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What is the NCL policy?


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What is a reasonable amount of time? According to the OP's post, someone went to check on her and she was gone. It was NCL that screwed this up. How can you blame the family for this? If an elderly person is missing it is the responsibility of the cruise line to assist. Thankfully, the woman was found unhurt. It could have turned out to be a tragedy. Please stop blaming the victim. I wonder if a child had wandered off if there would have been the same response from NCL.


I'm not blaming the victim......I'm blaming the family for not keeping track of their elderly, blind relative. If they had "checked" on her in a timely manner, they would have noticed she was gone. When they opened the door, they would have seen her making her way down the hallway. If they had kept an eye on her, she would have found the right door.


They didn't....and that's not NCL's fault.......


And, how did they know that 3 people spoke with her? And, why didn't someone in the party go to the reception desk immediately when told to do so?


Sorry. There is a procedure onboard all ships for missing passengers. This group resisted it.....and now want to blame NCL for their own mishandling of the whole thing from start to finish.

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You have no idea that it wasn't within 5 seconds! The aunt is sitting on the balcony, the woman gets up to go the bathroom, and then when checked on she is gone - that's all we know. I think it is only fair to comment on the NCL policy, which clearly failed here, and leave the speculation to the people who really know the woman's condition and level of independence.


Each cruiseline has a procedure to handle missing passengers. OP was told by reception to come to the desk and start that process.....she didn't. That's not NCL's fault. Unless there is imminent danger to a passenger, security personnel are not going to be dispatched everytime a loved one goes missing.....they'd be running all the time. From their point of view, one has to assume that the "missing" passenger is on the ship, has decided to go to the casino or go shopping or go have a drink.


This family must assume responsibility for the woman being lost....not blame NCL.

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This family must assume responsibility for the woman being lost....not blame NCL.


She was actually admirably far from blaming NCL. She asked a question. Some of the rest of us thought NCL should have responded better when they heard the missing person was an elderly blind person. But you obviously feel very strongly about this and you are entitled to that opinion - I am simply amazed.

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Each cruiseline has a procedure to handle missing passengers. OP was told by reception to come to the desk and start that process.....she didn't. That's not NCL's fault. Unless there is imminent danger to a passenger' date=' security personnel are not going to be dispatched everytime a loved one goes missing.....they'd be running all the time. From their point of view, one has to assume that the "missing" passenger is on the ship, has decided to go to the casino or go shopping or go have a drink.


This family must assume responsibility for the woman being lost....not blame NCL.[/quote']


Very well put. I agree fully.

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I'm in the camp that the three people who this woman came in contact with just left her there without offering any kind of assistance are truly lacking any kind of conscience or moral fiber. I'm sure this woman was frightened and they turned their backs.


Not to get all spiritual but in the New Testament, Matthew 25:40 - And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.


I believe we could all use a dose of this when dealing with our fellow men (and women). I guess a person's true character shows when they are alone and no one will know.


I'm glad everything turned out all right. I hope you have many more happy years with your mother.

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Wow, Terri! I can't believe all these unkind replies. I agree with a previous poster who said that posts which raise a question often degenerate into endless responses of criticism of the OP. I do walk in your shoes, and I know what it is to live with a parent with a disability. I think it admirable that you cruise with your mom, and I agree that the front desk should have called security. Please write a note to NCL expressing your concern. It will help many of us who cruise with elderly parents, and - yes- parents of the very young!

Thanks again!

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I'm not blaming the victim......I'm blaming the family for not keeping track of their elderly' date=' blind relative. If they had "checked" on her in a timely manner, they would have noticed she was gone. When they opened the door, they would have seen her making her way down the hallway. If they had kept an eye on her, she would have found the right door.[/size']

They didn't....and that's not NCL's fault.......

And, how did they know that 3 people spoke with her? And, why didn't someone in the party go to the reception desk immediately when told to do so?

Sorry. There is a procedure onboard all ships for missing passengers. This group resisted it.....and now want to blame NCL for their own mishandling of the whole thing from start to finish.

So, you're telling me that if your blind, elderly mother went missing, you'd calmly go down to the front desk to fill out a form instead of immediately searching for your mom? I sure hope your mom is in excellent health.

I know the OP and her mother for over 35 years. The OP is the most devoted daughter I've ever known. She's ALWAYS there for her mother. Her mom is a very independent woman whose world has become a lot smaller because of health circumstances. We all try and give her some dignity, mostly by not dogging her every footstep. She does not have dementia...........she IS 80 years old however, and as such, she has sloweed down a bit from the vibrant woman she was when I met her 30+ years ago.

There really is nothing I can say that will change this poster's mind. They've decided my friend and her family are negligent (judging someone they don't even know) and nothing *I* can say will change that. But to the compassionate posters, please know that no family could be more attentive to the needs of this woman. We should all be so lucky.

Bottom line, we just want to know what NCL's policy is when an elderly passenger becomes disoriented or lost.


An 80 year old blind woman, wandering around, OBVIOUSLY lost............is not in imminent danger?

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Lucky, well said. The fact that Mom gets to go on a cruise with her family shows the love and devotion of the family. I feel bad that Terri has to defend herself for just asking a question. NCL should have assisted and they did not. If something terrible had happened, they would be at fault for not taking the situation seriously.

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Okay, so the policy is this....if I have a (young, old, disabled,whatever) passenger who has disappeared, I fill out a form?? I repeat, WHAT IS THE POLICY??? I really don't care to assign blame, I just want to know what TIMELY help is available and how to get it!

Let's face it, stuff happens. How many of us have lost sight of children, even with the best of vigilance (mine liked to hide, it was a big game to see mommy freak out. But, I digress). I hope to sail with my elderly MIL, and with my almost 5 yr old grandson, so this is important to know. and Terri, best to you and your family!

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Okay, so the policy is this....if I have a (young, old, disabled,whatever) passenger who has disappeared, I fill out a form?? I repeat, WHAT IS THE POLICY??? I really don't care to assign blame, I just want to know what TIMELY help is available and how to get it!

Let's face it, stuff happens. How many of us have lost sight of children, even with the best of vigilance (mine liked to hide, it was a big game to see mommy freak out. But, I digress). I hope to sail with my elderly MIL, and with my almost 5 yr old grandson, so this is important to know. and Terri, best to you and your family!


Well, according to the NCL cheerleaders on the board, NCL has no responsibility to anyone, we are all on our own. I do believe that the person at reception was too lazy to do the right thing and there probably is a policy that is more safety conscious. From what I have seen on NCL, they work hard to do the right thing for their passengers.

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Well, according to the NCL cheerleaders on the board, NCL has no responsibility to anyone, we are all on our own. I do believe that the person at reception was too lazy to do the right thing and there probably is a policy that is more safety conscious. From what I have seen on NCL, they work hard to do the right thing for their passengers.


I'm sure that NCL does have a policy, I'm just not sure what the best approach to take should something similar happen to my family. Asking a question like this should not open anyone to criticism or negative comments, but thanks to the OP....this is something many of us never thought about.

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I'm not blaming the victim......I'm blaming the family for not keeping track of their elderly' date=' blind relative. If they had "checked" on her in a timely manner, they would have noticed she was gone. When they opened the door, they would have seen her making her way down the hallway. If they had kept an eye on her, she would have found the right door.


They didn't....and that's not NCL's fault.......


And, how did they know that 3 people spoke with her? And, why didn't someone in the party go to the reception desk immediately when told to do so?


Sorry. There is a procedure onboard all ships for missing passengers. This group resisted it.....and now want to blame NCL for their own mishandling of the whole thing from start to finish.[/quote']


You have got to be kidding! You need to go back and reread all of the op's posts on this thread particularly post #33. You are so off base on the interpretation it's laughable. The OP never once placed any blame on NCL for what happened to her mother.


Obviously you're fortunate enough not to have a seriously visually impaired person close to you. (I didn't word that correctly - it's unfortunate they're blind, not that they're close to us.) I have grown up with two who have complete blindness. These people lived on their own in the city of Toronto (population somewhere in the neighbourhood of 5 million) navigated city streets and buses to get back and forth to work, to entertainment venues, to wherever. After a very short period of time they are normally familiar enough with the surroundings in a room that they're confident to move around without assistance. I wouldn't be the least bit concerned after three days in a cabin if one of them said they were going to the bathroom alone. Their independance is remarkable. After a few minutes if they hadn't returned, I'd do what the OP did and become extremely concerned and I would absolutely have expected security to assist. That's not blame.


People need to live this before they make these kinds of condemnations.


And evilmille, I totally got your statement about the locking in. It was very well placed sarcasm if people actually took the time to think about what you were saying.

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The internet is an interesting place. It's completely anonymous, and people tend to say (write) things that they would never have the nerve to say to someone's face.


Bottom line, NCL totally screwed up on this. To tell someone on the phone to "fill out a form" in an emergency situation is ludicrous.


THAT is the issue at hand.

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I'm not blaming the victim......I'm blaming the family for not keeping track of their elderly' date=' blind relative. If they had "checked" on her in a timely manner, they would have noticed she was gone. When they opened the door, they would have seen her making her way down the hallway. If they had kept an eye on her, she would have found the right door.


They didn't....and that's not NCL's fault.......


And, how did they know that 3 people spoke with her? And, why didn't someone in the party go to the reception desk immediately when told to do so?


Sorry. There is a procedure onboard all ships for missing passengers. This group resisted it.....and now want to blame NCL for their own mishandling of the whole thing from start to finish.[/quote']


Are you serious?????


You really are a winner.


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I don't know about the rest of you but this has been a learning experience for me. Don't call the front desk, call Security. But what are their requirements for "missing persons"? Do we actually have to see them go overboard or is just "missing" good enough? How long missing and are there age and/or disability requirements? I think I would like to know what NCL uses as their guidelines which is all the OP asked. Come down and fill out a form is absolutely unacceptable.

As for the three people who saw her, I am like the other poster in that I believe my mom would tell everybody she is okay. Stubborn, embarrassed, afraid, I've seen all those reasons for her not to reach out or even accept help. If you aren't in the situation or haven't been there then please don't comment about keeping the door locked or keeping an "eye" on her. You really don't know what you are talking about until you've dealt with the same thing.
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Wow,after reading all these posts I am trying to figure out why some of you are so quick to blame the family. The op has since said that mom had already gone to bathroom on her own so why not allow her some independance. I do beleive that it is possible that she told other passengers that she was fine and they would assume that.
I feel that once the desk heard the word"blind" they should of sent help.I see no excuse for the desk not to call security.
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[quote name='packercruising']I don't think there is any need for personal name calling on this board.[/quote]

Sometimes calling someone a "winner" is acceptable when that person takes the opportunity to attack and lay blame to a poster who is just asking a question. Too much of this on the board. When a poster comes on and raises an issue that may not put NCL in the best light, they are immediately attacked by some. It is wrong and should be called out.
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[quote name='Evilmille']Sometimes calling someone a "winner" is acceptable when that person takes the opportunity to attack and lay blame to a poster who is just asking a question. Too much of this on the board. When a poster comes on and raises an issue that may not put NCL in the best light, they are immediately attacked by some. It is wrong and should be called out.[/quote]

Exactly:) Thank You
I normally stay far away from these threads .This one hit a nerve.
I wish I could say how I really feel:mad:
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[quote name='terri1020']I NEVER BLAMED NCL! I said that more than once. How dare you presume we did not take care of our loved one! I asked if anyone knew the policy. I pray to God that something like this never happens to ANYONE! They send NCL reps to your cabin for EVERYTHING! All I asked was that they send someone to the cabin with the form or whatever else they needed in order to assist us. For any of us to take the time to run down two floors and fill out a form was a crazy request IMHO. Shame on you! I'm sorry you feel the way you do, I really am![/quote]

Ignore it. It's not worth it. Most of us understood your post. Some just don't get it.:rolleyes:

Sorry for what happened to your mother. I know that had to be very frightening.
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To the OP, I would suggest you write Mr Colin Veitch at NCL, 7665 Corporate Center Drive, Miami fl 33126-1201 and request the policy. I would explain the circumstances surrounding you Mom's misfortune, the response you received, and your concern that a repeat of this type of answer from the front desk could lead to a real tragedy.

To me, the key words here are blind, lost and elderly. Anyone, in a position to interface with passengers, as a crew member, should be trained that certain situations require immediate attention. They should be trained to contact security, or whatever the appropriate department is for the particular emergency.

I believe, bringing this to the attention of corporate offices, is most important, as that is how things get fixed. If you receive a response, please post it here.
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[quote name='BikerAl']To the OP, I would suggest you write Mr Colin Veitch at NCL, 7665 Corporate Center Drive, Miami fl 33126-1201 and request the policy. I would explain the circumstances surrounding you Mom's misfortune, the response you received, and your concern that a repeat of this type of answer from the front desk could lead to a real tragedy.

To me, the key words here are blind, lost and elderly. Anyone, in a position to interface with passengers, as a crew member, should be trained that certain situations require immediate attention. They should be trained to contact security, or whatever the appropriate department is for the particular emergency.

I believe, bringing this to the attention of corporate offices, is most important, as that is how things get fixed. If you receive a response, please post it here.[/QUOTE]

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[quote=G'ma;15081617]Each cruiseline has a procedure to handle missing passengers. OP was told by reception to come to the desk and start that process.....she didn't. That's not NCL's fault. Unless there is imminent danger to a passenger, security personnel are not going to be dispatched everytime a loved one goes missing.....they'd be running all the time. From their point of view, one has to assume that the "missing" passenger is on the ship, has decided to go to the casino or go shopping or go have a drink.

This family must assume responsibility for the woman being lost....not blame NCL.[/quote]

Oh sure, the over 80 blind grandmother is just down at the club having a scotch and water. Sorry, but you are way out of line on this one. I'm sure there are procedures for missing passengers, but this is quite different then someone that just can't find their husband, or their wife. The simple fact of her age, and her blindness should have been enough for them to step in and help quickly. Bottom line is whoever they spoke to at the front desk screwed up big time. The OP should write a letter to the president and inform him exactly what happened.
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[quote name='Evilmille']Well, according to the NCL cheerleaders on the board, NCL has no responsibility to anyone, we are all on our own. I do believe that the person at reception was too lazy to do the right thing and there probably is a policy that is more safety conscious. From what I have seen on NCL, they work hard to do the right thing for their passengers.[/quote]

Please don't include those of us who enjoy NCL and get irked at some of the ridiculous posts that crop up here attacking NCL, in this argument. I've already stated that I feel that NCL's position in this incident was wrong. Period. No defense, nothing that could be said to defend them when a blind, 80 year old is missing, and they say come down to the desk and fill out a form.

I jokingly refer to myself as an NCL cheerleader (as my signature shows) but there's a line between defending the cruise line to those who simply like to bash, and defending them in an issue like this in which there is no defense for that employee's actions.
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