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Anyone else doing HCG Diet? I'm on week 1 and love it!


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That sounds very healthy and balanced. I agree that we all need to find how many calories we can handle daily without gaining weight, the program I'm on has a 6 week time at the end where you test calories levels to figure out the personal 'magic number' to maintain weight.

There's definitely no one formula for everyone, we all know people who eat everything in sight and stay super-skinny or others who have extreme trouble losing weight even on very restricted diets.

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There's definitely no one formula for everyone, we all know people who eat everything in sight and stay super-skinny or others who have extreme trouble losing weight even on very restricted diets.


So very true...unfortunately! :rolleyes: It would be so much easier if there WAS a one-size-fits-all plan, but there isn't. That said, Odoyal's emphasis on exercise is certainly well-placed. For most people, not enough priority/time is allocated for it. It is initially hard to do, but once you do, and make it a routine, you'll find it won't be so hard to fit in. I wish I was one of those get-up-early-and-hit-the-pavement folks - I'd love to be able to start my day with a run every morning. Alas, I'm a night owl, and need my morning Zzzzz's. :o But I do make good use of my lunch hours at work - I spend them at the gym. I rarely if ever eat out at lunch - always bring it and eat it while working. And that's another thing - I have a sit-down job so I am on my butt 8 or 9 hours a day - huge diff from someone that is on their feet all day.

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Ive always went on the 10 x your body weight rule. Im baffled why people want to eat less. Id rather eat more and work out a little harder.


The less you eat, the less your metabolism works. Eat more = higher metabolism, cardio more = higher metabolism..put them together with maybe a thermo thrown in and your a fat burning machine.


This man tells the truth!

500 calories a day baffles me. You have got to be burning quite of bit of lean muscle consuming that little. I consume 2100 calories daily and have lost quite of bit of fat, gained lean muscle, and feel great! It's not as much "work" or as complex as you might think. All these quick fix advertisements and commercials have confused america. :(


I totally agree with the above 2 statements. What concerns me about this 500 cal per day thing is that your body is going to literally eat up your muscle. More muscle mass = higher resting metobolism. I can't see anything good about this plan and I would be very concerned about any doctor promoting it. (OK, flame suit is on!)



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As previously stated, Thermos are chemicals that speed up your metabolism. Most of the over the counter stuff is pretty much crap now that the good thermos have been banned.


I live and swear by ephedra and caffeine. If you can handle the jitters the stuff really helps melt body fat if you are eating right and exercising.


Also to clarify, I have always stressed in past posts that everyones body is different. I was asked for my advice and my words stated ""Id rather eat more and work out a little harder. " I try not to use words like everyone, or everybody, or nobody.


Im sorry to hear that as active as you are that you still gain fat eating over 1200 calories. Your metabolism must be abysmally slow and you might want to ask your dr to test your thyroid. That would drive me crazy if I were in your shoes.


On the other end of the spectrum I know guys busting their cans in the gym and eating 4000-5000 calories a day and cant grow at all. I feel even worse for them..because its a lot easier to eat less, then to try to get down 4-6k calories of clean food a day. Think about it 4000 calories is 30 cups of rice and a pound of chicken...id be sick trying to eat that much all day long heh.

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The more I read about it, the more this particular diet bugs me. I went through several scientific studies, including FDA reports.


The FDA has not approved this for weight loss because no scientific evidence proves it works for weightloss. Which pretty much confirmed my suspicions because HCG is a hormone secreted during pregnancy in women and it slows your thyroid, to help your body feed the baby. High levels also induce vomiting, aka morning sickness in pregnant women.


So im sitting here wondering why a woman would want to lessen her metabolism and be nauseas and how that would effect weight loss.


So i studied a little more and found on every single HCG diet forum the maker states it results in rapid weightloss when couple with a VLCD...or a Very Low Calorie Diet.


THERE LIES THE ANSWER. The hcg is very expensive to obtain legally with a prescription. So these guys are selling people an expensive drug that actually has no effect on your appetite or weight loss and telling you it really works if you eat 500 calories a day. WELL DUH! I could eat 500 calories a day and exercise and lose the same amount of weight.


All that weight that is lost is mucle mass and water, until eventually it begins to eat away at fat stores too, but not before the water and muscle is gone, that is scientific fact and will be happy to post any number of links to those studies if requested.


I am actually outraged these clinics get away with this, its frustrating because it does work...but its not the HCG its the near starvation diet.


Do yourself a favor and save a few bucks..if you have to stick to that diet to lose weight go for it, but dont waste the money on the HCG, your body does not need it.

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Im sorry to hear that as active as you are that you still gain fat eating over 1200 calories. Your metabolism must be abysmally slow and you might want to ask your dr to test your thyroid. That would drive me crazy if I were in your shoes.


Nope - had it tested and it's completely normal. And really, it isn't a problem for me - it's simply "normal", for me.


By the way, the lowest daily point range for WW is 18 points - at least it was when I was following it. And that translates to *about* 900 calories. I had to follow that pretty strictly to lose, once I got below 150. In fact I always had to stay at the bottom of the range, or below.


Really, you do just have to find what works for you, and then stick with it.

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So these guys are selling people an expensive drug that actually has no effect on your appetite or weight loss and telling you it really works if you eat 500 calories a day. WELL DUH! I could eat 500 calories a day and exercise and lose the same amount of weight.......

I am actually outraged these clinics get away with this, its frustrating because it does work...but its not the HCG its the near starvation diet.


Do yourself a favor and save a few bucks..if you have to stick to that diet to lose weight go for it, but dont waste the money on the HCG, your body does not need it.


I agree 100%.

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Odoyal - Well said!


hsmom - 1200 cals a day is about my max as well even with exercising a min of 45-60 a day. But I'm a 52 year old peri-menopausal woman and herein lies the problem! I just have to chose my food carefully to make sure that those 1200 cals are good, clean, quality cals.



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hsmom - 1200 cals a day is about my max as well even with exercising a min of 45-60 a day. But I'm a 52 year old peri-menopausal woman and herein lies the problem!


You and I are the same age, but I am done with all that. Honestly, it was barely noticeable - which surprised me as I had heard so many awful things. My doc said it was because I was in such good physical condition (thanks doc!), but I think I'm just lucky! :o

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Yes, I agree that it's the low calorie diet that causes the weight loss. The HCG releases fat from the body stores but if you eat too much, it just goes back. Again, I'm doing a version with 800-875 calories, so it's not quite so extreme. The HCG also helps with mood and promotes loss from storage areas (abs and thighs) instead of structural fat.


By the way, I was horribly nauseous during both of my pregnancies, but not at all on the HCG. It has now been 8 days and I'm down by 9 pounds, my energy is great and I'm able to work out and lift weights with even more strength than usual.


I'm glad to hear your opinion and I know many people share it, I'm just sharing my experience since this diet works for me and my friends like no other has before.


The more I read about it, the more this particular diet bugs me. I went through several scientific studies, including FDA reports.


The FDA has not approved this for weight loss because no scientific evidence proves it works for weightloss. Which pretty much confirmed my suspicions because HCG is a hormone secreted during pregnancy in women and it slows your thyroid, to help your body feed the baby. High levels also induce vomiting, aka morning sickness in pregnant women.


So im sitting here wondering why a woman would want to lessen her metabolism and be nauseas and how that would effect weight loss.


So i studied a little more and found on every single HCG diet forum the maker states it results in rapid weightloss when couple with a VLCD...or a Very Low Calorie Diet.


THERE LIES THE ANSWER. The hcg is very expensive to obtain legally with a prescription. So these guys are selling people an expensive drug that actually has no effect on your appetite or weight loss and telling you it really works if you eat 500 calories a day. WELL DUH! I could eat 500 calories a day and exercise and lose the same amount of weight.


All that weight that is lost is mucle mass and water, until eventually it begins to eat away at fat stores too, but not before the water and muscle is gone, that is scientific fact and will be happy to post any number of links to those studies if requested.


I am actually outraged these clinics get away with this, its frustrating because it does work...but its not the HCG its the near starvation diet.


Do yourself a favor and save a few bucks..if you have to stick to that diet to lose weight go for it, but dont waste the money on the HCG, your body does not need it.

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Yes, I agree that it's the low calorie diet that causes the weight loss. The HCG releases fat from the body stores but if you eat too much, it just goes back. Again, I'm doing a version with 800-875 calories, so it's not quite so extreme. The HCG also helps with mood and promotes loss from storage areas (abs and thighs) instead of structural fat.


By the way, I was horribly nauseous during both of my pregnancies, but not at all on the HCG. It has now been 8 days and I'm down by 9 pounds, my energy is great and I'm able to work out and lift weights with even more strength than usual.


I'm glad to hear your opinion and I know many people share it, I'm just sharing my experience since this diet works for me and my friends like no other has before.



Please for my own research, post one scientific study showing HCG promotes site fat loss. Anything at all, other than a Dr that currently promotes this diet. I happen to know there are no drugs that promote site fat loss, trust me if a drug did it would be very popular.


I've used HCG, I personally know at least 20 other people that have used HCG, and none of them have had fat loss from thighs and abs. Fat loss is fat loss, you cannot pick and choose where it comes from.


If its falling off your thighs and abs its not because of HCG.

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Im sorry if I come across as caustic or aggressive, that is not my intention. It's just the info you are posting is absolutely the opposite of the way the drug works, and I dont want anyone reading this thread later on to take that info to heart.


I strongly urge you to read non-biased research on HCG, not everything posted on the HCG diet boards, it will open your eyes.

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My doc said it was because I was in such good physical condition (thanks doc!), but I think I'm just lucky! :o


By the way...to the doc this means great heart rate, blood pressure, stats....etc. Frankly, I have a good 10 pounds that I would be much happier without, so I definitely share in your struggle!! :cool:

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Shows how HCG produces a negative feedback loop in the thyroid when HCG levels are high in pregnant women.




We conclude that there is no scientific evidence that HCG is effective in the treatment of obesity; it does not bring about weight-loss of fat-redistribution, nor does it reduce hunger or induce a feeling of well-being.

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Below is a link to the double-blind study my clinic refers to. Again, the clinic I go to has modified the protocol, and has been using it since 1987 with great results.

Here's some info from their website on hCG:

We have available a natural hormone called hCG*, which stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin*. hCG* is believed to break down your abnormal body fat, causing you to lose inches. At the same time, it protects your body's good fat (endogenous) and muscle from depleting. That means that you can go on a low calorie food plan and lose weight without the typical problems such as muscle loss and sagging skin. We do have prescription appetite suppressants available that have been used to assist with weight loss for over 40 years. These give you great will-power by curbing your appetite, making it easier to eat the right food in the correct proportions for successful weight loss. We also have natural alternatives and enhancers. These products can jumpstart your metabolism, burn more calories, reduce body fat, and block carbohydrates from being stored as fat.


This is the research website:



I don't think this is the only way to lose weight but it is a way to make it easier for those who lack the willpower to stay on a 500 calorie diet (like me). Regarding fat loss, they're not claiming to spot reduce fat, only that structural fat will not be lost. All of the people I know who've done the diet still have the necessary facial fat so they don't get the gaunt look that many do when they lose too much weight. Most of their figures develop a slim hourglass shape, from my personal observation.

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The links you posted are both affiliated with the diet.


It looks to me as though youve been brainwashed by this diet. A continuous diet of 500 calories a day for anybody is not healthy. No amount of suppliments, hormone injections, or hype will convince me of anything different. Your body burns calories for fuel to stay alive. Even at rest your body is continually burning calories to keep functioning. By eating 500 calories a day, or even 800, you're putting your body into shock. Your body is going to start burning muscle for fuel and hording every fat cell it can, which means you'll end up skinny fat. Not the look most women would want. A 200lb man needs almost 2000 calories a day just to keep his body functioning. You're starving yourself, plain and simple.


Odoyal is right on every cout. If you are losing fat from your mid section it's because that's where your body genetics have let your shed the weight first. My wife loses hers from her thighs first, this is also where she gains it back first. I lose mine from my belly and upper back, also where i gain it back first. When you lose weight you burn fat stores from all over your body, there is no such thing as "spot reducing" fat.


Here's a clip from an article i found (on page 8 of a google search). The bottom line is this is another starvation diet and any other affects acheived from it are purely mental. Here's the link: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/982252/hcg_diet_studies_show_results_equal.html?cat=5


If you search the web right now for information about the hCG diet, you will be many pages deep into any search engine before you get past hundreds of web pages, blog entries, and message board comments touting the effectiveness of the hCG Diet, by the way most of these offer to sell hCG products or recommend sources of hCG. Even the first entry that would appear to be objective (but isn't), is called Safety Issues Associated with an HCG Diet. The author, Marion Goldsmith, has his picture next to the title wearing a stethoscope and white lab coat. His job, however, is public relations director of an hCG weight loss center in Oklahoma. The sum total of the "safety issues" he writes about are very rare headaches and symptoms associated with pregnancy, but he says these are very, very rare... No other safety issues at all are mentioned with the 500 calorie a day diet. He does note that the FDA has not approved hCG as a weight loss method because they haven't been able to find convincing evidence that it works.

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Did you happen to notice that the study was performed by the physicians that are pushing that diet plan?


Did you happen to notice that they used a random selection from a pool of only 83 volunteers?


Did you happen to notice that the references they cite are mainly form the 60's, 70's and 80's?


I am glad you are losing weight. I am glad this is working for you. However, its a placebo, realize this. I took the time to read through the source you cited, take the time to read through the ones I posted. Mine are from government backed research facilities and posted to nationally accredited websites.


I can tell we are at an impasse, you can believe whatever it is that makes this work for you..but anyone else that stumbles across this thread, I highly urge you to research this very carefully before trying it.

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Also on the site that you posted...right in the disclaimer...this is the middle of the page:


"hCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or 'normal' distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets"




Open your eyes please.

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I read many of the opinions from patients provided in the link. It seems that many regained weight and are wanting to do it again. So like any diet it only works while you are on it. When you go off you gain it back and have to diet again.

I would think it healthier to learn to eat in moderation and exercise. Learning what your body needs without paying for injections, appetite surpressants....


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I read many of the opinions from patients provided in the link. It seems that many regained weight and are wanting to do it again. So like any diet it only works while you are on it. When you go off you gain it back and have to diet again.

I would think it healthier to learn to eat in moderation and exercise. Learning what your body needs without paying for injections, appetite surpressants....


A-men! thumbsup2.gif


Learning to enjoy eating a healthy diet is the key for not regaining the weight. You can have the junk you crave, just not for every meal. Moderation, proper diet for life, exercise, and a desire to be fit = healthy!

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I think I'll skip the hcg diet... I know two people who are / have been on it. It works, no doubt about it. But, they have used it to each shed a large amount of weight, which slowly crept back up, so they went on it again, and gained, lost, then gained, and each time they gained, they gained a bit more. The first one on the diet is currently 15 pounds heavier than she was the FIRST time she started the diet. The second one is a serial yo-yo dieter. She is just as heavy, if not heavier, than she was when she started. Both are very intelligent, highly educated individuals. One is a "career" woman, the other could safely be described as a "soccer" mom.


7 years ago, I was able to successfully lose and keep off almost 80 pounds. I did this in a period of about 20 months. A long time, no doubt, but the lifestyle changes I made (changing eating habits, no more late night snacking, eating lower fat content foods, exercising faithfully, quit smoking) have stuck, become a way of life for me.


I wish you all who are using this diet the best of luck. Just beware, when you have reached your goal weights, that you absolutely MUST know what caused you to to be overweight in the first place, and take steps to correct the issues before you find yourself in the same position of my two friends.


Best to all of you!


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Dee, congratulations on your success! Not just losing weight but on making changes to your lifestyle that you can live with and keep the weight off and be healthier.


This is the key! Changing behavior not just dieting.

"when you have reached your goal weights, that you absolutely MUST know what caused you to to be overweight in the first place, and take steps to correct the issues before you find yourself in the same position"



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Thank you, Kelly!


Like most women, I feel there is always room for improvement lol. I would like to lose an additional few pounds, and would be pleased if I could shed 12 to 15 pounds before my cruise through Panama in March. This will take a little more discipline than I currently am enforcing upon myself. It is certainly achievable, I have 6 months to do it. A few more minutes on the elliptical trainer every day, a couple more minutes on the weights a few times a week.


The key to my own success has been in not denying myself anything I want. This means if I want dessert once in a while, I have it. I eat eggs, red meat and potatoes. I eat these things in moderation, which is to me, a couple times a week. I have a cup of coffee every morning with cream. I have been known to have a beer after work on a Friday.


I would like to point out that I did not gain 15 pounds since my weight loss, I simply had reached a goal (the 80 pounds I lost) and was happy (ecstatic!) with that. Now, I am raising the bar for myself and when I lose this 12 to 15 pounds, I will be at a weight that I feel I will be able to maintain for the remainder of my life. Prior to my 80 pound weight loss, I had yo-yo'd using various fad diets. The disappointment I experienced each time I regained the weight was something to behold. It left me feeling lower than low, I would become depressed, eat some more, gain more weight, find another diet, lose it, regain it and then some... you know the story.


I had to make a change and I knew it wouldn't be easy, and so I tailored a program all on my own, according to my own likes and dislikes, and I was patient. The weight didn't go on overnight, and it did not come off that way, but it is still off, all these years later. I wish everyone here the best of luck in their weight loss endeavors. Please, do it safely, remain healthy so that you may be able to experience many more years of fun filled cruises!!!



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