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Need to lose 30 pounds before 2/6/2009 need buddies!

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Thanks, Salsa Dancer, for the detail steps. I'm in my 50's and always wanted to know how to do these line dances for vacation time. I've been practicing the Cuban Shuffle without the music and think I have it about figured out. I have got to get the music for it. LOL I may not look others when I do it, but I'll remember what you two said - don't let the others intimidate you. Just have to have a couple drinks first and then I'll be fine. Ha! I've also been looking on You Tube for instructions on doing the Electric Slide. I've looked at DVD's on Ebay and other sources but the ones that have the Electric Slide on it have all these other line dances that seem harder.


By the way, I've ordered the Zumba 4 DVD set on Ebay. It shipped out this morning so should get it middle of the week. I don't know if I am coordinated enough to do it, but I can at least use the "beginners" for exercise purposes anyway.


Salsa Dancer: I saw a post you did back in July where you were calculating how much weigh you could lose by cruise time (using the math). Are you still on track? How much have you lost?



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Thanks, Salsa Dancer, for the detail steps. I'm in my 50's and always wanted to know how to do these line dances for vacation time. I've been practicing the Cuban Shuffle without the music and think I have it about figured out. I have got to get the music for it. LOL I may not look others when I do it, but I'll remember what you two said - don't let the others intimidate you. Just have to have a couple drinks first and then I'll be fine. Ha! I've also been looking on You Tube for instructions on doing the Electric Slide. I've looked at DVD's on Ebay and other sources but the ones that have the Electric Slide on it have all these other line dances that seem harder.


By the way, I've ordered the Zumba 4 DVD set on Ebay. It shipped out this morning so should get it middle of the week. I don't know if I am coordinated enough to do it, but I can at least use the "beginners" for exercise purposes anyway.



Salsa Dancer: I saw a post you did back in July where you were calculating how much weigh you could lose by cruise time (using the math). Are you still on track? How much have you lost?




YAY FOR BUYING ZUMBA!! Just stick with the beginners until you're comfortable with the steps and then go on to the 20 minute if you feel you're ready. Good luck and let me know how you like it!!

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Hi Everyone!

Yup-I am back. Purpletrogdor here, Troggie for short. I started this thread quite a while ago. I started out with a bang on the weight loss then, unfortunately, life threw me a curveball or ten. So, here I am...182.4. Again. Still. Or something. UGH. I keep fluctuating between 181 and 186...up one week and down the next.


I need a collective kick in the big girl pants. I have 87 days till I go to Chicago to catch my plane for the cruise. (2/6/09...my 50th birthday!) I was looking at one of the other threads where they talked about no flour or sugar. I may give it a try. I am still doing WW but getting a little half hearted about it because of the yo yo thing going on. :mad:


On a positive note...gone from a 16 to a 14 and some of those pants are getting loose. I bought the cutest capri's from JCP when they had the end of season clearance...got them for $4.99 (reg $56!!) One pair is white with multi colored butterflies embroidered all over, the other pair is khaki with little palm trees embroidered all over. They are a size 12 and I WILL BE IN THEM (even if I have to use a rubberband to hold those suckers together!!) ha ha for the cruise. I also bought a really pretty multi color (blues and lavendars) dress at JCP for $7.99 (reg $96) to wear for formal night...again in a 12.


I just need that kick and some rah rah.:p


Keep losing for cruising!

Karen (Troggie)

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Ok, Troggie. Here's the big kick in your "behind". Let's put all the excuses behind us and get you ready for that cruise. You have 12 weeks. Even at 1 1/2 lbs per week, you could be down close to 20 lbs (162 lbs!). You can do it - plenty of time!


I'm going to make another suggestion to you - check out the board "30 lbs to New Years". It's a great board and we'll welcome you with open arms. It's the best support group I've found. We are still going strong and hope to keep it up through 2009. We call ourselves "Twigs in Training" and would love to have more members! We have a couple people going to weigh loss doctors, others on South Beach, several starting the day with the 3 oz of Protein Shots. Our weight on that board probably ranges from 150 - 225 lbs. We do a weekly weigh in on Mondays. Yes, Monday - right after the weekend, which does keep us focused.


Have you tried South Beach? The first 2 weeks, if you will stick to it, you will lose 7 - 10 lbs. It's a great "jump start". I've been on a lot of diets, but that's the only one that works for me. Actually after several weeks and getting focused on my diet, I normally combine the principle of South Beach with a few other dieting principals. For example, did you know:


You need to drink at least 64 oz water per day

Drink at least 32 oz pure water - no lemon or Crystal Light

Alcohol still stop the fat burning for 48 hours and cause calories consumed to automatically be stored.

Red meat takes 3 days for your body to digest so be sure to space out consumption.

Breakfast should contain more grams of protein than carbs. Diet doctors are saving you should have about 30 grams of low fat protein within 3 hours of waking up.

Skipping meals will decrease your metabolism and shut down your fat burning.

Bad Fruits: grapes, raisins, figs, dates and bananas. These fruits have a huge impact on your glcemic index and are equivalent to eating a bowl of sugar.


(All of this is information someone on the other board shared with us who is going to a weight loss doctor.)


Good luck!



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Ok, Troggie. Here's the big kick in your "behind". Let's put all the excuses behind us and get you ready for that cruise. You have 12 weeks. Even at 1 1/2 lbs per week, you could be down close to 20 lbs (162 lbs!). You can do it - plenty of time!


I'm going to make another suggestion to you - check out the board "30 lbs to New Years". It's a great board and we'll welcome you with open arms. It's the best support group I've found. We are still going strong and hope to keep it up through 2009. We call ourselves "Twigs in Training" and would love to have more members! We have a couple people going to weigh loss doctors, others on South Beach, several starting the day with the 3 oz of Protein Shots. Our weight on that board probably ranges from 150 - 225 lbs. We do a weekly weigh in on Mondays. Yes, Monday - right after the weekend, which does keep us focused.


Have you tried South Beach? The first 2 weeks, if you will stick to it, you will lose 7 - 10 lbs. It's a great "jump start". I've been on a lot of diets, but that's the only one that works for me. Actually after several weeks and getting focused on my diet, I normally combine the principle of South Beach with a few other dieting principals. For example, did you know:


You need to drink at least 64 oz water per day

Drink at least 32 oz pure water - no lemon or Crystal Light

Alcohol still stop the fat burning for 48 hours and cause calories consumed to automatically be stored.

Red meat takes 3 days for your body to digest so be sure to space out consumption.

Breakfast should contain more grams of protein than carbs. Diet doctors are saving you should have about 30 grams of low fat protein within 3 hours of waking up.

Skipping meals will decrease your metabolism and shut down your fat burning.

Bad Fruits: grapes, raisins, figs, dates and bananas. These fruits have a huge impact on your glcemic index and are equivalent to eating a bowl of sugar.


(All of this is information someone on the other board shared with us who is going to a weight loss doctor.)


Good luck!




Holy crap! I think I just figured out what I've been doing wrong!!!


1. I'm REALLY bad about not eating during the day. Sometimes I don't even eat anything until supper time. I know, shame on me!


2. I LOVE grapes, raisins, & bananas so I keep them in the house because the kids love them too. More apples, oranges and pears I guess?


3. And I knew this.. I don't drink enough water. I'm addicted to Big Red and Sunkist. I need to take myself off pop again and see what happens. In the past, I've dropped a LOT of weight doing that.


4. The red meat issue. We live in Texas and we are some steak n taters people! Granted, we don't eat steak every night but we eat alot of hambuger meat based stuff and pork chops and such. More chicken, maybe??


What would be something good to fix for breakfast, other than eggs? Since protein is a biggie.


A friend of mine gave me her diet advice and basically it was to eat small portions of small meals during the day and to drink nothing but water. I DO need to do the whole water thing.


Thanks for posting all of those facts!!


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I actually don't eat any fruits right now. As for the protein in the mornings, I've started the protein shots from Walmart which are 27 grams and about 100 calories. You could look at the protein bars as well. My sister, who also goes to a weight loss doctor, says you have to be sure there is more protein than carbs in the "protein shake" or "protein bars" for that first meal. Special K Protein Bars fit the bill. I also keep Atkin Shakes here. Eggs are great for breakfast/protein. I think we I eat a 2 egg omlet, I'm not as hungry the rest of the morning. Sometimes I do the Protein shot and then late morning, eat a protein bar. Yes, more chicken..... I was also doing the red meat a lot, but after I heard about the red meat, I started watching my weight daily. Sure enough, when I eat ground beef or a steak, my weight temporarily goes up the next morning. So I'm trying to do more grilled chicken and grilled fish. I think by weighing daily, you can see which foods do this to you. When I made homemade vegetable soup this weekend, I used ground turkey instead of beef. If I eat red meat, I try to make sure it's not close to my weekly weigh in. LOL Have you considered eating a piece of grilled chicken for breakfast? Has lots of protein..... I hit a big plateau a few weeks ago that went on for a couple weeks. I analyzed what I was doing wrong and realized I was skipping meals, which was slowing up my metabolism. So now, I try to do a little something every few hours, sometimes a piece of string cheese.



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I actually don't eat any fruits right now. As for the protein in the mornings, I've started the protein shots from Walmart which are 27 grams and about 100 calories. You could look at the protein bars as well. My sister, who also goes to a weight loss doctor, says you have to be sure there is more protein than carbs in the "protein shake" or "protein bars" for that first meal. Special K Protein Bars fit the bill. I also keep Atkin Shakes here. Eggs are great for breakfast/protein. I think we I eat a 2 egg omlet, I'm not as hungry the rest of the morning. Sometimes I do the Protein shot and then late morning, eat a protein bar. Yes, more chicken..... I was also doing the red meat a lot, but after I heard about the red meat, I started watching my weight daily. Sure enough, when I eat ground beef or a steak, my weight temporarily goes up the next morning. So I'm trying to do more grilled chicken and grilled fish. I think by weighing daily, you can see which foods do this to you. When I made homemade vegetable soup this weekend, I used ground turkey instead of beef. If I eat red meat, I try to make sure it's not close to my weekly weigh in. LOL Have you considered eating a piece of grilled chicken for breakfast? Has lots of protein..... I hit a big plateau a few weeks ago that went on for a couple weeks. I analyzed what I was doing wrong and realized I was skipping meals, which was slowing up my metabolism. So now, I try to do a little something every few hours, sometimes a piece of string cheese.




I love fruit so that'll definately be put in. I have a George Foreman grill-one of those small ones ya know.. I might have to start using that for the grilled chicken and fish. I'm really the only one that likes fish so I'll have to fix two separate suppers but that's alright! I've never thought of eating chicken for breakfast which surprises me because usually I don't eat "breakfast foods" for breakfast.. I usually have a sandwich or something else lol

I need to buy a scale or ask my mother in law if I can borrow hers for awhile since she never uses it. That way I can start actually looking at numbers.

Thanks for the tips!!!!

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The South Beach eliminates all fruits the first 2 weeks and then you can add back a few at a time. Yes, if you don't have a set of digital weighing scales, you need to get that to start with. They aren't that expensive to purchase at Walmart and will be a good investment. That way you can make yourself weigh and be accountable. Even though they say not to, I find by weighing myself every morning keeps me focused on the dieting thing. I have a George Foreman grill as well. We also have an electric grill/smoker. My husband will put a piece of chicken (or fish) on that grill for me most days. Remember - you will need to sacrifice what you like to eat but we're only talking about 89 days, at least for now. My motto - and I have it on my computer as a screen saver - NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS THIN FEELS. Once you go through 2 weeks of no sweets and no breads, you will lose a lot of the cravings you are having for such things - I promise!



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Scales are finally moving in the right direction after the disasterous weight gain from the 4 day camping trip with a large group - lots of candy and lots a food. I've posted two "LW's" due to the trip. All my weigh ins are on Mondays.


SW (start weight): 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW (last weigh in): 176.6 (as of 10/27/08)

LW (last weigh in): 179.0 :confused:(day after 4 day Halloween camping trip):confused:

CW (current weight: 173.0

:DTotal Loss in 9 weeks: 24.6 lbs :D

GW (goal weight): 25 lbs by Thanksgiving

GW (goal weight): 30 lbs by New Years

GW (goal weight): 40 lbs by 2/21/08 cruise


Good luck all! Unfortunately my husband wants to go camping Thursday - Sunday of this week. At least it will just be us and NO CANDY & NO BIG MEALS (hopefully).



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For all of us who tend to "nibble" at night:


Nighttime Nibbling

BLC nutrition expert Greg Hottinger knows nighttime nibbling is a dieter's downfall. He recommends you cultivate a delay/distraction technique. If you get the urge to nibble, and you know you're not hungry, wait 10 minutes. Drink water, pick up a book, check e-mail. It's not easy at first, but the idea is to drive a wedge between your emotional feeling and its habitual response.



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I had lost 25 lbs as of yesterday but today I'm on a 4 day trip. The last trip I gained 4 lbs even though I didn't eat that badly. I lost the weight after about 4 days of being back home so I guess a lot of that is fluid. Still - it can be depressing!


I'm working SLOWLY on the Zumba dvd's. Based on my physical condition, lack of coordination and my age, I'm going really slow and trying to learn the basic steps at a slow pace. I will eventually make it through the Beginners CD - I hope. At least it is broken down into sections. I do ok until they "speed it up" and then my feet just don't know what to do. LOL I'm still working on the first 3 (dances/steps) right now. I added the 3rd one yesterday. I'll work on those until I feel comfortable enough to learn something else!



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You know what they say, practice makes perfect! What's important is that you've taken the first step and got started! I live for "Zumba Time". After my oldest daughter gets on the bus and if the babies are still asleep, that's my zumba time.. It's a great way to start the morning. Keep at it-you'll get the hang of it :)

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I went to Ebay and found a Zumba auction that was closing in less than 5 minutes...put in my bid and got all 4 dvd's for under $15 , and after shipping total came to $23.56. They arrived yesterday. I am on my way to the family room to Zumba my flab off right now!


I'll let you know how it goes!

Thanks for the info and support!!!

Troggie (Karen)

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I went to Ebay and found a Zumba auction that was closing in less than 5 minutes...put in my bid and got all 4 dvd's for under $15 , and after shipping total came to $23.56. They arrived yesterday. I am on my way to the family room to Zumba my flab off right now!


I'll let you know how it goes!

Thanks for the info and support!!!

Troggie (Karen)


Hey Troggie...How much snow did you get over there? It missed us here. Please keep posting about the Zumba. I'm really curious about that.



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I went to Ebay and found a Zumba auction that was closing in less than 5 minutes...put in my bid and got all 4 dvd's for under $15 , and after shipping total came to $23.56. They arrived yesterday. I am on my way to the family room to Zumba my flab off right now!


I'll let you know how it goes!

Thanks for the info and support!!!

Troggie (Karen)


YAY KAREN!! You'll love it :) Nothin like Zumba to get your blood goin in the morning! Let me know how it goes!


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Ok - just an update on my Zumba. I'm still on the beginners DVD, taking it really slow. However, I just about have 4 of the 6 dances down pat. Sometimes I get messed up when it speeds up, especially if I am watching the tv screen. So often I don't look, I just keep dancing to the music at the fastest pace I can go. After I get through the 6 dances on that dvd, what's the next step? I have 3 more dvd's. Which do I go to next? Is it a mix of all 6 dance moves mixed together? Just wonder what to expect as my next step (after I finish this dvd).



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Ok - just an update on my Zumba. I'm still on the beginners DVD, taking it really slow. However, I just about have 4 of the 6 dances down pat. Sometimes I get messed up when it speeds up, especially if I am watching the tv screen. So often I don't look, I just keep dancing to the music at the fastest pace I can go. After I get through the 6 dances on that dvd, what's the next step? I have 3 more dvd's. Which do I go to next? Is it a mix of all 6 dance moves mixed together? Just wonder what to expect as my next step (after I finish this dvd).




Alright!!! GREAT JOB! After you've learned all of the routines on the instruction dvd, you'll go to the 20 minute express workout which should be on the same dvd. The 20 minute is all of the routines but they break them down by sections. You'll start with the Merenge, then Salsa, Reggeton, and ending with Calypso (that one's my favorite!!). The Sculpt & Tone dvd is a little harder and it's 45 minutes long so I'd do the 20 minute for a month or so until you get the hang of it and build your stamina. That's what I've been doing. I'm a smoker (working on quitting) so yea, I had to pace myself a bit too. Keep up the great work-you can do it!!!


Now.. A little tidbit about me.. I actually weighed myself (we're spending the day with Rob's parents) and according to Mom's scales, which she and my FIL calibrated the other day- I've lost 30 lbs. I have NO clue HOW or where it went but I went from 160 to 130..WOOHOOO!! I knew I'd lost weight because all of my clothes are enormous on me but I had NO idea I'd lost that much!!!! I'm SO EXCITED! LOL Even my MIL said I've lost a lot so ROCK ON! heheheh Zumba is some good stuff, I'm tellin ya :)

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Congratulations on the 30 lbs! What a wonderful surprise for you. So I'm guessing you never bought your own scales? I couldn't stay focused without the scales. I final when I diet but don't weight, I'm not giving it 100% and don't lose anything.


I've been sick the last couple days so I haven't done the Zumba. Hopefully I can get started back in a day or two. I really want to finish up learning those steps. By what you are saying, once I have the basics, there will be a 20 minute session that I can "practice". I guess if any of them give me a hard time at that point, I can go back to the learning section on that particular one. I haven't looked at the Calypso yet. Hopefully I'll be there in a couple weeks. LOL



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Congratulations on the 30 lbs! What a wonderful surprise for you. So I'm guessing you never bought your own scales? I couldn't stay focused without the scales. I final when I diet but don't weight, I'm not giving it 100% and don't lose anything.


I've been sick the last couple days so I haven't done the Zumba. Hopefully I can get started back in a day or two. I really want to finish up learning those steps. By what you are saying, once I have the basics, there will be a 20 minute session that I can "practice". I guess if any of them give me a hard time at that point, I can go back to the learning section on that particular one. I haven't looked at the Calypso yet. Hopefully I'll be there in a couple weeks. LOL




Oh my gosh it was a great surprise! I find that when I'm trying to lose weight, if I constantly weigh myself I start to obsess over it then don't lose anything so I like to do random weigh ins lol.


The 20 minute express is an actual workout, it's just 20 minutes long so if you're tight on time but boy it'll get your heart goin! I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

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