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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Just checking in. Amy...I saw your pics. Great! I recognized that one with the pool in Costa Maya...with the bright pink buildings! I remember sitting there (or am I mixed up?) and there was an open tiki bar place that had some of the best chips and salsa and drinks (tri-colored) that I've ever had.


I have been busy up to my eyeballs with final cruise prep. I typed up a letter and have been sending it out to gobs of travel agents in search of great perks, then hope to transfer our booking. I only have 4 days before I have to pay in full and that won't be an option. I'm also shopping for travel insurance, and finalized an excursion booking. So much to do but once this week is over, it should be "smooth sailing" from here on out. I can watch for deals now and then, but not much but planning our wardrobes! Pre-cruise planning is a lot of fun and hard work, too!


One offer came in for $250 OBC! this a.m. Then I countered and asked for a free upgrade to Chops Grille or Portofinos for our anniversary and was given a "YES". I was not sure if I could do this or not but am so glad that I asked. What a learning experience this has been.


Gotta run.........

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Connie, I thought you were having fun exercising at your new gym and didn't have time to stop by. I hope your mom has a full recovery. God was watching over her. If this had happened on the ship. There would not have been much they could have done. Even air lifting might have taken to long. My sister had a brain aneurysm (how do you spell that?) So I know some of what you are going through. I'll be praying for you, your mom & family.

Stop in anytime you just want to vent, hang out, take a break.


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Gosh guys...It's been hard for me to post much this week. I am in the final week of cruise planning (the payment deadline is Saturday), and have spent some time on other forums like the "how to save a buck" forum and then the forum for Meet & Mingle, leaving tips on lodgings, airfares, etc. I am off and running here to fax a travel agent transfer form to Royal, then I can breathe a HUGE sigh of relief!


Wednesday...my new weigh-in day.


SW: 188

LW: 180

CW: 177

GW: 125-135


I was relieved to be going back down and I'm gonna make it keep on going........


My lowest weigh-in was 173, so I'm after that hard and want to be down into the 160s in the next little while. How long will that take????? I felt so much better in the mid 160's so that will be a goal to look forward to.


Erin! Glad to see you have posted. I can tell that you are feeling much better and like your old self. Yay! I didn't see that NCL deal but that sounds awesome. My hubby wants to see the Mediterranean in the worst way and I'm considering starting to save for that right now. I have changed so much for the better in my spending habits and I can see it as a real possibility to be on one of those trips. He would like to do the transatlantic type. Maybe it would be a win-win if we booked on that arrived in the Caribbean!!! Or departed from there. Who cares? That would be like 2 vacations rolled into one. My poor husband has to deal with a LOTof work stress and he deserves a break, so 2010 might be his year. I want to watch hard for deals and we'd like to stick with Royal.


Hi to the rest of you. Hope to be able to check in more often now that the hardest part of the cruise planning is over with.

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Kelly- I don't think my mom would have survived if it happened on the ship. She was at the best place possible, the hospital. The rehab center just told us today that the insurance company will only let her stay there until Friday, then we have to move her to a nursing home with rehab until she can come home. What a mess.


ERin-I stopped running, which bums me out after all that work doing the program! I just started back this week walking a few minutes and then jogging a few minutes. I will try and build back up. It sure takes alot of dedication. Are you still running?



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Hi to everyone. I can't believe how my cruise date is getting so close! It gets me really motivated. I had a fun day of hot-tubbing with my daughter and and granddaughters, got a tanning session in and am going to watch a movie with the girls (we're celebrating a birthday). And here they are.......gotta run!


I have to get my weight down by about 15 lbs. before I go. So I'm not going to be at my original goal in time. I've accepted that. I was really bothered about it for a while, but I've come to terms with it. There will be short-term goals and long-term goals and both are important.





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Hello Everyone:)


Because of personal problems, I have been laying a little low. I want to thank all of you for praying for me. And I want all of you to know that I do pray for all of you. I pray that God will supply all of your needs and keep you all in perfect peace and in good health. When you all post of problems, I pray for those specific problems. It appears that we are becoming prayer partners. :)


Connie - Welcome back. Hope you enjoyed your cruise. Sorry to hear about your Mom and I am happy to hear she is doing better. With prayer God can turn your Moms health around. He is Jehovah Rapha our healer.


Dar - I feel your excitement for your up coming cruise. I know you will have a blast. Please take plenty of pictures and do a review so that we can experience your wonder cruise too. Congrats on your weight loss.


Amy - Great pictures. Look like you had a great time.


Kelly - How are you? I am praying for your husband. God's favor can open doors that no man can shut.


I have not weighed myself and I have been living on junk food.:( I am going to work on getting back on track.




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Good Morning! I'm hoping that even through the troubles of life you are all doing ok today and finding something to be grateful for.

Me I am grateful for the birds that are outside at the feeders. They show that God takes care of us and provides for our needs. That brings me to a prayer request I have. I just went for a job interview. They may or may not be having an opening for a waitress at the place that both of my DD's have worked in the past. I would like this job because the money is needed now. Thank you in advance for your prayers.


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Good Morning! I'm hoping that even through the troubles of life you are all doing ok today and finding something to be grateful for.

Me I am grateful for the birds that are outside at the feeders. They show that God takes care of us and provides for our needs. That brings me to a prayer request I have. I just went for a job interview. They may or may not be having an opening for a waitress at the place that both of my DD's have worked in the past. I would like this job because the money is needed now. Thank you in advance for your prayers.



Hey Kelly...I'll be glad to pray for you on that. I love that song "His eye is on the sparrow" because its about trust. An old tune but a goodie! I remember sitting on my front porch looking through ads to find a larger apartment. We had one baby and one on the way while living in a small one-bedroom apartment. I just said, "Lord, you have a place for us, I'm sure because you said that you watch over the birds that fly and that we shouldn't worry." Right after saying that, a lady with a baby in a stroller was walking past our yard and I said, "Hi" and we chatted for a second. I told her that I was looking for a new apartment. Well, guess what? She was almost ready to MOVE from an apartment right around the corner. It was MUCH larger than the one that we had and only $10 more in rent, per month! We lived there for about 5 years and saved $ on a downpayment for the house that we now live in.


Tuesday we went to a Holland America film at a local movie theatre. I'm into bargains and freebies right now (another story) and thought it would be fun to go to, so the three of us went. We were given boxes of popcorn and pop, then watched a great little film on European ports and the Med. which I was really interested in. Then came the doorprizes. Right as they drew out a paper, I had this gut inkling and said out loud, "It's me." Then the gent hosting it scrunched up his eyebrows and said, "Dar...lene. Darlene." Hee-hee. My daughter turned and looked at me and her jaw dropped. There were a couple hundred people there that night; so that was pretty cool. Just won some stuff that I shouldn't be eating now so I had one piece of Almond Roca and set the box aside. Also got a box of Harry & David Moose Munch stuff, and a Med. puzzle and calendar and tote bag.

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Kelly - I am praying for you. Where 2 touch and agree, it shall be done. I am believing for a job for you. Please remember that if you don't get that one, most likely there is a better one for you. I am also believing that your waitress tips will be exceedingly and abundantly more than everyone else.


Dar - Save me some of the Almond Roca:).



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Dar & Gladys, thank you both for your prayers and thoughts. I'm trusting that if God wants me to work He will place me where He wants me.

I chose this place because I can work evenings. I don't want to have to give up my mentorship to young moms (MOPS) twice a month. Or the ladies bible study I am in.

So we'll see what happens. God is in control. He provides for our needs.


Dar, how fun you won stuff! I wish I could help you eat it!


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Sorry I haven't been around very much. I have been working constantly since my cruise but it will hopefully quiet down for a bit now. I went to the gym only once the week I was back, but three times this week so I am getting back in the routine. I have been much more relaxed with my eating though I will turn it around soon I suppose. Hope everyone else is doing well.

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Hi Everybody.


I've been struggling my way through computer issues (trojans and other junk). It makes me look forward to my upcoming cruise all the more.


Lately I've been splitting my time between this forum and the forum for our particular cruise date. As the time gets closer, it's been fun to read and write posts about our anticipation! I'll tell ya, our daughter is SO excited. I get so excited, I almost cry some days! I know, it's probably "meno."


I'm really working on the weight and eating issues. It's been tough to focus. If you were in my house lately and spent one day here, you'd understand better. Things have been unusually hectic. All this technology is not making life any smoother, I say. I'm working on cutting WAY back on carbs, which I love and are my downfall. I will never likely cut them out altogether but I realized that if I want to get anything off before March 28th, I have to cut way back on this food group. I have almost cut them out entirely from lunch and dinner. I have either one piece of wheat toast with eggs for breakfast, or oatmeal or hot wheat cereal, like today. I might have some crackers with jerky for a snack, so really having more carbs for lunch is unnecessary. I don't burn the fuel in the evenings so I skip the carbs for dinner. Just had salmon and asparagus last night. By nighttime I was craving the grains so I had a couple of handfuls of cereal. Not the worst of snacks. It seems to be working as I saw the needle of the scale actually budge last night. I realized that I didn't post my weigh-in today but will skip it again. My routines have been shot lately.


Today, the phones weren't working right (had to look up troubleshooting and work on that), the computer had big problems and had to spend a lot of time with tech support. Swapped out one wallet for another, hunted for my missing case of burned cds. Called the post office about missing payment for stamps, a check that never turned up, had to stop payment last week then re-write a new check and drive down to the mailbox in my pjs!! Life.....


My credit card info was at risk so I had to close the account and set up a new number, then register the number at my shopping sites.


Phone rang and rang and rang, as usual. I am not a slug and am still in my pajamas at 4:40 p.m.!!! I had to visit this site just for some "down time" before showering and going back to spring cleaning our bedroom! I need an aspirin!


Back soon and hopefully in a much cheerier disposition!


Scott, you are doing incredibly well. You never did tell us what plan you are using? I've never seen anyone lose weight so consistently as you have. Please share your secrets!

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Hi Dar, I've been wondering how you're doing? This winter has been so cold. Your cruise is going to feel so good! We went on one last March. It's a nice time of year to get away.


I'm pretty sure Scott said he is using myfitnesspal.com

I love it, so easy to track cal/exercise. Plus a good community, lots of nice people, encouragement, info. You should come on over. I know you're busy now but maybe when you get back. But you do have a couple of months before you leave so you might want to check it out.


Have you ever figured out your BMR? When I signed up at MFP and found out I could eat more than I had been trying to eat I was a happy camper. I think logging has helped me to stay at this weight. I think since at least Nov. maybe even longer now.


Hello to everyone else


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Hi Dar, I've been wondering how you're doing? This winter has been so cold. Your cruise is going to feel so good! We went on one last March. It's a nice time of year to get away.


I'm pretty sure Scott said he is using myfitnesspal.com

I love it, so easy to track cal/exercise. Plus a good community, lots of nice people, encouragement, info. You should come on over. I know you're busy now but maybe when you get back. But you do have a couple of months before you leave so you might want to check it out.


Have you ever figured out your BMR? When I signed up at MFP and found out I could eat more than I had been trying to eat I was a happy camper. I think logging has helped me to stay at this weight. I think since at least Nov. maybe even longer now.


Hello to everyone else





I'm pretty sure Scott said he is using myfitnesspal.com

I love it, so easy to track cal/exercise. Plus a good community, lots of nice people, encouragement, info. You should come on over. I know you're busy now but maybe when you get back. But you do have a couple of months before you leave so you might want to check it out.


Have you ever figured out your BMR? When I signed up at MFP and found out I could eat more than I had been trying to eat I was a happy camper. I think logging has helped me to stay at this weight. I think since at least Nov. maybe even longer now.


Hello to everyone else



Hi Kelly.... My last gas heat bill showed a 73% increase of usage from a year ago, so that says a lot about the temps.


Oh....announcement...da-da-da-da! It's a girl! Our son and his wife had a baby girl at 3:30 a.m. My husband guessed the time of birth right on the dot! Isn't that weird? The baby was born weighing in at 7 lb.s 12 oz. and 20.5 inches long with a thick head of dark hair like our side of the family. Shoot...I thought a blonde might have been refreshing! Ha-ha. Fat chance with our dominant genes.


Weight....I almost kicked myself last night, friends. I started nervous munching when my son called and said that her water broke. I talked to him and ate 1/4 can of lime almonds which are really salty! While talking! Then 2 corn dogs and some milk. I had leftover salmon, too, which is inexcusable, but this is what I realized:


I went to weigh myself after eating and saw that I had lost more weight and got excited. I was at 176! AFTER eating and at night. I usually am 2 lbs lower in the a.m. I was mad for eating the salty nuts and the corn dog as I could have done better. I also was EXTREMELY thirsty in the evening and knew that I would retain water. Sure enough, I got up this a.m. and was up to 178. But I learned something....


It was hard to cut out the mealtime carbs for lunch and dinner, but it wasn't like I had given them up entirely. I had the cereal or crackers between meals and had the toast for breakfast so I was by no means Atkins-ish. I'm a carb addict, no doubt. But what hit me was how excited I felt when I saw the needle on the scale move down last night. I realized that for only cutting back for a couple of days, I could see some quick and speedy results and that excitement would motivate me to move forward for another day, and another. Trust me, I need all the motivation I can get right now. You'd think the cruise date looming in would be it but it's not, just like for the last cruise. Weird.


I decided to try the same routine today, only better, spurred on by the thrill of seeing the scale dial move downward. If I can manage the time to go online three times today, I'm going to post what I eat. I have a lunch date for about 2 p.m. today, with a friend from church but we are likely to go to this neat homey restaurant that has weight-loss friendly menus. They have this awesome salad called "Riviera Salad" which has greens, pecans, onion, and strawberries and I can order their fat-free poppy seed dressing. I'll have grilled fish or grilled skinless chicken breast with that. Not sure what I'll do for dinner as we are visiting the happy new parents tonight. I can munch on a South Beach Bar (got them with a coupon) at noon and a glass of milk so that I can make it to dinner. That might be it for me for the day. At night, I'll have a serving of frosted wheat (like candy to me) and more milk and if I'm starving, I have some Healthy Request soup in my pantry, but I think I can make it without that after having lunch out.



2 eggs scrambled and fried in Pam (omelette style) with Frank's hot sauce

1 wheat toast with a spoonful of strawberry jam

coffee with 2 tsp. sugar


Lunch....to be continued.....


Kelly, I might be checking out those sites when things settle down a bit. It seems like lately, we've had so much going on plus a lot of social stuff. When I say "social" I mean that we have met more with friends here at our house, or at theirs plus have had a lot more phone calls wit so many people in crisis. I chalk it up to the economy. It's cheaper to have friends over and pop popcorn or share a plate of spaghetti or a bowl of soup and some crusty bread and that's what our friends are doing. I don't know how it is where the rest of you live but here, it is BAD. Michigan people are down. Many are managing a cheery disposition by not reading the paper or watching the evening news. The stats that you see on the national news are off. It is FAR WORSE here than the news reports. Foreclosures are UNREAL. We all have friends who are losing homes to foreclosure or bankruptcy. One of my kids has two homes and is likely to lose both but the forclosure rate is so high that the banks are not even bothering to make contact or press her to move. No papers sent, yet. It's because the banks want people to stay and inhabit the homes to keep them safe from destruction. Many leave and strip down the houses and sell off the copper pipes, water heaters, fixtures, sinks, stoves--everything, devaluing the property even further.


We all know MANY people who are out of work and on unemployment and barely scraping by. Two couples--our closest friends are out of work and waiting for more carpentry work with no unemployment since they are self-employed. When the news reports of a company or casino with job openings, like recently, there were 18,000 applicants for 1400 jobs! This is typical. The whole thing is a snowball effect from the auto industry. No cars sold, many layoffs of factory workers, many lost homes, lower incomes, fewer retail goods sold, store closings, etc. and it keeps on spiralling downward here. Rough times. We have not hit bottom yet, I believe. Many people are beginning to think: gardening, consolidating, home sharing, bartering, bill-cutting in any way possible, selling off stuff, etc. Strange times we are living in.


I barely can talk about this cruise or weight loss to friends as it makes me feel guilty and could induce envy and I don't do that to friends. I am SO EXCITED and have to contain my excitement constantly.


Sorry to have gotten so lengthy! I'm playing catch-up, I guess.


Hope all is well with you. I so appreciate having you guys to share this stuff with!



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Scott, you are doing incredibly well. You never did tell us what plan you are using? I've never seen anyone lose weight so consistently as you have. Please share your secrets!


I use fitnesspal.com. I also continue to workout everyday.


My food intake is limited to cereal in the morning, mid morning snack of fruit, lunch is turkey breast sandwich, chips and fruit cup. Dinner is always 6-8 oz of pork, chicken or beef along with corn or green beans and rice. I do eat some kind of sweet at night.


I log all my food in and never go over my set calories. I have decided that this is a way of life for me. I have accepted that. I refuse to let food control me. I hate when I am over weight.


Today a person didnt even reconize me. He figured out it was me when he heard my voice.



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Scott, you are doing incredibly well. You never did tell us what plan you are using? I've never seen anyone lose weight so consistently as you have. Please share your secrets!


I use fitnesspal.com. I also continue to workout everyday.


My food intake is limited to cereal in the morning, mid morning snack of fruit, lunch is turkey breast sandwich, chips and fruit cup. Dinner is always 6-8 oz of pork, chicken or beef along with corn or green beans and rice. I do eat some kind of sweet at night.


I log all my food in and never go over my set calories. I have decided that this is a way of life for me. I have accepted that. I refuse to let food control me. I hate when I am over weight.


Today a person didnt even reconize me. He figured out it was me when he heard my voice.





Hi Scott....You are where I long to be...at that place where people almost don't recognize you! That has to be a riot.


Thanks so much for sharing your eating guidelines. It seems so simple and "doable". It's cool that you actually allow yourself chips midday. I can so relate to Erin when she mentioned eating Pringles. And bacon. Chips and anything salty, like bacon, are the things that I crave a lot when trying to control my eating. I had to leave the room last night when everyone was eating buttery, salty popcorn. I had about 3 handfuls and realized I was not going to stop unless I got up and walked into another room and got my mind wrapped around something else. That went for the bacon that my husband oven-baked this morning. It's this extra-delicious bacon that he buys at a specialty place and it is sugar-cured and incredible. I had some, then had to leave the room!


I remember that you mentioned fitness pal, but I thought that was more for workouts and calorie counts so I always wondered what your personal specifics were regarding WHAT you were eating. I can see that you aren't doing the no-carb thing, which is actually very encouraging to me. As I said, you are losing weight so consistently and the only people I've ever known to lose speedily and consistently were the no-carb dieters, but I've also seen the effects of no carb eating on their skin and muscle appearance. I've never seen you flatline for weeks like some of us do. Even my own husband, who works out twice a day, can flatline with weight loss. You've had an incredible weight-loss journey.


Any plans to celebrate getting to your goal weight?

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Hi Everybody...I just wanted to say that although I didn't post my weight this week, it is coming down. Not fast, but at least it is coming down again.


Started at 188

Got down to 173 for a short period in between weigh-ins once.

Got off-track and over about 2 months went back up to 180!! Screech!:eek:

(That was me putting on the brakes!)

Today: 176.


I think that in a few days, I'll be back down to 173, and dropping! I want to be in the 160s in the worst way and I am thinking that it might be possible for me to dream of weighing in at 159 before the cruise. Am I crazy? At 167, I can wear all my dresses and pants and capris that I wore on the last cruise and feel okay. But I'd be in heaven if I were one size down at 158 or 157 even. Dream on....


I'm focussing on hour-by-hour, not snacking on high carb foods so much. "Baby carrots are good. Broccoli is good. Grapes are good."--my chant.


I tried the South Beach peanut butter bars and they are really good. I also was out shopping and had to eat lunch on the run. We went to Taco Bell drive-thru and I MADE MYSELF try a burrito from their Fresco menu. I think they need to work on the images on that sign because the Fresco stuff looks: dry, small, cold, unappealing. I ordered it anyway and guess what? The steak burrito was delicious! It was warm and really good. They leave out some of the high fat things like cheese. I loved it. Had a strawberry mango Fruitista and that was heavenly and perfect with the burrito. I have no idea what the calorie content is on those things, though. I joked with my daughter and said, "All this thing needs is a big splash of rum, and I'd be in the tropics right now!"

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Dar, I think you'd be really encouraged if you checked out myfitnesspal and saw how much weight people are losing and they are not feeling deprived. They are eating good foods, no gimmicks.


My concern with cutting things out like going no/low carbs is that no one really stays on them forever. Then as soon as they start adding them back in the weight starts to come back. I just watched my SIL do this. Now she wants to go back to atkins to lose again. If you're gaining it back right away it shows me that it's not working and not sustainable.

Ok that's my commercial for MFP,


I know what you mean about the auto industry and the fallout from it. The mines are laying off in the UP where I'm from. There are a couple of places here that make engine parts that are laying off. A place in Sheboygan where I use to live. It reaches far beyond the offices in Detroit. So many people don't realize that the auto industry employs people all over.


I have some friends who just bought a new house. I'm concerned for them because the haven't sold their other one. They did some piggyback loan. But houses here aren't moving. There are those few that sell right away but most everything else is sitting on the market.


At least you can go to your roll call and be excited about your cruise there. That's what I did. And here too. DH has been working on our taxes and it's so tempting to book one. But we still don't know where his job will be so we are thinking we should bank it.

Sometimes I think it would be fun just once to be irresponsible! I see people do it all time.

Well that's enough rambling for now.


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Hi Friends....


Time for me to weigh in.....nothing thrilling to report. I won't feel the "thrill" again until I'm below 173.


SW: 188

LW: ?

CW: 177

GW: 125-135


I had so much fun last night. First went tanning, which is a huge mood booster for anyone up north who spends too much time under cloudcover. My husband and I went to a dance lesson and decided to do all Latin dancing from now until our cruise date. We did salsa and merengue and it was so much fun. Boy, were my legs sore, though. My knee is still somewhat swollen and a little sore, after a year, but it is SO MUCH improved. I noticed a big improvement about a week ago. It seems sudden, too, which was weird. Anyway, the calorie burn was great.


It is SIX degrees here!


Hope all is well with everyone.



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