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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Dar, you are probably getting thinner even though the scale doesn't show it, with all that dancing you've been doing!


Here is my weekly weigh-in. It's now been 1 month.


(re)start date: 2/19/09

SW: 191.5

LW: 178.5

CW: 177.5

GW: 150


Only 1 pound this week, but that is completely OK with me. Pretty much every day this week I've had bread (the whole grain good-for-you kind) and still eat a lot. With the bread back in my diet I feel completely non-deprived. At this point I should really start working out again... at least just some strength training a couple of days a week to build some muscle mass. I'm not very motivated to though, just being honest, so I'll let you know how that goes.


How is everyone doing? Boards have been quiet so much lately. I miss our lively discussions! :)

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Here is my weekly weigh-in


(re)start date: 2/19/09

SW: 191.5

LW: 177.5

CW: 177.5

GW: 150


No change this week. But I cheateed 2 days this week so I was happy not to see a gain. My key to success is planning. I have been focused on exams so not planning my meals very well.


Enough with excuses. Next week I'll see a change! :)


How is everyone doing?

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Hi Guys! Notice my countdown clock!!!! We fly out tomorrow at 6:45 a.m. Whooooooo-hoooooooo!


Weight...Changes: Yes! Scale Loss: NO.


Weird....stomach is much flatter...visibly. Is it the dancing and muscle tone? Don't know but we all can see it. Clothes fit better. I"m not thin by any means but I feel a lot better and I have plenty of cute clothes that fit for the cruise. My formal is gorgeous! It's called "Mermaid" and is a blue-green satin, full length, v-cut with an empire west. I'm going to send pics--trust me! I was up to 1 a.m. packing clothes and we were all getting cranky. Today is toiletries and miscellaneous. So much to do to cruise, isn't there???? SO much. But tomorrow, I am going to be on my way to treasure a piece of God's marvelous creation and I am ecstatic!


SW: 188

LW: 174

CW: 174 (I'm also retaining water and just took water pills this a.m.)

GW: 125-135


Friends....Didn't reach my goal by any means but am looking forward to getting right back at it with you all, post-cruise. This is going to my best summer in a good LONG time.


Thanks for all being there and helping me to have made a step toward feeling much better about myself. I'm not going to beat myself up at all....just let myself enjoy the cruise and look forward to being in the 160's by this summer.


I've gotten really BROWN, which is so cool. Brownest I've been since I was a teenager!


Blessings! Erin...hang in there....I'm going to need you...especially after I get back after eating all of that bacon in the Windjammer! ;)



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  • 2 weeks later...

That was such a busy cruise! We had a BLAST!! I am STILL worn out from all of it. So much going on lately but I had to check in. I wanted to tell you about my water retention issues on the cruise. You guys wouldn't believe how much water I retained. My feet got HUGE where all bones in my feet disappeared under the puffy layer...ankle bones were gone. Each day got worse and worse. By the second formal night NO shoes would fit. Dave had to massage my feet and work the fluid away until I could pack my feet into a pair of dress sandals. It was awful. There was such a huge difference between the first formal night photos and the second...my face got so round and puffy.


Was it just the salty food, the alcohol, being on my feet so much? I got home and stepped on the scale and was up 10 lbs!!! After about 3 days, 7 of it was off, so I"m happy about that. I'm hoping a little more goes away in water. I can handle a couple pounds of weight gain for all of the fantastic food that we had.


Update: my daughter met someone WONDERFUL right before the cruise and they are both nuts about each other. It is so precious!


Plans: back at the weight loss cause HEY summer is on its way! Hope all of you are doing well. I'll be checking in more but I've been sleeping a lot. Three of us got viruses on the cruise and I am so tired from the residual effect. I'm also having fun playing on facebook. :)


Erin...how is it going? Any new loss since I was gone?

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Hi Dar! Welcome back!

I'm doing OK on my diet. I've gained 1 pound, but I have mostly just been dieting during the day and eating whatever at night. I had finals week to stress about, now my final clinicals. I'm working 76 hours this week alone, so it's been a bit hard to stick to, but I'm trying!


I want to hear all about your cruise!


I also have very exciting news, as my gift for graduating with honors, Charlie bought me a cruise!!! He totally surprised me, and I can't wait. We leave on Carnival Triumph May 10th for San Juan, St. Thomas, and St. Martin. YIPPEE!!!

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Hi Dar! Welcome back!

I'm doing OK on my diet. I've gained 1 pound, but I have mostly just been dieting during the day and eating whatever at night. I had finals week to stress about, now my final clinicals. I'm working 76 hours this week alone, so it's been a bit hard to stick to, but I'm trying!


I want to hear all about your cruise!


I also have very exciting news, as my gift for graduating with honors, Charlie bought me a cruise!!! He totally surprised me, and I can't wait. We leave on Carnival Triumph May 10th for San Juan, St. Thomas, and St. Martin. YIPPEE!!!



Your Charlie is awesome...you tell him that I said so!!!


I got so many blisters on my toes from thong sandals that I wore in San Juan. After getting home, I found that one is infected and it REALLY hurts. I keep soaking it and keeping an eye on it. Any suggestions? I don't want it to spread but am going to self-treat it and hope it gets better soon...ouch!


I just finished my tax stuff and am so relieved that I could sing! I hate tax time!


I'll tell you all about the cruise when I get time next week. :)

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Hellooo Ladies (and gents).... I am sorry I left the group for so long. I was on a diet hiatus (still at the gym though). But I am back in FULL swing. Doing weight watchers online and working out 3-4 days a week.


For those that are newer to the group (since my falling off the wagon in Feb.) my name is Amy. I am 26 years old living in NY and working on Long Island. I recently started a new job working as a fundraiser and camp director and the nation's only day camp for children with cancer. Adjusting to the new schedule and new workload is what through me off but I'm back in action now!


Also my new motivation is a cruise we just booked for Jan. 2010 and a wedding I am at bridesmaid at on Dec. 5 2010. I am literally standing in line with 5 other lovely maids... all wearing a size 2, 4, or 6 while I am in a 12!!! Now granted I am MUCH bustier than they are, my 33 inch waist looks huge next to their 26 inches!


So here's my re(start) weight:

SW: 159

GW: 145


When I went on my cruise this past Jan I was at about 157 so I am still basically on track. Thanks for having me back... can't wait to catch up with everyone's posts!

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I'm ready to roll too, kids...literally.... ;P


Did Scott reach his goal weight while I was away?????


My hubby and I both think our daughter will likely be getting a proposal within a few months, then there will be a wedding to plan. If this is correct, I have another incentive to keep on going and lose more weight. I'm going to weigh-in on Wednesday and post my numbers. Hope all is well with everyone.


Here are a couple of pics from the cruise.....


m_009e15af9f0846f7927be9f3494f4c76.jpg Bethany eating a fresh-picked banana in St. Lucia. We did the Cosol Tour and it was FABULOUS!

Bethany holding a fresh-picked boa constrictor in St. Lucia....

m_260156cd0394420da7a5e27f08eec7b2.jpg I entitled this one..."Peer Pressure."




Beth's 21st birthday as we sailed away from Barbados...


m_1e55dd2d1f7044ba96e169617c2ff5a6.jpg Silvermoon II catamaran sail day in Barbados...."Floating"....makes me want to go back!!!

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Hi All


Have not been here for awhile. Hope everyone is doing well. Did not go back and read the board:o. Just wanted to stop in and say Hello. My weight loss plan have gone with the wind. I have not exercised nor have I been watching what I eat. I was loosing weight because of family problems but than I turned to food for comfort. I know I gained about 10lbs.


Dar - pictures look great and I am glad you enjoyed your cruise.


Amy - You have done great in maintaining your weight. They say if you can maintain you can permanently keep the weight off.;)


Erin - What a gift. Congratulations. The ports you are going to are some of my favorites. For St. Thomas I highly recommend Godfrey's Tour and for St Martin I highly recommend Bernard's tour. You won't be disappointed and the price is just right. In my Christmas 2008 review I talked about both of these tours and provided some pictures.


Welcome new ones. I hope to soon become actively involved again in the board. Have a land vacation to Cabo this August and would like to loose about 20lbs.



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Morning Losers! ;)


Gladys!! So glad to see you here this morning! I hope things are doing better for you. I think of you often. It's hard when we go through rough times...I've never been one of those people who starved during a crisis! Oh no, not me. I usually eat more. So I eat when I'm happy and sad.


Dang! I should have weighed in on Wednesday or Thursday as I intended because I was at 178. I waited and had a lunch date with a friend yesterday and now I'm up 2 more stinkin' pounds!


So here I am, anyway.


My original start weight last year at the end of May or early June was 188. I keep toying with choosing a NEW start-weight at where I am today. I think it might help me to not look back at old accomplishments and instead see myself in a fresh light with new goals ahead. It's easy for me to say, "Oh, I lost such-and-such in 2008," and not work as hard to make new accomplishments. So as of today, my new start-weight is what I weigh today.


SW: 180

CW: 180

GW: 125-135


I'm holding off a bit on breakfast this a.m. because of the big meal yesterday, but the coffee is perking and begging me to come have a cup. With summer coming on, I'd like to become the Smoothie Queen. I have a good little smoothie recipe book and think that would help boost my calcium intake and also be icy cold and refreshing.


With the empty-nest syndrome biting at my heels...and actually making me feel a little blue this week...I have thought about revamping my cooking style. We're transition from big daily family meals to something more like "bistro-style" eating. I'll plan big family dinners for Wednesdays and Sundays and the other days will be grilled sandwiches of some sort, soups and salads, broiled fish and grilled meats....a little stir fry and stir-fried pastas with shrimp or scallops added, omelettes too. I've been in a cooking rut and not sure what to do for the past few months, so now I have more direction. This scheme will help me to plan healthier meals for us as a couple. I can also cook-to-order a little more this way. If I'm eating solo, I can do single-serves. Anyone else dealing with this type of change? I feel like I have to search out all new recipes. The casseroles that used to be a staple around her are turning into an occasional thing now. It's strange.


Today I start out fresh and to be honest, my stomach is gnawing at me already. But I find that my weight is directly connected with my mood and its time to improve both!

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Good Morning Everyone. I have made up my mind to come back and to start on my weight loss journey. I weighed myself after breakfast and was a whopping 172lbs. I gain back 9lbs:eek::eek:. I hate to start at the end of the week so therefore I will start on Monday morning with a weigh in and my set goal.


Dar - My family problems are not over however they are being worked on. DH and I love each other very much and we are fighting the enemy together. DD had knee surgery and she is doing well.


For those of you who don't know, my DH and I separated. We communicate every day and spend a lot of time together trying to be a normal family working thru our marital problems. As much as he is over here our neighbors don't even know we are separated.;) We are both Christians and know trials come to make us strong. Thanks to all those who prayed for us. Just last night we were discussing relocating to Florida after DD go off to college 8/2010 so that we can be near the cruise ports and take more cruises at discounted prices.


I suggested to my friend Lady Patsy to join this board because there are a much of caring people that will help her on her weight loss journey.


Will be back later


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Gladys...I knew you were a fighter! No giving up and no surrender! Not without a fight, that's for sure. I'm heading out to the deck to enjoy the sunshine for a while...you'll be in my prayers as I soak up the rays!




1/3 cup lowfat Dannon vanilla yogurt

8 oz. glass of 2% milk

coffee with a little fake creamer :P

waited for daughter to arrive with bread to sample....she was excited about new recipes that she is experimenting with.....I don't need the bread but wanted to sample and encourage her efforts....


had 3 pieces cut from mini loaves....delicious!


Back to MY plan...




1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese

4 Rosemary and olive oil Triscuits

iced tea


That's it for now.




I'm low on fresh fruit, veggies, salad stuff....desperately need to plan a list and go shopping!

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Had one of those nutritional replacement bars to carry me to dinner....yuck. It tasted okay and was chocolate but there is just something not right about eating those things to replace real food. This particular one is made/sold by the company where my hubby works and is good in content, etc. but I'd rather eat a fresh tomato or a bowlful of watermelon that that sort of thing, although they can be fine in a pinch when you are on the run and can't stop for a meal.


This first day of doing really well is tough. I've been grazing on junk since we got back from the cruise so I feel like I'm going through withdrawals today! I need to find the confidence that I can make it through today and into tomorrow, then begin again!


I did a search for Watermelon Gazpacho like we had on the cruise and found a hit right from Google to Cruise Critic. Wouldn't you know? I'm really anxious to try the recipe. I like regular tomato gazpacho and I also make one with shrimp added and look forward to making those things this summer.


Tonight is dance and the workout will be good. We're going to go again tomorrow for the extra sweat that it will generate. It's not normal to go twice in one weekend but I need the exercise badly. I'm so excited because my foot problem seems to be over. I found a great pair of shoes at a dance store clearance and it turned out that my foot vastly improved. Now I realize that bad-fitting dance shoes might have been the problem in the first place and kept agitating the painful bone in my foot. It's so nice to walk without a limp. :)

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Happy Monday Everyone


As promised I am back on my weight loss journey. I have not decided how to accomplish this yet, but for now a little exercise and watching what I eat. Do we still weigh in on Mondays? When I first started I was 178lbs and had gotten down to 163lbs for a total lost of 15lb. I have gained back 8lbs. Therefore my starting weight today is 171.8 lbs.


SW: 171.8 (4/27/09)

LW: ?

CW: 171.8

WL: 0.0

GW: 150.0


I have changed my goal weight to 150lbs. I hope this board picks back up and we all come back on board. We are good for each other so please come back.




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I chuckled when I read Glady's post about the 8 lbs. Her venture is like mine...I lost 14 or 15...I think 15 was my highest loss point....then gained from the cruise (4 lb.s) plus 3 since we've been back, etc. I'm up a total of 7 right now, from 173 and having my period which isn't helping. I know you girls will get it when I say "backslide"...ha, ha. But hey, if we backslide and don't go all the way back to where we started, that's progress right? "Press toward the mark" I say!!!


For now, I will weigh-in on Wednesdays but maybe will switch back to Mondays. Does that help everyone to see weigh-in results on the same day?


I want to eat healthy and light each day but there are those "durn" social events. I am going to have to do small portions for those days and they have been crazy and frequent lately....late night dinners out, graduation parties, get-togethers, etc. A lot going on. I have to make it through them and still be losing daily! Losing meaning taking in fewer calories than I consume.


Now there is even more "incentive" for me....our son got engaged on Friday! AND he wants to get married THIS SUMMER!!! In AUGUST!!!!! I do not want to be the hog mother of the groom. I can live with myself in my own little cocoon here and pretend that it's not that bad but it's those dang photos! And I know that photos are permanent. They will flow from generation to generation. They are historical!!!! Our third-born (Aaron) is in law school and met Sarah last fall and proposed and if you know Aaron, he doesn't play by the rules and wait for anything so when he decided to propose, he isn't going to wait around a year to get married. That's Aaron. So I need to get busy and I'm going to HAVE TO exercise if I want to see a decent loss by the end of August. Help!!


Have a great day, girls.....and Scott (any news?)...




P.S. Erin....maybe it would help Gladys and I to do a 2 week South Beach kind of thing but I have no clue what that entails. I thought that a "boost" of quick loss might help. If anyone else has an idea on a 2 week plan, let me know. I think I mgiht have old Weight Watchers notes for their Quick Start and could do that as well.

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Hi Everyone!

Gladys and Amy, it's SO great to see you back on the board. Gladys, you will continue to be in my prayers.


Dar, cute pics!


It is a very busy week for me, all week I have been at a class study session for the nursing boards, and tomorrow is graduation. YES! My mom and her boyfriend is in town so they have been keeping me busy as well, but a good busy. We've been going to the beach, going shopping, etc. All super fun stuff I havn't had time to enjoy for the last couple of years.


I can't believe my cruise is so close! Next week I will be back at work, then on Saturday night we are driving to Miami to stay at a hotel, then Sunday we depart! This is probably the least planned cruise I have taken simply because I have not had the time to do research. I booked one snorkeling exursion for St. Maarten, and are planning on going to St. John on our own from St. Thomas but I havn't looked into the details much. No clue what to do in San Juan at night. Probably just walk around or try to visit a fort before it closes.


As for the diet, I havn't weighed myself in the last week but I have been maintianing my 14 pound loss my doing my diet all day and eating whatever I want for dinner. A friend recommended the workout DVD "30 Day Shred" so I rented that from Netflix but havn't had time to actually do it yet. Well, I'd have the time but then not have time to shower and get ready again after working out. At this point I really don't think I'll lose any more before my trip. But I'm thrilled to be maintaining while still enjoying the foods I really love at dinner (ie Ice Cream)


I'll have time to post again next week. Talk to you then! :D

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Erin - Thanks for the prayers. I am sooooooo jealous. I wish I was going back on the AOS. I know you will have a blast. Please take plenty of pictures and do a review.


As for my weight loss, well all I can say is WHAT WEIGHT LOSS;)

I did not exercise this week at all and have not try watched what I was eating. I can say that I did not over indulge.

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LOTS going on this week so sorry I missed my weigh-in. I spent the past two days cleaning my daughter's house and helping her out of a mess of various sorts. I have more time to put in to see the tasks to the end. Haven't slept much since Monday night--menopausal insomnia just came back! I had been sleeping like a baby for quite a while, then BOOM!


No loss by weigh-in day so I didn't post but the added work time has caused a small drop. You eat less when you are working that hard and scrub, scrub, scrubbing!


But, HELP...friends were over for our study time and we always snack....Brie with pepper jelly over it and fresh fruit (decent), then some great cheddar cheese and some sliceable sausage (I ate ONE piece of the sausage)--not so bad. Hummus and pita chips...okay. A glass of wine.....Then my friend cut and served desert....it was the most unbelievable buttermilk cake with fresh blackberries all over the top and a dollop of some sort of creamy stuff. How do you say "NO" to that? The piece looked too big, but after one or two bites, I said, "I could eat TWO pieces of this stuff!" I didn't.


I hope I see some loss by Wednesday!

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Good Morning Everyone


Hope everyone had a great weekend. Did not really do anything this week to loose weight. I was hoping to start this week of right with exercise out side on my power walker. It is raining and cold and I had a 7am appt and tomorrow I am in the office, so exercise is out for these 2 days. I am a morning exerciser, if I don't do it in the morning it can not be done unless DH and I take a walk.


Will be back later. Hope everyone have a great day. Also Lady Patsy dropped in on this board but I am not sure she is going to join. So please send some shout outs for her to join.

SW: 171.8 (4/27/09)

LW: 171.8

CW: 171.0

WL: 0.8

GW: 150.0



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Erin...this will likely be your most relaxing cruise because you haven't had much planning time. Yay!


We went to the fort area...El Morro and that was cool and the oceanview was breathtaking during the day! We didn't do the fort tour, due to shortage of time. It's all so easy to walk to...both forts...from Old San Juan. We stayed at the Howard Johnson's in OSJ (I did NOT care for it), location was great. There is a town square right there and on Friday night, there was a praise gathering. It was SO COOL. I don't think I posted that story, but we sat on folding chairs and listened to preaching in Spanish, praise music, then an interpreter, and a message in English. It was at night, open-air, and under the stars. The next a.m. there was a little market going on there, too. I bought a couple of small oil paintings done in bright colors. I would recommened Barrachinas (home of the pina colada) for dinner atmosphere, though we didn't eat there. We stopped for the pina colada and the place was so cool that I wish we'd made dinner plans there. We ate at Cafe Puerto Rico and the food was good. For breakfast, we went to La Bombonera and I LOVED that place. My husband was nuts over their breakfast sandwich/pastry. Weird but good. A "Danish" with your choice of breakfast fills and sprinkled with powdered sugar. We did a little shopping there on that street right after breakfast and it was all close to the square and our hotel.


Enjoy your trip!!!


Hi Everyone!

Gladys and Amy, it's SO great to see you back on the board. Gladys, you will continue to be in my prayers.


Dar, cute pics!


It is a very busy week for me, all week I have been at a class study session for the nursing boards, and tomorrow is graduation. YES! My mom and her boyfriend is in town so they have been keeping me busy as well, but a good busy. We've been going to the beach, going shopping, etc. All super fun stuff I havn't had time to enjoy for the last couple of years.


I can't believe my cruise is so close! Next week I will be back at work, then on Saturday night we are driving to Miami to stay at a hotel, then Sunday we depart! This is probably the least planned cruise I have taken simply because I have not had the time to do research. I booked one snorkeling exursion for St. Maarten, and are planning on going to St. John on our own from St. Thomas but I havn't looked into the details much. No clue what to do in San Juan at night. Probably just walk around or try to visit a fort before it closes.


As for the diet, I havn't weighed myself in the last week but I have been maintianing my 14 pound loss my doing my diet all day and eating whatever I want for dinner. A friend recommended the workout DVD "30 Day Shred" so I rented that from Netflix but havn't had time to actually do it yet. Well, I'd have the time but then not have time to shower and get ready again after working out. At this point I really don't think I'll lose any more before my trip. But I'm thrilled to be maintaining while still enjoying the foods I really love at dinner (ie Ice Cream)


I'll have time to post again next week. Talk to you then! :D

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I hate it when you hit the back button by accident and lose your posts!


Hey Lady Patsy! Yeah, you. THAT Lady Patsy....Glady's friend. Feel free to join in the chubby ladies club (sorry if that doesn't apply to a few of you).




I hope you can view the picture. Also, at the bottom of the slide-show, check out the others.

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Hi everyone, I am new to this board but definately could benefit from knowing that I am not alone on this weightloss journey. I have a long way to go but would love to shed quite a few pounds by February when we cruise.

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Hi again everyone.... sorry for dropping back in and then not posting again. I am here and reading, just overwhelmed at work and such.


I have been doing Weight Watchers, the momentum plan. Basically I get 21 points a day, and have 35 flex points for the week. I weigh in and restart my weekly point count every Friday, so I tend to splurge alot on the weekends.


Right now I am at 162.

I had dropped to 159 and then jumped back up which is very frustrating. My measurements are still down, so I just keep thinking it must be muscle. I am trying to be optimistic but have kind of flatlined in my weight loss.


Any Weight Watchers pros out there? Any suggestions. I am still going to the gym and trying to take anywhere from 2-6 classes a week. SOme weeks are better than others with work.


Not cruising again til Jan. but want to be down this summer too!


Also I know we had this discussion a while back, but now I am dealing with it again on WW... I am VERY irregular, and truthfully feel like that is keeping weight on, and always making me feel bloated. I eat Fiber 1 and even take fiber pills every few days.... anyone have a secret weapon?


Sounds like everyone is doing well, and we are all trying! I think that trying is more than half of it. Just being conscious of what we are eating is half the battle!

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