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Carnival Legend "Oceans & Islands Club" Review - 06/01/08 (with pics)


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Day 5 - (Thursday) June 5, 2008


Our original itinerary called for us to visit the island of Roatan on Friday from 8am to 3pm, but due to the tropical storm earlier this week - we were re-routed and wound up switching Belize with Roatan. Our ship is scheduled to arrive in port around 10am now, but we will be there til 6pm. That will actually give us an extra hour on the island. I’m just hoping that our Tour Guide will still be there to meet us - even though we are there a day early!


It was already promising to be a bright, sunny day by the time we all got up, dressed and ready for breakfast. Today, we all went to eat together at the buffet. We saw Andi and Lloyd - they are going to go on the Pirates, Birds and Monkeys Tour. Hawk and the kids want to do the “extreme zip-line” at “Pirates of the Caribbean”…but I have absolutely no desire for such an activity! When I booked the tour, I made arrangements for the Guide to drop me off at Fantasy Island (a resort near where they will be going to zip-line) and then take the rest of the family to do the lines. They would all meet me back at the resort when they are finished having their fun. After breakfast, we went back to the cabin to pack separate bags for each excursion…they took a backpack with bottled water and the video camera, and I got the beach bag with all of our towels and their snorkel gear. We all stood out on the balcony taking pictures and watching as we approached the port of Roatan.




(Approaching the pier on Isla Roatan, Hinduras)




(The lagoon next to the Port is spectacular)


Roatan is a beautiful island that has just recently exploded in tourism. It is absolutely gorgeous there! The water is crystal clear and hosts the 2nd largest barrier reef in the world. The island is dotted with colorful homes set on the coastlines and hillsides…but is still very poor. You’ll find all sorts of tropical plant life (banana trees, bougainvillea, hibiscus, ferns, palms, etc.) as well as several varieties of wildlife (monkeys, iguanas, deer, parrots, etc.) If you look west, you will see the mainland of Honduras which takes about 1.5 hours to get there by boat. Their Port is still under construction, and when it is complete - promises to be a very nice addition where tourists will be able to shop with local vendors and make their connections with Tour Guides and taxis in safety & comfort.




(View of the new Port under construction)




(Another view of the construction going on)



As soon as we finished docking at the pier, we took a few photos of the immediate area and then quickly went down to the “A” Deck so we could go to the island. Our instructions were to meet our Guide across the street from the pier & vendors tents as soon as we could get off the ship. Our Guide (Edder) was standing there with a sign with our names on it, waiting for us already. Another member of our Roll Call and her family (Bbelle) were already there waiting as well, but we still had to wait on one other party before we would be on our way. There were other members of our Roll Call that are doing this tour as well, but they were in a different group that had left a little earlier. Well, we stood there in the hot sun for almost an hour waiting for the last group…and finally had to threaten to find someone else to take us before our Guide decided that it was okay to go ahead and start without them. Finally we were all loaded into a minivan and on our way through the streets and winding roads along the coastline and up the hills of Roatan. We stopped for these photos along the way…




(The Governor's Mansion)




(Notice the solar panels on top of the store!)



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It took about 20-25 minutes before we reached the turn-off for the resort. After turning right off the main road, we crossed a one lane wooden bridge over to Fantasy Island and then down a narrow, curving road to the resort itself. Edder explained to the rest of the group that he would be right back, and then escorted me through the resort as he showed me where to find the restrooms, bar, restaurant, gift shop, pool (with hot tub) and beach (with a massage tent, chairs and palapas). Wow! What a place!




(The hand painted map of the resort outside the Lobby)


I settled in to a group of loungers next to a palapa that was between the ocean and the pool. It was an ideal place to sit and write in my journal, take some photos and just relax. Edder told me that he would be bringing everyone back in about 45 minutes…and the time seemed to fly by, because before I knew it…they were all back, excitedly telling me all about the fun they had zip-lining!




(One end of the beach area - with palapas, loungers and the massage tent)




(The other end - with more loungers & palapas)


We made several trips to the bar that was next to the pool, and the frozen concoctions were absolutely fabulous! I’m not really much of a drinker except for whenever we are on vacation, and even then…I stick to the fruity drinks (like Pina Coladas). The drinks were cheaper than anywhere we had been (except for Passion Island, which was All-Inclusive) and weren’t weak at all. We paid $12 for 3 mixed drinks and a soda. Their pool is really nice...with a built in hot tub, fountain and swim-up bar area. My son went snorkeling in the lagoon style beach, while my daughter went to take photos of the animals and beach. I finally got to meet savannah2117 (Joni), who was another member of our Roll Call … even though we had gone on the Twister Tour with her husband and Brother-in-Law. They were in the group that had left before us, and decided to join us at the beach before heading back to the ship.




(The pool and swim-up bar at Fantasy Island)




(The pool's fountain and hot tub area)



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Edder told us that he would return to pick us up around 3pm (ship’s time) so we would have plenty of time to travel back to the port and do a little shopping. He came back a little early and sat with us for awhile, telling us about where he lives and life on the island, and offered to show my daughter where the animals were kept. She had already found them though and taken several good photos.










(Peacock, Deer, Orange Iguana, and Cappucine Monkey)


At 3pm we starting getting our things ready and loaded back into his van for the ride back down to the Port. We had asked Edder earlier where we could buy some liquor and he stopped at a store along the way for us. He even went inside with my son to make sure he found what he wanted and that the transaction went smoothly. When we arrived back at the Port, Edder parked the van and my son quickly poured his newly purchased Rum into the water bottle that we had brought with us. We tipped Edder and promised to find him whenever we return to Roatan, then did a little sidewalk shopping with the local vendors. The kids each bought a conch shell and some bracelets, then we went back to the ship. The native dancers that had arrived on the pier earlier that morning were still there dancing in the hot Caribbean sun!




(The Marimba Band that is at the Port)




(Native Dancing on the pier)


I had already taken a shower, gotten dressed and was out on the balcony by the time we were ready to sail away. The kids were trying out their new conch shells to see who could blow theirs the loudest - and hubby was saluting another wonderful day with a “Smuggler’s Punch”. Soon, all of our lines were pulled in and the ship was pulling out of Port. We headed up to the Lido for something to eat and watched from the large windows as we made our way up the coast of the Honduras towards Belize. We were sailing very slowly now and the winds had begun to pick up a little. Since our itinerary had been changed - we had less of a distance to travel, but tonight the ship was beginning to dip, rock and sway more than it has done during any other night of the cruise. This should be fun…because tonight is the night of the “Bathrobe Deck Party”! It starts at 9:30 - so maybe this ship will have a little nightlife up on deck after all! Well, we went up to the Lido around 9:45, and most people were at the buffet standing in line to eat in their bathrobes instead of doing any type of partying. What a let-down!! Hawk & Matt ate a hamburger, I had a hot dog and Katelynn had some pizza - then we walked around the decks for awhile…making our way back to our staterooms by 11:30.


We didn’t get our usual room service tonight since we had eaten at the buffet just a little earlier, but we got some chocolate cakes and chocolate milks instead. We’ll be arriving in Belize early in the morning, so I stayed up long enough to get our things ready for the next morning (again, as usual). The ship was still rocking quite a bit…but I love it, and got a terrific night of sleep.

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Day 4 - (Wednesday) June 4, 2008


We woke up nice & early to discover a beautiful, sunny day with calm seas and a slight breeze. We are scheduled to arrive in Cozumel at 10am (which is 9am their time), so we hurried and went up to get some breakfast from the buffet. Since the buffet areas have windows everywhere, we could sit and watch as we came closer and closer to land. We rushed back to our cabins after breakfast so we could stand out on the balcony and take pictures as we approached the port. We would be docking at Punta Langosta Pier, next to the Carnival Glory, in the heart of Cozumel. (We later found out that the Glory was in Cozumel earlier in the week and had left, but then had to sail back due to the tropical storm in Belize. I’m so jealous! They got to spend 2 whole days there!!!)




(Carnival Glory docked next to us at Punta Langosta, Cozumel)


We arrived just before 10am and would have until 6pm (ship’s time) to spend in Cozumel before the Legend would leave port. I had booked our tour for the day (The Twister to Passion Island) online through an independent tour operator (tour Cozumel(dot)net is the website for anyone that might be interested)…and our instructions were to met our Tour Rep. across the street from the pier at 9:30 (Cozumel time). As soon as we docked, people were already starting to get off the ship - so we didn’t wait too long to try to get off the ship today. All of us are really looking forward to this excursion! It wasn’t long before we were all walking down the fairly long pier toward a large building at the end of the dock. We had to take the escalator up and over the road, through an area of shops and vendor’s kiosks. This area is very clean, and there were some really nice shops, ladies dressed in traditional costumes dancing for the crowds, and men posing as statues that would reach out and startle the unsuspecting tourists that walked by. We easily found our Tour Rep. standing on the corner at Carlos & Charlie’s, and she told us that our tour group should meet there again at 11am (Cozumel time) - then we would all walk over to the pier where the Twister would pick us up (about 2 blocks away). This would give us about 1.5 hours to do whatever we like to pass the time. We sat at the Hard Rock Café which is right next to Carlos & Charlie’s and ordered some Coke’s for the kids and myself, and a Canadian Club with water for DH. We had a great time “people watching” while we slowly drank our drinks, and then walked through some of the shops that were nearby. Soon, it was time to meet Meliza (our Tour Rep.) and the other members of the tour and make the 2 block walk to the pier were the Twister would be waiting.




(A view of the Legend standing in front of Carlos & Charlie's across from the pier.)


We were introduced to our Boat Guides (Ricardo and PePe) as soon as we got there, and they quickly put our belongings in dry storage bins so they wouldn’t get wet on the trip to Passion Island. Next we were fitted for our life vests and strapped into them. We selected our seats and fastened the safety harness as we listened intently to Ricardo describe the safety procedures, where we would be going, what to expect and when…then we shoved off from the pier and began our excursion. First, we headed north - past all the shops and resorts that dot the coast of Cozumel, and then around the northern tip at speeds of 45-50mph. It was a great trip, as the water was this heavenly shade of deep blue, and relatively calm…and the sun was blazing. Once we came around the tip of Cozumel and headed past an old wrecked ship, we headed toward a small private island that had a lagoon between it and the mainland. This is the area that Ricardo and PePe brought us “to have a little fun and get wet”! Everyone had a great time as we raced through the lagoon and then spun around doing 360’s in the water, and by the time we were done - everyone was soaked!




(Us on the Twister! Sorry, it's slightly blurry from being copied - my scanner isn't working!)


After about 6 of these “water donuts”, we headed for the little dock on the island and were met my Manuel, Our Island Host for the day. Manuel, Ricardo and PePe helped us with our life vests and handed us our things out of the bins, then we followed Manuel. (Since we chartered this tour as a group, we had all decided to be picked up to go back to the ship at 3pm (Cozumel time), which would leave us about 2 hours for shopping back at the pier.) First we stopped at the entrance of the island and had a photo taken, and then Manuel showed us around the island and all the amenities available to us for the day. There were restrooms (that were very clean, and even had an attendant at hand), some gifts shops in little huts, a kiddie play area, outdoor showers, palapas and hammocks, and then you come up to the main pavilion with a large outdoor massage tent nearby. Here is where you will want to spend most of your day! They have a Mexican Buffet laid out with "all-you-can-eat" chicken, mahi mahi, rice, chips, salsa, guacamole, little donuts, and fruits. Next to the buffet is the open bar area where they serve rum punch, margaritas, mojitos, etc. The drinks were really good, not weak or watered down like you might expect. (They also have a cash bar available for those of you who prefer bourbons, scotches and the like.)




(A shot of the Mexican Buffet)




("Hawk" & LoLa's son, Michael at the open bar)


TO BE CONTINUED...........



Hey! I know that kid! LOL.

This was a great day. We enjoyed hanging out w. you guys.....!

Wish we were there!



btw: you took a lot of good pictures...i may have to 'borrow' some-since we didn't take as many....too busy gaping!

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I looked at your photos on webshots and would love to borrow some of them...especially Belize!! We had a really hazy, overcast day there and didn't take our camera when we went cave-tubing, so I missed a lot of photo ops there. Your camera takes great pics, and I am considering purchasing one for myself.


You can absolutely borrow my pics! Especially if it will help you add to your review! (That's important!) Thanks for asking ahead of time!


The camera we used was actually my BIL's. Ours isn't working right...:mad: BIL's camera did work great for us... Easy enough, a good-size screen on the back, and it's rather small; great portability.... and you're right, great pics, which is the desired result, of course!


More great installations of your journey! Thank you!

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Hey! I know that kid! LOL.

This was a great day. We enjoyed hanging out w. you guys.....!

Wish we were there!



btw: you took a lot of good pictures...i may have to 'borrow' some-since we didn't take as many....too busy gaping!


Yeah, that's one purty good lookin' kid you got there mom! We had a great time hanging out with you guys at Passion Island...we'll have to do it again sometime soon...only somewhere closer to home! BTW, how is Andrew feeling?


I feel awful for not taking as many pics as I usually do, but I was having such a great day that I lost track of time, and was lucky to get the shots that I got!

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You can absolutely borrow my pics! Especially if it will help you add to your review! (That's important!) Thanks for asking ahead of time!


The camera we used was actually my BIL's. Ours isn't working right...:mad: BIL's camera did work great for us... Easy enough, a good-size screen on the back, and it's rather small; great portability.... and you're right, great pics, which is the desired result, of course!


More great installations of your journey! Thank you!



Thanks so much for allowing me to borrow a few pics to add to my review. You have no idea how much I appreciate it, since it was awfully hazy & overcast that morning when that we arrived in Belize. We were going to go cave-tubing so I didn't take my digital with me...and then mysteriously, the water cameras didn't make it into the tote bag. I missed out on a lot of great shots of the rain forest and countryside (but I have my memories)! I'm so glad you have good shots of the Port area and the coastal waterways...I will be sure to give you credit for those photos in my review. I'll try to write the next installment later tonight. I have out of state company, so it may be sometime tomorrow (Thurs.) before I get to post it.


Planning our next trip already....

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Yeah, that's one purty good lookin' kid you got there mom! We had a great time hanging out with you guys at Passion Island...we'll have to do it again sometime soon...only somewhere closer to home! BTW, how is Andrew feeling?


I feel awful for not taking as many pics as I usually do, but I was having such a great day that I lost track of time, and was lucky to get the shots that I got!


Our underwater camera disappeared...i bought two, but one, and two of our digital camera chargers that were on our vanity, magically disappeared. i figured they fell into a bag and that i'd find them when we got home, but nope! they're gone...so we got no pictures of the cave-tubing.


That rain that began when we got on the bus was pretty incredible, too! did you notice it did NOT rain at the port??? lol. love the rainforest!


Andrew's better. waiting on the lyme titer, but they said the chances of it being lyme disease are slim and none. back home in CT it is huge (the entire northeast), but apparently down here, not so much! the results should come back tomorrow or friday. CT scan negative, and the rest of the bloodwork was negative. his doctor thinks he just came down with a particularly strong virus that knocked the stuffing out of him. he's cleared to go back to work tomorrow, and actually didn't sleep the entire day away for the first time in over a week! So, his happy butt can go back to work!


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Our underwater camera disappeared...i bought two, but one, and two of our digital camera chargers that were on our vanity, magically disappeared. i figured they fell into a bag and that i'd find them when we got home, but nope! they're gone...so we got no pictures of the cave-tubing.


That rain that began when we got on the bus was pretty incredible, too! did you notice it did NOT rain at the port??? lol. love the rainforest!


Andrew's better. waiting on the lyme titer, but they said the chances of it being lyme disease are slim and none. back home in CT it is huge (the entire northeast), but apparently down here, not so much! the results should come back tomorrow or friday. CT scan negative, and the rest of the bloodwork was negative. his doctor thinks he just came down with a particularly strong virus that knocked the stuffing out of him. he's cleared to go back to work tomorrow, and actually didn't sleep the entire day away for the first time in over a week! So, his happy butt can go back to work!




I'm so glad that Andrew's feeling better finally...I was starting to get worried when I didn't here back from you! Man, it looks like we are going to have a bad year with ticks and fleas this year already! I guess it depends on where you live...but, we have a lot of hardwoods in my neighborhood (and ticks aren't so much a problem, but the fleas are). My daughter lives about 30 miles away in an area with a lot of pines, and they have to do "tick-checks" every time they go outdoors! Lyme Disease is nothing to fool around with, and can be devastating!!


I figured out the cure for all that though, and it's really very simple! All we have to do is live onboard a Carnival ship and we won't have to bother with those pests! :D (I'd miss my babies too much though!)

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I'm so glad that Andrew's feeling better finally...I was starting to get worried when I didn't here back from you! Man, it looks like we are going to have a bad year with ticks and fleas this year already! I guess it depends on where you live...but, we have a lot of hardwoods in my neighborhood (and ticks aren't so much a problem, but the fleas are). My daughter lives about 30 miles away in an area with a lot of pines, and they have to do "tick-checks" every time they go outdoors! Lyme Disease is nothing to fool around with, and can be devastating!!


I figured out the cure for all that though, and it's really very simple! All we have to do is live onboard a Carnival ship and we won't have to bother with those pests! :D (I'd miss my babies too much though!)


Well there's a solution LOL.


1. kids can come visit any time.

2. dog will become my 'service dog.' they can't deny her boarding then LOL. the QE2 actually has kennels on board!


they've told me that he probably doesn;t have lyme as it isn't really common here, as it is back home. still tested him, which is good. i used to live in Lyme Disease capital of the world, CT.


michael's picked off several TICKS from Lucy. I am diligent about the advantix, and nissa doesn't tramp into the woods as lucy does (she needs privacy for her bowel issues LOL).


he's actually at a friend's now playing bball....so he's definitely fine again!


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Thanks so much for allowing me to borrow a few pics to add to my review. You have no idea how much I appreciate it, since it was awfully hazy & overcast that morning when that we arrived in Belize. We were going to go cave-tubing so I didn't take my digital with me...and then mysteriously, the water cameras didn't make it into the tote bag. I missed out on a lot of great shots of the rain forest and countryside (but I have my memories)! I'm so glad you have good shots of the Port area and the coastal waterways...I will be sure to give you credit for those photos in my review. I'll try to write the next installment later tonight. I have out of state company, so it may be sometime tomorrow (Thurs.) before I get to post it.


Planning our next trip already....


You're welcome, Kim!


I didn't think about that, asking someone to borrow their pics. Someone here got a great shot of the support structures in the shopping area at the pier in Belize, with the Mayan alphabet carvings. I loved those, and wish I'd have thought to get a picture for myself... then I wrote my review, like I said I didn't think to ask whoever it is if I could use their picture. Darn it!


I'm honored that you'll use my pics to help tell your story! I'm looking forward to it! ...and TIA for the credit!

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I'm enjoying your review...thanks for taking time to share!


Just wondering if you had any issues with sand flea bites while you were on the beach in Roatan? We've been there once on a cruise and have discussed going back for a week (DH is a diver). When we were there last time DH came back covered with bites after only being on the beach for a short time before his dive.


He did his dives at Bay Island Beach Resort.

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I'm enjoying your review...thanks for taking time to share!


Just wondering if you had any issues with sand flea bites while you were on the beach in Roatan? We've been there once on a cruise and have discussed going back for a week (DH is a diver). When we were there last time DH came back covered with bites after only being on the beach for a short time before his dive.


He did his dives at Bay Island Beach Resort.


we didn't get bitten...or so we thought...until later that night, my husband realized he had been eaten up by something! Our son was bitten by a leaf cutter ant in Belize, tho!


I would recommend bug spray-although we never used it!!! My husband regretted that he didn't use it!

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The only place that we experienced any bugs was in Cozumel...they had horseflies. We saw leaf cutter ants in Belize, but we had no problems with insects of any kind in Roatan. I'm sure that at different times of the day/year, you may experience more or less. As LoLa-in-Ga stated...take the bug spray just in case! Look for anything that contains DEET.

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we didn't get bitten...or so we thought...until later that night, my husband realized he had been eaten up by something! Our son was bitten by a leaf cutter ant in Belize, tho!


I would recommend bug spray-although we never used it!!! My husband regretted that he didn't use it!


Yeah...that sounds pretty much like what my DH experienceed. He was just STANDING on the beach for about 10 minutes between dives and wouldn't have thought to put on any bug spray. I loved the island and DH said the diving was the best of anyplace he had been so we would love to go back. BUT...if I am going to spend my week on a beach I don't want to worry about being eaten by insects. :(

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Day 4 - (Wednesday) June 4, 2008


We would be docking at Punta Langosta Pier, next to the Carnival Glory, in the heart of Cozumel. (We later found out that the Glory was in Cozumel earlier in the week and had left, but then had to sail back due to the tropical storm in Belize. I’m so jealous! They got to spend 2 whole days there!!!) We were on the Glory and were elated to get a 2nd day in Cozumel!


We arrived just before 10am and would have until 6pm (ship’s time) to spend in Cozumel before the Legend would leave port. I had booked our tour for the day (The Twister to Passion Island) online through an independent tour operator (tour Cozumel(dot)net is the website for anyone that might be interested)…Once it was announced that we were going back to Coz the next morning, I immediately got online and contacted Carrie, who takes the bookings for tour cozumel (dot) net. We emailed back and forth a couple of times and she had us booked!!



We were introduced to our Boat Guides (Ricardo and PePe) as soon as we got there, and they quickly put our belongings in dry storage bins so they wouldn’t get wet on the trip to Passion Island. Next we were fitted for our life vests and strapped into them. We selected our seats and fastened the safety harness as we listened intently to Ricardo describe the safety procedures, where we would be going, what to expect and when…then we shoved off from the pier and began our excursion. First, we headed north - past all the shops and resorts that dot the coast of Cozumel, and then around the northern tip at speeds of 45-50mph. It was a great trip, as the water was this heavenly shade of deep blue, and relatively calm…and the sun was blazing. Once we came around the tip of Cozumel and headed past an old wrecked ship, we headed toward a small private island that had a lagoon between it and the mainland. This is the area that Ricardo and PePe brought us “to have a little fun and get wet”! Everyone had a great time as we raced through the lagoon and then spun around doing 360’s in the water, and by the time we were done - everyone was soaked!

We seen the twister out in the water, and it looked like wonderful fun! My ds was a bit unhappy that he didn't get to experience that. (We did the taxi/ferry "beach adventure" combo)

First we stopped at the entrance of the island and had a photo taken, and then Manuel showed us around the island and all the amenities available to us for the day. There were restrooms (that were very clean, and even had an attendant at hand), some gifts shops in little huts, a kiddie play area, outdoor showers, palapas and hammocks, and then you come up to the main pavilion with a large outdoor massage tent nearby. Here is where you will want to spend most of your day! They have a Mexican Buffet laid out with "all-you-can-eat" chicken, mahi mahi, rice, chips, salsa, guacamole, little donuts, and fruits. Next to the buffet is the open bar area where they serve rum punch, margaritas, mojitos, etc. The drinks were really good, not weak or watered down like you might expect. (They also have a cash bar available for those of you who prefer bourbons, scotches and the like.) I agree! The food was awesome. Loved the nachos and guacamole! Wish I had some now!


TO BE CONTINUED...........

Kim, I am LOVING your review! thank you so much for doing this.
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After feasting on the delectable food they had prepared, we decided to head down to the beach and find some nice loungers close to the water. We didn’t have any problems with finding chairs at all because there aren’t very many people on the island…they like to limit the amount of tourists there daily in order to keep it private and secluded. A HUGE PLUS!! The water was wonderfully refreshing and clear, and we had a great time swimming for about an hour. Unfortunately, I was having such a good time relaxing and doing nothing, that I didn’t take nearly as many photos of the island as I would’ve liked to. I guess I’ll just have to go back soon, huh!


SIDENOTE: If any one has read Tinkerbell’s review of the Legend…you will recall her “biff fiff” story. This became the daily quote for us during our cruise, but never more so than on this particular day. As we were swimming, several fish swam around (and into) us (not big fish, maybe 5-6‘’ long) - which eventually led to my daughter getting out of the water. A few minutes later… this one, lone tiny little fish swims up and my son playfully tried scooping it up in his hands. All of a sudden he jumps up and shouts “it bit me”! He actually had a small bite-mark and the tiniest amount of blood appeared. Looks like you have to watch out for the “biddy fiff” too, Tink! ;)


Oh, we seen those fish, too. My 7 yo tired to catch them as well. Now, I'm glad she didn't, LOL




(The water trampoline)


The Island Host had a large group together and they were playing a game of water balloon toss when we went back to our chairs, and we had a great time watching the antics. Kids were playing on the water trampoline that is anchored in the swimming area, and another group was starting a game of beach volleyball….my group? They were busy running back and forth to the pavilion, getting more drinks and food!! Let me tell you … the food was delicious (Carnival, are you reading this?) My kids loved the water trampoline. They were a bit timid about swimming out there, so our host, Leo put on his swimming trunks and got them some life jackets, and swam out there with them. He stayed out there until they were finished playing. I could not believe that someone would take the time out of their busy day to do this. We also participated in the water balloon toss, and had a blast! It was so funny. My dd was on one of the teams that won. She won a little cheap necklace but to her it was a treasure!

Soon, my husband came down to get me (with a fresh drink in hand for me) and we joined Laurie (LoLa-in-Ga) , Dennis and their kids at a huge palapa that was next to the massage tent. We just sat there for the rest of our day at the island - swapping stories, laughing, and getting to know each other. The time passes quickly when you are in Paradise, and before we knew it…it was time to get ready to head back to the ship. A lady approached us and had our photos for sale (from when we arrived at the island, and during our Twister ride), and we bought the one of the Twister for $10. I so wish I had known where you were sitting. I did ask around but I guess I didn't ask the right people :) It would have been nice to have met you that day!




the ride back to the ship was fantastic and exhilarating! We did another “fun run” through the lagoon, and then started back toward the port. All along the way, Ricardo and PePe were telling stories and had us laughing and having a great time. Of course, all that free booze on the island helped with keeping the adrenaline (and testosterone) pumping!! When we neared the ship, Ricardo slowed the Twister down and asked if we wanted to show off a little…….”YEAH!!!” There we were, right in front of our ship and the Glory…doing 360’s in the ocean! Oh I would have loved to have seen that! Like all good things…it had to eventually come to an end - and Ricardo pulled up directly at our pier to let us off. We had the choice to either go back to the ship, or head back over the street and do some shopping for a couple of hours. Hawk and Matt were already pretty plastered, so we went back to the ship and headed up to our balcony so we could watch everyone else re-boarding the ship.




(Some of us were "plastered" by the time we returned to the ship...can you guess who?) Yep, pretty plastered indeed, LOL


We watched the Glory sail away and as soon as she was out of port, we sailed away also. I have to admit…I hated leaving Cozumel this time! Me, too! My only consolation is that I get to back to back in October!!My first time here was not nearly as good as this time was, and I could definitely see myself returning to spend at least a week here. Same here!!


We’re all looking forward to going to Roatan! I’ve done a lot of research, watched videos on YouTube, etc. and can’t wait. I’m going to Fantasy Island while the rest of my family does the “Pirates of the Caribbean” Extreme zip-line (the one that‘s 328‘ up in the air), then they will meet me back at Fantasy Island afterwards! Zip-lining? Not for me, Thank You - I’m chicken (and everyone knows that chickens don’t fly!) Same here. No way you could get me on the zip-line!! We went to the Mayan Princess resort in Roatan for a beach and pool day. This place is breathtaking! We also had a short island tour and enjoyed it immensely. We booked thru Victor Bodden tours and had a private driver for the day. I highly recommend using them.




(Leaving the port in Cozumel - but, we vowed that we'll return soon!)


Isn't that a sad sight; to be leaving Cozumel?? I just wanted to scream, "Go back, go back" :( But it was a wonderful day and we made some great memories.

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Oh...we were soooo close! I'm pretty sure that I saw your kids and Leo, now that you described them with the vests and going out to the water trampoline. I really enjoyed watching everyone while they were doing the water balloon toss too...the host kept everyone in good spirits, laughing and having a great time playing in the sun.....and how 'bout those "biddy fiff"!! They weren't very big, but they could leave quite a mark on you! My son still had little teeth marks for a few days after we got home!!


Yes...I can really see myself spending a week in Cozumel on our next vacation! We are already checking into All-Inclusive resorts or vacation rentals. Cozumel is such a colorful, entertaining and inviting city... and it's citizens are warm and friendly.


I fell in love with the unspoiled beauty of Roatan as well, but it isn't nearly as civilized yet. Tourism has just recently "found" that island, but I'm sure that their water, utility and tourism systems will improve drastically within the next couple of years.


Well, I'm off to try to complete my next installment of our cruise so I can get it posted. I will try to have it up for you soon, and hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed being there. :D

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Oh...we were soooo close! I'm pretty sure that I saw your kids and Leo, now that you described them with the vests and going out to the water trampoline. I really enjoyed watching everyone while they were doing the water balloon toss too...the host kept everyone in good spirits, laughing and having a great time playing in the sun.....and how 'bout those "biddy fiff"!! They weren't very big, but they could leave quite a mark on you! My son still had little teeth marks for a few days after we got home!!


Yes...I can really see myself spending a week in Cozumel on our next vacation! We are already checking into All-Inclusive resorts or vacation rentals. Cozumel is such a colorful, entertaining and inviting city... and it's citizens are warm and friendly.


I fell in love with the unspoiled beauty of Roatan as well, but it isn't nearly as civilized yet. Tourism has just recently "found" that island, but I'm sure that their water, utility and tourism systems will improve drastically within the next couple of years.


Well, I'm off to try to complete my next installment of our cruise so I can get it posted. I will try to have it up for you soon, and hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed being there. :D



I am still making my husband insane. every night when i go into our bedroom, i harrass him-my bed isn't turned down; there's STILL no towel animal or chocolates! lol


we're going to a wedding tomorrow. the couple is honeymooning on the legend on sunday.


i hate them LOL.


this was my second visit to cozumel; real estate has become more expensive since my first visit in '05. dennis and i would like to visit-scouting for prospective retirement homes!!!!!


dennis' cousin died on the 13th. he lived in Jamaica. we're trying to get him a buddy pass to get down there for the funeral-on July 19th (yep, you read it right..dont' ask). he wanted me to go, but andrew's national competition is july 13-17 and michael's bday (21!!) is the 18th. we cannot/would not bring the boys for this, so i am not going-i am going to nationals, and i will be here with michael for the funeral.


i would have liked to go back to Jamaica (we'd stay at dennis' childhood home in the mountains); where we'd be reminds me of roatan, only where he lived is even LESS 'civilized' than roatan (there is still NO running water or phones!)


in the meantime, we're planning to visit my cousins when we go to their wedding in sarasota in august (i will be missing the first day of school!) and preparing for nationals!


i'd rather be preparing for another cruise...!

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Day 6 - (Friday) June 6, 2008


The Legend arrived in Belize around 8am this morning. We were originally supposed to be in Belize yesterday from 8 to 5, but due to the tropical storm - they switched our itinerary with Roatan…and now we would be in Belize today from 8 to 4pm. We are booked to go cave-tubing with “Major Tom” at cave-tubing(dot)net and are really looking forward to this excursion. It’s slightly hazy & overcast outside today, but it’s still very early (6am Belize time). The sun is out and promises to get much hotter (and brighter) as the day wears on!


Belize is a small Central American country that is surrounded by very shallow coastal waterways, so we will have to anchor and then tender in to the port. Everyone has been instructed to meet down at the Follies Lounge in the morning so they can get a ticket to board the tenders as early (and orderly) as possible. As soon as we got up and dressed, we went to get a quick bite to eat up at the buffet and then met up with Andi & Lloyd to go down to the Follies Lounge and try to get one of the earliest tenders available. We got to the Lounge right at 8am, where we were directed to check in with one of the cruise directors (located up near the stage). After telling her that we had an independent tour booked and how many of us were in our party, she assigned us a numbered ticket…and once they called that number, we would be allowed to follow the leader down to the “A” Deck and onto a waiting tender. We were given the number “5” and took a seat to wait. In just moments, they called numbers 1-3, and then started calling off more Carnival sponsored tours. About 20 minutes later they called number #4 - surely #5 would be called in just moments. Hah! Well, we finally got called about 8:45...but it only took a few minutes to go down and board our tender - then we were finally on our way. The tender was a really nice (almost new), well-kept tender and it made good time in taking us the 7 mile (give or take) journey to the docks in Belize. Thankfully, the water was calm, so it was a nice ride.


As you get closer to the port in Belize City, you notice all the brightly colored houses and businesses that line the coastal waters. There are quite a few really nice homes that dot the landscape, and the economy seems to be thriving in this area. This is about the time that I discovered that the kids didn’t bring the disposable water cameras that I had purchased with them…so I have very few photos to share of our island adventure. (They were thinking they wouldn’t get any good shots inside the caves, but didn’t think about all the other photos that could’ve been taken of the rain forest, etc.)




(Colorful resort homes and businesses line the coast)




(The piers where tenders drop off and pick up passengers)





(A Welcome sign greets you at the Port in Belize City)


As soon as we got off the tender, we were greeted by friendly faces that directed us to our tour guide for Major Tom, and we followed him to an area where we all showed our booking confirmations, paid any balances that were still due, and listened to a brief talk about what to expect out of our tour. After a short wait to make sure that everyone in the group was there (and a restroom break), we followed our Guide (Mark) to our waiting bus a few short blocks away. The buses they use are traditional school buses that have seats large enough for 2 adults per seat, with overhead storage for your things, and air-conditioned. Soon we were on our way through the streets of Belize City. We passed by several schools, government buildings, and a resort (with the only Casino in Belize), then through small towns with smaller homes, and cashew groves. Each of our Guides (we had 3 for the size of our group - Mark, Mike, and Junior) introduced themselves and told us a little something about themselves and what we were passing as we were driving by. We all got a short lesson on the history and culture of the country and learned how to talk a little Creole too!


The area where we are going to do our cave-tubing is called the Sibun River and is about 45 minutes to an hour away from the port. We stopped in the small town of Hattiesville (named after a hurricane that devastated much of Belize decades ago) to take another restroom break and buy some snacks, drinks, etc. for the remainder of our ride. My husband bought a bottle of Cashew Wine and 4 sodas, and the total bill was $9.75 (our USD is worth twice as much in Belizean money)!! I had expected my husband to keep the bottle of wine (as none of us are wine drinkers in the first place) and take it back to the ship with us as a souvenir, but he wound up opening it and passing it around. Like I said, I don’t have much of a palate for wine…and thought (at first taste) that it reminded me of prune juice, but it had a definite cashew after-taste. As wines go…it wasn’t half bad!! By the time we made it to our drop off point, the bottle was history.


Once off the bus, we were pointed to a building where we could change and use the restrooms, then walked over to collect our equipment needed for the caves. We were each issued our tube, life vest and headlamp…and then followed our Guides to the trail that would eventually lead us to the river. The walk through the rain forest takes about 30 minutes depending on the size and stamina of your group. It’s a relatively easy walk, but you are carrying your equipment too…and it is quite humid even though the temperature is pretty nice. You will cross a shallow section of the river in about 5 minutes after starting the walk, and soon realize that the water is going to be cold, but refreshing! We also walked through a small dry cave along the way. This is the only area that may be hard on you if you are out of shape, as there are quite a few steps…but if you find it difficult, one of the Guides will quickly offer assistance to anyone that looks like they might want/need it. We had excellent Guides, and they made sure to stop here and there along the way to point out certain trees, insects (leaf-cutter ants, butterflies, and termites) and plant life.


As we reached the river and waited for the tail end of our group to catch up with us, Mark started instructing us on the proper way to board our vessels for our trip through the caves. Soon, we were all in our inner tubes and lined up, with our feet under the arms of the person in front of us. We had 14 people assigned to each Guide - so they had us in 2 rows of 7 people in each row. Like I said earlier, the water was cold at first, but it was very refreshing and didn’t seem to bother anyone after the initial shock wore off. The caves are massive, and there are several other groups that are doing this tour at the same time too. I was very glad that we had selected Major Tom, because I noticed that some of the others were floating down the river on their own, and having to really work to keep on their course - we were being led gently down the river and having a great time just enjoying the ride! Mark told us all about the history of the caves in the Mayan culture, pointing out different formations along the way…we even saw a few small bats as we exited the last cave. I’m sure that there were more that we didn’t see, but they won’t bother you, so I wasn’t concerned. Just make sure that you have your mouth closed any time you look up!! You will feel several drops land on you as you float through the caves - don’t worry, it’s just water dripping from the ceiling of the caves.


Once we exited the last cave, we were able to free float until we reached the area where you have to get out of the river. Mark and several adventuresome passengers climbed a large rock that overlooks that area and had fun diving into the water off of the rock…then we reluctantly started making our way back to where our bus was waiting. Even though the sun was shining brightly, we had heard the rumble of thunder and the sky was growing pretty dark in the near distance. Just as we got to the changing/restroom building it started to rain lightly, and by the time we boarded the bus…it was starting to really come down!! By the time we were halfway back to the port, it had stopped raining - and half the people on the bus had fallen in and out of sleep along the way, while the other half talked about what a wonderful time they had just had. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to stop at one of the local restaurants to eat the traditional favorite - chicken with rice and beans…I would’ve really loved to try that dish, as I had heard that it was one of those “don’t miss” things to do while in Belize!


When we arrived back at the port, the bus dropped us off right at the port instead of where they had picked us up at…which was a good thing because the last tender was supposed to leave for the ship at 3:30, and it was already 3pm! WOW! That really didn’t give me much time to shop…but all I really wanted to find was a carton of cigarettes!! (I had planned to buy cigarettes while onboard the ship - as Carnival sells 5 cartons for $84.95, but they ran out of my brand before Wednesday!!) There’s only one store that sells cigarettes right there at the port, so if you want/need them…make sure you get them early in the day, because by the time we got there - there were no Marlboro Light 100’s left! **Yes, I know that smoking is a nasty habit and bad for your health…but I just watched my husband quit a few years ago and witnessed (first-hand) his weight gain. I am trying to quit, (really, I am) but taking baby steps by trying to smoke less and less gradually.**


The line of passengers waiting to board a tender wrapped around and through the shops that are located along the pier, and it looked as if we would never reach the front of the line…but we were finally on our tender and heading back to the ship around 3:30. We reached the ship a little before 4 o’clock and went straight up to our cabins so we could watch the rest of the tenders unload their passengers, as there was still quite a line behind us when we left. Finally, the ship hoisted the anchor and slowly started to head out the channel into deeper waters. We all realized that we had just completed our last excursion for this cruise at about the same time, and made a drink to toast our last adventure - then I went back inside and started to grab a shower.




(Coastal islands along the way as we left Belize)




(How would you like to be on this island during a tropical storm or hurricane?)


**A special "Thank You" to snc421 for allowing me to borrow some of her photos to add to my review**



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Now… I know that we were just crawling along at about 2 knots through the water because it’s so shallow, but it felt as if we had come to a complete stop. Hey…those stories about passengers being left behind and having to catch up to the ship must be true!! Sure enough - the ship had come to a halt as another boat pulled up alongside and dropped off some passengers that hadn’t made it to catch a tender in time for us to sail away. We all finished our showers and started getting ready for dinner tonight. This is the 2nd Formal Night. Tonight’s dinner was good - we had chateaubriand and tiger shrimp, and (of course) more Chocolate Melting Cake! After dinner, we strolled around the Promenade Deck, bought a few photos, went up to the Unicorn Bar and then back to our cabin for awhile. I quickly changed into something a little more comfortable and went to the Casino to make my donation.


This is also the night that they have the “Grand Gala Buffet”. Phillip (our Waiter) made sure to let us know to be there at 11:30 in the Truffles Dining Room so we could take pictures, before they allow people to begin eating at 12:15. After leaving the Casino, I went to get Katelynn and we headed to the Truffles Dining Room with cameras in hand. The line for taking photos of all the sumptuous foods and desserts was long, but it moved fairly quickly. You can easily gain 5lbs just looking at these caloric confections - a “chocoholics” dream come true!! Here are some photos...




(A fire breathing dragon in ice!)




(Pineapple palms surrounded by more luscious fruits)




(You have to ask yourself...How in the world did they do this, and how long did it take?)




(Ahhh - This is what we're all here for...the desserts!!)




(and even MORE desserts...)


Ah….bedtime at last! And tonight, I don’t have to pack a thing in advance for the next day!! It will be our last “Day at Sea” - and although I am looking forward to a day of just relaxing, I find myself dreading it too. Gee…this week sure has gone by fast, and I’m not ready for it to come to an end. Ever since about 7pm, the ship was really doing some rocking and rolling, as the waves were a little higher and the winds were blowing at 38mph. (They had even closed off the upper decks earlier tonight because the winds were so high.) I have no problems with high seas and always enjoy cruising through the waves… so I had a wonderful night’s sleep, as I was rocked gently back and forth into la-la-land.

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I am still making my husband insane. every night when i go into our bedroom, i harrass him-my bed isn't turned down; there's STILL no towel animal or chocolates! lol


we're going to a wedding tomorrow. the couple is honeymooning on the legend on sunday.


i hate them LOL.


this was my second visit to cozumel; real estate has become more expensive since my first visit in '05. dennis and i would like to visit-scouting for prospective retirement homes!!!!!


dennis' cousin died on the 13th. he lived in Jamaica. we're trying to get him a buddy pass to get down there for the funeral-on July 19th (yep, you read it right..dont' ask). he wanted me to go, but andrew's national competition is july 13-17 and michael's bday (21!!) is the 18th. we cannot/would not bring the boys for this, so i am not going-i am going to nationals, and i will be here with michael for the funeral.


i would have liked to go back to Jamaica (we'd stay at dennis' childhood home in the mountains); where we'd be reminds me of roatan, only where he lived is even LESS 'civilized' than roatan (there is still NO running water or phones!)




I know what you mean...I caught myself saying to Andi (who is here this week on her way up to their vacation home in Ky) "This time 2 weeks ago, we were in the caves in Belize". We went to the Golden Corral tonight and expected to be waited on hand & foot like we were on the ship! I wish Carnival had a buffet like Golden Corral...a larger selection with varying levels of taste!


This was our 2nd time in Coz also. It is so much better than what I remembered from 2002 when I was there the last time. Hawk and I are seriously thinking about going there for our next vacation and researching All-Inclusive resorts and/or vacation rentals. I think our retirement home will more than likely be somewhere up in the mountains though.


I'm so sorry to hear about Dennis' cousin...please offer him my condolences. It's a shame that you won't be able to join him for the funeral, but understandable. Maybe if he will be there for a few days, you could fly down and join them later though? Jamaica is wonderful this time of year...but I guess you already know that!!

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Day 6 - (Friday) June 6, 2008


The Legend arrived in Belize around 8am this morning. We were originally supposed to be in Belize yesterday from 8 to 5, but due to the tropical storm - they switched our itinerary with Roatan…and now we would be in Belize today from 8 to 4pm. We are booked to go cave-tubing with “Major Tom” at cave-tubing(dot)net and are really looking forward to this excursion. It’s slightly hazy & overcast outside today, but it’s still very early (6am Belize time). The sun is out and promises to get much hotter (and brighter) as the day wears on!


Belize is a small Central American country that is surrounded by very shallow coastal waterways, so we will have to anchor and then tender in to the port. Everyone has been instructed to meet down at the Follies Lounge in the morning so they can get a ticket to board the tenders as early (and orderly) as possible. As soon as we got up and dressed, we went to get a quick bite to eat up at the buffet and then met up with Andi & Lloyd to go down to the Follies Lounge and try to get one of the earliest tenders available. We got to the Lounge right at 8am, where we were directed to check in with one of the cruise directors (located up near the stage). After telling her that we had an independent tour booked and how many of us were in our party, she assigned us a numbered ticket…and once they called that number, we would be allowed to follow the leader down to the “A” Deck and onto a waiting tender. We were given the number “5” and took a seat to wait. In just moments, they called numbers 1-3, and then started calling off more Carnival sponsored tours. About 20 minutes later they called number #4 - surely #5 would be called in just moments. Hah! Well, we finally got called about 8:45...but it only took a few minutes to go down and board our tender - then we were finally on our way. The tender was a really nice (almost new), well-kept tender and it made good time in taking us the 7 mile (give or take) journey to the docks in Belize. Thankfully, the water was calm, so it was a nice ride.


As you get closer to the port in Belize City, you notice all the brightly colored houses and businesses that line the coastal waters. There are quite a few really nice homes that dot the landscape, and the economy seems to be thriving in this area. This is about the time that I discovered that the kids didn’t bring the disposable water cameras that I had purchased with them…so I have very few photos to share of our island adventure. (They were thinking they wouldn’t get any good shots inside the caves, but didn’t think about all the other photos that could’ve been taken of the rain forest, etc.)




(Colorful resort homes and businesses line the coast)




(The piers where tenders drop off and pick up passengers)




(A Welcome sign greets you at the Port in Belize City)


As soon as we got off the tender, we were greeted by friendly faces that directed us to our tour guide for Major Tom, and we followed him to an area where we all showed our booking confirmations, paid any balances that were still due, and listened to a brief talk about what to expect out of our tour. After a short wait to make sure that everyone in the group was there (and a restroom break), we followed our Guide (Mark) to our waiting bus a few short blocks away. The buses they use are traditional school buses that have seats large enough for 2 adults per seat, with overhead storage for your things, and air-conditioned. Soon we were on our way through the streets of Belize City. We passed by several schools, government buildings, and a resort (with the only Casino in Belize), then through small towns with smaller homes, and cashew groves. Each of our Guides (we had 3 for the size of our group - Mark, Mike, and Junior) introduced themselves and told us a little something about themselves and what we were passing as we were driving by. We all got a short lesson on the history and culture of the country and learned how to talk a little Creole too!


The area where we are going to do our cave-tubing is called the Sibun River and is about 45 minutes to an hour away from the port. We stopped in the small town of Hattiesville (named after a hurricane that devastated much of Belize decades ago) to take another restroom break and buy some snacks, drinks, etc. for the remainder of our ride. My husband bought a bottle of Cashew Wine and 4 sodas, and the total bill was $9.75 (our USD is worth twice as much in Belizean money)!! I had expected my husband to keep the bottle of wine (as none of us are wine drinkers in the first place) and take it back to the ship with us as a souvenir, but he wound up opening it and passing it around. Like I said, I don’t have much of a palate for wine…and thought (at first taste) that it reminded me of prune juice, but it had a definite cashew after-taste. As wines go…it wasn’t half bad!! By the time we made it to our drop off point, the bottle was history.


Once off the bus, we were pointed to a building where we could change and use the restrooms, then walked over to collect our equipment needed for the caves. We were each issued our tube, life vest and headlamp…and then followed our Guides to the trail that would eventually lead us to the river. The walk through the rain forest takes about 30 minutes depending on the size and stamina of your group. It’s a relatively easy walk, but you are carrying your equipment too…and it is quite humid even though the temperature is pretty nice. You will cross a shallow section of the river in about 5 minutes after starting the walk, and soon realize that the water is going to be cold, but refreshing! We also walked through a small dry cave along the way. This is the only area that may be hard on you if you are out of shape, as there are quite a few steps…but if you find it difficult, one of the Guides will quickly offer assistance to anyone that looks like they might want/need it. We had excellent Guides, and they made sure to stop here and there along the way to point out certain trees, insects (leaf-cutter ants, butterflies, and termites) and plant life.


As we reached the river and waited for the tail end of our group to catch up with us, Mark started instructing us on the proper way to board our vessels for our trip through the caves. Soon, we were all in our inner tubes and lined up, with our feet under the arms of the person in front of us. We had 14 people assigned to each Guide - so they had us in 2 rows of 7 people in each row. Like I said earlier, the water was cold at first, but it was very refreshing and didn’t seem to bother anyone after the initial shock wore off. The caves are massive, and there are several other groups that are doing this tour at the same time too. I was very glad that we had selected Major Tom, because I noticed that some of the others were floating down the river on their own, and having to really work to keep on their course - we were being led gently down the river and having a great time just enjoying the ride! Mark told us all about the history of the caves in the Mayan culture, pointing out different formations along the way…we even saw a few small bats as we exited the last cave. I’m sure that there were more that we didn’t see, but they won’t bother you, so I wasn’t concerned. Just make sure that you have your mouth closed any time you look up!! You will feel several drops land on you as you float through the caves - don’t worry, it’s just water dripping from the ceiling of the caves.


Once we exited the last cave, we were able to free float until we reached the area where you have to get out of the river. Mark and several adventuresome passengers climbed a large rock that overlooks that area and had fun diving into the water off of the rock…then we reluctantly started making our way back to where our bus was waiting. Even though the sun was shining brightly, we had heard the rumble of thunder and the sky was growing pretty dark in the near distance. Just as we got to the changing/restroom building it started to rain lightly, and by the time we boarded the bus…it was starting to really come down!! By the time we were halfway back to the port, it had stopped raining - and half the people on the bus had fallen in and out of sleep along the way, while the other half talked about what a wonderful time they had just had. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to stop at one of the local restaurants to eat the traditional favorite - chicken with rice and beans…I would’ve really loved to try that dish, as I had heard that it was one of those “don’t miss” things to do while in Belize!


When we arrived back at the port, the bus dropped us off right at the port instead of where they had picked us up at…which was a good thing because the last tender was supposed to leave for the ship at 3:30, and it was already 3pm! WOW! That really didn’t give me much time to shop…but all I really wanted to find was a carton of cigarettes!! (I had planned to buy cigarettes while onboard the ship - as Carnival sells 5 cartons for $84.95, but they ran out of my brand before Wednesday!!) There’s only one store that sells cigarettes right there at the port, so if you want/need them…make sure you get them early in the day, because by the time we got there - there were no Marlboro Light 100’s left! **Yes, I know that smoking is a nasty habit and bad for your health…but I just watched my husband quit a few years ago and witnessed (first-hand) his weight gain. I am trying to quit, (really, I am) but taking baby steps by trying to smoke less and less gradually.**


The line of passengers waiting to board a tender wrapped around and through the shops that are located along the pier, and it looked as if we would never reach the front of the line…but we were finally on our tender and heading back to the ship around 3:30. We reached the ship a little before 4 o’clock and went straight up to our cabins so we could watch the rest of the tenders unload their passengers, as there was still quite a line behind us when we left. Finally, the ship hoisted the anchor and slowly started to head out the channel into deeper waters. We all realized that we had just completed our last excursion for this cruise at about the same time, and made a drink to toast our last adventure - then I went back inside and started to grab a shower.




(Coastal islands along the way as we left Belize)




(How would you like to be on this island during a tropical storm or hurricane?)


**A special "Thank You" to snc421 for allowing me to borrow some of her photos to add to my review**



You're welcome, Kim!

**I changed the pics in the above quote to a larger size**


Too bad I wasn't with you... I smoke Marlboro Lights 100's, also! I didn't see any 100's on the Legend at all when I was on it, not even on the first day! So I bought a carton of Marb Light Kings on the ship for the packaging it was in (the giant pack) then I got a carton of Light 100's on Cozumel in the Duty Free for $21.oo, I think. Ahhhh, Mexico!



Ever since about 7pm, the ship was really doing some rocking and rolling, as the waves were a little higher and the winds were blowing at 38mph. (They had even closed off the upper decks earlier tonight because the winds were so high.) I have no problems with high seas and always enjoy cruising through the waves… so I had a wonderful night’s sleep, as I was rocked gently back and forth into la-la-land.

The winds were in association with the TS, I take it?


I had winds at 30+ MPH on my cruise for like a day and a half, too. As it was a crosswind, we were rockin'! No storms in my case, though. And I liked it, too... except they closed the deck on Deck 3, my smoke stop right before dinner!


Great pics from the Gala Buffet! I never did go to that.... I wish I did! Thanks for 'taking me there!'

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