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Roll Call Seabourn Spirit 15-11-2009 Lisbon-Ft. Lauderdale


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Some words were not even in the dictionary on line - I had to go to the encyclopedia!

EN: dote NL: verkleuring van hout

Definitie: (Engels) a slight modification of the chemical composition caused by the attack of fungus growth in the wood, generally before drying; it is manifested by a slight modification in hardness together with a discoloration


Par'a·mour noun [ French par amour , lit., by or with love. See 2d Par , and Amour .] 1. A lover, of either sex; a wooer or a mistress (formerly in a good sense, now only in a bad one); one who takes the place, without possessing the rights, of a husband or wife; -- used of a man or a woman. « The seducer appeared with dauntless front, accompanied by his paramou ...


Per'me·ate transitive verb [ imperfect & past participle Permeated ; present participle & verbal noun Permeating .] [ Latin permeatus , past participle of permeare to permeate; per + meare to go, pass.] 1. To pass through the pores or interstices of; to penetrate and pass through without causing rupture or ...


Du'ly adverb In a due, fit, or becoming manner; as it (anything) ought to be; properly; regularly.

Have a nice weekend all (or is that too soon...? I think it is Friday already!)


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Well Will, you never cease to amaze me (and I haven't even met you yet...!).

Reading your post gave ME goosebumps and I mean really. (I must admit I get them quite easily - many songs do the same thing for me).

You must be a poet or at least a writer. You also make me work hard - once you get carried away you use words that I never heard of and never read (being Dutch of course, but I suppose you know that already..) - I have to look them up in the on line dictionary. By the way thank you for that, I always like to learn new words.

Did you not notice you were using DW in stead of DF? What if she says NO?

One more thing: Why have you removed your profile photo, any particular reason? Afraid we will recognise you two "lovebirds"?

And how is it possible that you know about this "surprise thing" - it was supposed to be a secret!

Have a nice weekend and a fantastic wedding ceremony and party (I suppose)!



Dear Marja,

As unfamiliar with the richness of English as you claim to be, let me hasten to add that:

1. I wish my Dutch was even a quarter as 'welsprekend' (with a 'V') as your English!

2. I'm sure you realise that you probably are more fluent in English than many born to that polyglot tongue even in the isle of its origin!


Thank you for your kind remarks. I really, maybe, 'ought to', do something with my way with words -I suppose; but that's for the future, I'm still sucking up experiences and experience...


Yes, like yourself, few details escape me on this board... I have noticed your sharp observations trip up many a poster here over time! :D


We adore the Netherlands and her people! Haarlem, for example, spoiled us for what rustic charm we finally managed to unearth in Monmartre, Paris on the same 'vakanse'.


Don't worry about her saying 'no' ...she has signed a pre-lunch agreement, in which she will forfeit any future club sandwiches, without so much as an onion ring if she so much as looks sideways at a side of beef on the table opposite.


We removed our picture on the board because Licia claimed, that I looked too much like the 'Sundance Kid' to her 'Butch Cassidy'. You can imagine her intense distress at this discovery, as they promised us that the gender-reassignment surgeons in Thailand were the best unused Seabourn cruise-vouchers could buy!


Finally (you do love asking questions don't you?) :p What Secret party....?


xx, Will.

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Some words were not even in the dictionary on line - I had to go to the encyclopedia!

EN: dote NL: verkleuring van hout

Definitie: (Engels) a slight modification of the chemical composition caused by the attack of fungus growth in the wood, generally before drying; it is manifested by a slight modification in hardness together with a discoloration


Par'a·mour noun [ French par amour , lit., by or with love. See 2d Par , and Amour .] 1. A lover, of either sex; a wooer or a mistress (formerly in a good sense, now only in a bad one); one who takes the place, without possessing the rights, of a husband or wife; -- used of a man or a woman. « The seducer appeared with dauntless front, accompanied by his paramou ...


Per'me·ate transitive verb [ imperfect & past participle Permeated ; present participle & verbal noun Permeating .] [ Latin permeatus , past participle of permeare to permeate; per + meare to go, pass.] 1. To pass through the pores or interstices of; to penetrate and pass through without causing rupture or ...


Du'ly adverb In a due, fit, or becoming manner; as it (anything) ought to be; properly; regularly.

Have a nice weekend all (or is that too soon...? I think it is Friday already!)





'Dote' as a timber discolouration, I have never heard of. It is more commonly used in English, and readers will, I hope confirm this, to mean 'spoil, coddle, adore' as in: "She doted on her Cat." But there you go, I've learned something new in English today as well! (so all you TA trivia buffs -beware!)


'Paramour' is used nowadays in a 'bad' sense? Well -why not? How promising! Seabourn may well be about to get it's very own live soap opera at sea! :D


Laters, Will.

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'Dote' as a timber discolouration, I have never heard of. It is more commonly used in English, and readers will, I hope confirm this, to mean 'spoil, coddle, adore' as in: "She doted on her Cat." But there you go, I've learned something new in English today as well! (so all you TA trivia buffs -beware!)




'Paramour' is used nowadays in a 'bad' sense? Well -why not? How promising! Seabourn may well be about to get it's very own live soap opera at sea! :D


Laters, Will.


LOL! No Will, not "paramour", but "mistress" of course! Another lesson, you should read the text well!

I have to stop now I guess, off topic, or...? Well, it my own "thread"!

Your Dutch is great by the way! Have a nice "vakantie"!;)


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Not too certain that anyone is interested, but my paramour is "Seabourn" and I dote on her totally. I hope this is duly noted.

Ok, we are a definite go on the "Surprise" party. Is everyone happy over the "white party" aspect? If that is the case then everyone please try to bring a white article of clothing and we'll work with Seabourn on making this a second wedding, sort of.

Oh, one last thing, this is supposed to be a surprise, so please everyone, please try to keep it to yourselves. We don't want the happy couple to know of our plans. Thank you.


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Not too certain that anyone is interested, but my paramour is "Seabourn" and I dote on her totally. I hope this is duly noted.

Ok, we are a definite go on the "Surprise" party. Is everyone happy over the "white party" aspect? If that is the case then everyone please try to bring a white article of clothing and we'll work with Seabourn on making this a second wedding, sort of.

Oh, one last thing, this is supposed to be a surprise, so please everyone, please try to keep it to yourselves. We don't want the happy couple to know of our plans. Thank you.



My lips are (for once) sealed! ;)

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...just me doin' a clod-footed doc dance!!


They arrived this afternoon (just as the TA promised when I called her to inquire today). I agree with whoever posted about concern in actually using such nice luggage tags - that they might 'go astray.' But then...unless I use one for my dog, they're not much other use, right?


Will - I'm sure we'll all be thinking of you next Thursday. Sail through jitter-free and then...you can sail away!


Hi Sally, Glad to hear you got Doc-ed at last! Maybe its the lines way of amping up the anticipation factor? (Some of us are over-amped right now, thanks very much!)


I saw a shot of someones doc-set, and it does look impressive! I want them mainly to hand to Licia (perhaps wrapped like a gift, which it is, of course!) :D


Everything else we have at the moment is a bunch of emails for various planes and places along the way, practical, but very un-inspiring.


Oops! there I go sliding into slippery despondency! None of that anymore fella, shoulders back!


I got a nice A380 luggage tag from Airbus last year, (I'm involved with that big behemoth of an aircraft at work) and I put it on a carry-aboard. It's an 'ID' tag in the sense that maybe someone else in the same 'club' will recognise it and start up a conversation. Having said that, I don't want to talk 'shop' much on board, that defeats the whole point of getting away from it all!


See you on the Spirit, spirited sailor!



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Hi Sally, Glad to hear you got Doc-ed at last! Maybe its the lines way of amping up the anticipation factor? (Some of us are over-amped right now, thanks very much!)


I saw a shot of someones doc-set, and it does look impressive! I want them mainly to hand to Licia (perhaps wrapped like a gift, which it is, of course!) :D


Everything else we have at the moment is a bunch of emails for various planes and places along the way, practical, but very un-inspiring.


Oops! there I go sliding into slippery despondency! None of that anymore fella, shoulders back!


I got a nice A380 luggage tag from Airbus last year, (I'm involved with that big behemoth of an aircraft at work) and I put it on a carry-aboard. It's an 'ID' tag in the sense that maybe someone else in the same 'club' will recognise it and start up a conversation. Having said that, I don't want to talk 'shop' much on board, that defeats the whole point of getting away from it all!


See you on the Spirit, spirited sailor!



Oh Will,

I don't know what time it was when you wrote the above, but you already had your thoughts about it your self according to the fact that you edited your post some time later.....!

It must have been in the middle of the night in Australia, or....?

Oops... another question, sorry! But I'm glad you threw in some challenging new words for me again. I'll look them up tomorrow...

I have no idea what it means yet, but I think I'm "over-amped" too!

Good night..... or good morning to you!


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good luck tracking down 'over-amped' Marja! But truly, you should never apologize for your English abilities - as noted, you do a better job than quite a few native-born (US). And we won't even get into the lack that most of us (well, um...me at least!), on this side of the Atlantic, demonstrate with any foreign language.


Howard - Brilliant idea! But I'm going to have to be careful about this super-secret plan- I'm notoriously bad at "keeping my lips zipped" (Marja?? Did I throw you??) - so I'm going to have to be careful on this one. Sure wouldn't want to "spill the beans."


Speaking of special occasions, Mr. LTSally will be marking a notable Birthday while aboard and I'd been wondering about what I could do for a little surprise (other than just a cabin-delivered cake). Suggestions welcome.


Will - Not to prolong any 'shop-talk,' but the moment I read your reference to Airbus, I thought of the Airbus incident that just hit our news (pilots overlooking their landing in Minneapolis) and thought - "hmmmm, wonder if Will would have any professional insight for this one..." Will have to remember to ask you....

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I didn't take care of my English lessons yet, because I was rather busy today getting things organised and packing for our short (4 day) trip to Ireland from tomorrow! We will leave early in the morning and will be staying in the "Sheen Falls Lodge" in Kenmare.

And when we return, it will only be a little over two weeks before we fly to Lisbon on the 14th, where we will stay in a new hotel : "Altis Belem" overlooking the river Tague and maybe even the Seabourn Spirit!

Do you all know by the way, that the Spirit will go into dry dock next week and will be spic and span for us (especially for the newly weds; don't tell them, that is our present for them!).

I hope I will be cured from my terrible dizziness before I go on the cruise! I think it is a virus. I have it for a couple of weeks already. It feels the same as land sickness, that I normally have after a cruise and especially a crossing. Will see a doctor next week.


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>"Suggestions welcome."

Just talk to the HM. You can design a special dinner/lunch and either dine a deux or with friends old and new. A cake can be made and delivered anywhere or anytime. You could do a spa event for him, if that might be fun. If you want to have a meal with friends, or a cocktail party in your suite, it's fun to bring some party invitations and perhaps cocktail napkins along, if he wouldn't see them.
I am sure others will have more suggestions.
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[FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=4]Marja, I will keep my fingers and all other extremities crossed in the hopes of you feeling better. It might be "Vertigo". Several of my lady friends have gotten it lately. I will hope for the best for you. Also have a great time in Ireland.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=4]"ltsally", do you think another theme type party for your hubbie? A cocktail party in ones' suite though, does sound nice. Since cocktail parties are "de rigeur" (sp?) on Seabourn, this would probably be a good idea. We could duck into your room, redecorate it and be gone in no time. Please do try to keep the beans to yourself, re the newish couple.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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Thank you, Jane, for the helpful hints about arranging a party on Seabourn. I wondered how that worked.

And, Marja, I hope you are able to enjoy your time in beautiful Ireland. I think you mentioned before that you had vertigo at some point. You know that this comes and goes without reason. Hopefully, this will clear and you will be "fit as a fiddle" for our cruise.

And Will, I already have my "white" packed for the party. Looking forward to meeting your beautiful bride. I think the two of you will be right down the way from my sweet Paul and me!

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[quote name='Seabourn-nail'][I][COLOR=darkorchid]Oh Will,[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]I don't know what time it was when you wrote the above, but you already had your thoughts about it your self according to the fact that you edited your post some time later.....![/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]It must have been in the middle of the night in Australia, or....?[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]Oops... another question, sorry! But I'm glad you threw in some challenging new words for me again. I'll look them up tomorrow...[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]I have no idea what it means yet, but I think I'm "over-amped" too![/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]Good night..... or good morning to you![/COLOR][/I]

I may have wrote that in Los Angeles, or Sydney. I can't remember now... the dateline anomaly will have caused your confusion. My goodness Marja, you really don't miss a beat, do you? Are you an Amateur Sleuth (more arcane English words!!) by any chance, a la Agatha Christie's "Miss Marple"?
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[quote name='JaneBP']I mention a 'tip' because the server is most likely on break time and they are 'assigned' to help with the event. There is a no tipping policy, but I think a situation like a private party is 'extra'.[/QUOTE]

Fair Comment, Jane BP, and duly noted with thanks!

LTSally or is it just 'Sally' off duty?! ;p We would be honored to help you share in Mr. LTS's celebrations, and please don't hesitate to ask for our co-operation in any way!

I'm beginning to see why it's hard to resist gratuities on a tip-free cruise! Funny how human nature is... I think people are more inclined to give when they are not actually feeling under duress to do so!

We certainly have no problem -and every pleasure- in recognising above and beyond service with individual monetary or other gestures of value.

Happy sailing to all... and it's getting closer! I can't wait for my, not so much blushing, as flustered, Bride to put our 'Day of days' behind us and focus on her well-deserved down-time aboard the Spirit, I don't think she has had time to fully grasp just how pampered she is going to be! :)
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[quote name='lifelover']Thank you, Jane, for the helpful hints about arranging a party on Seabourn. I wondered how that worked.

And, Marja, I hope you are able to enjoy your time in beautiful Ireland. I think you mentioned before that you had vertigo at some point. You know that this comes and goes without reason. Hopefully, this will clear and you will be "fit as a fiddle" for our cruise.

And Will, I already have my "white" packed for the party. Looking forward to meeting your beautiful bride. I think the two of you will be right down the way from my sweet Paul and me!


Hi Ginger and Paul,
Whoa! All this camaraderie is seriously throwing me for six (sorry Marja, more 'idioms' to add to your collection!):eek:
But it feels so nice to be accepted 'on trust' and we hope to not give anyone a seconds worth of 'second thoughts' when we finally meet you all!

Also, many of you are seasoned Seabourners, so please be gentle with us as we find our Sea-bourn legs. We'll try to ask intelligent questions -at least before the second round of sail-away cocktails!

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[quote name='ltsally']
Will - Not to prolong any 'shop-talk,' but the moment I read your reference to Airbus, I thought of the Airbus incident that just hit our news (pilots overlooking their landing in Minneapolis) and thought - "hmmmm, wonder if Will would have any professional insight for this one..." Will have to remember to ask you....[/QUOTE]

Dear Sally, At risk of drawing down the ire for which I have become unjustly infamous for on the board... apart from visiting the artist formerly known as Prince, who would want to land in Minneapolis anyway? :D

Don't get me totally wrong Minnesota fans! I think MY current home town Sydney, is SERIOUSLY over rated! I have no idea how it wins 'Worlds best City' titles year after year... I think it's an over-priced, under-resourced shamozzle of a city! Where the best is only available to a very select few, so few that they won't even be found on Seabourn, they have their own mega-yachts!

What has all this got to do with dozy aviators? Nothing! Other than to hint in my last sentence that they 'may have' nodded off.

That's why 'we' have had -for many years- a 'Crew Resource Management' (gotta love these buzzwords!) protocol that requires the cabin crew to contact the flight deck crew on flights over one hour -every 30 mins. (No I'm not a pilot, but I do have a distinct safety audit role whereby I foster and facilitate harmonious interaction between all the onboard crew members on certain aircraft of a certain airline.)

So.... any sign of Fall in your garden this season? :-)
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[FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=4]Well I am delighted that the "White Party" is a go. Those of us that have an extra day or 2 and a little free time could maybe pick up some kind of white (it doesn't necessarily have to be wedding related) decor in Lisboa. Only if you want. I know that since this was my idea, I will def do so.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=4] Will, I find Sydney to be truly one of the very best cities in the world. The first time I was there was in 1982. I have been 4 times and would go tomorrow if my partner didn't hate intolerably long flights. Coming from Florida it takes 36 hours all told. Yuck. The last time we went we did it with 3 stopovers en-route and still needed 4 days to catch up. Of course if one sails one way, that makes it much better, but we will need a tad more help in the financial markets before we are able to consider that idea.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=4]This tipping issue always seems to come up on this board. Whereas I appreciate the fact that no tipping is required, I find it impossible not to tip for extras. A cocktail party in ones' suite would fall into this category. But, then again, there are so many ways that Seabourn pampers you, that I for one, usually leave something extra in the crew fund at the end of the cruise. Too many people on their staff are way too good not to give something extra.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=4]Hope you're all having a nice weekend, we have no fall weather down here, nor do we have leaves that fall from our trees. We just hope that the next day will be less humid[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='Seabourn-nail'][I][COLOR=darkorchid]I didn't take care of my English lessons yet, because I was rather busy today getting things organised and packing for our short (4 day) trip to Ireland from tomorrow! We will leave early in the morning and will be staying in the "Sheen Falls Lodge" in Kenmare.[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]And when we return, it will only be a little over two weeks before we fly to Lisbon on the 14th, where we will stay in a new hotel : "Altis Belem" overlooking the river Tague and maybe even the Seabourn Spirit![/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]Do you all know by the way, that the Spirit will go into dry dock next week and will be spic and span for us (especially for the newly weds; don't tell them, that is our present for them!).[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]I hope I will be cured from my terrible dizziness before I go on the cruise! I think it is a virus. I have it for a couple of weeks already. It feels the same as land sickness, that I normally have after a cruise and especially a crossing. Will see a doctor next week.[/COLOR][/I]

Dear Marja,
I too, hope you will be well enough to enjoy yourself to the full, there is no question of you NOT making it on our cruise! :p

I had read that Spirit was dry-docking soon, and its nice to think that may also be an opportunity for the crew to rest -or arrive from rest refreshed for the next cruise season.

Finally, I noticed your Avatar was in fact a fingernail decorated with the Seabourn Crest/Logo, I had figured as much, but the background had previously made it a little indistinct, but today for some reason, I see it quite clearly; maybe that's a happy omen for the days ahead.

Enjoy the 'Craic' in lovely Ireland! (you might have to ask the Irish about that one!);)
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[quote name='howndder'][FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=4]Well I am delighted that the "White Party" is a go. Those of us that have an extra day or 2 and a little free time could maybe pick up some kind of white (it doesn't necessarily have to be wedding related) decor in Lisboa. Only if you want. I know that since this was my idea, I will def do so.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=4] Will, I find Sydney to be truly one of the very best cities in the world. The first time I was there was in 1982. I have been 4 times and would go tomorrow if my partner didn't hate intolerably long flights. Coming from Florida it takes 36 hours all told. Yuck. The last time we went we did it with 3 stopovers en-route and still needed 4 days to catch up. Of course if one sails one way, that makes it much better, but we will need a tad more help in the financial markets before we are able to consider that idea.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=4]This tipping issue always seems to come up on this board. Whereas I appreciate the fact that no tipping is required, I find it impossible not to tip for extras. A cocktail party in ones' suite would fall into this category. But, then again, there are so many ways that Seabourn pampers you, that I for one, usually leave something extra in the crew fund at the end of the cruise. Too many people on their staff are way too good not to give something extra.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=4]Hope you're all having a nice weekend, we have no fall weather down here, nor do we have leaves that fall from our trees. We just hope that the next day will be less humid[/SIZE][/FONT]

Thanks for your time, trouble and boundless enthusiasm!
White decor? Good Lord! Just wearing a white 'kerchief in your sport coat pocket would suffice for me!

Speaking of long flights, I got back from LA just under 24 hours ago, tomorrow afternoon I leave Sydney, bound for Singapore and my big fat Chinese-themed wedding, a week from today we will be packing for the onward flight to London (for Scotland) and before you know it, we'll be pier-side staring at a gleaming 'white lady' poised for her effortless and graceful dance across the vast Atlantic Ocean.

Jet-lag makes me wax lyrical.... :p

I think I'm a little spoiled as regards Sydney, as when I'm away I tend to see the best of other cities, and when I'm home I get caught up in the ordinary-ness of my own town, and you don't get more 'ordinary' than the baggage carousel hall at SYD airport, which I see far too much of -after intolerably long flights!
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How busy this forum can get in 48 hours (and how dead it was my last chance to look, on Saturday)!

So will just offer a Thank You for the input on a Seabourn Soiree...some good ideas and I'll have almost a week to come up with some kind of plan once we're aboard (tho packing some fun cocktail napkins etc was a fine notion - thanks, Jane!)

And, I have to say what a brilliant notion I think that is - over in Australia, to have the cabin crew check on the flight crew every 30 mins, just to be sure they haven't drifted off to Nod.....makes a person feel downright confident!

Howard - Thinking 'white'......
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[quote name='dhream']Dear Marja,
I too, hope you will be well enough to enjoy yourself to the full, there is no question of you NOT making it on our cruise! :p

I had read that Spirit was dry-docking soon, and its nice to think that may also be an opportunity for the crew to rest -or arrive from rest refreshed for the next cruise season.

Finally, I noticed your Avatar was in fact a fingernail decorated with the Seabourn Crest/Logo, I had figured as much, but the background had previously made it a little indistinct, but today for some reason, I see it quite clearly; maybe that's a happy omen for the days ahead.

Enjoy the 'Craic' in lovely Ireland! (you might have to ask the Irish about that one!);)[/quote]

[I][COLOR=darkorchid]Today is the day as I recall![/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]CONGRATULATIONS and may you be a happy couple for many years to come![/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]Thanks for your good wishes (I think my husband needs them even more this time...). What I already thought seems to be the case: viral labyrintitis - will probably be gone after one sea day![/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]Yes, my avatar is a combination of one of my thumb nails and one of the triplets (I'm so very artistic...)! "Seabourn-nail" .... got it?[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]You're right about the crew. Some of them will stay on the ship and some arrive just before we board. They may even like a few sea days more this time....[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]The "craig" was quite quiet this time. We had so much to talk over and so many meetings, that after dinner we were "knackered" (to add another typical Irish expression).[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]We did meet good friends however and the nature was beautiful![/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#9932cc]HAVE A FANTASTIC HONEYMOON YOU TWO (and may the cruise on the Spirit be THE highlight (for all our sake))![/COLOR][/I]
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It's going on six AM here, Friday, so technically - this is a day late.
[COLOR=magenta]But my good wishes, as well, to the newlyweds![/COLOR]

Can't believe how swiftly this departure date is closing down on us......off to buy a new suitcase last nite. How many people [I]LOSE[/I] a suitcase? At home?????
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