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Is the Economic Crisis effecting or changing your wedding budget?

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As we all know, these are very troubling economic times and it seems to get worse every time you turn on the news or read the paper.


I was just wondering if and how these times are effecting brides and grooms to be when it comes to the cost of your wedding and reception. Is it an issue? If so, what can/are you doing about it? Does it effect what enhancements you may or may not choose or the amount of guests you are inviting? If you were thinking about a cruise wedding (whether through the cruise line or private W/C on an island) have you changed your mind because of the economy? Are you opting to go on a "cheaper" cruise because of the cost? Do you still think cruise weddings are more affordable? Let me know your thoughts...



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i originally thought that cruise lines were affordable until i realized how they charge you for everything seperately. also, the cost doesn't seem that unreasonable until you realize you are getting a reception for half the time as a regular one. i thought this before the economic crisis though. everything has already been paid for but i probably wouldn't have had such a big reception if the economy thing happend earlier.

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Great question. Yes and no. The economy is having a little bit of effect on us. Brent and I are paying for our wedding ourselves. We were originally going to do a Carnival 7 night cruise with approximately 20 people, of which we were going to pay for 4 of them. Because people started to make me crazy with comments and absurd requests for the wedding, Brent and I choose to change our "plans.


We have decided to go on a more expensive cruise (Princess) for a longer time (10 days vs, 7) and not take anyone with us. We will be having an at-sea wedding which is almost double the price.:( BUT we have decided that this will be a trip-of-a-lifetime for us so we are splurging.


Most of the changes we made were mostly because of people thinking that they were in charge but the economy part comes in that we have had to postpone our wedding by a year (April 2011) because, obviously it is more expensive and two, I also decided that I need to have some major dental work done in the next couple of months.


We were just talking about this last night---no matter what, we are going on the cruise and getting married at sea. We have budgeted everything out so we should be fine BUT if we keep getting $500+ electric bills and not getting any cost of living increases at work, Future hubby said there is a slight possibility that it could have to be postponed again :eek: I didn't say anything to him but there is no way I am doing that! If I have to sell a lung (one of his, of course) , I am NOT postponing it again! LOL



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Great question. Yes and no. The economy is having a little bit of effect on us. Brent and I are paying for our wedding ourselves. We were originally going to do a Carnival 7 night cruise with approximately 20 people, of which we were going to pay for 4 of them. Because people started to make me crazy with comments and absurd requests for the wedding, Brent and I choose to change our "plans.


We have decided to go on a more expensive cruise (Princess) for a longer time (10 days vs, 7) and not take anyone with us. We will be having an at-sea wedding which is almost double the price.:( BUT we have decided that this will be a trip-of-a-lifetime for us so we are splurging.


Most of the changes we made were mostly because of people thinking that they were in charge but the economy part comes in that we have had to postpone our wedding by a year (April 2011) because, obviously it is more expensive and two, I also decided that I need to have some major dental work done in the next couple of months.


We were just talking about this last night---no matter what, we are going on the cruise and getting married at sea. We have budgeted everything out so we should be fine BUT if we keep getting $500+ electric bills and not getting any cost of living increases at work, Future hubby said there is a slight possibility that it could have to be postponed again :eek: I didn't say anything to him but there is no way I am doing that! If I have to sell a lung (one of his, of course) , I am NOT postponing it again! LOL




I totally understand the electric bill situation and trust me, there are no cost of living increases going on here in Miami either!! It makes me so mad sometimes! The consumer and middle class, hard working americans ALWAYS get screwed!! :mad:


Anyway, quick question for you...have you booked your wedding package with Princess yet? I suggest that you do in case there is a price increase, because trust me, by 2009/10 there will be price increases!! You can always cancel and get your money back if you have to. Just a thought.


Good luck to you and I hope you don't have to postpone your wedding again! Let's all pray that things will get much better within the next year!!

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We had already committed to all of our wedding expenses before the economy started tanking, so it's a moot point, but my fiance did start getting really worried about how much more money would be in our savings account if we hadn't spent it on the wedding. It did get a lot bigger than we originally were planning, because we planned a reception back home after the cruise (for which, by the way, we're leaving tomorrow! :D ). Including all costs associated with the cruise, we went 1/3 over our original estimate.


Not that he actually knows how much that is though. He specifically requested to not know the total that we're spending (though every major expense individually gets his buy-in). :p

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We had already committed to all of our wedding expenses before the economy started tanking, so it's a moot point, but my fiance did start getting really worried about how much more money would be in our savings account if we hadn't spent it on the wedding. It did get a lot bigger than we originally were planning, because we planned a reception back home after the cruise (for which, by the way, we're leaving tomorrow! :D ). Including all costs associated with the cruise, we went 1/3 over our original estimate.


Not that he actually knows how much that is though. He specifically requested to not know the total that we're spending (though every major expense individually gets his buy-in). :p


Don't worry...it will all be worth it in the end! I am sure your wedding will be fabulous and remember to enjoy evey moment b/c it flies by! I wish you the best of luck and let us know how everything went. Don't think about anything but you and your DH to be and all the fun you will have as you start your new life together. Enjoy the cruise and make the most of it! Reality doesn't have to set in until after all the festivities are over. ;)

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Hollidaygal...Can't book anything yet because Princess has not yet released the cruise. We have already decided that we will book both the cruise and the wedding as soon as we possibly can but we were told that we probably wouldn't be able to book the cruise until June 2009. I wish I could book, I have no idea what the fees will be like then.


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Somewhat... I know it won't be easy for my guests to afford to pay for a cruise for their family to join us, so I'm saving a year longer and paying for everyone myself. I won't sacrifice guests or the wedding I want, so if it's what I have to do to make it all happen happily, then it's my pleasure. I honestly don't know if I'd ask them to pay for themselves even if the economy was great, so I guess I don't have a straight answer.

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Somewhat... I know it won't be easy for my guests to afford to pay for a cruise for their family to join us, so I'm saving a year longer and paying for everyone myself. I won't sacrifice guests or the wedding I want, so if it's what I have to do to make it all happen happily, then it's my pleasure. I honestly don't know if I'd ask them to pay for themselves even if the economy was great, so I guess I don't have a straight answer.


WOW, you are a very generous person! How many guests are you inviting?

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So far the economy hasn't changed our plans and I dont think that it will. We booked far enough in advance so that we can save and be able to have the wedding and honeymoon that we both want. We are doing it the right way and are going enjoy every minute of it.


Our main concern now is paying for the cruise. We have paid 80% of our wedding already so the "show must go on":D I am sure that we will be fine paying for the cruise and hopefully the economy will turn around by 2010.


Getting married this way is a lot cheaper then having a traditional wedding. (I know:( ) So I can't complain in that department.


Well I hope that everyone else can go on with their plans as scheduled and good luck with everything.

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WOW, you are a very generous person! How many guests are you inviting?


30 or so... crazy huh? :) It'll all be worth it though. This is something many friends and family couldn't ever do for themselves, so it'll be a once in a lifetime thing for them. I'm glad to give them such a memory.

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Two of my bridesmaids have lost their jobs due to the economy- which means they probably won't go on the cruise as originally planned.


We are all of a sudden living paycheck to paycheck and playing with credit, and if my parents weren't paying for the cruise and wedding, there is no way we would be able to do this...

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Two of my bridesmaids have lost their jobs due to the economy- which means they probably won't go on the cruise as originally planned.


We are all of a sudden living paycheck to paycheck and playing with credit, and if my parents weren't paying for the cruise and wedding, there is no way we would be able to do this...


I'm so sorry to hear that! You are not alone in the paycheck to paycheck department and playing with credit is all too familiar. :eek: Try not to stress and just enjoy yourself. This is one of the best times of your life! Don't let what's going on take away from your day. Things will work out...that's what I keep telling myself. Good luck and take care!

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  • 3 months later...
As we all know, these are very troubling economic times and it seems to get worse every time you turn on the news or read the paper.


I was just wondering if and how these times are effecting brides and grooms to be when it comes to the cost of your wedding and reception. Is it an issue? If so, what can/are you doing about it? Does it effect what enhancements you may or may not choose or the amount of guests you are inviting? If you were thinking about a cruise wedding (whether through the cruise line or private W/C on an island) have you changed your mind because of the economy? Are you opting to go on a "cheaper" cruise because of the cost? Do you still think cruise weddings are more affordable? Let me know your thoughts...





We planned a cruise wedding the second we became engaged. We thought it would be so fun for our friends and family. We invited over 200 guests because we knew not many would attend (we were expecting 30-40). But we were wrong. After discussing our decision with our closest family and friends, everything was a go and everyone was excited. We mailed out 91 save the dates, booked and placed deposits on our cruise wedding. Now almost 2 weeks after mailing our save the dates, we are disappointed to learn that almost no one can afford to come on our cruise, even close family members. Our only option then became to pay for the ones that can't afford it, or elope! We are thinking of canceling the cruise and eloping. If everyone can't be there then we aren't going to have anyone there. It has been very stressful trying to plan the cruise wedding and I will have no regrets about eloping. Its really about the bride and groom anyway and I don't want to spend my wedding day looking into the faces of friends and family that I KNOW could not afford to come but 'pulled some strings' to make it work. I don't want to put people in that situation and we can't afford to pay for everyone. I think we will fly to Vegas in the next couple of weeks and then tell everyone when we return what we've done. This way we are married and no one had to go into debt to be there!

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It hasn't really affected us but it has affected some of our guest as well as our wedding party. My matron of honor just found out that she won't have a job after March. I told her she should not feel obligated to be in my wedding but she wants to be there. Be mindful that I have been planning this wedding for over a year and a half and I have given people that much time to pay on the trip. I just feel like this, don't put yourself in debt for me. I'm not being insensitive but people know what they can and can not afford.

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I feel like I replied to this thread already:confused:, But no at this point the economic crisis is not affecting us at all. It is however affecting one of my potential bms because she will be laid off in april so at this point we are counting her out. We have been like bff for over 13 years but unfortunately we cannot afford to pay for her entire cruise and she'll still need spending $. We are giving the same amt of $ to the entire bridal party. So paying for her entire cruise is just out of the question.

My FI and I both work 2 jobs but we decided that it'd be ok for me to quit my parttime in June (well I actaully quit already but I'll work until June I gae them advance notice bc the position is hard to fill and I am close to the people who I work with and it would create serious problems for me to only give 2 weeks notice.) however my FI's parttime is at our church which is having financial difficulties so the may have to let him go (he's the bass guitar player). Now if this happens it would most defintely affect our wedding bc we would only have our full time jobs to depend on, when we were mainly paying for the wedding thru our parttime jobs. Leave it to me to quit a job durng an ecomonic crisis:eek:.

Seemingly as a whole our friends and family are not being affected and many ppl are going on the cruise. More than we had budgeted for but hey the more the merrier :D lol.

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It affects us over the other side of the Atlantic too. I moved in with my fiance in December - can't sell my house, so that's affected our plans. Fortunately the wedding is very small and the cruise is the honeymoon and paid for. But some of my close friends can't now afford to come on my hen night (batchelorette party?), so thats a real shame.

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30 or so... crazy huh? :) It'll all be worth it though. This is something many friends and family couldn't ever do for themselves, so it'll be a once in a lifetime thing for them. I'm glad to give them such a memory.


Not so crazy. My son's land wedding for September of this year is costing 30K. At least your family/friends get a week long vacation out of it. Ours will last 5 hours. But we're happy to help (we're splitting the cost with the bride's family). We absolutely adore our future DIL. Having said that, both us and the bride's parents tried to talk them into a cruise wedding, but they didn't want to go that route. I guess they didn't want us all tagging along for the honeymoon!!!LOL



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It is definitely affecting us. We ended up deciding against a cruise wedding for a number of reasons and booked a site closer to our home in Ohio a few months ago. However, my fiance just lost his job last week so now, with 3.5 months to go, we're thinking pretty seriously about postponing the wedding. We have our deposits paid and many of our other items like dress, flowers, etc. paid in full, but there's that last photography and reception payment that will be the killer. If it comes down to losing our house or car or having a wedding, we'll postpone the wedding or perhaps just elope without a trip and keep our house and cars.


It really sucks to live anywhere in the Midwest right now, especially since so much of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin rely on the auto and auto supply industries. I hope in this economy that when people buy products, they buy American products so we can keep supporting American jobs!

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