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Misty, what a great loss after the long weekend. 15.6 lbs is a lot of weight to lose. I'm sure your clothes are fitting rather loose by now :)


Arizona, welcome to loserville. My daughter is getting married in a year and I can already feel the pains of planning a wedding. Stick with the program and you'll be at goal well before yours and bikini ready for the honeymoon.


So how is everyone doing with the oil challenge? Just 2 servings of a healthy oil a day.....that's only 2 points out of your daily alloted points. Oils/fats are good for your hair, nails, skin, necessary for our bodies to function and help keep you feeling full longer. Our bodies need fat in order to burn fat.


How about the water challenge? Are you drinking more liquids a day? The more water you drink the less water your body holds. Water works like food does in that if your body gets used to having a certain amount everyday then it won't store water thinking there is a drought. After exercising drink extra liquids because muscles do contain water and will hold water after a workout. Water helps repair the muscle faster. And don't forget all the other benefits.....hair, nails, skin, energy just to name a few.


The new challenge.......taking a multi-vitamin everyday. I know some folks can't take them for various reasons but at least pay close attention to the contents of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants in the food you eat. Berries are a great source of antioxidants as are bell peppers (especially the orange and red) and sweet potatoes. Choose vitamin enriched and calcium fortified when possible.


So.....my DH and I run a 10k every year. On July 4th we have The Peachtree Road Race here in Atlanta each year for, gosh, I don't know how many years now. Anyway, we are signed up again this year and it's only 5 1/2 weeks away. I am not even close to being able to run 6.2 miles yet. Cardiovascular wise I'm in good shape, it's my shins. I get shin splints really bad when I try to run if I'm not careful. I just went thru a bout of it about 2 months ago running on the treadmill at the gym. I still don't feel fully recovered to resume a light jog much less run a 10k. I'll probably end up having to walk half of it which is okay but it's not okay if you know what I mean. So tonight we're going to the gym and plan on going as far as we can. I'll walk while he will run. I plan on shooting for 4-4 1/2 miles tonight but we'll see.


Skinny vibes to all that have weigh in today.

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I'll take the challenge of the vitamins. As they sit on my counter each morning calling my name. I am absolutely terrible when it comes to taking pills. No reason why. When I started WW I bought the multivitamins doesn't that count. :rolleyes:


I try tomorrow morning.


Does mayo count as a good oil or does it have to be oil by itself?



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Good evening all from the UK


Went to W/W this morning and was down another 3lb, making a total of 9.5lb in the 2 weeks since i came back from my cruise. Another 4.5lb and then all my cruise weight will have gone. I would like it to be gone by the middle of June as i'm off to Turkey to visit my daughter and son in law.

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Congrats on your losses, Robin, Susan, GAPeachessweety, Lola & barkingmad! Hang in there, the rest of you!


I've laughed at some of the posts regarding my mere 1.8 lb weigh gain after my cruise -- some of them have really sounded like I did something special to have it be so little. I assure you, unless I really have ingrained my "proper" eating habits, I did virtually nothing virtuous to ensure that success. I was a real glutton -- I think I just got lucky!


I've had a bit of a tough time adjusting; DH and I bought some chips/crisps-type snacks when we got home (bad idea, I know), and we had some M&Ms in the house (another bad idea). I've been munching like crazy (though I at least slow the M&M consumption by eating them very slowly, one at a time). Tomorrow's weigh-in won't be good, I fear. (Though if that's true, you will see me blame it on cruise weight simply showing up one week late! :rolleyes:)


Also, last week I made a pledge to get on the treadmill 3 times by Saturday, and unless I do it tonight, tomorrow and Friday, it won't happen! :o I have got to make myself do it!!


GApeaches, thanks for the challenges! I generally don't have a hard time with the oil... I've been doing really well on water lately, especially today. Think I've had about 64 oz already, and it's only 4ish pm right now. I really like the vitamin challenge and will endeavor to do this every day! I used to be really good at this (last year) and got off track during the holidays (back in December), I think.


In my life in general, I have been taking a lot of vitamins since I worked at a natural health company in the mid-90s (when I learned that RDAs are the minimum amounts of vitamins to have in order to avoid diseases -- they are not the amounts that will ensure wellness). I have BRIGHT red hair that at my age (37) should have faded to pale red by now, but is still really bright red. I've attributed that to my years of high-potency vitamin usage, as that's about the only thing I do different from other redheads I know. :)


In any case, I'm going to use the vitamin challenge to get myself back on track!


Best of luck to you all!

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Since everyone is doing so fantastic, I'll continue the run with a 2.5 pound loss this week.....Sheryl, who gets the fudge bar??

I tried to be really good and cut WAY down on carbs this last week like Robin is always preaching, and it seemed to Work...Thank you Robin. Plus the other night I was ready to eat the door off the cabinet when I decided to have a bottle of water instead...I drink the flavored stuff and it did the trick...my hunger was gone!! Everyone, keep up the good work and I'll check back later!!! I'm off to Sonic for my 4.5 point icecream cone as my reward....but I do have 7 points left for today!!


SW 169.5

CW 145

GW 135 ten more pound to go!!!!

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WOW, Judi, 2.5 lbs??!!?? :eek: You must be SO pleased!! To be only 10lbs from goal... -sigh- seems like a long ways away (and it is, for me!), but you are there. What an inspiration!!


I had to laugh at your "ready to eat the door off the cabinet" phrase. Been there! And thanks for the reminder to just drink some water when ravenous. Sometimes it really does do the trick.

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Hello to all;

Jane- thats great, down another 3 pounds, keep at it and you will have your cruise weight off in no time.


Judi- it must feel great to know you only have 10 pounds til goal, I have a long way to go, but just keep setting mini goals for myself and that helps.


OK, I need help with the oil challenge, I'm not even exactly sure what the healthy oils are, and how do we incorporate them in. I bought a bottle of olive oil and have been mixing it in my salad dressing but want to know if anyone has any other ideas.


I'm doing okay with the water challenge and most days drink more than the six glasses needed. I haven't been taking any multivitamins but will buy some and start taking them.

I'm sorry to say I haven't done my exercising this week. I am a Girl Guide Leader and there has been something going on every night this week, not really a good excuse but that is why. Definitely tomorrow- did I say that already this week?:rolleyes: No, I'm going to do a Walk Away the pounds tonight!


Keep up the good work.


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Guest Crazeecat5
Since everyone is doing so fantastic, I'll continue the run with a 2.5 pound loss this week.....Sheryl, who gets the fudge bar??

I tried to be really good and cut WAY down on carbs this last week like Robin is always preaching, and it seemed to Work...Thank you Robin. Plus the other night I was ready to eat the door off the cabinet when I decided to have a bottle of water instead...I drink the flavored stuff and it did the trick...my hunger was gone!! Everyone, keep up the good work and I'll check back later!!! I'm off to Sonic for my 4.5 point icecream cone as my reward....but I do have 7 points left for today!!


SW 169.5

CW 145

GW 135 ten more pound to go!!!!


That's wonderful news. I'm sure you will be the one to get the bar. I am having some problems with swelling and fluid retention. My dr. just changed my meds. I start them tomorrow and I get weighed in tomorrow too. I am following program but I'm not sure I'll have a loss. I'll let you know. Just wait until I get this water stuff under control.....watch out!! LOL

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Good Morning!


Mel - The multivitamins are a good idea for a challenge. I have them in my desk at work, but they don't always make it into my mouth every day. I will certainly take the challenge and put forth the effort to actually take them this week. Also - good luck on your conditioning for your run. It has to be frustrating when the rest of your body is ready to go, but your shins won't cooperate. I wish you healthy training!


Jane - Who-Hoo!!! 3 more pounds of cruise weight gone! Too bad it isn't as easy to take it back off as I'm sure it was to put it on. ;)


Judi - 2.5 pounds!! Congrats to you!! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your treat, you worked hard for it!


Sheryl - Good luck for your weigh in today! I hope the excess water flushes out of your system in time for a "real" reading on the scale. If not, hang in there and you'll just have a huge loss when everything is back to normal! :)


Take care, everyone!

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Good morning, everyone. Hope everyone is doing well today.


Just wanted to report this week's weigh in.


Stayed the same---but not complaining. Mother in law is here visiting us, and doing all the cooking (which is way different than how we usually cook and eat), so I am a bit out of sorts. She's great as far as mothers-in-law go, but just being out of the routine of our normal lives is a challenge.


I have adopted this mantra for the time she is with us---one more week to go---"If hunger isn't the problem, eating is not the solution."


She is a bit of a boredom eater, so she has bought snacky foods into our house (which we don't normally have), and she has made homemade fudge and candy for my hubby (her baby!) and it's there. Staring at me every time I open the fridge. Yikes.


So the mantra above has helped me focus on just eating at regular meal times, and not to fall into HER habits, but rather to help her fall into OURS.


Perhaps that phrase will help you on your weight loss journey this week. If you eat for reasons other than hunger, give it a try. Repeat after me:


"If hunger isn't the problem, eating isn't the solution."


Have a wonderful day, everyone!





GW by cruise-159

WW Goal-146

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Misty, hang in there. I know your medical issues are a bummer, but so far your attitude has been great. If you can keep that up, it will serve you well! Keep going! My favorite mantra is "Be more stubborn than your scale, if you keep doing the right things, it will go down!" Keep that in mind, just in case your water retention doesn't help the scale show you what you want to see this week!


My second favorite mantra, now, is Robin's! I love it -- if hunger isn't the problem, eating isn't the solution. I may have to post this on the fridge!


In my at-home weigh-in (WI) this morning, I was down 0.4 lbs compared to last week's at-home WI. At WW WI, however... like you, Robin, I stayed the same this week. I, too, am perfectly ok with that. My Smartfood and M&Ms bingeing have not helped, and I only started back up with tracking points on Saturday; plus, I have gotten ZERO exercise in. Staying the same is a LARGE victory.


I was certainly feeling some letdown from the cruise (who wants to really restrict oneself after 2 weeks of "whatever I want to eat?"), but now I'm back to feeling motivated. (Having no gain this week actually helped -- I keep thinking, "What if I'd stayed strict to plan and/or exercised -- how much could I have lost?")


Will be better this week! Promise! I commit to taking my vitamins daily, getting sufficient water, and exercising 3 times at least 30 min each (just got a Wii, so I'm saying now that I have to treadmill at least 2x!). :)


Best wishes everybody!


SW: 246.2

CW: 227

GW: 154

Mini-Goal: hit my 10% (222.2) in 3 weeks - by 6/18/09

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Misty, hang in there. I know your medical issues are a bummer, but so far your attitude has been great. If you can keep that up, it will serve you well! Keep going! My favorite mantra is "Be more stubborn than your scale, if you keep doing the right things, it will go down!" Keep that in mind, just in case your water retention doesn't help the scale show you what you want to see this week!


Whoops, got my names mixed up (hard when there aren't faces to go along with!)... of course, I meant Sheryl... :o

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Just got back from WW. Even with all my medical issues and the holiday this past weekend, I lost 1 lb. My feet and ankles are still swollen so I thought for sure I wouldn't see a loss but I did! WooHoo!! Hopefully the change in my meds and the fact that I am starting physical therapy on Monday will force me to have a better loss next week.

So here are my numbers now:

SW 297

CW 289 (Yea, I'm out of the 90's)

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Congrats, Sheryl! Out of the 90's! Gotta love those milestones. Say goodbye to them FOREVER. I am doing the happy dance for you right now in my home office!



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dcRobin & Lani! - Staying the same when you're all out of sorts is a great accomplishment! Most of us probably got to the point where we needed WW by gaining during times like those. Both of you held your ground and maintained. Good Job!


Sheryl - You're out of sorts with the swelling, but you still managed to eek out a pound. Good Job!! Who-Hoo!!


Good luck to everyone weighing in this weekend. I'll send out the skinny vibes!

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Hi everyone!!! Another hot one today!!! Everyone seems to be doing alright, small losses and no losses means no gains and that's always a good thing!! Way to go Sheryl..all that fluid and still a loss..I'll share my fudge bar with you! Salmon and spinach salad for dinner tonight(yuck), Robin, I would appreciate some of that fudge!!! I'll sign in again later in the week...Keep it up you losers:p

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Hi everyone! Room for one more?

We're getting ready to book our 2010 Spring Break vacation/cruise and I decided I REALLY want to finally be fit not fat for a cruise.

I've tried loads of different diets but I know WW is a great program. I'm going to go to meetings but I'm thinking maybe every other week. I did buy a spiral tracker and started tracking today, 40ish points but at least I tracked :).

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Tomorrow I get to start my physical therapy for my knees which is doubling as my exercise regiment. It will certainly give me the kick start that I need. My swelling looks like it is starting to go down but at nighttime, it's still there. Hoping the new meds and the exercising will help with that too.


Welcome Cruising 250. Of couse there's room....this is a very BBBIIGG room where all are welcomed!

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Welcome to Cruisin250. Tracking is a big part of the program. It shows you all that you eat, if you don't track you have no idea how much you eat in a day. Or at least I don't.


Sheryl- good luck with your physio/exercise regime.


I had my weigh in yesterday and was down 0.2 pounds. I really need to do some other form of exercise now that water aerobics is finished.


we also have been having nice weather. It was quite warm today. Maybe my tan, which has been fading rapidly, will start to come back. I spent the day setting up and checking tents for Girl guide camp in a couple of weeks. It was nice to be out in the sun all day.


I bought my multivitanmins and have been taking them everyday. And I'm drinking about 2 liters of water per day.


Well, good night to all.



SW- 264

CW- 220.4

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Sorry I've been MIA for a few days but my Mother was not doing well and spent a couple of days with her.


Denise, mayo does not count as a healthy oil. The new one made with olive oil doesn't count either. You'd have to eat enough mayo to make 1 tsp oil and that is probably a lot of mayo......but don't hold me to that. I'll have to check that one out. Otherwise, mayo typically is not a healthy fat at all.


Susan, I didn't see an answer to your oil question so here goes.....healthy oils are olive, sunflower, canola, flax seed just to name a few. Even though most vegetable oil is trans fat free now it is not considered a healthy oil. The 3 I use are olive, sunflower and canola. Ideas.......I drizzle 1 tsp olive oil on a toasted english muffin, put 1 whole egg, 1 slice WW cheese. Drizzle on veggies once they are cooked, drizzle on the meat when cooked, drizzle on a baked potato for half the butter. When oil is combined with margarine/butter it makes less butter go further while maintaining that silky texture and when added to low fat cheese (especially fat free) it makes the cheese creamier. I put olive oil in smoothies, drizzle on rice and pasta instead of butter, drizzle on spaghetti, make garlic bread and instead of using butter brush the oil on then add garlic and bake. I've already had my 2 tsp of oil today......1 tsp on my version of a egg mcmuffin and 1 tsp I drizzled on my greenbeans. When I put it on already cooked food I wait until the food is plated then I measure it out and drizzle. That way I know I received the whole tsp. My favorite salad right now is to use a mixture of greens, cucumbers, tomato, oilive oil, balsamic vinegar, strawberries, almond slices and dried cranberries. Fish is another source of a healthy oil. Hope that helps.


I'm glad ya'll like the vitamin challenge. I cheated on this one cause this is something I do everyday and have done for 25 years. I have my daily pill containers that I fix up on the weekend with my precrips in it and I just add my vitamin in. I also take fish oil everyday. I keep a small container of fish oil capsules on my desk and grab 1 a few times a day and take it.


OMGosh at the losers. Jane, 3 lbs is awesome. Judi, only 10 lbs to goal ! ! You go girl. Sheryl, 1 lb is fabulous with the water situation. My fingers are crossed it will be more next week. Staying the same is great too. Although at the time not seeing the scale move is depressing and discouraging it's better than a gain.


Who got the Wii? You're going to love it. We bowl all the time, play tennis and baseball. I haven't lost a game of golf yet :p. We don't do the boxing....we didn't like it much. We also have a wii fit.


Sheryl, good luck with your P.T. today. More exercises also equals more energy. Hang in there.


Welcome Cruisin, writing everything down is half the battle in my opinion. When you see it on paper it's easy to see where we go wrong in making unhealthy choices. Perhaps add in weighing and measuring everything next. At first you'll be shocked by what a serving size is but soon you'll look at it just the opposite and think "wow, I get all that".


Drum roll please :D...........down 1.4 ! ! ! ! After gaining 0.4 last week I am thrilled. I feel like the scale might start cooperating. After 4 months of going to the gym 5 days a week (cardio 3 days and a personal trainer/weight training 2 days) the scale has not budged. Welllll.....I started WW on January 7 and lost 9 lbs. Started the gym February 9th and since then have lost only 3.8 lbs. At last check I had lost 9% of body fat though. So I'm hoping now that I've gained a good bit of lean muscle my body will start getting smaller.


Sorry I seem to write books but I just get on a roll and can't stop :o


Hope you all have a great day.





+/- = -1 lb



Cruise goal=145

(+0.4, -1.4)

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I posted a couple of months ago about being in a funk and the meetings being boring. Nothing's changed except I've put on a few more pounds. My work is switching to 10 hour days during the summer so I'm kind of in a jam about exercise.


We have a great gym at work so I'm going to continue to do my personal training once a week before work and try to do the treadmill during lunch. Anyone exercise at their work gym during lunch? Got any tips? Not sure if I'm going to be able to shower.....is it gross to kind of clean up a little and go back to work without a real shower. Am I being to graphic?


Since I haven't been able to make any meetings after work, I'm going to switch to Friday or Saturday mornings?


Let me ramble on a little more ... I do really good during the week but mess up on the weekends. Guess I need to plan a little better.




Oh on another note. I've booked another cruise and am having difficulty adding another signature. Any advise would be appreciated.

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Hi all:


Mel- Hope your mom is doing better. And congrats on the 1.4 pound loss. thanks for all the suggestions on bow to get my healthy oil in. I did ask at my meeting on Saturday but did not get any where near as many ideas as you gave me. According to our leader(and book one where it shows the guidelines) there are only 5 healthy oils- olive, canola, safflower, sunflower and flaxseed oil. And it has to be in oil form.


Went for a walk tonight. Had my hubby drive me 2 km from our home and drop me off. I didn't have any choice but to walk home! I'm not really one to like walking, especially a track, but this way I fell like I'm going somewhere. I wil do the 2 km for a few days and then increase it. He'll just have to keep driving me farther and farther away.:D


Janet- the fact that you're "back" says that you are ready to get back on track. Congratulations on coming back. Keep reading everyday or so and you will have lots of motivation. Good luck with the exercising.


Good luck to everyone with your weigh ins this week!



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Welcome back Janet. We actually have a gym here at work also. This is what I did 5 days a week. I would eat lunch at my desk about 45 minutes before my lunch time which is rather late in the day. I would change clothes real fast, walk the treadmill for at least 40 minutes, sit and cool off for about 10 minutes, change again. It wasn't that bad going without a shower and believe me I am a sweater. I kinda toweled off a bit, applied fresh deo, drank plenty of water, freshen up the hair and in about 10 minutes back at my desk I was totally cooled off and fine. It's great that you have a gym at work and even better that you are going to utilize it. If Friday/Saturday a.m. meetings are an option for you then try it. Since the weekends are harder you can use your 35 flex points on the weekend (without guilt) and still have 5 days to stick to your daily points and still see a loss. And I am no help on getting your other cruise to show up.


Susan, I just love love love your walking idea. That is so smart. I giggled when I read it :). Good luck with the oil.


Cruisin, hang in there. The first week is usually the hardest. How many points do you get a day? You could try a bunch of small meals throughout the day so you feel like you're eating all the time. When you see the scale go down after just 1 week then the 2nd week won't be so hard.


So DH went 4.3 miles last night and I did 3.4 miles. Next we have to start getting outside so we can get used to the heat and humidity. So all I have to add is 2.8 miles and I'm there :rolleyes:. He'll be able to make it no problem but I'll be walking some of it :(. On the flip side I did burn 394 calories last night :D. Woooo hooooo 4 a.p.


Skinny vibes to those with weigh in today.

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Hi everyone!!


Welcome Cruisin 250! Hang in there, it will get better. The important thing is you're going in the right direction. If it takes baby steps to get you there, then take those baby steps! My advice to offer is Vegetables, lots and lots of vegetables. I try to fill up on those as much as I can. And, since they are 0 to 1 point for a cup, you can eat quite a lot for just a few points. Good luck to you!


Susan - Who-hoo! down 0.2 it's a move in the right direction!!


Mel - Who-hoo for you too! Down 1.4!! You took care of that pesky gain and then some. :) Thanks for all of your advice on oil. I will admit that it is the one WW recommendation that I've pushed to the side. With your tips I'm going to aim for 1 tsp on at least 5 of my days this week. (I'll work my way up to 2 later. )


Janet - Thanks for coming back to us, I know how frustrating a funk can be sometimes. Hopefully if you switch to a Friday/Saturday meeting it will be more engaging for you. Good luck!


I haven't weighed in yet because my meeting is in the evening, but I think it is going to be a good week. I will admit that I completely forgot about my multivitamin. Maybe I need to get them out of my desk drawer and keep them somewhere else. BUT, I did get all of my waters and my goal of 3 activity days in. I also stayed within my points all week, including the use of some flex points and activity points. I'll check back in tonight after my meeting and let you know what the scale says to me this week.

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