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50 dollar salary?


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But What does it mean????:confused:


Okay, the fast run down:


In the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the computer Deep Thought takes 7 and a half million years to give the number 42 as the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.


Not making sense yet? Good. It's not supposed to. Deep Thought knew that the answer is one thing, but having the QUESTION to life, the universe and everything is much more important.


Now, Deep Thought was pretty darned smart, but it didn't know the question. It designed a computer to find the question, and after a lot of fun stuff which you really ought to read the books for, it arrived at the ultimate question of the universe...


WHICH IS: (hope you're sitting down)


What do you get when you multiply six by nine?







Earth-shattering, I know.


And yes, it's a total non sequitur, and it's incredibly British dry humour.

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Can you back that statement up? Steve

I can back it up with what has been personally told to me by a number of our waiters. That is why I always put my name and cabin number on the envelope I hand them the last night so they can verify I left the autotip on.

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Where do the first 3 people on the page of this link you provided get their gratuities from?:confused:

Not me!

Answer..............the reason they like the autotip! So they get their share from the crew you think you are tipping.Without the autotip,the crew puts the cash in their pocket.



I don't know...Why don't you contact this agency that hires people for the cruiselines and ask them......
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You are presenting as FACT an ADVERTISEMENT from a headhunter that gets a commission equal to a years pay. The is no governing authority anywhere to insure that a single word is true in their add. Nor do they actually say that they are in any way connected to any of the cruiselines listed in their add. Strangely, if you click on Carnival, the add says you will make less on Carnival because it is the party ship. The fact they are using an idea more than 20 years out of date, lends little credence to their claims.

Plus the actual sailors jobs on board [deck crew, engine room, etc.] come through the Maritime Unions.

And jobs like salon worker are hired by the salon contractor, not the cruiseline.


Do they end up placing anyone on a cruise job? I'm sure they do place some. At the incomes stated???? Not in a million years.



I have used several head hunters in the past and done very well. How did you find your last job ? It is just an idea of what was presented originally by the OP. What they make......

Now if you really know what they make please post it.

I have a feeling that won't happen in a million years either......


By the way...Most head hunters are paid the commission by the employer. It cuts down on the cost of their HR department.

Also there are companies that are set up to do this services for people in the cruiseline industry that these folks who work on cruiselines use. They are contracted employees as are many people in the US in their line of work. After their contract of 9 months is done...take a few months of and recontract.....

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Now if you really know what they make please post it.

I have a feeling that won't happen in a million years either......




Don't count on it,he will post something and when asked to provide a source, will then tell you to go look it up.:D :p



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Remember folks....The nice people that wait on us hand and foot on these cruises come from countries where they might only make a couple of dollars a day. They do well compared to where they are from. Many have nice homes in their country compared to other people. If you think some are unhappy with their jobs ask them (or other crew members) how long they have worked for the cruise industry. I have met some that have done it for 40 years.....and many that have more than 20 years in.....


Did a quick search...I love the internet. Here is what a Carnival employee makes....(they by the way are contracted not employed)


Notice at the bottom of that page are other departments you can click on.....

Hope this helps clear things up.....


You DID notice that the "salaries" listed on that site include gratuities, right? Sometimes it pays to actually read your linked material before you post it. ;)

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Glad to hear, Geeks only recently started procreating, and pretty soon they'll start cruising en mass as well :D




OT Highjack - sorry


LOL 42....I thought you might appreciate this. :)


Top 10 ways you can tell you're on a geek cruise:


10.The Open Source Cruise sinks ... because everybody insisted on open portals.


9.The cruise doesn't involve leaving your bedroom: it's virtual.


8.The itinerary doesn't specify ports of call, it lists GPS co-ordinates.


7.You get 49 out of 50 on Trivia Night and finish last.


6.The only fancy dress outfit in the ship's store is Spiderman and it is permanently out, even when there is not a fancy dress ball on.


5.The only food served at the buffet is from the food group Fast and all the drinks contain extra caffeine.


4.The disco has been transformed into a Dungeons and Dragons game room.


3.There is 10,000km of Ethernet cable on a spool at the docks because all the wireless network options lose too many packets.


2.At the end of the cruise everyone's tans are exactly the same as they were at the start: pasty white.


1.The cruise covers the seven seas: C, C++, Visual C, C# ...

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From a few cases I've read in which a tipped employee sued the cruise line, their NOMINAL salary may very well be $50/month. This is the base salary from the cruise line. However, they are generally guaranteed by the cruise line around $1000/month if their tips for the month do not reach that amount.


So, it really depends on how you look at. Bottom line though is that they are not receiving only $50/month.

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It's amazing how many threads get started on this one subject... but I have to say.. I have come to the conclusion... and I dont mean to sound harsh.. It's not my intent.. but I dont care what their salary is...

They are not identured servants..they accepted the job with the knowledge of however they get paid.. Do I tip them, of course.. above too...

I dont care they work 12 hour days.. Guess what... So do I..

My husband works 12 + sometimes..comissioned rep.. He does not work,he doesnt make money either...


Its all about choices...


And I seriously do not mean it as harsh as it may sound.. I have complete compassion for these workers being away from their homes and families.. but again.. they made the choice... and I may add most of them are always happy!

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I find it amazing how cheap some people on cruises can be. On my last cruise about half the dinner table said they were having the tips taken off their S&S cards so they could tip on their own. Amazingly on the last night they all had an excuse to rush away from the table before desert. Out of 10 people at the table I was the only one to give the two waiters anything extra.

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It's amazing how many threads get started on this one subject... but I have to say.. I have come to the conclusion... and I dont mean to sound harsh.. It's not my intent.. but I dont care what their salary is...

They are not identured servants..they accepted the job with the knowledge of however they get paid.. Do I tip them, of course.. above too...

I dont care they work 12 hour days.. Guess what... So do I..

My husband works 12 + sometimes..comissioned rep.. He does not work,he doesnt make money either...


Its all about choices...


And I seriously do not mean it as harsh as it may sound.. I have complete compassion for these workers being away from their homes and families.. but again.. they made the choice... and I may add most of them are always happy!


Not harsh at all.......I totally agree!

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I have used several head hunters in the past and done very well. How did you find your last job ? It is just an idea of what was presented originally by the OP. What they make......

Now if you really know what they make please post it.

I have a feeling that won't happen in a million years either......


By the way...Most head hunters are paid the commission by the employer. It cuts down on the cost of their HR department.

Also there are companies that are set up to do this services for people in the cruiseline industry that these folks who work on cruiselines use. They are contracted employees as are many people in the US in their line of work. After their contract of 9 months is done...take a few months of and recontract.....


If you wish to believe that trash, go ahead, your choice. And if you wish to believe there is any similarity between an executive placement agency advertising in a trade publication or US newspaper for a position in and for a US company and an internet add for a tip service job, that's your choice too.!

The first is subject to all the rules and laws of the US and any states involved and the fee is normally paid by the employer. The second is a completely unregulated internet add for a job on a foreign registered ship, and the fee is ALWAYS paid by the worker.

But net:

How they get hired, what they get paid, in salary and bennies, and/or tips, what their working conditions and hours are, how long their contracts are , WHATEVER it is absolutely none of your business, Steveaaa's business, or my business. They choose to work the job for their own reasons.

My concern is if the service is good or not. NOTHING ELSE is a factor.

Good service, good tip----bad service, bad tip. But the service is almost universally good which extrapolates to probably happy workers.

You and Steveaaa want to believe silliness and stick you noses where they have no business, go ahead, I don't care.



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You DID notice that the "salaries" listed on that site include gratuities, right? Sometimes it pays to actually read your linked material before you post it. ;)
Yep I did read it and I know how they are payed. I have worked on a commission style most of my whole life...

I guess you just assumed I don't read things before I post them.....

Thanks for your comment though.....:rolleyes:

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If you wish to believe that trash, go ahead, your choice. And if you wish to believe there is any similarity between an executive placement agency advertising in a trade publication or US newspaper for a position in and for a US company and an internet add for a tip service job, that's your choice too.!

The first is subject to all the rules and laws of the US and any states involved and the fee is normally paid by the employer. The second is a completely unregulated internet add for a job on a foreign registered ship, and the fee is ALWAYS paid by the worker.

But net:

How they get hired, what they get paid, in salary and bennies, and/or tips, what their working conditions and hours are, how long their contracts are , WHATEVER it is absolutely none of your business, Steveaaa's business, or my business. They choose to work the job for their own reasons.

My concern is if the service is good or not. NOTHING ELSE is a factor.

Good service, good tip----bad service, bad tip. But the service is almost universally good which extrapolates to probably happy workers.

You and Steveaaa want to believe silliness and stick you noses where they have no business, go ahead, I don't care.



I just tried to help answer the OP......

I did not come on this thread to stick my nose in other peoples posts.

I really don''t care what they make either....

Please if you would, let me know when I can post and what I can post about.....:D

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It's from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


To the person who said they would be hard pressed to believe someone only made $50.00, I am a server. I make $2.38 an hour. Minimum wage for servers is $2.13 in USA. Luckily I work for a good company. After taxes and health insurance, my paycheck is a mere pittance. Anywhere from a voided check to a few dollars. Yes I do claim 100% of my tips. And no I am not complaining. But tips are my paycheck. If not, I couldn't afford my own home, car, wonderful cruises with you fine people, etc. I'm also a single Mom and totally support my child and myself on tips.

I was just about to say the same thing! I know people that are servers. They make 2.13 per hour. They have to buy their own sweeper for the carpet in their area. Then they take out fed. tax, state tax, social security/medicare. They make nothing. Except tips. BUT she works her butt off and makes no less than 100.00 per day in tips.

We need to stop feeling sorry for the people working on cruise ships and start feeling sorry for the person in the US that makes min. wage, works their butts off and makes no tips because they are not in a tipping position. ie: people that work in department stores, a lot of people that work in grocery stores, fast food restruants, etc.

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Just had to add this comment about the wages of casino workers.

They do start on $10 per day paid fortnightly, PLUS tips.:)

The tips for casino workers come directly from the casino players.

Not all casino workers are from 3rd world countires.

Their wages increase according to their promotions. This is why your comment cards are so important to them. They are read by management and promotion is offered accordingly.

Tips vary according to who is playing in the casino and how generous they are. Each cruise is a different amount.

Yes their medical is covered, and basic food but there are other expenses. Their own personal expenses plus extra drinks, food on shore etc. They have very small cabins and mostly share unless they are management.

Most also tip and pay other workers on the ship like their own room steward, waiters etc.

Their contract is between 6 and 8 months.


Why do they do it? Because most of them enjoy travelling and meeting people from other countires.

They meet nice people, both guests and staff, see fantastic places and get paid to do it. And it's safe.

When they come home they have to support themselves from their earnings until they go back. Not all employees fares are paid to return to the ship. Lower level workers pay their own airfares back to the ship.


A casino worker would not be able to keep a tip for themselves. It must be put it in the group tips.

I think it is a great way for young people to see the world and have some fun whilst earning some money.

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I looked at a job in one of the shops and they get about $500/month salary plus some commission.


They don't have to pay for room and board, but do pay for drinks in the bar etc.


I know some of the bar waiters/tenders can make a lot of $$ if they are good. One of the guys I was talking to (just in generalities though we didn't ask for specifics) said he did pretty well, and loves it.

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A family member just got back from a cruise on another line. After having a converation with a room steward it was revealed that he only ends up making 50 dollars in salary for the 3 mth tour he was on and the rest he relies on tips.

Anyone know if this could be true? I am assuming after his room and board comes out it could be close but it seems awfully low.

I'm thinking my family member got it wrong or story was exaggerated or maybe the language barrier came into play?


To answer your question....yes, that is what they do make sometimes....when we sailed on a Princess ship we where told that is what they make ...plus tips....our cabin stewart at the time worked his butt off...he said that the folks that do not use autotip/or remove it from the accounts do hurt their pay check, this is one reason that we give our stewart extra at the end of our trip.

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I can back it up with what has been personally told to me by a number of our waiters. That is why I always put my name and cabin number on the envelope I hand them the last night so they can verify I left the autotip on.


There is no tipping pool on Carnival and to whomever you hand a tip can keep it.


Tipping Policies of Various Cruiselines




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I just tried to help answer the OP......

I did not come on this thread to stick my nose in other peoples posts.

I really don''t care what they make either....

Please if you would, let me know when I can post and what I can post about.....:D


Just chek wit me befor ya post anythin and isle review it fur ya. Shud I chek gammer un spullin two?:D



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Okay, the fast run down:


In the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the computer Deep Thought takes 7 and a half million years to give the number 42 as the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.


Not making sense yet? Good. It's not supposed to. Deep Thought knew that the answer is one thing, but having the QUESTION to life, the universe and everything is much more important.


Now, Deep Thought was pretty darned smart, but it didn't know the question. It designed a computer to find the question, and after a lot of fun stuff which you really ought to read the books for, it arrived at the ultimate question of the universe...


Omg.. its been YEARs since i have since HGTTG lol.. thought the movie was fun

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If that is true, the Captain must make what ? $300 a month ??

A family member just got back from a cruise on another line. After having a converation with a room steward it was revealed that he only ends up making 50 dollars in salary for the 3 mth tour he was on and the rest he relies on tips.

Anyone know if this could be true? I am assuming after his room and board comes out it could be close but it seems awfully low.

I'm thinking my family member got it wrong or story was exaggerated or maybe the language barrier came into play?

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I will preface my comments by saying I have read only the first two postings in this thread, but I am rather incredulous how many people have conversations with stewards, servers, etc. about their salaries. Given the number of times these comments are posted, can you imagine how sick and tired these people must be having these intrusive questions asked each week by another couple of thousand folks.


Somehow because the stewards and servers are friendly to us, some start to believe they are like family, begin to feel some entitlement apparently to ask these questions. It is not our business how much they make, I don't really care and nor should any of you. These jobs are highly competitive and prized, so the money must be excellent or they wouldn't be so sought after. Why can't people just go on a cruise, relax, leave your tips based on the level of service or whatever and give the other stuff a rest.

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From that link it seems that the most basic cleaner job, where you clean public areas and receive no tips, is $600 per month (presumably, these people also get free accommodation and food, worth another $600 really).


A room steward, who does not need to have prior experience, will earn at least $1800 a month. If passengers are generous with the tips, they can earn $400 extra a month (or more, maybe the cruise line does not know about all of the tips).


A head room steward can earn $2800. That's $ 33600 p.a., so not too bad, considering they also have free meals, travel the world and don't have to worry about accommodation for most of the year (unless they have a family to support).


It is good to be generous, but we should give to the most needy! That being said, I would tip extra if the service was exceptional.


Actually it said $2200 To $2800 ....$2200 is 26,400 a year....it's all mostly from Tips....and I wonder how many hours a week they work to earn that....bet it's a lot more than 40


A regular Room Steward makes around $22,000 a year with tips and the assistant Room Steward makes around $15,000 with tips

Again I wonder how many hours a week they work. Cleaning those rooms, hallways, moving the luggage, etc....etc......fetching for us...

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