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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Scott, you can probably expect to gain a few pounds from the extra sodium in the food. But you can drop them pretty fast when you get home since it's really just water weight. I find that whenever I eat out there is more salt than I am use to. Drink lots of water. I try to drink a few more glasses than my norm.


I usually do breakfast on the balcony. Yogurt, fruit and maybe one danish with my tea.

Lunch, salad, raw veggies from the salad bar. V&O for dressing. And some chicken or beef. Whatever looks good that day.

Dinners, I ate what I wanted but only the things I really wanted. Watched the portion sizes.


I limited my drinks to only one or two per day. They are so high in calories. And I do enjoy a glass of wine with dinner so that was usually my second drink.


Except for the day on Roatan. I love those Monkey Lalas! This was also they day I lost control and had a hotdog and a hamburger with fries for lunch when we came back! But one day does not have to lead to another. The next day back to normal.


I walk alot on the ship and in port. Take the stairs. I don't exercise. I've done the walking on the track. I wake up early all the time at home. On vacation I want to sleep in, have a leisurely breakfast on my balcony. Then later we are usually to busy to want to use up the time to exercise.

I did try to use the treadmill one time but I get motion sickness easy and that was to much even for my bonine.

No exercise also means I can pack lighter. I'm a carryon only girl.


You've done so well on all the trips you've taken while you were losing. I think you'll be fine on the cruise. I think you've learned what you can & cannot eat and how much of it. Just keep doing it.


Where is your cruise going? No matter where I am sure you will enjoy it!


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I can relate to the hibernation comment. I have not been out since end of april. I have passed up birthday parties, etc. I finally went out this weekend and surprised all my friends with the 25pds. I 've lost. I had my normal medifast meals before meeting them and got up and moved away when they ordered delicious smelling fried food at the bar. I did have 2 martini's ( the only alcohol I have had since starting) and about 6 glasses of water w/ lemon. The comments form my firends and the look on their faces was all the encouragement I needed to continue and loose the rest. I have gone from size 16 to 10, and lost over 9 inches. I to am fearing the cruise food...and yes I believe the salt is the killer!

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It's been a busy couple of weeks and I kinda "fell off the wagon" when we visited family in Austin last weekend. However we did a lot of walking and I didn't do much damage to the scales. I started working my butt off at the gym when we got back and started eating healthy again and I've lost another 3/4" in my waist. I can tell my shirts are getting a little baggy around the waist but the problem I'm having is losing inches around my hips....any suggestions?

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  • 1 month later...

Scott, I'm was surprised to see this thread. Even more surprised to see how well you are doing! Well maybe surprised isn't the right word. You've been so faithful to your new way of eating and exercise so it really isn't a surprise. Congrats on all your hard work! It shows that when we change our ways we can make a big difference. But we do need to make that change for it to happen.


Are you still using MFP? I am. I went for about 4 mos holding steady. Then got lazy, quit logging. Had some stress, vacation, parties. I've gained a few but I'm back to logging and will have them gone soon I hope.


I wish you much luck in maintaining the new you! I'm sure you will do great.


I bet you are starting to get excited for your cruise! Just a few months now! Hope you have a wonderful time!


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Scott, I'm was surprised to see this thread. Even more surprised to see how well you are doing! Well maybe surprised isn't the right word. You've been so faithful to your new way of eating and exercise so it really isn't a surprise. Congrats on all your hard work! It shows that when we change our ways we can make a big difference. But we do need to make that change for it to happen.


Are you still using MFP? I am. I went for about 4 mos holding steady. Then got lazy, quit logging. Had some stress, vacation, parties. I've gained a few but I'm back to logging and will have them gone soon I hope.


I wish you much luck in maintaining the new you! I'm sure you will do great.


I bet you are starting to get excited for your cruise! Just a few months now! Hope you have a wonderful time!


I am getting very excited about the Cruise. We made final payment this week.


I still use My Fitness Pal. I am now into maintenance program. Lets see if I can hold it.


I am sure you can drop the weight. If I can do it anyone can. Good Luck!

I will keep checking in here. Nice to talk with you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Gosh it's been quite a while since I've been here. I've been really struggling with my weight and finding motivatioin for AFTER the cruise. I gained about 10 lbs. during the cruise...water, mostly, but really never went down and haven't made a serious effort either. This week, my daughter showed me a site called "fitday" and set up an account for me while visiting and showed me how to navigate the site. I'd love to compare it to "myfitnesspal"....


All that time Kelly and Scott....you mentioned the site and I never really checked it out...I think the name put me off because I don't exercise and I have no motivation to do so. My treadmill went caput and I decided to not buy another. I'm back to bad knee pain, etc. I really believe that exercise will come later when I have enough weight off my joints. So I just read that for every 1 lb. of body weight you lose, you lose 3 lbs. of pressure off knee joints. YAY.


Anyway, congratulations to you Scott.....more weight off, I see. And Kelly, I'm glad you facebooked me because that reminded me to bury my shame and show up back on the forum.


I'm pretty excited about using fitday...it's been easy and fun to log in the food info and the bar graphs, RDA info has been SO helpful. I had no idea that I was normally low in certain nutrients like Vitamin D! And Vitamin A....and Vitamin E. Wow, what an eye-opener.


I'd like to start checking in and using the forum thread for my weigh-ins. It's nice to have REAL people to report to.


I see some new names since I was last here...so "Hi" to you all. I was on the thread for close to a year, then slipped and haven't done so well for a couple of months. Back again and ready to lose!


Where's Gladys been? And Erin...I miss you guys!

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Hey Dar, like I said, the threads been pretty quiet. Maybe if we all check in it will pick back up.

I was up about six lbs since Feb when my mom got sick. Finally back down a few. I'm happy here and this was my happy place at one point till I lost a few extra.

I'm thinking I should get my body fat % checked and watch that rather than scale weight. As I've been doing strength training more I can tell I'm more toned which means more muscle. So I might gain some on the scale but not in actual fat.

I'll watch to see if anyone else checks in.

Hope you have a good weekend!


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Hey Dar, like I said, the threads been pretty quiet. Maybe if we all check in it will pick back up.

I was up about six lbs since Feb when my mom got sick. Finally back down a few. I'm happy here and this was my happy place at one point till I lost a few extra.

I'm thinking I should get my body fat % checked and watch that rather than scale weight. As I've been doing strength training more I can tell I'm more toned which means more muscle. So I might gain some on the scale but not in actual fat.

I'll watch to see if anyone else checks in.

Hope you have a good weekend!



Hey Kelly....Ahhhh! It feels like old times. :) You're right about the muscle/fat ratio. In my 20's, I felt like I had to weigh under 125 or even less, to be at the right weight, but now that I am older, I know that I have larger muscles....leg muscles from dancing, arm muscles from normal work and can feel really fit in my 130's, up to 140 lbs. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a system to measure fat % in our own bathtubs at home?


I was feeling so crummy about myself about a month ago (belly was looking mighty preggy!) and I am limping around, unless I load up on 4 ibuprofen to go out dancing! the 4 ibu. can get me through about 1.5 hours of dancing without much pain, then it starts. Back to concern about joint stress...


My very good friend is really suffering with this so a word of warning to anyone interested. She started jogging around age 50, participated in a 5k, I believe it was, LOVED jogging, but she did some SERIOUS damage to her knees and now she is bone-on-bone and her doctor ordered a handicapped sticker! Her height is shrinking a lot because she walks with both knees bent in a very abnormal way....she's too young for surgery as it only is good for about 10 years. Very hard to watch this...she's only 56. It's been a word of warning to me. I have to lose this, or I'll be handicapped.


I told my hubby last month, that if I couldn't get myself into weight loss within one month, and drop 10 lbs., I would seek outside professional help--something that runs totally against my grain! I hate appointments...can't stress that enough....and spending money unnecessarily. A month went by, and I didn't improve. My deal ended on 26th. Fortunately, my daughter set up the food journal and showed me how it worked. I am LOVING this. It is fun. It's sort of like a game to see how much I can eat that is healthy enough to keep the lines on the bar graph where they need to be. I feel like I'm outsmarting my food journal in the process. It suits me and leaves me feeling like I have my own personal dietician--my "professional" outside help! To drop weight like this makes me feel like I am in control of this area again.


This is the start of Day 5.but I've dropped 3 lbs. and that translates to 9 lbs. of weight pressure off my knees! YAY. My mood is so much better than it was at the beginning of the week. I was REALLY feeling low on Monday and Tuesday morning. I mean REALLY low!


Note: I appreciate it that the thread is still going. It's a nice place to come "home" to.

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Hi Dar and anyone else who might pop in and read!

I'm glad you felt you could come "home" It's always nice to have someone who shares what you are doing. That's what alot of people like about MFP. Even if they aren't getting support at home they have somewhere to go to get it.


Fitday sounds cool with the graphs. I'd say I'd check it out but I'm trying to limit how many places I want to be addicted to, lol. With school starting in a matter of weeks now I know my play time is going to become limited.


I think you're right to try and drop some pounds before you start exercising. DH is doing the same thing. He tried to get back into running but realized that it wouldn't be good to do at his current weight. He's been walking the dog and getting better about his eating. After you lose some and can walk without causing pain then you can start.


I know what you mean about taking the ibuprofen. I've been taking naproxen this week for my hip. Not sure what's up with it. But it has seemed to help. I don't think I'll take any today and yesterday I only took one. I think maybe I didn't stretch enough after a run combined with a bad mattress.


Well DD just called and she's in town visiting for the weekend and is going to come over. She picked a good day. I made lemon poppyseed muffins this morning. I put blueberries in some and they all turned out so good! Now we can pawn some off on the skinny girl!


Hope everyone has a good weekend!


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Greetings Everyone


I too have been MIA. So much going on in my life. All good though. I see some new people have come on board. Welcome, welcome.


Dar - I feel the same way; this board is home. We have all had our set backs and have been down and out but the good thing is we get back up. You are a fighter who will never be defeated.

Kelly - save me some of those muffins. They sound yummy. Congrats on taking some of the gain lbs back off. Weight training, I heard was the best way to keep the weight down. I just can not find the time to go to a gym.


Scott- Woooooooo!!!!!!!!:D


As far as my weight well, what can I say. I was down to 163lbs, now I am 168lbs. I have not given up on my weight loss, I just put it on hold. I know I need to get the weight off, I 800mg of motrin to help with my sometimes knee pain. I als noticed that when I eat a lot of sweets, my knees start to hurt.


We are leaving for Cabo San Lucas on Monday 8/3 for 7 wonderful days and nights. DH and I decided to turn this in to a 2nd honeymoon.;) DD is going and we are taking my niece. We will be staying in a timeshare; Hacienda del Mar Vacation Club. Dh and I will have a lot of privacy because the unit is really big, 3bdrms, 4 bathrooms. I am so excited. We are planning long romantic walks on the beach. Maybe those walks will prevent me from gaining any weight. I hope so!!!!!!


I really have missed all of you and this board. I will check back in when I return.


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Gladys, how wonderful to hear that you and DH are still together! I hope you all have a great vacation. It sounds really nice. I'm sure you'll bring back pics for us.


For me it's the cardio that keeps the weight, my stomach down. I can have skinny arms & legs but it all goes to the belly. It's our family way. My mom, her sister, all 3 of my sisters, my 3 cousins. We all have the same shape. I do not want to look pregnant when I'm not. So I keep working at it.

The weights do help to shape & tone. Especially the upper body. I actually like how my shoulders & arms look now.

I don't have a gym membership. I was using free weights. Then DH wanted a bowflex revolution. I didn't argue. I use it 2-3 times a week. I like it alot.


I am so excited for you for your trip! Have a great time!


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Greetings Everyone


I too have been MIA. So much going on in my life. All good though. I see some new people have come on board. Welcome, welcome.


Dar - I feel the same way; this board is home. We have all had our set backs and have been down and out but the good thing is we get back up. You are a fighter who will never be defeated.

Kelly - save me some of those muffins. They sound yummy. Congrats on taking some of the gain lbs back off. Weight training, I heard was the best way to keep the weight down. I just can not find the time to go to a gym.


Scott- Woooooooo!!!!!!!!:D


As far as my weight well, what can I say. I was down to 163lbs, now I am 168lbs. I have not given up on my weight loss, I just put it on hold. I know I need to get the weight off, I 800mg of motrin to help with my sometimes knee pain. I als noticed that when I eat a lot of sweets, my knees start to hurt.


We are leaving for Cabo San Lucas on Monday 8/3 for 7 wonderful days and nights. DH and I decided to turn this in to a 2nd honeymoon.;) DD is going and we are taking my niece. We will be staying in a timeshare; Hacienda del Mar Vacation Club. Dh and I will have a lot of privacy because the unit is really big, 3bdrms, 4 bathrooms. I am so excited. We are planning long romantic walks on the beach. Maybe those walks will prevent me from gaining any weight. I hope so!!!!!!


I really have missed all of you and this board. I will check back in when I return.



Gladys! Yay! No more MIA. I am so excited to hear about that 2nd honeymoon. Here's a big kiss for ya! MWAAAAAAAH!


I'd love to hear about your vacation there. We have no vacation plans for 2010, because we are thinking it is quite likely that our baby girl's honey is going to pop the question, so we're saving all we can for a wedding now! THEN, we want to go on another trip, Lord willing!


So good to "see" you again!

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There's something about those bar graphs, pie charts, calorie tallies that are really helping me. I've had no issues with cravings all week and each day I'm calorie deficient, and my nutrition is improving. It makes me excited for each new day.


I read something in Woman's World magazine about almonds....a stat done by a research group and it read like those on a calorie restricted diet lost 14% more fat off their waists when they consumed about 70 almonds per day. Interesting. I also saw a young friend lose about 30 lbs. in 3 months and that kid chows on dry-roasted unsalted almonds for snacks. Something you could get used to.


Yesterday I had so much fun with my oldest daughter...hubby out of town....we saved our carbs all day and went to a sushi bar...had sushi, peel-n-eat shrimp, steamed mussels topped with sweet chili sauce, etc. It was a guiltless meal and such a treat! Sushi with veggies and seafood is only 36 calories each.


I've found that I love plain yogurt topped with 1 T. honey, and sprinkled with 1 T. of wheat germ...it looks like a real dessert.


We just came back from my daughter's boyfriend's concert at a local coffee house. This guy was walking around and I'm sure he was trying to look like Jesus...he had the long hair, the beard that was twirled into curls, the earthy linen pants that were kinda flowy with a flowy white shirt and some tassels peeking out from under his tunic shirt. That got me wondering, "If Jesus were in a coffee shop, what would he order?" My first guess, out loud, was that he would order water and change it to a mochachino, which made my daughter bust out laughing loud during the concert, which lead to weird stares! She countered with, "And he'd make sure he had unlimited refills!" :D

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Hi Dar, thought I'd give a quick check in and bump this up in hopes someone else might see it.


70 almonds a day! That is alot of almonds! I don't think I could do it. But they do make a really good snack. I buy the plain ones and roast them in the oven. It makes them crunchier and brings out the flavor. I also like to make spicy cocktail nuts. They're spicy enough that I don't eat to many but have great flavor. Especially if we are having drinks on the patio.


Hoping Gladys is having a great time on her honeymoon!


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Hi Dar, thought I'd give a quick check in and bump this up in hopes someone else might see it.


70 almonds a day! That is alot of almonds! I don't think I could do it. But they do make a really good snack. I buy the plain ones and roast them in the oven. It makes them crunchier and brings out the flavor. I also like to make spicy cocktail nuts. They're spicy enough that I don't eat to many but have great flavor. Especially if we are having drinks on the patio.


Hoping Gladys is having a great time on her honeymoon!



Hi Kelly....Yes, I think 70 almonds is a lot, too. I eat the serving size of 22, listed on the package. I never thought about roasting my own...what a great idea.


My daughter bought a couple of packages of really good breakfast cereals...one is Kashi Heart 2 Heart---loaded with vitamins. She chose that one on purpose for me. We have really gotten into reading labels since that info is going to be on our journals. If Fit Day doesn't list a particular food or brand, then I can do a "custom food" item and plug the info in myself and save it for future use. That is kind of a pain. I did it for three items today.


I'm halfway through my third week of using Fit Day and it is still working really well for me....I'm down six pounds, too! Only 4 more and I'll be at my pre-cruise low, then can get excited about getting lower! Yay! I'm feeling better all the time. My appetite is more under control, I"m not snacking on junk and choosing healthy stuff. I TRIED to eat a sardine because my daughter bought them for me....just couldn't choke much of that down. I also tried Wasa cracker/bread....that stuff tastes like cardboard. I think you have to be careful that you don't go so overboard on eating healthy that you throw away flavor altogether. Honestly, flavor is a big part of the eating experience!

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Hi Dar! Congrats on the loss! It sounds like fitday is a fit for you!

I agree with you on not sacrificing all flavor/taste. I know it's weird but I kind of like those wasa crackers. I like them with egg salad or with hummus. And hummus in small amounts is a good snack. Even better if you eat it with vegies instead of the crackers or my fav pita toasted. I've even made my own pitas a few times. They're great for sandwiches. Oh, and I like hummus instead of mayo on some sandwiches. Lot's of flavor and you get more protein.


We went out for an early dinner today and I'm stuck at what to put down for my cals. It was a local place so there's no website to get a count. Will have to do some substitution stuff. I did only eat half so that's good.


I'm going to try and remember to weigh tomorrow, Sunday or Monday. I want a weight before I leave. I always gain a few traveling. Eating out, not my regular exercise.

Hope you have a good weekend!


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Hi everyone.... sorry to also be soooo MIA. We are going into our 7th week of camp (I am the asst. director at a camp for children with cancer) and the summer has taken it's toll on my weight loss ventures. With no time for the gym (I have been once in two months) I have been trying hard to watch what I eat and just run around camp alot. Though I have not lost any, I have maintained from my original weight loss and figure i can lose another 10lbs before my next cruise (in Jan).


SW (Oct 08)- 166

CW (Aug 09)- 155

GW (Jan 10)- 145


Here's to an easy end of summer for all of us!

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Hi All


I am back from our vacation/2nd honeymoon. Cabo San Lucas is very beautiful. The resort is gorgeous and our room was huge, well decorated and had a great view of the ocean on one side and the mountains on the other. As far as a 2nd honeymoon, well that went out the door. We were so into the beauty of the sightseeing and excursions that romance was not focused on; however we all had a wonderful time. Come to think about it our 1st honeymoon had limited romance because we were enjoying all the things to do on the resort. I will post some pictures later.


For my weight, I left weighing 168lbs and came back weighing 173lbs:eek:. Took my work out clothes, however I did not work out and there was no long walks on the beach. We spent quality and quanity time with DD and DN.


I am not sure how I feel about a weight loss plan right now. I know I need to loose weight but I am not so determine:confused:. Maybe I will become determine after I settle down from this vacation, So much work to do, upacking and job related work. Exhausted just thinking about all I have to do.


Hope everyone is doing well. Will post later.



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Gladys, great pics! that view is beautiful! Glad you had a good time.

We just got back from FL yesterday. Had a nice trip and visit with DD & her BF. Ate out to much and am not going to even bother weighing. I know I have some water weight so I don't want to depress myself with seeing it on the scale. I got up this morning and did my regular Wed. routine for exercise and food. Dar is liking fitday. I'm still using myfitnesspal.com it's easy. It's the same plan that Scott uses. Don't wait to long to start again. For me I find it's best to get back to my normal routine as soon as I get back.


Well my laundry is calling my name!


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