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Cruising Grand on the Amsterdam Asia/Pacific


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Post Cruise Musings


I have not yet read the other blogs on this year’s Asia/Australia cruise. Now that this is written I will take my time to enjoy what others on board have chosen to share. The following thoughts are influenced by my experiences and perceptions and not those of others.


First of all MOST things went right and went well. We did not experience anything that went awry that was important enough to mention. We had a wonderful time. We met wonderful people. We went to exquisite exotic ports -- and we traveled in elegant style. The crew could not have been kinder. This cruise will provide me with memories and stories for years to come.


We had an extremely active cruise critic roll call for this cruise. We met formally as a group three times during the voyage as well as meeting less formally for lunch several times. Large “thank you”s are due to the following Cruise Critic members Wowzo, Foxpaw, Slotl and TabK.


Cruise critic member Wowzo organized our very well attended meetings and luncheons. Cruise Critic member Foxpaw did an excellent job of coordinating the design, sale and distribution of collector lapel pins that identified not only our cruise, ship, and date but also Cruise Critic. They were the envy of many others on board the ship. In addition it was Foxpaw who received our absentee ballots and very generously carried them with him to Singapore so that we could vote in this election. Cruise Critic members Slotl and TabK had our cruise critic logo design from the pins applied to polo shirts that they sold and distributed. We really enjoyed the shirts also. Forgive me if I have forgotten to mention someone.


Our Cruise Critic get togethers were some of our trip highlights.


We booked a basic outside cabin on the Dolphin deck this cruise, and we did so far enough in advance to qualify for HAL’s early booking amenities which included $300 on board credit per person, free air or a $500 price reduction per person, prepaid hotel service charges (formerly called gratuities) (this was a $650 per person value), 100 lb per person of baggage shipped in advance by FedEx, and a welcome bottle of champaign. In addition our TA sweetened the pot with additional on board credits and other goodies. (In fact as I assemble these thoughts I am being kept snuggly warm by one of her gifts ... a monogramed HAL bathrobe.) We also elected the option of paying in full several months in advance which reduced the price of the trip by and additional 3 %.


All of the above values materialized just as promised and were greatly appreciated.


Our luggage shipment which seemed like such an act of faith as it departed our home in Illinois turned out very well. Our bags were in Seattle two days after leaving home and to the great credit of HAL both our shipped bags and those that we carried arrived at our cabin in plenty of time to completely unpack before the life boat drill. It was really important to us to know that we had everything before we left Seattle as it was going to be something like 9 or 10 days before we would arrive at our first port in Japan. Not only did our bags do well on day 1 of our cruise, but on day 65 those bags that we were carrying were not only lined up at the pier when we disembarked, they were organized ... all three bags of ours were together! I can only imagine the number of bags that they had to handle ... we were able to ship 4 bags ahead, those in the suites were able to ship unlimited pieces ahead .... It is often the little things that can really get in the way of a comfortable sail. Kudos to HAL for doing the baggage so well.


We had no difficulty or significant waits during the embarkation or disembarkation processes.


We found the ship to be very clean and well maintained and the Amsterdam has a very hard working crew who outdid themselves keeping it that way. The fabric on the seats in the Ocean Bar is about spent and ready to be replaced. This type of neglect, however, was not seen elsewhere so we could easily overlook it.


The staff and crew could not have been nicer. All of our dealings with the front office were positive. A couple of times we found minor errors in the periodic billing statement and they were fixed quickly and with a smile.


Our dining room waiters Jaya and Noor were absolutely fantastic. They functioned as a well practiced team and managed to keep the courses coming for everyone that they served even though one of the large tables in our section arrived late every day. We were very impressed.


Now, some of those things (in addition to the perks mentioned above) that supposedly distinguish a “Grand Cruise” from an “Ordinary Cruise”.


Our coke cards yielded a full can of soda each time they were used. What a great value that was very much appreciated.


The dining room was decorated again and again during the cruise. Every formal night brought forth a theme that was reflected at the entrances to both levels of the dining room, as well as in various locations around the room. Often our waiters were also “decorated” with costumes to reflect the evening’s theme. The costumes varied from simple silk or island shirts to complete outfits as well as a stunning array of Halloween costumes.


Within days many of the crew members knew our names -- we were definitely not anonymous on board to the fantastic crew ... and they were not anonymous to us.


Formal nights brought Leonida’s chocolate truffles to our pillows instead of the more mundane HAL chocolate coins. The following gifts were also received and recorded in my journal:


-- we all received LCD battery alarm clocks. We found the clock very useful as it was easy to do one hour time changes (and we did have several of those) -- it had a button that would light up the dial at night in a dark cabin. Not a fancy or expensive clock by any means but very functional. There was confusion on board as it was presented to us by our cabin steward as our first “pillow gift” -- yet as the first cruise segment ended word circulated that guests who had packed their alarm clocks were asked by their stewards to return them. We do not know if these stories were true or what was the real status of the clocks ... we had no real need for one so we left ours in the cabin.


continued in next post

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-- we received the promised bottle of of Chase Limogere Brut with a short note signed by the Hotel Manager and the Captain. Not really a pillow gift.


-- one leather bound journal with the cruise itinerary -- in 2007 on our Prinsendam South America cruise we received two journals so we had one per person in our cabin.


-- two tote bags -- each a different design, both in the same grayish taupe color that was the signature color of this year’s voyage -- one zippered and one designed as a tall, narrow gentleman’s bag. Each one was embroidered with the Asia/Australia Cruise emblem and each contained a bottle of water, a light weight folding umbrella, a bottle of purel, a package of toilet seat covers, a packet of tissues and a granola bar.


-- received two pairs of slippers


-- two sweatshirts embroidered with the Asia/Australia cruise emblem in the cruise color.


--two clear plastic waterproof containers with lanyards so that they could be worn around the neck -- just the proper size to hold ship’s card, picture ID and a little cash


-- one souvenir washcloth from Aomori, Japan


-- two large white porcelain “charger” plates -- Royal Goedewaagen from Holland -- with a black and white Steven Card picture of the 1938 Niew Amsterdam.


-- one Rosenthal Cupola City Mug: Shanghai -- many on board commented that in the past each cabin received two Rosenthal mugs (one per person)


-- two small plates -- Royal Goedewaagen Hand Painted plates (tulip design on front, Voyage Title on the back -- hand painted guest count limited pieces)


-- two lapel pins in the taupe/gray cruise color with the cruise logo in red. Though nice, the pins are difficult to read.


-- 2 nice sized, very plush, stuffed koalas -- with tags that have our cruise emblem on them


-- One duffle bag style suitcase with wheels in cruise color and with embroidered cruise emblem -- again previous cruisers report having received one per person


-- two more of the small Royal Goedewaagen plates, different tulip pattern


-- Two large Royal Goedewaagen plates with tulip pattern


As I look at this list I am puzzled -- we were only supposed to have 12 formal nights this cruise. If you take out the bottle of brut which was really not a pillow gift, and you do not count the alarm clock or slippers as pillow gifts that still leaves thirteen pillow gifts. The odd thing is that there were no gifts at all between Singapore and Sydney except for the cruise pins which did not arrive on a formal night. Yet, there were formal nights on that segment. I think we actually had more than 12 formal nights but I have to wait until my FedEx bags with the Daily Programs in them arrive to check that out.


What was missing from this list? Did you catch it? We did not receive mariner tiles! Rumor had it that the large plates at the end went to those of us who did the whole cruise, and those who just did the last segment received mariner tiles. I do not mean to be petty -- but I really enjoy collecting the tiles and this is the first HAL cruise I have been on where I did not receive a tile -- my collection is now behind by two tiles! I, actually, was surprised that we did not receive tiles the day early in the cruise when we had the Mariner’s Dinner.


Some folks on board expressed dissatisfaction in the number and quality of the pillow gifts -- feeling that they were not up to the usual standard of an HAL Grand Cruise. I do not have sufficient experience to compare but frankly, the pillow gifts we did receive were really nice and very much appreciated. During my 27 day segment on board the Prinsendam when we received gifts there were always two -- we received two large coffee table books, two sets of binoculars, two parkas, two leather bound journals, etc. This cruise that did not always happen. However, for me the pillow gifts do not make or break a cruise.


Food -- food is always a subjective evaluation. I thought that the food was fine and tasty -- presentations were usually attractive and I never experienced any tough meat even though I like my meat well done. There were plenty of choices each night but unfortunately the menus became repetitious. In our 65 days on board the menus repeated at least three times and some items even more. In 2007 we were on the Prinsendam for 27 days and I do not remember being aware of any repetition on that cruise at all. Part of the problem was that if they served rack of lamb, for instance, each time it appeared on the menu it was accompanied by the same sides prepared the same way. Same for steaks, prime rib, etc. Sometimes the menu described the sides differently but when the items appeared they were the same. Varying the accompaniments and sauces is one way to keep from experiencing deja vous. Though the food was good I did, by the end of the cruise, really start to feel the repetition.


I do not fully understand how it is determined which side of the ship will face the dock and which side will face the harbor when the ship is in port. I do not know how much is determined by the local pilots and harbor rules or conditions, and how much, if any, may be determined by the Captain. But ... it is interesting to note that for the first half of our cruise we pretty much alternated port and starboard from port to port -- and then for the second half of the cruise it seemed that the starboard side was always right up against the dock for every port. We had a starboard side cabin and I do have to say that we much prefer to face the harbor. This issue is a curiosity for me and is not mentioned here as a complaint.


Those of us who have cruised know that the folks on board the ship can make or break a cruise experience. Most cruises have some grumblers on board. This cruise had many. It is hard to say why.


There were those on board who complained a lot -- we, unfortunately, observed some outrageous passenger behavior from time to time -- but that was the exception and not the rule. We met wonderful folks on board and we made many new friends.


I very much realize that this cruise was executed under extraordinary circumstances. By the time we left Seattle in September the price of oil had climbed to astronomic heights. Even though the proce dropped like an anchor during the last few weeks of our journey, certainly HAL was still paying the higher oil prices to ferry us back and forth across the Pacific. The economy also took an unprecedented plunge within our first several days at sea. HAL did have to run cruise sales to fill the ship and there was definitely a coming and going of around 300 or more folks on board beginning in Hong Kong and then continuing on at several ports -- I do know that that is not normal for an HAL Grand Voyage. Still, however, HAL continued to treat us like we were Grand Voyagers.


We had a wonderful time, we were treated extremely well by the crew, we made all of our ports on time, we were taken to wonderful places in the lap of luxury. I have no real complaints about this trip at all. This trip has generated many unforgettable memories. Given the time and the money I would definitely do it again without taking a moment to consider. As to whether or not we were on a “Grand Cruise” -- who knows and who cares!

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Once again all I can say is "WOW"! Thank you so much for this overview. I SOOOO enjoyed taking your voyage with you........and I can hardly WAIT until September 26, 2009 when I depart on MY voyage. You have give me such a great description of what to look forward to!


I am always open to anything you have to share...............so if you think of anything else "bring it on!"


I have agreed to be in charge of the Meet and Greets for CC on my cruise. I have learned a bit about what to do from your accounts. If you have any suggestions for me please do pass them on.


Thanks again,


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  • 8 months later...

I followed your voyage with great interest last year--never ever expecting to be lucky enough to take a Grand Voyage. However, we are booked for 69 days for 2010. Jayzee posted a link to this site on the roll call for our 2010 trip. I have spent the entire afternoon re-reading the whole journey. I'm more excited than ever. Thanks!!


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I followed your voyage with great interest last year--never ever expecting to be lucky enough to take a Grand Voyage. However, we are booked for 69 days for 2010. Jayzee posted a link to this site on the roll call for our 2010 trip. I have spent the entire afternoon re-reading the whole journey. I'm more excited than ever. Thanks!!



I was on this cruise with Roxanne (Arzz) and she is just as humerous and nice as you would expect her to be. Also, she is an excellent diarist and far more industrious than I could ever hope to be (I'm way too lazy to do a blog:eek:). Her descriptions of our cruise were "spot on".


We really did have a fantastic cruise and visited so many interesting and exotic ports - you have so much to look forward to in 2010. Just think of all the adventures ahead of you.


Have a wonderful cruise.



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Come agan Valerie!! (or the world 2011??) What a dreamer I am....but heck....ONE is coming true....why not more!


No way Karen that I am going to do the GWV in 2011 - it's way too long and visits some countries in which I have no interest whatsoever.


However, I have not yet ruled out the 2010 Grand Asia/Australia cruise. I had so much fun last year onboard ship and visited some truly amazing and exotic ports and met so many kind, welcoming and gracious people from so many different cultures than my own. I probably should not have spent so much money but I am so glad that I did. I can't think of money better spent considering what I got out of that cruise.


See you soon.




Edited to say: Karen, a few years ago this would have been a dream for me too, but I was offered a chance to take a chance (HAL - 2007 GWV, Fort Lauderdale to Hong Kong) and I jumped foot first. I was hesitant to spend the money, although I did have enough, and I have never regretted it. Sure, I could have bought a whole lot of "stuff"/"things" back here at home, but then I would never have visited so many interesting and exotic places and I would never have met so many kind and gracious people from so many lands and I have so many wonderful memories (and photos to back them up). Life is short - make every day the best day ever.

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That is what I am hoping for on THIS trip! Hopefully it will be so wonderful that I am hooked......well....maybe that isn't such a great idea. I never thought I was interested in the Asian countries until I followed along on your trip last year. It sounded wonderful for sure.

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That is what I am hoping for on THIS trip! Hopefully it will be so wonderful that I am hooked......well....maybe that isn't such a great idea. I never thought I was interested in the Asian countries until I followed along on your trip last year. It sounded wonderful for sure.


Well, first of all you are going to be hooked on this cruise because Australia and New Zealand are amazingly beautiful countries - especially New Zealand (which might be my favorite country in the entire world). The "natives" are extremely friendly and actually do like Americans (they may be the only ones in the world, but they do seem to like us:D).


As far as Asia goes - WOW. I had been to Hong Kong and Bangkok before (on our Honeymoon waaaay back in 1973) but honestly wasn't prepared for today's Hong Kong, Bangkok, Singapore and Shanghai - all very much cities of the 21st Century. I was a little leery about Vietnam, being of the Vietnam War generation, but found it to be an amazingly beautiful country with a younger generation that was more than welcoming to Americans. I have a wonderful memory of buying some inexpensive handbags in Hoi An that I will share with you once aboard ship if you want me to. Of course, we went to Bali once again - OMG what kind and gentle people there - except of course the vendors at the Pier, but that's another story for another time.:D


It really was a sensational cruise in that it touched all the senses. I would not hesitate to do it again if time and finances permit.



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(on our Honeymoon waaaay back in 1973)........ being of the Vietnam War generation, ........I have a wonderful memory of buying some inexpensive handbags in Hoi An that I will share with you once aboard ship if you want me to. ......... but that's another story for another time.:D



I was married and honeymooned in 1973 also. I am also of the "Vietnam War Generation"....so Vietnam holds lost of memories and feelings. Handbags? Pier Venders?

I can hardly wait to hear all about that Asia Grand Voyage....I will willingly listen to your stories. What a special way to help me decide.

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I am humbled by your comments -- the Grand Cruise experience is like no other as we not only had incredible ports and experiences but we made a lot of absolutely wonderful friends along the way -- I so envy you Valerie and Karen who are getting to go again this fall ... I will be looking to hear from you along the way, that is for sure.


Writing the blog is a discipline that has become a labor of love for me -- once I get started writing I really enjoy it -- even on those nights when I am exhausted from the demands of our time in port -- but the payoff is when I get home I can reread my blog and I cruise virtually -- it is all there and it all comes back to me so that I can cruise again and again. Some folks like Ed (my DH) take thousands of photos -- he says he hasn't been there if he hasn't photographed it -- I don't need the photos if I have my blog.


As long as the subject has come up -- I know we promised that we would post photos when we got home -- but we literally have thousands of photos that we have not had the opportunity to finish sorting through. I do apologize but we have been rather busy here at home. Possibly some day we will get some photos organized and posted to complete our experience.

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  • 4 weeks later...
According to a somewhat inebriated member of the winning team the lunch was absolutely fabulous.


I realize I am reading this about 10 months after it was posted, and for that I apologize. For the record...who by chance was that "somewhat inebriated member of the winning team"...anyone we know?


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I realize I am reading this about 10 months after it was posted' date=' and for that I apologize. For the record...who by chance was that "somewhat inebriated member of the winning team"...anyone we know?



Let's just say that Roxanne was exaggerating more than just a tad.;) Bruce was generous with his gift of the champagne but he wasn't generous enough for any one of us to be "somewhat inebriated".



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Glad to see this brought up again !! Arzz, I enjoy reading it again.


Hello, to all the friends on last year's cruise !! and this year's !!


Hello, to all the other's on this years - you will enjoy yourselves so much and not want it to end.


Big Thanks to Roxanne & Ed,


Bali !!:p



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  • 1 year later...

Hello Arzz, I found your humerous travelog of the Asia/Pacific 2008 of great help and saved it as I'm booked for same cruise in 2012.

Many thanks,


Past cruises:

Eperotiki - Atlas 1983 7 days - Med. East - 5 day Greek landtour

SunCruises -Carousel 1998 7 days - Carib. South

SunCruises Carousel 2001 14 days - Med. West

SunCruises Sundream 2004 7 days - Carib. West

Celebrity Zenith 2007 7 days – Carib. East

HAL Rotterdam 2007 27 days – Baltic to Med.

HAL Rotterdam 2008 17 days - Panama Canal

HAL Maasdam 2011 25 days - Carib. South

Booked - Sept. 2012:

HAL Amsterdam – 75 days Grand Asia/Pacific

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  • 3 months later...

Roxanne - I still have the pics of the little kids at the restaurant, hanging all over our table - and the beautiful terraces- view - and how reasonable the cost of that wonderful lunch. Some things like that really stick with you.


I still use the Batik items we bought in the Batik factory.


Hope we meet again ! I'm on the 3rd Grand Voyage and meeting Jean before our trips - Jean on the WC and we're going to South America. Just a day apart.


Hugs to you and Ed (I have the pics of all of us in the long skirts, too_


LOL, Have fun, M.A.

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M. A. Delightful to hear from you. At this moment we are in Long Beach, CA waiting impatiently those last few hours before we board the Amsterdam for her repositioning Panama Canal cruise. We have been following Orlin and Barbara's blog of this year's Grand Asia so we know our ship is in great shape and waiting for us.


Yesterday in the shops near our hotel I found a small trinket that I purchased that turns out to have been crafted in Bali and all the memories of that beautiful, lush country and our tour with you and Komang just came flooding back. You post is definitely timely.


Take care and maybe our cruise paths will cross again some day.

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