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Good evening, all!


Hope you had a wonderful week and have a positive attitude going into the weekend. It will surely be a challenge for mothers. Happy Mother's Day to all you to whom that applies! (I am not a mother, and mine is deceased, so I don't celebrate it. Have a mother-in-love in Kentucky that is terrific, though. She will be visiting us in Florida in two weeks FOR two weeks. Then we'll take her back and attend my nephew's graduation.


Just saw a story on television about "sneak eating" or "secret eating"

. . . that is eating correctly when people are around, then eating poorly when you're alone, or late at night, or in your car, etc.


That reminded me of a WW phrase that always helped me NOT to do that, so here are my words of wisdom for the weekend:


"What you eat in private, you wear in public!"


Who do you think you're fooling?? Only yourself. Makes you think, huh?:confused:


Have a lovely, on program, weekend everyone!

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Just got back from NYC. Went to visit my cousin who just got out of the hospital and my son who moved to a new apartment. Although I stayed within my points (I still have a few left over) I am not happy with how I ate today. Since we were in a hurry, I only had a cup of coffee for breakfast. (That was an old habit...no breakfast, large lunch, super large dinner), no lunch then 2 slices of pizza for an early dinner. When I got home a little while ago, I was hungry and still had lots of points left so I had a WW tv dinner and a glass of milk. No veggies today, boo hoo! Ok, back on track tomorrow!

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hi all,

Just got home from my WW meeting. Had a great weigh in today. Lost 3.2 pounds! My total is 38.6 in 15 weeks.

We are having really nice weather today too so I'm going to do some yard work and then go for a walk.

My cough is finally getting better too. I didn't wake once last night coughing, the first time in a week.

Talk soon,



SW 264

CW 225.4

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Guest Crazeecat5
hi all,

Just got home from my WW meeting. Had a great weigh in today. Lost 3.2 pounds! My total is 38.6 in 15 weeks.

We are having really nice weather today too so I'm going to do some yard work and then go for a walk.

My cough is finally getting better too. I didn't wake once last night coughing, the first time in a week.

Talk soon,



SW 264

CW 225.4

Hey Susan,

Congrats on a terrific loss! Keep up the good work!

It's a nice day here in Pa. too. Funny, I've been coughing for weeks too. Allergies for me :( Seems a little better the last few days.

Ok, going to work on my tracker now.

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Hi all, I'm back..Had weigh in on Wed....down 1 pound..Robin, I may have asked this before, but what is the Core program....I long to lose more than 1 pound a week!!! Is it eating only protein and veggies? If so, how much etc? Since Wed I have not eaten at home..Wed at a neighbors, Thurs at other neighbors,Friday at rest. in Birmingham, tonight at another neighbors...tomorrow Brunch at the Club and dinner at another neighbors...this is killing me! Lisa ..Happy Dance for that size 10!!! I'm so happy for you!! I put my size 12 capri's on tonight cuz I feel bloated, but I want to only wear size 10 for a while!!! Buy the Spanx, you won't be disappointed!!

At home I only have been using my luncheon plates because they are smaller. They are 9 inches as opposed to the 10.5 inch dinner plate. I think it does give the illusion of belonging to the clean plate club without all the bulk!

Everyone continue to have great losses and keep that attitude up! No one falls off this food wagon more than me and I still manage to lose that one pound a week. I also have to say I am not an exerciser! I did the Jane Fonda tape about 20 years ago but mostly watched it while sitting on the couch with my coffee and cigarettes saying "Yea, I could do that".

At age 61, I really don't want to start now!! I'm just lazy I guess, plus, at this age ain't no one gonna be seeing me without my clothes on!!! Old ages forces you to be faithful!!!

SW 169.5

CW 148.5

GW 135.0


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You ladies have inspired me.... to go back to Weight Watchers. I'm 42 and have 2 kids. The ONLY thing that has helped me lose weight (16 lbs.) was WW. I did JC for a year and yo-yo'd the entire time. Wound up right where I started. Probably would have worked if I ate only their food but I got bored with it and lost focus. 2 weeks ago, I talked my dad into joining. Okay, so now I'm going to do it too. My entire family is cruising over Christmas and I don't want to be fat anymore!!


Doesn't help that I live in a neighborhood in KY with lots of women who look fantastic. I want to be that!! And I want energy. I'm too tired all the time!!


Currently weight around 205 and I'm 5'8". If I could lose 40 lbs. I'd be ecstatic. I can't seem to lose 5. I'll work on it one day, forget about it the next day, etc. But overall, I'm miserable with myself and this has got to change.

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Guest Crazeecat5

Fantastic weight lose.:) Keep it up. Are you exercising?



Where in the Pococos are you? I live in Middletown, NY, right up the road.



Hey Denise,

I am in Hawley, about 20 minutes east of Lake Wallenpaupack. Middletown is a little over an hour away. Love your shopping centers over there!


WhiteDane....you've come to the right place for motivation. Join WW, go to meetings, then come over here and chat. That's going to be the recipe for success, I think.

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all that celebrate!

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Happy mothers Day to everyone who celebrates it. I know it will be a hard day to stay on program but don't feel guilty if you don't. Just get back on program again tomorrow.

Have a good week everyone!


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The Core Plan is an option on WW. You can either count POINTS or do the Core Plan. Basically, you eat foods from a prescribed list--as much as you need to feel satisfied, with no counting. Mostly it is whole foods---lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains. Very few processed foods are Core foods----one really good one is the 94% Fat Free Microwave popcorn.


In addition, you also get the weekly flex points (35) and can earn activity points just like the other plan.


It has been my choice to eat mostly protein and veggies, and laying off the carb heavy foods (they make me crave more and more). And so far, it is working, so I am going to keep doing what I am doing!


Hope that info helps!

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"What you eat in private, you wear in public!"



I love that quote! Thanks for sharing!!


Hello everyone and I hope all who celebrated Mother's Day today had a nice time.


Congrats to Sanda and Judi DM on your weight losses this week!! Way to go!!


Sheryl - I want to give you a little pat on your back for what I think was a successful day on the road. Yeah, it may not have been perfect, but that's the beauty of WW. One "off" day doesn't cause an avalanche of destruction. Plus, I think you did a fine job of trying to manage your points while out. You've only been at this for a couple of weeks and managed to conquer a big challenge (in my opinion)! Kudos to you!

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Guest Crazeecat5

Good morning all,

Another fine day up here in the Pocono Mountains of Pa. Just gorgeous!


Misty....thanks so much for your praise. Thinking back now, it was a tough day and I do think I did OK with it. Have really been on target this week. Can't wait for weigh in tomorrow!


Hope everyone has a great OP day!!:D

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Good Morning, I hope everyone had a great weekend.


Mother's Day was nice. Got the cutest card from my kitty, my perfume from my Hubby, a wonderful candle from my Daughter, and my 15 and 19 year old Sons bought me a t-shirt from pac-sun. I don't know if ya'll have pac-sun clothing stores but it's basically for the kids to early 20's. They have a lot of skateboard clothes and shoes and motorcycle/dirt bike type stuff. So he buys me a really cute fox racing t-shirt. I was so flattered that he looks at me as being young and hip enough to wear it that I teared up. Then he sprung it on me that he got a tattoo a fews weeks ago. I just had to keep reminding myself that he is almost 20. While I like tattoo's, and have one on my ankle, I still wish he had waited a few more years to see where he is in life and then decide. I gave myself mine with I turned 40. It's hard to let go as they grow up :o.


Claudia, welcome to the group. I'm still getting to know everyone because I'm still new myself. Hang in there and together we will lose the weight by our holiday cruises. My DH and I were going to do a Christmas New Years Eve cruise but then saw the Thanksgiving one for 500.00 less a person.....couldn't pass on that. :)


Sheryl, I have to agree that you did have a successful day on the road. Even though you couldn't eat 3 square meals for the day you still did very well. Sometimes shaking things up for a day will actually help your body stay in the weight loss mode because it keeps it guessing. How is using the smaller plate going?


Way to go to the losers. One meal, one day, one week, one pound at a time.


Judi, you have so many neighbors that you know well enough to have dinner with. We've lived in our house for 5 years now and don't know anybody.


Denise, we booked the helicopter thru the cruise ship excusions. I'll have to go back and look at some of our pics to get the name. Oh, I'm not sure what time of year you are going but we went at the end of August and let me tell you it is windy windy windy on that glacier. I could have handled the cold easily but that wind. Definately take something to cover your head that won't blow off and gloves.


Okay, so I changed my weigh in day. For the past 6-12 months I have noticed my feet and ankles swelling a little at the end of the day. Well just the past 1-2 months it has been super bad. From my knees down my legs were so swollen that I couldn't even bend them without feeling like my skin was going to rip open from the tightness. I finally went to the doctor Thursday afternoon and he switched my blood pressure meds to a diuretic type instead of what I was on. So Friday a.m. keeping with my start day I weighed......171.8. Well after the weekend and what felt like 100 times in the bathroom I weighed this morning and.....168.4. That is 3.4 lbs of water weight. So my official weigh in day is Monday a.m.. I don't want to include the water weight in my weight loss.




SW = 168.4

CW = 168.4

GW = 130



Thanksgiving cruise goal weight = 140


Enough jawing this morning.......I'll visit back this afternoon.

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi Mel,

Thanks for your kind words. I am using a smaller plate and it is going well. I put the amount of food I'm supposed to have on it and then I eat as much as I want. I am actually starting to even leave some over. I think I am starting to know when I am just full and I am trying to stop at that point. Hubby is helping by taking the plate away as soon as I say I"m done so that I don't pick at what's left. I can't wait to weigh in tomorrow.


Good news about your loss. Even water weight has to go!

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Hello everyone. I have been following WW since January 2008 but have fallen off the wagon quite a few times the last 2 months and have gained back 5 lbs!!! Doesn't sound like much, but I have to nip it in the bud and start going in the right direction again. Thanks for letting me share.




SW = 249.5

CW = 169

GW = 150




Cruise on June 14th and need to stay OP!!! Meet me at the gym? :p

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Skinny vibes to Sheryl and Misty today. Anyone else that has WI today.


I am so in cruise mode right now I can't concentrate. My Daughter is getting married in July 2010 and they want to take a cruise for their honeymoon so I've been helping her find something and now I want to take a quickie to the Bahama's or somewhere. We have 28 weeks until we cruise and I have got to get my mind off the ship :rolleyes:


Yesterday was pretty good OP. I did let temptation get the best of me for dinner. After working out and doing cardio for 60 min/275 cal we went to Wendy's to get salads. I did order a chicken salad with lite honey mustard. When I got it home I didn't realize I needed to order it grilled since the picture showed grilled chicken and they had put fried chicken on it. Instead of taking the chicken off I ate it anyway. Good thing I get 35 extra's a week. But on the flip side I didn't have my glass of wine last night :p


Guess I better get back to work for now.


Where is Lisa? Is she cruising?



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Welcome Ruth! Wow you have come a long way. What an inspiration you are!!


Just take it one day at a time or one meal at a time and don't beat yourself up. I wished I had recommited after only gaining 5 lbs back. You should be proud of yourself for getting back on program so quick.

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Lost 1 lb. this week. I know I should be happy:D(7 in 2 weeks) but I am a little sad too:( It's just that I worked really hard and although I knew I wouldn't lose as much as last week, I did think it would be more.

I am NOT letting this get me off track. I sit here eating my 1 point popcorn and am definitely stick on program.


Misty....how'd you do?


Welcome back Ruth.

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Thanks for the welcome, Mel and Christy.


Mel, funny you say I am in inspiration...I always tell people to wait until I am at goal and maintained. Then I will consider myself to be an inspiration! Not that I do not recognize how far I have come...I am extremely proud of myself for sticking with this for a little more than a year and hope that it has become a lifestyle for me. I have become a gym rat and workout about 6 days a week and that helps. If anyone needs any advice, ask away but I am surely not an expert! :)

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Oh Sheryl, I know that disappointing feeling all too well. My first time on WW I lost 6 lbs the first week and was so sure I would lose at least another 4 lbs the 2nd week. Well I only lost 0.2 that week and I had to hold back tears at the meeting. My 2nd time on WW I lost a lot my first week and expected it again the 2nd week because I was exercising that time around and well it didn't happen........I was a WW virgin the 1st time but the 2nd time I had no excuses to feel that way. Keep doing what you're doing and between your 3rd and 4th weigh in it will start evening out and you'll be able to see an average or a pattern. If I lost like 2.2 one week the next week I would only lose 0.6 and vice versa. You have a great attitude and even though I hate this saying sometimes.....slow and steady wins the race.


AND one pound is fantastic!!!! Better than gaining a pound :D

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Hi all,

Lost 1 lb. this week. I know I should be happy:D(7 in 2 weeks) but I am a little sad too:( It's just that I worked really hard and although I knew I wouldn't lose as much as last week, I did think it would be more.

I am NOT letting this get me off track. I sit here eating my 1 point popcorn and am definitely stick on program.


Misty....how'd you do?


Welcome back Ruth.



WHO-HOO SHERYL!! I'll do the happy dance for you since you're not quite ready to yet!! I can completely understand the disappointment, even though 1 pound is very significant, we want more no matter how much we try to remind ourselves that we're in it for the long haul. BUT You have a fabulous attitude even through the teeny tiny gray cloud that came your way!! You've already picked yourself up and kept yourself on track.


Now I'll tell you all of the things that you're trying to tell yourself but don't want to listen...You're still going the right direction! One pound is 4 sticks of butter!! Sometimes it takes a little extra time for your hard work to show up. And maybe there is a little extra sodium playing tricks on you this week. Keep plugging along and the weight will have no choice but to fall away. :D


I haven't weighed in today yet, my meeting is in the evening. But I couldn't wait to see how you did. ;) I promise to report back later.


I'll do the happy dance for you again 'cuz I think I burned a couple of calories last time.

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hey Misty,

Thanks so much for your support. You are terrific! You'd make a wonderful cheerleader:D


Now it's your turn....I have a really good feeling that I will be dancing on my bad legs for you tonight. Don't forget to come back and report.


Andrea....where are you? Please come back and chat!

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Sheryl: Have you increased your activity level in the last week or so? If you have, you could have some water retention in your muscles as a result of the healing process that might be masking a larger loss than the scale shows. Keep up the good work and I am sure the effort will pay off. :)


Good luck and hope for losses this week!

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