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Just off the Pearl! ANy ????


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Wow, that leads me to my next question....you are rocking from your cruise? You know....feeling like you're still on the boat? Is it that extensive? I might have a real problem with this. Last time I was on a boat, and got off (fishing boat) I was almost sick from the motion. Thank you for your replies :)



The answer seems to be bonine- but i don't have any! it is OTC meclizine- used for vertigo in a prescription strength.


I have this eac crusie since i had children- now #7- this time is BAD! but i expect it to leave after a week or so and am gonna get me some bonine oday!


Don't let this get yu down! Talk to your doc before hand and see what he/she recommends!



I hav enever had sea sickness on the ship- it always happens after, Iner ear thing, and all.

I am a little nauseous, too , to be honest- but also had little sleep last night so I wanna make sure that isn't a factor!



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Ok, now I'm depressed. I HATE movement after I get off boats. I hate it. I thought that cruiseships were a lot more stable than that. It REAAAALLLY affects me when I get off a boat *sigh*

We took a 2 day train ride, and I was rockin' for days :(

Oh, and be careful taking showers...the shower rocks and you could fall...also when you put your arms up to put shampoo on...oy I'm dizzy thinking about it (I can't take bonine or drammamine, they knock me out)


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Are you going to write letters of complaint to NCL? It sounds like you might want to do that....(the comments about America, etc....

While Captain Lars was amusing, he was dripping with didsain for AMerica, the Coast Guard and our immigration policies. his funny announcements abouts sunblock are okay, but he has no business making statements that are very offensive to those who have loved ones serving in our military, and the CG is the military. He needs to , as a foreign- national Captain of a ship that is stopping in American ports ( check Matritime law) refrain from such statements.

This is what offended us. A lot.


Th epit boss and cat pee- well, we used the kids bathroom instead !

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Are you going to write letters of complaint to NCL? It sounds like you might want to do that....(the comments about America, etc....



WE will be sending a letter to NCL, but I have also reported the announcements( we have the adio of 2 of them on a vidoe camera) to the proper fed. agency. There are actually rules that govern what a froeign captain of a ship that docks in US ports can and cannot say. So I called my relatives in DC and it is going to be looked at.


Just as a side note- after the announcement that the CG cutter had arrived at about 9pm, HUNDREDS of guests, many Cuban nationals ( how do they get on a cruise ship?!) were on the deck. THey were BOOING the Coast Guard and America- tensions were runnign quite high, it was very crowded- and there was NO BODY from NCL or security present. I left after being told by a woman claiming to be a cuban living illegally in Miaimi ( what passport does one use) that I should be thrown off the deck into the water to see if my precious Coast Guard gives a damn about me! . Another babe from Chicago told me that " We aren't hating the Coast Guard, we are just hating America!" I don't care WHAT politiacl party you belong to- that statement is jsut wrong. But, being an AMerican, she has the Freedom to say it!

I feel that much of this could have been avoided if the Captain had not made such highly charged statements. DH and I both felt that he was actually enciting an almost riot- very dangerous. And, I am sure you will see posts denying that he said such things, but I've got em on my son's little Kodak digital camera!


I find it sad that these Coasties on the Okracoke, who are risking their lives every day( and it is a VERY dangerous job), with the enlisted guys making less than a lot of us spend on one cruise in one year- have to be met with such hatred for doing their job. I hope that they couldn't hear any of it over he ship sounds- it made me so angry! I went on the deck to show my support of our guys in orange and was told I should be thrown overboard! Go figure....



Vertigo is almost gone- took some Bonine last night and today- a little sleepy, but not falling over!



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WE just returned from the Pearl. It was a great cruise with a few exceptions-

I 'll get into detail tomorrow! WE did have the excitement of finding five "Cuban" refugees in a boat and picking them up. the Captain, however, behaved in a completely unprofessional fashion, bashing the USA and the Coast Guard, and then eventually announcing at 915 pm that he was going to bed with his wife to celebrate their anniversary...TMI!!!

Does anyone have any questions about Pearl? We had a GREAT CC meeting, and the only problem with the CV was the smell of cat pee in the master bath- they never did resolve it...

Slots were LOOSE for me- won every night- always over 100, couple of times over 800- came out WAAYY ahead!

We were on a cruise that had 170 "special" Casino guests, so we were treated like crap at the tables- and not the CRAPS tables!! I was even told that I was " not important enough" ( direct quote from pit boss) to be allowed to play" at the 10 dollar BJ table.. as a high roller ( what the hell is a high roller dong at the 10 doller table) NEEDED to play 2 t0 3 hands at once.....


Food was great, never a crowd in the Garden Buffet, Cagney's lunch stellar, La Cucina and Teppanyaki awesome- CAgneys filet at dinner was nothing to great. But we loved our lunches and breakfasts there. Mambos was awesome- Terry- those ribs ROCK! Or mmaybe they didn't- after the free MAragherita I might not have known!

Murder Mystery was really fun, as was bowling. We only saw a few shows, but the Shows were great- we saw Sharkkbait twice and took juggling lessons.

The 3 kids loved Kids Krew, with the exception of all the potty -mouth jokes

( booger icecream, barf soup, etc....)


Our butlers, Lanie and Charlie were AWESOME! Carlos the concierge was very sweet and very kissy-touchy- but he didn't do anything for us-really. Our room butler did all the reservation making and trouble shooting. But he was VERY nice. (He did blow off our whole group this morning, not showing up on time at the apointed debarkation for us - I know, things happen) so we got off alone and were wizzed thru like nothing!


Embarkation- 15 minutes, tops. A breeze at 11:30 am. Debarkation- 5 minutes from ship to curbside.


All the stewards and waiters were awesome- and they ALL introduced themselves. I didn't hear all the announcemnets as the PA ssytem in our suite didn't work, so I don't know how often there were announcements. Never felt pressured or pushed to buy ANYTHING on board- very mellow, friendly crew this time around.


The ports were not our favorite, but we just love being on the ship anyway. The Dolphin Family Adventure was a blast for the kids. Roataon Tabyana beach had the BEST massage I ever got. Had great snorkeling there- too bad it rained twice! We went back to the ship , showered and went into town. Were immediately "adopted" by a young guy who wouldn't leave- I fianlly paid him a few bucks to GO AWAY! Yes, I know that is what he wanted. The shop owners were very friendly and the kids loved bargianing.

Also, a new store has jsut opened right as youleave the ship on the second story of the Diamonds International building. If, like some people, you forgot your husband's shorts and bathing suits ( except for one pair of shorts) , this is a great store. Bathing suit on ship=- 119 dollers. In Roaton- 20 dollars. The civil unrest seems to be rested here- although when buying a bathing suit I was shocked at the 12 percent sales tax!

Belize was not stellar- we had to skip our beach break as the children were exhausted- but did a little shopping. Cozumel we did the Dolphins and then a little shopping. GSK was the usual fun but cold water, so we stayed til lunch and then had the whole ship tp ourselves! We had an early tender , but those who waited til 10:30 or so had a hard time finding chairs-make a note to yourselves! The water was clear, the beach clean and everyone friendly.


Linda the cruise director was FABULOUS!

Also, the second day of the cruise a Del Sol store opened on the ship- you with kids know what that is. the prices on SOME items are the same as in port, but in Belize they are a bit lower in the Del Sol store in port- only a buck or to, just letting you know.


Full review coming, need to rest!


Happy 2009!




Thank you so much for your post. Was the bowling price $10.00 per game? What about the specialty restaurants do you know what the prices are now on each? Did you use the spa area? If so have the prices for the week spa use gone up as well? The cost prior was $75 for the week. Waiting to read the rest of your review.

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I will have to respectfully disagree with the comments about Captain Lars. My wife and I found he and his wife to be very nice.

He did, however, have some very strong feelings about the immigration laws of the United States. I have no problem with this as being an American citizen, and having served in the Armed Services, during the Vietnam War, he is entitled to free speech, just as everyone else is under our constitution.

After discussing his feelings about the immigration laws, I can understand his feelings and I now totally agree with him that this law needs to be changed.

Under U.S. maritime law, no cruise ship is allowed to bring any additional passengers into a U.S. port but must transfer them to the coast guard, who in return must return them to their home country.

However, if they had made it to U.S. soil they would have been granted political asylum.

Captain Lars explained to us that he was caught between a rock and hard place - did he leave these five men, who had already been at sea for eight days and were without provisions, to hopefully make it to the U.S. or did he do the humanitarian thing and pick them up to save their lives.

I can assure you, after talking with him, that this is a hard decision, not only for him but the rest of the crew as well.

They don't want to see anyone perish at sea, but they also don't want to send them back to a country, where they will either receive long jail or death sentences.

After watching the rescue, we got on an elevator with a lady from Cuba, who was visibly upset and crying about what happened because she knew the fate of these five men.

She said she was one of the lucky ones. She escaped Cuba 44 years ago but fortunately made it to U.S. soil.

She knew the reasons these men made the attempt to escape and was sorry to see they couldn't have succeeded like she did.

So as I finish this, I hope we will all take a minute and thank God we live in a nation that allows us the freedom to travel on cruise ships and talk freely about our experiences.

Some people never get this chance...

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Ok, now I'm depressed. I HATE movement after I get off boats. I hate it. I thought that cruiseships were a lot more stable than that. It REAAAALLLY affects me when I get off a boat *sigh*

We took a 2 day train ride, and I was rockin' for days :(

Oh, and be careful taking showers...the shower rocks and you could fall...also when you put your arms up to put shampoo on...oy I'm dizzy thinking about it (I can't take bonine or drammamine, they knock me out)





It isn't the ship, it's my inner ears! It is almost gone- i took Bonine last night and this morning. There was VERY LITTLE rocking at all on the ship- you can tell you are moving, but not lieke being on a train or in a car.

We have been on larger and smaller ships- I only have had the problem since my kids came along- go figure!

But my daughter, who gets carsick and plane sick- NEVER gets sick on the ships. Don't be depressed- you can shower and not fall- I fall a lot anyway, but that's jsut called being a klutz!!



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WE will be sending a letter to NCL, but I have also reported the announcements( we have the adio of 2 of them on a vidoe camera) to the proper fed. agency. There are actually rules that govern what a froeign captain of a ship that docks in US ports can and cannot say. So I called my relatives in DC and it is going to be looked at.


Just as a side note- after the announcement that the CG cutter had arrived at about 9pm, HUNDREDS of guests, many Cuban nationals ( how do they get on a cruise ship?!) were on the deck. THey were BOOING the Coast Guard and America- tensions were runnign quite high, it was very crowded- and there was NO BODY from NCL or security present. I left after being told by a woman claiming to be a cuban living illegally in Miaimi ( what passport does one use) that I should be thrown off the deck into the water to see if my precious Coast Guard gives a damn about me! . Another babe from Chicago told me that " We aren't hating the Coast Guard, we are just hating America!" I don't care WHAT politiacl party you belong to- that statement is jsut wrong. But, being an AMerican, she has the Freedom to say it!

I feel that much of this could have been avoided if the Captain had not made such highly charged statements. DH and I both felt that he was actually enciting an almost riot- very dangerous. And, I am sure you will see posts denying that he said such things, but I've got em on my son's little Kodak digital camera!


I find it sad that these Coasties on the Okracoke, who are risking their lives every day( and it is a VERY dangerous job), with the enlisted guys making less than a lot of us spend on one cruise in one year- have to be met with such hatred for doing their job. I hope that they couldn't hear any of it over he ship sounds- it made me so angry! I went on the deck to show my support of our guys in orange and was told I should be thrown overboard! Go figure....



Vertigo is almost gone- took some Bonine last night and today- a little sleepy, but not falling over!




I am afraid I have to respectfully disagree with you... I did not take any of the Captain's statements to have been "highly charged." And furthermore, I don't think they would have been a cause for anyone to riot.

After talking with the Cuban lady, and I don't know if she had a passport or not, I can feel her side of this because who wants to see anyone be sent back to certain long prison sentences or even death.

The lady from Chicago is not the only person I know that right now is not exactly in love with America... there are many others, especially who are losing their homes, their jobs, etc... while our government sends billions and billions of dollars to bail out businesses, who use this money to pay their stockholders or offer golden parachutes to the CEO.

Many people also feel our foreign policy concerning Cuba is not right either.

What really gets me is the fact you are taking time away from your family and your delightful children, to contact relatives in DC to have the captain of the Pearl looked into for statements, 99 percent of the passengers and crew did not find offensive.

I think you could have spent your time more wisely, having your friends in washington, check our immigration laws.

Be glad that they didn't throw you overboard... it might have been interesting to see if your coasties would have rescued you...

It might be interesting if sometimes you took the time to ask a coastie if he liked having to turn cubans back over to their country, especially knowing their fate...

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It isn't the ship, it's my inner ears! It is almost gone- i took Bonine last night and this morning. There was VERY LITTLE rocking at all on the ship- you can tell you are moving, but not lieke being on a train or in a car.

We have been on larger and smaller ships- I only have had the problem since my kids came along- go figure!

But my daughter, who gets carsick and plane sick- NEVER gets sick on the ships. Don't be depressed- you can shower and not fall- I fall a lot anyway, but that's jsut called being a klutz!!




Oops. I answered the other one before I read this...very good that it isn't contstanly rocking ! Very good :) I'm a klutz too LOL

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Oh, my dear friend- they pulled a number on me and DH, unbeknownst to each other at the time... we met with the head of the casino, John Rhodes, who needs to take customer Service 101- dresses like some wanna- be mobster thug, threatening tone, SOOOOO beyond inappropriate. There was a meeting with the NEW hotel director the next day- his name is Dallas and one on one, behind closed doors- well, he has all the personal ineraction skills of alife time prison inmate...and

warmth of an Eskimo in December.


It was a BIg turnoff- we never gambled after FRiday. we both refused.


I will relate the whole story at sometime- soooo unreal! I thought Mike was gonna have a stroke. And he is the most mellow guy in town!




I read on the CAS thread what you guys went through.. that is unbelieveable. I am so sorry you had that happen. It was completely inappropriate. You were so much better than I would have been. I am sure I would have met several folks from security that night. I read on the other thread about them making a comment about you not having money.. do you know a land based NCL person made a very simular comment to me once. It was our first NCL cruise out of Miami and we were looking for the VIP check in line. This guy came over to us and asked us if he could help. We told him we were looking for the VIP check in line as we had been told that by staying in a Penthouse suite we should check in via that line. Well.. he looked at us and said.."oh you must be mistaken.. the Penthouse suite will cost you thousands of dollars and you could not possibly afford that." Then he directed us over to the main check in line. I do not know what these people are thinking. To me we are dressed as well as anyone else in any line there. Yes, I was in jeans, but they were Calvins and at $100.00 a pair I am very sure I was as well dressed as anyone else in the terminal. That was a screwed up embarkation from beginning to end, and he sure did not make it any better.


I also agree with you about their casino management and not being very friendly at all. The upper managment I mean. The slot people and one of the casino hostesses were amazingly customer friendly, as well as the drink servers. I did not get her name, but the casino host who had the blond hair was very short with every one I saw her deal with. At least you had good luck with the slots.. LOL.. Doug did hit a 600.00 winning once on the $.02 machines you were talking about and I did do well on the $.02 lucky butterfly machines, but I never did that well with the tripple flaming seven machines or whatever those were.. I did ok, but nothing great on them. Doug also did well one or two nights on the WoF dollar machine and one night I hit $800.00 on the $5.00 WoF, but trust me, we gave back all that we made.. LOL.

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I have a question... were there 2 for 1 offers during your cruise? I know it has so much to do with time of year and number on board... and I haven't been lucky enough to be on a ship that offers them yet... but there's always a first time, right? :)


Also, Terry and others who cruised her in the fall confirmed that the main asian restaurant (whose name I can never remember) was NOT open for lunch... was this still the case on your cruise, or did you even notice?



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You mentioned the murder mystery dinner...do you have to sign up for this? if so when/where? is it limited to a certain number of people? was it full? I appreciate your help! :D


I can help you with this one. The sign up is listed in the daily a few days before the actual dinner. Terry posted his dailies a while back and it looked like sign up was on the first sea day. Just check every morning/evening when you get your daily. Remember that there are limited numbers, also, so go a few minutes early (many go earlier than that) to get in line.


Also, try to be aware of who has arrived before you and take your turn. I know it sounds silly to say that, but on the Star last January, I thought I was going to have to break up a fight when the staff member arrived and started taking names with the person closest to him - and there was a group of a dozen or so that had been waiting for a half an hour before anyone else had arrived... :eek:

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For us the sign up was on embarkation day. We didn't make it, but Linda, the Cruise Director, took the names of 3 families at the CC meet and Migle and she sent us all inviatations.

That being said ( she is a doll, by the way!) 60 people didn't show up! I think it was because it was on New Years's Eve! But it is different than other ones we went to in the past. You play only with the other people ( 6 total) in your group. They take you to one of the restaurants and you play with the other 5 at your table during dinner. VEry fun- we met the coolest folks!

I did, it, by the way- and I am NOT telling who I was!!


I would suggest calling or talking to Linda if there is some reason you can't get to the sign up.



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Thank you so much for your post. Was the bowling price $10.00 per game? What about the specialty restaurants do you know what the prices are now on each? Did you use the spa area? If so have the prices for the week spa use gone up as well? The cost prior was $75 for the week. Waiting to read the rest of your review.



Bowling was 5 dollars each. I think it was cheaper on port days.

Teppanyaki was 25 bucks, same for Cagneys. The Mambos and LaCucina were 10 dollars ( ad you get a free first Margarheta at Mambos) I can't remeber the asian prices other than Teppanyaki.

Last week the Spa pass was 99.00. Since we had 4 port days we didn't get one. They were still selling them on the 4th day, so maybe they don't sell out as quickly on this itinerary with all the stops.

Spa prices were high and the services mediocre. I got a GREAT massage on Roatan for 25 dollars- compared to the 190 on board for 70 minutes! There wer spa specials. I was disappointed in the pedicures as I got cut 4 times--this was just an overzealous pedicurist! Also, the sell was pretty hard in the spa for the Elemis products.


There were several days that had 2 for one specials. Can't remeber which ones!

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I am afraid I have to respectfully disagree with you... I did not take any of the Captain's statements to have been "highly charged." And furthermore, I don't think they would have been a cause for anyone to riot.

After talking with the Cuban lady, and I don't know if she had a passport or not, I can feel her side of this because who wants to see anyone be sent back to certain long prison sentences or even death.

The lady from Chicago is not the only person I know that right now is not exactly in love with America... there are many others, especially who are losing their homes, their jobs, etc... while our government sends billions and billions of dollars to bail out businesses, who use this money to pay their stockholders or offer golden parachutes to the CEO.

Many people also feel our foreign policy concerning Cuba is not right either.

What really gets me is the fact you are taking time away from your family and your delightful children, to contact relatives in DC to have the captain of the Pearl looked into for statements, 99 percent of the passengers and crew did not find offensive.

I think you could have spent your time more wisely, having your friends in washington, check our immigration laws.

Be glad that they didn't throw you overboard... it might have been interesting to see if your coasties would have rescued you...

It might be interesting if sometimes you took the time to ask a coastie if he liked having to turn cubans back over to their country, especially knowing their fate...




My brother served 37 years, as well as other family members my whole family has a link to the Coast Guard. My mom is an immigrant, legally. I have spoken hours with my family and friends about this topic and know how sad it is. I am not upset that these men tried to leave- I was offended by the Captain's remarks. As to spending time with my family to contact relatives- that is my business, and I call them whenever we get home anyway.

But you seem to have wanted me to fall off the ship-that is not funny. And you know who I am- I am not saying America's policy is right or wrong . But it is what it is!

You happen to be friends with a lot of the officers and may be seeing things differently. But I have the Captain on the video for the audio and it is anti-America. These opinions would best be kept to himself.

It is also not the Coast guards fault that the economy stinks right now.


Just my opinion- as you said, we have a right to free speech. But I didn't serve in Nam as i was 13 when the war ended.


Glad you made it home safely!



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For us the sign up was on embarkation day. We didn't make it, but Linda, the Cruise Director, took the names of 3 families at the CC meet and Migle and she sent us all inviatations.

That being said ( she is a doll, by the way!) 60 people didn't show up! I think it was because it was on New Years's Eve! But it is different than other ones we went to in the past. You play only with the other people ( 6 total) in your group. They take you to one of the restaurants and you play with the other 5 at your table during dinner. VEry fun- we met the coolest folks!

I did, it, by the way- and I am NOT telling who I was!!


I would suggest calling or talking to Linda if there is some reason you can't get to the sign up.




Is there a charge for the Murder mystery dinner? which rresturant do you actually eat in?

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Bowling was 5 dollars each. I think it was cheaper on port days.

Teppanyaki was 25 bucks, same for Cagneys. The Mambos and LaCucina were 10 dollars ( ad you get a free first Margarheta at Mambos) I can't remeber the asian prices other than Teppanyaki.

Last week the Spa pass was 99.00. Since we had 4 port days we didn't get one. They were still selling them on the 4th day, so maybe they don't sell out as quickly on this itinerary with all the stops.

Spa prices were high and the services mediocre. I got a GREAT massage on Roatan for 25 dollars- compared to the 190 on board for 70 minutes! There wer spa specials. I was disappointed in the pedicures as I got cut 4 times--this was just an overzealous pedicurist! Also, the sell was pretty hard in the spa for the Elemis products.


There were several days that had 2 for one specials. Can't remeber which ones!


The bowling on the NCL Gem which we just did on 1/3 went up to $10.00 per game per person. I'm hoping that since you said its still $5.00 it stays that way. I cant see myself paying $10 per person thats ridiculous. As far as the spa rumors have gone around that the pearl had increased it to $99 for the pass, so youve just confirmed that. Maybe by the time i sail May 1st maybe the prices go down.. thats wishful thinking i know but i'm hoping!


Thanks for all the info.


Did they announce in the dailies that the 1st drink was free at Mambos? Or did they tell you that when you get to the restaurant? Trying to make plans for what we are going to do before hand. So all your imput is greatly appreciated.

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Is there a charge for the Murder mystery dinner? which rresturant do you actually eat in?


Nope, it is free. You meet in the theatre and then we ate in Summer Palace. One of the staff runs you thru the "rules', escorts you to the restaurant and then you go!

She told us that you always have dinner in one of the nice, non-fee restaurants.

I look forward to doing this again!



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My brother served 37 years, as well as other family members my whole family has a link to the Coast Guard. My mom is an immigrant, legally. I have spoken hours with my family and friends about this topic and know how sad it is. I am not upset that these men tried to leave- I was offended by the Captain's remarks. As to spending time with my family to contact relatives- that is my business, and I call them whenever we get home anyway.

But you seem to have wanted me to fall off the ship-that is not funny. And you know who I am- I am not saying America's policy is right or wrong . But it is what it is!

You happen to be friends with a lot of the officers and may be seeing things differently. But I have the Captain on the video for the audio and it is anti-America. These opinions would best be kept to himself.

It is also not the Coast guards fault that the economy stinks right now.


Just my opinion- as you said, we have a right to free speech. But I didn't serve in Nam as i was 13 when the war ended.


Glad you made it home safely!




K, could you post the audio/video somewhere? Its entirely possible I didn't hear what you talk of, but in my opinion, disagreeing with a law, that isn't really fully Americas fault, isn't Anti-american. From what I remember, the captain basically stated that he wished he didn't have to do what he was doing, etc etc, and that he thought the situation they would have to go back to was sad. The more you write about how upset you are about this, the more I wonder if I didn't hear the information right, or a HUGE difference in opinion.


I don't think this is a republican/democrat/political party thing, because regadless of your affiliation, isn't there a law you disagree with? I still applaud his statements unless i'm proven that he actually used slurs or swears in describing america

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I will have to respectfully disagree with the comments about Captain Lars. My wife and I found he and his wife to be very nice.

He did, however, have some very strong feelings about the immigration laws of the United States. I have no problem with this as being an American citizen, and having served in the Armed Services, during the Vietnam War, he is entitled to free speech, just as everyone else is under our constitution.

After discussing his feelings about the immigration laws, I can understand his feelings and I now totally agree with him that this law needs to be changed.

Under U.S. maritime law, no cruise ship is allowed to bring any additional passengers into a U.S. port but must transfer them to the coast guard, who in return must return them to their home country.

However, if they had made it to U.S. soil they would have been granted political asylum.

Captain Lars explained to us that he was caught between a rock and hard place - did he leave these five men, who had already been at sea for eight days and were without provisions, to hopefully make it to the U.S. or did he do the humanitarian thing and pick them up to save their lives.

I can assure you, after talking with him, that this is a hard decision, not only for him but the rest of the crew as well.

They don't want to see anyone perish at sea, but they also don't want to send them back to a country, where they will either receive long jail or death sentences.

After watching the rescue, we got on an elevator with a lady from Cuba, who was visibly upset and crying about what happened because she knew the fate of these five men.

She said she was one of the lucky ones. She escaped Cuba 44 years ago but fortunately made it to U.S. soil.

She knew the reasons these men made the attempt to escape and was sorry to see they couldn't have succeeded like she did.

So as I finish this, I hope we will all take a minute and thank God we live in a nation that allows us the freedom to travel on cruise ships and talk freely about our experiences.

Some people never get this chance...


I am afraid I have to respectfully disagree with you... I did not take any of the Captain's statements to have been "highly charged." And furthermore, I don't think they would have been a cause for anyone to riot.

After talking with the Cuban lady, and I don't know if she had a passport or not, I can feel her side of this because who wants to see anyone be sent back to certain long prison sentences or even death.

The lady from Chicago is not the only person I know that right now is not exactly in love with America... there are many others, especially who are losing their homes, their jobs, etc... while our government sends billions and billions of dollars to bail out businesses, who use this money to pay their stockholders or offer golden parachutes to the CEO.

Many people also feel our foreign policy concerning Cuba is not right either.

What really gets me is the fact you are taking time away from your family and your delightful children, to contact relatives in DC to have the captain of the Pearl looked into for statements, 99 percent of the passengers and crew did not find offensive.

I think you could have spent your time more wisely, having your friends in washington, check our immigration laws.

Be glad that they didn't throw you overboard... it might have been interesting to see if your coasties would have rescued you...

It might be interesting if sometimes you took the time to ask a coastie if he liked having to turn cubans back over to their country, especially knowing their fate...


While I am not going to take sides here between you and Ketzal, I do feel this is not a forum where politics should be discussed. The OP was expressing how she felt it was inappropriate for the Captian of a multi-national ship to express disdane at America and if he did, I agree. The PA system on that ship is not an appropriate place for him to express his political views. Freedom of speech also means freedom from speech and if he did use the PA system to express his political points of vew that took away pax right to be free from his speech. If I were the OP and had any audio proof of the captian doing that I would not only go to any legal authority available, but I would certainly advise NCL of it. Seeing as how America provides a huge portion of the revenues to NCL, I am fairly sure they would not appreciate their captian potentially offending a huge portion of their pax. I also feel it is a slap in the face for you to refer to the Coast Guard as coasties as they risk their lives every day to resue people lost at sea, etc. They deserve respect.


Again, I just feel that CC is not a place to express political opinions.

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I think it would be very interesting for you to post somewhere - youtube, cc, etc... the remarks you have that the captain made about the United States.

You are making some very serious allegations that could cost this man his job.

Apparently you took the comments differently than myself and my wife did.

We have been thinking back on this all afternoon and can not remember one statement he made that could be considered anti-American.

Yes, I do have a lot of friends on NCL ships, having sailed 12 times with them and it will soon be 13 when we sail in April on the Spirit.

In my sailings on NCL, I have never heard one NCL crew person say anything derogatory about the United States.

As for me saying i wanted to see you tossed overboard, you need to reread what I wrote. I said you were lucky, considering the environment, you said we were in with all those anti-Americans around you, that they didn't toss you in the drink.

As for the Coast Guard, I have nothing but respect for them and they do an outstanding job.

And yes, I am grateful that I made it home from Vietnam alive because a lot of my friends didn't.

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merrygreen, I appreciate your post because it certainly puts the Captain's alleged comments into perspective. As a captain, it must have been awful to HAVE to give the Cubans up due to his duty as a captain and to American law. No matter how much we respect and love our country, there is always room for change in our laws!


terrymtex, I love your posts and agree with you a lot! I don't think this just involved politics though. It involved info on why the captain did what he had to do. Sure he did it with a bit more spunk than some would have liked, but I for one, like spunk!;) Was captain Lars on any of your Star sailings? I know he was on at least two of ours. Good captain makes a good crew, I think! Star certainly has a good crew!

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