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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Hi Everybody. I've been working hard on focussing and have had a few better days because of it. Yesterday was not fun, though (I'll explain.) I spent the day with a woman who has some mental problems and has no friends. I've befriended her and have worked on looking past her problems and just showing kindness to her. She spits when she talks (and I've been "showered" plenty. I always pray, "Lord, help me to not turn away or react with disgust. I'm sure she's had enough of that in her life. Yesterday I spent hours with her just letting her talk through things. At one point, she tried to pay me a compliment that went like this...."I want to be like you. I like how you talk to people and I want to learn how to do that. When I first met you I thought you were a lot younger like, in your 20's." I smiled and gladly accepted that compliment! Then the "ouch" came..."Yeah, I thought you were this cute, short, roly-poly little thing!" and she busted out laughing. I'm pretty tough and I really don't have bad feelings toward her. She can't help herself. She repeated the remark again later, too. OUCH. I've been consoling myself since yesterday. What really bugs me is that she has no inhibitions and is simply saying what she sees, as it is, and she made me face reality in a rough way...again. I was hoping it wasn't that bad--my overweight issues. It's hard when someone says something hurtful and I feel like being overweight is my weakest area in life.


So to sum up, I got hurt, I'm not bitter, but it stings and I am working on my problems.


I got encouraged by this woman who runs the tanning salon..."Eat only live things...Nothing dead." That was simple and kinda cool.


On the bright side, I'm all dressed to go out dancing, which I love and my CRUISE DOCS CAME!!!! Yippee!!!!


How are you all doing this week?

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Hi Mommy! Thanks for the Valentine. :D I've been thinking of you a lot lately. By the way, I went to a clothing store that had waist cinchers. Those things are EVIL! LOL. Like a corset. The fat just bunched all up and spilled over out the top. Yikes! And it wasn't "phat" either. :eek:


Yesterday was a really good day. At the start, I hopped on the scale and liked the results, BUT my hubby asked me to go for a LONG drive for the day. I love long drives, but I knew that this was the drive we've done before and we stop at various eateries...breakfast out, awesome bread stores (European-style bread that is out of this world), cheese place, jerky place, etc. I was DREADING the day, which is sad. I just have had a few really good days and was afraid of losing control.


First stop....a fantastic coffee shop. We bought this awesome coffee...Guatamalen, plus some others. I got a small bag of Jamaican Blue Mountain to try. That stuff is pricey! We also bought a bag of chocolat-covered coffee beans, then joked about playing a trick on a friend of ours and emptying a box of Vivarin or No Doze and replacing the contents with those beans. Our car smelled so good after getting loaded up with a few bags of freshly ground coffee.


Breakfast out....Did great. I kept thinking "Eat stuff that is 'alive' and not 'dead'." Not sure EXACTLY what that means yet, but it kinda helped me to think healthy and not unhealthy. I think "eating to STAY alive" and not "be dead" might also have the same effect. ;) Scrambled eggs, a 1 1/2 pieces of toast, fresh fruit, 2 strips of bacon, coffee. I felt just right after breakfast.


Jerky store--up north in Michigan there is this place that is famous for their jerky. Beef, Buffalo, Turkey Jerky, etc. Jerky is pretty good for you, actually. I've been snacking on it more this month. Only ate 3 of my hubby's jalapeno potato chips! No lunch. One piece of cheese curd, which I didn't love. I love fresh curds only.


Second hand shop WAY up north in a tourist town. I got some fun things....especially this slinky black Evan Picone dress, which is very cruise-worthy!


Dinner out at this cozy lakeside place. Hilarous discussion with a guy in a wheelchair. We signed in for a seat and waited a long time. This guy was with his wife and another couple and was so friendly. He kept trying to guess my name to pass the time...."Stacy" was his first guess. I said, "Nah. I'm way too old to be named Stacy." So his second guess was "Stella." "Nah. I'm way too YOUNG to be a Stella." This got to be pretty funny. I love friendly people! Anyway, he asked my real name so I told him, then he asked my husband's and I told him that and I said, "Double D" as both of our names start with "D" and I thought that is a good memory trick. Except that when I said it, it make everyone waiting bust out laughing. Whoops. All I could say when they said, "Oh, Double D, huh?" was "Hardly." :eek:


Dinner went really well. Skipped appetizers. Ordered a double size salad instead of a side potato and had a walleye filet. Walleye is fantastic! I ate one of two filets and a small dinner roll. My hubby and I split an after dinner coffee drink...Spanish Coffee. It had coffee, kahlua, Bailey's, Grand Marnier and whipped cream. Oh, and a caramel rimmer. Splitting was a good idea!

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Hi Scott...and y'all....


Still here but this last week has been a blur...especially the last 2 days.


Scott...only 12 pounds to go! Awesome.


Too much information, perhaps, but dealing with the water issues that accompany the cycle. Day one of cycling but I'm drinking tons of water now and that is helping.


SW: 188

LW: 177

CW: 177.5

GW: 125-135


I'm doing well with the eating and am taking advice on drinking more water. I keep filling and refilling a glass all day long.


My cruise docs came on Friday and that got me excited! Saturday was the long drive, Sunday was a houseful of company, Monday was shopping for dance shoes and all day shopping for this and that....Tuesday was a blur and yesterday was hard work and guests for dinner. Today is my "ahhhh" day. I get to do some online shopping for a piece of luggage, camera batteries, film, and a swimsuit. Not too painful of a day, but I still have company coming for dinner! Our son. I wanted to chill and eat a salad but NOOOOOO! Someone asked to come for dinner, which means I get to cook. This happens all the time. I want to just cook something simple like chicken breast but my kids are disappointed when I do that. Hmmmmmmm.


For the cruise, I found this GORGEOUS dress that is like the color of teal but better. I found it online and the color is called "Mermaid"...now isn't that just perfect?

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I want to join too. How do I start?


Hi there. To start, pick your weigh-in day. It began as Monday and Scott still weighs in with that day. I chose Wednesdays for here on out.


List your weekly weigh-in like this...


SW (start weight):

CW (current weight):

GW (goal weight):

You can add your start date if you like.


Leave a post whenever you feel like.


What is your plan going to be?


Several people have mentioned myfitnesspal.com as a useful tool. I haven't investigated it yet and will kick myself if I don't get to that soon. Just too many things on my plate and haven't had time to learn anything new right now.




I started last year in late May or early June and will likely be here for a LONG time until I lost this weight. I've not been as dedicated to this goal as I wish I had been, but I'm still continuing, regardless. Its going to be a lifelong process for me of changing my weighs! (pun intended):D

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Hi. I've never been this heavy before, not even pregnant. I guess having a desk job doesn't help and that everyone around here likes to bring goodies and the patients bring goodies as thank you's for the staff! :rolleyes:

Here goes:


SW 213:

CW 213:

GW 175:


I feel for you. My all-time high weight was when I started here on the forum, last spring. I have always struggled with keeping my weight down, and for my height, being 143 was high for me, but I noticed a huge change when I began to homeschool. I spent far more hours per day, sitting than running around being my normally active self. That is when I began to gain steadily and packed on about 10 per year. Some years, I maintained, but other years, it just kept creeping up on me. I would get used to each 10 lb. gain, hold it for a year or so, then gain more.


Nice to have a beginner on the forum. Your enthusiasm will be appreciated. It is truly contagious. Beginners always lose quite a bit in the first month, too, which is encouragement for us all. Enjoy!

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Welcome to the board familyoutdoors! We've been alittle slow here but maybe we'll pick back up again.


Salsa, I've been wanting to write to you again. I took my admissions test and passed. Yesterday I put my app. in so I could very well be starting school in the fall! I excited and scared.


We just recently found out my mom has breast cancer. She's having surgery next Wed. I'll be spending some time up at her house so I won't have internet. Does the world go on with out it?


I also don't want to derail my maintaining so I bought a Tae Bo dvd to take with. I'd go out and walk but they still have way to much snow and they don't do the sidewalks in winter. I'm hoping dvd will be enough.


Scott, Congratulations on getting to your goal! Now you can decide if you want to go down the extra or if you're good where you are at.



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Welcome to the board familyoutdoors! We've been alittle slow here but maybe we'll pick back up again.


Salsa, I've been wanting to write to you again. I took my admissions test and passed. Yesterday I put my app. in so I could very well be starting school in the fall! I excited and scared.


We just recently found out my mom has breast cancer. She's having surgery next Wed. I'll be spending some time up at her house so I won't have internet. Does the world go on with out it?


I also don't want to derail my maintaining so I bought a Tae Bo dvd to take with. I'd go out and walk but they still have way to much snow and they don't do the sidewalks in winter. I'm hoping dvd will be enough.


Scott, Congratulations on getting to your goal! Now you can decide if you want to go down the extra or if you're good where you are at.




Hi Kelly....Cool on the admissions test! There is a woman on my cruise date forum who was diagnosed and is now undergoing radiation up to very close to the cruise date. Imagine that. She's really up, though. My close cousin had a bad prognosis about 3 years ago and is doing great after surgery and chemo, etc. She is bubbly, happy, has her hair back, and is walking daily. I will pray for your mom, so let her know.


Did you ever hear of Zumba? It's a trendy exercise workout that is supposed to be fun and is based on Latin-style dancing and I believe you use a shaker that makes noise. Sounds fun and everyone keeps telling me about it. There are Zumba classes in our area if I want to investigate. I feel like I have so little time, though.


I've been shopping for flattering swimwear all day yesterday and found some cute ones in my favorite brand It Figures. Ever heard of that line? It's awesome. I love retro-style suits and found an ebay seller who sells oodles of them in the buy-it-now section. One suit is adorable and you can find it buy doing Google view....It's called It Figures Mod Squad and is black with green trims--super cute. Another that I ordered is red with white piping and is halter-style. Both are going to be flattering and cover a multitude of pudge!


Take care....write when you can...

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HI Everyone,


Sorry I have been MIA for awhile. Since my mom had the 2 brain surgeries in December things have been very hectic for me. She is home but has a long road of recovery ahead of her. I try to go spend time with her most days but it is hard since I have a job and my family. Needless to say I have gotten lazy with the weight loss and gained back a few pounds. I am recommiting today, here are my stats


SW 182

CW 178.2

GW 145


I don't know what I weighed last time I posted here, probably around 175, I sure don't want to get back into the 180's.


Kelly-I will pray for your mom, I hope the surgery goes well




Salsa-The gym I used to go to had zumba classes and I loved it!! The time really went by fast and it was so much fun.


Well, back to work, I will try and post daily again, I think that really helps us to be accountable.



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Well, I might as well jump in here, too! I'd like to lose 14 pounds in time for our April 24th cruise. I hope this thread will keep me motivated!


SW - 154.5 2/23/09

CW - 154.5

GW - 140


I'm female and 5'8" so my current weight is within the "normal" BMI, but I don't like the way I look at this weight. I'm also 62 and have discovered that it's a LOT harder to lose than it was 30 years ago!


Wish me luck!

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Hi Salsa,

I just wanted to let you know that I drink 70oz. of water a day. I feel it does help. I weighed today and was down to 205. My goal is to be between 195-205 so I am at the high end of my goal. When i started I was in a 44 waist and I am in a 34 now.




Hi Scott....205!!!!!!!:D I am so happy for you and I'm not kidding.


Now you really have me thinking, regarding water. Your weight loss has been so steady and I know that has to be disciplined eating and working out, so I'm not blind to that, but the water consumption makes me really think. My husband just told me that he PROMISED that I'd drop more steadily if I upped my water intake. This is bad but I'll do it for a little while then be back down to a couple of glasses per day.


I'm going to get a 2 quart pitcher out today and start with that. My crunch-time is on as March 1st is on Sunday and our cruise is on the 28th. Better yet, I could fill 2 empty 2 liter bottles and put them on the deck to get cold. That would really help me track how much I am drinking. Thanks so much for sharing that.


Hey, have you been out shopping much for clothes? 10 inches off your waistline means all of your old stuff must be falling off you. Be sure to keep a pair of "fat pants", though. I have a pair in the back of my closet.

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Morning, everyone! So nice to have you linkerbink, and CONNIE!!!! Glad to see you back. Oh, you must be going through such a rough time! Your poor mom! Well, I'm glad to see your post this morning and I'm sure everyone else is, too.


Sure miss you Mommy and Erin, too!


Okay guys...I've found my resolve again! It was lost and I was floundering for a while there and you all knew that, but I found it again.


This week's weigh-in:


SW: 188

LW: 177.5

CW: 175 (2.5 lbs....hee-hee)

GW: 125-135


If you saw my scale readings, you'd think I owned the roller-coaster brand, but it has been steadily declining. I had gotten back up to 180 and was DETERMINED not to go back to where I was at the beginning. NO, NO, NO! I was getting mad at myself.


The owner of the tanning place loaned me her book which is entitled Eat This and Live! by Don Colbert, MD. Its been an interesting read and I love the colorful layout of the pages. It reminds me of the DK books, with great colorful pics. I also like it that they use real fat people on the page photos rather than supermodels with rock-hard abs. The author is a Christian and uses a lot of scriptural references. I was relieved that he wasn't one of those confused souls who thinks that we have to abstain from various foods to be healthy (such as pork, lobster, etc.). He does encouraging staying away from processed stuff and artificial sweetners, and junk foods and fast foods, etc., and I like it that he explains WHY we should avoid them. Lots of good info.


There have been viruses galore here in Michigan. Everyone that I know has been sick. My daughter has had 3 viruses back-to-back in about a two week period. My other daughter has been very sick and my granddaughter has been sick. Relapses are common. I started to get a bug yesterday and put myself right into bed and have been drinking lots of water, and sucking Cold-Eze drops. If I am getting something, I guess better now than close to the cruise date.


My daughter makes me laugh so hard on a regular basis. Last night I had her crawl into my bed (poor hubby had to sleep elsewhere) so the two sick girls were propped up on pillows with tissue boxes and cough drop at their side when he got home from a business dinner. I saw that she was feverish and really feeling bad so I told her that I'd get her a dose of Tylenol Cold Nighttime formula. I poured the 2 T. and handed it to her and said, "Don't spill that blue stuff on my sheets." Next thing you know, I see her licking the insides of the dosage cup. I said, "You really like that stuff, don't you?" She hugged the cup to her cheek and said, "Tylenol, you are my only friend. You're the only one who understands me." She figured that the medicine would soon kick in to clear her stuffy sinuses so she said, "Next thing you know, Bob Barker is going to stand here saying, 'Rod Roddy, what's behind that door and a new car is going to come out of my face.'":D


Now I'm going to be a good girl and take Scotts tip and fill my water bottles and make myself drink them.

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Salsa, things are getting better but it is a slow healing process. You and I are so alike with our weights, they are so close and my weights have been like a rollercoaster lately to. Sounds like you are back on track, I feel like I am too. Today is only day 3 but I am determined. We have a trip to New Orleans the end of April so I want to feel comfortable wearing my shorts and tank tops, I think it is going to be pretty hot there then.


Somthing has been going around here also. My oldest son missed the whole week of school last week but he is doing much better this week, still a little stuffy though.


I have been trying to drink a lot of water lately, I haven't measured it but that is all I have had to drink for the past 3 days.


Well, off to do laundry. (it never ends)



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Hey everyone!


I have kept up reading the posts but just havn't been on this site much, for two reasons: I've been awfully busy with school, but even more so, because I was gaining weight and felt like a loser (but not the kind of loser I wanted to be). :)


Dar, it's funny you mentioned me since I was planning on posting today!


Scott, thanks for keeping me inspired.


Kelly, thanks for your continued support and encouragement.


Connie, it must be tough with your mom. Glad to hear that your hanging in there.


to the newbies: welcome!


So here's my story. I've been struggling with my weight. I stopped working out (no time it seems). I'd been trying to eat healthy and do weight watchers on my own but just didn't have the time or energy to worry about measuring portions and counting points. Long story short, last time I weighed in I was about 185 or so, As of last Thursday I was 191.5. I am graduating nursing school April 30th, and though it makes me feel a little bit better that practically ALL of my fellow classmates have also gained weight, I also definately don't want to be a stereotypical fat nurse.


Many of my classmates starts what is called the Medi diet. 500 calories of lean protein a day. And that's it. After a week you add on 1 serving of veggies a day, and after another week you add on 1 serving of fruit a day. And I was seriously considering it because watching my diet on my own was not working. I knew it wasn't very healthy but I wanted results. But then I remembered I do have a digestive disease after all and it's probably not wise for me to do that to my body. I looked into a lot of different options.


Long story short, I settled on the South Beach diet. It's easy for me to follow, and focuses on getting out all the bad stuff (processed foods, high fat meats, and bad carbs-- white bread, etc). There is no counting calories. The first two weeks I can eat all the lean protein I want, plus tons and tons of veggies. It's simple to follow. So, after a week on this new diet I am doing great. I feel good, I'm eating way more veggies than I ever have before, and they are actually tasting good to me. I'm not craving the junk food near as much. So here are my results after one week:


(re)start date: 2/19/09

SW: 191.5

CW: 184.5

GW: 150


7 pounds in one week!! :D:D:D


Obviously this pace will not keep up, and I'll only be losing 1-3 pounds a week. But it is the boost I needed to keep me going. This is working for me with my crazy schedule. Yea!!


It seems that many of us have all of a sudden found our motivation again.


Keep up the great work everyone!!

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Hey Kelly!! Glad to see you back. I had you on my mind this week, so that's why I mentioned you and Mommy.


WOW! Those are great results for a week. I'm all about anything that will kickstart a person. That 7 lbs. is probably just what you needed to kick your hiney right out of that slump. :D


You can all tell from reading my scanty posts, that I've felt just like Erin has been feeling. Grrrrr. I wanted to quit and just disappear on some days. But I can't. My age, my health, my ego won't let me do it.


Perspective is everything. Mine is that it is almost spring of '09 and I don't weigh 188 like I did in spring of '08, thanks to being here. I weighed 175 this a.m. 13 lbs. lighter than last year. All I have to do is pick up a 10 lb. plus bag of potatoes or a 13 lb. baby and I can know that I accomplished something over the last several months.


I took Scott's tip and filled an empty 2 Liter Coke bottle and drank it all day long until it was empty. A big round of applause for me!


For some odd reason, I did some bad math and thought that I had to drink 2 of those per day, but I caught the mistake by noon.:eek:


I told my husband about Scott's weight loss progress and how steady and seamless it has been, compared to us women, and about the 70 oz. of water topic. We both agreed that women are at an even worse disadvantage regarding water retention, than men; so it really makes sense that women need to focus on drinking a LOT of water, if they want to see consistent weight loss. Does anyone else think this makes perfect sense?


Honestly, some days I drink barely ANY water. I will have a cup of coffee or two, some OJ, some pop, etc., and find it might be dinner time before I think to take a drink of water. No freakin' wonder my body fights me all the time. So I do the roller-coaster thing and get discouraged and ready to give it all up. When that happens, a little evil voice will say, "Just give up and let yourself get REALLY fat."


Erin...I thought of you this week regarding snack foods because you and I are wired the same regarding junk preferences, I think. Here's a list of my favorite junk. I don't eat it daily or by the pound, but truthfully, these things tickle my tastebuds the most....


1. chocolate...dark....Doves, Lindt, etc.

2. french fries...very salty ones and hot

3. onion rings...very salt ones and hot

4. chips and salsa

5. boneless buffalo wings with blue cheese dressing

6. bacon...bacon...did I say "bacon"? Extra crispy.

7. olive burgers

8. Whopper Jr.

9. ice cream with chocolate syrup and bananas and sometimes cereal on top.

10. chocolate cake--really dark chocolate cake

11. brownies

12. chocolate chip cookies

13. M&Ms--plain

14. pretzels and Diet Pepsi

15. Margaritas (salty and sweet)


That's the worst of my favorites, I think. Do you notice a pattern? Lots of salty stuff and lots of chocolate. And throw in the hot & spicy category. I LOVE fresh fruit and salads, etc., and I don't eat this stuff much by any means, but these are my vices. I thought of you, Erin, when you had mentioned Pringles. I love chips and love Pringles when we go for a drive. I wondered if you have ever tried baked fries of any kind? I used Oprah's little cookbook and tried the baked fries that her chef made for her and they were really good. You toss some strips of potatoes or sweet potatoes in olive oil, salt, pepper, and some herbs if you like, then oven roast until crispy. For now, I want to avoid those things and get some pounds off pronto, but down the line, I am going to make an effort to bake some things rather than grab a bag of something inferior from the store shelves.


Today is my 51st birthday. Whoopee. :rolleyes: I'm eating a virtual Red Velvet Cake today. I can have chocolate cake on the upcoming cruise, for a belated birthday celebration.

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Happy Birthday Dar! Virtual red velvet cake? Pass me a slice! :p


My "guilt" list is kind of like yours. Here is my modified version:


1. milk chocolate. usually in ice cream or candy bar form. Not usually plain.

2. ditto on salty french fries

3. mozzerella sticks

4. chips/salsa

5. Chicken strips or KFC's popcorn chicken dipped in honey. don't forget the bisquits!

6. ditto on bacon, though I'm finding turkey bacon a good substitute. And on the south beach diet, I get two slices a day!

7. PB & J sandwich on white bread, with lots of PB and lots of J.

8. Mcdonald's regular hamburger with no onions

9. ice cream. any time, any where. But my fave is a peanut buster parfait.

10. blueberry muffins. I'm not much of a cake person.

11. pumkin pie with whip cream

12. M&M's - peanut butter or peanut

13. any kind of cookies from subway

14. pretzel rods dipped in cream cheese, with mountain dew. :D

15. any kind of fruity sweet remind-me-of-vacation drink


This has just made me so hungry. Why did I do this to myself? :rolleyes:


I didn't think I'd ever be able to go without this stuff. But the past week really hasn't been so bad. I satisfy my "sweet" craving with sugar free jello topped with light whipping cream, and I just try to cook a good meal and I don't get the salt cravings. If I want something richer, I eat a small spoon of peanut butter right off the spoon, and it seems to satisfy me. What's even helped is I've found bread & butter pickles sweetened with splenda, so they are crunchy and sweet, and a couple just hit the spot when I'm having cravings. Wierd, but hey. Whatever works, right?

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dar! have a piece of that cake for me!

I only scanned these posts. I'm at my moms. She had surgery yesterday, came home today. She's doing good. But won't get results until next tue. I am tired. I am going home on Sat. so I'll check in with you all then.


Erin, glad to see you back. You must be really busy being this close to graduation. But you're really close now.


Dar, I am a big water drinker. I drink at least 64 oz a day plus green tea and I've been making ginger tea. I love it, sliced ginger, honey & lemon. So I'm with Scott & your DH, drink up!


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Two pounds gone since last week...woo-hoo! Knowing I'll be reporting on my progress (or lack of it!) helps keep me motivated. :)


SW - 154.5 2/23/09

CW - 152.5

GW - 140 by 4/23/09


Great job linkerbink! :)

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