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Review Pacific Dawn W822 2nd August 2008


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Hi Glenda.


Great review, am really enjoying it...think you did

very well staying up to 3.am..we used to do so

much during the day that come the evening we were

tired out and in bed by 11.pm at the latest.

looking forward to reading the rest.

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Hi Glenda. A great review so far...i'm looking forward to the rest. I'm glad to hear Ciko is going home next month I felt so sorry for him not being with his new babies (we were in D170). Great photos too!!!

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That pirate scared the crap out of me. I am surprised (and thankful) they never got me on the DVD. I knew they were there but I didn't realize they were on both sides of the door, I thought they were in the middle.


I am so pleased I met up with you Glenda. You were the only one I could ever express cruise excitement to cause everyone else just thought I was a freak I think. I mean here we are cruising away yet we already had another booked and had been on them before. My mum and Nicole would of loved your company had they been on this one as well.


Chelsea was great as well. So blunt and straight to the point which I like in people. Was good to have a recruitment for the dome festivities each night. We could easily relate to the hung overness each morning as well and the lack of sleep due to the 4am to 9am bedtimes.


Hi Matt,

It was great to meet up with you guys and I would have loved it if your Mum and Nicole were on the cruise too. I so would love to be on your next one on Princess for 35 days, but short of winning lotto or getting a divorce it's probably not likely. It was so good to talk cruises with another cruise tragic like myself!

You were all such great people who really made our cruise fun when ever I think of this cruise I will think of you all :)

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Day 3, 4th August 2008




Today flew by as we were late getting out of bed, funny that with me getting into bed at 3am and Chelsea at 9am it was not likely to be an early morning!

Exchanged some money at the purser’s desk ready for tomorrow’s visit to Noumea. Just over $200.00 gave us 14,000 French Pacific Francs. Asked for a printout of our accounts, looked at the photos and went to the patisserie for a nice coffee.

The coffee in the buffet is not the best, the plastic cups are better than the cups supplied on the Pacific Sun, but still it’s not good coffee. In the Patisserie a latté is $2.50, they don’t however do room service latté. On the last sea day Jo (Croydon cruiser) and I were heading down to have a latté when a woman overheard us, she hadn’t realized she could actually get a decent coffee on board. I have heard that the Pacific Sun will be including a new coffee shop in their refurbishment although on Pacific Sun you can just ask the wait staff to bring you one when on deck.

I popped down to the hairdressers at 5pm, I had pre-booked both formal days as it is usually well worth the $39.00. However this time it was terrible, and I didn’t have time to wash it out and dry it before dinner. I had to go out to formal night with a hairstyle of a 70 year old woman. Chelsea told me I looked like the Brady Bunch Mum but worse! I promptly cancelled my next appointment. With any treatment in the spa or salon it will depend on who does it and as the staff change quite often you can often get a person who is not so good. There were a lot of very angry passengers who were asked if they wanted a clip in their hair that day and didn’t realize until it was finished that they were charged $50.00 extra for the clip. Usually on formal nights the girls tell you it costs more for a clip, but this one neglected to let people know. She really was a very sweet girl and I liked her very much, just not her hairdressing ability.

Chelsea surprised me with a booking for a massage and seaweed wrap on day 6 and I have to say that was magical. I wish I could remember this girls name as she was wonderful and I would recommend this treatment to everyone. On the last day she told me she was to become manager and I am not at all surprised. Will tell you more about this massage on day 6 of the review.


After dressing for formal night we went down to the show lounge to see the show just as the senior crew were being introduced, then headed to the Palm Court for Dinner, quick photo first.

We met up with the rest of the CCers, who were all looking gorgeous and we were escorted to our table by the Maitre d’ hotel Fabio Marcotti, it was table number one this night and Geronimo looked after us all very nicely.

Fabio introduced us all to the executive Chef Marc Delmas who was on the Pacific Sun previously. He invited us all to a private tour of the Galley on the last sea day. This really does top the usual tour with 1000 passengers.

Jacquie (sheridan) had a tiny photo album with her that we all drooled over, talk about cruise tragics. They had done an MSC cruise which they told us was an awesome experience. Just loved those photos.

We all decided to have a group photo taken, unfortunately Jacquie and her husband had left already and Jo and her husband missed out on the group shot as they had young children and didn’t attend dinner.

Back in our cabin a towel animal, thanks Chiko! Chelsea loved it a cute little dog. There was an invitation for Chelsea and I to meet with the captain and senior staff in the Captain’s lounge on the 6th August.

I was so tired I ordered chamomile tea with honey from room service and went to bed. Chelsea went to the Dome for a quick drink with friends and wasn’t out all that late as we were due arrive in Noumea in the morning.

Room service is not expensive, I ordered my chamomile tea every night and Chelsea often ordered wedges as they did them well. Tea was $4.00 and there was enough for 2 or 3 cups, I think the wedges with sour cream were about $8.00 and it was a massive amount of wedges……………………………….





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Day 3, 4th August 2008

I ordered my chamomile tea every night and Chelsea often ordered wedges as they did them well. Tea was $4.00 and there was enough for 2 or 3 cups, I think the wedges with sour cream were about $8.00 and it was a massive amount of wedges……………………………….


Hi Glenda,


Look familiar, loving the review. You guys really got the royal treatment.




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Day 4 4th August 2008



We were up early to arrive into the port of Noumea, very excited. At the terminal we had our passports stamped and decided to book a bus tour at 1pm with Vivien in the terminal. So my original idea of using the Noumea Explorer went out the window.


We walked down to the markets first and purchased some little trinkets and then headed into town, stopped on the way to buy

'un café au lait'. Chelsea was so sure that she didn’t need to speak French and soon realized that French worked better than English in Noumea, although sometimes we were stuck.

Basically if you have a few simple sentences in French it is easier when shopping.


The ones I use the most are:- How much is it? =Combien ça coûte? Pronounced Kombyehn sa koot

I would like= Je voudrais Pronounced zhuh voodray

Goodbye =Au revoir Pronounced oh ruhvwar

How are you? =Comment allez vous? Ça va? Pronounced Kuhmant alay voo? Sa va?

Fine, thank you =Ça va (bien) merci Pronounced Sa va byen mehrsee


Noumea is a little bit tired as the Tourism doesn’t bring in the revenue that the mining brings in. However the shopping is still good if you want to buy some unique clothes and shoes. One of the dress shops that I loved was very French, great styles and the obligatory French poodle.


I wanted to take our photos under the street signs, Rue Paris, but I was told “no, how embarrassing you are Mum”!


We headed back to the ship for a quick bite of lunch before our bus tour. Then headed back out feeling refreshed. We had disembarkation rage at this point and the staff handled it quite well, with a “don’t you dare speak that way”. I loved how everyone went quiet when this woman started to scream abuse. From that point on every time I saw her I thought of her screaming, she may as well have had a label across her forehead.


The bus tour was good, well worth the 1,500 xpf for 2 hours. We really did get to see a lot and listen to someone talk about life in Noumea, it came from more of a personal point of view rather than just a rehearsed speech. She answered everyone’s questions and there were a lot. I just love Anse Vata and all the kite boarders. We had planned to have dinner at La Roof in Anse Vata, but couldn’t fit it in this day. Another couple went there and they wouldn’t let them in without a reservation even though there were only four people in the restaurant.


Most people did the la peitit chou chou, and it sounded like it was a lot of fun. I think I may do this next time. Don’t forget if you want to do this it is only $20.00 if you book at the terminal, rather than $59.00 through P&O. The only difference is that the P&O one includes champagne and sometimes pastries.


It was island night on the ship tonight; we had our flashing leis and island clothes but never got to wear them as it was so cold and windy on deck. We did the ships railing portrait, but it just looked strange without the island clothes. The celebrations started on deck but moved indoors and it all sort of fizzled. Matt, and Emma were gorgeous as usual, didn’t see Simon that night. They always have the best costumes for theme nights.


Chelsea sat in the window again and to write, something she loves to do. This time she handed me a quick little poem about our cruise.


Here we are on our cruise,

I love to just spend time with you.


The room is nice with comfy beds,

So many new things fill my head.


The ocean, so deep and blue,

The size of the ship means a great view.


I’m happy that you’re with me,

There are so many new things we get to see.


I could say so much

About every sight, sound and things I touch.


But what I find is most true,

Is I need to say thank you!


We had dinner, I went to bed with my Chamonile tea and Chelsea headed to the Dome where it was all happening.

Tomorrow is Isle of Pines ….





Another window shot of Chelsea.


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Hi ,

I am so enjoying your review, the pics are great , the window shots are wonderful.



Thanks Deb,


I think that the window shots will be one of those nice memories of the cruise, her just curled up in the window either writing or just watching the ocean.


what a lovely poem from Chelsea she is very clever with words and what a great pic of her in the window.

:) :) :)


Hi Janet,

Thanks Janet, aren't kids magic?

The poem is certainly not one of her usual master pieces, but to me as her Mum all of her poems are masterpieces.

She has always writen and had her work published and even when she was a little girl I would often wonder where the words came from. :)



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Day 5 August 6th, 2008 Isle of Pines

We were up early, and even Chelsea managed to climb out of bed at a reasonable time. The Tenders were very slow as they were one tender down and this of course meant a few disgruntled people. However Isle of Pines is well worth the wait.

You know when you see those brochures with the white beaches, blue water and palm trees? Well that is the Isle of Pines, paradise on earth.

As we walked along there was this wonderful sense of relaxation. We stopped to have some bougna, which is similar to a hungi. Bougna is a traditional dish of the Kanaks, native to these islands. It may contain taro, yam, sweet potato, banana, and sometimes pieces of crab, fish or chicken. It’s wrapped in banana leaves, buried and cooked in the ground with hot rocks. It is served on a banana leaf as a plate.

Many people were very wary about eating it, but as they were giving this out under a P&O marquee, if it was at all bad for you they wouldn’t be using the P&O marquee.

When we sat down to eat this, a few of the dogs on the island sat there with longing eyes hoping we’d give them some. Yes we did, who could resist those eyes. There were some dancers and all in all it was just lovely.

We walked to the beach and all the snorkelers were busy around the rock having a wonderful time, quite a few were in the pool at the resort, but mostly everyone was relaxed and happy. Chelsea got in the water up to her knees, then I ran in after her and made sure she really got wet, but that was it for the snorkeling as the water was quite cold.

On the way back I wanted to get mopeds, but Chelsea wasn’t keen, so we asked at one of the vans if he was doing a tour and yes, he was happy for us to hop on his little bus, which was 1000 xpfs for a tour. We waited until he had a very full bus! He didn’t actually speak English so there was no commentary along the way, and boy was it moving, you had to be good to get a photo. But he stopped at certain places so we could get out and take photos. The van which belonged to La Meridian was not terribly comfortable and the exhaust fumes had us doubting we would all actually survive the tour, but it was fun and everyone was joking.

After this we went back to the tender and were talking to some of the crew. We were very eager to find out about the Pacific Sun and one of the crew had a girl friend that was on the ship and she told him it was terrifying, but everyone had put on a brave face for the passengers. We discussed the Pacific Dawn versus the Pacific Sun and why the ships are so different. They felt that the Pacific Sun flows a little better as it is smaller. The P&O crew are really such nice people no matter what part of the ship they work on.

Once back on board we decided to do afternoon tea in the dining room, it was very nice, a little like speed eating as the cakes, scones and sandwiches were coming thick and fast and before we knew it they were packing up and afternoon tea was over. Many people don’t get to afternoon tea in the dining room, it’s well worth the effort.

Back in the Cabin and time was short as we had to get to dinner and eat quickly. And then as we had an invite to the captain’s lounge at 7pm it was a rush. We were to meet at deck 11 and were escorted to the Captains lounge; there were senior staff and a few passengers. As it was at the front of the ship, it was really rocking and quite a challenge for me holding my drink, luckily I didn’t fall on top of anyone as quite often I can be a klutz! We enjoyed some cocktails and some very pretty finger food, chatted with the Captain Lorenzo Paoletti, Andrew the Passenger Services Director and Teresa the 1st Purser, there were quite a few other members of the crew there too.

Then we headed down to the show lounge to see the Hypnotist, which was so funny. One of the girls was told she lost her belly button and she really was very worried, she ran off to report it to the purser’s desk. Another lost his bum and every time he sat down he slid of the chair, so many funny things, a really wonderful evening.

Off to the Dome for a drink then back to the cabin and bed for me. Back in the cabin there was an invite to the Captains Cocktail party, funny feeling of Déjàvu, thought we had just done that! But it was for past passengers and the one I just went to I am not at all sure why I was invited to that, but it was very nice and I am ever so glad for the invitation.

For Chelsea the night had just begun in the Dome!




Photos: church and priests home on the Isle of Pines,



Wonderful trees and almost jungle like follage, Chelsea loves climbing trees still, forever the tom boy.



Captain Lorenzo Paoletti and myself, neither of us are looking very glamourous in this shot!














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Great review so far Glenda! it was lovely to meet you and Chelsea. I didnt believe you when you told me about missing the cruise once you get off, but clearly you were right! I miss my food :(


Ha ha, Simon, I so knew you would be missing it. Doesn't quite work at home when you sit at the table and wait for someone to place the napkin in your lap or pour water in your glass or take your order. Very sad :( even a little towel animal would cheer me up, but Bob won't make them!


I am trying to figure out how I am going to book the NZ cruise I told you about. DH can't get time off work :mad: and would love to take Ben this time, but November is probably a little close to book another. Would love to travel HAL as everyone says it's so nice.

So we shall see, not giving up on this yet!


Welcome to CC :)

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Day 6 Ouvea, Thursday 7th August 2008 (pronounced as in Noumea without the N) Last port day of the cruise.

Up at about 7.30 and today I felt quite ill, headache and generally feeling very tired with swollen legs and feet.

Tenders started early but as everything was overcast many passengers decided to stay onboard.

Enjoyed a lovely breakfast in the dining room and headed to the spa for my Aroma therapy seaweed treatment and massage. Thank you Chelsea, a very thoughtful surprise! I can say I could so easily have gone back to bed today, unusual for me.

My treatment started with a scalp massage and I could in all honesty feel the headache lift. The next was a skin brush which I am not all that fussed about but it does make a difference and then a massage and my body painted in a seaweed solution then wrapped in foil like a giant silver mummy! I had an aroma therapy eye mask placed over my eyes and I slipped into la, la land quite easily. Before I knew it, it was time to shower all of the seaweed off, getting off the bed is interesting when you are all wrapped in foil. Back into the room and a lovely massage and sadly after what appeared to be a short period of time (probably another 30 minutes) it was time to leave the spa.

I felt much better than when I came in, but as the day progressed I started to feel fantastic. It really made a huge difference and all the talk of detoxifying really was true and the next day I felt better than I had for ages. I would recommend this to everyone, but be sure to book early as they do book out quickly.

I finally got Chelsea out of bed at 11.30 am, she was still really tired from the night before in the Dome, but if we were going to see Ouvea then we had to get ready to go soon. So up to the trough for a quick bite to eat, by this stage there were no tender tickets needed as most were not so keen to make the journey.

In the tender we really thought that we may have been the only ones, we met a lady called Hope who said she wasn’t going to hop of the tender, just make the journey over and, so I asked if she wanted to share a taxi with us. We hopped of the tender and jumped in a taxi down to Mouli Village. Hopped out took some photos of the most beautiful beach with talcum powder sand. Such a pity it was raining. Then found another taxi back. Our Taxi driver Rosie was lovely and as it turned out I left my wallet in her car, so she got a bit of a bonus and a lovely Guess wallet. I only carry with me when travelling a wallet with the day’s money in it, so if it does get lost it’s not so drastic, no worry about cards and things.

When we arrived back at the tenders it looked like a P&O pilgrimage, everyone lined up with blue and white striped towels over their heads as it was raining, quite a funny site really.

Today P&O had their big sale on board, all of the Bijoux Terner stuff and the shops were packed with passengers taking advantage of the sales.


Tonight was Pacific Pirates with the Pacific Dawn entertainers; was to be formal night this was performed but it had been cancelled due to technical difficulties, so I found out later from the production manager. It was a great show, they really do a fantastic job on board and often conditions are not easy for them. The dressing room is quite small, and some of those costumes are quite heavy.

Joel Ozbourn was appearing in the Dome after 11.30, he was quite wired preshow and I got the impression that he was just dying to get on stage. The word funny does not do him justice, it’s side splitting humour. His humour is his own and is based on observation. Quite a lot he had picked up while on board. He did ask how many of us eat at the trough up stairs. I think everyone could relate to that sentiment, hence the buffet became known as the trough after that. He also made mention of the 3 rather painful passengers that held us up in Noumea as they decided just as the ship was due to leave port that they would like to stay in Noumea, immigration was not happy, nor was the captain!

Joel is also the only person I have ever seen put their whole body through a tennis racket. He was on again formal night in the Show lounge but his humour was then more PG rated to appeal to the family market.

I would imagine we may see more of Joel, he is often compared to Eric Banner in looks. I actually believe he is much more of a talent, only time will tell.


Once again I headed to bed early and ordered my chamomile tea from room service.

2 more sea days left, how sad it’s gone way too fast.

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Loving this review!

So at Ouvea is it worth hopping in a taxi and exploring? Was the beach you went to nicer than where the tenders left you? Hubby and I woudn't be able to go together as the kids are too young to not be ina car seat, but we could take turns and each of us go with another family member.


Joel sounds like he's good at what he does.

That spa treatment sounds DIVINE!!! How long was the entire treatment and if you don't mind me asking how much was it? I'm thinking I deserve one :D

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Rosie would have thought all her christmas's had come at once finding your wallet in her taxi

Hi Janet,

Yes, I think so! Chelsea was not too pleased as she loved the little wallet and I had said she could have it. So after that it was a trip to the shop on PD to replace it. The new Guess one was even nicer and Chelsea was a happy little pumpkin!


Loving this review!

So at Ouvea is it worth hopping in a taxi and exploring? Was the beach you went to nicer than where the tenders left you? Hubby and I woudn't be able to go together as the kids are too young to not be ina car seat, but we could take turns and each of us go with another family member.


Joel sounds like he's good at what he does.

That spa treatment sounds DIVINE!!! How long was the entire treatment and if you don't mind me asking how much was it? I'm thinking I deserve one :D


Hi Gratz,

On Ouvea you really don't need a taxi, it's worth walking. But as it was raining and Chelsea was feeling a little under the weather we went with the Taxi.


On a sunny day with kids I would not bother with the taxi. Everything is set up on the beach at Mouli and it is stunning. I probably wouldn't have caught a taxi if it was just me either as I did have an umbrella with me. I would have been happy to just stroll along. Someone else may be able to fill you in on Ouvea a little more as this was the only time I had visited the island and really didn't see a lot. Maybe next time :)


I don't have any still photos as my camera broke, we got a bit of video which I am waiting for Chelsea too edit.

Quite funny that, I am still waiting for the Video of the last cruise we went on in May that one of the kids was going to edit! My brother just sent me a movie of me in a remote village in Papua New Guinea when I was 8, first time I had seen it! So judging by that I might be in for a wait the way it goes with editing video in our family!:rolleyes:


The massage was called the Aroma spa seeweed massage and it was 90 minutes. Looking at my old brochures it is $210.00 But I think mine had another extra bit added as I think that normally it is only 75 minutes. Chelsea went to the spa and discussed with the girls first about what would be a the best so it could have been a combination of anything. I would never had done this myself as it is quite expensive, but now after having experienced it I would do it again as it is a pretty special experience.


On my previous cruise, a friend who came with me surprised me with a massage also which was wonderful. It fixed all those little aching bits and for my friend who had it done also it made a huge difference, she was going to go back as it actually fixed her shoulder that had been causing problems for ages. This one was just a basic massage which was offered on day one at a special price, I think $70.00.


Lots of people spend quite a bit of money in the spa on cruises. It really adds to that holiday experience.


Glenda :)

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2 more sea days left, how sad it’s gone way too fast.



I will finish off the review with the last two sea days together as I must be boring many of you to death! Also I didn’t write in my diary and it all has to come from memory which is not always so reliable!



I love the sea days, a short cruise is so jamb packed that there is very little time to take it easy.

At 10am on the last sea day we had to meet with Fabio for our tour of the Galley with Marc Delmas the Executive Chef. Now, I have been on a galley tour before with all 1000 passengers and it’s like a galley conga line and you really don’t get a full understanding of how the galley works. So this tour was an eye opener. I also appreciate the fact that as busy as they are, both Fabio and Marc took the time out of their busy schedule to show us around and answer all questions.



On the Pacific Dawn you head down stairs via an elevator and arrive between the two areas of the kitchen. It’s easy to see the efficiency of the system.

We were shown some large pieces of equipment and shown how they are bolted to the walls, also shown where the previous bolt holes were (as often on a ship with the movement) these large pieces of equipment can work their way loose and become quite dangerous projectiles. When the ocean does become rough everything is secured in preparation for any further large seas.

The bakery was my favorite spot, the smell divine and as most of your know the bread on board is the best bread in the world. My husband and sons can manage to clean up a few baskets in one meal sitting!

All of the bread is baked fresh just moments before arriving at your dining table and if you think about the amount of bread, with passengers and crew there is around 2700 on board and if they all only eat one bread roll a day that is a lot of bread rolls, but not many stop at one. Then there is also the bread for sandwiches, toast and then all of the pastries and those yummy little cakes.

We got to see all of the preparation going on and sushi for lunch being prepared. We asked many questions and are all a little more knowledgeable and will probably have more of an appreciation of the galley crew. Who prepare our wonderful meals.

And for those traveling on the Pacific Sun, Marc Delmas (as he was executive chef there until recently) said that all of the galley crew deserve a huge pat on the back as the galley is very small and they manage to put out 8000 (give or take a few) meals a day under difficult working conditions.

The last day has a certain sadness too it, everything you do is the last time you will do it on that cruise.

We had received our luggage tags and were in group 2, bummer that means we will be one of the first groups to disembark. We were to gather in the Promenade bar by 8.15am tomorrow.

Bags had to be packed and tagged ready to be taken between 6 and 9pm. We had our’s packed by 5pm and they were promptly removed. We gave Ciko his envelopes one from each of us.

The last night we had escargot (snails) for entrée. Loved them, Chelsea left early, she wasn’t hungry and she missed out on her soufflé she had ordered that night.


When I buy a drink I will often add a gratuity of 15%, this night at dinner our waiter asked me what it meant, I had to explain it was a tip for him, for his wonderful service. He was most pleased. I would say that not many people add this and the staff are not familiar with it. I don’t add it for all drinks only some and it really is only a small amount.

We watched the show on the last night and Chelsea thought she would have a last night fling in the Dome, but it was all quiet. So earlyish to bed, ready for arrival into Sydney next morning. The ocean was a little choppy as we sailed through the night, I quite like the rocking.

I awoke about 6am, in time to Sydney approach. It was cold. I ate breakfast on deck and then went down to our cabin in an attempt to try and get Chelsea out of bed, it wasn’t easy. Got a text from CCer Christine to say she had just watched us sail in. By the time I got Chelsea up it we had about 30 minutes before we were due to be in the promenade bar.

No seats available, so I sat on the floor, group two was called and that was it, we lined up and were dinged out for the last time, found our luggage, straight through and on the bus.

I was to meet Christine for a coffee as she was on the cruise after us, but with all of the hustle and bustle I rang and said sorry, we are so tired and we will just go straight to the airport.

On the bus, Chelsea exclaimed, “Now I am sad, I’m going to miss all of my friends.

It’s the excitement of the first day, new friends made, wonderful food, new experiences, happy faces, new cultures and right up to the last day of sadness when reality hits and it’s all over. That’s why we all have to book another cruise almost straight up.

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