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Which Holiday Cruise?

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After all the bashing you've given the passengers of the Holiday (of which I'm one), and I'm the one not being very nice :confused:


I have never singled out an individual to bash...it is all generalization.

The passengers on that particular cruise acted like they have never been taught manners in their life. ie: ill bred, repulsive and downright disgusting. If you or anyone else does not fit that bill then that does not apply to you.

There were some people of class aboard that cruise..afterall I was one of them...but they were in the minority.

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There were some people of class aboard that cruise..afterall I was one of them



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KY, don't really see the point of you going again, but that is your business afterall, not mine. You're point of view is so engrained in your head that it would take an absolute miracle to change it, and that is not going to happen. So, why put yourself through the agony? She hasn't, in less than two years, evolved into some super luxury liner filled with a bunch of 'people of class' (whoever 'they' might be, which, by the way, does not include you).


Keep digging in that couch of yours, come up with a little more scratch and go on a ship you'll be happy with.

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Nope...no more scratch in the couch...been over and under and its been picked dry. :(

Guess I'll have to whip out the ole Carte Blanche for a Royal Caribbean cruise to settle my nerves after the Holiday cruise if I have to be stuck with people that behave like Chimpanzees escaped from the zoo for 5 days.

Lets get back to the original subject...I believe it was which cruise...the one calling on Calica or Progresso...is the better of the two. ;) :D

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Nope...no more scratch in the couch...been over and under and its been picked dry. :(


Guess I'll have to whip out the ole Carte Blanche for a Royal Caribbean cruise to settle my nerves after the Holiday cruise if I have to be stuck with people that behave like Chimpanzees escaped from the zoo for 5 days.


Lets get back to the original subject...I believe it was which cruise...the one calling on Calica or Progresso...is the better of the two. ;) :D


Been gone longer than 5 days, and I'm not going back :p


I get the impression that Progresso may be a lot more like the old Costa Maya, which I just absolutely loved. Once outside the pier area to the fishing village just felt laid back and relaxed.


I didn't venture beyond PDC but I understand there are some great things to do. PDC itself is very commercial, but very beautiful, and may not be what you are looking for.


Beyond that, you're going to have to get your answers from someone much more knowledgeable than me :)

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I've never been to Progresso and I'm not planning a cruise that stops at that port. I've only heard from friends that it's not something I would enjoy. They know me well enough to know it's not a port for me.


I've been to the port of Calica twice and a simple cab ride will get you to almost anything you want to do or see. "Where was it you wanted to go, sir?" "What was it you wanted to see, sir?" You can go to the ruins at Tulum, to the most beautiful beaches (IMO) in the Carribean, to a shopping district, to swimming/snorkeling in a cenote. you name it and it's the place to be.


I will be on the Holiday for the first time this November. I've read the good and bad of it. I want to sail this class of ship before Carnival retires her. Good Luck, have a great cruise and don't sweat the small stuff. If you are having a good time, you won't have to look left or right to see who's around watching you. So don't look around and stare at those who are having a good time, cause you might spoil it for them.

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KY, do everyone here a favor and just keep to yourself, or at least keep to the boards for cruise lines that meet your "expectations"or whatever. Your "opinions" on the Holiday are well known. I'm not sure what sort of "thrill" you get from posting your vitriolic spew about the Holiday on these boards, but it definitely gets old. Honestly I doubt that anyone who actually reads these boards regularly pays any attention to you on this subject. As I've posted before on other threads, my family's one experience on Holiday was wonderful, probably because we went in expecting to have a good time instead of looking for reasons not to. Is she small?.....yes. Is she old?.....again yes. All that was more than offset by her wonderful crew and staff. I've stayed at 5-star hotels and resorts all over the world and have never received better service than we did on Holiday. Now perhaps that's because we treated the staff as well as they treated us instead of just........well.....whatever.


Why does our family choose Carnival? We could easily afford to cruise any line we please, but simply put, CCL gives us excellent value for our money. That lets us take more (non-cruising) vacations every year.


Interestingly, on our last cruise in May aboard Carnival Conquest we met several crew that were on our previous Holiday cruise( they all remembered us which was amazing in itself). Without exception, every one of them told us that they preferred the Holiday and hoped to return to her for their next contract. Not to say that they were unhappy with Conquest (we had our usual awesome time), but they all made mention of the special spirit of the Holiday and her crew.



As to the question of ports-of-call.....almost always a port is what you make of it. I've been to most places in the Caribbean, many of which the major cruise lines never visit (and spent more days at sea than KY Transplant ever will BTW) and while I do have my favorites, almost all have been enjoyable if you plan properly and have a positive attitude.


KY....stick to HAL, leave us Carnival folks to enjoy our budget cruising. :cool:

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I'm not interested in your life's story, P.D. It is obvious you know nothing about me or my cruise habits or days spent at sea. Unqualified babble at best.

My revised opinion, if I go, will be fair and accurate. If it was an enjoyable experience I will eat the lovely crow supper Ala-Kat will prepare for me. If not I will come down twice as hard on the Holiday as ever before.

You have the option of reading or not reading what I post.

Please stay on topic here. If you have something to say about the ports I enquired about then please do so. If not you are free to hit the back button.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.;)

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I just may..you never know about me! :D


Just in case I'm traumatized by the ship, like the first time, I don't want a port of call to be a disaster as well.


Thanks Clackey. You have been very helpful. I dislike commercialized tourist towns so I may opt for Progresso and just save the snorkeling for Coz. :)


I started marking these for rebuttle but I feel like you are sincere! I had to wipe the corner of my eye for you as I started welling up a tear! I think that for your and our sake, Calica would feel like the ship was dropping some of us off for work: the gravel pits and overalls etc...

Progreso is the way to go. Catch the bus to Merida and see the big city. That is what we are going to do. After all, there is a WalMart there if I get homesick!


No, I'm fine!


I was thinking about a quick getaway and I found enough change between the cushions of my sofa for a Holiday cruise so I also started thinking that maybe I would give her a second chance and take a more objective effort to see what you Holiday fans see in such a....ah...ah....cruise vessel.

The new meds must be working! I will concede that your comments have always been generalized and even now, focused on the ports not the ship!


I think the new cruise on the Holiday will be good for you and us. This time you will have realistic expectations and such a bad 'memory' of the other cruise.

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It was approximately in Oct. 2006.


I was intrigued that my former hometown (and in my heart..still home) had a cruise ship. It looked nice docked in the cruise terminal off I10 and I thought what a convient and inexpensive getaway that would be!


As most of you know the ship did not meet my expectations. I just want to see if I will view the Holiday in a different light on a second cruise.


I am favoring Progresso at this point. I can see all the pretty blue water and do my snorkeling at Cozumel. I enjoyed the authentic and laid back charm of Costa Maya so much that I would like to see if I can find that in Progresso.


Or...I may opt for the 4 day cruise straight to Coz and back. If the ship and passengers are as urpy as they were in '06 why spend an extra day in agony? :confused: :p :D

Our second Holiday cruise was about that time, departed 9/30/06. We were not traumatized, but we did find a quite different passenger mix from what we did in August '05. The biggest downer of our 10/06 cruise was that Steve the CD was apparently on vacation. In '05, Steve did a juggling act that was as good as the one done later in the week by a guy who was actually billed as a juggler.

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Our second Holiday cruise was about that time, departed 9/30/06. We were not traumatized, but we did find a quite different passenger mix from what we did in August '05. The biggest downer of our 10/06 cruise was that Steve the CD was apparently on vacation. In '05, Steve did a juggling act that was as good as the one done later in the week by a guy who was actually billed as a juggler.


Oops, never got to the subject.

Cannot say much about Progresso, except that it looked like they had just begun to develop something like the Costa Maya area; had a Cinco Soles and not much else. I think the story on either port is that all the good stuff is a taxi ride away. Just depends mostly on whether you want to see the country or the "Cliff's Notes" version.

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I just came off the Holiday. If you are hoping she's all upgraded and looks nice and new. You'll be really disappointed. She's an older ship and it's obvious. So if ship newness, nice pools etc is what you base your cruise on, choose another.


If you base your cruise experience on an amazingly trained staff. Staffers that go out of their way to make you feel like family and just over all friendly professionalism. Then try her again.


As far as the other passengers that of course varies from week to week as you know. Out of the hundreds I met. I only wanted to toss 2 or 3 overboard. So I'd say that was pretty good :D

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I gotta agree with pooh...The ole gal has lots of wear on her but the staff and the other cruisers were very nice. I only encountered 1 or 2 I wanted to pitch over the side....the drunk with the pony tail!!!


Hey pooh...how'd u like the night when the generator blew?? My 10 yo thought for sure we were sinking!!

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[quote name='my2yorkies']I gotta agree with pooh...The ole gal has lots of wear on her but the staff and the other cruisers were very nice. I only encountered 1 or 2 I wanted to pitch over the side....the drunk with the pony tail!!!

Hey pooh...how'd u like the night when the generator blew?? My 10 yo thought for sure we were sinking!![/quote]

That was a blast. DH and I were in the Casino. Man it's dark out in the middle of the ocean at night LOL

How did your DD like the ship?
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I'm not buying it.

It would take some Celestial Intervention for KY to get over his well established bias against this ship in order for him to enjoy his cruise. The Holiday is already at a severe disadvantage. What the average cruiser would consider a "decent" cruise would no doubt be looked at as negative by KY.

Why bother? Like you've always said KY, spend the extra $150 or so and sail on another ship.

But, to answer your question.. if you are determined to take a Holiday cruise, please, for the love of anything holy, take the 4 day to Progresso. My wife and I are taking a 5 day to Calica.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]Oh Ye of little faith, Todd.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]Besides, I thought the 4 day only went to Cozumel. The 5 day alternates between Calica and Progresso with a call in Cozumel.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]Let me know which one you will be on so I can book the same, I'm going to request we be table mates.;) [/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='KY Transplant'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]Oh Ye of little faith, Todd.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]Besides, I thought the 4 day only went to Cozumel. The 5 day alternates between Calica and Progresso with a call in Cozumel.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]Let me know which one you will be on so I can book the same, I'm going to request we be table mates.;) [/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]

My booking is in my signature. :) Aug 25th, 2008.

You cannot be surprised over our reactions based on your willingness to bash the Holiday any chance you could in the past.

Truth be told, we are VERY easy to get along with, and would welcome you at our table if you are indeed sincere about giving this old tug another chance ;)
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]I do not consider what I type about the Holiday as bashing. People in search of knowledge ask questions and I give them honest answers. I call it like I saw it on my past Holiday cruise. And I do it without regard to consequense. I will not lie.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]Why I am considering another Holiday cruise is two-fold.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]1. I want to make certain that this was or was not a typical Holiday cruise as so many of you have adamantly attested it is not.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]Perhaps there was a retard convention on my cruise. Seems at every turn was some inbred hillbilly with bad manners, bad breath and an inability to hold his liquor. A second cruise could reveal whether my cruise was the exception to the rule.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]2. The most important.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]My 90 year old Mother mentioned she wanted to go on a cruise. It would be her first. Great, I said. I'll book us a nice cruise out of Florida![/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]She then told me she didn't want to spend all that time in a car travelling and was not willing to fly. Why not go on that ship here in Mobile she asked.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]I explained that the Holiday would not be an appropriate cruise for her..I feel badly for her experiencing the deterorating physical aspect of the Holiday but sailing with a bunch of hooligans will not be tolerated.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]It leaves me in a fix. There are much better ships but she will not budge on the travel to another cruise port. So I need to see for myself before I book my elderly mother on a {{{shudder}}} Holiday cruise.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='KY Transplant'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]I do not consider what I type about the Holiday as bashing. People in search of knowledge ask questions and I give them honest answers. I call it like I saw it on my past Holiday cruise. And I do it without regard to consequense. I will not lie.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]Why I am considering another Holiday cruise is two-fold.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]1. I want to make certain that this was or was not a typical Holiday cruise as so many of you have adamantly attested it is not.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]Perhaps there was a retard convention on my cruise. Seems at every turn was some inbred hillbilly with bad manners, bad breath and an inability to hold his liquor. A second cruise could reveal whether my cruise was the exception to the rule.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]2. The most important.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]My 90 year old Mother mentioned she wanted to go on a cruise. It would be her first. Great, I said. I'll book us a nice cruise out of Florida![/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]She then told me she didn't want to spend all that time in a car travelling and was not willing to fly. Why not go on that ship here in Mobile she asked.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]I explained that the Holiday would not be an appropriate cruise for her..I feel badly for her experiencing the deterorating physical aspect of the Holiday but sailing with a bunch of hooligans will not be tolerated.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]It leaves me in a fix. There are much better ships but she will not budge on the travel to another cruise port. So I need to see for myself before I book my elderly mother on a {{{shudder}}} Holiday cruise.[/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]

I've seen a few characters on the Holiday myself, but nothing like you describe. Overall, the people were just people, like you, that you come across everyday.

Now this is what I don't understand. Everyone here knows how you feel about the Holiday, and you can't convince your mom how truly awful it is? Things that make you go hmmmm... Please let us know that you'll let her form her own opinion fairly (that is without you pointing out every flaw you come across) :D
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[quote name='ala-kat']

Now this is what I don't understand. Everyone here knows how you feel about the Holiday, and you can't convince your mom how truly awful it is? Things that make you go hmmmm... Please let us know that you'll let her form her own opinion fairly (that is without you pointing out every flaw you come across) :D[/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]OK, let me 'splain it to you.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]I have convinced her. But when I saw the disappointment in her eyes I wanted to see if I could somehow make it a pleasurable cruise in spite of the Holiday's shortcomings.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]The only way to do this is to take a second cruise and convince myself this is the right thing to do. At her age people do not travel well long distance in cramped spaces such as automobiles and she will not fly.So the Holiday is the only option...unless I could get her to go to New Orleans and she balks at that.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]The last thing I would do is point out to my Mom all the flaws and spoil her good time. The main attraction to her would be sitting on deck watching the waves and the dining options.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]I doubt my 90 year old Mom would want to snorkel, swim or go tubing..and she doesn't drink so the yellow part boat is definately out. She would have a stroke with all that drunken revelry. Her highlight of the cruise would be the shopping in Cozumel. Now she would be in her glory.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]I want to make this happen for her while respecting her wishes for not travelling a long way to cruise. She lives in Mobile. [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]So in the future if you see a well built good looking guy with a white haired little old lady on his arm that will be us. Please stop us and say hello. But whatever you do, DO NOT point out the Holiday's flaws 'cause I will be doing my best to make her not notice. :) [/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='KY Transplant'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]OK, let me 'splain it to you.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4] [/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]

OMG, this is scary. I came this close (||) to starting my post with something along that line... You got some 'splainin' to do...

I wish the both of you a wonderful cruise. The only suggestion I could make is that at her age, going at a cooler time of year, but then she lives in Mobile, so me thinks she has a real good idea of hot and humid :eek: :D
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[quote name='KY Transplant']
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]So in the future if you see a well built good looking guy with a white haired little old lady on his arm that will be us. [/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]

I don't know about the well built, good looking part, but a couple years ago you could have been Hollywood Barkley and that rich old lady he was married to. If we hear about you busting out of the Baldwin county jail to go on a cruise, we'll know who you are. :D
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KY, I am crusing the Holiday again next Monday so grab your Mom and lets go!!!! I am all about sitting on the side, reading and listening to books on tape, and can't resist the food!!!!

Spent my last cruise on the Holiday doing that with DH and we had a nice relaxing time. Weren't there for partying, just relaxing. The Holiday is the ship for that!!!!

Even my DS (15) chose to go on the Holiday again this year due to size and lack of crowd.

So give her a chance for your Mom's sake!!!!
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