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Celebrity Cruise (Nightmare)


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I just got back 2 weeks ago. My girlfriend and I went on a 5 day cruise with Celebrity Century. This was my first cruise. It turned out to be rough. The cruise ship lost my girlfriends luggage. We didnt get it back until we got off the ship. The only compensation we got was a $200 ship credit and free laundry service on the 2 outfits my girlfriend had to wear for 5 days. The luandry service didnt happen until Wednesday. We boarded on Monday. The concierge kept giving us the run around. Please give us a day it usually shows up. We waited and waited and finally Thursday came aorund and they told us they found the luggage in Miami. What kind of crap is that?


We couldnt do any of the dinners because she didnt have the proper attire. No matter what my GF refused because she had no make up nothing at that time. I'm sure you ladies can understand that regarding a formal dinner.


The swim suit was a huge issue. Once we got to Keywest we had to rush and get a swimsuit on the island. We had an excursion at 10:45am. It wound up being 2 small and her tots were all over the place. She had to wear one of my t-shirts because she felt uncomfortable.


I had to spend over $400 in Key West just in toilettry and basic necessities for her and I. Now corporate is giving us a hardtime stating regading the reimbursements. We had to fill out all sorts of paper work on the cruise ship. We spent 2 hours each day battling with the front desk people trying to get answers. It's tough to understand a lot of people that work on the ship. A lot of them are from different countries. They're programmed to say specific things.


Theres much more I can say, but I feel this was the main down fall of the trip.


I feel like I need another vacation

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How did the cruise ship lose your luggage? Did they leave it at the dock?



According to them it fell off a conveyor. When we got to the port of Miami I gave the luggage to the luggage handler along with 20 other peoples luggage. Tipped him $15 and assumed it would be on the ship in a couple of hours.


I have a 5 page letter my girlfirnd wrote, but it's to large to post. It's very well written and detailed.

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MIKES3, I'm sorry to hear that you & your girlfriend had to spend your whole cruise without any of your luggage. That really would be a nightmare!

I can certainly understand your frustration about the whole thing.

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Here's the the letter we wrote to Celebrity / Royal Carribean


To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this in hopes that this matter will be resolved efficiently and taken care of in a matter that is appropriate for the situation at hand. I am very unsatisfied and disappointed in my cruise that I have just returned from. If I had any idea that my cruise was going to go this way, I would of never booked my vacation with Celebrity, this trip has caused me so much stress this past 5 days that I realized it would have been less stressful to just stay at home then to attempt to even waste my money and time in this company. I expect someone to get a hold of me as soon as possible to resolve this matter as I was informed by the staff on the Celebrity Century that this matter is out of their hands and they cannot do anymore to change or make the situation better.

My boyfriend and I started thinking about planning a cruise vacation over 8 months ago, we did our research and after having gone on a Disney Cruise I was hesitant to go on any other cruise line. We decided to go ahead and book a cruise after some saving and we thought that the Celebrity Century would be the best choice for us. We wanted to travel on a ship that would be relaxing and romantic and this was our first trip together. We wanted to be able to enjoy a nice ship with great food and the 5 day cruise to Key West and Grand Cayman looked perfect! We were so excited and counting down the days until we could finally go and enjoy our time together and relax.

Our trip started on February 23, we handed a man our luggage at the port and I asked him specify if he worked for Royal Caribbean, he said he worked for a company that is employed by Royal Caribbean and not to worry he showed me his badge and we handed him our luggage and entered the ship. We were having a great time and they told us our luggage might already be at our room, but if it was not it should be there shortly. We went to our cabin and walked around the ship, when we returned to our cabin we noticed we still did not receive our luggage yet and then we went to do the safety drill. When we returned we saw 2 of our bags were outside our cabin, my boyfriends was there and also his dress clothes in the hanging bag, but my luggage was nowhere to be found! We talked to the first employee we could find and he said to go to Guest Services on deck 5. My Boyfriend went there and spoke to the concierge manager Bradley, Bradley explained that sometimes when people bored a ship their luggage can get accidently put into another guest’s cabin and to check back with him in a couple hours. He also asked us if we were sure we handed our luggage to the correct boat when we entered the ship and was hinting that it might possibly be are fault we did not receive our luggage. After I said to him if that was the case then why did we get 2 out of 3 bags, he quickly said to come back later. We waited and went back, Bradley said they are still waiting for the luggage and it should be outside our door by 10:30pm and if it is not there by the morning then we have a situation on our hands and we will deal with that later. I explained to him that all of my belongings are in that suitcase and also all of our toiletries. He sent up 2 blue packages which contained men’s deodorant, a comb, men’s shaving cream, 2 toothbrushes (one for a child), a men’s razor and also 2 Celebrity Cruise t-shirts. I was not very happy with that package, but I assumed it was for the night and I was hoping my bag would be returned to me when I woke up the next day. I tossed and turned all night and I could barely sleep and at 6:00am I got up and I looked outside my door and there was no luggage!

On February 24, my boyfriend went down to talk to Bradley at 7:00am and was told he would not be there until 7:30am. We came back to the deck 5 at around 8:30 and Bradley was there with a woman named Marsol. I explained to her the situation and she told me she already knew about it and that there were people working on it at the main headquarters. I told her I needed to make a call home and was not able to because my phone charger was also in my luggage and she told me that I would be able to call from Bradley’s desk anytime that I wanted to free of charge. I then asked them what am I supposed to do today, I have an excursion at 10:30 and I have no swimsuit or underwear or anything that is when Bradley piped in and made a sarcastic comment about there is a store right outside in Key West that I can purchase a swimsuit at. I explained to them that I did not bring tons of extra cash for clothes and toiletries and a swimsuit especially at an island boutique store is going to be at least a hundred dollars and Bradley again made a comment saying that it will not cost that much. They told me to go ahead and buy a swimsuit and go to CVS and get what I needed and to save the receipts and they would reimburse me for the purchases made. Bradley said he is still looking into it and to come back at 12:00pm to talk to him after my excursion to see what he had found out about my luggage. We went on our excursion and due to a small emergency with the boat we went on we did not make it back to his office until 1:00pm and he was not there. I demanded that I speak to someone, anyone about where my luggage is. They called a British women and I unfortunately cannot remember her name, she assured me that they are looking into this and I told her how rude Bradley was before and also asked her what I am supposed to do at this point, he said to go get what I needed at the CVS and save the receipts. My Boyfriend and I went and got a swimsuit that was very inappropriate due to the size, I normally do not wear a two piece at all, but that was my only option, and we went to CVS we bought only the basics in hopes that my luggage would return. I got a tee shirt for $20.96, the swimsuit cost $36.00 for top and $34.00 for the bottoms and I also got a tee shirt there for $19.50, I got a beach bag to carry our towels and money in because that was also in my luggage and that was $10.62, a pair of shorts to wear with my swimsuit for $19.95, another tee shirt for $14.95 and then my purchase at CVS was $228.07. My total spent was $384.05 and that does not include tax. I am sure you can understand why I was furious at this point; it is absolutely ridiculous that I would have to spend almost an extra $400.00 on vacation because the cruise line I put my trust into lost my luggage! We returned back to Bradley’s desk at 4:30pm when he arrived back on his shift and met another man who was going through the same situation we were. Bradley showed up with Marsol and once again heard we are looking into it, and they think they know what happened and they are hoping my bags will get shipped to Grand Cayman. Bradley apologized for the run around and told me that he will call me no matter what, twice a day to let me know good news, or bad news or no news. I told him I wanted to use the phone to call home and he told me the satellites are down and that he was not sure when they would be up again.

On February 25 we woke up and had still heard nothing at all. We went down to Bradley’s desk and he was not there, then after lunch we went to our cabin and got a message from Bradley that he is still working on it and he will call us back. After that phone message I heard nothing from him for the rest of that day. We returned back down to Bradley’s desk later in the evening and Bradley was not there once again. I told a girl at the desk I needed to use the phone to call home, she told me Bradley is the only one with the code to the phone and that no one can use that phone except for him. I demanded to

speak to a manager and then I was told the satellites are still down and that I would not be able to use the phone anyways.

On February 26 we woke up and went to our excursion that we had already planned. I was very embarrassed and felt extremely uncomfortable at this snorkeling excursion. We needed to wear a swim suit and due to this two piece that was not very supportive of my chest I had to wear my boyfriends shirt over my suit and it was hard to swim and get the whole experience when you are worried about your swim suit top coming off. My mind was on that the whole time instead of enjoying the snorkeling. I was furious! Again, we tried to find clothes that would be appropriate when we were on the island but had no luck and we only had about 40 minutes to try once again to waste our time shopping for clothes when we should have been enjoying the Grand Caymans. When we returned to the boat I went straight to Bradley’s desk and before I could say anything he said oh hi Heather I just need a couple more hours, that is when I said enough is enough you will speak to me right now about this and we are going to get this settled once and for all. I wanted to know where my reimbursement was for the money that was spent and where my luggage is! He told me that he was 80% sure it was left at the port, but could not confirm this and he said the port is closing in 20 minutes so he will not know anything for sure until tomorrow. I asked him if you knew this already, then why did you tell me you needed a couple more hours knowing that the port would be closed. Why do you keep giving me the run around and why did you not call me at all today like you promised you would? Marsol came out and that is when I broke down in tears, I explained to her that this whole vacation has been awful, we have not been able to attend any dinners at all, we have stayed in our room at nights and watched movies instead of enjoying what the boat has to offer, I have only had one pair of underwear this whole time, I felt like we have been brushed off because we are young, Bradley has been rude and he talked down to my boyfriend and I. We never ever got a straight answer from Bradley he promised to call me every day twice a day and never did. We were not able to go to certain events on the ship due to dress code, we had to spend time at Key West and Grand Cayman shopping when we should have been at the beach or touring the island. This was our first vacation together and it was nothing but stress and tracking down Bradley to see what was going on with our luggage. I feel Bradley should have called us with information on my luggage not the other way around. Marsol said she understood and gave me the information to contact the port and customer service and she said that is all she can do. I told her my last day of vacation is tomorrow and she said she knew and again she was sorry. She let me use the phone to call my family and then my boyfriend called his family as well and left them messages.

On February 27 we woke up instead of receiving a phone call from Bradley we got a letter on the door saying they found my luggage and it was at the port. I went down there to talk to him and said so I got a letter is this true has it been found and he said yes, isn’t that great news? It would have been great to have my luggage the day I started my cruise! He gave me the paperwork to fill out and I did that and gave it back to him, I called my Parents and they were outraged I was able to speak to my Mother and her and my Father have a cruise scheduled with another couple next month for Royal Caribbean and they are not sure they are going to go now depending on how this whole matter is handled. My boyfriend’s Mother and Father are furious as well, they have been on 6 cruises through your company and they are not traveling with your company again! Bradley told me that my luggage fell off the

conveyer belt at the port and that is how it got lost. If this is true then why in the whole 5 days did someone not see suitcases sitting there? It makes no sense to me at all! We received a $200.00 dollar credit off of our total bill and that was it! I don’t understand why I did not get reimbursed for other things, such as the movies we watched in our room at night due to not being able to attend dinners, I got my clothes washed once and they could not tell me when I was getting those back so I could not let them wash them again I needed the only jean skirt and pair of underwear I had. I had to use my swimsuit bottoms as underwear and hand wash my things in the sink! I also don’t understand why when you have a spa on your ship I could not have gotten shampoo and conditioner or even make-up from there instead of buying it myself. Everyone was aware that we could not attend the dinners so then why did I not get the option to have that menu given to us as room service, or maybe they could of set up a table for us on the deck to be able to enjoy what the ship had to offer besides the same buffet everyday or the same room service. It was also very depressing to look at all the pictures everyone had taken while they were at dinner and we only had the pictures from when we entered the ship and also at the Port of Key West, that was another thing I was surprised the ship did not offer to us, we paid for the only pictures we had taken. Bradley assured me and so did other staff members that "headquarters" will take care of us and not to worry. Bradley told me to ask for William or Leonie when I get off the ship the next day at the port and moved my time up to check out earlier so that we would not miss our flight the next day due to tracking down my luggage.

We decided to keep our luggage and carry it down ourselves due to the incident that occurred when we got onto the ship. We got off the ship and went to the port and we found the other couple that we talked to before that had lost their luggage, they were told the same thing we were and when we asked for William he came out but knew nothing about any of our missing luggage! William acted annoyed because I asked him to walk us down to where are bags are. The other couple and I walked down with him and went through customs and they went out first and William just left us in the port, we were confused as to what to do and we exited the port and customs informed us we cannot re-enter, I was so upset because once again Bradley assured me that it will get taken care of. My boyfriend talked to someone that worked for customs and they were nice enough to find him, when we did I asked him why would you just leave us in there when you knew we needed our luggage he said he thought I was with the older couple, I said so even if I was you don’t just leave us stranded by ourselves when we have a problem with your company, he said and these are his actual words "talk to the black guy outside under the green sign, he will get your luggage," and he left. The man went inside and came back out and said your bags are right here and there were about 6 other suitcases standing there! The other couple said that this happened to 8 people on our ship! How can that be? It obviously shows that you have a problem with the people working in your port or you just did not want to be bothered or spend the cost of sending our luggage to us when we were at either Key West or Grand Cayman! Looking back on the whole situation it seems to me that Bradley and Marsol knew the entire time where my luggage was and was stalling until we got off the ship and became someone else’s problem. If you lose something anywhere in a specific location and something as big as 6 suitcases why does it take 5 days to locate? The icing on the cake to my whole entire trip is that my luggage is damaged as well; there is a rip on the side where the cloth of my bag is just hanging there! This whole experience was sickening and I really wish I would have never gone with Royal Caribbean for our trip. Disney’s cruise line was amazing, the

staff was incredible and courteous, they are trust worthy and if this ever happened with their ships they would make it right, no matter what it took! I am not sure if I was treated this way because of my age or because the staff truly just does not care about the guests on this ship! You would think with the way the economy is in America that you would want all the business you could get and bend over backwards for your guests. The only staff member that was outstanding was Allen David and he was the main dining room manager, he actually cared about our situation and he was the one on the last night that actually made our trip a little better when he suggested he would do whatever he could in his power to make sure our last meal was delivered to our room and we could finally order off of the dinner menu, he had the food sent fast and it was very delicious! I really feel as though the whole situation could have been a lot better had we not had to track Bradley down and have the constant worry and stress about if my luggage was missing forever or if it was somewhere and no one wanted to tell me. I was worried sick about my luggage! I also have to wear an appliance given to me from my Dentist at night so that I don’t cause jaw friction and get severe migraines, well, that was also in my luggage so I had terrible headaches the entire time I was on the ship! It is really sad that we saved up so long for this trip and we were so excited about this experience and it turned out to be a terrible experience. I am also annoyed that I have to spend my last day of my vacation at home typing this letter, I should be telling everyone how great my trip was and showing them pictures and suggesting they book a Cruise with Royal Caribbean, unfortunately this is not the case. I just keep thinking about the theme of your ship Celebrity Cruises starring you and if this is the way that you treat your guest I am surprised you are still in business. I would like someone to call me when they receive this information as soon as possible! I want this matter solved and I want to be reimbursed for my money and time spent!

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Sorry to hear about this. It does sound like a nightmare.


I know on my recent cruise I did the same thing. I tipped the porter and gave him my luggage. I even told him one of the bags was heavy so he wouldn't hurt himself when he lifted it. Even though I was the first person who gave him luggage and one of the only ones who tipped him, my luggage just sat there, at one point unattended so I waited. He finally threw them on top of the cart but one piece sailed over the top and landed on the ground on the other side. He made no move to retrieve it until he saw I wasn't leaving and then he reluctantly did throw it back on top.


I hope your next experience is a much better one.



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Sorry to hear of your troubles.

My bag didn't make it to Barcelona for our 14 night Century TA in Dec. because of a weather related flight change that resulted in a tight connection, one hour, in Zürich. DW's bag did make it and she joked that at least Swiss Air got that right. The concierge was very helpful in getting my bag to the ship when I advised him of the situation on boarding day. He did all the follow up with Swiss Air and arranged to get it to the ship in Gibraltar, our second stop, since the first stop, Cartagena, where the airline wanted to send it to in his opinion would be risky since there wasn't a nearby airport. He provided me with a ship's T-shirt and a travel kit and said he could provide me with a form to send to Swiss Air for compensation if I needed to purchase anything else which I didn't since I had all the necessities for a few days in my carry on bag. X also comped me a tuxes since I wouldn't have my luggage for the first formal night, which was the next or second evening on board.

All this and I didn't even book our air with X.

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I'm sorry to hear that you had such a terrible experience because of the luggage issue. I hope you can clear things up on this issue with Celebrity quickly, and that this experience has not soured you on cruising as a whole. :(


I'm very surprised to hear you were treated so badly by the Celebrity staff. I've known a few friends who have lost their luggage and Celebrity went the extra mile (formalwear rentals free, free toiletries from the shops onboard, large vouchers for new clothes). I'm also shocked they lost the luggage on the pier. :eek: That's ridiculous!

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I can not even begin to imagine how you both dealt with such a disappointment! I really hope, based on your very detailed letter, that you are given the courtesy of a phone call back and generous compensation.

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I feel so bad for you what a terrible mess. I know how we felt when we had to leave our luggage behind in San Juan to make the ship but we did receive it the next afternoon, one night was horrible but 5 terrible. What I do not understand if all of those bags were left at the port why didn't they just put them on a plane & have them flown to meet you in your next port? That would be one of the question I would of wanted to be answered. Please post when you get a response.

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Lost luggage is never easy to deal with (both as a passenger and as staff). Sorry it happened to you. Check your documents to see what compensation you are entitled to receive. Did you have trip insurance? File a claim if you did.


I absolutely agree with Muushka... cut that letter WAY down. No more than 2 or 3 paragraphs. You don't need to explain how not having your luggage impacted your cruise... they already understand that. State your case clearly with important information only. Leave out the emotion, this is a business letter. Let them know your luggage was left on the dock by the longshoremen. Tell them what expenses you incurred. Tell them what you would like them to do. Did you have a travel agent? Get his/her help if you did. Call customer service. Don't whine, be nice, be specific in asking for what you want.


Note to everyone else... THIS is why you get travel insurance and why you always carry on a small bag with the essentials like a toothbrush, medications, bathing suit, underwear, extra pair of shoes, something to sleep in and one or two mix and match outfits. If you're traveling with someone, it's also a great idea to share suitcases. Half and half... that way, if one of the suitcases is lost, you both have half of your stuff.


Again, so sorry you had to go through this on your first cruise.

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It's post like this that have changed the way we as a family pack. It's not my luggage, her luggage and my daughters luggage. We've learned to put a little of everyone's things in all bags.


I have read a number of these kind of threads over the years on all cruiselines. Some much worse, luggage never found.


The biggest problem is the porters aren't cruiseline employees. They work for the port, so the care for the luggage is a lot less than if only X employees were taking care of it.


Sorry to hear about your experience.

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I know it won't help with your recent situation, but one of the packing tips recommends that you split your wardrobe between both checked bags, so if the airline or cruise company loses one, you will still have something to wear. Something to think about for future cruises.


Paul Kile

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I am, also, so sorry you had such a bad experience on your cruise. I can't imagine how frustrated you were and still are. I hope X will do something to assuage your anger.


Try to sit back, look at your leter and outline it with brevity. Call X and ask to speak to a supervisor. Tell them one by one, what your issues are. Don't cloud it with a lot of emotion. Just zip,zip,zip, here is what happened and here is what I had to spend to make it a bit better.


Call corporate headquarters at 1-800-256-6649 and gently but insistently ask to speak with someone at the supervisory level.


Good luck!

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I agree with the previous two posts. That said, it doesn't help you with the situation that happened to you. On our first trip as a couple we packed as we always had (his and her's)

Well, her luggage did not arrive until the 4th day of our land based tour as her luggage did not make the transfer we had in London on our way to Israel. Needless to say, expensive lesson learned and we made the best of it.


So sorry for your mishap and I would also suggest you shorten the letter to one page. Keeping in mind that the porters are not X employees but most likely union port employees. I do wish that the X employees had helped you on the ship more, though.

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I just got back 2 weeks ago. My girlfriend and I went on a 5 day cruise with Celebrity Century. This was my first cruise. It turned out to be rough. The cruise ship lost my girlfriends luggage. We didnt get it back until we got off the ship. The only compensation we got was a $200 ship credit and free laundry service on the 2 outfits my girlfriend had to wear for 5 days. The luandry service didnt happen until Wednesday. We boarded on Monday. The concierge kept giving us the run around. Please give us a day it usually shows up. We waited and waited and finally Thursday came aorund and they told us they found the luggage in Miami. What kind of crap is that?


We couldnt do any of the dinners because she didnt have the proper attire. No matter what my GF refused because she had no make up nothing at that time. I'm sure you ladies can understand that regarding a formal dinner.


The swim suit was a huge issue. Once we got to Keywest we had to rush and get a swimsuit on the island. We had an excursion at 10:45am. It wound up being 2 small and her tots were all over the place. She had to wear one of my t-shirts because she felt uncomfortable.


I had to spend over $400 in Key West just in toilettry and basic necessities for her and I. Now corporate is giving us a hardtime stating regading the reimbursements. We had to fill out all sorts of paper work on the cruise ship. We spent 2 hours each day battling with the front desk people trying to get answers. It's tough to understand a lot of people that work on the ship. A lot of them are from different countries. They're programmed to say specific things.


Theres much more I can say, but I feel this was the main down fall of the trip.


I feel like I need another vacation


Lost baggage is always annoying and can cause extra expenses.....that's what trip insurance is for; those unexpected things that come along.


According to Celebrity's terms and conditions/passenger contract, they are not liable for your luggage....you agreed to this when you booked. You should feel lucky they gave you something because they didn't have to.


Here from their website:


b. Liability for Loss of or Damage to Baggage. Unless negligent, Carrier is neither

responsible nor liable for any loss of or damage to Passenger’s property, whether

contained in luggage or otherwise. Liability for loss of or damage to Passenger’s

property in connection with any air or ground transportation shall be the sole

responsibility of the provider of the service and in accordance with applicable


Next time you cruise, buy insurance.

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On our Galaxy 10 day cruise, AA lost our luggage. We didn't get it for 3 days. X was absolutely fantastic about getting us things we needed--toiletries, t-shirts, etc. And they said if it didn't arrive on the third day (our first port) they would have tuxes for us. We also had trip insurance and filed a claim for shorts, flip flops, etc and it was promptly paid without any issues.

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I feel very bad about your situation! Could you let us know how X respond your complaint.


When we went on our first cruise, I put some of my clothes in my family members' luggages and they put some of their clothes in my luggage. My wife and DD bring their makeup, toiletries in the carryon bag. We also put a set of change clothes in the same carryon bag so that we could wear a fresh clothes for dinner if our luggages didn't show up on time. (Someone had posted this advice on CC).


I put most of my cash,Travelers' Checks and credit cards in money belt and wore under my shirt. I bought it from travel store or Ebags.com.

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When you go on a cruise & have no alternative but to check your luggage all the while thinking that the cruise line is in charge(which we all now know that is not the case) I feel that it is about time that the cruise lines started taking responsiblilty for your luggage. Instead of always hiding behind well we are not in charge of it at the port. With some of these horror stories they should have cruise staff at the drop off point & when the crates are brought to the ship cruise staff should be there supervising as well. I am not saying that they should handle the luggage that would probably interfere with the unions but just keep a watchful eye on it. I contracted with the cruise line not the baggage handlers. I have learned that I do not leave until I see my luggage on the crate & sometimes watch the crate with all the luggage leave. I had an incident in FL when I tipped the porter & waited for him to put the luggage on the crate. Well one piece ended up in the street next to the curb. I marched right over & reminded the porter that I paid him to put my luggage on the crate & not left in the street. How fast that piece got put on the luggage crate. I cringe when I have to let that luggage out of my sight. My husband had one of his pieces stay on the ship it never came off, yes it was tagged & put out the night before. It was a good thing that if it had to happen that it was at the end of the cruise & not at the beginning. They finally found it when they reached Sitka(4 days into the next cruise) & getting it sent home what a mess but it finally got home 14 days later.

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It's difficult to determine who is at fault in this type of situation. The dock workers or the Celebrity staff workers. But at any rate, hard lessons are learned.


We always hand carry (small roller bag) items that are of value. That being...a couple changes of clothing; make-up; Rx's; jewelry and sundry items.

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Hi Mikes3 !


I'm sorry to hear about your luggage situation. Definitely sounds like a mess. I agree with the others, to cut your letter in 1/2, or more if possible. I feel you will do better with the "less is more" mindset.


Some time ago, My Nephew's luggage was lost. I thought Celebrity was extremely considerate, and did far more than they should have. In his case, his luggage went from port to port, and kept missing the ship. I think it arrived on Day 7 or 8, of a 10 day Cruise.


I wanted to mention that Rick (Chessbriar) gave some excellent advice, about NOT packing all of your items in 1 bag, especially when traveling with other Family Members. This way, if 1 bag is lost, it's not a total disaster.


I hope you recieve some satisfaction from Celebrity. Good Luck !

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Lost luggage happens. That's why people distribute their clothes in both suitcases. X cannot be responsible for losing the luggage.


However, X is TOTALLY responsible for what happens after. Given what others have said about their lost luggage situations, this was clearly an on board personnel problem. X has to take responsibility for its people and correct their conduct when (not if) it happens again. In the meanwhile, they need to step up to the plate and look after their passengers.


In these recessionary times, with lots of great cruise values, they don't need to give anyone an excuse to book elsewhere.



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