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Just off the Pearl! ANy ????


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merrygreen, I appreciate your post because it certainly puts the Captain's alleged comments into perspective. As a captain, it must have been awful to HAVE to give the Cubans up due to his duty as a captain and to American law. No matter how much we respect and love our country, there is always room for change in our laws!


terrymtex, I love your posts and agree with you a lot! I don't think this just involved politics though. It involved info on why the captain did what he had to do. Sure he did it with a bit more spunk than some would have liked, but I for one, like spunk!;) Was captain Lars on any of your Star sailings? I know he was on at least two of ours. Good captain makes a good crew, I think! Star certainly has a good crew!


I am sure we have had him as a Captian on one of our cruises, but I can't remember which one. I am fairly sure it wasn't on the Pearl last October. My memory was I couldn't pronounce that Captians name to save my life, but again, I maybe confusing cruises. I know it is horrible to say, and although I agree I think the tone of the Captian determines a lot of the tone of the crew, we have never kept up with what Captian was on which ship we sailed on. I really tried to make my posting so that it was IF the Captian did that, I would not appreciate it or think it appropriate. And not trying to speak for the OP, but that is how I took their posting. Again trying to be as honest as I can be.. LOL.. we have hardly ever been able to understand what the Captian was saying on the PA systems anyway.


As a gay man, believe you me, I believe in freedom of speech and I am the first to say that, although I think we live in a great country, we do still have many issues that we need to work on. I just don't feel every place I go is an appropriate place for me to speak my political views.

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I agree with Terrymex, these boards are no place for a political discussion -- by anyone, including the OP. Moreover, even based on the OP's version of events, I'm trying to figure out why he/she is trying to get the Pearl's captain into trouble (licensing trouble? criminal trouble?) via his/her "relatives in DC." Because the captain expressed remorse about having to return these refugees to Cuba? I imagine at least some of those on the CG cutter felt the same way. Because the captain used a common phrase like "screwed up?" :confused: That's not a swear word or anything, and at least 2 others on this sailing have reported they didn't find anything offensive in what the captain did or said.


I guess I can't figure out why the OP would a) threaten someone's livelihood, or whatever else it was the OP thinks he/she's doing with reports "to DC," or b) come here to report doing so as part of a cruise review. At least for me it certainly detracted from an otherwise fairly helpful, candid review of the Pearl.

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The captain can't say "screwed up", but its OK to call him a name that is worse language than screwed? :confused:

But he was an ass, no matter who it was!



BTW, it is NOT un-American to disagree with American policies. In fact, political discourse is amoung of the founding principles of America. As for reporting to people "in DC" :rolleyes: Where exactly in DC are you going to report them? Which agency? What office? I work at a federal agency that in concerned with security (and no, i won't say which one, but I have been a fed for 8 years), and I know no one here would care (based on what was quoted).

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I think you pretty well summed up the whole thing and I am glad to know that the people who run our government in DC have a lot better things to do that investigate an NCL captain, who may or may not have said some things some people don't agree with.

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I'm so glad to see the tone of the last 5 or 6 posts. Very well said and I agree completely.


I was just worried that Capt. Lars might run into problems with NCL due to what seems to be a bad situation no matter how you look at it! My other posts were pulled which I find pretty sad.

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I think you pretty well summed up the whole thing and I am glad to know that the people who run our government in DC have a lot better things to do that investigate an NCL captain, who may or may not have said some things some people don't agree with.



Let's see- I can't have an opinion, no one has broached the safety issue, and how can a Captain lose his job if he "didn't do anything wrong"?

You don't know to whom I spoke, I am entiltled to my opinion, and , yes, I had the audio up as a link last night and it is not there now. I do not know if it was pulled or why, also, we have been having internet problems and maybe that is part of it.I got ane-mail from a freind we met on Pearl on the cruise who AGREES totally but won't post as she is afraid of being bashed/flamed/trashed. She also was on the deck when the cutter came in and was appalled at the behavior of some of the guests. But throwing me overboard is better than supporting our Coast Guard- I see not your logic.


I stand my my statements and I will attempt to post the audio again today when Mike gets home. then you can all tell me how I made it up.


This , except for the audio, will be my last comment on the subject-almost. Except this- Merry and Tideone- if you weren't such good buds with the Captain and the staff, I wonder if you would still feel it would be cool if I was thrown overboard? No answer needed.

Actually,I will have hubby post the audio because I am not going to bother with reading this thread anymore. He can do it from work tomorrow.


Sad that my opinion and concerns are not as important as yours. But I don't eat with the Captain.



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I agree with Terrymex, these boards are no place for a political discussion -- by anyone, including the OP. Moreover, even based on the OP's version of events, I'm trying to figure out why he/she is trying to get the Pearl's captain into trouble (licensing trouble? criminal trouble?) via his/her "relatives in DC." Because the captain expressed remorse about having to return these refugees to Cuba? I imagine at least some of those on the CG cutter felt the same way. Because the captain used a common phrase like "screwed up?" :confused: That's not a swear word or anything, and at least 2 others on this sailing have reported they didn't find anything offensive in what the captain did or said.


I guess I can't figure out why the OP would a) threaten someone's livelihood, or whatever else it was the OP thinks he/she's doing with reports "to DC," or b) come here to report doing so as part of a cruise review. At least for me it certainly detracted from an otherwise fairly helpful, candid review of the Pearl.



Sorry- didn't see this. there were HUGE safety concerns on the deck when the cutter came in- children being held up over the rail, pushing- I made a generic comment about contacting people, never said ( and it would NEVER happen) that Lars would lose his job. Please dn't try to know what we are thinking - baseless accusations are silly, especially here on these boards.

Let's reserve that for the politicians.

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Let's see- I can't have an opinion, no one has broached the safety issue, and how can a Captain lose his job if he "didn't do anything wrong"?

You don't know to whom I spoke, I am entiltled to my opinion, and , yes, I had the audio up as a link last night and it is not there now. I do not know if it was pulled or why, also, we have been having internet problems and maybe that is part of it.I got ane-mail from a freind we met on Pearl on the cruise who AGREES totally but won't post as she is afraid of being bashed/flamed/trashed. She also was on the deck when the cutter came in and was appalled at the behavior of some of the guests. But throwing me overboard is better than supporting our Coast Guard- I see not your logic.


I stand my my statements and I will attempt to post the audio again today when Mike gets home. then you can all tell me how I made it up.


This , except for the audio, will be my last comment on the subject-almost. Except this- Merry and Tideone- if you weren't such good buds with the Captain and the staff, I wonder if you would still feel it would be cool if I was thrown overboard? No answer needed.

Actually,I will have hubby post the audio because I am not going to bother with reading this thread anymore. He can do it from work tomorrow.


Sad that my opinion and concerns are not as important as yours. But I don't eat with the Captain.




I'm not commenting on the idea of you being thrown overboard, because that can be taken seriously or as a joke, and it depends on the person, but noone is saying your opinion is not as important as others. We are all just curious what we may be missing, mainly. Many of us felt that what he said was simply just as you say, an opinion, not anti american in any way. Also, its very easy to get fired nowadays for not doing anything wrong, a public company caves to pressure many many times, rather than stand behind the employee that may or may not have done anything wrong and disregarding what they truly believe on the situation.


Also, you bring up the security aspect now and in a different post, which I believe is a TRUE concern, not many people will argue that someone holding their child over the side of the ship or leaning way over for a picture is dangerous. Even that is partially the ship/captain/staffs responsibility as well as the parents or person who did it. We need to remember that in this day and and age, not enough responsibility is placed on the parent or the person itself that is doing the action. I am not a father yet, so i'm not going to say how good a father I will be, but you better believe I will never hold a child over a ship or put them in danger for a stupid picture or scoop. They should have the common sense not to do this.

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Just to set the record straight, my wife and I did not eat dinner with the captain and his family.

We did, however, see him at the same functions as the OP and her family, and we did see him around the ship.

And being the friendly people we are, we stopped and talked with him, as we did other members of the crew.

If this is being a "good bud" of the captain and crew then I will continue to do this on my future cruises, whether they be on NCL or any other cruise line.

Part of the fun in cruising is meeting people from not only all parts of the United States but also the members of the crew, who come from all over the world.

It is interesting to talk to them about their homelands and families. I actually found the crew on this cruise to be more friendly than the passengers.

And one more thing, I found the people in the casino to be some of the nicest I have ever met.... one of them even gave us a book with lots of coupons.

And while we didn't win big bucks, we did walk away with enough money to pay for a dinner in Cagney's.

It is very easy to become a part of the "special casino passengers." Just guarantee that you will play X amount of money. They don't care if you win or lose - because most of the time you will lose - they just want you to play.

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Yep, she was taken to the hospital in Belize. My parents asked a bartender what nationality the baby was...they were told Norwegian, lol ;):D




I nearly fell out of my chair seeing you on the NCL boards. :D

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I was on the Pearl with my family, sister and her son. We watched the rescue and the transfer to the cutter from our balcony. We did not hear the captain say anything offensive or derogatory about America (and we are all patriotic Americans). We also did not hear people booing the Coast Guard. We heard cheers. We did hear chants of "let them stay". We found it refreshing and interesting for the captain to bemoan that his night was screwed up and instead of an anniversary dinner he was going to have "bangers and mash" and then go to bed. He was not bashing the U.S. but merely commenting on the sad plight of these people who risked their lives to come to America. He even said that it was "tragic" that their country could be so bad that they would do what they did to leave it. I was going to comment on my thoughts of the Pearl and NCL but when I saw this thread I thought I should respond with what we heard and perceived. And we don't know the captain and have never sailed NCL before.

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What you said happened is more like what we remember happening than what the OP said.

Apparently she and someone she said emailed her but would not post for fear of being bashed were the only ones that heard any anti american statements by the captain.

Since the OP said she is not going to post again and has now turned it over to her husband to post the audio at work - wonder if his company has a policy about personal work on the computer on company time - I guess we won't hear what the captain really had to say.

I just hope that her remarks and calls to relatives in DC don't cause any problems for the captain and crew of the Pearl.

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I was on the Pearl with my family, sister and her son. We watched the rescue and the transfer to the cutter from our balcony. We did not hear the captain say anything offensive or derogatory about America (and we are all patriotic Americans). We also did not hear people booing the Coast Guard. We heard cheers. We did hear chants of "let them stay". We found it refreshing and interesting for the captain to bemoan that his night was screwed up and instead of an anniversary dinner he was going to have "bangers and mash" and then go to bed. He was not bashing the U.S. but merely commenting on the sad plight of these people who risked their lives to come to America. He even said that it was "tragic" that their country could be so bad that they would do what they did to leave it. I was going to comment on my thoughts of the Pearl and NCL but when I saw this thread I thought I should respond with what we heard and perceived. And we don't know the captain and have never sailed NCL before.



Oh, look, now we are up to four posters here on CC (which comprises the tiny minority of those who cruise) who say the Pearl experience was really moving/touching, etc.... and not at all "Un-American," versus the one who got here "first" and thus was able to set the tone for this discussion. :rolleyes:


I hope anyone who finds this thread in the future reads the entire thing. I sincerely think, even after reading JUST the OP's description of the Captain's so-called "anti-American" sentiments, that his remarks were something like this:


"Hello, passengers. You will have noticed that we have stopped to rescue some persons in need." And <a couple of hours later> "We have another small delay, ladies and gentlemen. I'm not sure why, but per US law we need to transfer those we picked up to the Coast Guard prior to docking. We apologize for the delay this causes, and I especially apologize to my wife, when we are celebrating our anniversary! Still, that's the law, and we comply even if we don't understand it."


In advance I will say to the OP that when you get around to posting audio/video files showing the captain saying something "anti-American" or "vulgar" or "swearing" I'll be the first to apologize. In the meantime, I'll be waiting for something other than your individual reaction to what was said to guide MY reaction to it.

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It is very easy to become a part of the "special casino passengers." Just guarantee that you will play X amount of money. They don't care if you win or lose - because most of the time you will lose - they just want you to play.


Merrygreen, there was a "special casino" group onboard, they only had to pay for their airfare to and from Miami. They were able to drink for free in the casino in addition to being "rated" and compensated on their casino contributions....



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What you said happened is more like what we remember happening than what the OP said.

Apparently she and someone she said emailed her but would not post for fear of being bashed were the only ones that heard any anti american statements by the captain.

Since the OP said she is not going to post again and has now turned it over to her husband to post the audio at work - wonder if his company has a policy about personal work on the computer on company time - I guess we won't hear what the captain really had to say.

I just hope that her remarks and calls to relatives in DC don't cause any problems for the captain and crew of the Pearl.


Wow. now you are questioning what her husband does with his time at work? You really need to let your anger go. It's getting boring. If the Captian didn't say anything inappropritate, then he has nothing to worry about reguardless of any calls made, etc. I thought this was an interesting thread but now the dead horse is turning to glue.

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