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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Good evening,


Marlene, I have looked at Wal-Mart for the protein shots but can't find them. I even asked tonight and they couldn't find any. In what sections would they be? Do you have a super wal-mart. Ours is the pits.


Any other place have any (health food place)? If you know let me know. I have done much better today then yesterday. I didn't gain any weight but I stayed the same.


I sure hope that everyone had a good weekend. I will be really busy this next week so don't know how much I can be online. I will log on at least once a day.



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I think health food stores may also carry them.Walmart just seems to be cheaper, at least in our area. They come in 27 and 42 grams. I prefer the 27. They are called Super Whey Protein Shots. I find mine in the area of the diet pills, protein shake mix, Slim Fast, etc. It is a Super Walmart and in our pharmacy/heath section. I'll send you a picture via email so you will know what you are looking for. Meanwhile, you can try eating a breakfast of protein (omelets, grilled chicken). Grilled chicken has a lot of protein although not considered "breakfast". Before I found these shots, I was drinking the Atkins shakes (pre mixed) and look at some of the cereal bars. You are looking for High Protein and Low Carbs. Although it is hard to find, you want to find something with more protein than carbs. It's an education looking at labels. LOL None of this is part of South Beach so you may want to just do the omelets for these first two weeks.


Also, I've been thinking about your diet drinks. I've been sick for the past two weeks. When I was feeling at my worst, I was sitting her taking Day Quil & Night Quil and drinking lots of diet drinks. My weight went up overnight 3 1/2 lbs. Yesterday I did good as far as calories are concerned but drank a large diet drink at my grandson's birthday party. This morning I weighed and my weight went up 1 1/2 lbs. I'm thinking maybe the diet drinks may be the culprit. That's an advantage of weighing daily - you can try to figure out what is making your weigh go up/fluid retention?? If you plan to do the South Beach, you should really try to follow it exactly for these first two weeks. It limits you on your choices but it should fill you up and help you get some of those cravings out of your system, get you use to eating no sweets, no breads, no potatoes, etc. If you do that, you really should see some drop in your scales each day if you have the digital scales. Don't get discouraged - log what you eat and see what your scales look like the next day.



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Good Morning All!


I am back from 12 days of bad eatting.:( I won't even go there with what I weigh right now. I'm hoping to be down some by Wed. but it will still be a sad weigh in for me..

We had a great cruise, although to short. I doubt we will do another 4 day unless it's the only thing avaliable or affordable. We are beginning to look at some things for later this spring/summer and then again for New Years. I'm thinking waiting is the best bet right now, no incentive to book early unless there are some amazing sells with free upgrades.


Anyway, I am back on the diet and exercise routine this morning, so off we go again. In the past without this group, it's doubtful I would go back on. So thanks to all of you!!


Have a great day!

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Good Morning All!



I am back from 12 days of bad eatting.:( I won't even go there with what I weigh right now. I'm hoping to be down some by Wed. but it will still be a sad weigh in for me..

We had a great cruise, although to short. I doubt we will do another 4 day unless it's the only thing avaliable or affordable. We are beginning to look at some things for later this spring/summer and then again for New Years. I'm thinking waiting is the best bet right now, no incentive to book early unless there are some amazing sells with free upgrades.


Anyway, I am back on the diet and exercise routine this morning, so off we go again. In the past without this group, it's doubtful I would go back on. So thanks to all of you!!


Have a great day!


So very very glad you have taken the first step to keep the weight off and lose more! I think we would all agree getting back on board is the hardest thing to do once you fall off. Together we are going to do this ladies! By booking future cruises you will have the incentive to stay focused and set new goals.


I too haven't done very well the last couple weeks and I haven't gone on my cruise yet!! On Saturday my weight was down and today I'm up a lb. I've been sick but trying to stay on the diet. Maybe once I get all the RX out of my system it will drop off again. Then again, maybe the holidays eating just finally caught up. LOL


Let's all weigh in on Wednesday, and not shame each other with the results. The fact that we are willing to get back on track after the holidays (and after the cruise for some of you) is work a big A+ for the week.


Ladies - let's all set some 2009 goals!


On a different note - what ports & excursions did you ladies go on? Would you do them again?



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Protein Shots - If you can't find them with the diet supplements at Wal Mart check in the sporting goods section where they have physical fitness equipment like weights, etc.. I noticed the week of Christmas at our local Walmart some back there. I'm not sure if they are keeping it in both places now or not as I never went to the regular section that I would normally find them.


Well, everybody after a hard 3 weeks of falling off the wagon I am finally back on track. Guess I have just been too embarrassed by weight gain to want to post. I gained about 5-6 pounds during Christmas. I am now 1 lb less than I was before I started gaining and got my motivation back. I was off work for about 10 days and that really hurt my diet. When I work I keep water with me all night long and consume my 8 glasses while at work. When I was not working ... I rarely drank water and I'm sure that played a huge part in my failure.


Looks like I have a few pages of postings I need to go back and catch up on.

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You've taken that big step - to get back on track after the holidays. You can an "A" for that. I'm not doing that well either, a little yo yoing going on. But we are all in the same boat, ladies, let's start it off again for 2009!



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I'm going to start thinking about new goals over the next day or two and post them here. I think we can all agree thats its been a hard month for us. We can do it ladies ... let's not give up we have gone too far to back down now.


Nana #2 - Have you ever been to Half Moon. It is a piece of heaven and the main reason I chose the Fascination at Halloween ... that and the short drive. I have also been to Nassau several times but this will be the first time we have done Nassau at nighttime. I can take or leave Nassau however I would do a week of sailing with no other ports of call for one stop at Half Moon. I'm also looking at a couple more group outtings for 2010 ... possibly Alaska and a short Bahama Valentine "Romantic" Cruise. I have an associate that is working on a Southern Caribbean Cruise ... I think that would be awesome.


March is considered Wave Season for the Cruise Industry. More cruises are booked that month than in any other month and many of the cruise lines will start offering some great incentatives to book.


I know several of you have visted Dunn River Falls ... is there anyway to just go to the beach area and view the falls without actually climbing the falls. I love waterfalls but for some reason I'm not really excited about holding hands with everyone to climb to the top. I want to get some great pictures and would love to see where the falls spill into the ocean.

I know they have steps that go up the side of the waterfall but just wondering if there was any place to access the beach area without going thru the falls area.

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We went to Dunn River Falls on a catamaran so we actually started where the falls go into the water. Actually the hike up the falls starts at the ocean. We climbed to the top and then walked back down the hill (steps) to our transportation. If your transportation is by land, I assume they let you off, walk you down the steps to the ocean and then you would climb back up falls to your transportation. There is a nice walkway beside the falls. I don't know if they charge you to walk it or not. I didn't think I would like it either, but it wasn't too bad - good exercise for sure. It was nice to be able to say "you did it". LOL It's quite a climb up. We keep seeing this area and said, there's the top! Nope - it was only 1/2 way mark. If you plan to hike it, be sure to take water shoes. I got mine at Walmart but had to order John's. I lost mine (temporarily) and went back to Walmart for a 2nd pair this summer for when we went to the lake (I can swim in a lake but I'm NOT going to walk on the bottom of a lake). Now I have two pair in the camper. However, they are probably too small for you. Some people get a pair of cheap tennis shoes and toss them afterwards. I think they may even have a place there that sells them.



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Robin, climbing Dunns River Falls was the most exhilerating excursion hubby and I did while we were on our cruise. And, "Mike" (who I called my 'new best friend') was a young man who held my hand and, at times, pulled me up the falls. There are a few places where you need longer legs than I have to make the step, so he was there to help me up. We also went via boat, so we started on the beach and went up, then back down to the beach to catch the boat back. There is a pathway not right next to the falls that you can use to go down and back up, with a few places to "pull over" and take pictures, but there is nothing like being in that water and climbing up. What a sense of accomplishment when you're "Dunn"! :) And, Marlene is right -- I think we thought we had made it at least twice (maybe three times) and then realized that we still had further to go. Even my husband, who is not into exercise at all, said that it was the best excursion we did (of course, his zipline and our Stingray City both got cancelled, and he doesn't snorkel, but it was basically his only excursion!).


I feel terrible for feeling this way, but I sure am glad everyone's had a tough month. Makes me feel like less of a failure!


I'll check in (with weight) tomorrow.



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Bonnie - Thanks alot "ref glad we all had a rough month". :D


We have to look at the positive to this. What if you weren't dieting. How much would you have gained? I hope you are all keeping a journal of your weight loss. It helps me to look back at where I was and where I am. Even though December was rough, I lost a total of 7.2 lbs (12/1 - 12/31). If I hadn't been dieting, I can guarantee you I would have gained at least 5 lbs based on prior experience. So I did a good of "12.2 lbs"??


Robin - you should climb the falls. Don't let mom shame you. She climbed it 6 weeks after she had her lung removed the first time she had cancer. When we climbed I was the first person behind the guy leading our group. I just watched where he put his foot and stepped right there. Like Bonnie, if I was struggling, he'd pull me up. As far as holding hands with the group, I promise you want to do that. Sometimes the water current was strong. I did have to get my husband to turn lose of my arm a couple times as the guy in front was pulling me one way and John was pulling me the other way. I thought I was going to break my arm. LOL Bonnie, did you slide down that rock about mid way up? Unfortunately, being the first in line, I had no warning. The leader pushed me down on the rock, me trying to figure out what he was saying. Next thing I knew he was pushing me down the rock!



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Yes, I did slide down the rock (Robin, it's not a rock like Sliding Rock; it's a small rock, but the water under it is deep). Luckily, I was fourth in line so I had some forewarning. The videographer kept saying, "no wet, no fun". It was wet, and it WAS fun! The water is a bit chilly when you first get in it, but it doesn't take long to get used to it and by the time you get to the slide, you're ready to be cooled off a bit. I'd do it again today (wait; I just climbed 322 steps both ways; maybe I should wait until tomorrow to say this) if I had the opportunity. We bought the video. I can mail it to you if you promise to mail it back, if you want to see it...or we could meet for a salad with no cheese and low fat dressing somewhere for me to get it back! ;) I had to let go of Gary's hand a few times, too, but I usually held on to Mike's!!!


Nana #1, I just created an Excel file and chart for my 2009 weight loss right before I logged on here and got your "sermon"! I had not done it for 2008, but I know these last 15-20 pounds are going to be the hardest, so I want to be able to see even the least bit of progress (and hopefully no digress).


A new "Biggest Loser - Couples" begins tonight!!! If you have time to do so, I think you would really enjoy this show. Very inspiring. But, I promise you, Jillian Michaels would KILL me if I were on there! I want to buy her Wii game, but seeing her on BL makes me very scared of her!!! :) And, it's $40.


I hope Mango and Jen are having fun on their cruises!!!


Will check back in in the morning. As of this morning, my weight had only budged -.4 of a pound since last Wednesday :(, but the irregularity problem is back, too. Nana #1, you're doing GREAT to have lost seven pounds in December! Congrats!

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Robin and I would love to meet you for lunch one day soon. We've talked about it. The only problem is for your work schedule, we would need to do it on a Saturday and we'll have to squeeze it in between my granddaughter's basketball games (she's almost 6), Robin's cruise coming up and Robin's daughters ball schedule. LOL - guess we're a bunch of busy people. BB games are either Friday nights or Saturday mornings so that's workable. Let's work out a Saturday soon!


Only .4 lb this week - you have already lost your cruise weight. You've done great!! I've worked on my goals for 2009 and figure it's going to take at least a month to lose what I gain on the cruise (maybe I'll be as lucky as you - NOT).


I have my Excel spreadsheet that I post my weight to daily. I then have a line highlighted for every Wednesday with a column with my "weekly goal". I've highlighted these rows in yellow. On Wednesday, I compare my weight to the goal and either highlight it in Green - YES or Red if I don't reach it. I also "hide" the daily posts so I can then look at the spreadsheet and see only weekly goals/actuals for the previous weeks. Make sense? It really helps to look to see how far I've come so far!



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What are the Nana's doing this Saturday? I plan to go to NorthLake Mall sometime during the course of the day. The next three Saturdays will be out for me. Taylors is in her off season for softball but playing jr.olympic volleyball. The Saturday after we return she will be playing somewhere though we do not know where yet. Usually its' Greensboro, Raleigh, Asheville somewhere like that. I don't have my February schedule yet.


Has anyone every tried Cinnamon as a weight loss supplement. When I was at the grocery store getting my green tea bags and my green tea supplements I noticed a bottle of Cinnamon that said it helped break down sugar and fat. I googled and got a lot of hits. One place described the benefits as follows:




Creates a thermogenic burn. It reduces cholesterol levels – in particular, lowering bad cholesterol while leaving good cholesterol the same. It is cinnamon’s effect on blood sugar that makes it a potential help in the war against obesity, insulin resistance, sometimes known as "prediabetes," and the "Metabolic Syndrome." Cinnamon can be used in its powdered or stick form, adding it to drinks and foods, or as a supplement.

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I've seen the reports of Cinnamon as well and I think if I dig in a few drawers, I'll find a bottle of cinnamon pills as well. I've bought so much stuff. Didn't take it long enough to see any effects, but for someone else it may work.


I'm waiting to hear back from the doctor right now as I'm not getting any better and we're looking at 4 weeks now that I've been sick. So don't know how I will be feeling on Saturday yet. I think Kendall's BB game is on Friday evening, so if I'm feeling better, Saturday would be ok for me. Never been to Northlake but think I could get there the backroads between here and Huntersville.

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Hubby is working Saturday and I had planned to reline the shelves in the kitchen and meet a friend for lunch. If she's willing to come as far as Northlake and if Nana #1 feels better and we decide to meet, I will invite her to join us. There is a Mimi's Cafe across the street from the actual mall (close to Best Buy, Off Broadway Shoes, etc.) that seems to be the perfect place to meet and they have delicious fried....I mean salads, too!:)


Nana #1, regardless of whether we meet Saturday or not (and if you're contagious, I have no desire to meet you then!!!) I hope you feel better very soon.


Keep me posted!


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Good Morning,


I have to leave for work but wanted to sign in with my results.


(SW) 171.6 12/30/08

(CW) 167.2

Goal 159.0 by 2/13/09 when I leave on vacation.

Lost 4.4 lbs.


I hope that all are having a great day. Thanks, I couldn't

do this alone.



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I'll just say I had great holidays and a great cruise and I'm at 151.6. :(

Yes, I'm up:eek:


So it's a New Year with new goals~


SW 171 (9/2/08)

CW 151.6 :(

GW 137-140 by 4/09 vacation


Hope everyone is doing well and had a great holidya season. I guess some gain isn't to bad when your not home for 10 days.

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When I logged on this morning, it was to post my (no) weight loss, but then I saw the notes from Marlene and Robin and the subject being food, I totally forgot to post!!! Looks like I can't even report the .4 of a pound I thought I was down yesterday! :(


SW - 222.2 (with clothes, at clinic, on 05/05/08)

LW - 160.8

CW - 160.8 (no change)

GW - 143 (w/o clothes, by 05/05/09)

LOW (last official weigh in - at clinic, with clothes - 1/6/09) - 164.4

(down 3.4 pounds in SIX weeks :()


I was feeling really down about only losing 3.4 pounds, but I've had a very active, eating 6 weeks. Then, I overheard a man next to me (men always lose more) say that he'd lost .2 of a pound...and it was only his SECOND weigh-in! THEN, the PA told me that they're always happy if a patient can just maintain during the holidays, so she thought a 3.4 pound loss was wonderful. Okay, that helps, but it would've been really nice to magically LOSE some weight for a change instead of magically GAINING it! I also told the PA that if I could've gone to the bathroom before I weighed, I was sure I'd have lost two more pounds! :o


I'm REALLY hoping to be in the "next decade" when I report next Wednesday. It's time for that to happen!

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Good Morning,


I have to leave for work but wanted to sign in with my results.


(SW) 171.6 12/30/08

(CW) 167.2

Goal 159.0 by 2/13/09 when I leave on vacation.

Lost 4.4 lbs.


I hope that all are having a great day. Thanks, I couldn't

do this alone.




Great Job Pam! I am so proud of you. I knew you could do it. The accountability to the group really makes a difference! I'm sure Weldon is so proud of you.



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Again - congratulations to Pam! You are off to a great start.


Went to the doctor today after being sick 4 weeks. I have URI with bronchitis. We spent most of the time talking about my weight loss as I am now 39 lbs lighter than when he last saw me. He was pleased and wanted to know how I did it/doing it. I included you guys in my explanation and he totally agreed that was a very important component. He even looked up our Protein Shots and saw no problem with them. We discussed BMI calculators and that they often talk about getting down to a 22 BMI, which he says should only be for a 20 yr old. He says 24 - 26 was a good range for us. I asked him what should be my goal and he said it depended on how much I wanted to lose for "looks" purpose but he wouldn't want me to get down lower than 135, maybe 140. I gave him my goals and that I was considering shooting for 60 lbs by Halloween which would put me at 137.6. He said he had no problem with that. He also looked at my records and said only one time in the last 7 or so years have I weighed less than I do right now and that was 2 lbs lighter. This is getting too long. Here are my weekly numbers!


SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 160.6 (12/31/08)

CW: 158.6 Today - 2 lbs for week/ 39 lb total

GW: 152.6 by cruise on 2/21/09

GW: 147.6 by Memorial Day - 50 lbs (have to lose my cruise gain plus 5 lbs more)


Considering - 2 lbs month June - October for our Halloween cruise. I'm no good at maintaining so thought I may consider losing a little more.



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Donna - welcome back! I'm planning on a 10 lb gain on my cruise with my drinking, eating, and being merry! I plan to totally enjoy myself! When I get back I'll need everyone's help to get me back on track! So I figure it's going to take me 3 mos to lose the 10 lbs I gain plus another 5 lbs. I so hope I get my cruise weight off sooner than that though! You ladies are doing great coming back and not having that much weight gain. Bonnie - you actually lost 3.4 Lbs. That's fantastic!!!!


I'm proud of both Donna and Bonnie!


Where's Robin - I think she owes us a weigh in she promised earlier.....



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Pam, 4.4 pounds in your first week. That's GREAT! Congratulations! How'd your hubby do? Don't be discouraged if he lost more than you. Men always lose more, but they usually give up sooner, too.


Nana #1, I know your doctor was proud of you. I'm proud of you, too. You've done it without the aid of a prescription, which I'm positive I couldn't have done. I hope he was able to give you something to make you feel better.


Welcome back, Donna. I hope reality isn't as big a blow to you as it was to me. I can't wait until my next cruise....whenever that is! Don't worry about the weight gain. I am a firm believer that weight gained recently is easy to get rid of. It's that weight that's been with you for 20 years that is the tough part.


One guy on the Biggest Loser last night lost 30 lbs in his first week! Of course, he weighed 454 pounds to begin with. They've got some BIG ones on there this time! And, one little couple in their high 60's -- the husband has already been to the hospital once, and the show just started!


Had a little bit of luck in the bathroom today (I know you don't want to hear this, but what else do I have to talk about?) and ate chili beans for dinner, which USUALLY work. I've got my fingers crossed that they work tonight. If I weigh less in the morning, I'll be sure to report it!

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Hi everybody. Don't have time to do the regular format so I will make this brief.... Gotta go to work.


Nana #2 - I get tickled everytime I read your post. You know you are really into dieting when after you have a good BM you think I wonder how much that must have weighed and run to the scales to see how much you dropped.


My weight had went back up to 215 over the holidays. Today I weighed in at 208.6 which is about 2 lbs less than my before holiday weight. I'm hoping to drop another couple pounds before we leave on the 16th.


Tomorrow I will check back and and see how everyone has done. Came in late tonight from shopping for the cruise and have just enough time to shower and get to work.

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