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College Caf' Dieting... help!


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Hello! I thought I'd share my story and see if I can get any pointers from anyone. And if anything, a little support!


First I'll introduce myself. I'm Becky! Hi :)

I'm a 19yr-old college sophomore, and I'll be going on my very first cruise in mid-December of this year. I am totally pumped... I have always wanted to cruise, and now I've been given the opportunity - and at almost no cost! One of my best friends graduated high school this past year and the cruise, and me for the week, is her gradution gift from her parents! The only thing I have to pay for is the fee ($10 per exam) to take my finals early (missing finals week... DARN! :rolleyes: ) and shopping money! It's good to be a grad present, lol.


Now the hard part to be so open about - I need to lose weight. At only an even 5' and somewherearound180lbs, a size 16 just isn't cutting it. I started gaining in 8th grade after I went into a temporary depression that had me out of school for 4 months and in and out of the hospital for dehydrating myself... I refused to drink or eat much at all. Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not a depressive person. At that time, my (divorced) father went into what I refer to as his mid-life crisis, and a whole lot of what happened with that sunk me into depression. These days, I still have some father-issues but... and I apologize in advance for going preachy... I've got the love of a greater Father and I walk in peace and joy every day! Not that everyone wanted to know my autobiography, but yeah... it kind of affects my weight problems.


After I lost too much weight in my depression, I was told over and over again about how I needed to gain. Well, I did - too much. Four years of high school left me 80lbs heavier. Last summer, my mom and I joined WW together and I lost about 16lbs in three months, but as I started college we quit the program because it was too expensive for us, and WAY TO DIFFICULT to follow the program with the food I'm served in our college dining commons. And of course, the dreaded freshman-15 is not a myth at all, so right now I am back where I started.


I'm in a stage in my life where relationships are becoming important to me. I know I have plenty of time, and I am not even looking to date right now (so much to do with my life! study abroad, internship abroad, etc) but every woman knows it is just nice to have someone interested in you. This is especially difficult for me... without trying to sound big-headed, I do think I'm pretty and I do think I'm a sweet and caring, fun-loving girl. Because of this, I feel I have everything going for me and I really COULD be the girl that men are interested in, EXCEPT for that one thing that is holding me back: my weight. I know its more about health and I know I need to lose for health, but the biggest thing for me at this point is how its emotionally affecting me. I really do feel that people in general would be more drawn to me if only I were thinner.



I'm so sorry that this turned out to me more a vent than anything else. I intended this to be much shorter, heh.


What I am asking for is advice for college eating. Last year, the only tasty things were the ones that are terrible for me... burgers, grilled ruebens, pizza. I tried sticking to the make-your-own-deli and salads but to be honest... many days, I found a little mold in the meat or the vegetables were frozen together. We are starting a new food service this year, so maybe that will be better - I go back on Monday, so if anyone is interested I'll keep this updated.


My roommate and I already made a pact to AT LEAST walk around campus once everyday. So, how can I eat healthier? I can't afford to buy a lot of my own food... so are there any suggestions on how I can improve my college caf' diet? Has anyone been there?


Sorry again about the length - I bet nobody really wanted to know all of that. I've never really told anyone my whole story before :o

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It's been a lot of years since I were in your shoes. I always made sure I had rooms on the top floor of the dorms on the opposite side of campus from my business classes. That way I was forced to walk up stairs and across campus multiple times everyday. Maybe instead of trying to eat deli and salads you can eat what looks good but limit the portions of what you eat. If it is something really fatty just eat half of it. And walk, walk, walk everywhere you go. Good luck.

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I dont understand why you can afford to eat in the cafeteria..but you cant afford to buy your own food.


If you really, really want to lose weight you need to make it one of your priorities and do it. That means will power. Do you have will power?


Start walking after homework...before classes..pretty much everywhere for exercise. Take stairs..flight after flight of stairs. Even if you dont need anything at the top just do it.


As far as eating..live on tuna and oatmeal..its cheap and its healthy..throw in some apples or broccolli and your set.


Its not tastiest..but you'll get what you want. Weightloss and cheap eating.

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A lot of times when you live in a dorm, you have to sign up for the cafeteria plan (it's considered room and board) so I can see why someone couldn't afford extra food on top of that.


Becky, I gained AND lost while in college so I'm going to tell you what worked for me. Maybe it will help someone, I don't know. BTW, it's really a shame the quality of your food sounds so poor. Hopefully, this year you will have fresher choices to pick from! That will definitely help.


I was a sophomore in 2000-2001 so not THAT long ago... :)


When I was a freshman I actually lost 15 pounds. I think having such a free schedule really helped. I didn't start classes until 10 a.m. or so, and every morning I would get up and workout before class. I also had a salad with EVERY lunch/dinner. We had a great salad bar in the dorm cafeteria. I would get a little of whatever was on the menu, but I made sure to eat the salad first (made sure the dressing is low-cal, too.). This filled me up a bit and I ended up eating only a portion of the hot food item (which was sometimes gross, anyway). You sounds like you have a deli so maybe this could be an option?


When I was a sophomore I gained the weight back, as I was living on my own in an apartment and had a harder time buying so much salad and veggies. :mad: ($$$) I also had a hard time judging how much fresh produce to buy for one person before it would go bad. I also hard a tougher schedule w/out time to workout everyday. (I can't count the number of all nighters I had to pull. When you're that busy/tired, working out is defintiely not appealing).


When I was a junior I lived in Versailles and lost those same 15-20 pounds again, merely because the European portions were so much smaller and I walked EVERYWHERE! I discovered my love for wine this year, so the walking definitely helped keep off the pounds. :) So, I guess my lesson from this year was to watch portion size and exercise.


When I was a senior I gained about half the weight due to not walking so much and my american diet returning...


In grad school, I lost that half by doing Southbeach (something you might look into - you just need to buy the book, or even borrow it from a library). Hopefully you could find the foods in your cafeteria. It's pretty simple to follow.


Now, I've been working for 3 years, and lost some last year from WW and Buff Brides (I was married last year), gained back, and am losing again this year. Next year I have my sister's wedding and my 10-year high school anniversary so I want to look good. I also want to lose for GOOD and stop this yo-yo affect.


Best of luck to you, and keep us posted! You'll have a great time on your first cruise!

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A lot of times when you live in a dorm, you have to sign up for the cafeteria plan (it's considered room and board) so I can see why someone couldn't afford extra food on top of that.


Becky, I gained AND lost while in college so I'm going to tell you what worked for me. Maybe it will help someone, I don't know. BTW, it's really a shame the quality of your food sounds so poor. Hopefully, this year you will have fresher choices to pick from! That will definitely help.


I was a sophomore in 2000-2001 so not THAT long ago... :)


When I was a freshman I actually lost 15 pounds. I think having such a free schedule really helped. I didn't start classes until 10 a.m. or so, and every morning I would get up and workout before class. I also had a salad with EVERY lunch/dinner. We had a great salad bar in the dorm cafeteria. I would get a little of whatever was on the menu, but I made sure to eat the salad first (made sure the dressing is low-cal, too.). This filled me up a bit and I ended up eating only a portion of the hot food item (which was sometimes gross, anyway). You sounds like you have a deli so maybe this could be an option?


When I was a sophomore I gained the weight back, as I was living on my own in an apartment and had a harder time buying so much salad and veggies. :mad: ($$$) I also had a hard time judging how much fresh produce to buy for one person before it would go bad. I also hard a tougher schedule w/out time to workout everyday. (I can't count the number of all nighters I had to pull. When you're that busy/tired, working out is defintiely not appealing).


When I was a junior I lived in Versailles and lost those same 15-20 pounds again, merely because the European portions were so much smaller and I walked EVERYWHERE! I discovered my love for wine this year, so the walking definitely helped keep off the pounds. :) So, I guess my lesson from this year was to watch portion size and exercise.


When I was a senior I gained about half the weight due to not walking so much and my american diet returning...


In grad school, I lost that half by doing Southbeach (something you might look into - you just need to buy the book, or even borrow it from a library). Hopefully you could find the foods in your cafeteria. It's pretty simple to follow.


Now, I've been working for 3 years, and lost some last year from WW and Buff Brides (I was married last year), gained back, and am losing again this year. Next year I have my sister's wedding and my 10-year high school anniversary so I want to look good. I also want to lose for GOOD and stop this yo-yo affect.


Best of luck to you, and keep us posted! You'll have a great time on your first cruise!


Ah, never been to college, didnt know that counted as boarding as well...thanks for clearing it up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello! I thought I'd share my story and see if I can get any pointers from anyone. And if anything, a little support!


First I'll introduce myself. I'm Becky! Hi :)

I'm a 19yr-old college sophomore, and I'll be going on my very first cruise in mid-December of this year. I am totally pumped... I have always wanted to cruise, and now I've been given the opportunity - and at almost no cost! One of my best friends graduated high school this past year and the cruise, and me for the week, is her gradution gift from her parents! The only thing I have to pay for is the fee ($10 per exam) to take my finals early (missing finals week... DARN! :rolleyes: ) and shopping money! It's good to be a grad present, lol.


Now the hard part to be so open about - I need to lose weight. At only an even 5' and somewherearound180lbs, a size 16 just isn't cutting it. I started gaining in 8th grade after I went into a temporary depression that had me out of school for 4 months and in and out of the hospital for dehydrating myself... I refused to drink or eat much at all. Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not a depressive person. At that time, my (divorced) father went into what I refer to as his mid-life crisis, and a whole lot of what happened with that sunk me into depression. These days, I still have some father-issues but... and I apologize in advance for going preachy... I've got the love of a greater Father and I walk in peace and joy every day! Not that everyone wanted to know my autobiography, but yeah... it kind of affects my weight problems.


After I lost too much weight in my depression, I was told over and over again about how I needed to gain. Well, I did - too much. Four years of high school left me 80lbs heavier. Last summer, my mom and I joined WW together and I lost about 16lbs in three months, but as I started college we quit the program because it was too expensive for us, and WAY TO DIFFICULT to follow the program with the food I'm served in our college dining commons. And of course, the dreaded freshman-15 is not a myth at all, so right now I am back where I started.


I'm in a stage in my life where relationships are becoming important to me. I know I have plenty of time, and I am not even looking to date right now (so much to do with my life! study abroad, internship abroad, etc) but every woman knows it is just nice to have someone interested in you. This is especially difficult for me... without trying to sound big-headed, I do think I'm pretty and I do think I'm a sweet and caring, fun-loving girl. Because of this, I feel I have everything going for me and I really COULD be the girl that men are interested in, EXCEPT for that one thing that is holding me back: my weight. I know its more about health and I know I need to lose for health, but the biggest thing for me at this point is how its emotionally affecting me. I really do feel that people in general would be more drawn to me if only I were thinner.



I'm so sorry that this turned out to me more a vent than anything else. I intended this to be much shorter, heh.


What I am asking for is advice for college eating. Last year, the only tasty things were the ones that are terrible for me... burgers, grilled ruebens, pizza. I tried sticking to the make-your-own-deli and salads but to be honest... many days, I found a little mold in the meat or the vegetables were frozen together. We are starting a new food service this year, so maybe that will be better - I go back on Monday, so if anyone is interested I'll keep this updated.


My roommate and I already made a pact to AT LEAST walk around campus once everyday. So, how can I eat healthier? I can't afford to buy a lot of my own food... so are there any suggestions on how I can improve my college caf' diet? Has anyone been there?


Sorry again about the length - I bet nobody really wanted to know all of that. I've never really told anyone my whole story before :o



Hi Splendorific! I read your story and wanted to greet you as a fellow believer on the forum. You're smart to get going with your weight loss, at such a young age. Hang in there! I appreciated your openness and your story. If you need encouragement, feel free to jump onto one of the threads. I'm on the "Need a Buddy..." thread. :)

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What I am asking for is advice for college eating. Last year, ... many days, I found a little mold in the meat or the vegetables were frozen together.
First, welcome to the boards, you'll get a lot of great advice here.


Second, this year, if you see any mold or anything else wrong with the food that you are paying for, don't tolerate it! Take pictures, then politely but firmly insist that the problem get fixed. If it isn't, take things to whatever level they need to be taken, whether it be the campus staff or the health department. Your student newspaper may also take delight in exposing cafeteria horrors.


As far as actually eating well: if you can't get lean protein like grilled chicken or fish with no sauce slopped on top, fresh steamed veggies, salads, plain hardboiled eggs and fat-free cottage cheese then you should complain/insist until they do provide these. It's your money, you should not have to eat slop.

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I am trying to loose weight as well. I have been successful so far in loosing a pants size or two. I have just been eating yogurts and fruits and vegetables for breakfast and lunch and then dinner i have been eating regular stuff. Like pasta and sometimes pizza. ;) But, I am also talking my dog for a walk/run just about every night and working out on top of that for about an hour and a half every night.


Someone said it earlier that you have to have will power and that is the truth. If you want to lose it, you will.

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