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Just back from Conquest this morning


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I can post a few things now. I did earlier type up something and it disappeared. I don't think I was logged in. Anyway, just for reference, this was our 4th cruise and second on Carnival. We really don't have any complaints about the ship or Carnival in general. Mostly, our complaints are about fellow pax. Just some unfortunate observations:


Line jumpers. This was prevalent, but mostly in the Lido buffet. The first time it happened, I thought the guy just wanted to grab one item, which I absolutely don't have a problem with. Instead, he just stayed in line after jumping ahead of 7 or 8 people who were in line for the same food. The lady standing behind him called him on it and he apologized, but still he didn't go to the back of the line. This happened a lot and we just kind of got used to it.


Another bad thing. This is disgusting. People who eat while still standing in line for food. One day a lady in front of me began dipping carrot pieces in dressing and shoving them in her mouth while waiting to get her entree. Yuk!


Even worse was the woman at the pool grill popping fries in her mouth while waiting for onion rings. She then proceeded to lick all her fingers before picking up the onion ring tongs:eek: I was repulsed. Needless to say, we walked on with our hamburgers and didn't partake of fries, rings or any of the other self serve items. What's wrong with people?!


I know this is a dead horse, but I have to beat it, I can't help it. We had a balcony cabin on deck 8 and yep, you guessed it....chain smokers on either side of us. Well, I'm glad that they all got to enjoy their balconies 'cause we didn't. If that wasn't bad enought, the couple to the left of us had a knock down drag out just as we were departing Cozumel. For a good 30 minutes they screamed obscenities at the top of their lungs to each other. There was sobbing and crying. The balcony door slammed over and over. We heard the guy say "can you ever forgive me"? I don't know exactlly what he 'did' because most of their screaming and yelling was incoherent due to inebriation. Just as we were about to call the desk, it quieted down.


The very first night of the cruise, a drunk lady yelled at a staff member at the entrance to the Monet dining room. She said she had been sent to the downstairs section 6 times and sent back up 6 times (which I find hard to believe) She was extremely rude and could hardly stand up. I'm betting she was so drunk she didn't know where she was. Chances are, she wasn't really going to eat anything anyway-just continue with her drinking.


Oh, don't let me forget the numerous wacky weed smokers onboard. Many times as we walked the hallways we detected the scent seeping from cabins. I'm just speechless. What were they thinking. Oh, apparently they weren't.


I'm sure a lot of pax didn't miss the beligerant drunk guy covered in blood on the dock in Cozumel. A Carnival security officer politely tried to hold him up and walk him back to the ship. After about 15 minutes (yes, we loitered around to watch) the guy bolted and ran back through security. We went ahead and boarded and are happy to say that we saw the man later being escorted down the dock by several security officers and was reunited with his extremely upset girlfriend. She put her arm around him and they boarded the ship as the security officers waved to them. We had thought he would be in a lot of trouble, but it seems not. I'm just glad he didn't end up in a Mexican jail.


We absolutely had no problems with the beautiful Carnival Conquest or the service. The ship is kept very clean and the service was the best we've had on any ship. Very nice. Well, actually I do have one minor complaint which I'll get to in a sec. As far as dining, the food was very good on this ship especially in the dining room. BTW, our assignment was Monet, second seating. It worked out perfect for us. We only missed the dining room two nights, one because we were exhausted from our excursion and the other because we ate at the Supper Club. We've dined at the Supper Club before (different ship) and knew we wouldn't be disappointed. It was so good we almost did it again.


This brings me to my only complaint which isn't a biggie. I'm glad we were assigned to the Monet. While walking around, we did notice that smell in the Renoir dining room and outside the entrance. I think someone here has memtioned it before. I don't know what the odor is, but it kind of smells like rancid grease. It's not overwhelming, but it's definitely there. Hopefully, they can fix that when she goes into drydock next month. Other things:


Jamaica-we did the Appleton Rum Estate tour and loved it. It took all day. The drive there took about 3 hours and it was very fascinating. The tour at the distillery was fun-they gave us lunch and all the rum we could drink. The drive back was a different route and only took about 1 1/2 hours. Great fun and would do it again. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff we saw.


Grand Cayman-our stingray excursion was cancelled and we ended up at Rum Point Beach for the rest of the day. It was overcast and drizzled on and off. I was freezing and didn't even go in the water. Rum Point is very pretty, but, I thought also very touristy. The food and drink prices were high IMO and we felt like a captured audience. We would love to return to Grand Cayman. I wish we would have had more time there because the weather got better and better as the afternoon wore on.


Cozumel-we didn the ATV and beach excursion (all excursions were booked in advance with Carnival) which was insane. I had never driven an ATV before and it was so much fun. We rode over really bumpy paths in a jungle (it's not a real tropical jungle) for about two hours-we had a blast! Later they dropped us at the beach where we had lunch and laid out. We love Cozumel and we had a great day there.


So, yes, we throughly enjoyed Carnival Conquest and have no real complaints about the cruise or ship. We would definitely sail on her again:) Now, if the ill mannered pax would just learn how to behave-we would all be better off. I'm open to questions.



We were on the same cruise and also on the Starboard side. I never saw the guy at Cozumel!!! We returned to the ship a couple of hours before we had to, though. We actually ate at the Renoir and I am pretty picky but, never detected any bad smell. We ate breakfast a couple of times in the Monet and lunch the last day. There was quite a bit of vibration from the engines that last day.


I am soooo glad I was never in line in the buffet behind any of those people you mentioned. I don't doubt that you saw all of that!!! I was happy to see that Carnival has an antibacterial gel dispenser at each entrance to the buffet line. Unfortunately, many people don't use it.


I did not care for Jamaica. The best part was when the local school marching band showed up at the dock before we left. They were wonderful and we were all throwing money down to them. I felt so humbled. Here I was on this beautiful cruise ship and there were these children who live in poverty. They had their crisp white uniforms on and, a handful who were not playing instruments, were running around with pillowcases picking up the money thrown down to them.:o Grand Cayman was nice but, Cozumel was my favorite!! We were there 30 years ago and it has changed so much!


We really enjoyed our cruise. The ship is going to be renovated in January and I know the carpet in our cabin could use it. Overall, it was a wonderful experience. The people to the right of our cabin smoked as well and it was annoying. They do have some sections of the casino that are smoke free but the slot machine I was winning on had a smoker next to it.:mad:


Regarding the weed smokers; I never smelled anything but, it sure would have been fun to knock loudly on their door and yell "Security"! Then run away;)


The Conquest was wonderful!! Our cabin was so pleasant and comfortable. I spent a lot of time there and on our balcony. The VIP check in was great and so was the disembarkation! My husband is pretty frugal but, he said it was worth the extra money to be able to miss the long lines. I agree :D


The last time we cruised was 10 years ago and we are already planning to sail the Conquest again next year with our 20 year old daughter and 26 year old son. I can't wait!!! We live in Beaumont so it is a quick trip to the terminal for us. (depending on the ferry).


Hope those who are cruising soon have as much fun as we did!!!

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Goodness gracious....you have got me laughing so hard...I'm about to wake up my sons.


Glad the Conquest is still in great shape. We'll be on her in about 13 days.


Now the passengers....was it a full moon?? Sounds like folks that were raised in a wolf pack were cruising with you! :eek:


Entertainment for sure! Drama, drama, drama;)


Sounds like you had a fantastic time despite the heathens.

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Ewwww! I hope I never see people handling food in the buffet line.


Regarding line jumpers; some of it kind of depends on how you define the line. Some people do not eat salad at a buffet while other people dot and doddle all day in the salad bar part holding the whole thing up (very rude in my opinion); probably the same people who drive 50 in the left hand lane. All the while they are clueless to what they are doing as they sit there talking with their friends totally oblivious as it is all about them. I see many people go around these dottlers to get to the real food (the hot food). I do that myself. I consider these two seperate stations, or lines. Now, I am not talking about being in some great big hurry or anything; I am on vacation. But some of these people take f-o-r-e-v-e-r!!!!

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We were on the same cruise and also on the Starboard side. I never saw the guy at Cozumel!!! We returned to the ship a couple of hours before we had to, though. We actually ate at the Renoir and I am pretty picky but, never detected any bad smell. We ate breakfast a couple of times in the Monet and lunch the last day. There was quite a bit of vibration from the engines that last day.


I am soooo glad I was never in line in the buffet behind any of those people you mentioned. I don't doubt that you saw all of that!!! I was happy to see that Carnival has an antibacterial gel dispenser at each entrance to the buffet line. Unfortunately, many people don't use it.


I did not care for Jamaica. The best part was when the local school marching band showed up at the dock before we left. They were wonderful and we were all throwing money down to them. I felt so humbled. Here I was on this beautiful cruise ship and there were these children who live in poverty. They had their crisp white uniforms on and, a handful who were not playing instruments, were running around with pillowcases picking up the money thrown down to them.:o Grand Cayman was nice but, Cozumel was my favorite!! We were there 30 years ago and it has changed so much!


We really enjoyed our cruise. The ship is going to be renovated in January and I know the carpet in our cabin could use it. Overall, it was a wonderful experience. The people to the right of our cabin smoked as well and it was annoying. They do have some sections of the casino that are smoke free but the slot machine I was winning on had a smoker next to it.:mad:


Regarding the weed smokers; I never smelled anything but, it sure would have been fun to knock loudly on their door and yell "Security"! Then run away;)


The Conquest was wonderful!! Our cabin was so pleasant and comfortable. I spent a lot of time there and on our balcony. The VIP check in was great and so was the disembarkation! My husband is pretty frugal but, he said it was worth the extra money to be able to miss the long lines. I agree :D


The last time we cruised was 10 years ago and we are already planning to sail the Conquest again next year with our 20 year old daughter and 26 year old son. I can't wait!!! We live in Beaumont so it is a quick trip to the terminal for us. (depending on the ferry).


Hope those who are cruising soon have as much fun as we did!!!



Ha Ha! That's what we should have done! LOL! You guys were so lucky to be booked into a suite. About a week before we sailed, Carnival called and offered us an upsell from our 8D to a Cat 12. We turned it down, but I know it would have been wonderful. Our son was able to join us on this one (he is 24) it was his 3rd cruise but first time on Carnival and he loved it-I'm sure your kids will too. Believe it or not, we're also thinking of taking the Conquest again next year.


If you haven't already, I do recommend the rum tour or any type of tour that will get you into the heart of Jamaica. We saw literally hundreds of school kids (in their varied color school uniforms) walking alongside extremely narrow roads (I was holding my breath that we didn't hit anyone) and nearly every single one of them waved as we went by. Those roads were so narrow in some places that we or on oncoming vehicle had to stop and back up to let the other one pass. The children along with the little goats and dogs all over made for some interesting scenery. Our tour guide was great and filled us in a little on why things are as bad as they are there.


We had a great time and considering there was nearly 3000 pax aboard, I don't think we encountered too many bad mannered pax. For those about to cruise-enjoy! Conquest is a clean, comfortable and beautiful ship and the food is good too :)

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Its amazing how being on a ship, your cruise can be different from someone elses, in terms of what and who you see. I was actually on my cruise with someone I work with and did not know it till we were about to board in Cozamel. I think that is one of the things I love about cruising, With the activities you may or may not ever see some people or you could get stuck with the same people all the time. That makes it interesting to me. But then again, I guess it could ruin it if all you ever ran into were the line jumpers licking the chicken. On all my cruises (just three) there have been those memorable guest, but we have been fortunate not to run across those like th OP mentioned.

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In case there is any doubt, for the record: I was just JOKING! I am glad that they have the hand sanitizer dispensers near the buffet line, and I would probably be one of the ones that would speak up if someone were to cut /jump line. Not that it matters that much to me, but it is annoying and I am not good at letting things slide. I would take the Miss Manners approach - and allow the person to do the right thing while claiming that they didn't realize they had made such a faux paus.


I love the "Security" suggestion - hilarious!



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Hi Sharon -

Yes this happens quite at bit, we had our excursion cancelled in Nov. 2005 due to rough waters. I am surprised they didn't cancel GC altogether that day as getting on tender boats was less than safe, it was scary.


Back to the topic of the passengers....On the RC Voyager my mom saw a kid lick the mashed potato spoon and put it back in the potatos :( She alerted a crew member that fixed the problem. Unfortunately it is scary to think what happens when no one is watching. And the manners thing I could go on forever about, but then I will just get angry. It isn't just cruising unfortunately, manners just seem to be lacking for some reason. I can't tell you how many times people walk in front of me or bump into me without a simple "excuse me", drives me nuts that people have forgotten common courtesy......


"Grand Cayman-our stingray excursion was cancelled and we ended up at Rum Point Beach for the rest of the day. It was overcast and drizzled on and off. I was freezing and didn't even go in the water. Rum Point is very pretty, but, I thought also very touristy. The food and drink prices were high IMO and we felt like a captured audience. We would love to return to Grand Cayman. I wish we would have had more time there because the weather got better and better as the afternoon wore on."


regarding above quote: Do they close Stingray city due to the rough waters?

In years past I never remember hearing this now, in the past month I think this is the 3rd or 4th time I have heard this news?:confused:

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