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Well, I gained 1 lb this week. That was not a surprise given the excesses of this past weekend. I'm not freaking out though, I'm back on track with my eating and exercise. I even worked out twice yesterday for a total of 80 minutes on the treadmill!


I'm setting a mini-goal for myself to be in the 140's by April 16th. That's 2.5 lbs that I need to lose in two weeks. I think it's doable but I really need to focus.


SW: 168

CW: 152

GW: 145


Good luck to everyone else and thanks for all the great advice and encouragement!


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:D Thats going to be the test for us - the next cruise! I've already promised myself that I am going to have a guiltfree wonderful time. I am going to exercise in the morning before breakfast in the gym and on sea days walking round the deck. I intend to eat what I want to a certain extent - that is I'm not going to deny myself but I'm not going to overindulge either. I have found that my body is now used to smaller portions so I will eat only until I'm satisfied. (not as in the past - eat until I have to loosen my buttons ;))


I was listening to the radio today. They were interviewing a pastry chef. The interviewer asked her how she stays so slim whilst making such delicious pastries. She replied "I don't ever eat more that half. I know that its not the last pastry I'll ever have. There's always tomorrow"


So I'll order what I want, including dessert, but won't go crazy :)




Julie, that's exactly the attitude I have for our next cruise. No deprivation, but no eating past the point of satisfaction (sometimes I may be a little too full, from 3 bites more than I need, if I'm really wanting them -- but not STUFFED!). If I end up gaining 10 lbs, so be it... if I can gain that 10 lbs over 2 weeks, then I should be able to drop it fairly quickly and get my momentum back after getting back home.


Right? :o


That said, my feelings won't be too hurt if I can maintain. :cool:

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Great loss, mag, nice work!


And LisaDee, you're doing great. 2.5lbs is a nice mini-goal -- I know you can do it!


I weigh in at noon today... wish me luck! I weigh myself at home the morning of the "official" WW weigh-in every week.... this morning I was 3 lbs lighter than last week. Sounds pretty great, and I'm taking it; but tax season is taking its toll and I was up until after 2 or 3 last night so I'm feeling pretty dehydrated. I'm pretty sure that's what the 3 lbs. are!! :rolleyes:

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Ok, down an official 0.6 lbs. Would have liked the 3 lbs. my scale showed me this morning, but I did suspect it was just water weight from being dehydrated. 0.6 lbs isn't much, but it's moving in the right direction.


Have eaten most/all my points the past few weeks. Need to bump up those 0 point filling veggies. And the time crunch of being a tax preparer in addition to my full-time job has cut out my treadmill time completely this past week. But I pledge that this week will be better. Ordinarily I'd pledge to getting on that treadmill 3 times this week for 30 minutes each time, but I think I should only promise 2 times. Too many people need their tax returns back so they can get those refunds on the way! But the 2 times will require me to carve out ME time, so those two times will still be a challenge to get in.


Cheers to all, hope you are sticking with it!!




SW: 246.2

CW: 228.6

GW: 154

Mini-Goal: 222 by 4/30/08

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Ok, down an official 0.6 lbs.


lkakers/Lani -- 0.6 lbs is still a success!! After tax season when you're able to exercise more the weight will start dropping off again.


Soooo....is your own tax return done or did ya file an extension ;) ? I'm a CPA and we use TurboTax so it couldn't be any easier but the darn thing isn't in the mail yet. We're just procrastinating even though we're getting some $$ back from the state.



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Lisa, thanks for the nice words -- it is nice to hear (read)! :p


Our taxes??? Ummmm. Yeah. As we often say this time of year, "Paying customers come first."


Actually, I haven't even finished our books for 2008, :eek: isn't that awful? As soon as I have them done, it won't take long to do our taxes. Except for the tax business' self-employment income, our taxes are simple, simple, simple. Though typically we get refunds, and we efile our own return right around midnight on 4/15. I think last year it was after midnight which is fine since we didn't owe. It's so sad it takes this long. Before the self-employment and before I was married, I worked for a company that received the W2s from ADP the first or 2nd week of January, and I always filed by 1/15. Those were the days!


And you need to "mail" your return? Mail? Haven't you heard of E-file? :D


As a CPA, you must be busy this time of year, too, yes? Or are you using your CPA in the corporate world? I'm guessing that if you're using Turbo Tax, you're not doing a ton of taxes, correct?

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I need a huge kick!! I don't know whats going on, and I am feeling so discouraged.

I weigh myself at home every Sunday.

My trip is in 30 days and my goal was to lose 5-10 pounds.

I haven't lost anything!

And when that happens, I go thru an emotional eating binge....

then I feel horrible....

Someone smack some sense into me please.........


Don't be down on yourself, you are just at a plateau. When I hit this point (several times) I took my leader's addvice and did the quickstart process again. That's when you decrease your points to 20 for no more than 2 weeks. It worked for me. Keep at it. You will be surprised at how well you do before your trip.

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Hi again,

I was wondering if there are any kind of aqua aerobics on the ships. I have been doing aqua aerobics since I joined WW in Jan and really enjoy it.

I'm not really one for gym equipment but will use it while cruising if I have to. But if there were some kind of aquafit classes it would be great. Maybe I will have to start one of my own. ;) We sail on April 19 on Adventure of the Seas.

Its great reading here every night, so much encouragement from everyone. Just what we need.

Keep up the good work everyone!



I have not seen any aqua aerobics classes on any of the cruises I've taken but they always have low impact aerobics and walking 'clubs' if you are not into the heavy gym stuff. My DH is a gym hound and I'm not, but I enjoy walking while listening to my Ipod and enjoying the view.

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Well, my weigh in was yesterday and I stayed the same! I went home to prepare for the onslaught of DD,DSIL,and three grandchildren...They will be here a week. Had some ribs, spaghetti, meat balls,sausage and two cherry turnovers!!!! They all have their favorites that they expect me to cook for them and it will be so hard to stay good. I hate dieting!!!!



GW145.0 (ha ha)


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:) Morning everyone! Well its morning here in Oz. Lost 400 grams in weigh in last night. That's .88 lbs in your language. Not a much as I was hoping for but double last week :D. My leader had me bring in my weekly tracker and I'm definately not eating enough points since I upped my exercise. So I've started this morning with a bigger breakfast - still same cereal but more of it. Lunchtime I'm going to add some crispy bacon and a multigrain roll to my salmon & salad - yum :)


Would you believe our next meeting is about chocolate? Ahhh chocolate!!

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So is our's......ready for Easter. What was yours about this week......your cupboards??????

Lot's of extra exercise for me for the next couple of weeks, we look after dogs in our home[for a company, hence the name!!!] and had two arrive today. I've already been for a 2 mile walk, i have a pedometer so will be keeping check. Would love to loose at least 3lb before my cruise....that would take me into the next stone. We weigh in stones and lbs here in the UK [14lb-1st]

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And you need to "mail" your return? Mail? Haven't you heard of E-file? :D


As a CPA, you must be busy this time of year, too, yes? Or are you using your CPA in the corporate world? I'm guessing that if you're using Turbo Tax, you're not doing a ton of taxes, correct?


I'm in corporate accounting and don't do any taxes but our own :) A zillion years ago I worked for a CPA firm in the tax department but after two years I escaped to the relative quiet of corporate life. We have busy times during the month (today!) but nothing as crazy as when I was at the CPA firm and had to work 80 hours per week in March and April. :eek:


I'm very web-proficient and love technology but something about e-filing makes me nervous. I want a paper trail for my taxes. Weird, I know :o



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Well, my weigh in was yesterday and I stayed the same! I went home to prepare for the onslaught of DD,DSIL,and three grandchildren...They will be here a week. Had some ribs, spaghetti, meat balls,sausage and two cherry turnovers!!!! They all have their favorites that they expect me to cook for them and it will be so hard to stay good. I hate dieting!!!!



GW145.0 (ha ha)



Judi - Enjoy your visit with your grandchildren!! Your menu sounds yummy, can I come over too? ;)



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:) Morning everyone! Well its morning here in Oz. Lost 400 grams in weigh in last night. That's .88 lbs in your language. Not a much as I was hoping for but double last week :D. My leader had me bring in my weekly tracker and I'm definately not eating enough points since I upped my exercise. So I've started this morning with a bigger breakfast - still same cereal but more of it. Lunchtime I'm going to add some crispy bacon and a multigrain roll to my salmon & salad - yum :)



JulShut -- Great job! I'd round up and just call that 1 lb. :)


Your lunch sounds fantastic!! Wish I could add some bacon into my diet!!



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We weigh in stones and lbs here in the UK [14lb-1st]


Stones confuse me! I sometimes read the Daily Mail (UK version) online for the celebrity gossip. They love to talk about celebs' weight struggles and when they say someone has gained or lost a stone I always have to look up how much that is. It would make sense to me if it were 10 lbs but 14 lbs seems strange to me! :o



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I'm very web-proficient and love technology but something about e-filing makes me nervous. I want a paper trail for my taxes. Weird, I know :o





I completely understand that, and you are wise to be cautious. However, being on this side of it and knowing the security measures you have to go through to become an E-file Return Originator (my role as a preparer) and the security features the software providers have to enact before they're allowed to offer it, I'm quite secure with e-file. Besides, someone can still steal the mail, and then you're in the same boat. Nothing is 100% safe, of course.


But my biggest complaint about paper filing is you took the time to accurately input those numbers into your computer program, and then when the paper return gets to the filing center someone opens the mail, separates all the schedules (and payment, if applicable), sends them all to different input departments :eek:, and then data entry personnel have to re-enter (accurately? not always) that same data you already entered, assuming all of the schedules actually make it to the proper departments, and actually get entered. Much higher likelihood of mistakes and omissions this way. (Plus, any one of those multiple data entry personnel also could hijack your personal info).


Add to that the fact all that labor is expensive to the government (more of yours & my tax dollars inefficiently at work!), and I'll stick with efile! :)


Oh, and as for paper trail -- when you efile, you actually get a confirmation that the IRS/state(s) received it... which gives me proof that everything went through as it should have.


There! I'm off my soapbox now... sorry for the rant! :o

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Stones confuse me! I sometimes read the Daily Mail (UK version) online for the celebrity gossip. They love to talk about celebs' weight struggles and when they say someone has gained or lost a stone I always have to look up how much that is. It would make sense to me if it were 10 lbs but 14 lbs seems strange to me! :o




But 16 ounces in a pound isn't strange? :confused:


I think it's all a matter of what you're used to. :p

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Good evening to all. I weighed in today because I have to work tomorrow, (my usual weigh in day), and I lost another 2.8 pounds! So my total is 30.6 pounds in 10 weeks.

Then we took my Mom out for dinner tonight for her birthday, and I did have a dessert!

Two weeks til my cruise.



SW 264

CW 233.4

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Don't be down on yourself, you are just at a plateau. When I hit this point (several times) I took my leader's addvice and did the quickstart process again. That's when you decrease your points to 20 for no more than 2 weeks. It worked for me. Keep at it. You will be surprised at how well you do before your trip.



Thank you so much, I am going to try that for the next 2 weeks....

Never knew that, greatly appreciate it....


Huge congrats to all the "losers'!!!

I hope to be a "loser" too next week ;)

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Good evening to all. I weighed in today because I have to work tomorrow, (my usual weigh in day), and I lost another 2.8 pounds! So my total is 30.6 pounds in 10 weeks.

Then we took my Mom out for dinner tonight for her birthday, and I did have a dessert!

Two weeks til my cruise.



Susan- That is AWESOME!! That figures out to about 3 pounds a week!! Keep up the great work. What is your mini-goal till your cruise? I have little than 3 weeks and I am setting my mini-goal to 5 pounds!!

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Good evening to all. I weighed in today because I have to work tomorrow, (my usual weigh in day), and I lost another 2.8 pounds! So my total is 30.6 pounds in 10 weeks.

Then we took my Mom out for dinner tonight for her birthday, and I did have a dessert!

Two weeks til my cruise.



SW 264

CW 233.4


I echo Mamalicious -- 30.6 lbs in 10 weeks is phenomenal! You are inspiration for us all!

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Hello all!! Decided to go to meeting, but not weigh in. I did not like the looks of that scale this morning! :eek: Not horrible, but higher than the 2 pounds that I am allowed. :( We have been busy getting ready for our son's birthday party which is today. I should be cutting the veggies, but decided to take a quick break and check out CC. We already decided that points will not count today. It is just too hard. That is the best thing about WW. If you mess up today, do better tomorrow. Congrats to all the "losers" this week!


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Just thought I'd check the Board tonight...Kids are all still here and I think I have been pretty good, at least with the 3 grandkids I've had my share of exercise!!! I'll let you guys know next week.. Everybody keep up the good work and keep loosing!! It is so good to see all the new and different people here. Yes, we all do love food and cruising, but I am determined to not let my weight get the best of me!


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hi everyone...

wow i feel like its been FOREVER since i have checked in!! EEK! i've been so busy at work...both jobs...by day social worker, and night i work at the airlines...the things this economy makes me do :( anywho...i'll catch up on the boards tomorrow, (yes it really is 1:23am CA time...i just got in from work..ugh) anywho, here are my stats...and yes today was weigh in day, but i lost 0.6 WOOOHOOO!! why the excitment...anything is better than gaining :p

ok here are the updates:

SW: 167.4

CW: 154.2

GW: 125...or LESS!!!

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