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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Hello Everyone


Erin - Happy belated birthday. I am so glad you enjoyed your birthday.


Dar - You were missing in action for awhile. Glad to see you are back.


Today has not been a good day for me. One of my dearest friends lost her soul mate today. They were married for 43 years. She loved her husband to the core. I have never known a woman to love a man like she did. I was with her when he died and I watched her tearfully say good bye. I hurt because she hurts. I don't want to leave her and go on this cruise. I asked God how can I leave and go? My dear friend not hearing my prayer came up to me and said that her husband knew who I was and what counts is what I did when he was alive and she told me to go on my cruise. She is my friend and I want to be here for her. I came to this board because all of you are here.



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Oh Gladys...that is so sad! Life and death surely don't make their plans around ours, do they? It is so kind that your friend gave you her blessing to go away and enjoy your vacation. I have noticed that so many of us, maybe due to our age ranges, are experiencing various tragedies in quick succession. I am always so thankful that the God that we serve has our lives in His hands and a plan for our eternity that is beyond anything that this world can offer. It is such a comfort. Joy unspeakable in the midst of life's worst tragedies!


On an upnote (an unmasked attempt to distract you :)), what are you wearing for formal nights on the cruise?




P.S. When is the funeral? I also wanted to add that we experienced this same thing when my husband's best friend passed away. It was the hardest thing I ever watched to see his wife suffer so. She ran right out the front door and down the street; so another friend had to take off running after her while the rest of us stayed with the rest of the family. It was so surreal....one little daughter was 7 years old and was in tears and crying while the 5 year old went outside to ride her bicycle with her friends, totally enjoying the beautiful sunny day. Both loved their daddy.

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Gladys, prayers to you and to your friend. How wonderful that they got to spend 43 yrs together. What a wonderful testimony for those that knew them.

My mom always says that the first few weeks are easier because you have people around. It's the weeks after that everyone else seems to forget your loss. So enjoy your vacation that way when you come home you will be refreshed and be able to give some time & support when she might really need it.

Let her know that your cruise critic friends are praying for her during this time.


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Gladys: The next few weeks will be a roller coaster for your friend. Losing my mother a week before Thanksgiving was absolutely awful, but also a mixed blessing. There will be the funeral and the mourning surrounding it, but also she can hopefully remain with family and friends for the holidays and enjoy that time reminiscing about her husband. And then, you will return from your cruise and be there for the moments that are hardest for her. Every day I would call my mother from the car after work, so that is my tough time. Your friend may need someone to have dinner with, a time where she would have been with her husband.


On another note.... I have up-ped my game (since there are so many holiday sweets floating around). Saturday morning I went to a kickboxing class, followed by a strength training class. Tonight, another class. Tomorrow, regular cardio workout, and Wednesday a class again! The black dress zipped up this weekend, but was TIGHT, I was "busting" out the sides (and more than just a little cleavage). I will get there....

Also, since the home scale broke I am not sure how to post my weight... it is hard to judge when it broke but now it is def off.

Here is an estimate based on the gym scale:

SW: 165

LW: 155

CW: 153?

GW: 145

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Good Morning


Thanks for the words of encouragement. The funeral is Monday the 22nd. I spent most of yesterday with her and she appeared to be very strong, but I know wants it is over she will realize that he is gone and it is final. Something about final just stirs an subtle emotion in me and I know that is when she will need her family and friends the most. My friend is 20 years older than me and she respects my spiritual wisdom and knowledge whereas most older people think that just because they are older, that they are wiser. God put our friendship together and I believe I will be able to give her the support she will need in the times to come.


Amy - Only a few more pounds and you will be able to get into your little black dress. 2lbs is great.


Kelly - I will let me friend know about my CC friends praying for her. She always wanted to go on a cruise, maybe one day I can talk her into going on one.


Dar - I have two sexy gowns that I am wearing. One black and silver and a red one. I have worn both these gowns before:eek::eek:, which is strange for me because I never wear the same gown twice but with the economy a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Here is a picture of the black and silver. I don't have a picture of me in it yet.







I will see if I can locate a picture of the red one.




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Gladys...that dress is smokin'!! Whoa. Only 4 more days!!!


I am a sucker for anything that sparkles!


Hey guys...yesterday I went to Royal's site to check rates. I put the residency info and found a sale applied to my cruise. I could get a JR. Suite for the SAME price as the Superior balcony that I got! I was floored as this was a $1,000 difference the last time I checked so the sale was like getting a free upgrade. Then I checked on the next big jump up...a balcony Grand Suite. It is HUGE. The superior is 204 square feet, the Jr. is 293, and the Grand is between 358 and 384 square feet. They had a big price drop on the Grand; so for $800 more (for 3 of us) we got the grand. A big decision so the three of us had to give it consideration but once my husband saw the 360 view and the youtube video I showed him, he was sold. I"m still going to keep watching for price drops, plus find other ways of making up for the extra $800 splurge cause YIKES, that is a lot for us when my bathrooms need remodeling, but the deal was too sweet to pass up. The fuel surcharge was dropped and that saved us $133. I'll keep watching for price drops right up to the cruise date. Yippee!

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I have worn both these gowns before:eek::eek:, which is strange for me because I never wear the same gown twice but with the economy a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do."


Hey Gladys! Now I know where all of those gorgeous $15 gowns from Goodwill are coming from. ;) Please don't change. I like being the gal who wears them the second time!


Okay...on the dress....what are the sparkles made of? crystals? or sequins? or that glued-on sparkly stuff? I'm weak for crystals, myself. I make simple or elaborate Swarovski crystal jewelry. That was my business for the last few years, then I slowed it down and have done it more for fun of late. I sold to 4 stores, plus did craft shows and private shows. Nothing sparkles like crystals--except for diamonds, of course. I collect vintage crystal brooches, bracelets, earrings, etc., plus own tons of new crystals and make stuff that I design. I am making myself something in yellow crystal for the upcoming cruise. Will put up a picture when I have it finished.

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Morning ladies: So my gym routine is top notch this week :-) I just came back from my fourth day in a row at the gym. I took aerobics classes Monday & Wednesday ans did my own workout Tuesday & today. I am finally feeling confident in the mirror and have not had one of those days where I just hated all my clothing in a long time!!!!


GLADYS: I was thinking about you this morning. My best friend of 20 years was scheduled to fly to Florida the night before my mother's funeral to host her sister's baby shower. I am sure she felt exactly the way you do right now. However, when all was said and done, and I had spent a week surrounded by people who came to pay their respects (people who I had not seen in years) she was home. And my husband and I spent a quiet evening with her and her boyfriend looking at happy pictures of her sister's pregnant belly and talking about her trip over a great dinner. It was so wonderful for me to have her after all the "strangers" had left and it was such a relief for me to get back to some normalcy with her after spending a week doing nothing but mourning. I am sure you will have those moments with your best friend when she needs you most as well!

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Well I have posted everywhere else this morning. I thought I'd pop in here to.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. We are getting more snow! It looks like a snow globe outside.


This week and I am guessing next will be the worst for eating. At ladies bible study it was hard because some of the dishes were heavy (egg bake, stuffed french toast) so we passed our plates and others dished it up! I ate way to much! and I did not take some of everything else. Then someone cut cheesecake! OH MY! I could not even eat a bite. I hope no one was offended because I did not try their dish. But I really believe that I don't have to eat everything just because it is there. I use to take alittle of everything but those littles really can add up. So I am going to continue this through the holidays, only taking what I really want to spend my calories on.


I read on another thread that even if you can't get your regular exercise routine in to at least do part of it. Something is better than nothing.


So that is going to be my goal next week. Get some exercise and only eat the things I really want and am willing to spend my calories on. I also am not going to count my cals so closely that I don't enjoy the time with friends & family. After all the most important thing is relationships, the food is just an extra.


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Hi Everybody. I'm in the same weather system as Kelly and have gotten a ton of snow. The snow is up to the seats of our deck chairs. There was a 31 vehicle pile-up on an expressway closer to the Lake Michigan shoreline with 12 semis as part of the mix. It was a literal BLIZZARD just one county over to our west, all day on Sunday. Our current temps are between 11 and 17 degrees! Brrrrr. The weather makes me want to stay indoors and get cozy, which generally adds up to munching and no exercise.


The weekend was really hectic and fun. The cheese tasting party was really nice and I've found some new cheeses that I love. We had bits of nibbles, along with the cheeses so there wasn't really a problem with feeling overfed. It was just the right amout of food.


Today is my big shopping day for holiday cooking, then tomorrow will be busy with kids over. I take the grandkids on their annual dollar store gift-buying spree. You can find some pretty cool stuff at the dollar store! After shopping we are going to this locally famous hot dog place, then possibly hot tubbing, if time allows. I'll be packing in a LOT tomorrow.


I'm trying to take Kelly's advice about portions and maintain through the week. Things should be easier once the holidays pass by. I want to do a lot better than just maintain. This is getting OLD.


How are you all doing through this food-fest season? I'm going to add some stuff like cold shrimp cocktail, etc., so that it won't be all cream cheese this or that through the week!


Good news, though. We went out dancing on Saturday night, for the first time in a long while and my foot actually didn't hurt. It wasn't at 100% but I couldn't believe that I didn't have swelling or pain during or after the dance. I also managed to put together a really cute outfit...black skirt, a deep blood red knit top with a loose scoop in front, with a black lace camisole underneath that, then a big wide stretchy belt with a big rhinestone "D" ring that the belt looped through. With heels and hose, I felt like a feminine human being again. Okay...my daughter said it, "Mom, you look hot!" When you feel so fat, it can be a long time between those types of compliments. I sometimes can't even imagine how it would feel to be only a little overweight or close to a goal weight. To be honest, I CAN'T imagine it. Is that something that I need to work on?



SW: 188

LW: 178

CW: 178

GW: 125-135

(Never give up. Never surrender.)


I realized this weekend that I've slipped into a bad old habit. It may, in fact, be at the root of the issue with not eating well and the lack of weight loss for me. The habit is not prioritizing my own needs. As a mother of six, plus having friends, plus having grandchildren, it is really easy to get myself lost in the shuffle. Sometimes, as a Christian, we also find it easy to focus a lot on other people and neglect our own selves in the process. It just seems so darn selfish! Does anyone else struggle with this? My phone can ring non-stop some days. I don't make many calls but I get a LOT of them, and they usually interrupt things that I feel are important for me to do. I end up almost always answering the phone and giving up an hour or more for someone else. When I let the answering machine get the call, I feel guilty or obligated to call back. I've struggled with making time for my own needs as far back as I can remember. Except for the time on the computer or coming to the boards, I end up putting myself on the back burner and particularly so when it comes to feeding myself. I"m always there making this person or that person some special thing, but when it comes to me...bad, bad, bad. I guess I'm in the process of recognizing this problem area that I've slipped back into.


After the holiday passes, I want to get into tanning for a little pre-cruise color. I"m not a person to tan any more like I did in my teens, but a little color sure works wonder for a girl! I used to get so deep brown and my native American roots surely were showing back then. I'm already working out my plans (not doing resolutions) to work out on my treadmill, dancing, eating healthier and boosting my mood with some sessions at the tanning beds. Do any of you do pre-cruise tanning?

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These photos are pretty pathetic 'cause I used my daughters little digital, not either of our good Canons, but it works for now. I wanted to post some photos from the storm and a couple of favorite decorations. I'll eventually go digital with my Canon but I sure love film cameras!


m_a83064968b3e40c6b1027dc08ebc9e71.jpgm_d0123b4c1e2047dab9fd70d68d445b32.jpgm_d1594bdfb46c4b00a72601692ab120a9.jpgm_43ab1ee98e214a79bcb9f219121aa040.jpg I can't believe the color and clarity difference from my good camera to this littly Olympus. Glad it's not mine! The top two photos will give you a good idea of how much snow we got this week!



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Merry Christmas to you! I've been so tired from all of the "fun" and was thinking of Gladys and thinking that she is one smart girl to be on a ship in the sunshine! This holiday was pretty drama-filled and not as "all is calm, all is bright" as we would have liked--all the more reason to be looking forward to our late March vacation! I dream of it constantly.


More and more snow here, too. The food was great but we were really tired out from being on our feet--three of us--for at least 5 hours of cooking time. I'm like Amy--when you've cooked for so long, you lose your appetite so that was good. I bought myself a smoky grey velvet sweat suit that I fully intend to not sweat in! Anyway, it came from Sam's Club and was a Jones of NY set that had the original price at $54 per piece but I paid a little over $11 for each piece. That was my treat to myself for the holiday and I spent the day wearing it and watching movies. More on that later. I don't feel like I overate and I put some healthy options like cheeses, two fruit trays, and shrimp cocktail out on the buffet. I also wanted to tell you about the fruit trays. I didn't ever do this before but they were SO NICE and were scarfed. We have a new Wal-Mart superstore nearby and I went grocery shopping there for the first time on Tuesday night. I bought the last two fruit trays which were priced at only $5 each! They were nice and fresh with one having a chocolate dip in the center and the other had a caramel dip. One had fruit and cheddar cheese, and the other had nice fruits like mango, fresh pineapple, grapes, melon. What a nice addition to the other good foods. The weight conscious girls really appreciated being able to pick guiltlessly at the fruit chunks and slices.



mini beef sticks, aged cheddar cheese, assorted crackers, a big wedge of fresh Parmesan, crab and cheese filled phyllo triangles, blue cheese stuffed mushrooms, ranch hot wings, jack daniel's hot wings, bbq water chestnuts (bacon wrapped), herbed soft cheese, hot artichoke dip, 2 assorted fruit trays, shrimp cocktail...I think that was it...plus desserts--oh and devilled eggs. The dessert is Amaretto Chocolate Chip bread pudding, some chocolates, Holiday Blend Coffee. Anyone want to stop in for leftovers?


For breakfast we made our traditional Scotch Eggs with Mimosas and some Pillsbury crescent rolls--my favorite breakfast of the year!


I was really stressed out because I have some of that Christmas Eve cooking done a day or two ahead but not this year. This year was weird with snowstorms and extra get-togethers that kept me from advance prep.


I'm looking forward to normal food and normal eating and getting myself in shape before my cruise. Please say you'll all be here after the pig fest has settled down! :)


Enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend...Monday will be here sooner than you think!



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Hello Everyone,

Hope the Holidays were good for you. I am back from Sanibel. I was able to keep up with my work outs. I weighed myself today and all is well.


Here is my weigh-in.

Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 221

CW: (current weight) 217

GW: (goal weight) 199

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Scott... so impressed your scale keeps moving. I am in total crunch mode with one week to go before my cruise. I am at the gym 5+ times a week, and am going full Phase 1 South Beach (no straight carbs) till I am on the ship. I am also doing the slimquick cleanse again. I will keep you all posted. Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays!

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I do believe that the workouts have kept my scale going down. It is my motivation. I feel if you keep working out you will loose and you can also enjoy eating a bit more. I was able to loose during the holidays for the first time in my life. Good luck this week and enjoy your cruise.


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Scott, I agree with you on the workouts. While I didn't on vacation I know that as soon as I stop the weight will start to come back on. This really is a lifestyle change, it can't be just to get to your goal, it's to keep you at your goal. My weight fluctuates by a few pounds but mostly I'm maintaining. I really like myfitnesspal for helping me to keep the calories in check. And the days I exercise and get those extra calories! It make me want to keep exercising!


Amy, I hope you have a wonderful cruise! Where are you going? (you might have said but sorry I don't remember.)


To everyone else, I hope you're all mostly eating healthy, enjoying the holidays. And I hope to see everyone back here posting real soon!


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Hi Everybody. I managed to make it through the holiday without any new damage done, so I am very much ready to kick it into gear. I was careful with the eating. Some days I had more, then I'd cut back on the next day or before the event itself, so things balanced out well.


SW: 188

LW: 178

CW: 178

GW: 125-135


I feel my cruise date will be here so soon and that time will certainly fly. God help me, I'm going to get on that treadmill today, especially after reading the three posts from Amy, Scott, and Kelly. I am undisciplined in this area and I did have a legitimate excuse with the physical stuff but I know that it will speed up the loss and the loss is what will help with the physical stuff. I hope to start with 2 miles at a slow pace of around 2.8 mph. Very doable.


Today I have done well....skipped the crescent rolls that I made for my granddaughter and had cottage cheese, a clementine, coffee. I just realized that I didn't even have toast! I am such a carb lover and gave it up without realizing it so I've made it to noon with no high carb foods. I'm going to come up with some ideas to keep myself motivated, plus I have some of that soup base still in the freezer and will put it to good use, by adding beans and making the Mexican version that I absolutely loved.


Scott...great job, once again. Very inspiring!

Amy....You are working your little guts out so you deserve to fit into that dress, that's for sure!

Kelly....I REALLY appreciate your support here. Even though you don't have to lose, you've been here as a cheerleader for those of us who do have a long way to go and are struggling through the process! THANK YOU.

Gladys....C'mon girl. We're dying to hear about your cruise! We'll be here when you are back. I can't wait to hear about it.





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OK Dar, my brain is mush today, what is TTFN? I am sure it's something easy to figure out but it's not coming to me.



Sorry Kelly! I always tell people that I hate acronyms and that one day I'm going to design a t-shirt that says "I. H. A." then in small print it will read "I hate acronyms.:mad:" So here I am guilty. TTFN = Ta-Ta-For-Now! I think Tigger said it on the Winnie the Pooh videos. :)


Speaking of Pooh, its been a running family joke that everyone is one of the Pooh story characters in personality....Tiggers, Piglets, Poohs, Eeyores, Rabbits, Owls, Kangas and Roos. I think I'm a mutt, myself but a bunch of our family members are sure-fire Tiggers, Poohs, and Eeyores!

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OK back from the gym... my routine is in high obsessive compulsive gear. I would be so happy to step on the scale and see 149lbs before the cruise.... right now I am at about 153. I think with no carbs and 4 more gym days it is feasible.


And I owe so much of the motivation to this group and seeing everyone else struggling right along with me. It is so important to know others are dealing with it to.


So to make myself totally accountable I am going to track my food on here this week. Out of curiosity, for those of you doing Weight Watchers, I would love to know approx what my points would be:


Bfast: 1 c Fiber1 cereal

Snack: 1 c FF cottage cheese with peaches

Lunch: Salad with crabmeat and hardboiled eggs

Dinner: South Beach salmon with balsamic glaze, 1 stuffed tomato

Dessert: SF/FF Jello or pudding (haven't actually done this yet, but it is inevitable)

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Oh right, and yes I may have spoken about the cruise, but then again may never have spoken specifics on here.


James and I are going on our 2nd anniversary cruise. 7 Days, NCL Spirit from New Orleans to Cozumel, Costa Maya, Belize and Guatemala. Due to alot of scheming and some possible dishonesty (just a little rule bending) we were able to use my parents' remaining cruise points to pay for virtually the entire cruise and upgrade us from our original inside cabin to a balcony. Needless to say we are beyond excited!!! And to top it off, I tried on the bikini's yesterday and they are a definite go!!!! The dress I am still busting out of but maybe there is nothing I can do about the weight gain in my bust... at least it zips though probably won't make it on the ship :-)

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