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Anyone else doing HCG Diet? I'm on week 1 and love it!


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I'm doing an HCG Diet, through a local clinic here in Orlando. I've tried lots of diets, and this one is definitely the most effective and easiest to stick with. I've already lost 8 pounds in less than a week. The best part is I'm not hungry, irritable or exhausted like with all other diets I've tried.

My starting weight was 176 and my goal is 140 (I'm five foot nine). I have a lot of friends who have used this clinic, and they've lost all the weight they wanted and kept it off for over a year. The clinic says it'll take 8 weeks or less to reach my goal. Then I'll be ready for all the formal Christmas parties and our Mediterranean cruise in May!

Anyway, I feel like I've discovered the best secret for dieting and just wanted to share. Is anyone else doing an HCG diet?

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Is that the diet where you only eat 500 calories a day, and you get some kind of injection?


If it is, my son-in-laws parents did it, and they loved it. They have both lost a lot of weight very quickly...and so far are keeping it off.


No way, I could eat only 500 calories a day....I'd be hungry all the time.


I hope you have great results with, sounds like your doing well so far.

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You have to be losing muscle and water, which is not good. How does this diet work. That's alot of weight to lose in that short amount of time :confused:


I've been doing the 30 day shred and have lost 8 lbs, quite a few inches and I have gained alot of lean muscle mass. I started the 3rd week of June, I think. I'm 5'9 and my goal is 140 too. My weigh in today was 145! :)

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What is this diet? I have never heard of it but would be interested in losing weight slow and steady. Of course, we all want the "magic pill" and lose all the weight we want as quickly as we can, but that doesn't really work or last. I have been on WW since 9/2006 and lost 58 lbs. I can see the weight slowly returning. I need all the help I can get!! Thanks

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yes this is the 500cal with hormone injections diet.

Yes there are alot of people using it and losing weight. I would be very skeptical of injecting anything into my body. Plus 500 cal. is nothing, how can it even be healthy?

I would rather eat sensibly and exercise.


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Here ia a link to the thread I started about the 30 Day Shred work out, it explains everything.










What is this diet? I have never heard of it but would be interested in losing weight slow and steady. Of course, we all want the "magic pill" and lose all the weight we want as quickly as we can, but that doesn't really work or last. I have been on WW since 9/2006 and lost 58 lbs. I can see the weight slowly returning. I need all the help I can get!! Thanks
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Yes, it's the HCG injections 5 times a week plus prescription appetite suppressants. I go to the Transformation clinics in Florida, supervised by a doctor with weekly doctor visits. The version I'm on is 800 calories a day, less than 12 grams of fat a day. The HCG reduces hunger and releases fat into the body so the 2000 calories per day of body fat provide the daily caloric needs. There are clinics all over the country, here's a list of them that I found:



I'm a major 'foodie' and love to eat, and I'm still doing well on it. I put it off for so long thinking there's no way I could live on so little food, but my concerns were unwarranted. I just make sure everything I eat is really healthy, with protein and fiber for fullness, so there's no empty calories going in.

This is a Yahoo group that has the how-tos on the diet for do-it-yourselfers, I've been getting some good tips from there:



I heard about it about 18 months ago from friends that had lost a lot of weight on the program, and they have all kept the weight off, that's why I decided to go ahead. Also, my chiropractor told me his wife used it to lose 35 pounds, and he researched it and thought it was safe and effective. As far as losing muscle goes, I've been working out for an hour daily and I have more energy than ever for both weight training and aerobics, and the diet is supposed to not target muscle at all, only the stored body fat.

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Congrats on the weight loss, I have heard that program is good. I've done lots of diets and programs, and for 5 years have worked out for an hour a day, but still struggle with keeping weight off. I'm hoping this will be a permanent solution for me.


You have to be losing muscle and water, which is not good. How does this diet work. That's alot of weight to lose in that short amount of time :confused:


I've been doing the 30 day shred and have lost 8 lbs, quite a few inches and I have gained alot of lean muscle mass. I started the 3rd week of June, I think. I'm 5'9 and my goal is 140 too. My weigh in today was 145! :)

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Any men considering this may want to think twice. HCG will shut down your natural testosterone production. HCG is beneficial at the end of long steroid cycles because it helps produce leydig cells and will reverse testicle atrophy, but if you aren't on a cycle, this drug is pretty pointless for you to use.


And while there is some truth to using your own internal fat stores to feed yourself while on low calorie diets....500 calories is way too low and I would not advise doing this. Is the rapid weightloss really worth the health risks involved, and believe it or not there are health risks from malnutrition and low vitamin levels.

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800 cal a day I am fine with. I don't eat much over 1000 cal on a normal day anyway, so 800 isn't much of a stretch. But 500 - I'd never advise that without a doctor (which apparently you have). Still, I never think losing weight this way is a good thing as you are not learning a healthy way to eat every day...you can't take the injections forever, so what happens then? Hopefully this program also has a phase where you learn to maintain your loss.

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I know, I think 500 would be impossible to do. There's a 3 week stabilization program at the end of the injections that resets the metabolism to maintain the lower weight, and they help you eat the right amount of calories daily to not gain weight. Also anytime weight creeps up again, they'll help get it back down for free with their maintenance program. I've heard most people gain back 5-7 pounds durimg the 2 years after the loss, and that's fine with me, I'm going to lose enough that the regain won't be a problem.


800 cal a day I am fine with. I don't eat much over 1000 cal on a normal day anyway, so 800 isn't much of a stretch. But 500 - I'd never advise that without a doctor (which apparently you have). Still, I never think losing weight this way is a good thing as you are not learning a healthy way to eat every day...you can't take the injections forever, so what happens then? Hopefully this program also has a phase where you learn to maintain your loss.
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I wish you well! Thanks for all the information and let us know how your doing with it.


Good luck! :)




Congrats on the weight loss, I have heard that program is good. I've done lots of diets and programs, and for 5 years have worked out for an hour a day, but still struggle with keeping weight off. I'm hoping this will be a permanent solution for me.
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You are a wealth of information on diet, exercise etc. Do you have a degree in nutrition? Inquiring minds want to know...:confused: :) I really enjoy all the information you provide to us on these boards.




Any men considering this may want to think twice. HCG will shut down your natural testosterone production. HCG is beneficial at the end of long steroid cycles because it helps produce leydig cells and will reverse testicle atrophy, but if you aren't on a cycle, this drug is pretty pointless for you to use.


And while there is some truth to using your own internal fat stores to feed yourself while on low calorie diets....500 calories is way too low and I would not advise doing this. Is the rapid weightloss really worth the health risks involved, and believe it or not there are health risks from malnutrition and low vitamin levels.

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Any men considering this may want to think twice. HCG will shut down your natural testosterone production. HCG is beneficial at the end of long steroid cycles because it helps produce leydig cells and will reverse testicle atrophy, but if you aren't on a cycle, this drug is pretty pointless for you to use.


And while there is some truth to using your own internal fat stores to feed yourself while on low calorie diets....500 calories is way too low and I would not advise doing this. Is the rapid weightloss really worth the health risks involved, and believe it or not there are health risks from malnutrition and low vitamin levels.



I thought you might be a good source for a question that's been on my mind. The topic seems to have been worked up on this thread......

What do you think might be the lowest caloric intake to still be healthy and keep the metabolism working right? And/Or what info needs to be factored in to get to that caloric number? I used to toy with trying to work up a plan for myself that included enough protein (56 grams or so) and vitamins and fiber and calcium, and carbs, etc. to be healthy, yet still be really low in calories. Everyone seems to say that about 1200 for an adult female is about right, but I really wondered if it could be done on fewer calories. What is your opinion?

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Ive always went on the 10 x your body weight rule. Im baffled why people want to eat less. Id rather eat more and work out a little harder.


The less you eat, the less your metabolism works. Eat more = higher metabolism, cardio more = higher metabolism..put them together with maybe a thermo thrown in and your a fat burning machine.

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Ive always went on the 10 x your body weight rule. Im baffled why people want to eat less. Id rather eat more and work out a little harder.


The less you eat, the less your metabolism works. Eat more = higher metabolism, cardio more = higher metabolism..put them together with maybe a thermo thrown in and your a fat burning machine.

This man tells the truth!

500 calories a day baffles me. You have got to be burning quite of bit of lean muscle consuming that little. I consume 2100 calories daily and have lost quite of bit of fat, gained lean muscle, and feel great! It's not as much "work" or as complex as you might think. All these quick fix advertisements and commercials have confused america. :(

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This exactly what I have been doing. I'm 5'9 and my current weight is 144. My goal is 140. I try to maintain around 1400 - 1500 calories per day. I eat 3 balanced meals plus 3 or 4 small snacks (nuts, fruit raw veggies etc). I try to eat every 3 hours or so to maintain blood/glucose levels. I also work out 4 times a week doing cardio, strength training and riding my bicycle. I'm losing inches, firming up, building lean muscle mass and the pounds are coming off too!


This type of lifestyle works for me. :)





Ive always went on the 10 x your body weight rule. Im baffled why people want to eat less. Id rather eat more and work out a little harder.


The less you eat, the less your metabolism works. Eat more = higher metabolism, cardio more = higher metabolism..put them together with maybe a thermo thrown in and your a fat burning machine.

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I don't know how anyone can funtion on so little food. I tried to stay around 1200, I was hungry all the time and did not feel good. I did a BMR calculator that said I could go up to 1800 to maintain where I am. I am guessing I get close to that most days. The last time I tried tracking I got to 1520. It is hard to track calories when you cook and don't use alot of prepack.

I'm with Odoyal, I would rather eat & exercise!


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A thermo is short for thermogenic, which is a fat burner. Body building magazines have a variety of them, the most common for women are probably Hydroxycut and Xenadrine. They have stimulants and caffeine to speed up your fat-burning. The non-prescription ones usually make me jittery and irritable, but the prescription ones I'm on now with my HCG have been fine, I just have tons of energy but no bad side effects.

"with maybe a thermo thrown in"...what is this? :confused:



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Ive always went on the 10 x your body weight rule. Im baffled why people want to eat less. Id rather eat more and work out a little harder.


The less you eat, the less your metabolism works. Eat more = higher metabolism, cardio more = higher metabolism..put them together with maybe a thermo thrown in and your a fat burning machine.


Sounds nice, but truth be told, no body works the same as another.


"Eat more = higher metabolism" While of course this is true, surely you understand that the rate of increase in no way is enough to burn the additional calories you have consumed. It's not even close.


"Id rather eat more and work out a little harder. " Well gee...me too! :D But I do 30 or more minutes of intense cardio every day, and do 2 or 3 full body workouts (at 2 hours each) a week. I ran a 1/2 marathon last weekend. Eating more than 1000 to 1200 cal a day is too much for me - I gain fat. My body has worked this way for as long as I can remember - I simply have an efficient body I suppose. :rolleyes:


My point is, please remember that everyone's body does NOT work the same. What works well for you, may not be the answer for others.

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Sounds nice, but truth be told, no body works the same as another.


"Eat more = higher metabolism" While of course this is true, surely you understand that the rate of increase in no way is enough to burn the additional calories you have consumed. It's not even close.


"Id rather eat more and work out a little harder. " Well gee...me too! :D But I do 30 or more minutes of intense cardio every day, and do 2 or 3 full body workouts (at 2 hours each) a week. I ran a 1/2 marathon last weekend. Eating more than 1000 to 1200 cal a day is too much for me - I gain fat. My body has worked this way for as long as I can remember - I simply have an efficient body I suppose. :rolleyes:


My point is, please remember that everyone's body does NOT work the same. What works well for you, may not be the answer for others.


No body works the same as another. I agree with this statement 100%, however, I dont think Odoyal was trying to force his method of fitness down anyones throat. That being said, 10x your bodyweight in calories is a great place for beginners in fitness to start. No 2 bodies work the same so adjustments will need to be made in everyones diet, regardless of activity.


If you gain fat when eating more than 1200 calories a day, I would be curious to see what it is you are eating. Unless you're 4'2", this sounds unhealthy and very low to me with all the activity you do. Care to post your diet?

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No body works the same as another. I agree with this statement 100%, however, I dont think Odoyal was trying to force his method of fitness down anyones throat. That being said, 10x your bodyweight in calories is a great place for beginners in fitness to start. No 2 bodies work the same so adjustments will need to be made in everyones diet, regardless of activity.


If you gain fat when eating more than 1200 calories a day, I would be curious to see what it is you are eating. Unless you're 4'2", this sounds unhealthy and very low to me with all the activity you do. Care to post your diet?


I certainly did not intend to imply that he was "forcing" anything. I am a huge advocate of exercise - it's my mantra and I preach it constantly. ;)


My diet is based upon very small meals - I can't eat a large meal at one sitting. A sample? Eggbeaters w/cheese OR a container of FF yogurt with Kashi around 9am. A small can of V9 spicy around and a fiber/protein snack bar around noon. A high fiber/protein wrap with chicken/salsa around 3. A couple slices of 2% cheese or glass of milk when I get home around 7. 1 or 2 hershey kisses or a couple of bites of ice cream! If I am hungry - a small salad, or some oatmeal, or some pita chips with hummus is a favorite. And somewhere in there I usually have a few pretzels, carrrots, an apple, or some other snack. My meals vary greatly as far as content - but always just a little at a time...and I take vitamins of course. Just about always between 1000 and 1200 a day. I have a physical every year, and my doc always shakes her head at my low cholesterol and heart rate - I am as healthy as a horse - I assure you. ;)

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