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Has anyone been denied admittance to the dinning room because of their attire?


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[quote name='kfgarrow']I know this won't solve anything, but I just have to throw my 2 cents in here. While I do not waste my time on vacation stewing about how others are dressed, it really fries my fritters when people use lame excuses to ignore the clearly stated dress code policies. My personal pet peeves are as follows:

"I can't stand to get dressed up because I hate to be uncomfortable all night"
My husband's tux has a waistband that adjusts up to 2". We also buy clothes and shoes in our correct sizes so that they do not pinch or bind. People, if your clothes are uncomfortable, buy a bigger size.

"I can't afford to buy all those fancy clothes."
My hubby paid $99 for his tux on Ebay. He has already worn it 4 times and will get many more uses out of it. My one formal dress was purchased on clearance from Dillard's for $32. I just bought a cocktail dress on Ebay for $42. It is not expensive to dress appropriately.

I'm sure I will be flamed by the "It's my vacation, I'll do as I please" crowd but I do feel better getting that off my chest![/QUOTE]AMEN!!! Couldn't have said it better! [img]http://smilies.sofrayt.com/fsc/clap.gif[/img]
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On our Celebrity cruise a few weeks ago, we saw some people in jeans and shorts allowed in on the first and last nights -- two of the three casual nights on that cruise. Celebrity adds confusion with their "informal" dress code on a couple of nights as well, which is supposedly a jacket for the men (this is in addition to the 2 "formal" nights). This was widely flaunted -- a good third of the men did not wear a jacket on the informal evenings and only about half wore ties. On top of this, each evening's dress code applies to ALL of the public entertainment / dining areas (exlcuding casual dining) from 6 PM onward -- this too was widely ignored. So, even a so-called "premium" line doesn't enforce its dress codes too strictly.
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While I am not offended by people who don't follow the dress codes, I have to admit that the dressing up is a highlight of cruising for me. I could spend hours on formal night just people watching. I think that the older generations carry off formal night with so much class. I know that I am generalizing, but the women are just so put together from the dress, to the makeup, to the accessories. I think it all goes back to my grandmother-in-law who passed away a few years ago. She always talked about how in her day, a "lady" wouldn't go out shopping or anywhere in public without everything looking just so. Since I live an office casual/soccer mom kind of life, I enjoy the few days of glamour and glitz.

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The definition of slacks:

"trousers especially for casual wear"

Personally, I've never tried to confuse Denim Jeans with a trouser or slack. To me, there is a huge difference and I believe that Carnival knew that difference, but expected us to be smarter than maybe some are. I guess we should all start wearing pajama pants on Resort Casual nights since they aren't specifically listed as a "no no." Chaps are another hot item, and maybe just body paint to look like a pair of slacks. Had Carnival intended us to wear jeans, then they would have said jeans, not slacks.

Just my opinion and yes, the dining room experience is a real downer when some dress for the Golden Corral or Sizzler when they are dining in Carnival's Fine Dining Restaurant. The atmosphere and ambiance is taken away by the disrespect to fellow passengers and the cruiseline.

Back to the original question or topic- Yes, I have seen someone denied entrance into the dining room on the Victory and I applaud the Maitre'd for doing his job. Our entire table tipped him very well that week along with others. The person denied was wearing very tacky jeans on formal night.
The dining room experience was preserved on that trip by lots of passengers showing respect and a crew who was willing to deliver the service and atmsphere deserved by all.

Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday week :)
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Maybe the term "Suggested Attire" is what throws folks off. The word "suggested" sounds just like that...a [i]suggestion[/i]. While Carnival certainly cannot demand one to follow a certain dress code, I wonder if the word "Suggested" is just not a strong enough word to get the point across. Perhaps they could say " We respectfully require that Gentlemen wear jackets/ties and ladies wear cocktail/evening dresses or a formal pantsuit in the dinning room." This lays the ground rules, with little room for confussion.
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[quote name='luv2cruise99']I know that GoinCruisin's quote below is supposed to prove that jeans are against Carnival's guidelines, but in my opinion it proves the exact opposite - that jeans are in keeping with Carnival's guidelines on CASUAL nights.

Carnival went through the trouble of listing specifically what items are prohibited. Since jeans are a very popular clothing choice and since Carnival certainly must know of this controversy, it seems likely that if they intended jeans to be prohibited they would have listed them along with shorts, bathing suits and t-shirts (as other cruiselines have done) to avoid any confusion.

I know many will point out that jeans are also not specifically listed as acceptable Casual Resort Wear, but neither are capris or dockers and we all know how popular they are on casual nights. Like capris and dockers, jeans fall within the definition of the term "slacks". I know alot of people will say that they don't consider jeans to be "slacks", but then alot of people will also say that they don't consider capris to be "slacks". The word leaves alot of room for interpretation.

It just seem likely to me that if Carnival had intended to prohibit one of the most popular forms of American attire, they would have specifically stated so.[/QUOTE][i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=navy]This post by [b]luv2cruise99[/b] is, in my opinion, the best explanation about how it would be okay to wear jeans on non-formal nights. The logic is unimpeachable and there is not a snippet of malice in the wording. I applaud you, luv2cruise. Even though I never wear jeans to the dining room on non-formal nights (most places cruise ships go they would be very uncomfortable to me), I can see how others might find it acceptable.[/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080]However, I would point out, its part of my German ancestry to burp and belch out loud after a great meal (its considered a compliment to the host) :) . I wouldn't think of doing this on any 5-star dining establishment. :D I'm sure Carnival appreciates this also. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
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[quote name='glrounds'][i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080]However, I would point out, its part of my German ancestry to burp and belch out loud after a great meal (its considered a compliment to the host) :) . I wouldn't think of doing this on any 5-star dining establishment. :D I'm sure Carnival appreciates this also. [/color][/size][/font][/i][/QUOTE]
As do your tablemates, as well, I'm sure.:eek: :D
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we always dress for dinner...its part of the whole vacation thing and doing domwthing different....if we did not want to dress (only once in all our cruises), we go to the lido deck....why is this such a big deal! if i were to go to a regular restaurant, i expect to dress a certain way...its part of the restaurant experience...and i do get a little "hot" when i see people in the formal dining room NOT dressed appropriately...but usually chock it up to IGNORANCE!
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Well we should have been but...On our cruise last year to St Marten we went on a fantastic catamaran cruise to go snorkelling( Golden eagle.highly recommend it)Anyway.We are from Canada and do not get a lot of sunshine that you can tan in till about mid june , so we were extremely white and well.Even me wearing a 50spf I got burnt but didn't realize it till we got back to the ship.After a couple of hours we relized that the tops of our feet were dark purple and our face were almost a dark.We started running a fever and were told what we had was Sun Poisoning( never heard of it even as a retired army medic) anyway we ended of that night going to dinner in the dining room with our water shoes on ,because of the pain and we were given a gift fro our suffering from the assistant maitre D Kerry of all this carnival stuff( shorts, t-shirts, and visor) we only wore the shirt and shorts because whatever it was had to be loose fitting.
So yes we surely should have been refused entry but the Spirit Staff was very good about the whole thing
regards from
Winnipeg manitoba Canada
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[quote name='crazy canuck1']We started running a fever and were told what we had was Sun Poisoning( never heard of it even as a retired army medic)[/QUOTE][url=http://www.mdadvice.com/library/sport/sport65.html]Sun poisoning from MDAdvice[/url]
[url=http://www.ecureme.com/emyhealth/data/Sun_Poisoning.asp]Sun poisoning from eCureme[/url]
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We just returned from the eastrn route on the Glory yesterday---had a great time- will do a quick review later,
but about the dress code-----
Saw many people in shorts the first night, people in jeans other nights (except formal nights), a lot of shorts and jeans last night.
On formal nights, saw a lot of tux and long gowns---everyone looked soo nice! Seems like there were more men in tux this time, dont know why. My husband doesnt have one, he just wears a dark suit and tie- I have one long gown and one short one.
I didnt see anyone turned away in shorts, but one night I had gone to the bathroom mid meal and saw and heard a couple being turned away for dinner because they were over 45 min late.
I do wish jeans and shorts would not be permitted in the dining rooms, but it's just not enforced.
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We just got home from the Elation and learned some new lessons!
From now on, I will NOT tip the Maitre'd unless he does his job!!

We were a family of 4 and were placed at a very small private table right smack in the middle of 4 large round tables that sat 12 each. These particular 4 tables were a large group of gamblers - so were were told. Not only did most not even try to dress appropriately, they arrived to dinner totally and completely drunk every night! We endured this the whole cruise - it was terrible.

Only half dressed appropriately on formal night, the other half wore jeans with nasty, filthy cowboy hats. The staff asked that they remove their hats; however, they were all so drunk they just ignored them! These hats were all bent up - the brims were rolled tight and looked like they had been dipped in dirt and grease! Ahhhggg!

On the first formal night, one woman kept scooting her chair from table to table, ping/pong style all during the dinner. The final night, she leaned back in her chair and informed me there were many empty tables in the dinning room and we should move to one of them! When we got up to leave that night, all 4 tables actually SANG "Hit the road Jack, don't you come back no more!"

Carnival NEVER once said anything to this group. Each night the Maitre'ds assistant (I guess he, himself could be bothered with us - or maybe he was too embarrassed!) showed up at our table to apologize, she said they almost had to call security a couple of times.....but they never asked that they tone down their behavior or God forbid - leave????? I'm sure Carnival figured they were spending a ton of money in the Casino & on drinks and didn't dare want to offend them. Well....this was the latest dinner (8:30), during the same time that all the casino tournaments were going on - obviously they weren't participating!!! They WERE however, buying plenty of their drinks!!!!

Forget the jeans - I could have lived with that!
How about just appropriate behavior!!!!

I had already purchased another Carnival cruise prior to this one - my LAST!
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[quote name='rhoeffner']How about just appropriate behavior!!!!

I had already purchased another Carnival cruise prior to this one - my LAST![/QUOTE]Sigh, and people wonder why I don't drink. I know, everything in moderation, and if you decide to have a glass or two, go for it. At least it's the captain whos driving, not you. But, I have seen too many cases what you described. I'm over the top as it is. I don't need alcohol to add to it.

You are supposed to have fun on a cruise, but not at the cost of my fellow passenger's enjoyment. Obviously, this wasn't happening in your case.

What I would do is write a nastygram... errr, a nice letter... to Carnival with a return receipt requested. Include your confirmation, and something that says that if you do not receive a response by such-and-such date, you are yanking your reservation for your next Carnival cruise.
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I witnessed shorts and t-shirts on the first night in the dining room, but the luggage was late getting on board due to the dock workers loading another ship first. (San Diego) We could see the luggage sitting on the dock waiting to be loaded. The ship was 5 hours late in sailing. There were no objections from the dining room staff.
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I think it's one thing to allow shorts/jeans/etc... the first night in the dinning room. Sometimes even if the ship leaves on time some people don't get their luggage until the next morning! This has not happened to me (yet!) but I am always prepared for it; I pack clothing for dinner the first night and for the next day in my carry-on just in case my luggage doesn't make it to the room in time. Of course I understand if others don't want to do this, some of us probably have carry-ons that are already packed full without adding clothing! :) However, I would really like it if the suggested attire guidlines were respected and enforced the rest of the time. Except perhaps in extreme cases, such as the sun poisoning posted above! Ouch! I'm sorry that happened to you.
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If you are concerned about formal wear perhaps you should try a different cruise lines. Many people pick CCL because it is relaxed and yes it is their vacation. About going to a formal restaurant at home... If I do go, it is because I made the choice to go there. We do get dressed up on the ship but if someone beside me had blue jeans or even shorts on I could care less because they are on vacation, and so what. I have more important things to be concerned with. I am there to have fun not impress anyone or be impressed by someone else.I cant be that narrow minded. Carinval is a chill out kind of cruise lines and if you are going to cruise with them perhaps you need to chill out or try one of the stuff shirt cruise lines. As for the quote below ,at what fine dining restaurant have you seen the wait staff sing and dance on the tables? Do they sing Happy Birthday at fine dining restaurants? The atmoshpere is your on vacation with Carnival not Celebrity, The ambiance is Happy Birthday toshoes... What is disrespectful is to not be open minded to other peoples opinion and choice. Our choice is to dress up but I could care less what someone else wants to do. .....
"Just my opinion and yes, the dining room experience is a real downer when some dress for the Golden Corral or Sizzler when they are dining in Carnival's Fine Dining Restaurant. The atmosphere and ambiance is taken away by the disrespect to fellow passengers and the cruiseline"
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[quote name='Sooz']If you are concerned about formal wear perhaps you should try a different cruise lines. Many people pick CCL because it is relaxed and yes it is their vacation. About going to a formal restaurant at home... If I do go, it is because I made the choice to go there. We do get dressed up on the ship but if someone beside me had blue jeans or even shorts on I could care less because they are on vacation, and so what. I have more important things to be concerned with. I am there to have fun not impress anyone or be impressed by someone else.I cant be that narrow minded. Carinval is a chill out kind of cruise lines and if you are going to cruise with them perhaps you need to chill out or try one of the stuff shirt cruise lines. As for the quote below ,at what fine dining restaurant have you seen the wait staff sing and dance on the tables? Do they sing Happy Birthday at fine dining restaurants? The atmoshpere is your on vacation with Carnival not Celebrity, The ambiance is Happy Birthday toshoes... What is disrespectful is to not be open minded to other peoples opinion and choice. Our choice is to dress up but I could care less what someone else wants to do. .....
"Just my opinion and yes, the dining room experience is a real downer when some dress for the Golden Corral or Sizzler when they are dining in Carnival's Fine Dining Restaurant. The atmosphere and ambiance is taken away by the disrespect to fellow passengers and the cruiseline"[/QUOTE]I have cruised on Celebrity BTW and Carnival's Fine Dining Room is comparable to Celebrity's with the exception of the disrespectful attire being worn sometimes by some Carnival guests. It is still a downer no matter what anyone here says when the atmosphere is ruined by not following the dress code. If it wasn't important to guests and hosts all over the world, I'm guessing that restaurants wouldn't impose dress codes. It's so wonderful that you aren't concerned with it though. I'm not into impressing others either, but I do expect a certain attire for a certain type of dining as part of the ambiance. The ambiance that Carnival tried to create by having formal nights and having waiters wear tuxes, etc. If someone showed up at my house for a cocktail party dressed in jeans- you bet they wouldn't be coming in until they changed no matter who they were. It's all about respect.......It seems as though there are plenty of folks that may prefer another more casual cruiseline (Windjammer, etc.) but I prefer Carnival where there are different choices to dine depending on how formal or how casual you'd like to be. I prefer to follow suggested guidelines and have a total blast while doing so......Carnival is perfect for me in case you were inferring that I needed to go elsewhere.... :)
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Hi...haven't been on in a long time. But you know i can't resist voicing my opinions on this subject:

1. Like you have said now and in the past....."suggested attire"
2. I do agree that shorts should NOT be allowed in the dining room at night.
That is stated in plain english.
3. Ones attire should really not ruin your dinner, some of the "formal attire (ie. buttless chaps...lol) would definitely upset my dinner, but I'll just look the other way and continue to eat.
4. Lastly, as I have paid to be served on the ship, I will NEVER eat on the Lido deck while the dining room is open.

As stated these are just my opinion and not the opinions of the management. But really "buttless chaps".
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[quote name='inforem']But of course we won't degrade anyone for voicing their opinions[/QUOTE]
Or for where they live :p

Opinions are what makes this board so great!!! If we all thought the same way, it would be pretty boring...
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