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Sheryl, fingers crossed....

I weigh in tomorrow, and daughter in law brought a blueberry pie over tonight :eek:

Mean, mean just so dang mean :mad:


Could have been a chocolate cake! :D


Fruit pies aren't as bad as I thought. 6 points.


Good luck tomorrow.



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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

I'm soooo disappointed....I stayed the same! I know, it's better than gaining but I am following the plan. I spoke to the leader and it's probably because I can't do much exercise and I don't get around too much. I am going to try to move a little more this week and see what happens.

The good news is I like this meeting better than the one I was going to on Tuesday mornings. This one is closer to my house and I really like this leader. I think I can be motivated more by her. So I will be switiching to Thursday night weigh ins. Let's see what happens next week. I"M NOT GIVING UP!!

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Hang in there Sheryl!! I think staying the same is great considering you switched from mornings to nights. I tend to weigh about 2 pounds more in the evening than I did that morning. (Yes, I do weigh myself 2 or more times in the same day.) Hopefully your hard work will show up better next week!! But, it's also great that you found a more motivating meeting! At least come good came from the switch!


Andrea...I'm thinking good thoughts for your weigh in today!!! :D

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Sheryl!!! no gain is good news!! I'm glad you found a leader that you really like. It makes it so much easier doesn't it :)

Well I weighed in and I am about a smidge over 1 pound down.

A little disappointed, but down is better than up.

I don't think I am getting enough water. As a matter of fact I KNOW I'm not. Short of a direct IV line, I am totally at a loss as to how to keep my water consumption up where it should be :(

Can somebody help?

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YAY Andrea!! Who-hoo on the 1+ pound loss!!! Any loss is a step in the right direction!


As far as the water, I just try to keep a glass or bottle of water with me at all times. I'm a Diet Pepsi addict and I've limited myself to 1 per day and not before I've had at least 2 servings of water. So, I try to get those 2 servings in before lunch so I can have my DP at lunch. Then I have 2 more servings in the afternoon & two more with dinner. That usually gets the 6 I need in and any other glasses I drink are a bonus. Sometimes, I just can't stand the thought of another glass of water so I'll switch to a zero calorie fruited water and that helps too.


My ideas are pretty boring, so hopefully someone will come along with some more creative ideas for you too.

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The way I'm thinking about potential weight gain on our upcoming cruise is that there is a definite END point when I walk off that ship at the end of the week. So I will allow myself to splurge one meal per day during the cruise but once it's over, I'll get right back on track. You can only do so much damage in one week if you're exercising and making good food choices for at least a couple meals per day.



Hi, all -- back from the cruise! Just flew in 2 nights ago. So SAD to no longer be on that ship, but I'm coping! As you can tell, it was a great trip!!


I just got caught up on all the posts since I left, and I just had to quote Lisa's philosophy above (where is Lisa??). This is exactly my philosophy. How many times in your life do you have gourmet chefs preparing every meal for you for no additional charge? Take advantage to your satisfaction (try not to overstuff, though). If it's only a few weeks at a time, you should be fine, especially if you increase your activity while on board. You may gain, but you should be able to undo the damage fairly quickly by getting back on plan. The trick is to GET BACK ON PLAN -- don't compound the damage by giving up when you get back home.


So, I had WI yesterday, and I was dreading it, as I did not deprive myself of much, and had several over-indulgent days (most days), and plenty of booze as it was an all-inclusive ship. Result: only 1.8 lbs up!!!!!!!!


Thought it was going to be more like 8-10 pounds... we're talking a 14-night cruise with freshly baked french bread with butter (lots of it), fresh croissants & chocolate croissants, lots of booze, cream & lots of sugar in the coffee and tea, several desserts, several meals of "ohmygosh, I'm stuffed" and none of the "choosing the healthy dish."


On the plus side, I did try to get lots of fruit & veg (some days I was not so good at this), and I had several meals of the "I've only eaten half, and it's enough." Only got on the treadmill once (but that was a decent workout), did do the stairs lots (but not always), and did plenty of light walking in ports.


Don't know how it was only 1.8 lbs, but I'll take it. Just hope it doesn't catch up with me next week! DH was up over 5 lbs. :p


Welcome to all you new members, "hang in there" to all the gainers/plateau'ers and congrats to all the losers. And thanks all for the recipes! Still haven't done the post-trip grocery shopping yet, so I'll take some of these recipes to the store so I can get the ingredients and try them out. DH and I need to get back on program! We start our WW week on Saturday, so we're not resuming counting until then.


My goal this week (5/23-5/29) will be to get on the treadmill 3 times, 30 minutes each.


SW: 246.2

CW: 227

GW: 154

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Nice to have you back and nice job with the eating. 1.8 after all that isn't bad.


I am worried about the 14 days being away but I am thinking positively. I still have two months to go and am doing the wellness program at the Y. It ends the week before we leave.



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Better than a gain. Keep it up.


A good leader makes a difference. Not that they all aren't good but we sometimes need extra motivation.


A few weeks ago at the meeting we were talking about getting in the exercise.

Someone mentioned while watching tv get up during the commercials and do something. Nowadays there is about 15 minutes of commercials each hour so if you do that twice you get in 30 minutes of exercise.

I never looked at it that way.


I think I'm going to get hand and ankle weights to wear while watching tv.




SW 221

CW 197

GW 149

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Guest Crazeecat5

Ok, I started today.....I took the suggestion of my new leader and started lifting 2 28oz tomato cans (1 in each hand). I was able to do 30 lifts from the elbow and 30 lifts above my head. I was feeling it after that!:D Also spoke to my dr. today and she is starting me on physical therapy for my knees and for the exercise. I'm not sure what I'll be doing yet but I am surely happy about it! Hopefully this will help the lbs. to come off!

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Lani...Welcomie back and what a fantastic weigh in!!!!!:D Fourteen days on the cruise with all that temptation, means you can certainly make it in everyday life.. I thought LisaDee curled up in your suitcase, cuz she MIA for a while....I miss her rah rah spirit!

Denise, I like your exercise theory!!! Maybe I'll try that cuz I don't exercise at all!:eek:

Sheryl, you're keeping up with me...no progress. I stayed the same too. Let's have a contest and see who can drop a pound next week. Winner gets a one point fudge bar from Healthy Choice. Yummmm, those are gooood!

Andrea, I drink the 0 calorie fruited carbonated water. My leader said you can get your water from anywhere...coffee, tea, diet pepsi! They don't like you to have the diet drinks, cuz then your body wants sweet stuff. The water is only to keep you hydrated and full..has nothing to do with flushing fat from your body!

Keep up the good work guys and have a great Memorial Weekend.


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Guest Crazeecat5
Lani...Welcomie back and what a fantastic weigh in!!!!!:D Fourteen days on the cruise with all that temptation, means you can certainly make it in everyday life.. I thought LisaDee curled up in your suitcase, cuz she MIA for a while....I miss her rah rah spirit!

Denise, I like your exercise theory!!! Maybe I'll try that cuz I don't exercise at all!:eek:

Sheryl, you're keeping up with me...no progress. I stayed the same too. Let's have a contest and see who can drop a pound next week. Winner gets a one point fudge bar from Healthy Choice. Yummmm, those are gooood!

Andrea, I drink the 0 calorie fruited carbonated water. My leader said you can get your water from anywhere...coffee, tea, diet pepsi! They don't like you to have the diet drinks, cuz then your body wants sweet stuff. The water is only to keep you hydrated and full..has nothing to do with flushing fat from your body!

Keep up the good work guys and have a great Memorial Weekend.


Ok Judi...you're on!:eek: 1 lb or more gone! Bye, bye!!

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Good morning all!


Great weighins, losers! Keep moving forward.



Weighed in yesterday, in the 160's WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! Good-bye 170's--FOREVER.


Also went to the mall and bought size 12 pants, as the 14's were tooooo baggy to wear anymore! Yippeee! I was doing the happy dance in the dressing room.


8 wks til my cruise. The big goal is to be in the 150's by then. I CAN DO IT!


Starting Wt-181

Current Wt-168.8

WW Goal Wt-146

Cruise goal----159 or LESS

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Robin you are doing fantastic....throw those size 14's into the "give away" basket! I am joining you in your Happy Dance.. Eight weeks is more than enough time to reach your mini goal....keep up the good work...Be like Lani and keep the cruise weight down...hoefully we have learned how to eat sensibly...:rolleyes:

Sheryl, I'm feeling rather slim today!!:p


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OH MY Goodness, I'm doing happy dances all over the place!!


Congrats Lani!!! only 1.8 pounds up after a 14 day cruise is phenomenal! And here I am worried about weighing in on Tuesday after Memorial Day. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. :D Now we know it can be done.


Denise - That is an excellent point about the commercials. I think I had heard that years ago and then tucked it clear back underneath the cobwebs in my mind. Thanks for bringing it back out.


Sheryl - That is great that you've found activity you can do and your Doctor is helping with the rest. You'll be dancing jigs in no time. ;)


Judi - Congrats on giving your spirit an extra boost after a no change week. A little healthy competition should be fun. Good luck!


Robin - Congratulations on the 160s AND the 12s. WHO-HOOOOO!!!!



Now, I must admit I'm not doing the greatest job of keeping track of my activity and waters this week, so I can't really say if I'm accomplishing the tasks I set for myself this week. (I am counting my points, though.) I have been drinking a lot of water, but not really keeping track. So, I'll probably challenge myself to do it again next week. I've been doing a lot of walking this weekend, but again, I haven't really tracked my minutes walking. Either way, I'll keep it up for another week and hopefully I'll remember to log everything properly so I can at least see the results of my efforts.


Good luck tomorrow, everyone!

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Hi to all.

Welcome to ArizonaSky, this is a great thread, lots of advice and sharing of recipes, and especially lots of encouragement from everyone. When is your wedding?


I had my weigh in on Saturday and I'm down another 1.4 for a total of 43.4. Sometimes I can't believe I really lost that much.


Denise- great idea about the commercials, I have hand weights and think I will use them while watching TV too. Don't worry too much about gaining while on your cruise. Take the stairs lots, drink lots of water, eat a salad with your lunch and dinner. I took the little packets of low fat salad dressings but didn't need to use them as there was always a low fat dressing available. I also had my dressing on the side so I could control how much I ate. I also took WW snacks so if I was hungry in the evening I ate one of them instead of the cafe. And I took them on shore with me and then wasn't so tempted to eat other things. I was up a little after I got home but was down .2 by my weigh in that week.


Sheryl- good for you finding an exercise you can do, every bit helps!


Robin- congratulations on being in the 160's now. I am almost out of the 220's and I can't wait. What a great feeling it is to be in another range. Keep up the good work and you will be in the 150's by your cruise.


Lani- congratulations on only gaining 1.8 after a 14 day cruise.


Well I went and bought a bicycle on Saturday. I haven't ridden one in many years. When I got it home the back tire was low and when my husband took it to put air in, it needs a new tube, so its back at the store waiting to have that done, so I didn't even get a chance to ride it yet. Aqua aerobics is finished this week but I have meetings every night this week so can't get to it anyway. I am a Girl Guide Leader and there are lots of end of year things happening now, that I really can't miss. So I'm hoping I will be able to do a fair bit of riding.


My challenge to myself this week is to get all my oil in as that was an area I was not good at all. So far. so good.


Good night all.



SW- 264

CW- 220.6

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Good Morning! Happy Tuesday!


Welcome ArizonaSky!! I'm glad you found us too!


CONGRATULATIONS Susan!! down 1.4 is terrific!! And 43.4 total is wonderful. I think you've lost a kindergardener!! Way to go!


Well, I think I survived yesterday's cookout. All I can say is thank goodness for fruit. I piled my plate with watermelon, pineapple and strawberries and then had a couple of small scoops of the pasta salad, etc. By the end of the day I used 2 flex points which I think was a pretty successful day. On the upside, I got out there and played a little kickball, so I hope that helped balance things. I hope the scale rewards me for my efforts tonight. :)



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Wow, lots happening in the 4 days I was gone.


Love to hear about all the losses. Taking a 14 day cruise and gaining less than 2 lbs......what motivation!!!!!


Sheryl (?) I think it was you that went from a morning/day weigh in to a evening weigh in. You'll probably see a large loss this week when you weigh in. More than likely you did lose weight last week and you'll see that loss along with this weeks loss. A great leader can make a world of difference as well.


Water ideas.....always take a glass/bottle of water in the car with you. When going places like to and from work never get out of the car until the water is gone. I've sat in our parking lot and chugged half a bottle before. When at home always get a glass of water and drink it all before going to the bathroom. You'll be drinking more water because you'll be taking more bathroom trips. Add packets of crystal light to bottles of water. Keep the packets at work to mix with your water and have with lunch. Before meals have some water. Make unsweet tea. Make sweet tea with splenda. Pick something that you do everyday.....makeup, hair, watch a certain TV show etc... and drink some water while doing this task. Before long water will become a habit.


As for me, I over indulged this weekend. Had a party at our house Friday night and I drank too many mich ultra's, ate too many meatballs and brownies. Saturday night we ate out, Sunday was okay.....definately could have been much worse. Yesterday was good. Gained 0.4 which I think is actually water weight because I ate a couple of fat free hot dogs and the sodium in those things is unbelievable. Did get a 2 hour workout in this weekend so all in all I'm okay with it. Oh oh oh....I did wear a pair of 12 shorts yesterday that I bought last summer and have never been able to wear.


Graduation is tonight for the 3rd youngest. Out of 5 we only have 2 more to get out of high school.





+/- = +0.4



Cruise goal=140

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!

I think I did pretty good with eating this weekend. A lot of salad, just a spoonful of pasta salad and chicken breasts. Corn on the cob and no dessert!


It seems I'm having a little problem with water retention and swelling. This is probably why I didn't lose. My dr. has changed my meds which I will start tomorrow. Hopefully I will begin to have better losses soon. Hoping to start the physical therapy soon too!

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Hey Mel....gotta do a happy dance for size 12 shorts!!!!! Doesn't it feel wonderful to be able to button them and actually move too!

Sheryl, tomorrow is my weigh in and I will post to see who the winner of that fudge bar is.....I was a bad girl and ate ribs,garlic bread AND ham at our picnic!!!

Has anyone tried the Hungry Girl 200 under 200 cookbook? One of my group bought it and did appetizers and desert and they were wonderful, I just might have to go get that book! They have so many recipes that you actually might eat!! I have a ton of cook books that have great pictures, but I don't readily have the ingredients, or wouldn't eat the stuff anyway...

Welcome Arizonasky, (sorry, don't know your name) I hope you have a good time here. Not only can we give you lots of weight loss advise, we can give you wedding advise too:p. I'm excited, haven't had a kid get married in a while,and my mom instincts are emerging!!:D


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Mel - only up 0.4 after a splurge and likely water retention, not too bad at all. Hopefully it will even out for you next week. :) More importantly, wear those size 12 shorts with pride!! Who - hoo!! Congrats on the graduation too!


Sheryl - Congrats on a successful weekend, especially the skipping dessert part! And hopefully the meds will help with the water and you your hard work will show up on the scale for you too!

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Guest Crazeecat5
Hey Mel....gotta do a happy dance for size 12 shorts!!!!! Doesn't it feel wonderful to be able to button them and actually move too!

Sheryl, tomorrow is my weigh in and I will post to see who the winner of that fudge bar is.....I was a bad girl and ate ribs,garlic bread AND ham at our picnic!!!

Has anyone tried the Hungry Girl 200 under 200 cookbook? One of my group bought it and did appetizers and desert and they were wonderful, I just might have to go get that book! They have so many recipes that you actually might eat!! I have a ton of cook books that have great pictures, but I don't readily have the ingredients, or wouldn't eat the stuff anyway...

Welcome Arizonasky, (sorry, don't know your name) I hope you have a good time here. Not only can we give you lots of weight loss advise, we can give you wedding advise too:p. I'm excited, haven't had a kid get married in a while,and my mom instincts are emerging!!:D


Hi Judie,

You might still win this one if I'm still swollen with fluid!

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Thanks for the hints about the dressing (I'll leave it behind) and the treats (I'll bring them along).


So instead of having cheese, crackers and the cookie of the day on the balcony

every afternoon I'll have my ww snacks. One day I will splurge instead of 3 or 4 :)



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I had my weigh in tonight and I'm happy to report that I'm down 1.6 pounds for a grand total of 15.6. Who-Hoo!! I'm glad the scale cooperated this week, it made resisting the cherry cobbler and chocolate cupcakes yesterday worth the effort. :D


I'm going to work on my water and activity again this week. My goal is 3 days of at least 30 minutes of exercise and at least 6 cups of water every day.


Good luck everyone!


Jane and Judi - I'm thinking good thoughts for your weigh in tomorrow!

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Guest Crazeecat5

Good morning all,

Misty.....Congrats on the loss. You are doing a super job! Keep up the good work.


I hoping tomorrow's WI for me will be a better one. I'm still a bit swollen with fluid so I don't know. Yet when I look at my belly, it seems to have gone down a bit.

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