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***My weightloss secerets***

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Oh almost forgot....

Tip: This may sound sillly but this is what I started today. During meals and snacks I take a bite of food and then make myself take 3 drinks of water between each bite. It makes you slow down which makes you think your'e eating more. It also makes you feel very full!

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Im not sure whether this is allowed on here but here is a couple of websites that have helped me out.

Post yours if you have any

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I have lost another pound. Thats 5 total!!!


We are having a birthday party for my mother-in-law tonight. I have only ate cereal and rice cakes today so that I can have some home-made strawberry ice-cream tonight. I make it with 2% milk and splenda...but I will probably have to use real sugar since its not MY party. Another party tomorrow.....Hope I can keep these pounds off this weekend.


Hubby has lost 13.5 pounds!!!

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Im not sure whether this is allowed on here but here is a couple of websites that have helped me out.

Post yours if you have any


I really like the calorie king site, and another one called world's healthiest foods at whfoods dot com . It has some good recipes for things I wonder what to do with :)

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The last time I wrote on her I think I had lost 5 pounds. Well, I have been working out like crazy and eating right but the pounds had not been coming off. I couldnt believe that I actually gained two pounds back of the five I lost. It was so irritating. I could feel my body getting toned. A LOT! But still, I couldnt see the results on the scale.

My aunt works out with me too. She hadnt lost ANY weight and decided to do intraval walking. She lost 2 pounds the first day! She would walk fast for 15 seconds at a time. So I decieded to try it. I walked for a while, then jogged then walked for 20-30 minutes. Today is Friday. I started on Wednesday. I weighed on Thursday morning I had lost 2 lbs!!! I did it agian on Thursday and lost 2 more pounds!! My total weight loss in 19 days is 7 pounds. I hope to lose at LEAST 10 pounds a month for 2-3 months. So now it seems possible!

Again, it isnt really about the pounds but I really want to be under a certain number (which Im definately NOT posting). Its reasonable and attainable. With my hubby and I getting back into shape it really makes me look forward to our cruise. I cant wait to wear my cute little dresses.




Im so proud of Trin. He has lost....get this....17 POUNDS!!! Im kind of jealous....but I guess men loose faster. He is so dedicated!


I think I will start a new post asking what everyone did when their weightloss came to a stand still.

If youre reading this post and have a story post here or find the new post.

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I got body mass tested at the beginning of my workout program at the gym and then again a few days ago. I had lost a pound and a half of fat and gained a pound and a half of lean body mass. This means with metabolic shift I get an extra 11 calories a day "free" or if I eat exactly the same, will lose 1 pound a year -- forever. At this rate, in 30 years I will be really buff! The change in lean body mass also increased my target weight (based on body fat) by two pounds so I am two pounds closer to my goal even without losing weight! I actually have lost a few pounds but as we all know, you can "gain" a pound simply by drinking 16 oz of water, similarly can "lose" 2 pounds just by sweating out a quart. So I'm focusing on the measuring tape, and moving clothes that I couldn't wear forward to "now I can wear this again" in my closet.

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In the past year and a half i lost about 40 pounds. The first 2 months stay away from breads and pasta and eat 5-6 small meals a day. Eat alot of chicken, seafood, salads and fresh fruit and drink alote of water and walk as much as possible. I have kept off the weight and now i am eating 4-5 small meals a day and back to eating breads and pasta. It works :o

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I got body mass tested at the beginning of my workout program at the gym and then again a few days ago. I had lost a pound and a half of fat and gained a pound and a half of lean body mass. This means with metabolic shift I get an extra 11 calories a day "free" or if I eat exactly the same, will lose 1 pound a year -- forever. At this rate, in 30 years I will be really buff! The change in lean body mass also increased my target weight (based on body fat) by two pounds so I am two pounds closer to my goal even without losing weight! I actually have lost a few pounds but as we all know, you can "gain" a pound simply by drinking 16 oz of water, similarly can "lose" 2 pounds just by sweating out a quart. So I'm focusing on the measuring tape, and moving clothes that I couldn't wear forward to "now I can wear this again" in my closet.



WOW Thats a lot of useful info that I did not know. You seem to know what youre talking about. I have to admit...Im scared to know my BMI number. I hate even knowing my own weight. I do tend to weigh more especially when I work out so much...so maybe I will brave it out and get it tested. One question: how do you determine your calories you get with you metabolic shift?



I have been noticing muscle popping up everywhere! The other day I was bent over trying to dig a pan out of the cabinet and I reached back to scratch my leg...Oh my gosh...I have this huge muscle down the back of my leg. My back is getting muscles and my arms also. Being female I used to have a fear of becoming TO muscular looking. I freaked out when I started seeing muscles pop up into my arms (this was years ago). I told him that I didnt want to look like one of those bodybuilding women. The trainer told me to keep doing what Im doing because I actually wasnt making my muscles grow THAT much. I was able to see my muscle more because the fat around it was melting therefore allowing my muscle to appear larger. SO message is...girls dont freak out when you start to see muscles. You probably are building a little muscle but you are also building fat.


I am so thrilled to experience these changes with my body compsition.

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You know how it is when you exercise your butt off and can't seem to get the numbers on the scale to move. Well my dog is having the same thing. She has been my walking/running partner for 2 months. I had to bring her into the vet for an injury and much to my surprise she has only lost 1 lb. But she looks trimmer and has more energy.

So even if the scale isn't moving keep working out. Use your clothes to see if you are getting into better shape. I know for me the numbers aren't changing but my pants are feeling better!


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I have been eating more salad (baby romaine.) Instead of putting in regular salad things like tomatoes... I've been putting in melon. Watermelon, canatalope, honeydew which ever one I have. I still use the balsamic vinegrette with some kosher salt & pepper and a few savings of parmesan reggiano. The melon is so refreshing. Some chicken for protein and it is a good meal.


I can't wait to start picking things out of the garden. So far I've only had radishes. That is when I will eat more tomatoes. Fresh picked they have so much flavor. Roasted cherry or grape variety on a sandwich, yum!


Happy eating! and remember it is not a diet it is eating good food that is good for you.


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Hey there!! I've got a month too, so I've got to get busy. About 2 years ago, I changed my lifestyle to the South Beach "woe" way of eating. I lost 70 lbs. I kept it off for almost two years, then for some reason about 6 onths ago, I got lazy and started eating junk and gained 50 of the pounds back. :( So, I am back onto SB!! limit sugar, enriched flour, potatoes, and processed foods. Plus, I'm gonna start walking. That's the hard part here in TX b/c we are now at something like 20 days of triple digit heat.


Good luck to everyone!!!!

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BMI is a number that relates height to weight, it's a rough measure and basically according to BMI many professional athletes who you couldn't see fat on if you tried are "fat" by the number. It's the equivalent of the old height/weight charts without a range of weight. It's also the same for men and women at any height. http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/


Body composition can be measured several ways: caliper, electric impedence, water tank (never done that one...) Apparently fat and muscle don't transmit electricity the same. I first had it done at a health fair at work, now I get it done at my athletic club. There are lots of ways to measure body fat -- I'm still waiting to see all my ribs, for instance. Using a measuring tape is easy. The first few times, you might not be too happy with the numbers, but I consider this my reality check.


My mom thought I'd get too muscular in the legs doing ballet. Hardly my biggest worry!

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Well, I weighed in yesterday. I havent lost but havent gained either.:) I have worked out everyday so far this week. I recieved some great compliments. I wore a pair of capris that were previously kind of tight before but fit well now. I was turned around and a lady exclaimed in complete suprise at how good I was looking. My butt is shrinking THANK GOD! and my waist is becoming more defined. It felt great to get a compliment just out of the blue. Im thinking of starting a kick boxing class tomorrow.....hmmmm....I will let you know how that goes. Im kind of nervous that I am not in good enough shape to keep up but a friend of mine is teaching....actually that kind of makes me feel more nervous...lol Its different when youre sweating and panting for breath around someone you know. I admit I do get bummed about the pounds not dropping quickly but it was nice to know that it is at least noticable.


Im really going to make a point of complimenting people who are noticably losing weight. It really made my day today. I would like to be that inspiration for others.

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You all are very inspiring! I lost 20 lbs in the last two years, but want to lose another 10 this year. So far, nothing...I've remained absolutely stable since Jan. 08. So I'm kicking it into high gear. I'm Slim Fasting for breakfast and lunch for two weeks. That has helped me get on track with reduced calories before. I've also been walking 2-3 miles at lunch...power walking (I have to bring workout clothes!). Hopefully this will pay off and get my butt in gear.


I've been loyally making small single serving snacks for work over the last six months. I didn't do that with hummus last week, just brought the whole little container in, and ended up eating half the container in one sitting. I MUST make single servings of ALL my snacks.

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I MUST make single servings of ALL my snacks.


This is so true! It's been said that failure to plan is a plan to fail. Even when I am at home I need to decide what I am having for lunch before I am to hungry to care what it is I eat. When I plan ahead I eat healthier and feel better later in the day.


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I went to the kickboxing class today. It actually wasnt as tough as it sounds. It was just challenging enough. I think Im going to cut down weight training to twice/week...once for upperbody and once for lower....and up my cardio to one hour. I have been doing weight training 3-4 times per week. Maybe I will be able to loose pounds instead of gaining more muscle. I want to keep the muscle I have recently gained I just want to slim too. We will see how this goes!


I dont have any partys or showers to attend this weekend....Shewww THank God!!....but I am watching kids and more importantly a house full of cookies, chips, pizza and ice-cream. It seems to get easier to give up these things. It is kind of depressing that more than likely I will never be the type of person who can just eat what they want. It seems like every time I endulge in something small that stubborn little pound comes back. I have been really enjoying working out. I just wish that it was a fun past time and not a necessaty!! LOL

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You all are very inspiring! I lost 20 lbs in the last two years, but want to lose another 10 this year. So far, nothing...I've remained absolutely stable since Jan. 08. So I'm kicking it into high gear. I'm Slim Fasting for breakfast and lunch for two weeks. That has helped me get on track with reduced calories before. I've also been walking 2-3 miles at lunch...power walking (I have to bring workout clothes!). Hopefully this will pay off and get my butt in gear.


I've been loyally making small single serving snacks for work over the last six months. I didn't do that with hummus last week, just brought the whole little container in, and ended up eating half the container in one sitting. I MUST make single servings of ALL my snacks.


Congrats on your weightloss! I know you are discouraged from not losing those last 10 pounds but CONGRATS for MAINTAINING!!! Just think of it this way....you only have 10 pounds instead of the 30 you would have had before!!! Try replacing a meal a day with a very basic salad with spray dressing....or when you are walking try intreval walking. Walk really fast for about 30 seconds or so at a time. It may sound crazy but it works!!!

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Im about to go to work but just had to get on here and let everyone know that I weighed this morning and I have a total weightloss of 9 POUNDS!!! I am so excited. Tomorrow will make one month since I have been working towards my goal. I need to lose 1 more pound by tomorrow to reach my goal for this month.


The things I have been doing differently: Doubling up on my cardio and varying my workout...Example: Treadmill 30 minutes then Ellipitical for 30 minutes.I cut down weight training to 2x/WEEK. I think walking instead of doing straight elipitical all the time has helped too. A few days per week I have tried to do something besides my usual gym work.....walk outside, aerobic class or just exersize tapes at home.


Cant wait till the end of this month.....hopefully I will be reporting another 10lb weightloss!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know it has been a while. I have been so busy. I did finally loose that 10th pound. I think it was on July 7th so it took a little over a month. I ate out today: Fried chicken, mac&cheese...so we will see if that 10th pound is stlill gone by Tuesday. I have found that I can cheat on the weekends and usually loose up to 2 pounds come Monday. Go figure...I have no clue how this works. My husband has lost 20 pounds. He is looking good!


I hope everyone is doing great!

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  • 1 month later...

Not sure if anyone is still reading these but I wanted to check in. Its been a while since I have updated but Im happy to report that I am 14 pounds lighter! Hubby is 25 pounds lighter! We are staying on it...mostly. We do occasionally cheat but always get right back on it. It has paid off. I can tell a HUGE difference in my body. Ive been doing a lot of ab workout lately at home. Im getting a lot more defined.


Bikini- Here I come!

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Not sure if anyone is still reading these but I wanted to check in. Its been a while since I have updated but Im happy to report that I am 14 pounds lighter! Hubby is 25 pounds lighter! We are staying on it...mostly. We do occasionally cheat but always get right back on it. It has paid off. I can tell a HUGE difference in my body. Ive been doing a lot of ab workout lately at home. Im getting a lot more defined.


Bikini- Here I come!


When did you start your diet? I started mine on July 12 and I love being around people who are much into losing weight and maintaining a good level of weight like you. I'll help you keep this thread going! :D I've lost 16.8lbs so far...I'm on the South Beach Diet and I'm about to start going to the gym. I want to get into aquatic exercise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got back from a weekend long reunion. I ate A LOT. I have noticed that eating 'normally' (aka really bad) really makes me feel awful now that I am used to eating right. I think it will take a few days for my stomach to feel right. Its amazing that this is what I was used to doing every day. My body is rebeling against it. Im actually looking forward to going back to the gym. Perhaps my habits are actually changing...

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