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GA/FL gas availability


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I was wondering how long it would take till someone was willing to flame me. Thank you, you actually beat the time line I set.


They are the 2 gas stations in my area who did not get a new shipment today but yet they raised their prices by $1.50 a gallon. FYI that is called price gouging and it is illegal. Actually our government is now cracking down on it since it has happened today.


So keep in mind I actually know what is going on with Ike. I have a very good friend in harms way and I know the refineries are closed. I know while crude fell under $100 they cannot make gas if they are closed. I know the pipelines are having issues. Now if the gas stations had gotten a new shipment I would not have a problem but I know they did not because I asked! :(


Here's just one other side of the coin you should consider. While it may be true that those stations did not receive a shipment and still raised their prices, they also do not know when they will receive their next delivery. If they can't get any more gas (or only a limited amount) for days/weeks, then the income they need to make a living goes right into the black abyss. No gas, no profit. Most of the gas stations run on very thin margins and the owners are no more willing to go without a paycheck than you are. It's a guessing game at best and you really cannot fault them for playing out the worst case scenario. Their families need to eat too.


I don't have any relationship with the gas/oil industry. I am just an average consumer like most. It hurts me just as much when I have to fill up my vehicles. To ease the pain, try driving smarter. Google the term "hypermiling" or check the links I've provided below. I drive a 1995 Ford Ranger with 116K miles on it. Standard transmission, 4.0 liter V-6. My driving is almost completely "stop and go" with very little freeway driving. My last fill up netted me 343 miles on 17.84 gallons of gas. That comes to a rather pleasant 19.22 miles per gallon on a 13 year old truck. I'll say it again, drive smarter.





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Jsme - I certainly wasn't flaming you.:o I was only trying to explain the reasons for the gas hike and that the "they" is really us, the panicking consumer. ;)



Thank you cruzincajun and SDPadreFan - Exactly what I was trying to convey! :)


Also, the reason I topped off when I came back into my area, is because we live out a ways and although I can go a week without leaving home, my DH travels our region a lot and uses at least a tank and a half a week. We thought it be best to have a second car full of gas for DH to go to work, in case there is nothing available for a week.


I paid $4.75 a gallon yesterday in Asheville NC

That's just over the mountain from me. I went through Asheville yesterday, but didn't see any prices like that. That is gas gouging! :eek: Just curious, was it a well know gasoline, or an independent? I just took a look at one of the gas pricing websites and the prices over $4 a gallon seem to be mostly the independent company's, like Citgo.


bajathree and others - Watch out for low priced gasoline (prices that are not running in-line with most other prices) because you could be filling up with bad gasoline, or the pumps may be falsely rigged.

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Jsme - I certainly wasn't flaming you.:o I was only trying to explain the reasons for the gas hike and that the "they" is really us, the panicking consumer. ;)



Thank you cruzincajun and SDPadreFan - Exactly what I was trying to convey! :)


Also, the reason I topped off when I came back into my area, is because we live out a ways and although I can go a week without leaving home, my DH travels our region a lot and uses at least a tank and a half a week. We thought it be best to have a second car full of gas for DH to go to work, in case there is nothing available for a week.



That's just over the mountain from me. I went through Asheville yesterday, but didn't see any prices like that. That is gas gouging! :eek: Just curious, was it a well know gasoline, or an independent? I just took a look at one of the gas pricing websites and the prices over $4 a gallon seem to be mostly the independent company's, like Citgo.


bajathree and others - Watch out for low priced gasoline (prices that are not running in-line with most other prices) because you could be filling up with bad gasoline, or the pumps may be falsely rigged.


Asheville is 2.5 hours from where I live in the Western part of our state. I live in the Piedmont area.


I actually see the side you are saying but there is a difference in supply and demand and gouging. We have had several news channels saying if the gas went up by more than a dollar yesterday that our government was considering it gouging. They even had a 800 number to call.


The street up from me the gas is $4.95. I have not reported them nor do I plan on doing so although the man that owns the store did confirm that he did not receive a shipment in more than 3 days. He is a independently owned stations so I will not report him. He rarely gets much busy but what I am saying that most of you are not getting is the fact this is gouging not supply and demand. It is all over our news. So please leave your comments and explanations to yourself. I know what I am talking about in my area. I am not saying anything about another area. Since you do not leave where I do I am pretty sure you can not talk for what is happeneing in my area.

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I actually see the side you are saying but there is a difference in supply and demand and gouging. We have had several news channels saying if the gas went up by more than a dollar yesterday that our government was considering it gouging. They even had a 800 number to call.


The street up from me the gas is $4.95. I have not reported them nor do I plan on doing so although the man that owns the store did confirm that he did not receive a shipment in more than 3 days. He is a independently owned stations so I will not report him. He rarely gets much busy but what I am saying that most of you are not getting is the fact this is gouging not supply and demand. It is all over our news. So please leave your comments and explanations to yourself. I know what I am talking about in my area. I am not saying anything about another area. Since you do not leave where I do I am pretty sure you can not talk for what is happeneing in my area.


I guess you're just not going to get it. "We have had several news channels saying if the gas went up by more than a dollar yesterday that our government was considering it gouging." Obviously if the TV says it, it must be true. The media certainly never "creates" news.


I wasn't aware that this was your website. Or even your thread. "So please leave your comments and explanations to yourself." Seems to me that "truffles2" was the one that started this post. I guess unless it is "your opinion", everyone else just doesn't know what they're talking about. What an intellectual point of view.


I also enjoyed this earlier post from you. "I only drive my car to work and back. I have a half of a tank and that will last a couple of days but that means I am stuck at the house all weekend long." If you "only" drive your car to work, doesn't that mean you are stuck in the house every weekend.


Not to worry, I'll leave you alone now. You're just not up to it.

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Does anyone have any good news about gas being available somewhere between Atlanta and Orlando, Please??? I am starting to freak out.


I'm in Valdosta (right about GA/FL line) and know that there is SOME gas in town. I left mine at a half-tank because I didn't want to fight the crowds yesterday. It's slacked off today, and I still see some gas stations running. Although I couldn't promise you won't have any problems finding gas, I'm sure there's somewhere along the way that will have a tank for you. Have a safe trip!! We're heading down tomorrow! :)

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Jsme - I don't know if your comments were pointed at me or not, but if they were, I am sorry that you are upset. :( Yes, gas prices going up over a $1.00 per gallon is price gouging and you should report any that you see...including the guy up the street.


I don't have a clue what gas prices are doing today. Does anyone know if any of the off-shore tanks were damaged?


With the exception of going to church this Sunday, my DH and I decided to stay at home for the weekend because we live so far out from most everything. DH did play golf today, but we live on the golf course, so no gas was wasted getting there. :D

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Meggie, thank you. Valdosta is usually about the half way point for us and where we stop to fill up. Good to know there is still some there if we need it. I think we will probably stop a few times before we getthere and keep it as full as possible.

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Meggie, thank you. Valdosta is usually about the half way point for us and where we stop to fill up. Good to know there is still some there if we need it. I think we will probably stop a few times before we getthere and keep it as full as possible.


I know you must be nervous... we leave tomorrow and I'm hoping our friends have already gassed up!! You might try Tifton... it's probably 30 miles North of us on 75. It's not a big city, but gets a lot of interstate traffic and has a fair amount of stations and restaurants at the exit (the Chic Fil A exit.. not sure of the number... maybe 64). That'd be a good place to try before you hit Valdosta.

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Hi everyone--From Lake City, FL:D Made it so far!

We didn't have any trouble finding gas--only paying for it (lol). Actually it was not too bad at $4.00/gal. We will definitely make it to port. Our biggest problem was those stinky "love bugs"--had to stop every hour or so to clean the windshield and front of car.


An interesting sight along the way was all of the Florida utility personnel in convoy going to Texas....we passed hundreds of vehicles--utilities, Trees, Inc., Asphlund (sp?), etc. They will have a hard task ahead. I wish them all well! I know Texas will appreciate the help.


Thanks everyone for your help and encouragement along the way.

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Should have bought Exxon/Mobile stock instead of RCI. Bet Exxon's profits for next quarter will double to $24 Billion. Where's our gov't when you need it?

HA!!! You think that stock will go up and profits will be made for the oil companies because of this? ...think again! :rolleyes: We have Texaco/Shell stock and it has gone down with all the others. In fact, it has been practically worthless for a very long time. Additionally, my brother said that his company hasn't made a profit at all this year. He's paying the bills and that's about it. ;)

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Hi everyone--From Lake City, FL:D Made it so far!

We didn't have any trouble finding gas--only paying for it (lol). Actually it was not too bad at $4.00/gal. We will definitely make it to port. Our biggest problem was those stinky "love bugs"--had to stop every hour or so to clean the windshield and front of car.


An interesting sight along the way was all of the Florida utility personnel in convoy going to Texas....we passed hundreds of vehicles--utilities, Trees, Inc., Asphlund (sp?), etc. They will have a hard task ahead. I wish them all well! I know Texas will appreciate the help.


Thanks everyone for your help and encouragement along the way.


Glad you're having luck with the fuel situation. Always great to go on a cruise. I have to admit though, I would tend to shy away from cruising the Caribbean in (late) August, September, & November. Just too much risk involved for my taste. We've done the Caribbean in early December with no problems. Even had a great excursion to Chichen Itza on that one. This was when they were still allowing you to climb "El Castillo".


Surprisingly, out here on the left coast, our gas prices have remained steady and even dropped a little. Went out this morning to buy gas for next week. Paid $3.67 a gallon. Then, not 2 hours later, I drove by the same station and the price had fallen to $3.65. I was bummed. I wouldn't be surprised to see a little upward creep in the next week however. Courtesy of Ike.

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Hi Everyone,


we are traveling from Atlanta to Port Everglades tomorrow and are a bit concerned about gas availability for our trip. Here is North ATL stations are running out everywhere!!!!! this is as of today 9-14-08. We will be taking the I75 coridor to the turnpike and news would be greatly appreciated.



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"THEY" always get the blame for things. This time is an actual "THEY"

Thye are the out of touch, don't give a D**m member of Congress. This nation, once known for not letting anything stop it, has met it match. It is called Congress. For 30 plus years, CONGRESS has refused to allow the construction of any additional refining capabilities in this country.
So then 25% of the nation's refining gets shut down due to a hurricane and prices skyrocket, you now know who THEY is.....

Maybe it is time to re-think that automatic re-elect mentality this nation suffers from!!!! Drill now! Drill here!!!
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We drove down from North of Atlanta to Port Canaveral today. We stopped in Valdosta and there were a few stations out of gas but there were others right off the highway that still had gas. It was high though at $4.39. Then we stopped again to top off before we hit the turnpike around lake city and it was $3.99. There was one station there that was also out of gas as well.
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[B]I actually found one station today where the price went down 20 cents from Friday night's high of $4.19 a gallon! I was really surprised. Looked like other places went up another dime or so. [/B]

[B]Some pumps were out, but most places had some pumps open.[/B]

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There's been quite a bit of price gouging going on. Much of it is small hikes, like in the town I work there was one station this morning selling gas for $3.56 and another 1/4 mile down the road selling for $3.69. The news last night mentioned a few places selling gas for more than $4.65 (I hope they enjoy talking to the Attorney General).
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote name='bucsfan100']i am supposed to be traveling from fl to n ga/nc on wednesday. anyone have an update on the gas situation along I-75? we could re-route and go up I-95, but we would have to change alot of our trip to do that. i would appreciate any info you can give me ...[/quote]

Valdosta still has stations that are out of gas (or say that they are out of gas), but some are definitely up and running. Expect to pay just under $4. Not sure what the deal is, but we're really getting screwed at the pump.
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[quote name='meggie711']Valdosta still has stations that are out of gas (or say that they are out of gas), but some are definitely up and running. Expect to pay just under $4. Not sure what the deal is, but we're really getting screwed at the pump.[/quote]

Shame they are gouging out there...here in Houston today I paid $3.359 for regular UL....did notice that at the Sams' Club they only had regular UL though, no Premium. Other nearby station was 4c more for regular UL but appeared to have all grades available. They were only $4.019 for Diesel compared to about $4.109 at most stations selling Diesel in my area of town.

I need diesel for my generator and tractor...the generator is shut down now that we and various relatives now have power back...one of them only got it on Friday 2 weeks after they lost it during Ike.
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[quote name='Rancher Dave']Shame they are gouging out there...here in Houston today I paid $3.359 for regular UL....did notice that at the Sams' Club they only had regular UL though, no Premium. Other nearby station was 4c more for regular UL but appeared to have all grades available. They were only $4.019 for Diesel compared to about $4.109 at most stations selling Diesel in my area of town.

I need diesel for my generator and tractor...the generator is shut down now that we and various relatives now have power back...one of them only got it on Friday 2 weeks after they lost it during Ike.[/quote]

I should add that you can get a "better" price on unleaded IF you have cash. I don't know many people that carry quite that much cash on them these days, with debit cards being so commonly carried now. I paid about 6 or 7 cents higher for not having cash. Really "grinds me gears" (for my fellow Family Guy fans).
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