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Just back from Tortola: Independent tour to the Baths


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We went to the Baths of Virgin Gorda on our own. For me this was the highlight of the cruise. You have probably never done anything like this and I felt it was well worth the time and effort. We arrived probably shortly before 10am by the time we cleared customs and were able to debark it was around 10:15. You can walk to the ferry. It appeared to be about 1/2 mile or so, but we took a cab. The cab to the ferry was $3pp. Since we just missed the 10:30 ferry (it was pulling off as we were exiting the cab,) we waited around on Tortola until noon. We explored the downtown area and the shops to pass the time. At noon we hopped the ferry. They have had a price change. It was $30pp ($20pp for seniors). The ferry ride lasted about 45 min. When we arrived there were taxi’s waiting. We negotiated $3pp with another couple from the ship. We took a cab to the Baths. There was probably about a 10-15 minute ride. The driver waited for us and told us we could pay him on the way back. There was a $3 admission fee to the Baths. We crawled, climbed and slid our way through. It was awesome. In my opinion this is a not to be missed experience. We got all the way through the Devils Bay Beach stayed a few minutes and it was time to make the trek back to meet the cab. I wished we had caught the 10:30 ferry because my only complaint was that we were really rushed. We didn't have any real beach time. There was just enough time to see it, experience it and move on. Our cab driver was waiting for us as promised and we went back to the ship on the 3:30 ferry. We got back to the ship around 4:15-4:30 with time to spare. It was a great day.


A note to parents of small children

I was concerned whether I could take my toddler through the Baths. We did and it was not a problem at all. We hiked down with her in the Kelty backpack carrier but we quickly found that we couldn't keep her in it. There were many tiny crevices when it wasn't high enough to carry her through on back pack. In these places I went through and my husband passed her to me or vice versa.



Speedy's ferry schedule Tortola to Virgin Gorda


9am, 10:30 12 1:30, 4:30 6pm


Virgin Gorda back to Tortola


8am 10am 11:30. 12:30 3;30 5:00pm


Note there are a few days (particularly Sunday) when the schedule may vary a little bit. Double check with the website to confirm your specific day.

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A six year old should be fine... there might be one spot where you might have to lift him/her a bit for a couple of feet, depending on the tide. There does not seem to be much variation in depth. You might want to look at the thread about "non-swimmer at the Baths"

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As queenL said, this is a not-to-be-missed experience!! I LOVED it so much I hope to go back with my extended family...my nephews would have a blast!!


We docked in Tortola and were off the ship by 8:20 a.m. I followed advice from a fellow CC poster (Caribbeanbound) and we saved the taxi fee and just walked to the ferry, a 10 minute walk. We took Speedy's ferry...cost is $38 pp for round trip and includes the taxi to and from the Baths. Speedy's website is http://www.speedysbvi.com/ to view their schedule. I just checked and noticed the price increase has not been changed on their site. I think they are slow on their website and they never answered my email, but they turned out to be very reliable and I felt very good using them.


It was an approximate 40 minute ride to Virgin Gorda and a 10 minute taxi ride (open air bus) to the Baths. The Baths has a $3 pp entrance fee and then you walk down a trail to the beach. The trail was fun...is uneven and rocky, but I wore sandals and was fine. There are lockers available (bring change) but not very many. They were full when we arrived, so we just carried bags with us. A backpack is the best way to go for hands free!!

Going throught the Baths was the highlight of my cruise!! It is amazing!!

We ended up on Devil's Bay Beach and it was beautiful! We had planned to do some snorkeling here, but the water was too rough. So we stayed a few minutes and then decided to head back through the Baths again. There is another way to go back without having to go through the Baths again, but we enjoyed it so much we wanted to do it again!! Of course, we did have to wait on the others coming through to go by as we made our way back through...yes- we were going the wrong way! There is another beach area near the entrance to the Baths that we wanted to check out. I had read that there was good snorkeling there also. But the water there was also too rough for snorkeling. We got in and played around in the water a little bit and then headed back to the bathroom/shower area to get ready to go back to the ferry. By the way...you have to have a token to use the showers in the bathrooms. However, there are some water spickets at the entrance to the bathrooms to rinse your feet before you enter the bathrooms. I just used these and my water shoes to rinse off!!

Oh, speaking of water shoes, they are a MUST for going through the baths, in my opinion. Some rocks are slippery...my dh, my friend and myself all slipped on the same rock. This rock was not inside the caverns, but in an outside area where you could see great view of the ocean.

The water was mostly shallow inside...never went above my knees.

I don't see any problems with small children going through this. I saw a couple with 2 children, looked 4-6 yrs. old, and they were doing fine.

This was a great day and I would definitely do it again! It was the HIGHLIGHT of the trip!

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Super info!! Thank you. So a 6 year old should not have any problems? Are you walking through caves filled with water? how deep it the water? And how long is the entire hike?


I agree with what others have said. A six yr old should be fine. There isn't water the entire way some parts are sand. I don't think the water ever went past low-calves. I can't remember how long it took. I was so caught up in taking pics and stuff. I'm going to guess about a 1/2 hr.

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As queenL said' date=' this is a not-to-be-missed experience!! I LOVED it so much I hope to go back with my extended family...my nephews would have a blast!!


We docked in Tortola and were off the ship by 8:20 a.m. I followed advice from a fellow CC poster (Caribbeanbound) and we saved the taxi fee and just walked to the ferry, a 10 minute walk. We took Speedy's ferry...cost is $38 pp for round trip and includes the taxi to and from the Baths. Speedy's website is http://www.speedysbvi.com/ to view their schedule. I just checked and noticed the price increase has not been changed on their site. I think they are slow on their website and they never answered my email, but they turned out to be very reliable and I felt very good using them.


It was an approximate 40 minute ride to Virgin Gorda and a 10 minute taxi ride (open air bus) to the Baths. The Baths has a $3 pp entrance fee and then you walk down a trail to the beach. The trail was fun...is uneven and rocky, but I wore sandals and was fine. There are lockers available (bring change) but not very many. They were full when we arrived, so we just carried bags with us. A backpack is the best way to go for hands free!!

Going throught the Baths was the highlight of my cruise!! It is amazing!!

We ended up on Devil's Bay Beach and it was beautiful! We had planned to do some snorkeling here, but the water was too rough. So we stayed a few minutes and then decided to head back through the Baths again. There is another way to go back without having to go through the Baths again, but we enjoyed it so much we wanted to do it again!! Of course, we did have to wait on the others coming through to go by as we made our way back through...yes- we were going the wrong way! There is another beach area near the entrance to the Baths that we wanted to check out. I had read that there was good snorkeling there also. But the water there was also too rough for snorkeling. We got in and played around in the water a little bit and then headed back to the bathroom/shower area to get ready to go back to the ferry. By the way...you have to have a token to use the showers in the bathrooms. However, there are some water spickets at the entrance to the bathrooms to rinse your feet before you enter the bathrooms. I just used these and my water shoes to rinse off!!

Oh, speaking of water shoes, they are a MUST for going through the baths, in my opinion. Some rocks are slippery...my dh, my friend and myself all slipped on the same rock. This rock was not inside the caverns, but in an outside area where you could see great view of the ocean.

The water was mostly shallow inside...never went above my knees.

I don't see any problems with small children going through this. I saw a couple with 2 children, looked 4-6 yrs. old, and they were doing fine.

This was a great day and I would definitely do it again! It was the HIGHLIGHT of the trip![/quote']


Hello to a fellow peach! :) Yeah, I noticed they hadn't changed it on their website yet. I went expecting a different price, based on what I saw there. This wasn't my first time using their ferry either. We took it a few years ago from St Thomas to St. John.


We took the alternate route back and didn't return through the boulders because we were short on time. The path is long and narrow but there are some great views along the way.


We went the wrong way too and had to wait for the tour guide and group behind us.


I agree with you about the water shoes! I wore them and I didn't slide nearly as much as my barefoot husband.

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Hello to a fellow peach! :) Yeah, I noticed they hadn't changed it on their website yet. I went expecting a different price, based on what I saw there. This wasn't my first time using their ferry either. We took it a few years ago from St Thomas to St. John.


We took the alternate route back and didn't return through the boulders because we were short on time. The path is long and narrow but there are some great views along the way.


We went the wrong way too and had to wait for the tour guide and group behind us.


I agree with you about the water shoes! I wore them and I didn't slide nearly as much as my barefoot husband.


Well Hello back!! I didn't even look to see where you were from! I'm about 3 1/2 hours south of you! Thanks for your review...I like to hear other people's experiences.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are the Baths okay for a plus size couple? I'm in good health, but have read about 'crawling and squishing' through the rocks....hmmm. Maybe not for me? I really want to see the Baths, but my fear of being Winnie The Pooh stuck in the honey tree is scary!



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Cruisetexas, I have posted these photo several times so I post again to answer your questions. You can be as active and explore as much as you want or you can take it a little easier. DH did a lot more exploring than I did but I did see a lot. Just wear good shoes not flip flops and you will be OK. I did not climb in any small area or climb up high but enjoyed it all the same. Good Luck.



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Thanks so much cats2! I was under the impression that you had to do the climbing/crawling/slithering to get to the beach area. I feel better, now knowing you don't have to do the rocks if you're not so inclined.


Did you do a ship sponsored excursion or go on your own? Still trying to decide how to manage, as we're only in Tortola from 7:00 a.m. til 3:00 p.m. and it seems Speedy's first ferry is at 9:00 and return would be by 12:00 to get us back to the ship. We're going the first week in March, so I have time to figure it out!

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Cruisetexas, glad that you enjoyed pictures and realize you can do as much "crawling and squeezing" into the rocks as you want. DH was far more active than I am. In the caves that have water I could see my toes or else I would not have been wading around.


We walked down to Speedy's and took ferry over. The day started out rainy and ship had cancelled their excursion to the Baths so we had the place pretty much to ourselves. We do travel right much so DH is always trying to find a deal. If you have any questions about the time then I would encourage you to take the ship excursion because I have seen passengers left behind numerous times. So in doubt don't chance it. I have even seen one lady brought out on a jetski and she was swung into an open door on the boat. That was very exciting for us on the upper decks, for her and her family, probably not exciting.....


When we went Speedy has a just the ferry ride that includes a taxi to take you from the ferry docks to the Baths, it is too far to walk. They also had a package that included lunch. Since we only had about 3 hrs we skipped the lunch deal. The resturant is up the hill at the entrance to the Baths and we wanted to have as much time in the Baths as possible. I have read on this board that lunch takes 1-1 1/2 hrs. If you have a long port call that would be nice but we had about the same about of time you have. Someone had posted the link to Speedy's and another ferry on this boards also, you may be able to search and find it. Good luck.

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Will be in port from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm. We could take the 9:00 am ferry and return on the 3:30 pm; however, my teenage son hates to get up in the morning. Will we have enough time at the Baths if we just take the 10:30 ferry in the morning and then return on the 3:30? Will it be less crowded if we go later since the ships' tours leave Tortola at 8:30?

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You will be fine for to take the 9:30 ferry and return at 3:30. That gives you a good 5 hours there which is lots. You can have a burger at the beach bar or hike up top.



I am a bit concerned about the reply to you about not having to squeeze through. IF you go to Devil's Bay there are two or three places where you have to sqeeze through to get to the other beach. You can enjoy the main beach at the bottom of the trail without going down the cave trail, but I am pretty sure there is no detour around the rocks.

I am about 200 lbs (well, 190 before the B2B cruise...:p) and have bad knees and I had no problem. I saw people who carried a roller-bag (like an airplane carry-on with wheels) through with them fine. But if you are 300 lbs or so, I don't think you would fit. However, there is no problem with going and seeing. The tightest space is right at the beginning, in my recollection, so if you are OK there you will probably be fine. And the worst that can happen is you might have to drop to hands and knees or slither to get out. So... no Pooh Bear stuck in the Honey Pot... but not a wide open path, either.

Hope you give it a try and have fun!

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Great info, thanks. Another question, what is the LEAST amount of walking you could do and still see something worthwhile? We are traveling with my elderly parents and, while mobile, they move pretty slowly and tire easily. However, I know they would love to see the Baths. Thanks

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Great info, thanks. Another question, what is the LEAST amount of walking you could do and still see something worthwhile? We are traveling with my elderly parents and, while mobile, they move pretty slowly and tire easily. However, I know they would love to see the Baths. Thanks


We went with my parents who are in their 70's. We left them at the top and they hung out in the restaurant and shops while we went through. You can get a nice overhead view that may be all they need. Otherwise they can walk down and view it beach level without having to climb through the boulders.

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We wanted to do the baths on our own, but I have a question about ferry schedule coming back, our ship the Carribean Princess is there from 7 to 5 ( tendered) I'm thinking we would have to take the 12:30 ferry back becasue the 3:30 would put us in at 4:15 and that would be cutting to close to catch the last tender (4:30???).

If any who has done the Carribean Princess cruise and the baths on their own could reply that would be great

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ldtwa and smootsailor: here is the post I replied on the other thread started by ldtwa with this question... just in case someone else has the same question.

There are 2 ferry companies going from Tortola to Virgin Gorda and back. Smiths has a ferry back at 2:15 daily and depending on the day of the week you are in port, Speedy has one at 2:45 some days, either of which would give a good safety margin for you. You need to check the schedules carefully online with Speedy as the extra days (Tues/Thurs if I recall right) are shown on a different part of the schedule.

Smiths website is http://www.smithsferry.com/virgingorda.php

We went over on Speedy and back on Smith. It costs $10 pp more to do that rather than a round trip, but the extra 2 hrs it gave us at the Baths was more than worth it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there,

We are looking at doing the baths on our cruise to Tortola in April. It would be my husband, our 2 year old son and my parents. My mother would love the adventure but my father has some mobility issues. Would this be possible with our 2 year old? And can you explain what you do/see on the way. Do you walk a path to the beach and then if you want to go to another beach, is it then that you would walk through the caves and boulders? I am confused!! Thanks in advance,



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Is there any reason to use Speedys rather than Smiths Ferry Service? It seem that Smiths may have better times for us. Are they both the same distance from the port and how far is that? Are they comparable in price for round trips and do they include the taxi in Virgin Gorda? This is our first time there and we want to make the most of our day!

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If we want to go to the Baths, but not do any swimming, would it be ok to just wear shorts and not a bathing suit?


If you want to explore the boulders, you'd probably be happier wearing something you can get wet, as sometimes you have to wade. If you just want to stay on the beach and maybe visit the beach bar, shorts would be fine.

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