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Tired of Comments about Cruising in Hurricane season...


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Hummm, before this gets out of hand.....:rolleyes: ..... As cruisers that visit this site, we sometimes are ask questions that we may have been ask a 100 times before.... Mostly by those whom have never cruised or cruised many years ago..... You know the drill, What time is Muster drill?, What can I wear on Formal night???


Many times we try to be polite and answer the questions honestly and with as few words as needed.... But then the number of questions is finally reached, we don't even open the thread that start with "May I wear blue jeans to dinner?"....


It has got to the same point with the whinning and complaining for many of us.... "Carnival didn't deliver as promised!!!, Had to divert to _____ because of weather!!!!...."


I have gotten to the point that I don't even open up thread's that have to do with the weather between June and Oct., cause like many of you, I've seen about all the things the cheerleaders and the haters throw out there.... Maybe if the OP's of these different post just get to vent a bit then they feel better but I don't have to be a part of their venting process.... I wish that everyone who cruised any ship had a perfect cruise where the cabin steward was attentive and timely and the DOD was delivered right when they wanted it... There were always chairs available by the pool, even on the hottest sea day.... Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind sailing that ship myself....:)


Joey & Pat

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Absolutely agree

I rather be at work also when the cruise is ... well sucky!


Ok, but here's the thing.

How many people on here have had a cruise SO bad that they wished they were at work?

just curious.



There is not one so callled 'cheerleader' on these boards that has an issue with valid complaints written in a well balanced review. It's mostly the 'rant' reviews (which, most of the time are really difficult to read, has anyone ever noticed that??) that get attacked.


Reviews that are honest and state the good and the bad are always met with gratitude.

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In a perfect world, TAs and PVPs would take the time to completely explain the possibilities ...when newbies are cruising during "peak" hurricane season.


I wish all the Cruise Lines would have a FAQ Link on their websites that clearly state what can happen AND the importance of travel insurance (especially if you are cruising during this time). Not everyone reads cruise forums...(or even knows they exist)....especially newbies.


That way if a TA or PVP does not want to take the time to go through all the possibilities, they could direct them to the Cruise Line's website.


Then if people elect to "self insure"....they have made that decision with all the proper information.


I am still amazed that Carnival has not deserted places like Galveston and New Orleans ... like other cruise lines who elect to only cruise during the "good part of the season". Carnival's reputation takes a hit when something goes wrong because of a hurricane....but no one gives them prompts for taking the risk and supporting the local economy 12 months out of the year.


Yes, Carnival makes money too. But they could make it elsewhere without the hurricane risks like other cruise lines do.

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Yes, people always need an outlet when they are upset.

Funny that people always make time to complain if they are upset.


These are always the SAME people that don't take the time to do their homeowrk first. They invest a lot of money into a cruise (or any other vacation) without doing any research...but when things go wrong, POW~ on the computer, Googling away, to see who they can complain to.

These same people will complain to the cruiseline about every little thing that wasn't perfect on their cruise but would never take the time to write the cruise line with compliments on the staff.


No cruise is perfect. if you come on here and have a well thought out review that is constructive, everyone appreciates it. If you have one big negative rant, no one can take you seriously.

If you come on and express disappointment because of changes to your itinerary, this is also fine. but if you come on with a rant, ESPECIALLY if your cruise was diverted because of a storm, this is not the same thing.


Back a few months ago a passenger caused a riot on one of CCL's ships because he was outraged that they missed a port and all he got in monetary compensation was a return of the port fee. If I had been on that cruise and had that passenger getting everyone all fired up, it would have totally wrecked my cruise...the missing port would have just been a mere disappointment. But a ship full of irate passengers would have killed it for me. I don't know what people expect the ship to do when there is a hurricane. Do they want the Captain to sail into it???

Do they expect their cruise cost refunded???

I don't get it.



Anyway, I do get upset when people 'find' CC after the fact IF they are ranting.

Many have come on with valid complaints, expressed well in a calm post and have stated that they wished they had found Cruise Critic before they cruised. These intelligent people, who realize they made a mistake and learned a lesson from it are not to be confused with the 'one post wonders' who create a first post that is nothing but a negative rant.


You said what is on my mind!

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We actually like cruising during Hurricane Season. I know some don't but the seas most of the time are very calm and the water in the islands is like a bath tub.


Nov out of Fl is one of the worst times to go (if you don't like choppy water) out of fl because of the cold fronts coming through and it makes the water rough.


Great 1st cruise on the Sensation in November.

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There must be alot folks here who are working deadend jobs they hate. I for one love teaching and I don't want to pay for a lousy cruise experience because it's better than being at work.


I see absolutely nothing wrong with people coming here to share the positives and negatives of their cruise. If that didn't happen what would the "critic" part be?


This may surprise some of you, but just a small fraction of cruisers know about this website. Sure it would be great if everybody in the United States who cruised would come to this site before they sailed, but what's the chance of that happening. Would they be better informed, yes, but after they cruise is no reason to beat them up if they come and give a rant or balanced review. I didn't find this site until after I returned from my first cruise and it was also to complain. Who cares when you came?

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I wish all the Cruise Lines would have a FAQ Link on their websites that clearly state what can happen AND the importance of travel insurance (especially if you are cruising during this time). Not everyone reads cruise forums...(or even knows they exist)....especially newbies.



That would work ONLY if people took the time to read it. The problem with the people who complain (rabidly) is they are unprepared. They are unprepared because they don't take the time to investigate. These people don't even glance at their documents either.


We are grown, adult, educated people. We should not have to be walked through this like kindergated children. The inforamtion is out there. You have to look for it and take the responsibility yourself.

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Ok, but here's the thing.

How many people on here have had a cruise SO bad that they wished they were at work?

just curious.




Well since you brought it up I'll answer. While we have yet to have a cruise that was that bad (knock on wood) I certainly would rather have stayed at work then to go on the last Conquest/Ecstacy voyage......not knowing where we will disembark, lack of info, cars lost, extra expense to get home from Orleans etc.........yes....if I had the choice I would pick work:D

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This may surprise some of you, but just a small fraction of cruisers know about this website.


That's not the issue.

There are millions of people who don't know about CC...but CC is NOT the only source of information. The people who's reviews are nothing but negative (because they are not empowered with knowledge on cruising) did NO research what so ever.

They dumped a lot of money, with no thought or investigation...and when they got something they didn't expect, they freak and push blame.


This is about TAKING RESPONSIBILITY...nothing more.

if you come on here (after your cruise) and post that you had a lousy time because YOU (and I don't mean you persoanlly...I just am being general here) were unprepared and should have found CC (or another source) prior to your cruise and that you will know better next time, then you are a rational adult.

If you come on here for the first time and say you had a lousy cruise and it's all the Cruiseline's fault, then I can't print on here what you are because I'll get banned.

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Well, let me be one of the few who, although not tickled skippy-pink, is quite happy with how our hurricane-interrupted cruise ended.

Hubby was already being a bit stubborn about two cruises this year, and told me to not plan on it for next year. We're already set for a cruise with my bfamily on Norwegian, and since we've got to use that 50% discount by December 15, 2009, I guess we get to cruise twice again next year! :D

Also, no real complaints about the shortened cruise, maybe other than a few miserable people who couldn't stand to see anyone else pefectly happy making lemonade.

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I'm assuming none of that applies to people who do their research, have cruised many times, and still wind up with a cruise where they "got something they didn't expect" and give a negative review, right?


I feel fortunate that we've had a wonderful time on every cruise we've taken. But they haven't all been perfect. On one, we had a room steward that wasn't very good. On a few, we've had some so-so meals in the dining room (tough steaks, mostly, but the ubiquitous rubbery lobster, from time to time, too), and even some very-less-than-stellar wait staff, and the occasional testy purser. Now, had all of these occurred on one cruise, I'd be on here letting people know -- more than that, I'd be writing Carnival and letting THEM know -- basically saying I'd had a lousy cruise and that it was the cruiseline's fault. Who else's fault would it be? It hasn't, as yet, happened all on one cruise, but it IS possible. And the possibility becomes greater if people refuse to believe that Carnival, or any other cruise line, cannot possibly improve. Thankfully, I don't think Carnival believes that, but some people on this forum sure seem to (not necessarily you, I'm just responding to your post because it made me think of all this)!


I agree 100%.

I stated (several times) that a well rounded review with good and bad goes over perfectly on these boards. People appreciate hearing honesty when it is written coherently and is balanced. It is only the absolute rants that get attacked (usually). My last review, which was for my first RCI cruise was posted on their boards and it wasn't perfect...but the way I presented it didn't make everyone all defensive because it was balanced.

The bad has to be presented...you don't want people to think their cruise is going to be perfect...that's the point!! It's the people who blindly going in, expecting perfection that are the issue.

If you look into a cruise and read as much as you can before hand, this makes the imperfections easier to handle because you know ahead of time that: (possibly)

The food isn't rated that great

There may be a change in itinerary because it's hurricane season

The slide is closed

The kids program isn't that great

The entertainment is lacking



AND if you investigate enough, you'll likely know that things vary from week to week on every ship.


Cruising is NOT a vacation for the folks that like everything in order and perfect and the same all the time. You can go to Disney, every year for 20 years and get the same service...the same everything. It's consistant. There is NOTHING consistant about cruising EVER. If you are the type of person who likes consistency and same-ness, cruising is not the vacation for you. It's like Forest's Mom said aout life..."it's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."

if you understand this ahead of time, it's all good.


Never mind. *LOL*

too late, I already quoted you. :p


Also, no real complaints about the shortened cruise, maybe other than a few miserable people who couldn't stand to see anyone else pefectly happy making lemonade.


Aside from sinking ;) that is my biggest fear about cruising. I firmly believe that the passengers can make or break a cruise. This is why I had such a great cruise on RCI...the cruise itself had great points and bad points but the passengers were really awesome on the whole cruise (which started out rather bumpy!!) and this made everything great.

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I live on the SW coast of Florida. People should know that hurricane season is from June 1 -NOv. 1! Now, if you want to believe that we can't have a hurricane in Oct., go ahead!! Hurricane Wilma hit the Naples/Fort Myers area----and created havoc all the way to W.Palm Beach/FLauderdale---on about Oct. 26, 2005. That was the year we went into the Greek alphabet on the hurricane season. The only thing you can do is be prepared and do NOT BE NAIVE when it comes to hurricane season. We are in a very different storm pattern these days! We've been told the last few years that this could last for another decade or longer. Book a cruise. Have fun. But, don't blame the cruise line!



Hurricane season isn't over until the end of November. And last year, there was a scare even in December (I think it was Tropical Storm Olga?).


As far as cruising in November, I love it . . .

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Hurricane season isn't over until the end of November. And last year, there was a scare even in December (I think it was Tropical Storm Olga?).


As far as cruising in November, I love it . . .

I, and a few others, got a lot of grief for admitting we didn't know when hurricane SEASON is.


I don't know why, when people who figure they know about it can't even agree when it is.


Seems better to me to just figure that weather -- wonderful, weird, or otherwise -- can happen at ANY time, ANY where.

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Ok, but here's the thing.

How many people on here have had a cruise SO bad that they wished they were at work?

just curious.




I have. We went on a 5 day out of Baltimore in May (not hurricane season). The seas were terrible both ways, outer deck doors locked, barf bags placed in hallways and at elevators. It was dark and rainy for the 2 days in Bermuda. Seas so bad we were 3 hours late arriving back at port. The ship was full of 80 to 90 year olds from a retirment home, bitched and moaned about everything, you could not get a way from it. Yes I felt like that cruise was a waste of money and would have rather not gone and worked.

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I have. We went on a 5 day out of Baltimore in May (not hurricane season). The seas were terrible both ways, outer deck doors locked, barf bags placed in hallways and at elevators. It was dark and rainy for the 2 days in Bermuda. Seas so bad we were 3 hours late arriving back at port. The ship was full of 80 to 90 year olds from a retirment home, bitched and moaned about everything, you could not get a way from it. Yes I felt like that cruise was a waste of money and would have rather not gone and worked.

That sucks...big time. :(

I never said it was impossible, just rare ...and if you came on and told your story no one would jump on you..UNLESS you made all those complaints and blamed it on the cruiseline. This is where it gets nasty.


I, and a few others, got a lot of grief for admitting we didn't know when hurricane SEASON is.



Although I find that odd, it still isn't the point.

IF someone isn't aware of hurricane season, does this give them the right to come on CC with a rabid rant blaming the cruiseline for the storm and not compensating them for missiong a port?

Ok...I need to rephrase, of course they have the right to rant where ever and to whom ever cares to listen. I guess I just want to know is, how are we supposed to take someone seriously if they take no responsibility for NOT knowing?

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As I see it, if you cruise, you travel, even if your home port is less than fifty miles from home. Although most of us don't have to worry about high water at the fords, stagecoach bandits, our horses dropping dead mid-journey, pirates, windless seas that keep our ships stuck in mid-ocean for weeks on end, or other perils from days of yore, there are still some risks when traveling. I'm just grateful that the major cruise lines don't take stupid risks with their ships and passengers.


I was on a cruise on the Carnival Victory back in 2005 that got chased around the Caribbean by Hurricane Dennis. I was disappointed not to see the Caymans, and even more disappointed that I didn't get to scuba dive on that trip. But the storm was a risk that came with deciding to take a summer cruise, and that time my luck rolled snake-eyes. I didn't see it as grounds for a major (bleeping) session. I survived to cruise again and did so.


I will go ahead and say this because I am getting a little frustrated with the continuous comments of "that's what you get for cruising during hurricane season". Yes, there are alot of people that whine about the weather and the inconvenience of cruise disruption. But I would be willing to bet that most of those that complain are first or second time cruisers. Most of us that have cruised multiple times understand that anything can happen at any time.


People say that cruises are cheaper during that time of year. I have cruised multiple times during different times of the year and the best price we ever got was during May. I cruise when I cruise based not just on the cost, but the ports, availability of friends and when my husband gets to schedule his vacation.


I know that there is the possibility my cruise will be shortened or lenghtened based upon circumstances beyond my control. Several years ago my husband went into anaphylactic shock from an unknown allergy to shellfish on the very first night of a 7 day cruise. He was rushed to the infirmary where he spent 12 hours taking oxygen and having shots. We couldn't leave the ship for the first port because he had to take it easy. Another time we floated around for 2 extra days because of a storm and had to be bused from Fort Lauderdale to Port Canaveral on an old Greyhound bus because our port was too damaged for the ship's arrival. But did we let it bother us? No, we enjoy going and whatever happens during the trip, I let it roll off my back and go with the flow.


And while we are at it, quit complaining about the waiter or room steward, the show you didn't like, that the food wasn't what you expected, the room was too small, blah...blah...blah...blah... Just enjoy the ride!:D

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I was on a cruise on the Carnival Victory back in 2005 that got chased around the Caribbean by Hurricane Dennis. I was disappointed not to see the Caymans' date=' and even more disappointed that I didn't get to scuba dive on that trip. But the storm was a risk that came with deciding to take a summer cruise, and that time my luck rolled snake-eyes. I didn't see it as grounds for a major (bleeping) session. I survived to cruise again and did so.[/quote']


You're the kind of passenger I enjoy cruising with. :)

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I just read a review where the poster complained though out the ENTIRE review about the food. Her "entire cruise was ruined because the food wasn't even edible". :eek:


I'm sorry, but if you can screw up a cruise because you didn't get the perfect fillet mignon, or enough lobster or the perfect piece of pie, then you're just a griper. ...shrugs... That's how I see it.


At the end of the review she said she'd never cruise again because she lost 8 pounds from horrible food. If you're THAT concerned with eating when there's beautiful water (usually!), lovely sun (at least ONE day!), bingo, casino, games, swimming, napping, and people waiting on you hand and foot for 10 bucks a day, then you probably needed to drop some weight anyway! :eek: I mean, I like to eat as much as the next person, but come on, already!!


Cruising is about seeing the world in a whole different way. It's about relaxing and just watching the world go by one minute and having the time of your life the next minute. You have to roll with it. If you go just for food or you plan every single second and freak when those plans don't go perfectly (like hurrican season, for example!), you're the type of person who's never going to be really happy no matter where you are because you're looking for constant perfection and it doesn't exist on this planet.


If you're looking for cruise lines to make everything perfect, then you're delusional.


I couldn't be happier than to be on the ocean, no matter the weather, with my DH and kids, and know that I don't have to deal with everyday struggles for that minute. I can just roll with it and enjoy the adventure!


That's just my humble opinion, anyway. :D

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Although I find that odd, it still isn't the point.

Well, my post about that wasn't TO your point.

IF someone isn't aware of hurricane season, does this give them the right to come on CC with a rabid rant blaming the cruiseline for the storm and not compensating them for missiong a port?

Ok...I need to rephrase, of course they have the right to rant where ever and to whom ever cares to listen. I guess I just want to know is, how are we supposed to take someone seriously if they take no responsibility for NOT knowing?

If you read my entire post (I assume you did, even though you only quoted a portion), you'll note that I said it's best to assume that ANY sort of weather (including hurricanes) can happen at ANY time (not just when someone has declared it the "season").


I agree that everyone has the right to rant. We are fortunate to live in a country where we have the right to do a lot of foolish -- and ultimately useless -- things!

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And I agree with you board vets that think we newbies should do a little research b before posting a question. How many time can you answer "How much do I tip" and other questions that pop up every day or two and are answered well and often. I belong to a board (not cruise related) where those kinds of question would be answered by "see previous threade" or "try the search function."

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And I agree with you board vets that think we newbies should do a little research b before posting a question. How many time can you answer "How much do I tip" and other questions that pop up every day or two and are answered well and often. I belong to a board (not cruise related) where those kinds of question would be answered by "see previous threade" or "try the search function."

Can you get the search function to work here? I don't know if it's me, or my computer, or what, but I haven't been able to use the search function for a really. long. time.



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