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We took our three granddaughters to the Quest to show them how their parents and grand parents can go nuts and have a lot of fun.After it was all over I was so proud that my oldest granddaughter says POP you are nuts.

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On the Brillance, my daughter went to the cooking show and was brought up to be the "guest chef" She had to make the black forest cake and was very embarassed when it showed over and over again on the Royal Caribbean channel. (It switched off with the Love and Marriage gamne show)

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Back in 2006, my grandson (who was 6) was with me on a cruise on the Navigator. I took him to the ice skating show, and he turned to me and said, "MomMom, that's what I want to do. I want to spin and jump." He got on the ice and skated for the first time on the ship. I told him that I would take him to an ice rink when we got home, figuring it would be a short interest.


Well, a year and a half later, not only is he still ice skating, but he has progressed so quickly. He is doing jumps and spins, and has been in one competition and won a gold medal and a bronze medal. He loves doing shows and works with a great coach.


He tells me he wants to go to the Olympics......twice!


So, some day I will remember, it all started on a ship.....:D

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Post your funny, exciting, amazing, sweet. or anything else storys that happened on a RC ship here!!!!



Sorry, but this is driving me crazy! The plural of story is stories.

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Guest carlogesualdo

Ummm...on the trolley tour in Key West, we got mooned by a bunch of pre-pubescent hoodlums? Oh, I know...our postcards from Hell never made it out of Hell (Grand Cayman), but at least we did. With just the right drunk standing behind you, muster can actually be fun! You'll drown when the ship goes down, but you'll remember how much fun you had at muster. We enjoyed a nice waterfall at our table at Pancho's Backyard in Cozumel. Too bad it was coming from the roof rather than a fountain and it was trying to land on our table on the patio.

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okay this once gets talked about every time we cruise... in Feb 2005 we were going on Splendour with our family - about 15 total people. My then 8 year old daughter had been going through her "Titanic" obsession - she had seen the traveling exhibit that summer at the Children's Museum, had read a couple of books, but had not seen the movie as I didn't think that would be age appropriate. Mind you - this was not her first cruise - but number 4 or 5.


As we were going up the escalator to go through the security line, she started screaming "its gonna sink" over and over again. She got louder and louder until we could get off the escalator and take her off to the side to calm her down, and assure her that this ship was not the titanic and there were no icebergs in the Western Carribbean! Needless to say, she has still not been allowed to see Titanic - and she wanted to see Poseiden on HBO a couple of months ago. I told her no - I couldn't risk hearing her scream "its gonna flip over!"


It take a while to calm her down and get her on the ship!

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On our first cruise I posted some notes on our cabin door (to aid in finding the cabin). On our first evening I noticed one was missing, so I replaced it. The next night the same sticker was gone again. I replaced it with a note stating "wanted...sticker thief...dead or alive". They stole the wanted note and replaced it with a ransom for the "stolen stickers" We had so much fun trying to figure out which cabin was messin' with us. The last evening we caught them red-handed stealing the remaining stickers and had our pictures taken with our sticker-nappers. Silly, I know, but still fun.

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We were at must drill when one lady kept on complaining about having to stand up at a drill that she saw as useless. The crew member there was a bar tender, very nice chap...he explained it was the law and so on...


After enough of hearing the lady complain I finally turned to my DW and said loud enough for several folks around me to hear me...I sure bet the folks on Explorer (the one that sank a few days earlier off Antarctica) were glad they had to go to muster to know what do if a real emergency came up...that lady shut up so fast...and several folks around me amost started laughing...:eek:


I have to admit I enjoyed muster when I was working on the boats since we would don the survival suits, air packs, fire fighting gear, etc...even practiced to an extent launching the life raft, it was a bugger though to tie back down.

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Back in 2006, my grandson (who was 6) was with me on a cruise on the Navigator. I took him to the ice skating show, and he turned to me and said, "MomMom, that's what I want to do. I want to spin and jump." He got on the ice and skated for the first time on the ship. I told him that I would take him to an ice rink when we got home, figuring it would be a short interest.


Well, a year and a half later, not only is he still ice skating, but he has progressed so quickly. He is doing jumps and spins, and has been in one competition and won a gold medal and a bronze medal. He loves doing shows and works with a great coach.


He tells me he wants to go to the Olympics......twice!


So, some day I will remember, it all started on a ship.....:D


Great advertisement for RCI. Contact them. :D

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Back in 2006, my grandson (who was 6) was with me on a cruise on the Navigator. I took him to the ice skating show, and he turned to me and said, "MomMom, that's what I want to do. I want to spin and jump." He got on the ice and skated for the first time on the ship. I told him that I would take him to an ice rink when we got home, figuring it would be a short interest.


Well, a year and a half later, not only is he still ice skating, but he has progressed so quickly. He is doing jumps and spins, and has been in one competition and won a gold medal and a bronze medal. He loves doing shows and works with a great coach.


He tells me he wants to go to the Olympics......twice!


So, some day I will remember, it all started on a ship.....:D


Great story!!! I'll be looking for your grandson in the Olympics in couple of years;)

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I posted this a while ago on a Small World thread, but I was sailing on the Mariner last year, and while sitting in the Promanade Cafe, I noticed someone walking by that I had worked with several years earlier. I said something loud enough that he heard me and looked over and also remembered me. The next day while sitting on my balcony, I heard a familiar voice in the cabin next door. :eek: Wouldn't you know he was next door. Imagine we had to go on a cruise to catch up with a former co-worker. :eek:

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Sorry, but this is driving me crazy! The plural of story is stories.


You might be trying to help but you are not. Since you have nothing better to do than "look" for errors instead of just trying to read and enjoy the text of a post please read the section on "Spelling and Grammar Errors" http://www.cruisecritic.com/community/guide.cfm#10.

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I have a funny story...I will try not to make any spelling errors:rolleyes:


In 1999, my wife and I went on out first cruise for our honeymoon on the fantasy. We were in Nassau, and had our first exposure to the aggressive island hair braider / sellers.


We were just laying out on a beach, sipping a foo-foo drink, when a woman comes up and says, "A pretty necklace for the pretty lady?" Before my wife could even say no thank you, another woman approaches and tryed to sell my wife a matching bracelet. The first woman got so made, she said (In her best angry island voice) "This is my customer, I will kill you and your mother" :eek:


My wife and I still laugh about it to this day. The funny thing is, it didn't even phase the second woman, she just shrugged it off and walked away.

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Several years ago, we cruised on a line which has since gone out of business. Having done several life boat drills before, we were ready for the same old routine, as were most of the other passengers at the drill, and most of us, as usualy were only paying minimal attention.

Our big surprise came when the captain was going through how things would proceed with the life boats and said, "At the given signal, the life boats will be lowered to the promenade deck for passengers to be loaded onto them."

As he finished the sentence, every single lifeboat on the ship lowered into position and the crew then proceeded to open the deck rail so we could board them.

You could have heard a pin drop on deck and EVERYONE was paying a great deal of attention to what was happening. Since we'd pulled away from the pier already, we were beginning to think it was for real.

It didn't seem funny at the time but looking back and thinking about the expression on the passengers' faces, it was priceless.

That was the best most comprehensive life boat drill we've every experienced in all aspects, even addressing how to properly position your arms on the life vest if you were forced to jump overboard from the ship.

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This has very little to do with the ship or cruise or cruise line itself, but...


March, 2007 I went on a Jewel of the Seas cruise with an old friend I'd known for 10 years but hardly ever saw in person.


December, 2008 I'm going on a Serenade of the Seas cruise with my BF who I live with and love very much.


They're the same person. And yes, we credit the cruise with making it happen. :)


Oh! And another: on the Disney cruise I was on, I was with a family friend and her two kids (long, irrelevant story there). I took the older girl to the buffet one day while her mother took the boy to the infirmary (poor thing, got so sick the last day). It was REALLY windy, but we wanted to sit outdoors. So I put down the two plates, hers and mine, and turned to ask her to go grab us napkins and forks. She shrieked and pointed over my shoulder, and I turned in time to see her breakfast -- plate and all! -- go *whoosh* over the rail into a nearby hovering seagull. (Hovering because it couldn't make headway against the wind!)


We took our breakfast indoors after that.

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I have told this story on here before but it is one of the funniest of my cruise stories.


Now first off let me explain, long ago my wife realized she was married to a nut with a sick sense of humor so not a whole hell of a lot of what I do surprises (let alone upsets) her




Carnival Conquest 2003



After a rather wild and crazy day in Cozumel , there were plenty of drunks back on the ship after hitting it pretty hard at Carlos and Charlies and Senor Frogs (DW and I included) :)


When we got back on the ship and headed back to the cabin. DW needed to go to the bathroom BAD :)


We get into the elevator with a rather tipsy young lady Definately out of it, and swaying side to side and giggleing herself, with a big foo foo drink in her hand When we get in the elevator and she starts chatting with us. She actually was very pleasent asking if we had a good time in Cozumel, are we enjoying the cruise.


Then out of the blue she tells us that she got a new nipple ring :) :)

She lifts up her shirt and YEP there it is ... a nipple ring with a little bell on it.


DW and are laughing and telling her how nice it is .


The young lady then asks me to "ring the bell" :)


Before I could even say or do anything, the elevator stops on our floor and the doors open. The young lady stands in front of the door , blocking our way and giggleing says that if I don't ring the bell, we can't get off the elevator *LOL*



My DW who now REALLLY has to pee, looks at me and says "Ring the F***ing bell, before I throw her out of the way"


She darts past her running to the cabin, I ring the bell.


All in all an enjoyable experience *LOL*

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I have told this story on here before but it is one of the funniest of my cruise stories.


Now first off let me explain, long ago my wife realized she was married to a nut with a sick sense of humor so not a whole hell of a lot of what I do surprises (let alone upsets) her




Carnival Conquest 2003



After a rather wild and crazy day in Cozumel , there were plenty of drunks back on the ship after hitting it pretty hard at Carlos and Charlies and Senor Frogs (DW and I included) :)


When we got back on the ship and headed back to the cabin. DW needed to go to the bathroom BAD :)


We get into the elevator with a rather tipsy young lady Definately out of it, and swaying side to side and giggleing herself, with a big foo foo drink in her hand When we get in the elevator and she starts chatting with us. She actually was very pleasent asking if we had a good time in Cozumel, are we enjoying the cruise.


Then out of the blue she tells us that she got a new nipple ring :) :)

She lifts up her shirt and YEP there it is ... a nipple ring with a little bell on it.


DW and are laughing and telling her how nice it is .


The young lady then asks me to "ring the bell" :)


Before I could even say or do anything, the elevator stops on our floor and the doors open. The young lady stands in front of the door , blocking our way and giggleing says that if I don't ring the bell, we can't get off the elevator *LOL*



My DW who now REALLLY has to pee, looks at me and says "Ring the F***ing bell, before I throw her out of the way"


She darts past her running to the cabin, I ring the bell.


All in all an enjoyable experience *LOL*



I was getting ready to leave a story until I read this...I'm not going to follow this...It can't be topped:rolleyes:


This is too funny. I think my wife would have "ringed her bell" alright.

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I was getting ready to leave a story until I read this...I'm not going to follow this...It can't be topped:rolleyes:


This is too funny. I think my wife would have "ringed her bell" alright.




Aww come on

leave your story. They are all in fun, thats whats this thread is for.

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I just love this story and it's true!


Several years ago I met two gentlement on a Princess Caribbean cruise who told me of fun story about what happen to them on a previous cruise they went on. Well, these gentlement were very socialable and went with several friends on this previous cruise. When the ship docked in Nassau they decided to go to on their own to the beach to go swimming. They had bought a new video camera and were taping each other in the water. After spending a wonderful day at the beach, they returned to the pier to find out that the ship had sailed without them! The ship was only dock in Nassau from 8 to 1PM and they haven't realized this. Having only there swimware on, they were able to contact the port agent who helped them buy plane tickets, hotel and clothes to get to the next port of call. Of course everyone on the ship was worried about what happen to them as they weren't on the ship and no one could find them. They were able to contact the ship and friends on board as to what had happened to them and would be boarding at the next port of call. Word got around the ship what had happen to these two gentlement and were the talk of the ship. As the gentlement reboarded the ship from the pier, many passengers gave them a rounding applaus from the promenade deck with a huge banner welcoming them back onboard. To say the least -- they were the talk of the ship for the rest of the sailing. Anyway...


Once they got back home, they were watching the video of themselves in the water at the beach in Nassau and there in the far back ground was the ship sailing off without them!!!!!!!!!

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