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1st Big Carnival disappointment !!!!!!

Ron & Faye

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Carnival did not just "change their reservation" for the sake of changing it. They booked an 8A and then Carnival assigned them a room then proceeded to recatagorize their cabins and in doing so,the cabin they were assigned BY CARNIVAL went from an 8A to an 8B. The OP's point is that she doesn't feel that she should be "penalized" so to speak for being in an 8B cabin when she originally paid for an 8A that through no fault of her own, turned into an 8B.


What is the actual difference in price and/or location of the room? Arent the 8A and 8B the same price?

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She wants the 8A price for the 8B cabin because she claims Carnival just changed it on her without her knowledge I guess, I really doubt that, Carnival just wouldnt change your reservation.


If you wanted the 8A so bad, why didnt you just book 8A guarantee and pick your room up front, then they wouldnt have changed it on you?


I have never had Carnival just change my reservation, we always just pick our room from the beginning.


Really, what is the difference in 8A against 8B? Pretty much the same isnt it?


It still comes down to the fact that the OP cant claim all the "new" senior benefits while not also accepting the higher taxes and fuel surcharge that has started since her original booking. Take the good with the bad or take nothing at all is my feeling on it.


Yes exactly what browneyes said......Carnival recatagorized their cabins....by doing so it changed the price of the op's cabin.

It comes down to the op had 2 price drops and are also offering the senior discounts.......

If I was the op I would cancel (if she can without penalty) and rebook another cruise at the lower rates and discounts........

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What part of Fuel Prices are down 60% since Carnival bumped the Fuel Surcharge to $9 per person/per day don't you understand, oh and that was only 6 months ago. Fuel Costs are a part of doing business, when it skyrockets yeah, make the customer help out with the cost, when it plummets give it back, without the hoops and magic spells.

The rest of what you said I can't comprehend, amigo.


Fuel prices were sky high LONG before Carnival implemented the fuel surcharge... they have a plan in place now, seems like a fair plan...there are plenty of other cruise lines that DON'T have a plan right now, Carnival does... I guess if anyone thinks the other cruise lines are going to do better, there is nobody stopping them from cancelling and booking with that cruise line... pretty simple :)

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This is very true, how can the fuel surcharge almost be doubled when the price of fuel is half of what it was 1 year ago. If anything, Carnival should lower the fuel surcharge to about 2.50 per day or just eliminate it completely.


This nonsense of 25 consecutive days trading below $70 is confusing for alot of people and just plain insulting to the passengers.


I'm not familiar with what the other lines are doing... last I heard, they weren't doing anything, but I've been out of the loop since returning from my cruise... is what they are doing much simpler?

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I would just cancel... then book with the military rate, it sounds like it MUST be a significant amount of money since it's such a big deal... so it should cover the fuel charge right? Just cancel, book elsewhere... good luck.

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Fuel prices were sky high LONG before Carnival implemented the fuel surcharge... they have a plan in place now, seems like a fair plan...there are plenty of other cruise lines that DON'T have a plan right now, Carnival does... I guess if anyone thinks the other cruise lines are going to do better, there is nobody stopping them from cancelling and booking with that cruise line... pretty simple :)


I'm not familiar with what the other lines are doing... last I heard, they weren't doing anything, but I've been out of the loop since returning from my cruise... is what they are doing much simpler?


Didn't you just contradict yourself, first cruise lines don't have a plan in place, then you're not familiar with what other cruise lines are doing? Try some consistency with those agrumentative points. Thanks for you imput. I'm thinking about booking with another cruise line can your recommend one. :)

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At what price level does everyone think that Oil needs to be trading at before it starts to break Carnival's back? You know...start losing money. $50/barrel, $60/barrel, $70/barrel, $80 /barrel, $90/barrel or any other price you might suggest? I really would like some opinions on this. Thanks. :)

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Didn't you just contradict yourself, first cruise lines don't have a plan in place, then you're not familiar with what other cruise lines are doing? Try some consistency with those agrumentative points. Thanks for you imput. I'm thinking about booking with another cruise line can your recommend one. :)



No, I said there are plenty that haven't done anything... and that last I heard, the other lines weren't doing anything... but I never said NO cruise lines don't have a plan in place, I know of at least 3 that as of today, don't have a plan (plenty, didn't say all, I can give a definition if needed :p) but others have made it sound like some lines have done something, and I want to know what they are doing... sorry, I was on a cruise for 10 days and may have missed something. Try some comprehension when making your points ;) I'm glad you appreciated my input...


As for other cruiselines, research the other lines that aren't owned by Carnival Corp. Find what you want and book... I really would appreciate knowing which ones have put a plan in place about the fuel surcharges... The last thing I've paid attention to the last few days is the stupid surcharge issue..

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Didn't you just contradict yourself, first cruise lines don't have a plan in place, then you're not familiar with what other cruise lines are doing? Try some consistency with those agrumentative points. Thanks for you imput. I'm thinking about booking with another cruise line can your recommend one. :)


NCL has no plan.

RCI and celebrity have a plan, different from CCL.

CCL's plan covers ALL their lines...HAL/CUNARD and whatever else they own.



So, your options are RCI/Celebrity.

LOL.....those cruises cost quite a bit more than CCL even IF they drop their fuel supplement.


Happy booking ;)

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NCL has no plan.

RCI and celebrity have a plan, different from CCL.

CCL's plan covers ALL their lines...HAL/CUNARD and whatever else they own.



So, your options are RCI/Celebrity.

LOL.....those cruises cost quite a bit more than CCL even IF they drop their fuel supplement.


Happy booking ;)


Actually for the month of Jan she has some good pickens on just about any line.........

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NCL has no plan.

RCI and celebrity have a plan, different from CCL.

CCL's plan covers ALL their lines...HAL/CUNARD and whatever else they own.



So, your options are RCI/Celebrity.

LOL.....those cruises cost quite a bit more than CCL even IF they drop their fuel supplement.


Happy booking ;)


Maybe they could just negotiate a price when they pull up to the pump??? :p LMAO!! Good gracious, we're still paying $2.29/gal for gas here... when there are places paying under $2... but because of issues we had in our state, the prices are going down slower, I should be up in arms apparently, LOL... but I also realize that there are issues I don't know about... I know that the price of oil today isn't what the companies are going to pay tomorrow... there is much more involved. I appreciated that the cruise lines waited as long as they did before slapping on a surcharge, but I also know they COULD because of how they purchase fuel... if I didn't like it I would book elsewhere instead of whining about it to people that can't do a darn thing about it :p

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Maybe they could just negotiate a price when they pull up to the pump??? :p LMAO!! Good gracious, we're still paying $2.29/gal for gas here... when there are places paying under $2... but because of issues we had in our state, the prices are going down slower, I should be up in arms apparently, LOL... but I also realize that there are issues I don't know about... I know that the price of oil today isn't what the companies are going to pay tomorrow... there is much more involved. I appreciated that the cruise lines waited as long as they did before slapping on a surcharge, but I also know they COULD because of how they purchase fuel... if I didn't like it I would book elsewhere instead of whining about it to people that can't do a darn thing about it :p


Amen Sista!


Actually for the month of Jan she has some good pickens on just about any line.........



Prices are excellent right now even with the surcharges, which all lines still have...but RCI still costs more then CCL for the most part (at least for the cruises I have looked at)...not that deals can't be had. I found an RCI deal and I grabbed it while the gettin was good. The price has increased some since I booked but is still quite reasonable.

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Each line has a final, all in price. It includes fare, fees, taxes, surcharges, service charges, tips, whatever.

You pay that total and you cruise on that line, OR you don't pay and you don't cruise.


Its really complicated.



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Funny how the OP on this topic has disappeared and never offered any specifics on the prices she paid and how much she did/didnt save.

The op realized that this post was getting ridiculous. Either that or they went out to but the popcorn.

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No, I said there are plenty that haven't done anything... and that last I heard, the other lines weren't doing anything... but I never said NO cruise lines don't have a plan in place, I know of at least 3 that as of today, don't have a plan (plenty, didn't say all, I can give a definition if needed :p) but others have made it sound like some lines have done something, and I want to know what they are doing... sorry, I was on a cruise for 10 days and may have missed something. Try some comprehension when making your points ;) I'm glad you appreciated my input...


As for other cruiselines, research the other lines that aren't owned by Carnival Corp. Find what you want and book... I really would appreciate knowing which ones have put a plan in place about the fuel surcharges... The last thing I've paid attention to the last few days is the stupid surcharge issue..


Lucy, I am really not trying to be difficult with you. I have tried to express an opinion on these boards about how I feel regarding the fuel surcharge issue, backe by facts and have been getting torched pretty regular, as a matter of fact I just got back from the burn unit to get my wounds treated, anyway I have an opinion and I express it pretty loudly, but there are many who don't like it, most just say I shouldn't cruise anymore or go to hell if I don't agree with them and I know you didn't intend any harm by your remarks, so please accept my apology. I love to cruise, will continue to cruise when this rediculous fuel surcharge has been resolved to "my" satisfaction. Until then I hope you enjoy the experience. :)

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Lucy, I am really not trying to be difficult with you. I have tried to express an opinion on these boards about how I feel regarding the fuel surcharge issue, backe by facts and have been getting torched pretty regular, as a matter of fact I just got back from the burn unit to get my wounds treated, anyway I have an opinion and I express it pretty loudly, but there are many who don't like it, most just say I shouldn't cruise anymore or go to hell if I don't agree with them and I know you didn't intend any harm by your remarks, so please accept my apology. I love to cruise, will continue to cruise when this rediculous fuel surcharge has been resolved to "my" satisfaction. Until then I hope you enjoy the experience. :)


Oh no worries at all.. after the week I've had, I'm not sweating the small stuff... and this is all indeed the small stuff. No apology necessary :) Hope you do start cruising again and have a wonderful time wherever you go!!!!! :)

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I am not a troll, and there are good reasons for changing my name for this post, so before you read into the fact that this is my first post. I wanted to let you know that.


Maybe the cruise lines should just not make price adjustments once you book your cruise. If you see that the rate has gone down, fine cancel your reservation and start over again. You might lose the cabin that you had on hold to begin with, but you will at least get the lower rate. Of course you will be subject to any fees that go along with canceling your reservation also.

Of course it could go along with the way that some cruise lines put it in their terms & conditions now, that new rates are only for New bookings and cancel and rebooks are not considered new bookings. Then where would that get you.

Book your cruise, be happy you have the room you wanted at the price you are willing to pay and go on your cruise.


Are you going to buy a car, then go back 5 months later to get a lower rate because they are now selling it at a lower price, I don't think so.

What about your house, buy a house, then the prices drop in the neighborhood, you think that the mortgage company cares... NOPE.


The way things are now, you agreed to a price, you by giving your deposit contracted for that price, that is the price you pay. If the rates go down, oh well, you have already contracted. You are changing the terms by asking for the new rates, so the cruise line has the right to make the changes on their terms.

You don't like it, gather up the funds and start your own cruise line.


It is pretty disturbing to have people call day after day after day to get their rates lowered so because the cruise line has lowered them for new bookings, and to see the paycheck that i have worked very hard for almost cut in half, because people don't want to abide by the terms/rates that they contracted to. Because of the rate reductions I now see why there are agencies that charge change fees. Each reduction takes money out of our pockets.


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I am not a troll, and there are good reasons for changing my name for this post, so before you read into the fact that this is my first post. I wanted to let you know that.


Maybe the cruise lines should just not make price adjustments once you book your cruise. If you see that the rate has gone down, fine cancel your reservation and start over again. You might lose the cabin that you had on hold to begin with, but you will at least get the lower rate. Of course you will be subject to any fees that go along with canceling your reservation also.

Of course it could go along with the way that some cruise lines put it in their terms & conditions now, that new rates are only for New bookings and cancel and rebooks are not considered new bookings. Then where would that get you.

Book your cruise, be happy you have the room you wanted at the price you are willing to pay and go on your cruise.


Are you going to buy a car, then go back 5 months later to get a lower rate because they are now selling it at a lower price, I don't think so.

What about your house, buy a house, then the prices drop in the neighborhood, you think that the mortgage company cares... NOPE.


The way things are now, you agreed to a price, you by giving your deposit contracted for that price, that is the price you pay. If the rates go down, oh well, you have already contracted. You are changing the terms by asking for the new rates, so the cruise line has the right to make the changes on their terms.

You don't like it, gather up the funds and start your own cruise line.


It is pretty disturbing to have people call day after day after day to get their rates lowered so because the cruise line has lowered them for new bookings, and to see the paycheck that i have worked very hard for almost cut in half, because people don't want to abide by the terms/rates that they contracted to. Because of the rate reductions I now see why there are agencies that charge change fees. Each reduction takes money out of our pockets.



So basically the cruise lines will just loose all their customers that book a year ahead of time......lost deposits, lost interest..........;)

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