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Some random observations on our 1st (and last) 5 night cruise on Destiny


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I don't think it is meaningless at all in reference to the cruise review. You don't think that cruise lines look into these demographics themselves. Of course they do, it all plays into how the cruise product you are receiving has been designed.


Again, its not the cruise line doing anything racially incorrect, it is all based on the research they have done to cater to people from different ethnicities, walks of life, places around the world. Does this offend you that they do this research?.....


If someone were to go on a cruise out of Texas that has alot of southern folk on it. Bet ya the overall cruise product is tweaked a little bit to cater more to the crowd that is on the ship.


When i ship goes over to Europe, they change the dinner times on alot of sailings, even alot of the food to cater more to the needs of the majority of folk who are on any given sailing.


I said it in my first post, and i'll say it again. Your being way over dramatic and brininging race into something where it was not even present as far as i am concerned.


You are comparing areas, Texas, Europe to someone making a statement on the ratio of blacks to whites. If you said they tweaked a cruise out of NYC to that out of Texas I would agree with you.

The crowd they cater too is based on demographics which is usually based on age/income not skin color.


I am glad you think I am dramatic about it.. :rolleyes:

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We have people who are loosing there homes because they cannot make their mortgage payments. We have people without health insurance. Our financial markets are in ruins. Everytime I turn around I hear of someone else I know being diagnosed with breast cancer (including my own sister who was diagnosed on her 33rd birthday) and everyone here is more concerned with what the OP posted and what was meant by it? Come on people it's time for a reality check! At least we're fortunate enough to be able to afford to go on a vacation like this. And this is why I stopped posting!

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I said it in my first post, and i'll say it again. Your being way over dramatic and brininging race into something where it was not even present anymore then just an observation as far as i am concerned.
I totally agree, for what its worth...:o


The OP meant no harm in his/her comments... Only an observation..!!:)


Maybe a 'jeans in the dining room' thread may be more appropriate for these comments... :D ;) Life is short!!!:p

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You are comparing areas, Texas, Europe to someone making a statement on the ratio of blacks to whites. If you said they tweaked a cruise out of NYC to that out of Texas I would agree with you.

The crowd they cater too is based on demographics which is usually based on age/income not skin color.


I am glad you think I am dramatic about it.. :rolleyes:


Actually, i was generalizing different ethnicities, walks of life, orientations. If were going to make a big deal about race, we mine as well include everyone, can't leave anyone out, that would be prejudice :rolleyes:


Yes, they do take into account age and income as well as race when deciding on what kind of entertainment to show, what kind of music to play in the public areas, what kind of food to serve.


As you said in an earlier post, just agree to disagree i guess.

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It is a shame that people want to dwell on an issue when the OP clearly stated they didn't mean to offend. Why is it that we don't have all this offense when someone posts about how many older or younger cruisers...for those who say it isn't a black/white issue...then stop making it one.

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I find it funny in that there is a racial assumption in almost every response!

Everyone is so afraid to make sure they AREN'T racist!


What if the OP was African American! No one knows on these boards! They could have been thrilled that there were more AA than they were accustomed to! What if they had sailed from New Orleans and noticed that there were more Cajuns than previous cruises! Or there were more skinny people, or fat people! Geez! Give me a break! Everyone notices race!, as well as height, age, beauty, you name it. We have eyes for crying out loud.

The BEAUTY of these boards is that :mad::p;):D:o:) I could be any of many races and it doesn't make a hill of beans. Who knows! I could be on my next cruise with YOU! Would you notice ME? I'm going on vacation! Leave your troubles behind!

Is that that my ship calling! I think it's leaving! See you on the next boat!


P.S. I was called back because I had used 7 images and was only allowed six.... which one did I eliminate? Was it because of sex, race, creed or national origin? You decide!

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When I first read the OP's post, I thought the same thing as many have said here...why bring it up if you don't care? However, after some thought on the matter, I think the OP was just making a point that it was a different cruise experience than he/she had in the past and part of the reason it was different was because black passengers were in the majority.


I am black. My parents were a mixed couple, and I have very light skin. However, I have learned from experience to pretty much smell a racist before I even see them (since I look “white” racists are more likely to show their 'true colors' with me). Also, let me preface this post with the fact that I prefer the term “black” to “African American”, so please don't take offense to my political-incorrectness. I have never been to Africa, and neither had my father or his predecessors for at least 3 generations. I'm not into the PC thing. Plus, it is just easier to say “black” or “white”. :)



Anyway, I did not get the feeling from the OP that he/she is racist. I might have said the same thing, but in the context of a much longer review, and not just one sentence in the middle of a post. I would have noticed that the passenger mix was much different than I had experienced before. I probably would have remarked on how much better the cruise was because of the diversity of the passengers, and then gone on to give examples. Our last cruise was on Costa (an Italian cruise line owned by Carnival) and only about half the pax were US citizens, with a good bit of Europeans and Canadians, and many did not speak English. I am ashamed at the reaction of the US passengers to being “forced” to travel with others for whom English is not their first language and who had different cultural ideas about things such as waiting in lines, volume of talk, dress, etc. However, if you write a review of a cruise where that is the case, you would be doing a disservice to the readers of the review not to mention that fact. It creates a “different” cruise experience...not better or worse, just “different”. Reviews should give the reader an idea of what to expect.


That said, my first cruise was with my parents on the “Carnivale” in 1978. I have great memories of my first cruise! We and the rest of our party (we and one extended family) were the only black families on the cruise. I don't remember any overt racism, but I was pretty young at the time. I have been on about 6-7 cruises since 2000 or so, and I have never been on a cruise where black people outnumbered whites. I think it is worth mentioning. It would definitely be a different cruise experience for me. If many on this board (other than the OP and others on his/her sailing) have been on a cruise where blacks outnumbered whites, I would be surprised! I also wonder whether many of those voicing offense here are actually black?



Trying to think of a way to say this so people will understand and not flame me for it! It is not about race, but the whole environment. Once, DH and I took our kids on a 10-day camping trip into a part of the US that was very beautiful, but not a place where there were any people of colors other than white. We had a great time! Everyone was nice, no one did anything to make us feel discriminated against, etc. However, there was one morning in a little diner for breakfast where I felt uncomfortable and it took me a while to realize the problem was I hadn't seen another black person in days. Mind you, probably no one knew I or my children were not white (DH is white, and we all “look” white). I had no real reason to feel threatened at all, but it was a new experience for me!



I guess my point is it is OK to notice racial differences without being a racist oneself! Give the OP a break. And, if you've not actually been a victim of racism, give it a rest already, will ya? I hope this thread doesn't go "poof" because it is important to discuss these things.





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I guess my point is it is OK to notice racial differences without being a racist oneself! Give the OP a break. And, if you've not actually been a victim of racism, give it a rest already, will ya? I hope this thread doesn't go "poof" because it is important to discuss these things.




Very well said BooBooMonkey!


I agree with you that it would be nice for this thread to be able to linger for a little bit as well.

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When I first read the OP's post, I thought the same thing as many have said here...why bring it up if you don't care? However, after some thought on the matter, I think the OP was just making a point that it was a different cruise experience than he/she had in the past and part of the reason it was different was because black passengers were in the majority.


I am black. My parents were a mixed couple, and I have very light skin. However, I have learned from experience to pretty much smell a racist before I even see them (since I look “white” racists are more likely to show their 'true colors' with me). Also, let me preface this post with the fact that I prefer the term “black” to “African American”, so please don't take offense to my political-incorrectness. I have never been to Africa, and neither had my father or his predecessors for at least 3 generations. I'm not into the PC thing. Plus, it is just easier to say “black” or “white”. :)



Anyway, I did not get the feeling from the OP that he/she is racist. I might have said the same thing, but in the context of a much longer review, and not just one sentence in the middle of a post. I would have noticed that the passenger mix was much different than I had experienced before. I probably would have remarked on how much better the cruise was because of the diversity of the passengers, and then gone on to give examples. Our last cruise was on Costa (an Italian cruise line owned by Carnival) and only about half the pax were US citizens, with a good bit of Europeans and Canadians, and many did not speak English. I am ashamed at the reaction of the US passengers to being “forced” to travel with others for whom English is not their first language and who had different cultural ideas about things such as waiting in lines, volume of talk, dress, etc. However, if you write a review of a cruise where that is the case, you would be doing a disservice to the readers of the review not to mention that fact. It creates a “different” cruise experience...not better or worse, just “different”. Reviews should give the reader an idea of what to expect.


That said, my first cruise was with my parents on the “Carnivale” in 1978. I have great memories of my first cruise! We and the rest of our party (we and one extended family) were the only black families on the cruise. I don't remember any overt racism, but I was pretty young at the time. I have been on about 6-7 cruises since 2000 or so, and I have never been on a cruise where black people outnumbered whites. I think it is worth mentioning. It would definitely be a different cruise experience for me. If many on this board (other than the OP and others on his/her sailing) have been on a cruise where blacks outnumbered whites, I would be surprised! I also wonder whether many of those voicing offense here are actually black?



Trying to think of a way to say this so people will understand and not flame me for it! It is not about race, but the whole environment. Once, DH and I took our kids on a 10-day camping trip into a part of the US that was very beautiful, but not a place where there were any people of colors other than white. We had a great time! Everyone was nice, no one did anything to make us feel discriminated against, etc. However, there was one morning in a little diner for breakfast where I felt uncomfortable and it took me a while to realize the problem was I hadn't seen another black person in days. Mind you, probably no one knew I or my children were not white (DH is white, and we all “look” white). I had no real reason to feel threatened at all, but it was a new experience for me!



I guess my point is it is OK to notice racial differences without being a racist oneself! Give the OP a break. And, if you've not actually been a victim of racism, give it a rest already, will ya? I hope this thread doesn't go "poof" because it is important to discuss these things.






You know what, Boo? THIS is the most eloquent, well spoken, and pointed post on this whole thread. I think that McCain and Obama could hire you to do their speeches!! Bravo!!

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When I first read the OP's post, I thought the same thing as many have said here...why bring it up if you don't care? However, after some thought on the matter, I think the OP was just making a point that it was a different cruise experience than he/she had in the past and part of the reason it was different was because black passengers were in the majority.


I am black. My parents were a mixed couple, and I have very light skin. However, I have learned from experience to pretty much smell a racist before I even see them (since I look “white” racists are more likely to show their 'true colors' with me). Also, let me preface this post with the fact that I prefer the term “black” to “African American”, so please don't take offense to my political-incorrectness. I have never been to Africa, and neither had my father or his predecessors for at least 3 generations. I'm not into the PC thing. Plus, it is just easier to say “black” or “white”. :)



Anyway, I did not get the feeling from the OP that he/she is racist. I might have said the same thing, but in the context of a much longer review, and not just one sentence in the middle of a post. I would have noticed that the passenger mix was much different than I had experienced before. I probably would have remarked on how much better the cruise was because of the diversity of the passengers, and then gone on to give examples. Our last cruise was on Costa (an Italian cruise line owned by Carnival) and only about half the pax were US citizens, with a good bit of Europeans and Canadians, and many did not speak English. I am ashamed at the reaction of the US passengers to being “forced” to travel with others for whom English is not their first language and who had different cultural ideas about things such as waiting in lines, volume of talk, dress, etc. However, if you write a review of a cruise where that is the case, you would be doing a disservice to the readers of the review not to mention that fact. It creates a “different” cruise experience...not better or worse, just “different”. Reviews should give the reader an idea of what to expect.


That said, my first cruise was with my parents on the “Carnivale” in 1978. I have great memories of my first cruise! We and the rest of our party (we and one extended family) were the only black families on the cruise. I don't remember any overt racism, but I was pretty young at the time. I have been on about 6-7 cruises since 2000 or so, and I have never been on a cruise where black people outnumbered whites. I think it is worth mentioning. It would definitely be a different cruise experience for me. If many on this board (other than the OP and others on his/her sailing) have been on a cruise where blacks outnumbered whites, I would be surprised! I also wonder whether many of those voicing offense here are actually black?



Trying to think of a way to say this so people will understand and not flame me for it! It is not about race, but the whole environment. Once, DH and I took our kids on a 10-day camping trip into a part of the US that was very beautiful, but not a place where there were any people of colors other than white. We had a great time! Everyone was nice, no one did anything to make us feel discriminated against, etc. However, there was one morning in a little diner for breakfast where I felt uncomfortable and it took me a while to realize the problem was I hadn't seen another black person in days. Mind you, probably no one knew I or my children were not white (DH is white, and we all “look” white). I had no real reason to feel threatened at all, but it was a new experience for me!



I guess my point is it is OK to notice racial differences without being a racist oneself! Give the OP a break. And, if you've not actually been a victim of racism, give it a rest already, will ya? I hope this thread doesn't go "poof" because it is important to discuss these things.





Thank you -- a reasonable voice and rational attitude. I applaud you!! Silver
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When I first read the OP's post, I thought the same thing as many have said here...why bring it up if you don't care? However, after some thought on the matter, I think the OP was just making a point that it was a different cruise experience than he/she had in the past and part of the reason it was different was because black passengers were in the majority.





I guess my point is it is OK to notice racial differences without being a racist oneself! Give the OP a break. And, if you've not actually been a victim of racism, give it a rest already, will ya? I hope this thread doesn't go "poof" because it is important to discuss these things.







exactly and bravo...well said

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I'll be the first one to notice if there's any racial group that dominates the passenger count, and yes I will notice if they are white, black, hispanic etc. That doesn't make me racist or enjoy the cruise any less.


In fact, my table on my last cruise was composed of a black couple, a white couple, a white guy with his asian wife, and a hispanic wife with his white wife. I'll let you figure out which ones we were, but what I will tell you is that it was the BEST group of people I've ever been paired up with.


What the OP did was MAKE AN OBSERVATION. Stop seeing racism where there's none.

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I'll be the first one to notice if there's any racial group that dominates the passenger count, and yes I will notice if they are white, black, hispanic etc. That doesn't make me racist or enjoy the cruise any less.


In fact, my table on my last cruise was composed of a black couple, a white couple, a white guy with his asian wife, and a hispanic wife with his white wife. I'll let you figure out which ones we were, but what I will tell you is that it was the BEST group of people I've ever been paired up with.


What the OP did was MAKE AN OBSERVATION. Stop seeing racism where there's none.


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I guess my point is it is OK to notice racial differences without being a racist oneself! Give the OP a break. And, if you've not actually been a victim of racism, give it a rest already, will ya? I hope this thread doesn't go "poof" because it is important to discuss these things.



Thank you, Boo. You've expressed many of the same thoughts I had as I read the comments. I'm Black too (I come from a time when "Black" was the "politically correct" term and I don't consider "African-American" an improvement - but to each their own).


I saw no harm in the comments the OP made. In fact, I appreciated them because I'm happy to hear more Blacks are cruising. On my last cruise, there were more Black families, couples, and individuals than I've seen in all my cruises put together. When combined with the large number of dark-skinned crew members, this was the first cruise where I didn't feel out of place.


In regards to the comments from other posts about the "point" of the observation : a review is supposed to include the writer's observations - that's what makes reviews so helpful and (often) fun to read. What is irrelevant for one reader may be highly relevant for another. I personally don't care about how easy or hard it is to find lounge chairs or their condition. However, this is probably of interest to others.


Please, instead of reading "meaning" into comments, just accept them as they are.


Thank you.


P.S. I just noticed that my last cruise is not listed in my signature. Not sure how to edit the signature from here so I'll just add the info (for those who are curious) - Monarch of the Seas Sept. 2008.

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Okay here you go, figure this out. I am orginally from Australia, I am a big beautiful women who now lives in New Orleans, I want to know how Carnival will cater to me??!!:eek:


Why is okay for the OP to post what they wish but not okay for people to respond with their real feelings? Just asking. We have probably all said something that offended someone at some time. People have the right to feel how they want about things they hear and read. As for those that say we all notice color.......I guess we do to some degree but I for one notice attitude far before I notice color. Just to clarify.....not all people who are black are African American either. Just an observation on my part. :p

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In fact, my table on my last cruise was composed of a black couple, a white couple, a white guy with his asian wife, and a hispanic wife with his white wife. I'll let you figure out which ones we were,


I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess.......you were the couple with the black dog:D

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i think when crusing and there are a large number of people from different countries, religions or ethnicities you will notice a differnce,,,thats normal...and i dont see a problem with stating it...i have taken many shorter cruises and have noticed that the shorter the cruise the more casual it is and the more rude a larger portion of people seem to be, regardless of color....give me a 7 day and longer any time

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i think when crusing and there are a large number of people from different countries, religions or ethnicities you will notice a differnce,,,thats normal...and i dont see a problem with stating it...i have taken many shorter cruises and have noticed that the shorter the cruise the more casual it is and the more rude a larger portion of people seem to be, regardless of color....give me a 7 day and longer any time


I don't get the correlation. Why would people on a shorter cruise be more rude than those on a longer cruise?

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Guess we all have our our opinions....I personally take offense. If you don't, good for you.


.........would it have been better if I told you in my experiences......... I see a lot of FAT PEOPLE on my cruises........now you can take offense over that too....:rolleyes:

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Thank you, Boo. You've expressed many of the same thoughts I had as I read the comments. I'm Black too (I come from a time when "Black" was the "politically correct" term and I don't consider "African-American" an improvement - but to each their own).


I saw no harm in the comments the OP made. In fact, I appreciated them because I'm happy to hear more Blacks are cruising. On my last cruise, there were more Black families, couples, and individuals than I've seen in all my cruises put together. When combined with the large number of dark-skinned crew members, this was the first cruise where I didn't feel out of place.

Please, instead of reading "meaning" into comments, just accept them as they are.

Thank you.


Thanks Rie! I know the time you are referencing. When I come back from vacation these days, my coworkers and friends remark on my dark tan and I tell them "black is beautiful" :D. Those who know me well laugh, and those who don't just try to figure me out!


I too have noticed more passengers of colors other than white on recent cruises. However, I had never considered the staff/crew (shame on me)! In hindsight, that is probably one of the reasons I feel so comfortable on cruises vs. other vacations (more diversity). Thanks for pointing that out to me! Also, most of the ports of call are heavily populated by people of colors other than white.



Wow! Looks like it is turning into a thread about casual/formal dress, rude/civilized, Lido/Riviera deck, 7-day/5-day, fat/skinny conversation. We can get that on so many other threads...Let's not let this thread die that way, please?




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Getting away from the race issue....

Just curious, why does it matter to you how other people dress on a cruise?



I was wondering too? Does it make the food taste different? I just don't get this one either.:rolleyes: I like to dress up but could care less if the person next to me is... as long as their clothes are clean and they have good table manners that is all that really counts. I think people worry too much about everyone else and not enough about theirselves. It's vacation you pay to go on not a runway show. :D

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