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:D Hi everyone. I weighed in last night but only last half a pound which was so frustrating after all the extra exercise. My leader thinks I may not be eating enough! Next week I have to take in my weekly tracking sheet for her to look over. I will persevere because I've noticed that I do feel better and have more energy so it is definately working.


By the way - I love my scales - they said I weigh 60 pounds :eek:

I think I need new batteries :)

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OMG!!! I am doing the Happy Dance for all of you, and that includes me. I am wearing some of my old clothes (size 12P) and not only do they fit, the jeans are baggy in the butt! I still have a problem with my tummy, and at my age (61) I'm not sure there is anything I can do except buy Spanx or get a tummy tuck!! I am just hoping I can continue to loose and then maintain...it is so very hard for me. Am I the only one having such a horrible time? Keep up the good work ladies, you are my inspiration to make sure I have a loss posted each week!!




First I want to say YAY Tracy good for you...that is alot to lose in 1 week!


Judi, I am also in the "everything in my tummy" club...hate it too! Very hard for me too so I can really relate. Also, my body can't decide whether I am menopausal or not, it is driving me crazy! You are all my "inspirations" and "motivators" too. Nice to check in every day and see how everyone is doing.

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When I put the size 12's on, they fit EXCEPT most of them I can not button because of my FAT tummy!!! So it is either get a piece of string and tie them shut then wear a long shirt over them, or go back to the 14's. I want my stomach GONE!! Everyone has said they can see by my face that I have lost weight, so now I have these jowls and will need a LifeLift!! I am so very afraid that if I do get anywhere close to my goal that I will not be able to maintain. You girls that have lost so much weight I really commend you...I am having a hell of a time trying to loose 35 pounds.


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AND that means I passed my 10% goal AND hit 20.6lbs total lost!! I'm SO happy I can't stand it!!!! :D



That is awesome!! Congrats!! That 10% seemed so far away when I started. I weigh in tomorrow (Saturday) I have been sick for a few days, so I should be fine. You never know though. DH is a nervous because he has been laid off for 2 weeks and a little lazy in the exercise department. He is a late night snacker, which is the worst time to do so!

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GREAT job!! Congrats!


I spent 2 years in the tax department of a CPA firm and so I know how stressful tax season is. To keep focused on exercise and diet during busy season is a great accomplishment! I know you're counting the days until April 15th :)




Yes and no on the "counting the days..." Everyone says this, and on the one hand it's nice that we only have a few weeks left. However, this also means we ONLY HAVE A FEW WEEKS LEFT! :eek: And everything has to be done by then!!! :p So funny, but it's the same paradoxical story every year!


I weighed in last night but only last half a pound which was so frustrating after all the extra exercise. My leader thinks I may not be eating enough! Next week I have to take in my weekly tracking sheet for her to look over. I will persevere because I've noticed that I do feel better and have more energy so it is definately working.


The not eating enough certainly may be true. I've really been eating all my points, and have been losing steadily the past few weeks. Though, just wait until I'm crying to all of you because of my plateau!


And, as frustrating as "only half a pound" is, remember that you are still moving in the right direction. That's one more half-pound you are rid of, hopefully for good!


I saw a great quote from someone on Sparkpeople.com and I've been keeping it in mind for when I think I'm not seeing enough scale movement:


Be more stubborn than the scale. (If you keep doing the right thing, it will go down.)



By the way - I love my scales - they said I weigh 60 pounds :eek:

I think I need new batteries :)


This literally made me LOL. lol :D

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I still have a problem with my tummy, and at my age (61) I'm not sure there is anything I can do except buy Spanx or get a tummy tuck!! I am just hoping I can continue to loose and then maintain...it is so very hard for me. Am I the only one having such a horrible time? Keep up the good work ladies, you are my inspiration to make sure I have a loss posted each week!!



Ditto here on the tummy. I'm 40, have had 2 c-sections and I just don't think I can get a flat tummy without surgical intervention.


I absolute agree that maintaining is really difficult. I can be so focused on losing weight for a few months but once my weight is down where I want it to be it's so easy to fall back into the old routines. In 2007 I lost 17 pounds on Nutrisystem (yuck, wouldn't do that again), felt skinny and great but by Dec 2008 I was higher than when I'd started on NS.


When I get to maintenance on WW I'm going to try to continue tracking my points otherwise I'll go off the rails again.



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I weighed in last night but only last half a pound which was so frustrating after all the extra exercise.


As Tiff was so kind to point out to me when I lost "only" half a pound, 4 sticks of butter weighs 1 pound. So if you lost half a pound that's 2 sticks of butter that aren't sitting on your hips or butt or wherever you carry it!


:) Lisa

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happy friday everyone!!

i love coming to this thread....its always so uplifting, even when i feel like i had a so-so day...i log on here and read all the great news you ladies share everyday...keeps me motivated :p anywho...tomorrow is weigh in day....so i'm praying to sweet baby jesus the scale is very kind to me haha!! i'll be reporting back tomorrow....until, have a great rest of the day!!

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I'm sorry to hear about the layoff, I hope your DH finds a new job soon!





Thanks Lisa! He is an auto worker. Not going to mention which one. They all pretty much stink right now. They are 2 weeks on and then 2 weeks off. Things have a way of working themselves out. They always do. Whether or not we like the outcome is a different story! Good luck to all of us Saturday weigh ins! We go to a 10:30 meeting. Will let you know what happens!

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Hello, all! I'm so glad to see this thread. I re-joined WW in December 2007 as a repeat offender. I've gotten to my goal weight and have been on maintenance for the past few months. I'm leaving on a 7 day cruise with RCCL on April 25, 2009 and am really nervous about gaining. I plan to do the egg whites omlettes, yogurt, granola, fruits and whole grains for breakfast, salads with lean protein and fruit for lunch and the spa cuisine for dinner. I know I will have a glass of wine or two and a few treats but I don't want to overdo it. I had to get into the mentality that one bite of something is just as good as a whole serving, but I know it will be hard on the trip. Any tips you have are appreciated.


My stats are:



SW 179

GW 151

CW 151

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Hello, all! I'm so glad to see this thread. I re-joined WW in December 2007 as a repeat offender. I've gotten to my goal weight and have been on maintenance for the past few months. I'm leaving on a 7 day cruise with RCCL on April 25, 2009 and am really nervous about gaining. I plan to do the egg whites omlettes, yogurt, granola, fruits and whole grains for breakfast, salads with lean protein and fruit for lunch and the spa cuisine for dinner. I know I will have a glass of wine or two and a few treats but I don't want to overdo it. I had to get into the mentality that one bite of something is just as good as a whole serving, but I know it will be hard on the trip. Any tips you have are appreciated.


My stats are:



SW 179

GW 151

CW 151



WOW!!! policecruiser your amazing!! to go on a cruise and STILL stick to plan...my boyfriend and i are trying to go below our goal weight by 5-10lbs JUST so we can pig out haha!! :D well...only advise i can offer so that you stay on plan is to try and not drink a lot of alcohol...i feel like anytime i drink alcohol i just don't care about counting points....haha. good luck on your cruise with the meal plan!! oh and welcome to the board :)

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:D Hi everyone. Went out for dinner last night. It was kind of a combination celebration. My daughter's seventeen birthday, my niece's 24 birthday and my mum and dad's 55 wedding anniversary. Unfortunately Dad passed away in December 2007. So although we didn't actually "celebrate" the occasion we did remember him and I think it was most important for Mum to be out, surrounded by family, rather than at home.


I volunteered to drive so I only drank water. I chose grilled seafood with salad. Everyone around me had creamy sauces and french fries!!!


I did have a small piece of birthday cake. But hey life's too short not to eat cake occasionally ............ don't you think?


Anyway back on track today. Just going to pop down the shop and get a load of fresh fruit & veg. I'll be virtuous for the rest of the weekend. Promise.


Thanks everyone:)

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I totally agree!! Life IS too short not to eat cake! I love cake! It sounds like you had a wonderful family celebration! Don't feel bad about that piece of cake! Think about how much cake you would have eaten before WW and then realize how good you are doing!!

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happy saturday!!

well first...i went to my meeting today, kinda woke up late but still went...*drum roll* woohoo lost 3lbs!!! i feel great...almost about to break the 140's....can't wait!!

jul...wow sounds like you guys had a really great night! and yes i agree...life is short, eating a little cake will not hurt you!! okie dokie...hope everyone is having a great weekend so far!!

SW: 167.4

CW: 154.8

GW: 125...or less!!

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Great job Tiff! I weighed in at goal! YAY!! DH did not so as well. He had to pay.:mad: His own fault. He knows what he did and is going to get right back on track this week. (I said so! LOL! )

policecruiser,... Welcome back to WW!! It sounds like you have a pretty good plan in your head already! Our goal is to take the stairs. No elevators. (Except on formal nights. Heels and stairs don't mix in my world!) Don't deny yourself anything on this vacation though. After all it is a time to relax and unwind. Make the best choices you can. And don't feel guilty about it! There is a ton of walking to be done on these ships. They have some pretty cool looking gyms too! I am jealous that yours is coming up so soon!

SW 196

GW 149

CW 149 1/2 :)

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WOW good for you guys Tiff and Terri! I want 3 lbs this week too! and I dream of being at goal! You are keeping me motivated LOL if you can do it so can I. Have a good weekend!

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Hi to everyone, just found this thread and decided to join in. Another country heard from.

I joined WW on Jan 24, 2009 and so far I have lost 27.8 pounds. I weigh in on Saturday and my loss today was 2.2 pounds. I also started water aerobics the week after I joined WW and I think that has been a big help in my weight loss efforts. I passed my 10% mark today.

My DH and I are cruising in 3 weeks on the Adventure of the Seas and I wanted to look a little better and feel a lot better for the cruise. And I do! I am fitting into clothes that did not fit for a long time and I can do a lot more too.

I am a bit concerned about staying on program while cruising, but on the other hand I'm not going to spend the whole cruise worrying about it. I will watch what I eat, walk lots, use the stairs and maybe do some water aerobics early in the morning before the pool is too crowded.

I just read all the posts here and I can see how reading here each day will help me feel motivated. there are some fabulous weight loss stories here and congratulations to all of you. It looks like it will be a real support system for me. I do find by attending the meetings each week keeps me motivated but reading here daily will be even better.

Looking forward to sharing this weight loss journey with you!:)



SW 264 lbs

CW 236.3

GW did not decide yet!;)

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Wow everyone I'm doin the Happy Dance for you all!! All that weight loss is wonderful!! I don't feel so bad today, had a salad for dinner last night with four grilled shrimp. Today I had a Cracker Barrell breakfast and a salad for dinner and I feel fine!! I am a Carnaval Fun Day Host, and tomorrow is my party, so I have to watch myself cuz I will have cake here. That's my downfall. The hotdogs and hamburgers and DOD's are no problem..it's the cake. I think I might have to have someone else serve it!! Keep up the good work girls!!! I need to learn to stop eating!!!!!

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Wow everyone I'm doin the Happy Dance for you all!! All that weight loss is wonderful!! I don't feel so bad today, had a salad for dinner last night with four grilled shrimp. Today I had a Cracker Barrell breakfast and a salad for dinner and I feel fine!! I am a Carnaval Fun Day Host, and tomorrow is my party, so I have to watch myself cuz I will have cake here. That's my downfall. The hotdogs and hamburgers and DOD's are no problem..it's the cake. I think I might have to have someone else serve it!! Keep up the good work girls!!! I need to learn to stop eating!!!!!



I know whatcha mean Judi...I threw away the leftovers of my DD's birthday cake this week cause I couldn't stand to keep looking at it! My DD went back to school and my DH and I do not need it. My DS is home but he does not like chocolate (can you imagine that? I don't know where he came from??) Have a good Sunday everyone...it's raining here so no outside walk today...I'm gonna try to do my Leslie Samone 3 mile walk on DVD.


I am also wicked bummin cause I don't know anyone having a Carnival fun day party close to here!

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WOW!!! policecruiser your amazing!! to go on a cruise and STILL stick to plan...my boyfriend and i are trying to go below our goal weight by 5-10lbs JUST so we can pig out haha!! :D well...only advise i can offer so that you stay on plan is to try and not drink a lot of alcohol...i feel like anytime i drink alcohol i just don't care about counting points....haha. good luck on your cruise with the meal plan!! oh and welcome to the board :)


Thanks, PT. I like the idea of getting at least 5 pounds below goal. :) I could cut my points back again by 4 to try to have some cushion. I have to weigh in next week and since they changed the Lifetime rules to say that you can't be more than 2 pounds below your goal to weigh in, I'll have to go easy this week and go full out next week. I'll let you know if I get there.

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:D Hi everyone. Went out for dinner last night. It was kind of a combination celebration. My daughter's seventeen birthday, my niece's 24 birthday and my mum and dad's 55 wedding anniversary. Unfortunately Dad passed away in December 2007. So although we didn't actually "celebrate" the occasion we did remember him and I think it was most important for Mum to be out, surrounded by family, rather than at home.


I volunteered to drive so I only drank water. I chose grilled seafood with salad. Everyone around me had creamy sauces and french fries!!!


I did have a small piece of birthday cake. But hey life's too short not to eat cake occasionally ............ don't you think?


Anyway back on track today. Just going to pop down the shop and get a load of fresh fruit & veg. I'll be virtuous for the rest of the weekend. Promise.


Thanks everyone:)

You did great! Fish, veggies, water and no alchohol! You were allowed a piece of cake just for that. We have to remember that it's OK to join in on the celebration once in a while. We just can't overdo it.

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Great job Tiff! I weighed in at goal! YAY!! DH did not so as well. He had to pay.:mad: His own fault. He knows what he did and is going to get right back on track this week. (I said so! LOL! )


policecruiser,... Welcome back to WW!! It sounds like you have a pretty good plan in your head already! Our goal is to take the stairs. No elevators. (Except on formal nights. Heels and stairs don't mix in my world!) Don't deny yourself anything on this vacation though. After all it is a time to relax and unwind. Make the best choices you can. And don't feel guilty about it! There is a ton of walking to be done on these ships. They have some pretty cool looking gyms too! I am jealous that yours is coming up so soon!


SW 196

GW 149

CW 149 1/2 :)


Thanks, TL, for the reminder about the stairs. I have a cabin on a lower deck this time so I'll have to take 3 flights of stairs to get to the dining room and 6 to get to the Windjammer cafe! I just might be able to eat a few more treats than I thought!

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As Tiff was so kind to point out to me when I lost "only" half a pound, 4 sticks of butter weighs 1 pound. So if you lost half a pound that's 2 sticks of butter that aren't sitting on your hips or butt or wherever you carry it!


:) Lisa


Thank you. But why is it when you're good - eat the right things and do the exercise - and you don't lose or lose a little and then you're naughty or lazy and you lose a couple of pounds :confused:


I totally agree!! Life IS too short not to eat cake! I love cake! It sounds like you had a wonderful family celebration! Don't feel bad about that piece of cake! Think about how much cake you would have eaten before WW and then realize how good you are doing!!


Exactly I would have had three courses and probably a second helping of cake :D


Hi to everyone, just found this thread and decided to join in. Another country heard from.


Hi Susan. Glad you've joined us. Isn't everyone here on this thread wonderful? :)

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Tiff, you're doing great! Congrats on the 3 pounds!!


But why is it when you're good - eat the right things and do the exercise - and you don't lose or lose a little and then you're naughty or lazy and you lose a couple of pounds :confused:


JulShut -- I really think there can be a significant lag time, maybe 2 weeks, before sin or virtue shows up. In my WW group, we've had several incidences of a sin week's extra weight showing up not at the immediate next meeting, but at the following week -- as well as a virtuous week's weight falling off 2 meetings later. Who knows?


I still keep going back to my Sparkpeople quote: "Be more stubborn than your scale!" That darned scale seems inscrutable at times! :)

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