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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Nana #2 - WOW!!! You really can see a difference in your before and after pictures.


Just curious ... how much weight in pounds have all of you lost since joining this weight loss thread. Let's see what our total weight loss has been so far. I'll start it:


Robin (angelkisses) - 14lbs :D



I've lost 13lbs since we started posting~


Total lost= 27lbs

Robin~ 14



Happy Cruising & Losing!


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Wow - Robin, you've only been on a few weeks and going to be passing me in lbs lost. Guess I better kick it up a notch.


Punki - I know what Sudoku is (love it) but what's a Sudoku board at your Curves?


Total lost= 49.5 lbs

Robin~ 14



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I honestly don't know how much I've lost since joining our Twigs in Training Club, but I'm going to make an educated guess. I definitely know how much I've lost since May 5th -- 54.5 per MY scales (weighed 166 both times I stepped on this morning) -- probably 51 per the weight loss clinic's scales, but 52 since my last year's ob/gyn checkup on their scales on 10/22. Thanks for all the compliments, everyone. I actually found a 2006 OBX (fishing, or course) picture of me last night. Note: I'm wearing the same shorts in my 2008 picture; they just fit a little different. And, just so you'll know, I do know how to brush my hair, put on makeup, and wear nice clothes; I just don't have many pictures of me to prove that I do. I'll send one after our cruise -- five weeks from Sunday. Hopefully, my clothes will fit in it, too! :D


Total lost= 59.5 lbs

Robin~ 14





Have a great weight loss day!



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Have any of you ever tried adding Green Tea or Green Tea supplements to your diet? I read an article about weight loss in "FIRST" magazine this morning and the key ingredient in all these women who loss a large amount of weight was green tea. It mentioned for those on the run in the mornings and not having time to fix tea or just didn't like it they could take the Green Tea capsules (works best on empty stomach) though the directions say to take it with a meal. I picked up a bottle and figured I might as well give it a try too! The thing I liked best was that it said (I can't remember why) that it worked well on belly fat.


Nana #1 .... you were a twig for years! I remember buying you panties for your lingerie shower upteen years ago in a size 4 and how offended you were when your future mother-in-law bought you a size 6! Lucky you for ever being a twig. I skipped from being a girls size 14 to a junior size 11 overnight ..... oh how I wish I could wear a size 11 now.


Nana #2 ..... Did you ever think you would loose 50+ pounds in 6 months? You must feel so much better.

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No, I never dreamed that I'd lose 50 pounds in six months, but I'm sure glad I did. I truly feel like a different person...and I've been told by many people here at work that I look like one, too.


About green tea...how can I put this politely....be careful with it because....it may give you the runs!!! My step-daughter and daughter-in-law have both tried it and neither of them could go far from the bathroom after drinking it. Good luck!!!

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I can't imagine dropping 50+ lbs in 6 months. That's totally awesome. I'm shooting for 40 lbs in 5 1/2 months (when I go on the cruise), but that will be tough. Robin - don't think I ever was a 4 - a 5 yes. LOL Wow - those were the days. Once I starting having babies that all ended. And I think Jenny bought me size 7 and I was 122 lbs at the time. I remember thinking I was so fat when I was 138 lbs after Mindy was born. Now if I could only be 138 again....... But with the help of this board......I may just do it and mom will give me a lecture that I look sick.


I've never done the green tea supplements but do like the Arizona Diet Tea that comes in the gallon jugs for about $3.


Robin: How did you do with the Protein "shots"? Were you able to get them down? I got the 42 gram ones - the "name brand ones" from the Ebayer this week. I'll let you know if I can tell much difference in the flavor. Did you buy those at the outlet?


Have you kept up with the Carnival Glory cruise that left out November 1? I was on their boards some before they left and some have posted since they left, while on the ship. They have the hurricane on their butts now. They didn't get to stop off at Roaton because they had another uprise among the people there and it wasn't safe. Carnival gave them a $20 OBC credit and told them they would have an extended port in Nassau. One person mentioned they heard someone on their ship had died snorkeling in Belize?? What luck!

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Can't believe that there have been NO entries since FRIDAY! Thought I'd just let you know I'd checked in. We were without cable (or internet) for most of the day, so hubby's been panicked that he wouldn't be able to see the Panthers game and I've been panicked that I wouldn't get to talk to my friends today! :p


This has definitely been a WEAKend, but I've also kept moving most of the weekend, so hopefully the two will balance each other out. The scale wasn't showing my shame this morning; hopefully it won't in the morning either.


Started getting clothes together for our cruise this weekend and discovered that half the shorts I was so proud of buying on clearance don't fit anymore! I took four pair of shorts back to Belk...and they don't have any more now. I'll check Kohl's this week, but I think I may end up taking four pair of shorts and eight tops and just wear the shorts more than once.


Took the dog for his Cushings test Saturday. Won't know the results until tomorrow.


I hope you're not on this site because you're all out having a load of fun this weekend!



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Bonnie - I've been on Cruise Critic a lot over the weekend, but I seemed to be the last post on most of the threads, including this one. I assume you have RR internet if cable and internet were both out. It totally sucks when you don't have tv or internet. I have withdrawal symptoms when I lose my internet connection. I'll be thinking about you as you get the results on your dog's test. Let us know what they tell you.


I broke down this weekend and ordered the Zumba dvd set on Ebay. Can't afford to get a Wii and Wii Fit right now, even if you could find them this close to Christmas. I'm afraid Zumba is going to be out of my league but what the heck I'll try it and if I can't do it, I'll give it to my daughter for her birthday in December. LOL


I must confess I haven't been exercising the past few weeks and my weight is showing it. I will get started back this week. Otherwise, I'll never make my goals.


I guess the clothes not fitting is bittersweet. Hate you can't wear but it's a great feeling that they are too big. Right? My cruise isn't until the end of February so I have to wait to see what size I'll be in. I figure by February, all the summer clothes will be in the stores - none on sale but on the stores....... However, I probably have some nice shorts I can wear as my weight yo yo's so much when I'm getting ready for vacation. My concern is that when we leave out it will be cool and then we'll get down to the Western Carribeans and the weather should be warmer. I guess you have to plan for all kinds of weather that time of year. When is your cruise?



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Stopping in to say hello - guessing that tomorrow will be a bad weigh in for me. Had a very "weakend". Treated myself to one no no after another.


Bonnie - hope that you get good results on your dogs tests for Cushings.


Know I need to exercise more if I want to get better results - feel free to give me some suggestions. I have a bad knee that makes the obvious things like long walks, bike etc out of the question for me. Any real weight bearing exercises are not good. Tried the high school community pool but was really uncomfortable with all the high school swim team practicing etc. Am I being a knucklehead on this? What would you try? Belonged to Curves before but a couple of the machines really bothered my knee as did any marching in place, etc. Don't mean to sound whiny - just trying to be straighforward as to how knee effects me.

Thanks for any suggestions,



Bonnie - have you looked online at the outlet sections of website for summer stuff. Have had some good luck there and it might work for you too. (Being smaller is a great problem to have though!)

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I too have a knee that often bothers me if I walk too far or try riding a bike/even a stationary bike. Maybe you can try walking a mile at a time and see if that bothers you. You may be able to find a "mileage" that will not bother the knee and just do it a couple times a day. Also, be sure you have good walking shoes. That will make a big difference in the ankle and knees when you walk.

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After the disasterous Halloween camping trip, my weight has now moved in the right direction again.


I've very happy this morning with my weight loss, particularly as I have not been exercising. I have order the Zumba dvd's and hopefully I can start my exercise regimen up this week. I've been trying to learn the Cupid (some call it Cuban) Shuffle, but my niece (Angel Kisses/Robin's daughter) thinks that's so funny to think of her 54 year old aunt doing the shuffle. I guess she is going to want a demonstration on Thanksgiving. LOL I know the steps but definitely don't put all of the "moves" in that a teenager would. LOL


My husband wants to use his last 2 vacation days this Thursday and Friday and go camping. This time it won't be with a lot of candy or a lot of kids, just us. So it shouldn't be quiet as "tempting" to eat and hopefully we can get some hiking in (mountains) and read a good James Patterson book. We haven't finalized yet so will let everyone know.


SW: 197.6

LW: 176.6 (as of 10/27/08)

LW: 179.0 (day after 4 day Halloween camping trip)

CW: 173.0

Total Loss in 9 weeks: 24.6 lbs

GW: 25 lbs by Thanksgiving

GW: 30 lbs by New Years

GW: 40 lbs by 2/21/08 cruise



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For all of us who have an issue with "nighttime nibbling":


For all of us who tend to "nibble" at night:


Nighttime Nibbling

Biggest Looser Club nutrition expert Greg Hottinger knows nighttime nibbling is a dieter's downfall. He recommends you cultivate a delay/distraction technique. If you get the urge to nibble, and you know you're not hungry, wait 10 minutes. Drink water, pick up a book, check e-mail. It's not easy at first, but the idea is to drive a wedge between your emotional feeling and its habitual response.



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Good Morning Everyone!

Hope you all had a great weekend. I was pretty busy, had Bunco, baseball and the weather was crappy. Really cold here. None the less I did ok all things considered. I am down 1 lb. I indulged a little at Bunco ot it would have been better.


Punki~ where did you order your hulla hoop amd what weight? I think I am going to put one on my wish list for Christmas.


My goal this week is to be a GOOD GIRL, I have no events ect that should make me stray! LOL! :p


SW: 171 (9/1/08)

LW: 154.6 (as of 11/03/08)

CW: 153 :D


Total Loss in 10 weeks: 17 lbs

GW: 151 by Thanksgiving

GW: 145 lbs 12/29 Cruise (total 26 lbs.)

GW: 135 lbs by 4/05/09 cruise (total 36 lbs) We will see when I get there, this may be to low for my height)


Happy Cruising & Losing!


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Looks like you are moving in the right direction. Congratulations! You started the thread with hopes of 30 lbs by your 12/29 cruise. You are on target for 26 lbs - hey that's great! I am going out of town Thursday - Sunday again, so next Monday will be tough I'm afraid. We will see. This should be my last trip for the year so if I can get by this and then Thanksgiving & Christmas, then there's my birthday, my grandson's birthday, my granddaughter's birthday (I have a weakness for birthday cake and ice cream)............ You know there's always coming to be something to get in the way of our diets!



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I ordered the hula hoop from Sports Hoop and got the standard five pound hoop. I sure missed it on our trip to Florida this past weekend. I did get my lazy self out of bed on Saturday and go to the gym as well as dancing Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. There was, however, way too much partying and drinking going on to actually lose weight. :( It was, however, really fun. I thought I looked really nice at all the parties, but I would have preferred to be slimmer.


Now I don't have any trips to get in the way of my weight loss until December 6th, so I could still make some serious progress before the cruise.


Why does this weight thing always have to be such a constant battle? I saw three friends over the weekend who weigh just about the same as they did in high school, and they (like my hubby) really don't have to work at it that hard. It is NOT fair. Ok, rant over.


I had a great work out this morning. I really miss my own gym when I travel.

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Way to go Marlene. I know you were up last week but a 6lb drop this week certainly makes up for it. I think you are the T.I.T. biggest looser this week. That abbreviation looks kinda funny for Twings in Training.


My weight was down about 2.5 lbs this week. Kinda makes me wonder what I could do if I would start exercising and quit cheating.


This week my favorite food came from Cold Stone Creamery. Love the Mint ice cream mixed with cookie dough. (I know weird combination). Saturday we went to Concord Mills and so naturally when Taylor wanted ice cream I had to have some too. This time however I asked for the kids portion size. The way my daughter laughed I must have looked like a kid who did not get that shiny new bike for Christmas when I saw my portion didn't even cover the bottom of a small cup. I think they may have given me a 1/2 scoop of ice cream. Good for them, good for me but oh how disappointing.


Tomorrow I go for measurements to see what I have lost in inches. I will probably be scolded for not increasing my exercise. I did go to the GW Boutique and found a pair of jeans one size smaller than I started with so at least I want have the yogi bear butt look going on. I'm determined not to spend alot of money on clothes until I reach my goal. Why do I always seem to loose inches in my butt first. So many women mention loosing it in their boobs first, why can't I be that fortunate?


Nana #2 - You Were Right! I tried the Green Tea Supplements. I was doing very well, no side effect so I increased the dosage. Guess what happened? What was the result of your dogs test. I really hope you have good news to share.


SW 241.5

Last Week 227.4

CW 224.8 (Week 4)

GW by 1/17 - 210

GW by 10/31 -170

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I like the T.I.T. reference. And talking about that, that's where I've lost. LOL


Robin - if you lost there you probably wouldn't even notice........ I see your goal is 71 lbs by our Halloween cruise. That would be an awesome accomplishment.


I got my Zumba today - man that shipper was fast and the USPS didn't do too shabby of a job either. The Beginners DVD is broken down into different steps so that you can just work on one section at a time. I'm going to take it slow and learn the steps in the first 2 steps and then move forward. Bet my niece will think it's funny her old aunt is trying to do the Zumba. Doing the steps slow is pretty easy but then it kicks up the speed and I probably look like a clutz. But that's ok. I'm not doing it in front of any body except for my dog. He's looking at me like I'm crazy. Ha!


Waiting to hear from Nana #2 about her dog's test......


Good luck all and remember NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS THIN FEELS!



Fellow T.I.T.

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I got the expected phone call this moning confirming that my 14-year-old Pomeranian (Punkin) does in fact have Cushings Disease. I've been reading things on the internet that have me a bit worried. The treatment for it will be similar to chemo therapy and it will require a "greater than average owner commitment" to get him through it AND he'll be on the medication for the rest of his life. Sounds like fun, huh? But, according to the internet, treatment will improve his quality of life as well as ours, and how can I refuse him (picture attached)?


Marlene, you asked Robin how she felt about the protein shots. How did YOU feel about them???:rolleyes:


I'd never heard of Zumba before. I read up about it on Amazon.com. Sounds interesting, but I am SO uncoordinated that I'm sure I'd be a total flop. I can't even do the rythmic boxing on the Wii Fit right.


The shorts not fitting was bittersweet. They were really nice shorts for a really nice price, but they really didn't fit, so I had to take them back. One pair, the store (Dillard's) wouldn't take back because it's been too long since I bought them. Guess I'm stuck with them...and they don't have belt loops either. I ordered two pair from the same person off eBay tonight. Hopefully they (size 16) will fit.


Our cruise sets sail on Sunday, December 14th, out of Port Canaveral, FL. I'm a little worried about what to wear there, from cold weather to hot and vice versa coming home, too. I hope to remember to take a cooler outfit in my carryon bag so that I won't burn up until our luggage makes it to our room.


I weighed 168 again this morning -- the same as last Monday, but 1.5 pounds more than the middle of last week. I have been exercising, so I was hoping to keep that 1.5 pounds off, but I was not on my best behavior eating wise this past weekend, so I wasn't too terribly surprised. Today, I walked up 13 floors of steps (286 steps), down 326 steps and back up 36 steps (if I did my math right). Talk about bringing my heart rate up, not to mention my inability to talk during or after. I MUST behave this week and through the weekend -- weigh in is next Tuesday at the clinic!!!


Nana #2, I'm very jealous of your camping trips. I used to camp when I was very young (with my parents) and my hubby and I camped a few times, but he's a city boy and that didn't last long. Have a good time this weekend, but take plenty of warm clothes. And, congrats on your great weight loss this week.


Robin, I hate to say "I told you so", but I told you so!:eek: Good luck with the measure-in tomorrow. I did not get measured at my clinic and I didn't do it myself, either. Wish I had.


Wel, I've probably put everyone to sleep by now. Sorry; I get carried away. Wonder where Sass is these days?


Good night,



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Yes, Sass is "missing in action". I thought about her today as well. We need to be sure this thread doesn't die like a lot of the other ones! As far as camping, I enjoy it more than my husband. He gets so stressed out if anything goes wrong with the camper - breaker trips, etc. We use to tent camp but did get a camper - with heat LOL - in January. I was getting kind of old to sleep on the ground. When we bought the camper they gave us 3 nights of free camping at their campground in Marion. We planned to use it in April, but my m-in-l got sick - actually died the end of April - so we canceled. It's only good for a year so we were either going to use it now or lose it. We can drive into Asheville, maybe grandfather mountain. We may even drive into Cherokee to gamble but that's hour and 45 minutes away so don't know. Being just us - we'll play it as we go. We do take the dog but he does pretty good when we put a pillow in the small bathroom. At some point, I may try to let him "run loose" in the camper while we are gone, but I'm afraid, he'll hear/see another dog and go crazy barking. I enjoy the simple things - take a good book, do a little fishing and just "rest".


As for the Protein "shots" - they aren't too bad. Let's back up there. The ones at Walmart are 27 grams, 100 calories and are ok. The 42 grams that you take are "thicker" in texture but still not too bad. I just ordered some on Ebay and got tried them this weekend. Same flavor - just thicker..... I don't know if they are helping or not, but don't want to take the chance of stopping them.


Nana - so sorry about your dog. He is so cute. Do you have someone you can depend on to keep him while on your cruise?


As for Zumba - I'm about as uncoordinated as they get. I figure if I can do some of the moves - even if it's slowly - it's a good exercise, more than I'm getting now. AND I'm not going to do it in front of anyone, regardless of what my niece wants me to do. **Remember that Robin**. Taylor doesn't get to see me try Zumba.

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Nana #2 - I'm really sorry to hear the diagnosis. He really is a cutie.


Nana #1 - I was looking at my protein shots. I actually had one of the 42gm mixed in with my 27gm shots. I tried it this morning but didn't like it as well as the 27gm. I think it could be that I had just brushed my teeth and the taste was not very pleasant. I also like the thinner liquid. I'm going to take one with me to the clinic tomorrow to show the doctor what I have been taking. The ones at the clinic are only 15gm (and taste nasty) so I'm curious as to what the doctor will say.


I'm sure I will have to find a few more short term weight loss goals before October. I know thats alot of weight to want to loose by then and I have never stayed on a diet that long. Hopefully I will keep the will power.

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Where did you get the 42 grams - at that outlet store? I will be interested to know what your doctor says about these protein "shots". Together we can stay focused on the extended weight loss. My problem in the past is lose weight for vacation, gain during vacation and then not getting back on track when I get back. So next year I'm back to where I was the previous year - trying to lose for vacation. I don't want to do that this year. Hopefully with that 2nd cruise 10/09 we can stay focused.


Marlene "Sis"

Member of T.I.T.

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You two sisters are up and at it early this morning!


Y'all don't refrigerate your protein shots, do you? I was told not to because that just causes them to get even thicker and, quite frankly, I can't imagine them being any thicker. The good thing is that they are down in 5-6 swallows and then you can chase it with coffee or something else. Robin, I think brushing your teeth, then drinking that stuff would be absolutely horrible. I usually wait until I already have coffee breath before I drink mine!


Marlene, Punkin stays at the vet's office when we go away on vacation. The kids who live in Charlotte aren't used to having an inside dog, one family is allergic to dogs, and the other family has HUGE outdoor dogs that would eat him for lunch, so I decided a long time ago, especially as he got older, that the vet's office is the best place for him. They can care for him better than even I could. Hopefully they'll still take care of him with "treatments". I'm very anxious about what exactly "treatments" means. He already takes three medicines twice a day and is a lot of work, so I don't really look forward to it being even more difficult.


Robin, I think your present diet plan is the best out there. It is expensive, but it's nice to know that you really can "buy willpower". I hope I'm not becoming immune to the appetite suppressants, though; I've been getting hungry in the evenings lately. I'm allowed to take 1 1/2 pills a day, but if I don't take the 1/2 by 2:00 pm, I'm afraid I won't sleep (although I've never had a problem), so when I look at the clock and it's 3:30, I don't take the additional 1/2 pill. I need to train myself to just take the other 1/2 regardless of my level of hunger at around 2:00 each day.


My crazy scales weighed me at 166.5 (that 1.5 pounds is gone) TWICE this morning. Now, why couldn't it have done that yesterday?


Need your opinion -- my next check up is next Tuesday (18th). Four weeks from that will be 12/16...and I will be in Labadee, Haiti that day! If you were me, would you try to make your next appointment a week before the cruise (will not have lost the full amount) or the week after the cruise (with the anticipated 5 pound gain) ...OR try to get them to let me wait until the beginning of the year (after Christmas!!!)??? Tough one, I know.


I've already decided that I will gain five pounds while I'm on the cruise. One foo foo drink a day and a couple bites of dessert every other day will do that, though. So, I may need to decide I'll be gaining more than that! :( I am determined not to get back up there ever again, though.


Have a pleasant day,


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Am at work and shouldn't be goofing off but wanted to ask - I know that a couple of you are on actual weight loss program thru a clinic. Can I ask is this a Doctor's Weight Loss Clinic or some type of franchise that would be in other parts of the country? Sounds like you have really good results. Any recommendation? Interested in finding what we have - HELP!

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I seriously doubt that our clinics are a part of a franchise. Between Robin, a friend of mine, and me, it looks like all three clinics have a different diet plan, so that makes me think they're not related to each other.


I would recommend contacting a bariatric (sp?) specialist and inquiring if they have a program whereby appetite suppressants and HCG (or B12) shots are offered. I know that the doctor who runs "my" clinic is a bariatric doctor.


Good luck!


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I jumped up 1/2 lb this morning - I find that I will yo yo between a lb on my scales for a few days, then suddenly the bottom/lower number becomes my top number.


Yes, I have been putting them in a refrigerator. I haven't had any problems with the 27 grams being thick at all. The 42 gram ones are the only ones with that issue. I don't know if I can drink one that's not cold......guess I can try!


Looks like my sister was doing posts at 12:15 AM this morning. I assume she was off for the holiday (USPS) but being use to working 3rd shift, she was up very late. I on the other hand, get up early and head straight to the laptop. I really should get a life!


If I only gain 5 lbs on the cruise - I'll be very happy. My long term goal is 10 lbs gain and then come back to lose that. I don't think it will be all "weight" gain as fluid gain. So hopefully at least the first 5 lbs will come off fairly easy if you guys can make me get motivated after I return. That's usually my downfall so I will need help.


I would definitely want to do a weigh in BEFORE cruise, not after. Can you change your appointment to one or two days before you leave?


Something you don't know about Robin and me - I was an only child for 9 years before she came along. My kids are grown and I have 3 grandkids, ages 3, 5, and 9. Robin has one child in high school and one in college. She's the "baby". LOL



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