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Unwelcome At Our Assigned Table


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You have to realize that some people get intimated by nice people. Do you know if they from Eastern Canada--Maybe spoke only French.

Maybe they didn't know what to say or how to express themselves. There are all kinds of "Genes" in this world. Genetics is where it is all happening.



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Hi - we always request a table for two. Although we dine together every night at home we are usually both pretty tired from working all day, so sometimes its nice to have dinner together when we're both relaxed and refreshed. Its one of the reasons we travel - to get away from our jobs - which require social interaction all day long. I respect that many cruisers enjoy meeting new people, so for them the whole "dining with strangers" thing seems fun. To us, it seems somewhat odd to be placed in a social situation with people I don't know. Outside of the military, summer camp or prison I can't think of any environment where people are assigned to eat with strangers.

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Cupcakequeen named Bibi,

Nice combination. Oh Well, I was afraid it was some of the French Canadians that kicked us Cajuns from Louisiana out many years ago. :) I was calling Quebec east but I guess Novo Scotia and Newfoundland are the east.

I was trying to distinguish from BC and Alberta.

A beautiful cruise coming down the St.Lawrence to Quebec City.

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This is one of the reasons we'e so fond of the open dining' date=' each night you canmeet new friends, OR if you meet folks you enjoy, you go to the dining room and eat together. I understand some of the mass market lines have made a mess of the process, trying to merge both types of dining. Our experience is with Oceania and Azamara, and they do the open dining very well indeed![/quote']

Oh Yes, Those wonderful old Rennaissance ships. They were sure nice ships.

I enjoyed the open seating and we never waited very long for a table. It is nice to meet new people every night, but trying to my old brain to keep up with them all. The other restaurants by reservation were also nice.

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Not sure what I would do. I think I would be seated and see how the evening goes. The others at the table may not share the same view. If all does not go well I would ask for a new table for the rest of the cruise.

I can see a problem when all the other people know each other. That has happened to us, but they made an effot to include us and we all got along. I think that is the idea people should be sailing with.


I would not have switched to a table for 2 for the rest of the cruise, I would have tried for a larger table.

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Like others have said, DH and I just like to be with each other. DH has a very stressful job, my job requires me to interact with people all day long, so we look forward to having time just for US. Also, I'm really not interested in making small talk (or deep conversations) with strangers. Our only time at a shared table was our very first cruise (before we knew we could ask for a table for 2) and we didn't have a good experience. It was a major turn off for us.


Outside of the military, summer camp or prison I can't think of any environment where people are assigned to eat with strangers.


My thoughts exactly! :)


The great thing is that cruises have both options, and passengers can choose what suits them best!

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We are a couple that have been on 45 cruises and I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am for you. We have met so many interesting and different people,some who have become dear friends.Try it, you might like it.


I understand what you are saying, and we have also been on numerous cruises. :D My discontent was in the people I HAD met previous to our cruise (on various cruise sites) who did not come through as "friends" like we thought. We were just incompatible I guess. :o

We also have met many enjoyable people as dining companions on cruises--always a nice surprise. :D I find when I have met folks "online" prior to cruising, those meetings don't work out nearly as well! I will leave the assignments up to the Maitre' D until I board or unless we are traveling with our REAL friends!!!

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We've had a conglomeration of all those experiences. We went on many, many cruises with large tables and had wonderful times, but when we faced our first LONG cruise, 14 night panama canal, we worried...oh no, what if this is the first time we don't get along and we're stuck with them for TWO WEEKS. So, got a table for two, loved it, and didn't have any trouble meeting people in other ways...a wonderful cruise. So have gotten deuces ever since.


And that was also the first cruise we did a roll call...everyone sounded so nice on the forums, but when we met in person they were all just interested in drinking and partying, things that we were not...so we've never joined a roll call since.


We're happy with the way we do things.

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We've had a conglomeration of all those experiences. We went on many, many cruises with large tables and had wonderful times, but when we faced our first LONG cruise, 14 night panama canal, we worried...oh no, what if this is the first time we don't get along and we're stuck with them for TWO WEEKS. So, got a table for two, loved it, and didn't have any trouble meeting people in other ways...a wonderful cruise. So have gotten deuces ever since.


And that was also the first cruise we did a roll call...everyone sounded so nice on the forums, but when we met in person they were all just interested in drinking and partying, things that we were not...so we've never joined a roll call since.


We're happy with the way we do things.


You said exactly what I meant!!!!:D

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We went on many, many cruises with large tables and had wonderful times, but when we faced our first LONG cruise, 14 night panama canal, we worried...oh no, what if this is the first time we don't get along and we're stuck with them for TWO WEEKS.
We agree with the content of your posting, and as we have posted previously, we would rather not have to sit at assigned large tables, let alone for two weeks.


However, as for the word "LONG", we suggest the following terminology:

3 days - sampler

1 week - short

15 days - medium length

1 month or more - long

several months or more - odyssey or world cruise

Any comments?

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We usually request tables for 2 unless sailing with family. We both spend our "real" lives talking to people all day and prefer not to do so while on vacation. That being said, one of the best experiences was on the Sun Princess where we sat with two couples we met on our CC roll call. We had a blast!

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This has never happened to us; but then, we always request a table for two.


I think that you handled the situation with grace and dignity....the direct opposite qualities of the :eek: "lady" (what a misnomer you used there!!!:)). When most of us are confronted with such arrogant, boorish, ignorant and petty behaviour it takes us back a bit, and we don't really know how to respond. (I think that is because we were brought up correctly, and crude and rude are not parts of our normal behaviour pattern.) It's only afterwards that most of us come up with the snappy response. But then, that would often bring us down the the lowest level....right where that horror is! I am sure that she wouldn't know enough to be embarrassed, but I hope that her group members were, and let her know it...but, on reflection, I doubt it.


We met one like her on our last cruise on Constellation in November, but on one of the ship's excursions. This large woman started from the moment she arrived at the small bus. She loudly complained before even attempting to get into the vehicle that someone was sitting in her place as she had requested handicapped seating at the very front. Meanwhile she was demanding that the driver pull her up and that the people behind her give her assisstance to get her into the bus, while continuing to verbally chastise Celebrity and by implication, the driver. The people in her seat (who had also requested assisted seating) moved, and she bitched about the wheel-well being in her seating area and how uncomfortable it was. And then she complained as to how the wheels of the wheel chair had scraped and chaffed her thighs. (My God, the woman wore shorts, was the size of my Buick and looked like she ate a Volkswagen every night!) She directed her husband to sit across the aisle from her with a nice old lady who was already there, (and right in front of us :rolleyes:) but then eventually made him switch seats with her so that she could drop the extra aisle-end seat down and thus take up two spaces... one immense cheek, therefore, right in the middle of the aisle. She constantly interrupted the driver/guide with questions while he was giving his talk, throwing him off his stride; in between she kept whining about how uncomfortable she was. She continually kept loudly questioning the old lady about where she was from and a myriad other things. We found out that she, herself, had had two husbands before this one, and I REALLY wanted to ask him when HE was planning on clearing out! What a total boor. You read about these self-centered people in novels, and scoff at the author. I was flabbergasted to see that they actually exist! At one of the stops, she went and sat at a table with another couple from our bus, and they immediately got up and moved to another table.

And I had seen this mountain on our ship; she had added herself to our elevator on the sixth deck on the way down to the gangway on deck one for the excursions. Two things now present themselves to me as being very fortuitous: (1) I never saw or, even better, heard her again, and ....(2) the elevator cables are a lot stronger than they look!;)


What I would like to know is how can you criticize this woman about her size? While I agree her behavior was rude and unacceptable, her size has nothing to do with her mentality. She could be thin and beautiful and but that wouldn't make her behavior acceptable. It is very disconcerting when someone who is critical of another person brings their size/weight into it. While I am a large woman, I believe I have dignity and respect for others and simply wish that people would not include their prejudices toward overweight people in their critiques. It is not funny. It is very hurtful and unnecessary.:(

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Hi - we always request a table for two. Although we dine together every night at home we are usually both pretty tired from working all day, so sometimes its nice to have dinner together when we're both relaxed and refreshed. Its one of the reasons we travel - to get away from our jobs - which require social interaction all day long. I respect that many cruisers enjoy meeting new people, so for them the whole "dining with strangers" thing seems fun. To us, it seems somewhat odd to be placed in a social situation with people I don't know. Outside of the military, summer camp or prison I can't think of any environment where people are assigned to eat with strangers.



If I could be assured of getting just the right tablemates (happened once) a larger table would be great. Another poster stated something to the effect of.......having to be proper and sit straight for the duration.........I get it! When with my family I can just be comfortable. While not slovenly by any means, I will at some point thru dinner put my elbows on the table or pass my plate to my DW, or maybee dunk some food, and certainly drink a beer OUT OF THE BOTTLE...gasp!


While I completely understand how the larger table is a huge part of the cruise experience for some..............that is just not us.


Happy dining to all and to all a good cruise!!!

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What I would like to know is how can you criticize this woman about her size? While I agree her behavior was rude and unacceptable, her size has nothing to do with her mentality. She could be thin and beautiful and but that wouldn't make her behavior acceptable. It is very disconcerting when someone who is critical of another person brings their size/weight into it. While I am a large woman, I believe I have dignity and respect for others and simply wish that people would not include their prejudices toward overweight people in their critiques. It is not funny. It is very hurtful and unnecessary.:(

The size of this lady was completely relevant to the story.

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Thank you for the greatest New Year's Eve laugh I've ever had! You brought that woman to life...and apparently she was "larger than life".


You are very welcome. I hope that the original poster got a laugh as well, as that was the intention. There was so much more about this person that I could have added, but why gild the lily?

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What I would like to know is how can you criticize this woman about her size? While I agree her behavior was rude and unacceptable, her size has nothing to do with her mentality. She could be thin and beautiful and but that wouldn't make her behavior acceptable. It is very disconcerting when someone who is critical of another person brings their size/weight into it. While I am a large woman, I believe I have dignity and respect for others and simply wish that people would not include their prejudices toward overweight people in their critiques. It is not funny. It is very hurtful and unnecessary.:(


I am overweight myself; trust me, I know from where I speak. I have often thought that a Toyota Yaris sandwich would be yummy. But the woman was complaining for all to hear about the wheelchair's wheels wearing on her thighs...there is only one reason why this could happen; she is way too fat, and there's really only one way one gets like that. And at every bus stop she insisted that those behind her more or less grab her ample rear (or whatever) and push her on to the bus while insisting that those already on the bus pull her on. All the while she is huffing and puffing to be sure that all on the bus know how difficult it was for her. Yet, when she got off the bus, she had no problem getting around to wherever she wanted to go, sans wheelchair. She was a very large royal pain in the ass to all and sundry. Sorry you were offended (not the intention) but believe me, all who were forced to have to listen to her or deal with her were far more offended than you will ever be. My story is just my way of making lemonade out of lemons. Otherwise, my excursion would have been totally awful, and I paid for it. Do I need that ignorant woman? I don't think so. I felt that those who read the account would see that. Sorry that you didn't.

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We were on the Summit for a Trans Atlantic cruise last month. As soon as we got in room my husband said "Be sure you check our dinner reservation." To which I replied "Oh I'm sure they put us at a table for 4, with us being one of the only families on the cruise." He kept reminding me to go and check our table assignment.


Imagine my surprise when I found our table to be an 8 top. Luckily this was about 2:00 n the afternoon. I went over to the area where the Maitre'de was making changes. There were a few people waiting. On man explained to me that he couldn't understand how Celebrity had assigned him a large table. He explained that he is really hard of hearing and had put in a medical request for a table for two. He was completely surprised that they had put him at a table for 8. This was his 16th Celebrity cruise and he thought they would have his request down by now. He was graciously changed to a table for two, easily done on a ship that wasn't sailing full.


So then it was my turn. I told the Assistant Maitre'de that I didn't mind the 8 top, but I wasn't so sure that other adults would want to share a table with my two kids. Again, it was fortuitous that the ship wasn't sailing full, and he was easily able to move us to a 4 top.


To the OP, that is so unfortunate that the lady was so rude. It sounds like you were put in a situation where you had to take the "high road" rather than get in the mud with her. I've been in a situation some time when I had to be gracious when others were being rude. It is hard to do, but it is so much better to be gracious, it avoids a lot of conflict. I hope you never have to go through this again.

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I am overweight myself; trust me, I know from where I speak. I have often thought that a Toyota Yaris sandwich would be yummy. But the woman was complaining for all to hear about the wheelchair's wheels wearing on her thighs...there is only one reason why this could happen; she is way too fat, and there's really only one way one gets like that. And at every bus stop she insisted that those behind her more or less grab her ample rear (or whatever) and push her on to the bus while insisting that those already on the bus pull her on. All the while she is huffing and puffing to be sure that all on the bus know how difficult it was for her. Yet, when she got off the bus, she had no problem getting around to wherever she wanted to go, sans wheelchair. She was a very large royal pain in the ass to all and sundry. Sorry you were offended (not the intention) but believe me, all who were forced to have to listen to her or deal with her were far more offended than you will ever be. My story is just my way of making lemonade out of lemons. Otherwise, my excursion would have been totally awful, and I paid for it. Do I need that ignorant woman? I don't think so. I felt that those who read the account would see that. Sorry that you didn't.


I have enjoyed reading this rather straight to the point resume because we came off a November cruise and I was forced to share half my aircraft seat to London from Barcelona..a two hour leg fortunately...with one half of a duo of two ladies from our cruise travelling on to Chicago...both of whom were extremely overweight already and indulged themselves even more every night (after having early seating dinner at a nearby table to our own ) with late night pasta, pizza, nibbles in the buffet while we enjoyed out pre -bed cup of tea! Every one to their own as long as it does not affect others who have no interest in what they are doing unless it impacts them personally is my personal view.


However it became a dilemma for me as having already been in an emergency landing in an aircraft in trouble years ago, the terror instilled in me after that event still lives with me every time I fly.

These two ladies had to have seats apart on the aircraft, needed extra belts like those issued to mothers with babies on their lap( they went to get those immediately they arrived at their allocated seats so they knew the score) and my immediate neighbour (across the aisle from the other ) overflowed onto my seat so I spent a lot of time contemplating during the 2 hour flight how to get out of my seat in any emergency that might occur...and not be rude and inconsiderate in pushing past or over her to save my life if need be.


It is no laughing matter really ....this is very sensitive to everyone having to deal with the problem from both standpoints.....and I do not wish to start a controversy ....but these people never seem to consider how their own personal life style impact others who have absolutely every right to proceed with their own lives without having to worry about the pros and cons of seeming rude, inconsiderate or even plain selfish .

If you want to make a further comment please.. I refer you back to my flight emergency and suggest you try imagining what would happen if someone in the aisle could not move swiftly enough to allow anyone nearby to be evacuated and how this would be dealt with by those stuck behind.

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I've had a similar experience, but the other way around.


Let me explain...


I arrived at my assigned table...8 seater...aboard Costa Allegra last June (2008). A few minutes later two gentlemen who were travelling together sat at the table, introductions made etc and all was well. This left 5 empty seats.


Well a couple of nights passed and still no takers on the empties, so the two gentlemen asked if they could invite 4 friends that they had made in a pre-cruise hotel to join us. I said that would be great, and the other 2 couples duly arrived at the table the following night.


Everything was fine for the next couple of nights but then it became obvious that my presence was not required....travelling solo vs 3 couples who had all met before boarding and struck up friendships etc.


Initially the cold feeling was bearable...talking around me, over me & through me. However the line was crossed in the bar a couple hours before the meal one evening. The husband of one of the couples looked up, straight at me and said 'oh look, here it comes'. Well rather than make a scene, I went to the maitre de and requested another table for the rest of the cruise. He was very obliging and had said that his staff had noticed a problem and was wondering how I put up with the 'conversations as if I was invisible' behaviour. I just said that there is only so much I would ignore and that point had now been reached, I did not go into detail with him as that would not make things any easier or better.


So that night I sat at another table, this time with 2 couples and we got on like a house on fire for the rest of the cruise. The others...well all I got from them were scowls and mutterings under their breath. Although it does have to be said that the original two gentlemen apologised, not that it was their fault.


I spose what made it worse was that it was my birthday during the cruise and it sort of took the shine off it a little.

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Meow, do I have any comments on your definitions? Not really. I was speaking from my own perspective, and 14 nights has been our longest (and will be our longest) cruise ever. That some people can go and enjoy for weeks or months at a time is great for them.

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We were asked to go on a cruise with friends since they had not been on one before. You don’t have to ask me twice. Voyager of Seas this time.

Dinner seating: OK we wanted to be at 1st seating. We are always at first seating. I have never been at second seating although probably more fun people there.

TA states we are on waiting list for first seating. I call C&A and I get at first seating, but our friends are not with us (not diamond members as we were) even though our booking numbers have been linked by the TA. Now this is 3 months before cruise. I continue to work with the TA and we are assured we are at first seating.

We get aboard and as always not correct. We are both couples at second seating. They couldn’t change us or won’t change us. Now I checked the dining room at first seating and there were quite a few places available, but of course those assigned to those places may not have shown up this time. We would like a table of 8 or anything. To make a long story short we all had to eat at late seating table of 4.

I really enjoyed the late seating. One night my wife was sick, the other couple were sick. I was in the bar and met some nice people that invited me to their table of 10 or 12 at late seating and I had a very nice time. Late seating is not so bad. I actually enjoyed it. The only thing is most people want late seating and it is harder to get as I have seen through the years, but this RCCL ship was different on that respect. I had a good cruise and would never let something as foolish as dinner seating ruin it. I just wanted the other couple to have a good time.

This was the same cruise we all got on earlier than others because I was the volunteer videographer for a cruise critic type friend that I was to do her wedding aboard ship. We all 4 went aboard with the wedding party, even before diamond members. Even got permission to get to my cabin before 1:00 pm to store our gear. That was a first. BTW- the stern cabins on Voyager class are not the same as the M class Celebrity so don’t get one.

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We agree with the content of your posting, and as we have posted previously, we would rather not have to sit at assigned large tables, let alone for two weeks.


However, as for the word "LONG", we suggest the following terminology:

3 days - sampler

1 week - short

15 days - medium length

1 month or more - long

several months or more - odyssey or world cruise

Any comments?


Any comments? Yup, just one. The definition of long should be up to the person cruising.

I happen to think a 10 day cruise is long. My prerogative.


Happy New Year everyone!

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We had an experience a few years ago that is almost opposite of this one. We were a large group of very experienced crusiers. There were 14 of us 10 adults and four younger ones. When we checked in they had us spread out all over the room. Well that would not do for the wives in our group, they met with the MD and explained that this would not do and that they expected him to fix it. At dinner time we went to the Dining Room and the wives walked right up to him and asked how he had "fixed" the table situation. He showed us to a "large" table for 16 (yes they moved several large tables together. We found that there was also a lady and her young son had been moved in with us. The waiter arrived and immediatly told everyone to stand up. He seated all the kids on one end of the table and then told the adults to seat ourselves. I was a little taken aback, till I found that this was the best for the kids. All orders were taken and the kids were served first, then the adults. As we were celebrating an anneversiry that night I ordered enough wine to serve all the adults, including the extra lady and offered her a glass, which she accepted. I also ordered two bottles of sparking grape juice ( the waiter served it to the kids in champane glasses. When the MD appeared near the end of the meal to tell the extra lady that he had arranged another table for her and her son, she announced to him that they would remain with us, if it was ok with us. Of course we were pleased to have her and her son. It made for a great week to have made new friends. You get out of it what you put in.



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