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Questions-Ecstasy-Christmas-Formal Night-Help please!


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Hi, all only 13 days and wife and I are getting excited. Another tip I failed to mention, Take all your clothes that might wrinkle and place them in the plastic bags you get from the dry cleaners. Use one bag for each garment, it won't stop all the wrinkles but believe me it sure helps. If you go to walmart they usually have an assortment of small plastic bottles and boxes that seal type. You can put some of your toiletries such as shampoo, lotion and soaps in these also usually there are tootbrush holders. At the end of the cruise you can just toss them out so you can pack more of those "valuables" you purchased in Mexico. The set of containers only cost a couple of bucks. They are usually in the soap and toohpaste area of walmart. We bought some door decorations at the local Hobby/craft store, just about seven bucks. Looking forward to meeting all of you. By the way we reserved a room at the Hilton in Galveston for the night before the cruise, good price through the hotel of only $69.00 per night. We like to drive down the night before so we're already on vacation the day before, plus if anything was to happen to the vehicle we would have time to still make the ship. Several hotels allow you to park your vehicle at the hotel/motel while you cruise, some like the Hilton even have a shuttle to the ship.

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I have frequented the Galveston Hilton several times with the most recent being July. I've always found it to be a great hotel with super service. And of course, my kids loved being so close to the Rainforest Cafe. If you get a room on the east side of the Hilton you can watch the volcano erupt. Since I have to work until the evening of the 22nd, we will be driving down the morning of the 23rd unless something changes. I don't want to even *think* about car trouble!


Thanks for the tips about the plastic clothes bags. I'll try that!



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we're staying at the moody gardens -- but after the cruise, not before (we still get to park for free & get a free transfer to the port, tho). like sherry, we'll be driving down to galveston the day of the cruise, so let's pray to the automotive gods that all working parts do what they're s'pose to so we can get to the church on time! ;)

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Ileta, Sherry and Steve:


Let's look forward to a few cold 'pops of your choice, and we'll sleep like babies at night, the sea doing whatever she will. The countdown is getting closer. Hope your buying/packing is coming along. We'll keep using the living room floor technique until we come up with something better. This is our first 4 day cruise, so there's less for all of us to pack. I hope we figure our what stays this time! More later, and keep on telling us about your plans. Glad to hear from each of you.



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my boy's tuxedos for formal night arrived today. they're TOO cute! they are gonna look like miniature maitre'ds! :p dh is out buying his own matching cummerbund. me? i'm just gonna wear a burlap bag on formal nite for no one will be a-looking at moi, ya know? :)

i (finally) found the over-the-door clear plastic shoe holder for our cabin's bathroom -- 1.59 at target! what a bargain! i even found the 2.5 gallon ziploc bags there too. now, i just have to check each of the boy's stocking stuffers and figure out how many batteries i need to buy & i'll be done...except for buying an entire new wardrobe for momma, that is ;)

well, the boys are killing each other in the backyard (gotta luv winter in texas!) so gotta run.

more later --

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Now I'm jealous that you saved $4 more than me on the plastic shoe holder!:rolleyes: I didn't spring for a tux for my ds but did buy him a new black suit - he looks too cute in it! And like you, everyone is set but me! I'm waiting on a new silk jacket I ordered to go with my formal dress. The dress clings in places I wish it didn't so I'm hoping that will solve that! ;) Keep your fingers crossed for me or I will be looking for an alternative.


I found the big ziploc bags today too. I also bought lysol as someone else suggested. However, seeing some of the recent reviews make me think I may not need it. I swear, I organize an event three times a year for 8000 people and it doesn't take as much planning as what to pack for this cruise!:D



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I swear, I organize an event three times a year for 8000 people and it doesn't take as much planning as what to pack for this cruise!:D



isn't this the formula on how to figure out how many bags to pack: 4 day cruise for 4 people = 1 bag per person per day = 16 bags?!?! :p

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Ileta, - You aren't kidding about the bags! I may wind up with 12 bags for three people if I'm not careful. I will look like the Beverly Hillbillies with luggage strapped to the top of my van pulling into the port of Galveston! :p


Bob, - I'm still not throwing it in the middle of the living room, but a corner of my bedroom has become 'cruise central'! :D


I've got cruise fever bad. One of those 8000+ person events at work is this weekend and all I can think about is our cruise, :eek:



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bob --

i'm with sherry -- there's NO WAY i could pile stuff in the middle of my living room floor. first of all, there is the small matter of a 7 foot tall tree in there! plus, my guys would just pick up (or rather mess up) everything that i would have laid out. no, instead, i have a double papasan in my bedroom that's "cruise central" -- at least until everything overflows onto the floor, under my bed, into the bathroom, etc. :p

is it true that they give out free champagne upon embarkation for the christmas sailings? if so, then i can cut down on my asti stash that i was planning on smuggling on board...well, maybe not...i might need all that loot after all :rolleyes:

i read on another thread about some cc folks who planned a "cabin crawl" during their cruise. it sounds like a lot of fun. maybe we can have one once during our sailing.

well, my kidlets are refusing to sleep, so i'd better run. more cruise talk soon ;)

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You all have a great thread! We leave on the Elation on Sunday, but have not put up any Christmas lights or the tree. That has been hard for us during the last couple of weeks!:eek: Hope you enjoy your cruise--I know we will!:D

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Hi Everyone,

I posted for a friend, but see that there are a lot of you on this Christmas cruise. I'll let our friends know that they are not alone (even though they are traveling with their family--approximately 10 of them).


Since we've had some experience parking in Galveston, I thought I would share it. Go to the pier and drop off your "checked" luggage. The porters will take it and the next time you see it will be in your room (or out in the hall by your door). Don't forget to tip these guys. I usually give them $1.00 per bag. This will eliminate the need to carry all the luggage back after you park. E-Z parking is $10.00 per day, paid in advance. They will shuttle you back to the pier. It is fairly painless. I would also plan to get to the pier early -- around 11:00 so you can enjoy the entire day on the ship!


If you have any questions, please e-mail me:

Woodycruisers@houston.rr.com Put the ship and date in the subject line so your e-mail won't be deleted before read.

We've taken 3 cruises out of Galveston and have visited Cozumel several times over the last 18 cruises. The most recent trip out of Galveston was in September 2004. We just returned back from the Princess Star (Eastern Caribbean).



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Just an update....9, count 'em, 9 days left....We have all our goodies together and the clothes are in the cleaners and we are ready...should do the "doc dance" tonight as the travel agent mailed the docs yesterday (just has to go across town). Hope everyone is getting excited. This is our 23rd cruise but I am as excited as if it was the first. I am totally addicted to cruzin as is DW. We are in cabin U8 very front of the upper deck, dead center, inside. Not the best cabin we've had, but better than staying home. See you all on board.

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Hi All! Just got off the Ecstasy last week and I'm already having cruise withdrawal! You'll have a great time....the ship is beautiful (I think) and the crew is amazing! Everything is already decorated for Christmas. I did check the library, but found no log book. You might want to check yourself, as I could have over-looked it.

May you have sunny skies and smooth seas!!

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this is only our 2nd cruise so we are MONDO excited!!! i just put in for an extra day off so i can pack even more stuff that i'll never use! i just packed the ds's christmas gifts today. i wrapped them...i just hope TSA (or is it the cruise line that checks?) won't open them -- there'll be toys all over the place. anywho, i'm starting to get mega-excited. can't i just drive to galveston & hop on the ship that's sailing this week too? please? can i? huh? can i?

I'VE GOT IT BAD, Y'ALL!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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Ileta's post brings up a new question - I'm just full of them!

I know when you fly you have to leave the luggage unlocked but I thought I read that you are supposed to lock your bags before dropping them off for the cruise. If they are locked, how would they open your packages? I ask this for the same reason: two kids and Christmas presents (only a couple each but you gotta have SOMETHING to open Christmas morning). I don't care for anyone looking through my luggage but would hate to have those presents messed up.


So do you lock your luggage or not? What are the rules?


I can't wait!!!!



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Answered my own question by talking to a friend who had already been on a cruise. Maybe I was reading about locking your bags during DEBARKATION. Or maybe I am just hallucinating? :rolleyes:


And now my stupid count down clock is showing 10 days to go which isn't right. My dad has decided to pay me a visit (he lives 3 states away) this weekend which cuts down on my cruise packing time. This day just gets better and better! :(


Can we cruise NOW????!!! ;)



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Me again!:o I knew I had read to lock your bags somewhere! I found it on the Carnival website under FAQs "Do you have luggage restrictions?". It says plain as day "Each piece of luggage must be locked and have a colored bag tag listing the guest's name, ship and stateroom number." This is talking about embarking. So is that just a typo?:confused: I certainly know how those are - got hit between the eyes first thing this morning (pre-coffee) by someone because my webmaster made a typo in something. :mad: But as I told her - IMHO, the only people who don't make mistakes are the ones who aren't doing anything!:p


Well, my countdown clock is working again, my formal jacket finally arrived, I'm home in my slippers and the cruise is only SEVEN days away! We aren't going to think about all of the problems waiting at work, the van engine light that came on tonight, the unfinished Christmas shopping or the relatives visiting. We are going to focus on foo foo drinks and Camp Carnival! Aaaahhhhh... I may actually make it.:D



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i was worried about folks going through my packages because i planned on carrying them on myself. i don't think i want to check a bag full of presents...no need to tempt fate, ya know? i was just going to carry them on and stash the bag under my bed until christmas eve. i'm hoping that the x-ray machine will suffice.

well, sherry, think of your family visit this way: it will not keep you from packing; instead, it will keep you from obsessing day & night, night & day, on the fun that shall be over all too soon ;)

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I wouldn't worry about people going through your stuff. And as to the X-Ray machines, unless they are items with lots of wires, clocks and other bomb making materials, they will most likely not be opened. If you get to the pier early and check your bags most of your luggage will be at your cabin door before early seating. If you haven't received it by the time you return from dinner (supper) call the purser's desk and they'll try to track it down. Carry all valuables and any perishables such as candy or related treats. If you smuggle liquor in your baggage make sure its wrapped in bubble wrap and inside a large freezer sealable bag and wrap it deep in your luggage surrounded by clothes you can wash out, in case of accident. Normally you can bring on one or two bottles of carry on champagne or specail wine. No cases of beer unless you can hide it in luggage. No knives,fireworks, explosives, guns, etc. We went on another cruise line a few years ago that had a night of costume wearing along the lines of the Roman Empire and I brought a toga my wife made for me as well as a small plastic sword. The sword was a no go. So we broke the shaft off and left the hilt and about an inch of blade to fit in the scabbard. Carry your formal clothes on board if you plan on dressing up, that way if your luggage gets "deep sixed" you'll still be able to dress for formal night. Always pack each members clothes in multiple suit- cases, that way they will have a change if one of the bags is lost. Never pack one person's whole wardrobe in just one bag. Carry all medicines and make copies of all your travel documents and place in the extra suitcases. Also make a copy of your drivers License, Passport or birth certificate and all credit cards you're taking and keep in the room safe, in case your wallet or purse is lost, along with telephone numbers of the credit card holders. Hope some of this helps. Only a week to go, hope everyone is getting excited and into the spirit.

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That sure sounds like a lot to carry on - presents, medicine, formal clothes, etc. Would you then have to wheel that suitcase/carry-on around with you for a couple of hours? I was actually thinking about a backpack. *deep sigh* Am I just a worry wart? :o (That's a rhetorical question - I know I am!) Thanks for being patient and answering my questions.



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