: FF Yogurt parfait w/strawberries or hardboiled eggs

Lunch: Salad

Snack: Cheese cubes or fruit

Dinner: Fish w/veggies or shrimp with ww pasta


So lots of protein and fruits/veggies and little carbs


NO side effects. I would go to the bathroom when I woke up and usually once or twice throughout the day (which for me is extraordinary since i normally struggle to go once a day). I felt very light and empty throughout the week, and did have a surge in energy, (I had better workouts).


Def go for it... I think it was great! It did exactly what it said it would, from last Friday to yesterday I saw about a 5 1lb loss on the scale. And there is no question in my mind that my stomach was def flatter. I just hope it stays off!!! Enjoy it, and keep us posted on how it works for you.


Thank you so much for the info. I will either start tomorrow or Monday. I love Fiber one cereal and fiber one yogurt. I eat it every day.

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Happy Friday Everyone


Dar - You are a pretty lady. You are not fat. Your pictures both of them look nice. In your blue gown all you needed was a waist sincher. I showed my DH your pictures and he agreed you are not fat. He also reminded me that most men want women with some meat on their bonds.;)"


Sheesh...I woke up at 3 a.m. with a vivid dream that I was speaking at the podium at church. What the? (I've always had a fear of public speaking.)

Gladys, I thank you for the kind words, but I feel like you do about myself in the mirror. And I'm walking more and more like a cripple, so in spite of knowing how to wear clothes that camoflage or knowing how to stand "just so" to make a photo more flattering, my body fat is VERY high for my height and my joints are paying the price. It sounds like popcorn popping when I get up or down from the couch. I have to go down our stairs (tri-level home) stepping with one foot, then dropping the second. I do not go up or down stairs like a normal human being. I creak, limp, groan, pop, and move like a granny. My thighs--each--are larger in circumference, than my waist was in high school! It has been a 20 year dream for me to beat this problem and FEEL good about myself and be physically fit. I am obviously a food addict or I would have accomplished this goal 19 years ago, after the birth of my last child.

It's funny though....my daughter is this petite thing...teeny-tiny waist and body...and you know what kind of guys she finds most attractive? Men with a little pudge....a thicker waist, bigger arms, chubby cheeks. Isn't that cute? That topic came up yesterday with both of my daughters and they both agreed....they like men with some beef. :)

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I finally can show you guys the pics. I wanted the one on the right larger but can't figure out how to do that. I entitled the first one, "Excuse me? Is this tree taken?" I LOVE pretty dresses! I never wear orangey colors so this was a shocker for me to find a sweater in an orangey-red that didn't make me look like a Halloween fright! This dress had the tags still on but came from a second-hand store...then the sweater came from another and I already had the skinny belt. The necklace came from the thrift store and with beading components that I already had, I restrung it and added a new clasp, shortening the necklace to make it work with the neckline. You can't see the matching earrings...shucks. They are long drops with a big orange bead on the end of each piece of chain....salvaged when I shortened the necklace. The road is called "Indian Mound Trail" which is appropriate for me to walk down....get it? It runs alongside a big river and is pretty isolated as you can see by the leaves that aren't blown off by traffic.


This dress is more flattering because it isn't so clingy like that blue one in one of my "before" pics. I also am down some weight in these pics, which helps. The cardigan and the skinny belt are slimming and the belts hits at just the right spot. I had the dress tailored so that it hit just below that pudge of fat that you can get alongside each knee and chose pumps that make my feet look longer rather than wider. ;) Do any of you like those kinds of shows like What Not to Wear? I love tips on how to slim yourself down just by the types of clothing that you choose.


I've worn "girdles" etc., Gladys....the ones that even go up past the rib cage. Is that what you mean by a waist cincher? I hate girdles, etc., though. If I do the things that go to the waist, they always roll down on me. Errrgh! I wear them when necessary, but I know deep down, I'm not fooling anybody! And when it's time to "spring" myself out of those contraptions, I feel like an alien that is just blowing out of a shell. Like on that movie with Will Smith...the one about the aliens attacking the world...Independence Day. The scientists have the alien on the surgical table and do the first cut or so and all of a sudden this THING springs out. I just had that experience with a tube of Pillsbury biscuits. Before I could even peel the label off and bang them open on the counter, they blew right up and out of the container and made me scream. (I had the girls laughing when I grabbed my chest and faked like I'd been shot.) Yeah....that's how I feel after wearing a girdle for a couple of hours. Oops! I'm showing my age. Not a "girdle" but a "body-shaper"!

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Dar, I love the outfit. Isn't it great when it comes together! Sometimes I've tried to put an outfit together and it just doesn't work. Other times you just find the right pieces.


DH & I went to my moms for two nights. I came home so bloated! I took my socks off and had deep lines on my legs. I ate junk, junk and more junk! I am glad tomorrow is monday and I can get back to normal. I am going to drink alot of water today to try to get rid of this feeling.


I love What Not to Wear! Since we cancelled our dish service I miss it. They give such good advice for all body types. Plus Stacy & Clinton are fun.


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Get this, girls. I don't have a dish...not even cable. If I catch that show, Kelly, I have to catch it at my good friend's house. And no dishwasher and no cell phone. I AM the dishwasher! And I never saw a waist cincher before. Thanks Gladys! I need one of those puppies!!! I'm going to buy one and have the waistline I've always dreamed of. Honest, I'm not Amish...not in that orange floral getup!

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Good Morning to you, good morning to you

We are all in our places with sun shinny faces

And this is the way we start our bless day!!:)


Good Morning Everyone

I woke up this morning saying "this is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it". I hope everyone and a great weekend and I pray we all have a blessed week ahead of us no matter what we may have to face. What ever we may have to endure this week always remember, there is no problem to hard for God to solve and if God be for me, than who can be against me and please remember that what God has for you is for you.:D:D


SW: 178.0 lbs

LW: 166.5 lbs

CW: 165.5 lbs

GW: ???.? lbs (happy weight)


Amy - today I start my slimquick body cleanse. I am going to take it one day at a time. Of course I will post my results. I will be recording my eating :eek::eek: Yuk.



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Hi Everyone. Gladys, I can almost hear you singing when I read your morning post. Go Gladys, Go Gladys, Go Gladys! I want today to be a fresh start for me...again....


I don't want to get down on myself though, because, in reality, every day is a new start. "Each day is a new day with no mistakes in it." (from Anne of Green Gables) "Do not worry about tomorrow, for each day has enough troubles of its own." (Jesus) I want today to be a "best day" for me. At the end of it, I want to crawl into bed and say to myself, "You've done well," and go to sleep contented. So that's my goal for the day. To put my body in subjection to my will.....and to put my will in subjection to my conscience...and to put my conscience in subjection to God. I don't think God cares so much about whether I eat a PB&J over a bowl of cottage cheese. I think He cares about whether one thing or another is in control of me. Okay...that's as deep as I can go this morning because I'm giving myself a headache.:D


I have intentions to invite a friend out for lunch and decided that if we go, I'd go to a quaint little place that has a lot of healthy options. They make this one salad called "Riviera Salad" that is so good and they have two dressing options...low-fat or regular. The salad has Romaine, sliced fresh strawberries, pecans and I think red onion but its their poppy-seed dressing that makes the salad. That salad with some protein like grilled chicken breast will be fine to eat there. I'm strategizing ahead.


SW: 188

LW: 175

CW: 175

GW: 125-135


Time to go after 10 more pounds off these poor aching feet of mine.


Good report: I put on a fall coat yesterday and I could button it up and it had some room in it and looked great on! Just a kneelength black pantcoat but it did look sassy on!

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Dar - this is a waist cincher. It's only job is to hold in your middle and make it smooth looking. Actually they are comfortable if fit right. Also I like your outfit.



I was looking up quotes from Gone with the Wind...about Miss Scarlett trying to get an 18 inch waistline back after having her baby. Then I came across this page...

http://www.snopes.com/photos/people/smallwaist.aspribs11_small.jpg Isn't this freakishly small? She's in the Guiness Book of World Records with a 15 inch waist. The lady is 71 years old. I kept wanting to make a buzzing sound as I looked at the photo group.


If you follow the link, you are going to see a bunch of her other photos. I was posting it as a joke, but then I began reading the article and it was kind of interesting. She had a 26 inch waist, then decided to wear corsets round-the-clock, except for when she showers. She said that it decreased her appetite because she had less room for food in her stomach, a lot like people who have their stomach stapled.


Maybe a waist cincher would be perfect for dining out. It would be forced portion control.

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Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all doing well. It has been a challenging week here. My friend age 36 passed away Friday unexpected. Looks like I will be going to Maryland for the service. It is going to be a stressful week.


On the weight loss side of things. I continue with my workouts every day. I still have my eating under control.


Here is my weigh-in.


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 236

CW: (current weight) 234

GW: (goal weight) 199

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Dar - the waist cincher has helped me with portion control. It makes me feel fuller faster when I have it on; however I rarely wear them. I wear them when I don't want my fat hanging over my jeans or skirts when I am wearing a fitted blouse. Everyday is a new beginning and a new start for us:D. His mercy and grace renewed everyday. One day at a time, one meal at a time. You can do this, we can all do this. The prize goes not to the swiftness but to the one that endures and stay the course to finish the race. We are still in the race because we are still on this board.;)


Scott - sorry to hear about your lost. What happen to your friend? What part of MD are you coming to? Your week does not have to be stressful, you work out and working out relieves stress and just remember certain things are not in our control, Let go and Let God.



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Gladys, thank you for your encouraging words. I am going to need them this week.

I love that verse "this is the day that the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it" sometimes I buy eggs and that is on the inside of the cover. It just brings joy to my heart when I see it.


Dar, that pic of the woman is creepy! I saw her on a show once and I it was weird watching her. Why would you want to look like that. A 26 in. waist would be small enough.


I never had a dishwasher till we moved to this house. It had one in it. When it died last year I bought a new one and love it. The old one did not work very well. This one I can put a crusty, twice cooked casserole dish in and it comes out clean. I am still amazed by it!

I have a cell phone, in fact we just cancelled our land line. I like the cell when I am traveling alone.


When I said I felt bloated yesterday I had not weighed myself. When I did it only confirmed my feeling. Up 2.5 lbs! I know it will go away. It's just that feeling of yuck. I know it's water retention. You'd think with the hot flashes I'd be sweating it out!


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I was looking up quotes from Gone with the Wind...about Miss Scarlett trying to get an 18 inch waistline back after having her baby. Then I came across this page...

http://www.snopes.com/photos/people/smallwaist.asp Isn't this freakishly small? She's in the Guiness Book of World Records with a 15 inch waist. The lady is 71 years old. I kept wanting to make a buzzing sound as I looked at the photo group.


If you follow the link, you are going to see a bunch of her other photos. I was posting it as a joke, but then I began reading the article and it was kind of interesting. She had a 26 inch waist, then decided to wear corsets round-the-clock, except for when she showers. She said that it decreased her appetite because she had less room for food in her stomach, a lot like people who have their stomach stapled.


Maybe a waist cincher would be perfect for dining out. It would be forced portion control.


Excuse the double-post. I saw the earlier one and realized that the site prevented me from posting the photo of the lady with the wasp-waist, replacing it with that green scowling "happy face.' I tried to edit it to remove that and was unable.


I also forgot to offer my condolences, Scott. Hang in there this week. This might sound weird, but I do believe that you are going to encounter friends who haven't seen you in a while and imagine that they will be shocked at your weight loss. Funerals tend to do that, and I've been through quite a few funerals in the last handful of years. Have a good week.

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Hi Everyone!


Scott, I am so sorry about the loss of your friend.


I haven't caught up on the posts yet. WE had a wonderful time on the cruise. The ship was beautiful and everything was free!!! You can't beat that. They gave us a great balcony room and the weather was perfect and very smooth. I haven't gotten on the scale, I am waiting until Wednesday, it is my normal day to weigh in, hopefully it won't be to bad. I didn't eat any deserts but still ate and drank plenty.



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Thanks Everyone for the kind words.

I have not found out how David passed. He was healthy. He got up in the morning and was sitting on the couch. His partner went outside and 5 minutes later came back in and found him. That is all we know for now.



David was in Hughesville, outside of DC.

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