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Carnival Freedom Western Caribbean Review 2/14 - 2/23/2009


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Carnival Freedom Review

2/14 - 2/23 2009

Western Caribbean

Cozumel, Costa Rica, Panama


This was my first cruise, with my husband who has cruised in the past, and my 2 sons, 7 and 14.


We flew down to Ft. Lauderdale the night before, and spent a night at the Hilton Grande and Yacht club. What a gorgeous hotel, our room was on the 3rd floor overlooking the waterway, and you could walk down and see the cruise ships in port. The outdoor pool was heated, and there was an outdoor bar and restaurant. Perfect way to start off our vacation, especially as a Hilton rewards (free) stay!

When we originally booked the Grande last year, Carnival had listed it on their web site as having free shuttles to the airport and the port. This is no longer the case, they no longer provide shuttles for Carnival. But we used taxi's and found them to to be quick and cheap.


Saturday, Feb 14, Embarkation day


We took a taxi over to the port Saturday morning around 12:30, who drove us right up to the line to board. It took a bit to get by all the busses and other taxi's. On the way there we stopped at a convenience store and bought a case of water and a 12 pack of diet coke which we threw into one of our checked bags. Note that the water was totally unnecessary - the water at the drink stations in the dining areas was completely drinkable and tasteless, and we could have easily just had a refillable cup (which we ended up purchasing onboard) and skip the water purchase. There was the ship in front of us, I couldn't believe my eyes how huge it was. The kids said 'it looked like a building'! The people were backed up forever waiting to get on, but, we had upgraded a few weeks prior to a Penthouse Suite (room 7298) which gave us VIP priviledges - which meant, we walked right up in a separate line (also marked as the handicap line), handed in our documents and were on our way to have our pictures taken and sail and sign cards made. The ramp up to the ship was VERY steep, people in wheelchairs were having a hard time getting up.


We went right up to the Lido deck, where a waiter was standing with a tray of 'drink of the day' so of course I indulged. Complete with drink umbrella.


We wandered around and checked out the sites all over the ship, it was so exciting, and we completely missed our meet and greet. whoops.


At 1:30 precisely the doors to the cabin hallways opened up and we made our way to our cabin, which was huge being a Penthouse suite, with king bed, king pull out couch, dressing area, double balcony, etc. Our luggage had not yet arrived, but soon showed up. We were greated by our cabin steward Floriam (Flo for short), who also introduced us to his assistant. We didn't see much of our steward during the week, but any time we needed anything at all just picked up the phone and he appeared at our door. He was great, kept the ice buckets full and the cabin spotless. His assistant must have spent the entire week in the hallway- every time I went in our out he was there. Always with a small and conversation.


I spent most of the first afternoon unpacking, just wanted to be done with the suitcases once and for all, and was there until the call for the Muster drill. My older son and I were in the cabin so grabbed our life jackets, but my husband and younger son were off on the ship somewhere so had to make their way back to the cabin to get their jackets. Pretty confusing when you don't know your way around the ship yet! We proceeded up to section F, our assigned Muster station, and there were 3 different lifeboats there, 18, 19 and 20. We were herded down to the other end near 20, and ended up 5 rows of people deep for what seemed an unusally long time. My husband and younger son ended up near boat 18, and we never saw them until afterward. We agreed that in a real emergency we would all meet by 18.


We received a notice when we checked on telling us that they were sorry, we didn't have the early seating for dinner as requested and had been moved to the late seating, 8:15. For someone (me) with low blood sugar and a 7 year old this wasn't going to work out. We proceeded to the pursers desk who told us we'd have to talk to the Matre'D and that there was some sort of mixup and everyone had been confirmed on the early seating except those who specificially requested the late dining.

We ended up staying with the late seating all through the week, and were seated at a table for 8 but it was just the 4 of us, the other family never came. There were also several empty tables all around us, many people must have opted to eat elsewhere.

Our waiters were Alex (Alexandro) and Angel, both from the Phillipines. What a great couple of guys, always happy and chatty, they showed my kids on several occasions how to fold the napkins, always asked us about our days, and knew our every request, from what kind of rolls we wanted to bringing extra butter every day. We thoroughly enjoyed them and their singing, and dancing!

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My kids went to the information meetings for Camp Carnival, where we filled out forms and received the schedules. My younger son went to quite a few camp events and thoroughly enjoyed them, while my older son had no interest whatsoever in any of the activities and did none of them. He did meet a few kids on his own tho in his age bracket and did some hanging out with them. The one thing I didn't like was that if my husband dropped off my younger son at camp, he had to pick him up - I couldn't. I thought at least the other parent ought to be able to pick them up.


Sunday, Feb. 15

day at sea


I had booked a pedicure online before the cruise for Sunday morning, so went up to get pretty toes. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but the attendant was very pushy in trying to sell their creams, oils and lotions. I ended up going back in the afternoon for a manicure. I noticed throughout the week that there were many specials for spa services, so booking in advance online really isn't worth it, you can get everything done cheaper if you wait for one of their specials.


We enjoyed some time out on the Lido deck Sunday, there are all sorts of activities and I wish I had paid more attention to the schedules during the week to have enjoyed more of them. The chair hogs were out in full force from day one, it was very hard to find a chair and no enforcement whatsoever of chairs left vacant with towels.


Our first formal night was Sunday. We saw people getting ready for the early dinner seating and many of the ladies were dressed in long gowns and men in suits in tuxedos. At our 8:15 seating we didn't see as much formality, more dresses and shirts and ties, which was fine with us. There were many opportunities for pictures, and we had so many done that my family was sick of it!

Dinner each night was great, we often picked more than one entree and mixed and matched things, one night they had a lobster tail and shrimp entree but since I can't eat shrimp I had the lobster tail with prime rib. It was a great way to try different things that you normally probably wouldn't do if you were paying for it. My son always ordered things not on the menu and always got them, ie, mac and cheese, burgers, pasta.... we had the impression that anything we wanted could be had.


Monday, Cozumel

Getting off the ship in Cozumel was very secure - nobody was allowed on the pier except the people from the cruise ship. The Carnival Liberty pulled in next to us soon after we docked, it was pretty exciting for us to see another ship with us.

We had booked a dolphin swim at Chankanaab, which unknown to us was changed to Dolphinaris. When I went to the excursion desk to confirm our dolphin swim I was told they had switched all dolphin excursions over to Dolphinaris and I should have been notified and it should have been rebooked automatically for me – it hadn’t been but luckily I saw it online before the cruise and had been able to switch it myself. We had to wait in a group after coming off the dock until everyone was there, and were then herded through all the shops to the taxi stations where we loaded into vans. We were told no cameras whatsoever with the dolphins, whereas Chankanaab allowed waterproof cameras. Had I known I would have asked one of the 'observers' to snap some shots but didn't think of until we were done. We did an ‘encounter’ and not the swim, and it was just my son and I with a dolphin and trainer, which was perfect. I couldn’t believe how much they wanted for the DVD and photos, and after going back and forth 4 times was able to talk them down by $60! I only had cash with me so was limited by what I had to spend, and we left without a dime and hurried back to the ship for lunch! If we had money with us and more time we would have browsed around the shops more, but headed right back onto the ship. It would have been a nice place to browse around, nobody approached us or was trying to get us to do or buy anything. That had to be my favorite afternoon on ship, as we were back on board just after 1 and most people were still off on excursions. We enjoyed some quiet time by the pool and at the buffet and had over an hour of time when there were very few people onboard.

Tuesday - day at sea

We were looking forward to the laundry specials on Tuesday and Friday, but when we saw how little fit into the bag for $15 we sent it off and did our own laundry which cost $5 a load with soap – a much better way to go and no problem for us to give up a little time to wash the few things we brought. We probably did laundry 3 different days.


The first few days we missed the shows, since they were at 10:30 for the late diners (after dinner). But then the ship moved the shows for the late diners to before dinner on Tues and Weds and we got to see them. We saw 2 different comedians, and singer, the dancers, and on the last night the dancers with some cruisers singing. We found the shows to be quite entertaining and had a great time. Just remember if you want to drink while at the show you have to sit on the lower level, off deck 3, as the bar waiters do not come up to the upper balconies off decks 4 and 5 in the Victoriana. We did go to some of the late shows later int he week just because we enjoyed them so much and decided it was worth staying up for them. We also discovered most days they play Bingo before the shows, and we went just as another form of entertainment, always good to see someone else win!

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Wednesday Feb. 18 Limon, Costa Rica



We were awake and watching from the balcony pulling into both Costa Rica and Panama. What gorgeous weather. As we were headed off the dock to the busses we had people approaching us all over trying to sell us their tours or take us somewhere in a taxi, of course we were already booked We did the Jungle Cruise at a recommendation of a friend who had previously done it. It was ok but not what we expected… out on an open river dodging kayakers and looking into the trees for animals… we did see some Sloths (Monkeys?) a crocodile, etc, and when we got off we had a plate of fruit and time for shopping in their little store. On return to the pier we once again had people offering to take us places and all we wanted to do was get back on board and find the pool!



Thursday Colon, Panama


Everyone going on an excursion in Panama had to go down to the Victoriana lounge where we were assigned a group number and had to wait for our group to be called out to the busses. It was a nightmare, hurry up and wait. When we were finally herded outside we were one of the last groups to get onto a bus. We were supposed to depart at 8 but didn't even get out to the bus area until 8:20. We were doing the ‘grand tour’, which took us to a musty smelling hotel from where we got onto boats to do another ‘jungle cruise’ type of experience. The boats were tippy and were constantly running over logs and stumps in the water. My 7 year old was crying he was so scared, the thought of going into the water with crocodiles and snakes was not very comforting! We finally arrived at an island where there was an Indigenous tribe living. The men wore little loin cloth things and most of the women were topless. There were lots of children running around, and some pregnant teenagers. Most of the women covered up before they did their little dance show for us, but my children were still a little uncomfortable with the whole thing. The children were offering ink ‘tattoos’ to make some money, my husband got one and was told it would last ‘about 3 days’. It’s not been 10 days and he still has some ink on his arm – not good for work trying to explain that a 4 year old gave him a tattoo!! Back to the hotel we boarded the bus and were given a paper sack with turkey sandwiches inside, and drove to Gatun locks. We did get to see 2 ships going through the locks. We got back to pier about 2:30, and were supposed to be there at 1. The ship was supposed to pull out of port at 4:00 that day, and at 5:20 there were still people getting off busses!

I went up for a massage that night, and while I was there we pulled out of port – into very wavy seas, someone said they were 8 foot waves. I was SO nauseous, and saw many more ‘green’ people. I got some bromine, couldn’t sit through dinner, went and saw the comedian to try and get my mind off it! I did manage to get down some bread and crackers that night and by morning was feeling much better - equipped with more Bromine and wrist sea bands!

I decided that the sea days were not my favorite – everyone on the ship making it very crowded, and more rocky than days we were going into prots.




One day in the pool on lido deck I was swimming with my children and about 4 other children – everyone was swimming, splashing and having a great time. An older couple came in and the woman instantly started complaining about the children jumping and splashing. Unreal. There are 2 pools that are adult only and I strongly suggest that if you don’t want to be swimming with children you shouldn’t get into one of the 2 pools they’re allowed to be in! Being February vacation week there were lots and lots of children on this cruise.


Sun Feb. 23 Debarkation


When we woke up Sunday morning we were just pulling back into Ft. Lauderdale (yes, it was early, about 4:30 am)….. that was sad to see! There were other ships pulling in, I think 6 or 8 of us altogether. So cool to see them in the early dawn all lit up. We were in group 1 being VIP so got off fairly quickly. But we were ready to go at 7 and weren’t called until 8:15. We had ordered room service the night before, and didn't get half of what we had ordered but made it through with what did arrive. We didn't know or think we would have time to go up to the buffet but would have had plenty of time.

We took a carnival booked shuttle ($10pp) to the airport to get our rental car, not knowing it would have been cheaper to get a taxi, or cheaper still to take the rental car shuttle which we didn’t even know they had until we saw it!


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Thanks for the review. We are going on this cruise over Easter. Did you hear of any excursions in Costa Rica and Panama that people enjoyed? I have no idea what to do with our family. My youngest is 10, so I really didn't want to do the white water rapids or ziplining.

Thanks for any input.

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We were on the same cruise as you on Feb 14. It was very wavy after the Panama and the next day. My husband didn't eat that nite. He was actually sick.. When we got off at Panama, we walked thru to the section where everyone was selling tours. We managed to get this guy to take the 4 of us to the Panama and do the tour. He charged us $40.00 for the 4 of us. We walked up all the stairs and paid to go in the Panama Tour. I think it was $5.00. A lot of stairs and it was 90 that am. Then there was a store that sold nice Panama Shirts for $5.00.back beore the ship We actually went into the casino for awhile. Very clean and non smoking. They gave us drinks. All we had to do was tip. Very nice people. That was our second time on that ship. Once last year for Eastern and this year for Exotic Western. I really liked the ship. We were on Empress Deck. Middle of ship. Relaxed in tub. Had a great time.

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We were on the same cruise as you on Feb 14. It was very wavy after the Panama and the next day. My husband didn't eat that nite. He was actually sick.. When we got off at Panama, we walked thru to the section where everyone was selling tours. We managed to get this guy to take the 4 of us to the Panama and do the tour. He charged us $40.00 for the 4 of us. We walked up all the stairs and paid to go in the Panama Tour. I think it was $5.00. A lot of stairs and it was 90 that am. Then there was a store that sold nice Panama Shirts for $5.00.back beore the ship We actually went into the casino for awhile. Very clean and non smoking. They gave us drinks. All we had to do was tip. Very nice people. That was our second time on that ship. Once last year for Eastern and this year for Exotic Western. I really liked the ship. We were on Empress Deck. Middle of ship. Relaxed in tub. Had a great time.


Ooulio, we were originally booked for the Empress deck, mid ship, before we got upgraded... I don't think I'd ever get off in Panama alone after our return experience (when the busses dropped us off we were across the street from the ship by all the stores) - I just can't deal with all the people trying to sell me things and get our money for performing, etc. Next cruise we plan to go to completely different places, and wish we had stuck with the Eastern Caribbean as originally planned, but we had decided to see places we'd never been to so took this one. I don't regret it I just wouldn't do this tour again. Alaska is the next cruise on my wishilist! As far as the Freedom itself, I have nothing to compare to but I absolutely loved the ship!

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Thanks for the review. We are going on this cruise over Easter. Did you hear of any excursions in Costa Rica and Panama that people enjoyed? I have no idea what to do with our family. My youngest is 10, so I really didn't want to do the white water rapids or ziplining.

Thanks for any input.


We did talk to someone who did the banana plantation tour in Costa Rica , and they really liked it, but I have no idea whether or not they had kids with them. Our biggest concern was trying to book things the kids would like, and none of us are very adventurous or athletic so that nixed a lot of the choices right up front! I know there's lots of posts about the excursions on here so you may want to check them out.

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Thanks for the review 'Mom'!


We're doing the same cruise in October with a bunch of parrot loving freaks such as ourselves..the boat tour actually piqued our interest, along with the kayak tour!



Was there a midnight buffet on the cruise?

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Thanks for writing your review!


Sorry you guys missed the Meet & Greet! It sounds like you had a nice time!


My younger DD was not feeling so well after Panama either but after the meds she was fine.


Since I am a night person I'll answer the above question....the only true Midnight Buffet was with the Deck Party. There was a buffet called "Midnight Bites" in the Capers from 11:30PM to 1AM. This was on the Promenade Deck where the Sushi is. I passed by it a few nights but never got anything so I can't tell you what was there.....my DD's got cookies and brownies one night :)

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Liza thanks for answering that cuz I have absolutely NO clue - I never went to Lido after say 6 pm cuz we had dinner at 8:15 and then would either go to a show or go look at pictures or go to the cabin for the night!

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You mention that Sunday was a formal night, what was the other formal night? I do this same cruise in 10 days and am thinking about the supper club. Did you have the Camp Carnival look after the kids during supper? My wife and I want to enjoy a nice dinner together, not miss lobster night in the main dining, and have the camp take the kids to dinner for one night. Do you think you can answer that triple question?? Thanks in advance!

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You mention that Sunday was a formal night, what was the other formal night? I do this same cruise in 10 days and am thinking about the supper club. Did you have the Camp Carnival look after the kids during supper? My wife and I want to enjoy a nice dinner together, not miss lobster night in the main dining, and have the camp take the kids to dinner for one night. Do you think you can answer that triple question?? Thanks in advance!


I just responded to your first part on another thread ;) .....Sunday and Friday.


Sunday will be the Captains Party as well and that is the Lobster Night in the DR.


We loved the Supper Club! It is certainly a good idea to go alone and put the kids in Camp. Sun King is a longer, more formal dinner.

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You mention that Sunday was a formal night, what was the other formal night? I do this same cruise in 10 days and am thinking about the supper club. Did you have the Camp Carnival look after the kids during supper? My wife and I want to enjoy a nice dinner together, not miss lobster night in the main dining, and have the camp take the kids to dinner for one night. Do you think you can answer that triple question?? Thanks in advance!


Formal nights were Sunday and Friday.

We did not go to the supper club, we figured we'd paid enough and weren't going to pay for a meal! Dinner in the dining room was the one meal the kids HAD to be with us - we ate as a family every night and didn't use camp at all in the evening. I saw in the capers that Camp Carnival would bring them to dinner and on some nights the show.

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Formal nights were Sunday and Friday.

We did not go to the supper club, we figured we'd paid enough and weren't going to pay for a meal! Dinner in the dining room was the one meal the kids HAD to be with us - we ate as a family every night and didn't use camp at all in the evening. I saw in the capers that Camp Carnival would bring them to dinner and on some nights the show.



Thanks--I can't miss lobster night, or either formal night, and I also agree that the kids need to eat with us most nights, but we really want to try the supper club at least once. Does Camp Carnival offer to take them to dinner every night, or only a couple? The reason I ask is that the carnival.com suggest we book the supper club now, before we set sail, but I would really like to know which nights I can rely on Camp Carnival to take my 5 and 6 year old to a meal while my wife and I enjoy a relaxing time with just the two of us.

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Thanks--I can't miss lobster night, or either formal night, and I also agree that the kids need to eat with us most nights, but we really want to try the supper club at least once. Does Camp Carnival offer to take them to dinner every night, or only a couple? The reason I ask is that the carnival.com suggest we book the supper club now, before we set sail, but I would really like to know which nights I can rely on Camp Carnival to take my 5 and 6 year old to a meal while my wife and I enjoy a relaxing time with just the two of us.


I saved all of my Capers, however I didn't save the Camp Carnival schedules. But with the exception of the first cruise night (which is when we had camp orientation) I do believe I recall seeing dinner on the schedule each night - that camp would bring your kids to dinner, even on formal nights, I specifically remember seeing those nights on the schedule.

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