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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Morning all, slowly getting back to feeling normal. I must have jinxed myself by assuming if I took a sick day yesterday, when I was feeling "just under the weather" I would not have gotten to full blown sick.... but I did. So I will be going in to work later today and hopefully tomorrow will be fully back in action. What upsets me the most is that I obviously did not get to the gym yesterday or today.


It sounds like everyone is off to a positive start this week, which I definitely needed. This site is so helpful, because you can count that when one of is down there is someone else doing really well to inspire us out of our rut.


I really appreciate everyone's uplifting words this morning. Thanks!

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a coordinated doc dance? that would be impressive. My doc dance looks something like I'm running in place, kicking my knees up as high as they can go, doing some sort of ugly cheerleading type cheer pumping my arms up and down, oh, and I'm spinning in circles doing it! And don't forget the "woo hoo!!" It mostly involves just a lot of jumping around!! I'm way too excited to actually do a real dance!


Amy, I hope you get to feeling better!


About the scale... I'm not really afraid of the number, but it is just discouraging to feel like I'm trying really hard to lose weight and just not see it budge. It makes me want to give up more than anything. I like Gladys's idea of setting a future date, say 3 or 4 weeks away, and just weigh myself then and see how much lower I have gotten. I switched up my workout yesterday, instead of working out on the treadmill, I rollerbladed home after work. I came up with the idea because DH and I are sharing a vehicle, and he needed it yesterday. Usually I just get a ride from a coworker, but I thought rollerblading would be fun and switch things up a bit.


but then I had a milkshake.


just being honest. :o


but it was delicious. :p (I can't even remember the last time I had one!)


now, why won't my scale budge? :confused: ;) :rolleyes: LOL


thanks for understanding! :D

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HI all... well physically I am doing much better, but I had one of the worst days of my life yesterday. My mother passed away about 12 hours ago and I can already tell the next week will cause time to stand still the way it has in these past long hours.


She was very ill for a very long time. A true fighter who has been battling breast cancer for 8 years. 18 months ago she had a devastating surgery and many times between then and now we have been told we had reached the end, but she continued to fight. This past month we knew she had turned for the worst, though yesterday was still unexpected. She had been checked out by her nurse just an hour before it happened.


For some reason it is easier for me to express my feelings here than to all of the people around me. I have so many people telling me to call them for anything, but I do not know what to ask for.


I did joke with my husband and her best friend last night, who both know oh too well that my mother would be disappointed in me if I let this derail my weight loss. Not sure what kind of funeral Scott attended, but I know it must be similar everywhere. In the Jewish faith, we sit "shiva" for days after the burial, and it is the responsibility of friends and family to keep us well fed through our mourning. Though I know we will be surrounded by massive amounts of food I am going to keep myself in check. My mother did not lose her vanity through the bitter end and always encouraged my brother and I to go about our lives and live as normally as possible through her condition. With that said, I am going to the gym this morning. Fact is, I barely slept and have tons to do today so why not start with a good workout.


Thanks for your support ladies (and gent). I will keep you posted.

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Amy, I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom. Many of us here know the grief of losing a parent or loved one. Please feel free to share your feelings with us anytime. I hope you find some sort of relief from your workout. I'll be praying for you.

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Amy, I am so sorry for your loss, you are in my prayers. My best friends father passed away last week, I really loved him, I went out of town for his funeral last weekend, it was very emotional but everyone remembered the good times and took peace that they are in a better place now.



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Erin, I wrote my story in post 794 & 802. For some when they read it they'll think I did not have to lose that much, how hard could it have been? For me it came down to seeing I could gain control then or continue to gain. Gaining is so easy. Losing is so hard. I've done both.


People say I'm lucky I'm small. But it is not lucky. It is getting up at 6am when I'd rather sleep later. It's about getting on the treadmill whether I want to or not. It's going to bible study or a potluck or the cruise and seeing all the good food and being picky in what I am going to eat. What am I willing to use my calories on. I believe I can eat anything I want. I just can't eat it all at once.


Do I enjoy my body this way, yes. But I was seriously concerned about what my health issues would be if I continued on the path I was on. I keep watching my sisters and see the kinds of things they are dealing with. I want to avoid them. I believe with healthy eating most days and exercise I can. Do I have bad days. Yes! but I don't have to let a bad day of eating turn into a week, turn into a month.


Since I have been maintaining my weight I know it's possible to do. I want so much for each of you to get to your goal weights and to be able to maintain them.

In the meantime I am so thankful for the friendships I've made here. For the encouragement you all have given me even when you don't know you're doing it.

Ok I need to make dinner.


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Thanks for directing me to your post. I guess I had read it before, but today it means more than it originally did. I have been in this forum a couple months now and thought that by now I'd be slimmer. Since there isn't much of a difference, it's easy to feel like I have failed. Your story really encouraged me this morning, because you went through the same thing. A very slow loss, with ups and downs. I guess it is the long term that really matters, making slow lifestyle changes that you can actually keep the rest of your life.


I friend of mine is doing atkins (again). She has gone on and off it, she loses weight rapidly, but ends up getting tired of meat and quits, and gains all of her weght back. Now that she started back up again she is losing weight very quickly.


Though a quick fix would be nice, I want to be able to maintain it for the rest of my life, so if it takes me a year to do it, so be it. ;)


Thank you. :)

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Thank you everyone.... I am doing pretty well actually. Though it was a shock because there was no immediate signs that this was her time, we have been prepared for a while now. I have a huge support group, and great "old" friends who have come out of the woodwork and it is great to hear those voices too. Went to the gym yesterday and going back today. Eating fine so far, the shiva period has not begun yet so there is not yet an abundance of food. Thank you to everyone here, even if I do not post, know that I am checking in on everyone else daily for the next few days.

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Hi Amy,


I just read your post and wanted to send you a hug. ((((HUG))))


I know what you've been through, too, because my dad passed away with esophageal and stomach cancer back in 2004, at home. The process is indescribable and an incredible mix of emotions. I'm glad you feel so free to express yourself here. I feel the same way about many of the things that I've written, as well.


Nothing can replace a good mom! When a loved one passes away, WOW, does the food seem to multiply! I like what you said about your mom not wanting her passing to derail your weight loss. Its good to be able to smile about things like that. I like to remember my dad in his healthy days and his ridiculously juvenile sense of humor, rather than in the days that he was so ill. He would have preferred that, anyway.


Blessings to you. You will be in my prayers for strength and comfort in the next few rough days ahead.

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"Though a quick fix would be nice, I want to be able to maintain it for the rest of my life, so if it takes me a year to do it, so be it."--Erin


"I believe I can eat anything I want. I just can't eat it all at once."--Kelly


Gold nuggets of wisdom, girls! Erin, that is the same conclusion I came to when I saw friends lose fast and regain.


Kelly, I just used you as an example to a good friend of mine, regarding maintenance eating. When I read your menus on the other thread, I thought, "She cooks like I do and she is holding her weight. That's what I'm after." I knew there was hope for me!


I have LOVED to cook and LOVE to show hospitality. I love to make my home feel cozy and inviting and that usually includes good food, wine, scented candles, soft music, turning on the gas fireplace, and having super-fluffy pillows and blankets on the sofa. Yesterday I was in a cooking/feeding frenzy. I am determined to not allow myself to waste good food as I've done in the past. I had to clean out my refrigerator and threw out 3 POUNDS of fresh asparagus and 2 mangoes that I neglected and let spoil. No more. I actually repented of being wasteful in a time when the economy is so bad (especially here in Michigan). I invited a daughter over and we baked 3 chicken pot pies (one for her, one for us, and one for an elderly lady who is recovering from surgery), then I prepped most of what I need for a large pot of cheddar cheese soup, then made a casserole of bread pudding (the best I've ever tasted), then a Dijon/onion encrusted pork loin (killer good), seasoned roasted potatoes, roasted asparagus, and canned fruit. My family was thrilled. It does take a lot of energy and hard work to do that much cooking; so with moderate eating, I can maintain on those big dinner days (family dinner on Wednesdays).


Speaking of the economy, gas was $1.78 at Sam's Club pumps. Wow! I still am avoiding driving as much as possible for a while because I've reduced my fill-ups from 4 a month, to one every three weeks. This might mean a lot more $ in the cruise fund! ;)


Joblessness is crazy here...3 of my grown kids are on unemployment and my daughter is close to losing her condo, due to that factor. So many people are scrambling to find work. Most of our friends are in the construction trades and really going through it. Crazy times, kids. It kinda makes me feel guilty to have funds to go on a cruise. It's just that I've lived very carefully to find myself able to do these things at age 50. I've tried to encourage friends to build nest eggs while times were good, and now I've lived to see the downslope of everything in our economy. Every time we turn on the local news, read the paper, or just take a drive into the shopping districts, we see for ourselves that another good store is closing, or a plant is closing. They say that Michigan is hardest hit, and I believe that. Is the economy going to have much of an impact on your own vacation plans? Am I crazy to be feeling a little bit guilty?

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Amy, I'm glad to hear you are standing strong, leaning on the strength of old friends and new. :)


Dar, I've had many of your same thoughts regarding the economy. Our area was one of the first hit because of the housing. As far as I know, our area was second only to Phoenix for the rapid rate of new housing developments in the past decade. This has led to countless empty houses and a HUGE drop in real estate prices. For example, my home is worth less than half of what we bought it for in early 2005. We are actually in foreclosure ourselves and are trying to short sale it. So many people are in our sitation. We purchased because everyone told us it was a good, quick, and easy investment. No money down, ARM but who cares because you will sell it in only a couple months. Well, that didn't work out so we are stuck in a house we can't afford. So what do you do?


I just finished Dave Ramsey's financial peace class at our church. I have learned SO SO SO much from this class, and keep thinking, if only I knew then what I know now. I have such a deep, deep regret about buying this house. We purchased it because of our selfish motives, and to try to make something on nothing. We've learned a hard lesson.


However, one thing I have learned is that if you live like no one else (be ultra-wise with your spending and saving, no debt, etc) then later you can live like no one else (enjoy all of God's blessings and not be as effected in times of financial crisis because you already have all your ducks in a row.) I feel awful for those who are trying to retire and now can't. But I think that a lot of us youngsters have a lot to learn. A girlfriend and I were talking about this last night and she said that she will never be able to retire because there won't be social security. I looked in her in disbelief. I coudn't believe she was actually depending on social security for her retirement and not taking personal responsibility.


So, about cruises, there is no reason to feel guilty now if you have the money because in the past you've been wiser than others when they were spending and you were saving. Just my two cents. ;)


P.S. Where is Pam? Still on cruises?

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Hi All! So happy to see the original post and all of the replies. I couldn't even wait until I had read everything before posting my own reply. Count me in too!


I'm going on my FIRST CRUISE EVER on 12/22 (Paradise) and just want to feel comfortable in summer clothes and a bathing suit. I'm about 50-60 pounds away from my target, but don't expect to lose any big amount before we go. Just want to feel like the exposed skin is toned.


I'm excited about this group, and am looking forward to sharing success stories.:D

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Welcome to cruise critic phdiva73! And to learning to live a healthier lifestyle!


I am again going to put a plug in for myfitnesspal.com The more time I spend on that sight the more I like it. The tools for tracking exercise & calories are good. And of course there are boards for questions, encouragement. Now I don't want any of you to leave here. I would miss you all if you left! I just think this can be a tool that is useful. I track for a few days then I don't. I like it because it helps especially when I might be getting out of control. Reality check!


I think I've said before, at one point I was trying to cut my calories to lose. When I started looking at myfitnesspal is when I realized I was not eating enough! Yes, I needed to eat more! Who thought to lose you had to eat more. But because I was exercising more I needed to fuel my body.


Ok so that's my plug on that!


Erin, you said "what do you do?" It's great that you already know! You have lived and learned from this. That is what you do, learn.

I hope for you that your house sells so you can be out from underneath this burden.

I think of your other post about perspective. I keep thinking that with our situation, DH's job. I keep hearing of more people being diagnosed with cancer, lupus.... Today I just had a prayer request come through for 2 families. A car accident took the life of a young girl and the boy is in a coma and not doing very good. I will gladly take my problems over what these families must face. They are both high school students.



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Hi phdiva....Welcome! It's always nice to have new people join in. The support here is so good and upbeat. There's always a LOT of reading to catch up with all of it. The original poster on the thread is gone, but many of us who joined in later have kept it going.


Kelly...I notice that on the days that I post menus, I do MUCH better. Its the accountability! I just don't know about doing another site and thread or forum, only due to the time to invest. I like it here so much and would miss you guys! But I mean to look well into the site that you mentioned and the one that Scott mentioned before. I'll have to dig back through the other posts and find that one that he mentioned.


Last night we had 2 couples over and our daugther, for a topical Bible study, etc. It was a laugh riot! We discussed some intense and serious stuff, but these folks are darn funny and the wisecracks kept flying, in spite of the serious topics. We broke for snacks (coffee, cinnamon rolls, chips, salsa, etc.) and I told them about my all day shopping adventures. While out shopping, my daughters and I were finally tired and hauling our things to the van. The girls wanted to stop at Taco Bell and I wanted to keep shopping instead; so I did this fake Brooklyn accent and said, "I like shopping even more than I like eating! And judging by the size of my behind, I REALLY like shopping!" When I said that to my girlfriends over snacking, they went into belly laughs. We watched a funny youtube clip from the particular ministry that our study materials came from, and I misquoted a Scripture verse, again, in a fake Brooklyn accent, "If your right hand is causing you to stumble, try switching to your left hand." Again, my friend fell over in her chair. Do you girls think I missed my calling as a potential stand-up comic?


Erin....My daughter has had the Ramsey DVD set here at the house and has been studying it thoroughly. It's her second time with the course. Good stuff and the younger you start, the better. I feel bad that so many young people have entered into the housing market and taken such a hard hit. Most have been totally unprepared. My own son had an ARM but switched to a fixed rate before the chaos began. I kept telling him that I didn't trust the ARMs. The upside is that there is no shame in what happened because it is happening everywhere. I believe that even with foreclosures, those houses will need to be sold again and there will be future opportunities, with houses being bought and sold atmore reasonable prices. If you can hang in there, apply all of those principles that you are learning, tighten the belts, etc., you'll find some great deals. I read a book years ago, about credit repair...old book with good advice. I heard a message preached back in the 70's by David Wilkerson (NY preacher) and he kept advising, "Get your houses in order" referring to financial, spiritual, etc. My parents stressed low-debt or no-debt. Even now, I am constantly evaluating my budget to look for new ways to snip corners. I'm one to want to cut off any excess that isn't providing a notable life-improvement, while enjoying other splurges that really have some "oompf" behind them. It takes time and patience and diligience (sounds like "dieting"), and the rewards do come and they are so worth it.


I got picked on by a group of 20-somethings (I hosted get-togethers for them) who saw a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby in our kitchen freezer. They went on and on about how expensive that was and blah-blah-blah. I told them that I only indulge in that on rare occasions and one spoonful at a time. Better to pay more for the good stuff and have less, than get a 'bargain" tubful of cruddy ice cream that has no flavor. I'm like that about everything, pretty much. What they didn't realize was that I was viewing their lives from a different perspective. Many young people have every new and greatest piece of technology as it hits the market. I tend to buy something and use it until its ready for the grave. It would be good if people with good advice to offer would make it available to their own children and see them living blessed lives without so much financial stress.


I mentioned bargains...I went to a Goodwill warehouse sale and got a GORGEOUS black cocktail dress...Liz Claiborne Night, inset sleeveless, with some elegant black beading on the back straps for....dah-dah-dah-dah!....FIFTY CENTS! It is a size 12, though. It's lined and gorgeous. Can I do it..a 12 by the cruise date? I walked out of that sale with a stuff mouse (beanie), a black Liz Claiborne gator-skin purse (fake), another cool black purse, and the dress and spent a whopping $1.86. Can't beat that!


Also, my daughter found for me one of those crank-style popcorn poppers...RED...new in the box! And a Cuisinart waffle maker for $5! Love a good deal! I'm going to do mostly clearance shopping and second-hand finds for holiday gift-giving and hostess gifts. I have two goals in being a cheap-o for the holiday shopping...one has been to fatten the travel fund, and a second is to have fresh funds available so that I can hire friends and family who are out of work, for tasks in our home. Many people are out of work and women seem to welcome the chance to earn $10 an hour on household chores, painting, fix-it projects, and yard work. This has been a life-saver for me lately and my house is looking better all the time. It also makes people feel better to be able to do work rather than take a handout. This week, my daughter is adding some new shelves inside two of my kitchen cabinets and will have some extra cash for gas $ and other things. Such a blessing for both of us.


You guys take care and hang in there. I'm going to be really good this weekend. No excessive eating. Reuben sandwiches for dinner and I'm taking a 1/2....ouch!

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Hey everyone. I was on this thread in the very very beginning, and then didn't come back after my cruise (since I went off my diet, and gained weight).


I'm 23, and I started my diet on September 22nd (two full months today). I started at 217, and I'm now down to 197.5. I'm getting married on May 24th onboard the Caribbean Princess, and I HOPE to be down to 150 by then.


I am a size 18, and when I went to get my wedding dress, I told them that I was loosing weight, and they were going to have to take in the dress up until May. The girl told me they can only take it in 2 sizes without the dress starting to look different. She advised me to order it in a size 16, since it wasn't expected to come in until January. Well, it came in in two weeks, and I was SO surprised when I fit into it. That wedding dress has become my motivation, and the more I take off, the more I want to keep going.


I haven't started incorporating exercise into my routine, just my Weight Watchers diet (although I do get forced to park 6 blocks away at work sometimes). I want to lose a little more before I do that.


I find it's easier to set small goals, so my first small goal is to be down to 187 by January 5th. It's 10.5 pounds from where I am right now, so I'm hoping it's obtainable.


Does this thread still do the weekly weigh-ins?

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Welcome Back Sabrett!

There is alot of support & encouragement here so check in often. Some check in with weekly weigh ins but not everyone does it on the same day.

I want to encourage you to look at your weight loss as a lifestyle not a diet you can go off of. Make changes you can live with. That way you can get off of the roller coaster of up & down the scale.


How exciting to be getting married! In Dec it will be our 15yr anniversary. Even though times might be hard it is so good to know we have each other. I hope you will have a nice time planning what will be the start of your lives together.


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Hi All! So happy to see the original post and all of the replies. I couldn't even wait until I had read everything before posting my own reply. Count me in too!


I'm going on my FIRST CRUISE EVER on 12/22 (Paradise) and just want to feel comfortable in summer clothes and a bathing suit. I'm about 50-60 pounds away from my target, but don't expect to lose any big amount before we go. Just want to feel like the exposed skin is toned.


I'm excited about this group, and am looking forward to sharing success stories.:D

Welcome phdiva - Glad you have joined us. Here you will find support, encouragement, laughter and most important sincere people who really care.


Congratulations on your first cruise. You will become addicted.


Hey everyone. I was on this thread in the very very beginning, and then didn't come back after my cruise (since I went off my diet, and gained weight).


I'm 23, and I started my diet on September 22nd (two full months today). I started at 217, and I'm now down to 197.5. I'm getting married on May 24th onboard the Caribbean Princess, and I HOPE to be down to 150 by then.


I am a size 18, and when I went to get my wedding dress, I told them that I was loosing weight, and they were going to have to take in the dress up until May. The girl told me they can only take it in 2 sizes without the dress starting to look different. She advised me to order it in a size 16, since it wasn't expected to come in until January. Well, it came in in two weeks, and I was SO surprised when I fit into it. That wedding dress has become my motivation, and the more I take off, the more I want to keep going.


I haven't started incorporating exercise into my routine, just my Weight Watchers diet (although I do get forced to park 6 blocks away at work sometimes). I want to lose a little more before I do that.


I find it's easier to set small goals, so my first small goal is to be down to 187 by January 5th. It's 10.5 pounds from where I am right now, so I'm hoping it's obtainable.


Does this thread still do the weekly weigh-ins?

Welcome back and congratulations on your upcoming nuptials. Weekly weigh ins are optional.


Amy- Glad to hear your are doing well dealing with your grief and your weight loss. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.


I have bombed out this week on my weight loss and I am not sure how I will do this week. I am hosting a Thanksgiving dinner party and I am doing all the cooking. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can manage this and still enjoy my Thanksgiving. I was thinking about taking an appetitie suppression but I am not sure. I have read that most Americans gain any where from 5 to 15 lbs between Thanksgiving and New Years. I am determine that this will not happen to me.



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Hi Gladys, Try getting some things done a day or two before. I love homemade cranberry sauce and it does taste better when it has a couple of days to sit. If you are doing gravy and aren't going to use your turkey drippings you can make that the day before. Then it just needs to be warmed. You can even make it alittle to thick and then add in some of the drippings for flavor. Make stuffing the day before. If you use raw eggs don't add them till just before you stuff your bird. Cut up potatoes and any other veg. you might be boiling and put them in their pans with water.

And ask for help! I know if I were hosting and called a friend she would be more than happy to come over. My sisters were great when I did both of my dd's graduation parties.


Think of this time as a challenge to practice portion control. There will always be holidays, birthday, parties & events. We all need to learn how to eat sensibly at these. And the only way to do it is to keep on practicing, one party at a time.


I like the word practice, to perform or work at repeatedly so as to become proficient. That is how we not only get to our goals but to stay at our goals.


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Welcome phdiva and sabrett!


Dar, I agree that budgets are like dieting, they take work! And yes it feels good to have success in both. Even though my house is a loss, we've been able to pay off all of our credit card debt ($10,000!!) in the past year and a half. It feels so great not to have those payments every month. And God is taking care of our housing sitatuion, we already have a *paid for* place to move into once we sell this one. DH is fixing up his mom's house now (both his parents passed away, and we paid off their house -- they only owed $5,000) so we will be able to move in there practically debt free if all goes well.


OK ladies and gent, I faced the scale this morning. I gained back the five pounds I lost. I half expected it because I know I havn't been eating well and I have not been working out as much. We leave for our cruise this Friday, which means I will be having pictures taken of myself. :eek: I am really not looking forward to this, but I am tired with toying of the idea of weight loss, not giving it my all. I'm going to come back on Monday absolutely committed to it. I'm almost done with school for the semester, so it's going to be a great time to start new habits I'll be able to stick with.

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