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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Great tip on the zucchini Bonnie - and we have two huge plants just loaded with young zucchini. No zucchini bread for me (promise) so its nice to have something new and interesting to do with it. Thanks!


Had a "more than WEAK" end. Ate way to much of all kinds of bad for me treats - back on plan today and have already finished most of my pitcher of water for the day. I'm floating but need to counter all those things I ate. Trying for some damage control here. (BTW, also had a lot of fun and walked more than I would have thought I could (knee issues) with no problem. Can I get an attaboy please!:p


Hanging in there!


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WTG on the walking Marie ! Wish I could say I exercised but nope not me - As always I had a weakend but not ad bad as last week. So I have high hopes for a good week. I'm up 2.2 lbs from Friday but keep in mind that last week I went up 6 lbs and lost 5 of those by end of week. Working on Halloween costumes for our Halloween cruise. Order one for dh but hit the GW Boutique to buy stuff for mine. Now I got to turn what I bought into an actual costume.


Pam - it was great to hear from you on

Saturday. Ladies she actually called me and I was thrilled.


Hope everyone has great week. Gotta get back

to work!



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:o Hi all! Thanks so much for the great welcome.....sorry I disappeared for a bit. I work a mainly seasonal job and have been putting 6-7 days, 65-75 hours in....ugh.

Now for formal introductions....My name is Alicia, I live near Chicago, and I am sailing on the Liberty Jan 16, 2010.

This is my first cruise and I am truly excited. I wasn't at first, I am not real good with any kinda change, I love my AI resorts. The hard part for me with this cruise is that we are going with so many people that we know.....I kinda like the anonimity (sp?) of vacationing without a group.

So long story short, was 122lbs in 2006, after a long battle with illness, job loss, family loss, etc I am up to 155.5. I gained 7lbs in 2007 on my honeymoon in Jamaica...just terrible lol. Excuses aside, I am using this cruise as motivation to get off my butt.

I am Very excited to meet you all, my motivation has been super low and none of my fellow crusing group wants to get on the bandwagon....so yay for all of you, looking forward to helping each other out.

Congrats to all of you this week....I'm off to buy a scale before Friday ;)

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I have to admit....I had to read a few posts over and over. I don't think I will be able to keep everyone straight just yet but I'll get the hang of it ;). Starting my new workout tonight, wish me luck ( I couldn't drag myself out of bed this morning to do it).

Have a great night everyone!

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Alicia I'm also a big AI fan. I went on my first cruise in February this year. I rally enjoyed it. I still like my all inclusive resorts as well. The friends I met on cruise critic and then met up with in person made a big difference. I think it's fun to get on the roll calls and meet everyone online and

plan your trip with them. I think Robin (angelkisses) is

going on a cruise maybe same week in january.


Be sure you get the digital scales!

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I hate to say this, but I was so happy to see that (almost) everyone else is having a hard time of it! :eek: That's not nice of me to say, but I feel like SUCH a failure these days that it's comforting to know that I'm not in the boat alone.


Tomorrow is my first official Weight Watchers at Work meeting. I've done WW before, so I know the plan and had myself all geared up to get used to the diet (I mean "lifestyle change"!) before the classes started, but instead I used those two weeks to EAT LIKE A HORSE! I just hope the WW@W works because if it doesn't, I'll have to go back to the (expensive) weight loss clinic. I CANNOT get back to 222.2 pounds!!!! Not to mention that I have NO "fat clothes" anymore.


Okay ladies, we all need to BUCKLE DOWN.


I would ask where Robin is, but I understand that she is probably ooohing and aaaahing over her first grandbaby right now. Congrats again, Robin!


Cayman turns one year old on Thursday! Can you believe it????




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I'm sorry that a lot of you are at a slow point. I fully understand. Initally I lost 7 pounds in May when my hubby was in the hospital and another 2 when I quit drinking Pepsi. The loss gave me the motivation to lose more but it's slowly creeping back. As much as I try to get my butt in gear I am super sluggish lately......with that said.....

Ladies, I need you. I promise to be here for you also. I know I am new here but in time you will all get to know me. I work tons of hours and have no real support network here where I live. Everyone I know just laughs at me when I explain my goals, they give me the "whatever you don't need to lose weight lecture". I am uncomfortable in my own skin and I am tired of just being upset about it.

I have a ton of workout and cooking tips I'd love to share. I am currently on a video kick and just bought a few new ones. I have been scanning backwards to catch up on all the tips and tricks and I will be sure to add a few.

Don't get discouraged, sometimes you have to go uphill and downhill to reach your final destination. Have a great day Ladies!!!!!

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Hey Alicia - I also live near Chicago (Frankfort) so again - welcome aboard! And Judi has transformed from an Illinois person into a real southern belle :p Surprise surprise she doesn't miss our Chicago winters one bit either!


Love to hear your tips. Here's something I've made for myself twice this week:


Slice open a whole wheat pita - Toast it lightly in the oven or toaster.

Now spread with chopped tomatoes, seasoning (oregano/basil etc) and mushroom, peppers etc. Sprinkle with shredded mozarella and brown in the broiler. Yum!


Keeping the ice water pitcher on a side table at work - can't believe how many times I refill my glass each day. So refreshing and I drink lots more than when I was bringing bottles.


Staying OP and really watching it - Have taken off the extra lbs. from eating everything in sight last Weakend. ;) Rather pleased with that and hoping to actually have a drop to report by Friday. A SF fudgsicle is calling though---Gotta run, :p



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And I work for company headquartered in Chicago! Thanks for recipe Marie! Where is Pam? I understand from her dh that she went hiking into the caverns - lots of steps - but she pushed herself to do it WTG to go



Hopefully Robin will be back on soon. She just got back

from beach and we all know how depressing that is when you get back and weigh.


I don't seem to be losing but at least not gaining. My body seems to be saying I Am Not Going Any Lower!!!


Working ony halloween costume and I

can tell tou if I gain any weight it is not going to fit.

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Hello Everyone!


Yes, I did go to Mercer Caverns on Sunday, it goes down 16 stories and then you have to come back up 16 stories. Can't believe that I actually did it. But I'm sore this week from all the stairs. But had a great time. I ate more than I really should have but I did get some exercise also. My weight hasn't gone up but not down much either.


Welcome again Alicia. I'm looking forward to all your tips. We do need to be there to support each other. My life has been really busy and I haven't been able to be on line as much but will try and check in at least once a day.


Hope that everyone else is having a great week. Marlene, you can also call me once in a while. I really do enjoy talking with you. Tell John hello from me.



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Yes Pam you are right. I should try calling you sometime. I will try to do better. I have been so busy getting ready for the Halloween cruise that I haven't hadich

time to look at our February cruise but did look at st kitts some tonight.


Anyone on here been on southern Carribbean cruise? We are going to be are going to be in different port each day and need to decide on excursions. Would love to hear whAt you would recommend

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First meeting was yesterday. Got my Week 1 booklet and sat and read every last page last night. Had 23 points yesterday (3 over toward my 35 extras per week) and have had 4 today so far. I also just took my first ever Green Tea Mega T tablet from Walmart. Don't know if they're the same ones that you buy, Marlene. I got the 30 pill pack ($4.00) because I wanted to see if they work before I strap myself with a bottle of over 100 ($13). You'll know what's happening if my typing gets shaky! :D


PAM! 16 stories of steps??? Holy cow! Was there an elevator option? I am very proud of you. I think the most stories I've gone is 12-13. A couple of weekends ago, we stayed on the 15th floor of a hotel and I walked from the 2nd floor up (no 13th floor) -- 265 steps. Yes, I'm a step counter. I count all 14 EVERY time I go up or down in my own home, and I do those several times a day...but I still count them. :o


Thanks for the encouragement, Alicia. I'm open to all the low-fat (high fiber?) ideas you can offer. There are several interesting recipes in the Week 1 booklet, but I'm going to try them before I share them. I've started an Excel spreadsheet at home to help me keep up with how many points certain foods have so that I don't have to figure it out every time. Last night, I made tuna fish salad (Hellman's low fat mayo), figured out how many points were in the whole bowl, then halved it with DH (he is NOT going to be happy pretty soon, but he needs to do this even worse than I do) for 5 points. I have a "Recipes" tab on my spreadsheet and I logged how much of each item I added so I can make it the same way net time and already know the points.


Yes, I'm pumped. I just hope it lasts!


By the way, Alicia, it isn't the pill that's made me type so much. I don't get on here as often as I used to, but I ALWAYS "talk too much" when I do!!!


Have a great day, ladies! I'll be back tomorrow to report my weigh-in results.




P.S. Birthday party in Raleigh (3-hour drive) this weekend for my one-year-old grandson. Wish me luck!!!


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Hi all!!! I have been up to Chicago and missed two Wed weigh-ins. I think I am down 3 pounds, but don't want to gloat until it is "official"...:D Two good Weight Watcher based web sites are hungrygirl.com. Lots of recipes, food info, restaurant info, and food swaps. Dottie's Weight Loss Zone has the points for almost all restaurant foods (dwlz.com). I try to keep my calories between 1200 and 1500 and it seems to be working..I have lost 30 pounds since Feb.. I'm allowed 18 points on WW and I don't exercise at all. Never did, so I'm kinda squishy!! I don't care now at my age, no one's going to be feeling me!!! One other trick I use on myself is to use smaller plates. Instead of the large dinner plates I use luncheon plates. Looks like you have more food!! I cook at home six nights a week and usually for DH and a couple of other friends. Fortunately all like veggies!! Unfortunately I'm Italian!!! But, I have still managed to lose weight, and hubby lost 25 pounds! The junk food snackie things are out of the house!!! I still love my candy, but have learned to control and ration it out to myself. Good luck to everyone!!


SW 169.5

LW 140.5

CW 137 (not official)

GW 135

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Good Morning Ladies!

I hope everyone is having a great day so far. Where I am the sun is shining and there isn't a cloud in the sky....no reason not to be motivated today!

So here's a few tips since a few of us seem to have hit a stand-still.


1. No matter what kind of activity you do, you must vary the intensity every week. It doesn't matter if you walk, dance, step or lift weights, whatever you do you have to mix it up a little. You do not have to work harder, even by easing up a little for just two workouts a week will burn 9 times more fat. You have to trick your body into thinking it's working harder sometimes. There is more to the theory but you get the idea ;)


1. It seems as if many of you are on WW, that's great! I'm not sure how all the points work but here are a few ideas....

a) You can not live without carbs....a no carb diet is bound to fail at some point. You will lose weight but your body craves the fule it needs to stabilize your metabolisim.....With that said make your carbs count!

Brown Rice:

Add oregano, sea salt, fresh cracked pepper, and a smidge of thyme to water before cooking rice. When rice is done cooking heat a frying pan, add a teaspoon ot two of EV Olive Oil, saute fresh chopped garilc until half way cooked thru. Add rice fry rice, Olive Oil, and Garilc together for 2 mins.

Sorry it's a rough recipe. You can use instant or regular rice....I make tons at a time as it reheats well for a few days.


I hate almost everything about the stuff....even when I was a kid. I know it's good for me but...YUCK! I have recently found something I can tolerate....Yoplait Whips!!! Not only is the texture different but I freeze them. Every afternoon I get a frozen yogurt treat that I actually like. I think it's decent on calories but it's a good serving of dairy and a satisfying treat.

Well I better get back to work :p Till....next time!

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I've got lots of work to do, so this will be short....


CSW: 161.4 (7/10/09

LW: 162.4 (7/31/09)

CW: 160.6 (8/7/09)




Not GREAT, but at least in the opposite direction than I have been going. BTW, I weighed 1.4 pounds MORE for my first official WW meeting than I did for the "practice meeting" two weeks ago...and I weighed after I ate lunch at the first meeting!!!


Hope you all have a great WEEKend.



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Good Morning!


Bonnie - feel encouraged just like you do - yeah for us - we're going the right direction! I don't have time to look back at dates etc. but today I was 171.4. Since that's down 2.5 from where I was after my weakend ;) - I'm pleased.


Can't stay on as I'm at work with meeting shortly but wanted to check in. Hoping you all have a great day.



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Do you have room for one more on this wagon? I haven't gone back and read everything because there are so many postings, is there a good place to start to meet everyone and learn the right ways? I have until Jan. 23 and would love to lose at least 30 or more by then, but mostly just want to feel the energy.


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I have just booked MY FIRST CRUISE that sails out of Baltimore 1/24. Translation: i have until January 2010 to get back down to my goal weight. :eek: I used to weigh around 125, when I worked out every day, running mostly and eating small meals (worked long hours/midnights and it didnt leave alot of time for HUUGE meals). I got sick a few years ago, moved, switched jobs, and pretty much stopped working out. boo.:p


I now weigh a whopping 158 on my 5'3" frame. Definitely not where i want to be. I would like to lose 28 pounds to get down to 130 by the time I sail! i am determined not to look like a whale in my bathing suit!


I am trying to make sure i cook every day, with smaller portions. The portion size seems to be my problem along with snacking - or as i like to call it "grazing" :rolleyes: my biggest problem is my enabler aka my boyfriend who while he is also trying to get back in shape - being a guy it takes a week of him going to the gym for an hour a day and boom there are his abs! so frustrating!!! then he wants to go celebrate by heading out with friends for pitchers of beer LOL.


There are a lot of posts here (still trying to go back and read em) so if theres room for one more, lemme know how yall work it and I would love to join in!


spags @}-}---

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Welcome! Stunned (Judy) and Spaganya


Very glad to have you join us. You will find that we are here to support one another. There are times that we may be quiet but we will all come back and post. Official weigh in is on Friday.....


Sorry ladies, I have not posted my figures. That is because I have not lost any this week. I was the same as last week.


SW (Starting Weight) 173.8

LW (Last Week) 170.4

CW (current Week) 170.4

Goal (2/7/10) 150.0


Marlene, you also have not posted. Come on, I've missed you.



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The best way to read about who we all are is to go to the July 24th entry by NanaofBKM (who calls herself Nana#1, but if she doesn't hurry up and come back, I'm going to become #1 and she can be #2!!! :D) She made this entry to explain to "Denali", who is also relatively new to the group, who we all are.


And, as I stated in a later post, anyone who is joining us now thinks that the "30 pounds until New Years" means New Years 2010, but in actuality, our group started in '08....for New Years' 2009!!! We just decided to remain friends and weight loss buddies into the new year...and beyond.


And, if you are members of Facebook, send us your names and we can be friends there, too. If you're not, it's an excellent way to find old friends...and meet new ones. I'm Bonnie Cadd Smith on Facebook.


Okay, ladies, I must confess that this was yet another WEAKend. Driving 3 hours to a one-year-old's birthday party only to turn around and drive back didn't help my eating habits a bit. I ate a decent breakfast Saturday morning, but when I got there, I was offered chips, dip, and Manwiches! I did NOT have a piece of birthday cake....I had two cookies instead! :(


And, yesterday wasn't much better.


I have GOT to shape up before Wednesday weight-in at Weight Watchers!!!


Got an interesting recipe out of a Weight Watchers e-mail I received this morning. Obviously haven't tried it yet, but thought I'd share it anyway. Here goes:


Cranberry-Nut Turkey Roll Ups


Spread two medium low-fat whole-wheat tortillas each with 1 tablespoon whole-berry cranberry sauce and 1 tablespoon fat-free mayonnaise. Top each with 3 ounces thickly sliced deli turkey breast, 1 leaf romaine lettuce, and 1 teaspoon chopped pecans. Roll up and serve. POINTS value: 4 (Now, my question is...do you eat both roll-ups for 4 points...or only 1? I know, probably only 1.:()


Sounds good, huh?


Gotta get to work. Stop lurking (especially you, Nana #1) and come talk to us!!!




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Glad you both decided to join us :)! Great time to buckle down before your trips. Love to look forward to a trip. And a new cruiser to boot! You will find tons of info on cruise critic forums. ( I know I had a lot of questions before our first cruise) also feel free to ask on this thread too. We can probably head you in the right direction if nothing better!


We exchange ideas, encourage each other and "confess" our dieting mishaps. Chime in anytime. We tend to go in spurts of lots of posts down to nothing and back to lots. Just how things go.


BTW, thanks for that recipe Marlene - and I have the whole wheat pitas in the refrig. Definitely will try soon. (Always love the turkey sandwiches more than the Thanksgiving meal itself)



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You may be thanking Nana #1 for Nana #2's recipe!!! :D And, since Nana #1 seems to be missing in action, she doesn't get credit for it!!!


Of course, Marlene may have posted a recipe that I didn't see, too, in which case I'll be really :o 'd.


Marlene, I KNOW you're reading and not writing! Let's hear it...just how much ice cream DID you eat this past weekend??? :D




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Oops you're right Bonnie - :o. I'm the one embarrassed (only slightly but what the heck). Thanks for the recipe Bonnie. (BTW I'm pretty sure you directed the new guys to the post Marlene did that mentions everyone else but forgot about me. What's going on here :rolleyes:) LOL


Marie (Mango)

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Thanks for the warm welcome yall :D


I have to purchase a scale by friday - so i can post my weights. all this week im trying to limit my caloric intake to about 1400 a day, with at least a half hour of boxing (burns about 500 cals) a day and doing small weight training 3 times a week.


Doing my math i think all i need to do is loose 1-2 pounds a week until my deadline - then i don't even have to do maintenance before the cruise! lol


I gotta start doing the drink more water thing too - probably will help with all the humidity around here - it was 105 yesterday! :eek:


i do have to say at least this cruise has me motivated. for the last few years i have watched my weight creep up as i go up in sizes. its depressing!!!!!:p hopefully this will help stop the insanity.


okay gotta go get ready for work - toodles yall!


anya @}-}---

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