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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Hi everyone.


Here is my weigh-in.

Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 206

CW: (current weight) 204

GW: (goal weight) 199


Wow...only a few pounds to your goal! Hope I get there as well! By the way, I used to live in Deer Park. My brother is a UC graduate.

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Hi everyone, hope your all doing good!


Dar-sorry I missed your birthday, I hope you had a good one.


Erin-sounds like you are back on track. I forgot to weigh myself today so I will tomorrow, I have been doing pretty good but not perfect. I am still exercising about 5 days a week but the running has stopped. After all that work doing the couch 2 5k and getting up to running 30 minutes. Now I can only run about 9 or 10. I guess I should start it again, maybe next week.


WEll, back to work.



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Hi I am Elisa and I am going on a cruise in April, November and one next year in April. I want to lose at the most 35-40lbs. I know I will not do it by out cruise April 11. But want to get a jump on it so I can look good in a bathing suit. I ought to know what to do as I have done lots of diets and worked for a well known Canadian health and Diet Clinic. But I am lousy at putting myself first and am an emotional eater. What I need ideas for is evening snacks, and lunches. Thank you.

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I need helpful hints on what to eat in the evening as snacks and what to eat for lunches. I am Elisa and I would like to lose 35-40lbs. I am going on a cruise in April, November, and April 2010. I need support and help as I am lousy at putting myself first and am an emotional eater. Thank you for the ideas and talk to everyone soon.

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Scott - Great job! you are so close! :)


Connie - At least you have been working out. I'm so scared to get on a treadmill because I was doing so well and I'm sure I've lost most, if not all of what I worked so hard to gain. :( Be sure to update us if you decide to restart the couch to 5k. I'm sure it will be easier the second time around since you can already run 10 minutes straight.


Elisa - Welcome! It sounds like you already are on the right track by identifying what your weaknesses are. Planning ahead is key. Do you like salads for lunch? A nice green salad with grilled chicken and veggies with a light italian dressing or vinagriette (sp?) is a favorite of mine. Dar is a big believer in soups. As for an evening snack... that is my weakness too. Lately I have had a low fat string cheese. It hits the spot, tastes rich but is fairly healthy. And if you peel it r-e-a-l-l-y slow, it lasts a long time and it feels like you are eating more than you really are! :D Let us know what ends up working for you!

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Weighed in this morning


LW 178.2

CW 174.4

GW 145


I am very happy with that, If I could only do that every week!!


Erin, I will let you know when I decide to start the couch to 5k, I sure hope it is easier this time.


Elisa-I like to buy the weight watchers fudge sicles for a snack, they are really good, even my husband and kids like them. They are only 1 point on weight watchers and are a good size, although the aren't to cheap, I figure I'm worth it:D



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Here is my weekly weigh-in!


(re)start date: 2/19/09

SW: 191.5

LW: 184.5

CW: 181.0

GW: 150


I've hit the ten pound mark!


It is SO nice to see the scale move! :p But it is even nicer to feel my clothes start to get more loose. :D My work pants snap at the top, and two weeks ago I had to tighten my belt incredibly tight or otherwise they would snap open when I sat down. :o Now they stay snapped. :):):)


Has anybody ever gone to see Body Worlds? I'm going Monday with my husband. THey are having an exhibit in Tampa. I'm excited about it, but I don't know if Charlie will be able to handle it. He doesn't do so well with blood, so not sure how he'll handle this. But it was his idea and I'm going to take advantage of it!

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Erin-great job on the 10 lbs !!!!


Bookreader-I have never heard of the lemon juice and maple syrup diet, what is that?




Thanks! :D


I was wondering the same thing about the lemon juice / maple syrup diet. :confused:

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Hi Everyone....Welcome to the newcomers, too.


This week was hectic and now I'm down with another virus with a temp and yucky feeling. I babysat my granddaughter yesterday and she was sick so I've been exposed repeatedly. My cruise is in 3 weeks, so I'll be glad to have this over with and be healthy by the time we sail.


I was having a water-weight problem...I know that women go through this but I am far worse than ever right now. My feet felt like pads. We had some Chinese food on Saturday (celebrated 2 birthdays) and I kept my portions small but went up 3.5 lbs. by the next morning and STAYED up for a few days. My daughter brought me some stuff from GNC that is supposed to help, and it did. I only took it one a.m. and the excess water went away within 24 hours. I didn't lose any more weight, yet, but its nice to have the excess water gone as it obscures all efforts to lose fat!


SW: 188

LW: 175

CW: 175

GW: 125-135


I started feeling sick last night...just a little...so ate a tiny dinner, then we went dancing. I wasn't sure if I had the bug or was just getting that sympathetic stomach ache that I normally get when a family member feels sick. Didn't eat all day until just a little bit ago so I've had very little food in 24 hours. Next weigh-in might be better! Reminds me of that funny movie line from the Devil Wears Prada..."I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight." :)


Snacks...I have been buying those wooden crates of clementine tangerines and I love them. I usually have 2 in the a.m. in place of juice, and another 2 at night if I need a snack. I read this in a good book...ALWAYS keep a snack in your purse; so I've been bringing Special K bars or things like that just so I know that if I'm stuck somewhere and really hungry, I have that to fall back on. We also stocked up on beef jerky while at a store that is famous for it, and I have been cutting a strip up into bite-size pieces and having a few. It takes so long to chew it and is pretty satisfying.


What I'm really craving is WATERMELON! I need to buy a half or a quarter and snack on that...the store I've shopped at hasn't had any in and that is killing me. Last night we had cantaloupe. I LOVE fruit. A mango is on my counter ripening and calling my name. In a day or two, it should be perfect. I keep making fruity salads with sliced strawberries, some fresh pineapple chunks, some kiwi and that is fantastic. Fruit is my favorite snack.


Salt....I am avoiding almost all salt at this point. My body isn't working well with salt...that goes for wine, too. I don't drink a lot...just maybe a glass or two on the weekend, but for now, I am avoiding anything that is contributing to my water-retention problem. The water-weight gains are too discouraging. I kept drinking the 70 oz. of water and still held onto the water, which surprised me. I know its not the water's fault and maybe my body just didn't have enough time to adapt so it hung onto every drop that I was slurping down. Back to drinking more water!

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I'm down another two pounds...can't complain! I'm trying not to lose too much too quickly, as that's a sure way to gain it all back. I've just been cutting out snacks and doing a strict portion control. If I can keep up the pace of one to two pounds per week I should be at goal by sail away!


SW - 154.2 2/23/09

CW - 150.2

GW - 140.0 by 4/23/09

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great job linkerbink!


Salsa-I hope you are feeling better.


I have to get more serious about eating better, I don't know what my problem has been lately. I do good for a few days then I seem to loose my will power. Today I am recommiting, I am going to try to eat less carbs and more lean protein , veggies and fruit. I know carbs are my problem but I don't want to totally give them up. My son has been following a program the trainer at the gym gave him, he eats lots of chicken, veggies, fruit, brown rice or high fiber bread, eggs, and peanut butter. He is doing really good, he also works out alot. Maybe I will try and eat like him , just not as much.


Well, off to work.



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great job linkerbink!


Salsa-I hope you are feeling better.


I have to get more serious about eating better, I don't know what my problem has been lately. I do good for a few days then I seem to loose my will power. Today I am recommiting, I am going to try to eat less carbs and more lean protein , veggies and fruit. I know carbs are my problem but I don't want to totally give them up. My son has been following a program the trainer at the gym gave him, he eats lots of chicken, veggies, fruit, brown rice or high fiber bread, eggs, and peanut butter. He is doing really good, he also works out alot. Maybe I will try and eat like him , just not as much.


Well, off to work.




Hi Connie...My problem is the same so I am continually working on making changes. They come slow and old habits do die hard, but it is going to be a work in progress. We are all wired a certain way when it comes to taste buds. I've seen this in my kids and now grandkids. Some LOVE grainy foods and others prefer proteins, dairy, etc. It will just take time to learn to love brown rice instead of white, I guess. I haven't even gone there yet, but I'm choosing high fiber breads for my a.m. slice of toast and overall have improved in my choices over the past 9 months. Not where I want to be but making improvements over and over and spotting problem areas is part of the process. It seems like when I get a clear understanding of WHY I need to eat this over that, helps me a lot. Like a big eye-opener.


The newcomers are inspiring for me. I almost had a good cry this a.m. (PMS/MENO) as I have made a huge pile of clothes on my bed, trying on and tossing this and that in prep for the cruise which is only about 17 days from now. So many cute things that don't fit!!! Grrr and Waaa! It's my own fault. So I'm making due and doing alterations today to find enough cute things to make me feel good about myself. My skinny daughter was watching me go through the whole frustrating process and she said one thing that made us both laugh and smile and made me feel a little better. It went like this....


"Mom. What's that?"

"What's what?"

"That. I see your bellybutton."


"But I haven't seen your belly button in a long time! Look!"


This got to be pretty funny. I was standing near a full-length mirror trying on clothes and hadn't been really looking. There it was. My navel, plain as day. It has been MIA for about 2 years!! I was too fat for it to be seen. It has made a comeback!


Yes, we are weird, but it was one of those mini milestones!!



Got on the scale and weighed 174 in spite of TOM water retention issues! I'm being good with the cruise coming up so close and am determined to break into the 160's. I'll be back on the forum right after the cruise and am going to stick with it and claw my way back to thinness and good health, even if it kills me!


Parade Magazine...Did any of you see that article on the knee joint? For every 10 pounds of extra weight, you put 50 lbs. of added pressure on your knee joint!!! No wonder my knees hurt. That motivates me for continued change. If 10 does that much, what does 50 do? I do not want to be getting knee surgery when I'm in my late 50's or 60's and hope that with weight loss, I can avoid that problem altogether.

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Hi all thought I'd check in since I've been gone alot. It's good to see Erin and Connie back!


Erin, one of my friends went to see body worlds when she was a nursing student a few years ago. After hearing her talk about it I'm sure you are going to really enjoy it.

Great Job! on losing the 10!


Connie, You might be surprised at when you start back up running again. I've been on the treadmill but just ran outside for the first time on Sat. I thought I'd die about a 1/4 mi. into it. But I kept looking at my 1/2 mi point. When I got to it I thought I haven't died yet and I went for a mile. I so wanted to quit at the 1/4. I think it's ok to push ourselves alittle. I see them do it on biggest loser and think why do I give in so easy?


Dar, I hope you're feeling better. Funny you talked about brown rice. That's what I bought today grocery shopping. DH is starting to eat healthier, exercising. He is really serious about losing the extra weight he's carrying. We were shopping and I asked him if he wanted to try brown instead of white so that's what we bought.


Scott, you are doing so good! I really am happy for you!


To our new friends, Bookreader & linkerbink, Welcome! I hope you find the support and encouragement you need to help you to reach your goals of not only weight loss but a healthier lifestyle!


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Hi Everyone!


Great job linkerbink on another two pounds!


Well, I survived my first out-of-town-on-a-diet experience, even though it was only one day. I ate a good breakfast at about 6 AM so I woudn't need a midmorning snack, then we made the drive up to Tampa.


After Body Worlds, we took a break for lunch about noon. I SO wanted a fast food hamburger and french fries. After driving for a few minutes, Charlie really wanted golden corrall. I am not a big fan, but I figured at least this way I will be able to pick healthy stuff. It was very hard. They have steamed veggies, but they are just so BLAND compared to what I make at home I didn't think they tasted good at all. So I had veggies and some beef roast and chicken with the skin removed. I really wanted one of those melt-in-your-mouth rolls, but resisited. Also wanted desert, but kept myself to just sugar-free jello. I was very proud of myself for that! :D


Then for an afternoon snack/treat we stopped at Jamba Juice and I had one of their light drinks made with strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. Delish!


As for Body Worlds, it was very interesting. The human body is truly amazing. And the whole underlying theme was health. Healthy heart vs. unhealthy heart. Healthy lung vs. unhealthy lungs. Healthy vessels vs. unhealthy vessels. Then they had one person, entitled something like "obesity revealed." Don't keep reading if you'll be grossed out. But they basically took this person and cut a slice out of him straight through the middle. When you actually see the layers of fat, after seeing so many muscular people, it truly is eye-opening. Charlie and I started asking ourselves, "What would I look like if I was cut down the middle?" It is kind of sobering to think about it. And a HUGE motivation to keep making efforts to be more healthy (on the inside). :cool:

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Good Morning! :)


Here is my weekly weigh-in


(re)start date: 2/19/09

SW: 191.5

LW: 181.0

CW: 178.5

GW: 150


I've stopped weighing myself every day, so I was very anxious when I got on the scale this morning, thinking that I'd gained weight. I've started adding things back into my diet this week (more fruit, etc), so I'm so excited to see the loss!


I say to myself quite a bit, "Eat to live, don't live to eat". I've noticed that I'm eating a lot less lately, only when I'm physically hungry, not just emotionally hungry. I'm learning to tell the difference. Since the foods I usually snack on are all off-limits, I eat less, and realize that I'm truly not hungry anyway. I don't eat something just because it's there. My husband commented the other night about how my portions at dinner have shrunken drastically. And it's true. For one, my favorite part of the meal (bread, pasta, rice, etc) is not there. So I'm not eating just because it tastes good. So since I'm eating just until I'm satisfied and not because it its addictingly delicious, I'm eating a lot less. And I'm not hungry. It's a wonderful feeling to gain control of what goes into my mouth. :D:D:D


I've only seen a couple of episodes of of Biggest Loser, but I really liked the ones I saw. We don't have cable or anything, so the only TV we watch is what we get through Netlflix. I looked earlier this week for the show on there, hoping they'd have it, but they don't. I really have to get some rabbit ears, LOL!!

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Great job, Erin!!!!


I'm running late here (babysitting for several weeks).....so I have a short minute to leave a post but had time to read a couple.



LW: 175

CW: 174

GW: 125-135


Slow as molasses but as with Erin, my portions have shrunk a lot.


Erin, I'm loving your results. I might have to try what you are doing after the cruise is over! In the meantime, I'm at it hard because I have some clothes to fit into!!


Gotta run...next week should be a little better.

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No change this week, guys! I was so sure I would have lost a pound or two. We've really stepped up the dancing and I've burned a lot of calories, too! :(


SW: 188

LW: 174

CW: 174

GW: 125-135


On the upside, I've run into people who are saying right off, "You've lost weight!" It happens frequently. So what is going on? I heard it from 3 different people last week and two of them I see fairly often. My cousin said, "Dar, you've lost your triple chin!" :)


We went swing dancing last night...what a workout. My foot is swollen and hurts today but it was so worth it!

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